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tv   DNK  NTV  April 24, 2024 5:50pm-7:01pm MSK

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not artur talipov, they called me, said that they were being beaten there, i came to pick them up, after the police took the children from him, he can’t find a place for himself, the man says and intends to return his sons, i’ll just work tirelessly it’s hard to save money for an apartment to rent, i’m only left alone with my thoughts for a minute, i immediately have children in my head, and this is unbearable pain, may, how should he proceed further to take the children for himself, he has already begun to act, he has already filed application to the court for... establishment of paternity, after dna examination, if his paternity is confirmed, he will need to file a claim to determine the place of residence of the children with him, the guardianship authorities will be involved, in this case, if he still wants them to stay with him, he will definitely need to acquire normal housing, of course, because without this, the guardianship authorities will never give you a good conclusion, if an examination is carried out, which shows that the children are better off with their father, then he has every chance of them staying, zolfiya, and the mother has a chance of reunification with children, i'm just with back. opinion as to whether there is
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any reason for the father to expect that the children will live with him in view of his lack of any material and salary at all, that is, income for the maintenance of children, and the lack of established paternity, and from the moment of birth, is also characteristic of at the moment he doesn’t have housing, i understand perfectly well that in order to meet these conditions, well , maybe my sister can provide some assistance in this regard, it’s understandable that... as for anastasia, it seems to me that she has more chances in view of the convention, the international convention, which says that children are inseparable from the mother, at the moment, i think, the issue of registration has been resolved for her, she has a place of residence, there is somewhere to go for custody in order to examine the living conditions that she, i think, will provide for today, and of course, after the examination takes place, and if there is a conclusion from the guardianship authorities, and...
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living conditions, but arthur, who establishes paternity, will have a desire to see children, well, that is, to determine the order of communication, then of course here his rights as a parent will be respected, but a schedule will be determined, a time schedule, the only thing is that, due to the fact that this whole situation was very resonant, and for everyone in russia, i don’t think that the court will agree to provide arthur with children for visits, for communication, for... there will be an adaptation period for the children to recover from what happened, and for dad to be able to see each other. irina, i really ask you to take control of this situation. i i’ll even say more, after that program i called the commission. in
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st. petersburg, i sent and will continue to act, conduct an inspection in relation to the guardianship authorities, i will understand why you were not brought to administrative responsibility under article 535, and i will achieve this, both parents, the children themselves, they need understand the priority, i am responsible not only for myself, for my own self, but i am responsible for small children, so today neither dad nor mother cares... for now i would not give the children away, in any case, irina, you will make sure that the interests of the children are not born, be sure to remember that with any problem you can turn to our program for help, we will continue tomorrow, right now a new dna test. watch tomorrow in the program beyond. moscow region, a stranger poured acid on a sixteen-year-old girl and escaped. approaching the entrance, i
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felt something burning on my leg, these splashes, yes, it stuck, like on a cart, i clean it off, i see how under this substance the top layer of skin just comes off, and this woman, a single mother, on the same day, a criminal splashed a poisonous liquid right in the face, i started screaming throughout the whole yard, people started calling an ambulance, the man was detained, but his mother is confident that they want to imprison her son for a crime that he did not commit. he, did you watch the video? if you know your boy so well, then look, he’s walking there, running around , pouring acid, i don’t see that this is my son, this is beyond the bounds, tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. having grown up in a foster family, residents of yakutsk were sent a photograph of an unfamiliar woman who looked like her, like her own sister. vera came to us for a dna test. sleptsova.
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hello hello. tell me about that photo. my girlfriend. sent me a photo of a woman who looks like me, there i noticed that the features are fox, eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth, that is, you really noticed that this woman looks like you, yes, and what were your first thoughts when you saw this photo, i thought that... friend is my sister, and you were in search of a biological sisters? yes, i’ve been looking for a long time, i’ve been looking for a long time for biological parents and i want to find my relatives, i’m an adopted daughter, you always
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knew this, when i was little, the children said that i didn’t look like my parents, what kind of children, some neighbor kids? yes, in the village, which we played together, they said that this is not your mother, i started looking at the pictures, i looked at my mother, i looked at my father, it turns out that she doesn’t look like her, it doesn’t look like her parents, we talked to her adoptive parents, they told you that you were adopted , first i asked my mother, my mother said that... no, but i’m not into it i believed it, well, probably then they themselves began to somehow try to find out something, after that i started to look for some documents, maybe the papers went to the storage room, in the storage room, there
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were a lot of suitcases there, there was a rock there, i thought that -that is, photographs and so on, well, that’s it. when i was a child, that’s why at the end i found a black suitcase and there were papers, postcards, and between the papers there was written an order that argunov vera, september 26, 1978, and it said argunov’s mother t or g’. he is handed over for adoption to klara alekseevna sleptsova and sleptsov alexy ivanovich. how did you understand that this was about you? because the name, faith, surname are different, they didn’t change the date of birth? the date of birth was also changed from
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seventy-eighth to seventy-ninth. well, when you found this document, you realized that we were talking about you. did you go to your parents? yes, i approached my mother. i asked, mom, are these my documents? she said strictly no, then she was standing right next to the stove, turning on the stove, and she read it and immediately threw the stove, she said, and now what, what do you want, i don’t do anything i could say, but you loved her mother, yes, yes, i am a mother very...
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well, although that step when a person burns all the documents, but i think that it was all done on emotions, faith, when did you find out the truth? in the ninth grade i went, we were just taking exams, and there we all went there as classmates in the teacher’s room and i noticed there were a lot of personal documents on the table. and there i was rummaging through the documents, looked, and there was a second copy of the same order, the same paper, that same order that you had already seen before, yes, well they probably went to mom again with questions, yes,
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mom, i went up to mom, she said that your mom was a drinker, there... there was a lot, that is , she confirmed, finally confirmed, she was just 48 years old for mom , she took me from the baby’s home, do you want it? how long was it then, well, it was in the eighty-first year, i was 3 years old, when you finally found out the truth, faith, you wanted to find your biological family, i loved and respected my mother very much, therefore, but after the death of my parents, i decided look for your biological parents, did you manage to find something, well, here i am came from... the village of yakus and there i called the archive, they said come over, and
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they showed me a magazine, and it said vera argunova, september 26, 1978, mother unknown, father too, after that the orphanage, i went and it was written there that the neighbor’s grandmother called on... that i was one and a half years old and my mother’s mother was not there, the police took you to the orphanage, they took me to the markha orphanage, and then they handed me over to the people at home, and something about they still found out the biological mother, it’s not there, it’s just organunova t or g, there the order was indicated, but argunova’s patronymic is t or g? there was no, there was no, and there was no date of birth, no date of birth, there was nothing, that is, exactly about your biological mother, you
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know her last name, yes orgunova, orgunova t or g, and your friend who sent you a photo of a woman similar to you , she knew about your search, that you were looking for a biological family, when we met, i immediately told my friend that i was looking for my biological parents, but some time passed. yes, i was in the same orphanage, yes, yes, well, you probably immediately wanted
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to meet this woman, yes, i wanted to meet you, i said, send the number, please, she sent me, i called right away, first ira told me that i saw your photo, we look alike too, it turns out , she said, that is, they also sent her your photo, she also saw the resemblance, yes, when i heard the voice, mini... it was as if lightning had struck me, i got goosebumps, and she had the same sensations - she said that my heart pounded, i found something to talk about, yes, we are in the morning, afternoon, evening we called each other, if she doesn’t call, it’s like i ’m missing something, it’s like we ’ve become friends, but can we say that you already think about this girl? who is like your blood sister, i really want her to be my sister, if i’m wrong,
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we’ll remain friends, but anyway, did you only communicate over the phone or did you still meet in person? by phone on video connection, well, you probably can’t wait to meet each other in person, yes i want, i really want, i’m worried, i really want, she’s afraid of false hopes for a positive dna test result. because once i already thought that i had found my own brother, but he turned out to be a stranger by blood. in the studio irina kimetinova. hello irina. hello. don't you recognize vera? well, i almost found out. she looks like me, her hair is the same as mine, her height is the same as mine. maria. what can you say about the external resemblance? there really is something in common, such soft facial features,
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zenoid, would you think that these are sisters? yes, quite, well, that is, in terms of facial features, at first glance they are different, but i can’t even pick out exactly what details right now, but they are similar, in terms of figures, so i haven’t seen it very well yet, maybe, but in my opinion, irina could very well be the elder sister of faith, it also seems to me that they have something in common, they have similar voices, irina has a slightly older voice, but vera’s voice is really similar, if you make our irina younger, then the voice will be very much in tune with the voice of faith, it’s clear that there is something in common. paul, what do you notice? well, there are certain similarities, but at the same time it seems to me that , after all, these are different people. irina, tell me, how did you first see vera’s photograph? my cousin showed me
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a photograph of vera. and when they communicated, she... i found out that vera, my adopted daughter, is also from the morkha orphanage, well, i also said that i am a child from the morkha orphanage, that is, first they saw your amazing similarity, and then it turned out that you are from the orphanage, and vera is from the orphanage , i understood correctly, yes, yes, but you said that your cousin gave you a photo of vera, where she got this photo from, well, she accidentally showed it to an acquaintance. my my photos she when photos of me, she said: i also have a girl who looks just like me, and my sister sent me this photo, i was surprised that she looked like me, she said she wrote that this is your daughter, daughter, yes, i was surprised , how could this be my daughter,
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then i wrote to her that this... could be my dear sister, tell me about your emotions when you saw the photo, well , of course, i was surprised by the photo that she looks very much like me , she told me that her last name is argunova and mine is the same too surname argunov, and this finally made you think that you are sisters, yes, but did your adoptive mother ever talk about your biological mother? once when i was little, when i was four or three years old, on a tram, when we were traveling, a woman came up, she asked me, your name is marina, i said, no, my name is ira, why do you speak yakut , and not in russian, well, i ran to my adoptive mother, my
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mother, well, she was scared that this was my biological mother, she... didn’t tell me anything about me, that i was their adoptive mother, well daughter. for 15 years, my mother, grandmother, well, who raised me, accidentally told me that you are an adopted granddaughter, i didn’t believe it, and my mother once told me that you are really an adopted daughter, my mother also says that there are many of us relatives when i was a child... at home, some man came to me, but they didn’t let me near him because he was drunk , well, that man who came to you, who could it be, well, i think he was father is real, but mother didn’t come, that means biological no, she didn’t come, mother can
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did she tell you anything else about her biological family? mom didn't tell me that much. “she kept everything a secret, even before her death she didn’t say anything, after death i found out that i really am marina’s organ. and for my daughter, as you found out, 40 days later i found her documents, well, the daughter’s certificate is not marya anatolyevna’s organ, but i’m not really, and there was ivanova maria dmitrievna down there, who is that, is that her..."
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all your data, all your documents, did you try to find any of your relatives? well, i wanted to find it, but i didn’t know how to look, then i have faith. she called, we informed her, she says she has been looking for her relatives for a long time, so she turned to you, let’s compare similar data with vera, here’s what
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you have in common besides your last name, illness, she has a heart defect, i also have the same illness, yes , mom, mom said that when i was little, i had a heart threshold, then they... what about you? well, my mother says that you have a heart threshold, when you grow up, you will have this disease, but in my old age it’s not about a persistent disease, irina, after all, these similar data do not allow you to immediately call faith your own sister? no, when i met, i was told that it looks like you still have a brother, he was also looking for his relatives, when... we were talking, i said that my surname is argunov, and he says: no, my surname is different, i didn’t communicate with him later,
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that is, a man had already appeared in your life who could have been family to you, it even seemed to you that he was your brother, because you are very similar, yes, we are similar in freckles in the forest, but the man turned out to be not your brother, he turned out to be not my brother, that is, in the case of vera, you too... are afraid of making a mistake, yes, i think that vera will wash, but no, i’m not so sure. what do you think about your sister who sent you a photo of faith? she believes that we are very similar in faith. your sister found out that you were adopted when she was still in preschool, but she remained silent all these years. in the studio of aitalin konstantinov. hello, is your sister like vera in real life? looks similar, yeah, very similar, facial features
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are similar. aitalina, how did you know that irina is your sister not blood? when i was little, my grandmother told me that ira was her adopted daughter. so you knew this since childhood, but you didn’t want to tell your sister about it? no, i didn’t... i didn’t want to, well, i was little and didn’t attach any importance to it, but your relationship with your sister is generally good, good, we’ve been together since childhood, i spent the summer with them, played together, slept together, as i was growing up with my father, dad was at work all the time, i visited them, how did you even turn out to have a photo of vera, i have a friend in the village, we called her. and i to her i tell you that i’m talking with my sister , i sent a photo of my sister irina, then she sends me a photo of vera and says, look how
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similar they are, i was surprised and sent a photo of vera to irina, a friend said that vera’s last name is argunova, she is an adopted daughter, also from her grandfather she, i told her, ira is also from the orphanage and her last name is also argunova. maybe they are sisters, will dna tests prove that sisters met in the studio today, we’ll find out in a few minutes, this is a star show, the second stage of the duel, miguel, work permit, we have it, i’m actually miguel istantsev, okay, mr. miguel istantsev has a work permit, against dzhigan, i thought we had a congress. i play blacks in every room, mikel, understand, but this is the first thing that comes to mind, second and third, to be honest, well, dumplings, now you
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it seems like i found my own sister, her name is irina, she asked if she was similar or not, so i compared and called her that the eyes and facial features were similar, but still , why was your main argument, why maybe not my sister, despite the coincidence, we also stuck together, her
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my reception. alina may fall, here’s irina, but hello, hello, now what do you say, yes, the eyes are still the same, that is, your opinion has not changed, not in the eyes, how similar, i don’t know, in general, i can’t say for sure that they were sisters, if vera had not said that it seemed to her that they were sisters, i wouldn’t have thought, alena, well, you would be happy if you ended up becoming sisters.
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her adoptive parents were very respected people; they went to the city to pick up the child, as it were, to pick up the child from there. well, the whole village knew everything and waited with this curiosity with excitement, the parents of pure yakuts, they brought this little fair one, but how did the family treat faith? yes, very good, my parents were non-drinkers, they didn’t even smoke, they were very calm people by nature, my father worked as a foreman on a state farm, my mother worked... they never offended my faith, never, especially since i worked as a teacher in a kindergarten, at the same time children's time, the children went to kindergarten, the parents always worked, she
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went to our house, she was so clean and well-groomed then, but how did you know that faith seeks biological wounded, it was after 200 that i heard from hearing and called her. she confirmed that she is looking, and you have this desire to find people related by blood, you support, of course, you need to know your roots, i fully support, but if this is a mistake, it seems, i, i will support her, we let's look further, but what do you know about the biological family of faith, there were many of them, her relatives, faith, and what kind did you imagine?
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they took me from the hospital together, my dad and my foster mom, why did it happen that your aunt had to adopt you, because they knew that mom had the wrong lifestyle, she was deprived of parental
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rights? yes, she was deprived of parental rights, i grew up with my aunt, well, of course i called her mom and my great-grandmother, they raised me from the age of eight months, i had. i was bought all the best clothes, toys, my mother and i traveled a lot, and dad, what participation he took in yours, and dad, dad, he came to us, of course, every week, because he worked and provided for us financially , and food, they didn’t ask my aunt why you you don’t live with your dad, you know, i asked, yes, but my mother told me that a dad should have his own personal life, and just at that time he had a civil marriage, and did your biological mother ever visit you? no, she didn’t visit us, you know, it’s just from
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my childhood, briefly, i remember, galina, galya talked about it, well, you asked who galya was, no, i just heard it, but for some reason i didn’t ask any questions , well, you know, just when life is happy, right? somehow the questions are not asked, but you always knew that aunt is an aunt, gradually, yes, gradually i came to this, they didn’t hide it from you, and then i found another photograph where my
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dad was with two women and a man, i asked my mother who it was, and my mother told me, well, here you go because somehow acquaintances, they simply protected me, apparently from, and there you think there was your biological mother, and your father was next to your mother, after you definitely realized that you are not your own daughter in your family, how- then it affected your behavior, your relationship, and i started to... lash out at my mother a little, because this is probably the case with many people, that when you are not a relative, then you are not unloved, not the most beloved, but this is only, this was the moment, and remember your conversation with auntie, when your aunt confirmed all your guesses, you know, i clearly i don’t remember, but they told me that you were adopted, this was after my dad’s death, but they didn’t focus on it. that's it, what did your aunt tell you about your biological mother?
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yes, you know, we didn’t talk about her, grandma said that galya was capable, she studied well at school, then why didn’t things go well for galya? is that how it is in life? well, now, of course, from an adult position, i think that she wanted to find happiness, was looking for some kind of strong shoulder, well then , apparently... she became addicted to, led the wrong lifestyle, and somehow it turned out like this, well, you tried to find my biological mother, you know, i tried to find her, i found out, little by little i found out how this could be done, i plucked up courage, i met a girl i knew on the street, and we went to the address office, and we very quickly found out the address, so i immediately went ...address i met margarita, this is my older sister,
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i knew her because she came to my house when she was thirteen or fourteen years old, at the beginning they didn’t tell me who it was, yes, then i, well, like a child, probably showed toys there, there are books there, and then, when she was already leaving, they told me that this is your sister, you know, so i understood that... dad met rita and told her: why don’t you come to your sister and gave her the address, she arrived, it only happened once, why? well, you know, rita, she is very, well, apparently i realized that there was such anxiety in my mother’s eyes, she didn’t come to us after that, well, you took the address, an adult arrived.
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yes, what is the age difference between you and margarita? she is 6 years older, well , maybe margarita told you something about your biological mother. yes, she said that she was a kind, not bad woman, but she drank and led an unhealthy lifestyle. are you touched by this story about your birth mother? eh, well, he touched me, of course he touched me, because somehow everything is like that. it was unexpected, therefore,
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and margarita, she always grew up with her mother, no, they were in her grandfather’s house, they, they, yeah, that’s who, they are the children who were before me, as i understand it, margarita, seryozha and alfred, you know, aunt , so, she said that once in childhood, when they, or rather... were brought to me, to our great-grandmother, it was just margarita, alfred and seryozha, that is, it turns out to you... they brought to the house yes, they brought your mother’s children, but they were your father’s children too, no, they were another father, and alfred, he just was, i’m like that i realized that i was very loved by my dad, and he even wanted to adopt him, margarita, alfred,
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seryozha, you, eleanor, yes, four, there was petya, but it was i who found out about this later. that there were two girls later, for some reason, they also told me about larisa, who was a year younger than me, but the data is completely lost, the girls, they were the very last, as i understand it, one before zhenya, and the other after zhenya, but that’s me they didn’t call me zhenya either, that’s me too, yes, i found out later, i met him after. margaritas in a few days along with margarita, did you try to find your sisters and brothers? tried, but nothing worked. immediately after the advertisement, a new meeting and new details of this complicated yakut story. greenfield club where good taste is always rewarded. the more tea, the more
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may 2 all day on ntv. in
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the dna program studio, for the first time in their lives , vera and irina, who grew up in foster families, met, and they suspect that they are sisters, since they look very similar in the photographs. irina kemetinova and vera sleptsova grew up in different foster families. but having learned about each other, they were surprised to discover that they were similar to each other in many ways. she said, group, that she had group three, i also had group three, and general, no, we had bronchitis, yeah, we had chronic bronchitis, and my mother used to say that i had heart disease, she also had heart disease . as a child , vera was often offended by her neighbor. muster up the courage
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to ask her parents about where and how she was adopted, faith was not easy, the adoptive mother was a strict woman and similar topics i stopped it in the bud, came home and showed it to my mother: mom, these are my documents, she said: no, she was just... lighting the stove and reading the second one, and that’s all, and with such a stern word she said no , she lit this paper. after the death of her parents , vera turned to the city archive and learned a little more about herself and her blood family. i saw there it was written that in the eighty-first year i ended up in maludka’s house. i was adopted in eighty years. the father is unknown, the mother left home, this is the first time irina heard that she was not her own in the family, not from the neighbor’s children, but
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from her grandmother, after the death of her adoptive mother, she found an adoption certificate, it turned out that at birth her name was marina, and her birth mother was galina. it said gnova galina pavlovna. following irina and vera , eleonora petrova from yakutsk took the dna test. at 8 months she was. adopted by my own aunt, when she grew up, she decided to find her mother of all her children, but i really don’t know with whom exactly and how many there are, if we meet and communicate, i will be the happiest person. eleanor, your older sister too doesn't know how many children your mother had. in the studio margarita argunova. hello margarita, hello. do you remember the day eleanor found you? i remember it was ninety-eight, ninety
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-nine, approximately, here she knocks, some unfamiliar woman comes in, i say, where are you from the police, or what, did you come from, but i asked this because i already have children there were teenagers, i think, well, maybe they got into a fight somewhere, she says, i ate, i said, it’s clear, this is zhelya’s sister, did you know that you should have such a sister, ele onora? yes, how did they know, but i remember her, i remember her, because, well, even i nursed her a little, i was born in sixty, and she was born in sixty-six, so we lived while we lived, the fact is that then she was like mom would have a fight with the family, she had to feed us, so she asked elya to... be placed in the baby’s home, for the time until she could then be taken to kindergarten, and then they took her away,
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here’s dad, aunt, daddy's her sister raised her, but how did you feel about the fact that your little sister had to be sent to time, i was generally little, so my vote was never taken into account, but you once found leonora first, when eleona was little, it was her dad who came and said, here’s rita, you should go to your sister, that’s it- after all , she is a sister, you need to, well, go to her, talk to her, i went, they met me.
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a good life, she was raised very well, but nevertheless, when one fine day the door opened and elenora came in, you were glad to see her, well, of course, from then on we began to communicate, she began to come often, tell us about your childhood, what do you remember about life in a biological family, about life with your mother, well, your childhood was difficult, so your mother led a bad lifestyle and... sometimes she got upset, so we starved, the neighbors fed us, one time the neighbor’s girl came and my mother went into the forest to pick mushrooms and berries, she thought she would be gone for a while, but it turned out that she left in the morning and was gone until the evening, the neighbors see that we are closed, this girl is probably about a year old it was 13, she climbed up the ladder
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near the window and asked: she says you should eat want to? i say, of course we want it, that’s it, she brought us some bread, threw it through the window with butter, spread and sprinkled with sugar, this was very tasty food and just like that, sometimes the neighbors fed us like that, and this is how she was when she was in normal condition , she was very kind, clean and dense, but somehow the neighbors didn’t try to talk? well, and then again, well, i just don’t know, maybe there was no support, it seems to me that when she separated from her father, you see, she was under such stress, it went downhill, with since then, you saw your mother in good, normal condition, but of course, of course, she
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didn’t always live this way of life. when did the guardianship authorities become interested in your family? and the guardianship authorities, when i was already in the second grade, sergei was in the first grade, alfred was also with us, brother, and at that time he was probably four years old, or something, like that, so they came for the second time once they arrived and in the end they took alfred, and two or three weeks later they came for us and took us from school, we were all... orphanage, so alfred was sent to a preschool orphanage, and while you were in the orphanage, your mother visited you at least once, no, because it’s far away,
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you’ll have to fly by plane. round trip is 60 rubles, and the salary is 780, there is no way, of course, that is, only after boarding school did you come to your mother, yes, but we studied for good studies at the all-union pioneer camp artek, and i was a varlyon in 1974 and naturally we visited grandmother, she took us to our mother. well, he says: you’ll stay with mom, you’ll stay, but i watched something, so it seemed to me that somehow she was no longer the same, and i said: no, seryoga and i will go, well, we wrote a letter, we wrote some, we wrote constantly, with my mother, with my grandmother we always corresponded, mother, what did she write to you in letter, she kept asking how we were living there, how we were studying, she was telling me something about herself, about herself,
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just in 1972. i wrote that your little sister was born, that’s what you and seryoga will name her, so we’ll call her and we wrote in one voice, let’s call her marina. me, because we had a girl in in my grandfather’s house she was so pretty, beautiful, her name was marina, let her be, we think she was just as beautiful when i came in 1973, when my grandmother picked us up, i saw marina, she was very little, and then, when she arrived in 1976, she was no longer there, and where was she? well , they said that they took her away, so it turns out that from your mother’s youngest children, do you only know marina, or did you meet someone else later? she was 2 years old when i arrived in 1976, she was 1974, and then 4 years later, after his marriage, vera was born in
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1978, that is, you knew both zhenya and vera, and the little one, remember her, yes i remember, here is zhenya and vera, they lived like that with their mother, yes, until she took them, little babies again came, that is, your mother gave birth to children, she has them... the answer is in envelopes with dna tests, we will continue to understand immediately after a short advertisement. watch today at 19:00. europeans are running after the americans in an attempt to pay for the extension of the ukrainian regime’s oppression. in a hurry, britain announces an increase in military spending, trying to solve mainly the problems of the collapse of its own economy. even the horses of the royal guard throw off the riders of the honorary escort and scatter throughout the amazed london. russians who have lived abroad for many years are returning to their homeland more and more often. each case is individual, but
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today at 20:00 on ntv. in the studio of the dna program, a resident of yakutia is eagerly awaiting an answer to the question: are there really all of them? did one woman give birth? does this mean they are all sisters? margarita, do you know how zhenya and vera were taken away? i know, here she is, she was gone for probably a day. two of them were very small and my grandmother said to me: come on, go to the police, call them, let them come again, she left, like, i called, i went, what an adult told me, i went, i called, she says, well, they came, they looked there the conditions said, okay, we’ll take them, we just need someone to take them, the grandmother says: that’s it, you go oritka, that is, that’s all was with you directly with your participation. and why did you go with them? yes, i
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went and took them to the orphanage? yes, was it hard to give? or did you think that you were giving for a better life? i thought so too, for you it’s probably a lifelong trauma? i think this is a trauma for everyone, but for your mom? too, that is, she understood what she was doing, of course, she remembered her children, she remembered, she often remembered, especially when she was driving, what did she say? yes, well, is it a pity for her that life turned out this way? grandma told you, you did what what the elders told you, said goodbye to them.
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the last time, or you still hoped that you would meet, of course you hoped, they wouldn’t live forever, you eventually met in adult life, but well, yes , you met your wife, but there’s no sphere, that is, you’re with evgeniy somehow they were found, yes, because she ended up in an aldan boarding school, it’s 500 km from the city of yakutsk, and our aunt also lived there, she wrote that she saw -
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that’s marina, that’s right, vera looks like, it seems like her mother, and marina looks like her father mother, vera, do you see any similarities between each other margarita, well, yes, there are a little bit, alina, you support, it seems, yes, there are some similarities, eleanor, well, you know, i immediately saw that it was ... sister, andrey, what do you say, you know, it often happens that people have common facial features, they can be similar to each other, even external similarity. but they don’t always turn out to be family, it’s just that i ’m really sitting, listening, it would seem that life has scattered people, family, but despite everything, everyone grew up in families, loved ones, they were loved about them, they
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were cared for in the same way as, say, their own mother could not love them, what does margarita’s younger sister know about the fate of faith? he kept running after me like a ponytail, he looks a lot like a woman, incredible denouement and dna test results, tomorrow at 17:50, right after the talk show beyond.
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so ready, hostess, get to work, ours are doing it, come for dinner, i ’ll prepare my signature pastiches with pistils and pickles, you’re in the mood for abilities, it’s time for you to become a culinary blogger, oh, come on you, say what?
7:00 pm
the flood standards according to which compensation was calculated for victims of natural disasters will be revised. vladimir putin discussed the most pressing problems with the heads of cities affected by floods. report by roman sobol. with a clove on the non-hidden one about that. how our self-propelled artillery works on the front line omar magomedov. the us senate supported the allocation of new military aid to ukraine. the resumption of arms deliveries will begin in the coming days. alexey vasilovsky from the usa.


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