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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 25, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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operates from under the wheel. the united states secretly transferred long-range atakom missiles to kiev. why are they dangerous? the appearance of nato armored vehicles on the front line causes increased attention among our soldiers. american abrams tanks in this. the list is, perhaps, in first place, because how many epithets of hope were said to opponents about these machines: super weapons, invincible, unique, but in fact they say the same thing as german leopards. read more omar magomedov. the ukrainian cabinet of ministers has banned the issuance of passports to men abroad. you cut people off from consular services and i am silent that this violates the constitution, but you are cutting off citizens from the country. how do people try to avoid
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mobilization? the water level in the yushim river in the tyumen region has exceeded the critical level. more than 5,000 people have already been evacuated. argentina was swept by large-scale rallies. what do the protesters disagree with? we are also preparing for the upcoming holidays. correctly, for the month of may we predict the occurrence of forest fires; we will tell you how to protect yourself and preserve nature in the near future. hello, welcome to you information service of the ntv television company, in the studio of yulia bekhterova. russian paratroopers liquidated positions in the ssu on the right bank of the dnieper. aerial reconnaissance discovered enemy infantry.
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s-300 complexes were sent to carry out the mission; in this direction of the north military district they work in conjunction with beeches. in the donetsk direction , the heavy ukrainian drone of baba yaga, which was carrying several mines, was destroyed. our anti-aircraft gunners eliminated him with targeted fire. and russian lance drones, thanks to the skillful work of operators, remain invisible to the enemy. with their help, our military is destroying american abrams tanks and other western equipment. omar magomedov saw the work of the calculations. on approaching the target , lancet does the following: a number of operators dance
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of death, along a complex sinusoidal trajectory, complicating the possibility of destruction or interception, the drone hits a ukrainian abram tank from american production. after a successful attack, the crew hastily leaves the armored vehicle. on the day of application, we took off very early, found the target, speed helped us, then there is coherence in the calculations and speed of launch. needle is the first strike drone operator to hit one. abrams , a fighter, admits that he received not only moral satisfaction from his work, but also a significant monetary bonus from his command. in total , our troops have already disabled six vehicles in the avdeevsky direction. the appearance of nato armored vehicles on the front line causes increased attention among our soldiers. american abras tanks are probably in first place on this list, but how many epithets of hope were told to opponents about these machines, super weapons, invincible, unique.
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that losses were suffered, and the crew also understand that a targeted hunt is already underway for them. a significant contribution to success is used less intensively, because the russian army was made by operators of loitering ammunition. yes, we cause them a lot of trouble, we destroy too much equipment, they don’t like it, they try to look for us, but they can’t do anything. to oppose us, in
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the last week alone the amur crew struck three dozens of targets from howitzers and infantry fighting vehicles to self-propelled artillery , unmanned aircraft not only impede coordinated actions. joe biden's administration doubts ukraine's ability to achieve success on the battlefield even with new help from washington. this was reported by the publication politiku. journalists interviewed white house officials, who acknowledged that the dynamics of the fighting had changed, leading to their victory. no one guarantees, moreover, the united states questions kiev’s tactics, especially after the failure of last year’s counteroffensive. but biden has no time to doubt; he has elections ahead, on the eve of which he needs to show at least some success in the external political arena. and it looks like the us president
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is ready for anything. it became known that washington secretly allocated atokoms missiles to kiev, which have already arrived in ukraine. their flight range is such that they may end up in the risk zone.
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just hours after he signed the law. part of the first package, the cost of which the pentagon estimates at a billion dollars, was transported across the ocean in advance closer to ukraine, so as not to lose delivery time. in washington, despite the joy from the passage of the bill by congress, they admit that they were seriously late in providing help. it has been too long and the consequences of this delay are being felt in ukraine. over the past 6 months, ukraine has had to ration ammunition, which has resulted in the loss of some. territory in the east, it will take us some time to pull ourselves out of the hole created by the six-month delay while congress did not approve aid. true, it turned out that the white house secretly made no announcements back in march, when supposedly there was no money for ukraine, he sent kiev atakom missiles with a range of up to
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300 km, that is, capable of finishing off as far as crimea, although until now the us had refused to supply kiev with long-range missiles to the public, now, apparently, the ban has been lifted, according to some reports ukraine twice already. used similar weapons to carry out strikes, the new aid package will also include long-range atacoms, with the condition that they should not be used on russian territory. for quite a long period of time we have been checking the obligations of the ukrainian government, which they promised to fulfill to us and others, saying that they would use these weapons only on the sovereign territory of ukraine and would not use them beyond ukrainian borders. together with washington , london and berlin announced new military assistance to ukraine, although germany, unlike
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the resolution, was signed by the country’s cabinet of ministers. the initial restriction applied only to those who do not have a military id and was associated with the new mobilization law, which will come into force on may 18. well, when
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ukrainians began en masse to contact consulate in order to obtain documents according to the old rules, keif decided to act proactively. they stopped issuing passports to men altogether. “i won’t leave here until you show me my documents, or give me pennies, or give me passports, so you’ve lived to spread rot in ukraine first.” a woman’s voice-over expresses all the pain of the ukrainian people, or rather that part of it, which, not only in search of a better life, but in attempts to avoid being sent to the front, went beyond the cordon, and there are tens of thousands of them. now they are storming consular offices throughout europe, trying to complete the paperwork in time. in short, look, guys, they’ve already tried to disperse the people and drive them out. well done guys, they simply blocked the booths so that no one could come in to serve, these are the chill-outs here.
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the reason for this excitement was the resolution adopted by the cabinet of ministers of ukraine, according to which men from 18 to 60 years old will not be issued foreign internal passports at foreign diplomatic institutions of the country. to replace documents, they will now have to travel to ukraine, where after the adoption of the law on mobilization, which comes into force on may 18, the military commissar welcomes returnees with open arms. in the meantime , employees of the so-called territorial recruitment centers have to make every effort to fulfill the mobilization plan, let me in, this is illegal, what are you doing, leave him alone, now, apparently, they will not leave anyone alone, ukrainian foreign minister kuleba on twitter expressed his attitude towards the men who left, briefly explaining their rights, or rather the obligation to return to die for their homeland, as it looks like now, a man of military age. went abroad, showed his state that the question of his survival does not concern him, and then comes and wants to receive
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services from this state. if these people believe that someone is far away at the front, fighting and giving their lives for this state, someone will sit abroad, but at the same time will receive services from this state, then it doesn’t work that way. according to various sources, now up to 650,000 people of military age from the bygone era are avoiding mobilization in ukraine, in quotation marks of patriotism, observing. 2 years ago there was no trace left; fewer and fewer people wanted to go into the trenches to fight with russia for the ambitions of zelensky and his western curators. ukrainians prefer to flee the country by all possible means, even by swimming. this man paid the conductor 4,000 euros, but his attempt to escape to moldova on an air mattress was unsuccessful. ukrainian society is divided into two camps: some support the authorities’ decision, given the lack of people in the armed forces of ukraine. others see this as a violation of rights and freedoms. everyone should repay.
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of conscription age to ukraine for mobilization, although he did not specify how. i think many poles are outraged when they see young ukrainian men in hotels and cafes and hear how much effort we have to make to help ukraine. there are still sensible people in ukraine itself who understand what such measures will lead to, but in the verkhovna rada their voices remain unheard. you are cutting off people from consular services and i am silent that this violates the constitution, but you are cutting off citizens from the country. because whoever has time now will will receive a passport, whoever doesn’t have time will spit on it and get a passport of another state,
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and you will lose a whole generation. representatives of the lost generation, those who were lucky enough to wave a blue crust with a cut on a book of other colors, proudly show off their new passports on social networks. in the west, once again, in the tradition of double standards, they demonstrated a biased attitude towards the decisions of the kiev authorities, if even in... the united states intends to undermine relations between moscow and beijing with the visit of secretary of state anthony blinken to china. this was announced in our foreign ministry. diplomats noted that washington, quote, is not stopping. before anything and uses blackmail and intimidation, beijing understands this, and
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therefore they will not negotiate with the states to the detriment of relations with russia. mlenkin arrived in shanghai the day before; upon arrival, no red carpet was laid out for him; the head of the state department was met only by a local official of not the highest rank. the americans have negotiations ahead with the head of china's foreign ministry, according to the press; entering the trip, the secretary of state intends to put additional pressure on under heaven. as the newspaper writes. introduce sanctions against the country's large banks in order to deprive them of access to the global financial system , limit work with moscow, as well as trade with our country. the united states continues to make groundless accusations regarding normal trade and economic exchanges between beijing and moscow. let me once again emphasize that our country's right to cooperate with russia and other countries of the world on the basis of mutual benefit should not be interfered with or violated. another pressure factor was a new tranche of $8 billion will be used
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to supply weapons to taiwan and build submarines for australia to contain beijing. in addition, during the negotiations for... a critical level, in less than 24 hours it grew by almost one and a half meters and now amounts to more than 10 meters. one hundred and fifty houses and several thousand plots have already been sunk in the region. the evacuation of citizens continues; almost 5.00 people were taken out of dangerous areas. rescue teams are on duty near the dams around the clock. this morning , emergency situations ministry employees prevented a breach of the protective
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building next to the tyumen-omsk federal highway. the leak was quickly fixed and the road is open. for movement, in the neighboring kurgan region the flood is receding. the water level in the tabul river dropped by another 7 cm overnight. in the orenburg region, the situation is also stabilizing. according to rescuers , more than 700 houses there were freed from water within 24 hours. and in 74 regions of the country , the fire season has begun, the ministry of emergency situations announced this. specialists recorded it using space monitoring systems and unmanned aircraft. according to rescuers, most of the territory was engulfed in fire due to human fault. among the reasons are an unextinguished barbecue, as well as burning of grass and debris. violators face heavy fines. nikita korabenko will tell you how to follow simple safety rules. the beginning of the season of dachas and barbecues, which is not without tragedies. this
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house in naginsk near moscow burned down along with the owners; the fire from the barbecue spread to the home. it happened pretty quickly. yes , just a few minutes before i sat down, everything was quiet, nothing then literally about five minutes later i went up to the window there and sat down to eat and it was already blazing well . as a result of the incident, their 14-year-old son died. the fire was located inside an extension to a residential building, its exact causes will be established based on the results of a fire-technical examination, what a horror -oh , setting fire to dry grass brings no less trouble. the desire for order on the site among some summer residents takes extreme forms; they prefer to burn last year’s dry vegetation, apparently they think that they have everything will work out somehow. this year, unfortunately, already, in the kostroma region, a man suffered from an unauthorized death, received burns, he himself carried out such burnings, tried to extinguish them, in
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the astrakhan region, due to smoke from forest fires, and children were evacuated from a children's hospital , several dacha houses have already burned down in the krasnoyarsk territory, so every year when the weather gets warmer you can meet people in uniform in dacha villages, once a week they carry out explanatory work with everyone and at the same time check compliance with the rules fire safety, well, in principle, i have a fire extinguisher, there is water, there is a well, the pump hose is out, violators are given a fine, they are reminded, a special fire safety system will soon be introduced in the region. the weather this year is also adding fuel to the fire; aviation forestry experts warn that the coming may and summer months will be hot. for the month of may we predict the occurrence of forest fires, a high probability of fires is due to the fact that we predict high air temperatures, lack of precipitation, early melting of snow, already
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last year's dry grass appears, it dries quickly and when fire sources appear, landscape fires can occur, so in such a situation, owners of suburban areas should be careful, last year's tops either in the trash or in a compost pit, the barbecue must be fixed on a concrete base, well, the country residence itself should be prepared for a possible emergency. in addition to the fire alarm, emercom employees recommend having a fire extinguisher like this on your site; if it is a powder one, be sure to use it periodically turn it over, otherwise it will just... become monolithic like a brick and be absolutely useless, or have a two-hundred-liter barrel like this on your property, always filled with water. nikita korabenkov, susanna prutchikova, vadim glushnitsky, nikolai malyagin. ntv. the largest mass rally since president milei took office took place in buenes aires. people are unhappy that the head of state decided to abolish
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free education. in the capital of argentina , about 800 thousand people took to the streets, and throughout the country the number of protest participants exceeded a million. protesters shouted slogans demanding more spending on universities, beat drums and waved banners. miley decided to cut spending on universities as part of shock therapy in order to overcome the gigantic budget deficit. immediately after his inauguration, he approved 300 economic reforms, one of which cuts state funding for the education system. also, the argentine president wants to abolish the central bank and allows the dollarization of the economy, however. while new measures are only aggravating the situation, inflation in country grew to 290%. fraudsters are increasingly using deep fakes, which they create
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using neural networks to steal money. according to analysts, criminals use generated images to gain access to online banking and social networks. to be convincing, attackers blackmail and psychologically manipulate victims. to keep people safe. the state duma proposed labeling such videos. svetlana gordeeva found out what else neural networks can do. when blogger anastasia bogdanova received a message from a friend asking lend 15,000 rubles to my mother’s card, she readily responded. i said that i had deposited it, transferred the check and laughed that she didn’t believe me and was demanding a check from me. i say: either these scammers are robbing me. it was a joke at the time. the jokes ended when anastasia called her friend and asked her to return the house. to which she tells me... i didn’t ask, i was hacked on telegram. with the development of the internet, fraud has reached a new level; now, when scammers hack an account, they study how and in what words it the owner communicates with friends, and voice
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messages are sent through neural networks, images are processed, the voice of relatives is sent as a circle, they ask for money to be transferred to certain things. however, this is minor hooliganism compared to large deep fakes, as they call videos in which one person’s face is used. you can recall a recent case in the united states when people allegedly received calls from biden asking them not to vote for his party, but at the same time, neural networks generate incredibly creative products. for example, thanks to artificial intelligence, fans of the legendary group were able to.
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operators, directors and editors. for us, what is important today is that in russia there is an effective system at the state level for identifying and using
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artificial intelligence technologies in the production of videos, this is on the one hand, on the other hand we should have responsibility, criminal liability for fraudsters who use artificial intelligence technologies intelligence, how long it will take to create such a system is still unknown, but it is definitely needed and not only in order to... the fact that the turkish airline tokish airlines has been refusing to fly russians to mexico in the last couple of months is due to the fact that
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the mexican authorities are under pressure from... with precise requirements for passengers, they say there must be a round trip ticket paid for by the hotel. according to some estimates, the number of russians removed from flights could reach a thousand people. vice-president of the association of tour operators of russia artur muradyan said in the kommersant newspaper that he does not see the logic why russians are not allowed in, namely the airline won't let you in, and not, for example, the mexican border patrol. he also noted that not only russians, but also other citizens, for example, from the cis, are removed from flights this way. the russian embassy in turkey calls the problem
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serious. they say that they contacted the turkish foreign ministry, and the russians were advised to sue tokish airlines. yesterday the airline stopped selling tickets for flights from russia to mexico with departures until july 31. all tickets already purchased before this date are offered to be returned or the route changed. russian stock market starts cautiously on thursday. investors are waiting for tomorrow's meeting of the central bank. the intrigue lies in the comments that the central bank will give in its new forecast. and all this is superimposed on what lies ahead. may holidays and investors are unlikely to get involved in large purchases of shares. after yesterday's strong growth, the ruble has been thinking this morning whether it should continue, the dollar is 92.09, the euro is 98.76. in russia, the demand for botox and its analogues has increased sharply. in january-march of this year, pharmacies sold almost 2 and a half times more packages than a year ago. dsm company estimates group is cited by the newspaper vedomosti.
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botoxins are widely known to be used. cosmetology to smooth out facial wrinkles, but recently, say experts interviewed by vedomosti, botox and its analogues have begun to be used for diseases of the nervous system. these drugs reduce spasms and muscle hypertonicity in russian sclerosis or the consequences of a stroke. some doctors say that botox and its analogues are used to treat cerebral palsy and migraines. the original botox is made by allergan, a subsidiary of the american evvi, but it stopped deliveries to russia in the spring of twenty-two . thank you, this was marina pimenova with an economic review, now we will take a break for a short advertisement, and in a couple of minutes we will talk about which regions of the country winter has suddenly returned to, don’t switch,
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or in a branch. the boy's word: blood on the asphalt, final today at 23:00 on ntv. today we continue the release. a week before the beginning of may , winter returned to some regions of russia. ekaterinburg, pern and chelyabinsk were covered by a snowstorm. just a couple of days ago there was almost thirty degrees of heat there, the urals were sunbathing and even swimming. and here now i have to clear the snow. oh, it’s crazy what’s going on, and he’s still walking, it’s already poured in so much. sharp. the cold snap was brought by the arctic cyclone; cool weather will remain in the southern urals and in the kama region throughout the may holidays. the number of people injured as a result of the escape of the horse guards in london has risen to five. new
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data was provided by the daily mail newspaper. the day before, during daily morning training, seven animals were frightened by loud construction sounds, threw off their riders and rushed across city ​​streets. in total, the horses ran. almost 10 km, during which time they hit a cyclist, crashed into a taxi and a bus, witnesses to the emergency posted footage of a horse that was injured during one of these collisions. the guards themselves tried to stop them, as well as passersby ; it took more than 2 hours to catch and calm the bedlets. it is noteworthy that the morning exercises are designed to get the horses used to the noise of the city; they are trained by the elite royal guard. that's all by this time, stay tuned for this, about the weather tomorrow, hello, the far east and the main cyclone in the region is now developing over the sea of ​​okhod,
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almost everything will be in its circulation: to the west of yakutia, to transbaikalia, to the amur region, it has aimed the northern air flow, everything to reduce the temperature of precipitation, including snow. in the coastal areas with rain and here the temperature will rise slightly, and there will be noticeable warming. one might say, powerful, it will come to sakhalin, the southern kuril islands, tomorrow up to +17, well, this is the weather scenario for khabarovsk, this is how it will cool down from excess heat. in siberia, western half now there will be no precipitation, it will begin to warm up, in omsk tomorrow it will be +12, in the eastern regions the precipitation has not yet been canceled, but warm air is also aimed there, in krasnoyarsk it will be +8 during the day, to the shores of lake baikal the delivery of heat will be delayed for at least a day, but this is an increase in temperature for tomsk , weekend +12. in the urals it will become even warmer and there will be precipitation. with varying success, in kurgan tomorrow afternoon it will be +14, in orenburg it will remain above twenty, and almost the entire european territory of russia is now permeated by a warm southern air flow. in as a conductor, amplifier, the fourth one in a row from the south.


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