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tv   Utro  NTV  April 25, 2024 6:30am-8:01am MSK

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let's go, let's go guys, we'll figure it out ourselves, let's go, we wish you morning. the best best wishes. next in the program. we listen to the chronicle of the emergency and tell the car story in the first program. on ntv, the program is an emergency in the studio marat seddikov. residents of one high-rise building in vladivostok managed to get their problem noticed. one neighbor, or rather her ferocious dog, does not allow people to live in peace. which
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she does not control, a staffshire terrier, regularly attacks people, to meet this it’s impossible to prepare for a couple of stafford and his owner, the reason for this is the complete unpredictability of the animal’s behavior, it seems like the dog is humbly waiting for the elevator to arrive, calmly lets the mother out with the stroller, and then rushes at the woman from behind, i didn’t understand what happened, i stop the elevator , i say, woman, well , apparently your dog seemed to jump on me, but what did she tell me, and her paw touched you? so what? i say, well, my backpack is torn, she tells me, well, you probably tore it yourself, now i present what you want from me? maria, of course, would like to never cross paths with this dog again, such meetings are too expensive, here is the result of one of them: a woman was walking her small pet, which she eventually had to cover with her body when stafford went on the attack again, and it was lucky that the fangs and claws did not reach the skin, although they could well have shared maria, according to her, a dog in moments of aggression simply... loses control, becomes
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uncontrollable, no one can restrain him, i i tried, that is, to calm him down, i swore, i said in a harsh tone, nothing, nothing at all has any effect on him, he just looks at me and rushes, and the hostess ran around and said, oh, well, well, well, come here, well , well, what can i do, well, he got off the leash, an apology, and even more so a speech about compensation from the dog’s owner angela kalistratova, no one has ever heard, the woman considers this behavior of her... pet apparently acceptable, because staffort allegedly attacks only on evil people. this is exactly the explanation anna heard after how the dog grabbed the sleeve of her jacket. in response, the girl advised me to do more work with the dog or at least buy a muzzle for it. she took measures, maybe for several days, putting a cloth muzzle on this dog, but for her a cloth muzzle was nothing at all. she absolutely cannot hold him, because he tears at her, he jumps - she follows him, and well, if he
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rushes like that, then she won’t even be able to hold him. they repeatedly wrote complaints against kalistratova, attached photographs, video evidence, confirming the act of irresponsible raising of a dog, even received several refusals, it was still possible to attract the police to the case. employees of the police department of the pervorechensky district, the department of the ministry of internal affairs of russia for the city of vladivostok, are conducting an investigation into complaints from citizens living in house number 27 on the street. shchetinina neighbor and her aggressive dog. after this turn of events, angela kalistratova tries not to appear in the yard with her stafford when there is someone else there. good morning experience and driving skill help to get out of critical situations on the road, but it happens the other way around, the driver fails to make a forecast of the simplest situation. look here.
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the siberia highway, the video recorder in the cab of the road train stared indifferently at the road, now behind the scenes the driver is in despair, wow, wow, wow, the cabin of the tractor is crumpled like a tin can, the steering wheel is bent, the driver is pinned tightly, to the people in toyota, here it is . standing on a left turn, unheard of, lucky! turned to the right, long-range, saved, fortunately, the man himself survived, ivan togaev, his name is, who do you think the culprit for ivan’s troubles? yes, he climbed out into the oncoming colleague’s forehead, but for a reason. ivan remembers that day, barely
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holding back tears in his voice, trembling, he rode, didn’t touch anyone, that is, my distance was about 150 m, i found the tseser, a loner, here he is! in the video, i noticed that the fast distance began to shorten, ivan slows down, the road is slippery, i began to approach him even faster, and here he sharply the tank goes to the right, wow, it turns out that i saw a passenger car, i realized what was there there are people trying to save them life, i would just move everything into a flatbread. ivan hits the tanker truck. i just entered, i heard a crunch, on the right side i hooked the cabin onto the cart, i immediately tore off the mirror , then the speed multiplied by the mass, so who is to blame for the fact that the doctors collected ivan like pinocchio, the traffic police did not
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attract anyone except himself the victim, not the driver of the car frozen in the middle of the road, nor the truck from the truck parked at the intersection. the tanker truck actually left the scene of the accident, well, i have them all, they are here, it’s like all these refusals, in good faith, in human terms, everything rests on such ivans, after all, everyone in that toyota could have been sent to the next world, with three children, madam decided to turn left where there was only a straight right. according to the documents about the accident, ivan is completely at fault, yes, he drove into oncoming traffic, but... it’s not because of drunkenness or recklessness, every time they admit that i’m guilty, although i don’t consider myself guilty, at that moment i was trying to save people’s lives, why should i be the only one responsible,
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truck driver ivan tagaev was indignant, everyone is violating, they appointed me as a last resort, lawyer sergei radko now will judge, sergey, greetings, hello. in the video before the accident, five cars crowded together, and, according to the police, there were only two participants in the accident, how is that possible? here the road situation was indeed extremely unfavorable, on a short stretch of the road, there was a large number of obstacles and other distractions, however, since the injuries received in a collision of two trucks, it was their drivers who could be called the main participants in the accident. and everyone else has nothing to do with it. a car, for example, is about to turn where it is prohibited. retracts, but does not turn, refuses the maneuver, and there is no punishment for intention, but even if the car turned, only a fine of one to 1,500 rubles is provided for this violation. for failure to comply with the requirements of a road sign, however, this violation is not in a direct causal relationship
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with the accident, the car that stopped is just obstacles that need to be avoided, the question of whether ivana has the technical ability to stop is fundamentally important if it turns out that ivana lacks... technical possibilities stop, then the question of his unsafe maneuver will even arise, but if ivan had slowed down without maneuvers, he would have demolished the car, and there are five people there, three of whom are children, hardly anyone survived, you need to understand that paragraph 101 the traffic rules do not oblige the driver to only brake, without maneuvering; if there is a chance to avoid a collision, it must be used, so ivan, in principle , made the right decision, realizing that he would not have time to brake and stop, and began to move to the right. however, he returned to his lane and thus he drove towards the oncoming traffic in vain, avoiding one accident and causing another. the driver of the tank, driving around the car, does not accelerate, barely moves, there is nothing to pin him down, carefully slowed down, smoothly drove around the car, got into his lane, then
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a truck caught up with him, of course, he should not have left, but here you need to understand, leaving space the accident is in no way connected with the accident of two trucks, even if the driver of the tank was found, punished and deprived of his license. there is no reason to shift part of the responsibility for the head-on accident onto him, and the parked truck, if it wasn’t there, ivan would have driven around the tank on the right, history does not know the subjunctive mood, and the road, especially, every driver must assess the situation at the moment and act on the situation as it is, without aggravating the situation, in strict accordance with traffic rules. yes, the truck is essentially parked at an intersection, where a secondary road adjoins the main road, this is a violation of stopping rules. but again, not the cause of a head-on accident in the oncoming lane. sergey, thank you for spending time with our audience, you are always welcome in our studio. the best for today, 20:00, the final episodes of the action-packed series hot spot. do not miss. you want
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a weapon. you are looking for a serious person. we are leaving, your friend murin may come here. and the security. what do you need? move, shoot, he’s only alive at the legs, you have 2 hours, you won’t find him, they’ll look for you. you 've gotten yourself into a serious mess, hot spot, final episode, you have to get out of here, i don't want anything to happen to myself, today at 20:00 on ntv. about the weather for today, hello, there is a new cyclone in the far east will add precipitation to the kamchatka islands, but it will get warmer there, another cyclone is moving in the south, shedding rain, taking it away. in khabarovsk today +21, tomorrow 19. the anticyclone took
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even more heat from siberia, in the south only in omsk it will reach +10, but in most cities it is sunny, precipitation is possible in tyva and khakassia, in the urals almost everywhere, here it is also not higher + 10, only in the southwest in orenburg near fe is about 20 °, there is no precipitation there, and the balkan cyclones transfer the european territory to june, and the south in hot june, in the kuban it rains up to +35. is possible only under the don and prize, in general, this hot weather is also dry, the fire danger is off the charts. in the center it starts to rain until +23, in the best traditions of the top of summer, and tomorrow there will also be thunderstorms. the north-west will not receive much heat from this cyclone, a maximum of +13 great bows, here is the next balkan, and it will not keep itself waiting long, it will warm up the air more noticeably, it will become warmer in the north. nature wakes up ahead of time, forests and parks call for walks, i can’t admire the already strong greenery. warn again, ticks are very active now, in such a huge they are not found in quantity every
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year, and this applies to almost the entire territory of our country, take care of yourself and take care of your pets. in st. petersburg today it is raining and up to +8, in moscow 2022 there will be short-term rain in places. see below. morning is the best. we meet violators on the main road and study the properties of healthy products. we are surprised by the events in the world of show business. you can drink alcohol after an accident. the supreme court allowed and returned the driver's license from the omsk region.
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it will be better when you get the car, the police will not have any questions for you, there is live food on air, my name is: once again the benefits of nuts have been proven. scientists from china analyzed data from more than 6.00 people over 20 years old. about a thousand of them suffered from kidney disease, the rest were
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healthy. it turned out that eating nuts from one to six times a week reduces the risk of chronic kidney disease for people who already have problems in this area by 30. reduces the likelihood of death from all causes for a healthy group, while most can eat as many nuts as they want, it is important for people with kidney disease to remember moderation, no more than six times a week, otherwise excess protein, potassium and phosphorus can lead to impaired kidney function. otherwise, nuts, even fried and lightly salted, are an excellent source of unsaturated fatty acids, fiber, vitamins, minerals and phenols that improve the condition of blood vessels. france has tightened the requirements for the content of nitrites and nitrates in meat products. the main danger, according to modern science, is nitrites. nutritional supplements widely used for
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meat processing. it takes on an appetizing pink color and lasts longer. this is how sausages, sausages and ham are made. the problem is that when combined with proteins in production or in the body, nitrites are converted into nitrosamines, and these are carcinogens that, in particular, increase the risk of intestinal cancer. on the other hand, the refusal of preservatives that can inhibit the growth of bacteria can lead to outbreaks of salmonella batulism. products with reduced nitrite content have a much shorter shelf life. contenders are being introduced into the global box office tennis drama about a love triangle starring syndea. film critics call this work one of the best in her career, and fashion journalists write that zendaya brought tennis and its style back into fashion. what does she look like as a court star, who helped her prepare for the role, why were the first viewers delighted with the film? this is the show business news today. zindaya
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went on the candidates' promotional tour barely in time. return from a promotional tour in support of dune, changed her futuristic outfits to a flirty tennis skirt, and at the same time bleached my hair. even dates with her boyfriend, actor tom holland, turned into an event for her to promote the film. the celebrity couple, who rarely appear in public , happily posed for reporters at a tennis tournament in indian wells. the actors watched both finals - both male and female. the world's first racket, iga swiątak, won the latter. after the match, she and zindeya met and discussed the game almost like colleagues, because the talented tennis player zindea was preparing for her new role under the guidance of brad gilbert, who coached such stars as andre agassi and andy marey. over the course of several months of training, zindaya became so proficient in this matter that in the film there was practically no need to use scenes with
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a double. in the contenders, zinday plays a young tennis player named tashi, who is destined for a brilliant career, however. her dreams are shattered by a terrible injury. tasha can no longer go on the court and becomes a coach, and her most successful ward is her own husband. she helps him become a star and win grand slams when he starts having a series of bad luck, tasha finds an unconventional move, enrolls her husband in tournamentlenger, where his opponent becomes his former best friend, whom tasha dated when they were both teenagers. thus, a sports drama turns into... also a love drama, where the game and rivalry unfold not only on the court, but beyond it. the husband of the main character was played by mike feist, known for the film west side story, and his rival josh kokonor, who played the young prince charles in the tv series the crown. director luca guadagnina, who opened timothée chalamet was delighted with the work of his dune colleague, zindaya.
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by the way, she not only played the main role in the contender, but also acted as the executive producer of the film. the first audiences praised the film, they were especially impressed by the acting, cinematography, editing and music. critics say the film is a fast-paced, gripping match of desire, competition and control that shows what it takes to be a winner and shows that playing is twice as much fun as winning. reviewers also noted that the film's authors skillfully used sindea's star image, since she is now one of the main influencers in everything. the world immediately picked up the trend for tennis fashion and began to go to the courts more often. despite the fact that tennis is one of the most beautiful sports, for some reason it has not yet been very popular among filmmakers. there are no more than a dozen famous films about him. there is, for example, matchpoint wood allen, but tennis there is only a backdrop for playing out a drama in the spirit of a crime of punishment.
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wimbledon, released a year earlier, a romantic comedy inspired by the aesthetics of wimbledon. battle of the sexes was released in 2017. a film adaptation of the historical match of the year 1973 between tennis veteran bobby ricks and one of the most powerful rackets of that time, billie jean king. well... finally 3 years ago they shot a film biography of the williams sisters, their father-coach, and will smith, who played the main role in king richard, received an oscar for it at the very ceremony where he slapped chris rock. zinday also has oscar ambitions. in this game she mastered the strong serves are getting closer to finally taking the cup. this is the news of show business today. marina kazantseva was with you. see you. smiled, it means they recognized, smiled, it means real, they recognize, hmm, love, remember,
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appreciate, truly, psb is a bank for the real. where is emelin? emelin? yes, emelin! emelin is the best operator in management. i want him to investigate this case. what's the matter? what are you, a policeman? well, yes, it's cool. by the way, my name is emelya. i'm ready to testify. emelya, how are you so lucky? she's already yours. chuika. and he's cool. this. split the doors, and what secretly becomes clear, oleg gas, well, did you break off the horns? emelya, i took the pitchfork, if you are not immortal, count to three. premiere from
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monday at 19:30 on ntv. the boy's word, blood on the asphalt. the final. today at 23:00 on ntv. it is important to treat pain in the legs, eye glasses, and symptoms of vericosis from the inside. tablets troksaktiv from traksivozin against edema. and pain in the legs. troxactiv - an expert view on the treatment of varicose veins. order medicine with discounts on we take loans. easy to arrange. we are at sovcombank. we take loans. was it approved quickly? we are at sofcom bank. loans that everyone knows. i incorporate bright color with care for my hair. permanent cream paint palette gives a rich color. a triple care system restores, moisturizes and nourishes hair from the inside. no gray hair. palette - choice of color, closing a loan is like a holiday, it’s customary to give gifts on a holiday, and tinkov is a great gift for you, money, apply for a loan in tenkov before the end of april, make all payments
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let's go to. coat your face with a thick layer rub in in a circular motion and preferably before bed and preferably alone, also because the smell, to be honest, is so-so, it’s... beef fat, but a mask made from it, this is a cosmetic trend of the season that supposedly helps get rid of acne , yes, you can twist your finger at your temple, but one thing is clear, these are all indestructible guests on the face, pimples, blackheads, papules, pustules, comedones,
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marketplaces, here is such a mini vacuum cleaner for the face, which seems to drive you to despair, so it’s a bestseller on effectively cleans pores, that's just cosmetologists warn against such amateur beauty activities, like pressing, vacuuming and picking all these things on the face. it’s fantastically dangerous, especially in this area, which is called the triangle of death, there seem to be so many blood vessels, and because of this the infection instantly penetrates the brain, but maybe it’s the cosmetologists who are simply luring away the clientele, and these are competitors trying
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to squeeze out each other friend from... the market for means and methods of combating neoplasms, this is a whole industry, so what of all these products that have been proven to help cleanse the skin, but what will only take money out of your wallet? galina won’t dare delete these photos from her phone, it’s like a different person in the picture, but... it’s her, she just squeezed out a pimple and took her first-grader daughter to the formal assembly, which means i was pressing on something, pressing on something, but it’s not a typical action for me at all, but in the morning i wake up, the entire upper side begins to swell, then the swelling slowly began to slide down, when i arrived at this school, my parents began to whisper, oh god, what kind of drunk is this swelling? increased even more, she went to the hospital,
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as a result there was an operation - and a small scar as a reminder that she got off easy, because there were other patients in the hospital with inflammation at the site of acne, for example, taisti, the girl kept a daily video diary to warn subscribers about the dangers of squeezing pimples. you shouldn’t push, because it’s practically impossible to do, even if it seems like it’s ready to just get out, especially if it’s a large element, but... but the process of squeezing fascinates many, as does watching such videos in on the internet, they evoke mixed emotions, nauseatingly meditative, these are pimples, these are acne, these, by the way, are essentially the same thing in different stages, they are called acne. the skin is covered with pores in which the sebaceous glands are located, almost always hair follicles, the glands secrete sebum to protect the skin from drying out , scratch burns, but if the gland...
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oxidizes and this is how a disease called acne develops. one of its manifestations is comedones. they are usually called eels. they are closed and look like white tubercles. they are not inflamed, do not hurt and do not very noticeable. but if bacteria begin to multiply in a clogged pore, then these comedones turn black and increase in size. if you delay and do not consult a dermatologist, the inflammation will become stronger. an abscess will appear, which... is usually called a pimple, from the word splash, by the way, if nothing is done, then scars appear, the rash multiplies, and the upper layers of the skin are affected so that even after curing the acne disease, scars remain on the face, but it seems , which is easier,
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squeeze it out and let it heal. natalya admits that she is addicted to squeezing out blackheads, and it became a bad habit. like biting her nails, but every time she drove infections under the skin, it all started to grow all over her nose, then it started to spread to her cheeks, i just didn’t stop in time, i wasn’t that much pimply, but i just didn’t stop in time. in the summer of twenty- two, natalie had an operation so that she could at least breathe normally, eat and drink not through a straw, it was necessary to stop, i want to tell everyone to stop. marina
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velikova, lawyer. we have a question from our tv viewer yuri. yuri asks: i have the following situation: i had a debt to the bank, i paid it in court with the bailiffs, at this time... the bank ceased to exist and transferred the debts to another bank, and now they call me from this bank and say that the debt has been transferred to them, and i have to pay them everything, but i have already paid off the debt, i’m trying to explain this to them, but they don’t listen to me, where should i go and what should i do in this situation? well, yuri, let's figure it out, in accordance with article 47 of the federal law on enforcement proceedings, in the event actual fulfillment of the requirement contained in the executive document, enforcement proceedings are subject to completion by the bailiff from... the executor on the completion of the enforcement proceedings, the bailiff issues a resolution to terminate the enforcement proceedings, this resolution indicates the amount of the debt, as well as the result: executed, not fulfilled, partially fulfilled, and so on. what should you
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do in this case? well, the first thing you should do is make a request to the bank where you are required to pay off the debt in order for them to provide you with a document that will indicate what your amount of debt is, how it was formed and this amount of debt must be for the period when they issue you such a certificate. next, you must visit your bailiff . it is better to do this in person, but in principle you can send him a written request, where you ask to provide him with supporting documents that, in accordance with the writ of execution, the debt has been repaid by you. after this, together with a certificate from the bank with a response from your bailiff, the bailiff, you write an application to the bank, where. you explain the whole situation and attach documents confirming that the debt has been paid by you, and then you act according to the situation. in theory, this should be enough for the bank as confirmation that you have repaid the debt. if they continue to insist, then you
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better, of course, contact a lawyer for advice, and most likely go to court for the illegal actions of this bank. if you still have questions, send them to our email address, remember that you have the right to know your rights. in china, it is believed that red brings good luck, but for us russians, red means beautiful, whether the interior for the han family will be successful and beautiful, we will see, but red will definitely appear there, strictly in accordance with wenshui, and... sana was born in the north in the yamalo-ninenets district, andreas in the south in hong kong, but in their youth both ended up in switzerland, studied the hotel business there, although at different universities, and before fate brought them together in one place, they traveled around
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working halfway around the world, oksana is a chef, andreas barman. the khans have several languages ​​of family communication: english, russian and the language of gastronomy, because it is native to both. this means just great, it’s a family joke, but mostly we only use small words, because the children don’t speak chinese yet, but this is a gainful thing. he’s only four, the youngest just turned one year old. when we lived there in five countries, we understood approximately what the situation is with the education of children, what the situation is with healthcare? having weighed everything, we realized that, probably, it is best to build a house in russia, and redoing what did not work out is best with a dacha answer. papa andressa, the only time they came to visit us, they came in and said, the light of syzophrenia, and it stuck with me. us, but we won’t be
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redoing the living room, we will be redoing your bedroom, we want to have our room with andreas, so that there is a small corner here dedicated to a workplace, because andreas sometimes needs to prepare for the next day of work, now the children downstairs often don’t let him do this, so sometimes i’d like to hide from them somewhere, what do you like in the interior, what do you prefer, modern classics, modern neoclassics, yes neoclassics, probably, but also her architecture, the ceiling was dismantled, the door
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between the bedroom and the dressing room is also not needed, and we are dismantling the partition to fill the space with light. the balcony door and window will be new in a five-chamber profile with thick walls and elastic seals. we assemble a frame from galvanized steel profiles for suspended ceiling. sheathing. durable drywall. before painting, we putty all surfaces. we glue the polystyrene cornice. according to the project, it should be red, and this material is excellent for painting. the main shade of the interior is warm beige. the accent color is a rich crimson red. the place of the wall will be taken by a movable partition. at the entrance there is a door under... a stream in a hidden box. the door leaf and
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the entire opening are decorated with decorative slats made of high-density mdf. at the factory they were painted for us to match the color of the ceiling. input the portal seemed to become even deeper. rite of purification through the portal. i feel like the negative energy remains somewhere outside the door, but here the mood is completely different. in china. windows and doors are often painted bright red because it cleanses of negative energy. another element in the aesthetics of the whale is our hanging partition, which resembles a screen. the doors move in a cascade, one pulls the other along with it, so they have already created such one large canvas, someone works there, someone rests here. yes i love this one so much the moment when a picture is already emerging it directly matches what was in my head, this one. idea, it’s amazing,
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usually everyone arrives in dara salam and immediately leaves it, as if there’s nothing to do here, but i’m not everyone, so i decided to devote the whole day before flying home to this metropolis. about 5 million people live in durham, almost like in st. petersburg, there is something you should definitely see and try, and although i have very little time, i intend to at least rush through the most interesting ones places. and here is the first stop, asants, santas,
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the unique monge market, the ebony market, mother to me, what a beauty, did you know that there is such a tree that is absolutely black, here it is, i’m looking for it, which sinks in the water because it is heavy , here it is, many call it zebra wood, others call it ebony wood, precisely by weight. it’s easy to determine that a fake made of ebony is not a fake, even a small figurine should weigh decently, oh, what interesting masks, yes, wow, this is just like on...
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i’ll give you some advice right away: take boots with you or i don’t know, at least shoe covers, your shoes , thank you, if you have a nose clip or the ability not to breathe, it will also be very useful, because the stink here is, well , indescribable, oh, wow, swordfish, look how this guy deftly copes with an enormous carcass, it’s cooler than any circus, here’s some freshness for you, yes, they just caught it, they brought everything, they don’t even have time to transfer everything to
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the market right away, people get into the water, try to bargain out of the water, that’s in general, that’s if it’s not colors, then what? seize the moment, you have to scream, you have to quickly bargaining is generally not particularly typical for me, but i try to fit into the local atmosphere, but i have been developed, it turns out that there are those who manage to buy
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for cheap at a promotion and immediately resell to people like me, but it’s still fun, interesting, generally crappy, much more interesting. go to the store, we still know very little about local culinary delights, it’s time to correct the situation, jumbo, jumbo, you won’t believe that this beautiful tanzanian woman is eating so deliciously now, i don’t believe it myself, grasshopper, is it there? are you eating this? just try it try it, it's very tasty. according to the girl, the grasshopper consists of 65% protein. this is certainly interesting, but it doesn’t make it any more appetizing. i can take a few and i can't
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look at her. she says that the bite tastes like nuts, but i don’t believe it. just eat, eat, eat, i won’t say that they are not tasty, i just know what they are, they are delicious, i can’t get over it in my head, but really they are just crunchy fried things, okay, let’s call them a snack in tanzanian. hm, smiled, it means recognized, smiled, it means real, they recognize, hmm, love, remember,
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superstar from may 12 at 20:20 on ntv. emelya, premieres on monday at 19:30 on ntv. take care of your sleep, melaton north star, sleep well, choose your favorite brands at wildberries. affordability, environmental friendliness, traditions, quality, centuries-old history combined with innovation. goltex, sweet dreams, start here, express your individuality with discounts on wildberries. magnet, sausages will help, 1299. magnet - the price is what you need. catching a bird fire is not easy, but anyone can get a fire rate on a deposit at gazprombank of up to 16.5% per annum. open a deposit on i incorporate bright color with care for my hair. permanent cream paint palette gives a rich
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color. and the triple care system restores, moisturizes, and nourishes hair from the inside. no gray hair. palette is your best color choice. detrolex helps fight the symptoms of varicose veins, swelling, heaviness, pain and acts on their cause at any stage. detrolex is tested by experts. the choice of millions. for 37 years now he has been preparing broth on a... basis using fermentation technology, which lasts more than 100 days, so my choice is dosherak, and my chan ramen and my recipes, what kind of broth, dosherak is the secret of taste in broth. 100% originals from famous brands are now more accessible on avita premium. let's return everything to the way it was. in april we will return last year's prices to all askona hits. beds, sofas, mattresses, pillows. for adult children and coats almagel a fights heartburn and pain in the stomach, carefully coating its walls. almagel a knows its stuff for
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heartburn and stomach pain. order medicine with discounts at maybe a neighbor. appetite anywhere. only dad will tame it. immense appetite. a snack won't hurt. there is a beastly appetite. sausages will help, hot spot, final today at 20:00 on ntv, carbon deposits on metal, grease on plastic, dirt on sneakers, that's enough, universal cleaning paste, just shine from leamax. simply and quickly, you will defeat dirt on white leather sneakers, clean congealed grease from a plastic kettle and the metal surface of a toaster, and return a new look to stainless steel products. a simple splash will clean the seams between the tiles and will deal with a badly neglected slab. the paste does not smell, does not harm the skin of the hands, does not spoil the surface
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will make everything in your home shine. order two packages of just shine universal cleaning paste from liamx at once for only rub 1,499. but call us right now and two packs of cleaning paste will be yours for only 900.99 rubles. leamax purchases with a plus. call or order on our website meeting place, today at 14:00 on ntv. about the weather for today. hello, in the far east, a new cyclone will add precipitation to the kamchatka islands. but it will get warmer there. another cyclone moves across the south, shedding rain, taking away 1-2° every day. in khabarovsk today it’s +21, tomorrow it’s 19. the anticyclone took even more heat from siberia, in the south only in omsk it will reach +10, but in
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most cities it’s sunny, precipitation is possible in tevo and khakassia, in the urals almost everywhere, here it’s also not higher + 10, only in the southwest in orenburg near fe is about 20°, there is no precipitation there, and the balkan cyclones transfer the european territory to june, and the south in hot june, in the kuban up to +35, rains are possible only near the don and the pozov region. in general, this hot weather is also dry, and the fire danger is off the charts. in in the center it starts to rain until +23, in the best traditions of the crown, summer and thunderstorms tomorrow. the north-west will not receive much heat from this cyclone, maximum +13 in velikiye luki, here is the next balkan, and it will not keep itself waiting long, it will warm up the air more noticeably, it will become warmer in the north. nature wakes up ahead of time, forests and parks invite you to take a walk, admire the already strong greenery, i can’t help but warn you again, there are ticks. very active, they are not found in such huge numbers every year, and this applies to almost all territory of our country. take care of yourself and
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take care of your pets. it's raining in st. petersburg today. up to +8 in moscow 2022, intermittent rain in places. we wish you the best morning, further in the program, we will talk about health with your doctor, prepare a delicious dish with yulia vysotskaya, discover wonderful new items with sergei malozyomov. let's listen to stories about famous people one day. high cholesterol affects an average of seven out of ten people, and high levels can lead to heart and circulatory diseases. it is popularly believed that cholesterol-lowering drugs cause many side effects and can themselves be dangerous to humans. is it so? and what
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modern methods of combating high cholesterol exist? doctor of medical sciences, cardiologist alfred bogdanov will talk about this. good morning. the program your doctor is on air and here we talk about the right medicine with the right doctors. good morning, alfred ravilevich, i am very glad to see you. and today i would like to talk to you about such an endless topic: high cholesterol. and we all know that cholesterol-lowering therapy today is a basic therapy in general. accompanies a patient with vascular problems and which are prescribed by cardiologists, these are the cholesterol levels that we have here and then we will look at what medications we have here. well, firstly, it must be said that hypercholesterolemia, yes, a disorder of lipid and lipoprotein metabolism, is the main and leading risk factor for the development of vascular accidents. our cholesterol is externally
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food grade, which we consume out of...
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fear that the liver will collapse, that's it. speaking in this language, the kidneys will fail there and so on, today we understand that this is certainly not the case, yes, that is, modern drugs at target medicinal dosage levels do not damage the liver, while at the same time they repeatedly postpone the risks of heart attacks and strokes, then eating normalizes cholesterol levels, but statins have their own limits of effectiveness, right? when doctors prescribe statins, they prescribe the dosage that optimally reduces cholesterol levels and does not cause any side effects, because that if you increase the dosage further, there will be side effects, but the effectiveness increases there by 10-20%, nothing more, in recent years, this is modern lipidology, and modern cardiology,
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lipid metabolism disorders, these are new classes of drugs, we have , firstly, a class of drugs that so-called act at the intestinal level, yes, this is a drug from etip, is now accredited for this, it was already included in clinical recommendations several years ago, when we realized that adding the drug disrupting the absorption of cholesterol into the intestines . by the way, we can safely get a 30-40% increase there. effectiveness, without causing an increase in side effects, that is, this is a drug that goes along with statins, not in itself to the article, but we don’t use it on our own, because the main effect and concept of treating lipid metabolism disorders is not only the goal of reducing cholesterol levels , but also the goal is to protect the vascular wall, and the only drugs that have been proven to protect the vascular wall,
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in this regard, are statins, the so-called pleotroph... the effect of statins, so intestinal forms are not used independently, sometimes this is a forced step when there is an intolerance to statins, it develops, well, like an allergic reaction , and there are. the same complications associated with rhabdamyolysis, muscle damage and so on, this is individual sensitivity, well, this is very rare, this is rare, yes, that is, the second step that we use today, the second is the scheme - this is a combination therapy, statin plus isotimip , well, in recent years appeared - completely new opportunities have appeared, this is the so-called targeted therapy, disorders of libidinal metabolism, this is a drug. targeted therapy is aimed at a target, in oncology we also have targeted therapy, and this is also one of those, well, revolutionary moments in the last 25 years of the development of oncology, when
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a drug that hits the target helps either cure or greatly change the course of a serious illness, moreover, these approaches came from oncology to cardiology, that is, those companies that developed there. hepatocyte cells liver, which grabs low-density lipoproteins from the bloodstream, drags it inside the liver cells and destroys it there, metabolizes it, that’s what this medicine does, this medicine destroys the enzymes that destroy these enzymes, that is... the representation of receptors on the surface of hepatocytes becomes larger its own liver begins to destroy low-density lipoproteins, this very bad cholesterol, and the advantage of this therapy
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is that to date no side effects have been recorded, well in addition to allergies, now we have, moreover, the next generation of drugs has come out, when with the help of such a targeted drug... we destroy not the enzyme, but we disrupt the work of the mrna that synthesizes this enzyme, this is an even higher level. now, who can receive this therapy, of course, since this therapy is quite expensive, it is used by the most vulnerable group of patients, these are patients who have the so-called extremely high risk of vascular accidents, these are patients who have had a recurrence. pool of blood vessels of the heart,
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brain, lower extremities, that is , such severe vascular patients, thank you very much, truly fantastic progress, good morning everyone and see you again. four eggs, beat at maximum speed, carefully start adding 15 g of vanilla sugar here, that is, this is natural sugar with natural vanilla, ideal for baking, just wonderful, and another 110 g of regular sugar, the secret is... of course, except good mood and a good friend in the kitchen, with whom the mood is only it’s improving, don’t rush, i would say, meditatively beat these four eggs with
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sugar, the whisk should leave this thread, you see, yes, this means that you and i have beaten the eggs with sugar correctly, beauty, now.. i’ll take a large bowl, sift 60 g of corn starch into the bowl, and the same amount of flour, combine the starch, flour and baking powder, and now carefully add the egg-sugar mixture. connect everything, then i have two prepared forms, here they are lined with baking paper, i greased it with a little butter, divide
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our biscuit mixture in half, this is 20 cm, yes, this is the volume, yes, the diameter of the mold is 20 cm, look how full of holes, how beautiful our biscuit turns out, we are the ones who didn’t put it in the oven, temperature 180°, hot air mode, in general i use the hot air mode in my oven when i... need splendor in my baked goods, well , everyone has their own, you know, relationship with the oven, so you need to build on the characteristics of your oven. you and i got these two wonderful cakes, they absolutely must be cooled down, completely, because otherwise the cream you and i have is very simple, very tasty. but
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simple, we need whipped cream, so first you and i whip the cream, i whip the cream without sugar, because all the sweet component will come from another secret ingredient, whip the cream into cream, look how beautiful it is, don’t beat it, this is important. now about the secret ingredient, of course it’s not very secret, you and i know it well and love it, this is makheev’s raspberry jam, why we love it, for its intensity taste, because there are only natural ingredients, because there are so many berries, but it seems to me that even my grandmother had fewer berries in her jam than in this one, then it behaves perfectly if we are going to use it we bake some filling inside with it, it’s great on pancakes,
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pancakes, cheesecakes and so on on a piece of bread in the morning, but here with this sponge cake it’s just fantastic, we’ll first make an impregnation based on this jam, but in that case , if this dessert is eaten only by adults, then i i add two tablespoons of rum, you can take cognac, well, in general, some kind of alcohol that you like, and a couple of tablespoons... jam, let's warm it all up so that the alcohol evaporates, so that everything here turns into this raspberry syrup, you can even light it a little, a little, you see , so the alcohol evaporates even faster, you can see, such a beautiful light.
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here, in this way, the aroma from rum remains, almost all of our alcohol is like this, you see, oh, it disappears, i return it all to cool bowl so that it cools down faster, now a toothpick, take our cakes, i will serve them on this stand, but in order... so that everything is better soaked, so carefully remove a very, very thin, thin layer, you can see the top of the sponge cake , and you see how airy it is, look how delicious it is, i immediately put together such a bowl where we can turn it into crumbs, and from the second cake we also remove such a thin lid.
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so, now we remove the cake from the paper, one by one, so, with a toothpick, carefully, he and so, i see that it is loose, that it is airy. gently, just in case , we soak one cake layer like this with syrup, the second cake layer like this, but i want to add not only raspberry syrup here, not only syrup i need, i need the jam itself, because it is wonderful as a filling. distribute it evenly,
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and cover both cake layers with jam, now put the cream on the bottom cake layer and distribute it. yes, the top crust will look like this, oh, great, a masterpiece, not yet... now it will be, beat this crumb, sprinkle a little sugar on top powder, crumbs, crumbs only around the edges, i
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like it. you know, to do this kind of creativity, a circle of skillful hands, crazy hands, exactly on the plate on which you will serve, because it also works as a decoration for serving, look how beautiful it is, and here i have a little more such raspberries, which are called dehydrated, that is, it is a very intense taste of raspberries, that is, like candied raspberries, well, that’s how it is. to put it simply, we lay them out here, and look how beautiful and elegant it is, and this is also not everything, you know, what came to my mind, it would be very cool if we also added
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such joyful green colors here, as if we had leaves like these, not mint, i know how i feel about mint, it seems to me , mint is quite banal for dessert, very often, we add mint to dessert, here’s rosemary, look how great it looks, however, by the way, rosemary is very friendly with raspberries, in terms of aroma too, well , look, in my opinion this is very cute, bon appetit! there is a miracle of technology on air, a program in which i, sergei molozomov and my team, we test everything on ourselves. and what
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did scientists and inventors from different countries surprise us with this week? right now the miracle of technology is on the air, fifth place in our traditional hit parade. scientific and technological news. scientists from carnell university in the usa determined the safe height for diving in different positions. they threw dummies with sensors and measured overloads. it turned out that the risk of injury becomes too high when jumping head first - from a height of 8 m, hands forward - 12 m, soldier - 15 m. professional athletes, of course, can exceed these numbers, but without training. this is a miracle of technology, i am sergei malozyomov and we are rising higher in our hit parade of news from the world of science and technology. what's on the fourth line? the recumbent skyscraper, a 170 km long building, is planned to be built in saudi arabia,
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it will be half a kilometer high and will serve as a home for 9 million people. the authors of the project promise a wide variety of content in the form of apartments, schools, and a store. observation platforms for everything else that should be normal city, which is what this house will essentially be, only it will ultimately occupy an area of ​​only 43 km, and this compactness, in particular, will help save on air conditioning in hot climates, and will also minimally harm the environment. critics, however, point out that the key problem will be transportation inconvenience, and in general they express doubts that such an ambitious plan will ever be implemented in reality. third line: in a selection of the five most interesting scientific and technological news of the week. an amazing study was conducted by scientists from japanese universities of heroshima and hakaido. they are trying to figure out how bears manage to not lose muscle mass during long hibernation. and so, during the next experiment,
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they added the blood serum of sleeping bears to a culture of human muscle cells, and in response they began to grow rapidly. researchers are confident that bears produce both... the action of the sun heals scratches, scientists from south korea have created. it is based on polyhydric acrylic alcohol with so-called blocked urea bonds. they capable of repeated rupture. and then connected under the influence of heat. it, in turn, is captured from sunlight
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by a photothermal component added to the paint. according to the authors of the development, in the end, just half an hour under normal sun and the scratches on the car will heal as if they never happened. the material can be used on other equipment, for example, in smartphones. well, now, what news from the world of science and technology did we recognize as the most interesting this week? first place - hot. fives. the first constant was held in america implantation of a neurochip into the brain. the device is inserted through a vein in the neck, carried through the vessels by the surgeon to the desired part of the brain, where it opens and begins its work of reading impulses that come through wires to a microcomputer attached to the chest, and from there via bluetooth to a smartphone or computer. as a result , a paralyzed patient can write messages with the power of thought, use the internet and...
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the organization of this cruise was just a bomb show, the concerts that took place on the ship were all a success, we held two an unforgettable week of cruise, in the company of superstars khadovy plasma, marina khlebnikova, alexander aivazov and the reflex group, everyone. thank you fm for these indescribable emotions
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that i experienced on this liner, i acquired so many new acquaintances and friends from everywhere. 20 listeners of the radio station won the super game, each of them received a trip with fully paid accommodation for two. sea travelers followed the route sochi, istanbul, egypt, sochi. they saw the famous sights of turkish and egyptian lands. and it was just happiness, these are such mega amazing emotions that i’ve probably never experienced in my life, here, of course, it’s worth returning to this trip again with the whole family, for this miracle i am very grateful to retro fm radio, to the entire team of organizers and radio presenters, for all the people thanks to whom we all ended up here.
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retro fm has been organizing this unforgettable holiday for many years; the country’s main nostalgic radio station plans to please its listeners in 2025, to win anyone can get a ticket. one morning on ntv, i’m sergey mayorov, hello, viewers adored georgy burkov and often addressed him by the name of his heroes, that’s what natural organic matter multiplied by talent means. today we remember georgy ivanovich. the story of alexey kozulin and mikhail lobovo. today we are visiting tatyana.
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talent grows in silence, well, figuratively, in the oven, i tried to study there with a teacher so that i could get into acting, but it didn’t work out for me, so i decided it’s not for me, it’s better, i’ll sit there in the editing room, i don’t even it’s convenient there, it’s comfortable there, well, in principle, i like the films of those years, sometimes i watch them, including my grandfather’s, and i feel some pride, and even there i’m a little ashamed that i didn’t know the person, but i would like to, and how in was your husband in real life?
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years passed, he was already such a famous artist, everything and...
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i’ll have time for nothing, i say that you won’t have time, that i won’t have time to do anything, they told me that i ’ll die at 55, that day tatyana sergeevna convinced her husband not to believe in the predictions of the gypsies, and after 2 years, when george ivanovich turned 57 years old, he pleased his wife with important news: ildar rezanov
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invited him to the main role in the film promised heaven, but on the eve of filming burkov. at home , he broke his hip from a stepladder, in order to quickly return to work, the artist underwent a complex operation, during which his trompe came off. on july 19, 1990, georgiy burkov passed away, the phone rang, in working order, an indifferent voice said that it’s 19:05 - your husband has died. that's it, i somehow even thought, yes, that's it, that's how it happens when the person i love is leaving, that’s it, it’s not interesting to live anymore, because i was interested in waking up when zhory looks at me, falling asleep when he looks at me too, when i cook, he’ll appreciate it, that’s all, life is over , well, 10 years have passed, i think, well, that’s it, i don’t have the strength,
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i just don’t, evgeniy vasilyevich appeared, this is my classmate, i wasn’t looking for anyone at all, he came and said: “give me, i’ll help, that’s all.” tatyana sergeevna and evgenia vasilyevich have been helping each other for 24 years, but georgy burkov still lives in the heart of an actress. she says that she truly loved only once. an amazing thing, i don’t know what it’s connected with, maybe someone will explain it someday. as soon as i start to doubt something, think or turn. mentally to him, yes, at this time the tv is on, he appears, so always, almost always, when there is really a question, some serious one, i can’t solve it, he appears, be it a cartoon that is often shown or his voice , or some kind of frame, or something about it, like this, this is how to explain it, i i don’t know, thank you very much for not
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abandoning us, you help us all the time, that’s all we live for. he’s really nearby, he’s nearby, what kind of people, such stories, i’m sergei mayorov, see you on ntv, happy, the best for today is beyond the bounds, her clothes were instantly corroded by an unknown substance, and her skin was covered with terrible burns, i was returning home from a walk, i felt my leg burning. i look at the trousers and see that there are just holes there, i look at the leg, there is this substance, the other victim was less lucky, the acid got into the face and now a single mother may lose her sight, they splashed me like water in the face, i started screaming throughout the yard, people started calling an ambulance, charges of assault were brought, but can the criminal really escape punishment, he is happy with what he did, he got
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what he wanted, why do those who know the detainee personally doesn’t believe that he could hurt unknown women. after all, both of them were underage, this is beyond the bounds, today at 16:45 on ntv, it is a real pleasure to feel the taste of coffee. jardin colombia medelin, from selected arabica beans, revealing the aroma in the author's roasting, filled with colombian passion. pleasure to feel, genuine. jardín colombia medelin. at your place? walk for weapons, you 're a serious person, we're leaving, your friend murin might come here, but what do you need security for, shoot him, you just
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need his legs alive, you have 2 hours, you won't find him, they'll look for you, you're serious got into the mess, hot spot, final episodes, get out of here, i don’t want to. so that what happened to you today at 20:00 on ntv. stars. premiere on saturday at 21:20 on ntv. tabacquette. start a new life without cigarettes. well, are the credit card debts still hanging and accruing interest? need a holwa. you take out credit cards. you transfer your debts , we divide them into 24 months and conveniently repay them. or get rid of credit card debts easily with holva, pain in the legs, glasses, symptoms of vericosis, it is important to treat from the inside. troocsaktiv tablets from traxivosin against swelling and
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pain in the legs. troxactiv - an expert view on the treatment of varicose veins. order medicine with discounts at what is missing for construction? easy to find on avito sale. hurry up to buy construction goods with discounts of up to 60%. all that remains is to build. avito: take it on sale and build! submit an application for free gas supply to the border of your property. details by phone: 8800-101 000 04. the call is free! detrolex imagines that when i'm running all day, the heaviness in my legs, pain and swelling can catch up with me! ditralex helps millions of happy women control.
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service for buying cheap air tickets, heartburn can cause a lot of discomfort, but it can be stopped with one prose capsule, north star in the morning helps fight heartburn all day, north star, they trust us, we buy everything using a magnet, we play in the app, get grill prizes, buy an energy drink. and he, increase the chances, the formula for an excellent grill in a magnet, catching a firebird pyro is not easy, but everyone can get a fire rate on a deposit in gazprom bank of up to 16.5% per annum,
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open a deposit on languedaza simply against fibrosis, recommended course, two packages, what is a good car for you, mileage, condition, comfort, for each their own good car, find it on the author, take care of your sleep, melatonin north star, sleep peacefully, smiled, it means you recognized it, smiled, it means it’s real, they recognize it, hmm, they love it, they remember it, they really shadow psb - a bank for the real thing. ural sip is a bank for business. and we work on the principle of all or
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nothing. everything for entrepreneurs. and nothing extra. we give free service for 3 months when opening a business account. bank ural siib - nothing superfluous. about the weather for today in the far east for real warm weather on the amur in khabarovsk +21 in other areas spring in doubt in yakutia near lake baikal the cold starts. little, they will intensify where the sun was shining on the islands just recently, but the kuril islands will not be surprised by rain, but there is something to rejoice here. on the southernmost island of greda kunashiri, the number of swans reached what remains a record for the last decade: 215 birds. swans and whoopers wintered here, and now they fly to their nesting sites. in addition to whoopers, there are other species in these parts red data book in siberia, a huge anticyclone does not allow much change,
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there are few nozzles in the region, but... there is little warmth, especially in the south, here the temperature is below normal, from irkutsk to tyumen +5-10 no more, in the urals it is not only cool, but also and rainy, with the exception of orenburg and ufa, where it is sunny up to +20, and tomorrow it will start to get warmer everywhere. the air heats up the southern european territory of russia, where balkan cyclones occur one after another, each time capturing new portions of hot air. in kuban today it’s already up to +35. in crimea it is still closer to twenty, rains only on the don in the ozovo region. in the center. more, but the rains are warm, from the south, in the daytime it’s already up to +20 and above, the heat won’t reach the north, in minimal quantities so far in the north-west, in st. petersburg today it’s raining up to +8, tomorrow up to +15, in moscow it’s already 20 today -22 short-term rain in places.
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long-range guns destroy the ukrainian armed forces' supply centers. working at a distance of 30 km, our artillery reaches the enemy’s near rear from the execution zone.


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