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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 25, 2024 4:00pm-4:45pm MSK

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a meeting that cannot be changed, 14:00 weekdays ntv, goodbye. russia blocked a resolution in the un security council on the non-placement of nuclear weapons in space, just as bendy did not argue for our country’s position. shock. lance pilots are mercilessly destroying the vaunted american abrams tanks in the avdeevsky direction. read more omar magomed. anthony blinken arrived in beijing with the latest chinese warning: washington wants to prevent cooperation with moscow. black cash on a banking scale. the fsb detained a group of fraudsters who cashed 18 billion rubles stolen during the execution of a government contract. and the world's first drug was registered in russia. for the treatment of
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ankylosing spondylitis, chronic arthritis affecting cartilage tissue and joints. hello, you are watching news on ntv, in the egor kalyvanov studio. so, russia blocked the draft resolution of the un security council on the non-placement of weapons of mass destruction in space, proposed by russia, proposed by the united states and japan. our permanent representative to the un , vasily nebendi, recalled that russia has long been in favor of a complete rather than partial ban.
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what russia and china have been insisting on since at least 2008. this should be included in the draft resolution prepared by the united states and japan. russia and china proposed an amendment on the inadmissibility of all types of weapons in outer space, but washington and its allies in the un security council rejected it. the pentagon expects to transfer the first weapons from the new aid package to ukraine within a few days after biden signs it. the corresponding law, although the white house is not sure that this will greatly help ukraine, writes the publication of a politician with referring to officials in the white house administration. at the same time, assistant to the american president for national security jake sullivan admitted that back in march, the states secretly sent atak tactical ballistic missiles to ukraine. alexey veselovsky reports from the usa. after signing the law providing military assistance to ukraine and other allies, president biden addressed the americans. where he again repeated one of
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the main theses with which the white house justifies financing the conflict. petriot missiles are made in arizona, javelins in alabama, artillery shells in agaya, pennsylvania and texas. in other words, we are helping ukraine, but at the same time investing in our own industrial base. the head of the white house promised that new weapons would go to kiev immediately, literally within a matter of hours after he signed the law. part of the first package. which the pentagon estimates at a billion dollars, was transported across the ocean in advance closer to ukraine, so as not to waste time on delivery. in washington, despite the joy of congress passing the bill, admit that they were seriously late in providing help. it has been too long and the consequences of this delay are being felt in ukraine. so perhaps russia will achieve additional tactical gains in the coming weeks. true, it turned out that the white house secretly made no announcements back in march, when the day.
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supposedly there were no attacks on ukraine, he sent kiev atakom missiles with a range of up to 300 km, that is , capable of reaching the crimea, although until now the us had refused to supply kiev with long-range missiles to the public, now, apparently, the ban has been lifted, according to some reports ukraine has already twice used similar weapons to carry out strikes, the new aid package will also include long-range atacoms, with the condition that they not hit russian territory for a fairly long period of time. we verified the commitments of the ukrainian government, which they promised to fulfill to us and others, saying that they would only use these weapons on the sovereign territory of ukraine and would not use them beyond ukrainian borders. they fulfill this obligation with respect to the weapons systems that we provide to them. together with washington about a new london and berlin announced military assistance to ukraine, although germany, unlike the united states, refrains from transferring long-range taurus missiles to kiev. german chancellor olaf scholz reiterated that this is. i want to say that
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the us decision does not relieve us here in europe of the task of further increasing support for ukraine so that this country can defend itself. regarding the weapon systems you mentioned, my decision will not change. but london seems ready to give it its all. the british prime minister recently announced the allocation to ukraine the largest aid package in 2 years of conflict. its cost is estimated at half a billion pounds. but the main question, what next, cannot be answered either in london, or in berlin, or in washington. as the political publication writes, citing representatives of the biden administration, even the white house doubts what will happen with all this new military assistance.
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warn chinese authorities that washington and its partners are becoming increasingly intolerant of beijing’s refusal to stop supplying moscow with technology. the wall street journal writes, that the united states may impose sanctions against the country's large banks to deprive them of access to the global financial system. in china, such threats were regarded as an attempt to undermine its economy. the united states continues to make groundless accusations regarding normal trade and economic exchanges between beijing and moscow. russian diplomats also commented on the us actions; according to deputy foreign minister sergei ribkov, the us intends to undermine relations between moscow and beijing using blackmail and intimidation, but rebkov
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noted: beijing understands this and will not negotiate with the states to the detriment of relations with russia. the ministry of defense reported that over the past 24 hours, several regions of ukraine have been struck by the formation of mercenaries of the so -called foreign legion. directly on the front line, groups of russian troops continue their offensive, occupying new positions. three dozen different brigades of the ukrainian armed forces suffered losses in manpower and equipment when trying to counterattack our units. in just one day, the enemy lost a thousand troops, as well as five electronic warfare stations, three combat multiple launch rocket system vehicles, more than a dozen art. novuk and 200 ukrainian drones, in the donetsk direction , the three-day hunt of the center group fighters for the american abrams tank ended in success. report by amar magomedov. on approaching the target, lansed performs, as the operators say, a dance of death. following a complex
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sinusoidal trajectory, complicating the possibility of destruction or interception, the drone hits the ukrainian abram tank from the american production. after a successful attack, the crew hastily leaves the armored vehicle.
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as soon as they start using them on the battlefield, i think everyone will notice it, not only ukraine, but i think that russia will certainly notice it. the russian army was brought in by operators of loitering ammunition, yes, we cause them a lot of trouble, we destroy too much equipment, they don’t like it, they try to look for us, but they can’t oppose anything to us, in the last week alone the amur crew hit three
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dozen targets from howitzers and infantry fighting vehicles to self-propelled artillery, the coordinated actions of unmanned aircraft not only impede transferring enemy armored groups, but also actively. support the offensive of the russian army assault troops. omar magomedov, rabadan bagomedov, ntv television company, donetsk direction special operation. the state will provide the maximum. predictability of conditions for doing business, vladimir putin made such a promise, speaking at the congress of the russian union of industrialists and entrepreneurs. according to the president, positive trends are strengthening in the domestic economy, industrial production is growing, unemployment is at a record low level. a successful partnership between the state and business allows us to cope with external threats. the head of state named, for example, the adjustment of the tax system as measures to support entrepreneurship. new conditions will be recorded.
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daughter x5 runs the perekrestok, pyaterochka and chizhek stores, then business news and
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denis talalaev, denis, why is this needed, the ministry of industry and trade believes that foreign shareholders of the stores were a risk for the russians, today the moscow region arbitration court suspended the rights of the registered in the netherlands, the company x5 retail group on its russian subsidiary, x5 manages the perekrestok pyaterochka chizhik stores. to stop the rights of the dutch structure and forcibly re-register the x5 business in russia, the ministry of industry demanded a month ago. he assured that the shops have a foreign owner - this creates risks - quote: russia and its citizens. although, of course, x5’s foreign presence is only formal; it is a russian company, simply registered in the netherlands. x5 itself reported today that the company after the decision of the russian court carefully studies the consequences and options for action within the legal framework. they also clarified that the court decision does not affect trade operations in russia. in march, the russian division of x5
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was included by the government in the list of economically significant organizations that may fall under this very procedure of forced relocation to russia. so far there are six organizations on the list, including the parent company of alfabank, with which the ministry of finance launched a similar forced relocation procedure the day before. russian market shares are currently in cautious positive territory, investors are waiting. tomorrow's meeting of the central bank on the key rate, all this is superimposed on the fact that the may holidays are ahead and investors are unlikely to get involved in large purchases of shares. on the russian foreign exchange market, a new episode of the series about the strengthening of the ruble, apparently still starring exporters who sell foreign currency in preparation for paying taxes. the dollar at these minutes is 92.04, but today during trading the dollar has already become cheaper and dropped below 92. and the russian economy today the dzhinibekov cosmic effect was discovered. the discovery was made by the first deputy chairman
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of the board of vtb, dmitry pyanov. speaking about the prospects for tomorrow's meeting of the central bank on the key rate, he noted that despite the fact that the current key rate of 16% is high and should cool the russian economy, it, probably unexpectedly for the central bank , shows no signs of cooling. dmitry pyanov compared this situation with the ginny bekov effect, so he calls it. from a phenomenon described back in the 19th century, but often called by name soviet cosmonaut vladimir dzhenibekov. having tightened the nut in zero gravity, he noticed that it then, due to inertia, rotated somehow strangely and began to perform somersaults, periodically turning 180°. at home, the experiment can be done with a book or a tennis racket. if you throw them upside down , they turn around in the air, but if you throw them sideways, then nothing like that happens. physicists here will say that this is the instability of the rotation of a rigid body relative to the second main axis of inertia. a
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here, the first deputy chairman of the board of vtb, dmitry pyanov, draws his conclusion from such an independent rotation of the russian economy. and he assumes that tomorrow the central bank may in some form give a signal about tightening its policy. for example, he will say that the 16% rate will have to be maintained longer, or even admit that an even higher rate may be required to cool the economy. egor is all about economics. yes, thank you, denis talolaev with business news. the russian ministry of health has registered the world's first drug for the treatment of ankylosing spondylitis. this is completely domestic.
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high-tech medical care not included in the basic ums program. at the same time , the range of types and methods of high-tech treatment has expanded significantly. in addition, over the past year, the agency has developed seven new tests, including those for detecting tuberculosis, measles, rubella, and ratoviruses. some of the developments have no analogues in the world.
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russia's environmental policy should be based on modern technologies and artificial intelligence.
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should be used in our environmental activities. well, i would also like specific examples of some bowhead whales, an amazing
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animal. we will be doing two expeditions this year in order to understand how to support and preserve these. moscow, and we will continue broadcasting for other regions of central russia. employees of the fsb and the economic police exposed a gang of black financiers who... supposedly the group had been operating since the twentieth year and cashed out, among other things , amounts stolen during the execution of government contracts
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in different regions. the schemes were different for example, money was withdrawn by making transactions with precious metals from digital currency on a crypto exchange. it is reported that in total the gang cashed out at least 18 billion rubles. now the scores have been arrested and both the performers and organizers have been taken into custody. the ishim river captures new lands. the situation in the obatsky district of the tyumen region is becoming more and more difficult. the water level there yesterday exceeded the critical level and continues to rise sharply. near the village of obadskoe there was another +2 m during the day, where it was dry on wednesday morning. now this is the picture. water approached the dam, which was urgently erected to protect the tyumen-omsk federal highway, but so far the embankment is higher than the river level. emergency ministry employees regularly go around looking for dumbo. the opponents just discovered one of them, they sealed the hole, and pumped out the leaking water.
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in total, in the obat district there are more than twenty villages in the zone of possible flooding, many settlements are already cut off from the mainland, the district center also falls into the flood zone, here, depending on the water level in the ishim river, it can fall... flooding and inundation of up to 500 residential buildings, where more than one and a half thousand residents live. this is also the tyumen region, but on the bank of another irtysh river, in the zone of possible flooding, there are several more settlements. there is time before the big water arrives, so residents are building embankments near their houses and strengthening the coastline. another village is in the zone of a possible flood of the agidka river, the population there is also building a dam, rescuers are clearing the riverbeds from blockages that could interfere with the water... and this is footage from the middle urals in in the sverdlovsk region, the chusovaya river overflowed, houses were flooded, workers with heavy equipment widened the riverbed at night, directing water
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away from the settlements. to conclude the topic about those territories where the flood wave is behind us, about 300 houses were damaged in this microdistrict of orenburg. water still stands on the streets in basements. today the pumps started working in the microdistrict. work is underway to restore the water supply system in the city of orsk, which was one of the first to meet the blow of the elements the day before, several more wells were launched, however, clean water is not yet available in all areas; repair crews simply cannot get to some wells; the area is too swampy; even tracked vehicles get bogged down. well, at the same time , the fire season has already begun in 74 regions of the country. shaft fires are recorded using a space monitoring system and unmanned aircraft. the ministry of emergency situations emphasizes that 80% of natural fires occur due to human fault, with
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the onset of the summer season, and even during the may holidays, when barbecue is fried in almost every area, the risks increase many times. nikita korabenkov about simple fire safety rules and responsibility for violating them. the beginning of the season of dachas and barbecues, which has been going on without tragedies for a year, this house in naginsk near moscow burned down along with the owners, the fire from the barbecue spread to the home, it happened quite quickly, and i literally just a few minutes before that, as i sat down vow , everything was fine, then literally five minutes later he came up, sat down at the window to eat, and it was already blazing, okay, they died as a result of the incident the wife and their fourteen-year-old son, the source of the fire was located inside an extension to a residential building, its exact causes... will be established based on the results of a fire-technical examination, some kind of horror, the burning of dry grass brings no less trouble, the desire for order in the area for some summer residents take extreme
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forms, they prefer to burn last year’s dry vegetation, apparently they think that everything will work out for them somehow, this year, unfortunately, a man was injured from an unauthorized death in the kostroma region, received burns, he himself carried out such burnings and tried to extinguish them. suffered in the astrakhan region due to smoke from forest fires, children were evacuated from a children's hospital, several country houses have already burned down in the krasnoyarsk territory, so every year with the onset of heat in the countryside villages you can meet people in uniform, once a week they hold an explanatory meeting with everyone at the same time, the work is checked for compliance with fire safety rules, well, in principle, i have extinguishers and water. the pump hose has been removed from the well, violators are issued the fine reminds us that a special fire safety regime will soon be introduced in the region. the weather this year is also adding fuel to the fire.
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aviation forestry specialists. warn that the coming may and summer months will be hot, for the month of may we predict the occurrence of forest fires, the high probability of fires is due to the fact that we predict high air temperatures, lack of precipitation, early melting of snow, last year's dry grass is already appearing, it will quickly dries out even when sources of fire appear, and may arise... therefore, in such in the current situation, owners of country plots should be careful: last year’s tops should either be thrown into the trash or compost pit, the barbecue should be fixed on a concrete base, and the country residence itself should be prepared for a possible emergency. in addition to the fire alarm, the ministry of emergency situations staff recommend having a fire extinguisher like this on your site; if it is a powder one, be sure to turn it over periodically, otherwise it will simply become monolithic like a brick and will be
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absolutely useless, or at least have one. on my property there is such a two-hundred-liter barrel, always filled with water. nikita korabenkov, susanna prutchikova, vadim glushnitsky, nikolai malyagin, ntv. last year, another record was broken for transportation along the northern sea route of more than 36 million tons. the head of rosatom reported this to the prime minister. the state corporation is the infrastructure operator of the project. among other important results of the year for rusatom, alexey likhachev mentioned delivery to the customer. nuclear power plants, delivery of nuclear fuel to bangladesh and turkey. the head of rossatom also spoke about the situation at the zaporozhye npp. by according to him, serious work has been done in terms of safety at the station. defensive structures have been created around the fuel storage facility, backup diesel generators have been delivered, and the station is equipped with an anti-drone system. after the work carried out, we have no doubts about the safety of the zavorov nuclear power plant. the only thing that causes serious
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concern. these are periodic shellings, we have had flights over the past week to the roof of the training complex, to the roof of power units, all this is recorded representatives of magat, while these attacks continue, the risks of a nuclear accident at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant are not zero. according to likhachev, the city of energodar, where the station is located, has been taken under full guardianship and we can say that it has become the thirty-first nuclear city of russia. now it's small. and then look: and i, not me, and the neural network instead of me, state duma deputies propose to measure the products generated by neural networks, svetlana gordeeva will talk about the dangers of the capabilities of artificial intelligence. and the old mill no longer turns. parisian the moulinouche cabaret has lost its symbol, has it really been blown away by the wind? the weather forecast after the advertisement is about this.
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a restaurant, legendary chicken in rostix. it’s not easy to catch a pyro firebird, but to get a fire rate on a deposit at gazprombank of up to 16.5% everyone can do it annually. open a deposit on! if inflammation is complicated by fibrosis and the organ stops working normally, the smart enzyme langidase can help. langidase breaks down fibrosis , helps restore the functions of the organ, langinase, simply against fibrosis. recommended course, two packs. at bikfest you definitely choose a double cheeseburger for 99 rubles. and other offers at a very competitive price. and it’s even more profitable with 50% cashback from alpha bank. delicious period. welder of the sixth category georgy petrovich was distinguished by iron discipline. respect for petrovich grew, polyps grew, in 30 years he was never late for a shift, and i was late because bowel cancer was affecting the birder. guys, get a medical examination, free of charge, health is important here now. dna, today at
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17:50 on ntv. yes, i myself did not think that i would become a driver. i haven’t had time to look back for three years now. the schedule is free, there are orders, the money works out. it turns out that if i hadn’t tried it then, i wouldn’t have realized that this was mine, just like that, dad, the path of a taxi driver begins with yandex pro, every success starts with a dream, to do something of your own, the desire to stand out, the desire to act, to be distracted by the hustle and bustle, business works to make your cherished dream come true, start the path to your dream with sber, free account for business, isber business card with 10% cashback,
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sberbusiness bonuses, thank you, sberbusiness, iskrat greenbelt remedy for 60 types of insect pests greenbelt. a credit card works and is beneficial in any situation, an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and maintenance and notifications are free forever, which is why the credit card sbercard is the best in the country, get a credit card , everything will be the way you want, the boy’s word: blood on the asphalt, the final today at 23:00 on ntv. and again in moscow we awarded the winners of the “you're in the game” competition. it is dedicated to a project promoting sports and a healthy lifestyle. the competition was created within the framework of the national project demography and has existed for
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4 years. during this time, its participants submitted more than 16,000 ideas. according to the minister of sports, thanks to such a scale , the project has already become real over the years movement. more than 15 million. limited capabilities, well, in russia , a sports area for people with offers to label content created
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by artificial intelligence, mechanisms are being developed by the ministry of digital development, scammers are increasingly using this tool, hacking social networks, faking the voices and faces of russians, and asking relatives and friends on their behalf. money, what else are neural networks capable of now? svetlana gordeeva found out. when blogger anastasia bogdanova received a message from a friend asking her to borrow 15.00 rubles for mom’s card, she readily responded. i said that i deposited, transferred the check and laughed that she didn’t believe it and demanded a check from me, i said: or it’s scammers robbing me, but it was a joke at that time. the jokes ended when anastasia called her friend and asked to return the house, to which she told me: “nastya, i didn’t ask, i was broken into.” in telegram, with the development of the internet, fraud has reached a new level, now scammers, by hacking into an account , study how and in what words its owner communicates with friends, and voice messages they run it through neural networks, i’m in my early 20s, but i still fell for this
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story, because voice messages really inspire trust, scammers using neural networks even fake video messages, send them like a circle, ask for money to be transferred to certain things, but this... hooliganism compared to large deep fakes, this is the name for videos in which the face of one person is replaced with another using computer technology. one of the recent deep fakes left thousands of people devastated when it went viral. with video where elon musk urged viewers to buy a certain cryptocurrency, and people simply transferred all their savings to scammers, if you look closely at the movement of his lips and the way he says the words, you can see that he does not always get what he says correctly , but deep fakes are now scaring the whole world not even as a tool in the hands of scammers, but as a weapon of political strategists; one can recall a recent case in the usa when people allegedly received calls from biden asking them not to vote for his party, but at the same time neural networks are generating. .. incredibly creative products. for example, thanks to artificial
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intelligence, fans of the legendary band abba were able to see with their own eyes years ago. the main thing is to carefully design the mask, says alexey parfun, creator of russia's first deep facebook series "pame jason." in the story, jason staton bought a house in a russian village and decided to celebrate his anniversary there.
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in a leather jacket, in fact, that’s what came out of it. the authors of sora predict a revolution in the world of cinema and music, because according to them , in just a minute the neural network will be able to make a fifteen-minute film or clip without cameras, cameramen, directors and editors. neroset itself creates cinematic quality, the public is already excited. but what if in the near future such super technologies will again be used by scammers? state duma deputies propose to create a trap system for artificial intelligence, or rather for those who use generated video or audio for criminal purposes. what is important for us today is that russia has an effective system for identifying the use of artificial intelligence technologies in the production of videos, this is on the one hand, on the other hand we should have... responsibility, criminal liability for fraudsters who
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use artificial intelligence technologies, and lawyers remind us in order to understand the case of the use of neural networks for some crime, it is necessary to understand the neural networks themselves, those who carry out such investigations, representatives of the investigative committee, representatives of the prosecutor’s office, law enforcement agencies, special knowledge is required about how this system functions, so the second level is the training of all those who... decide how long it will take to create such a system is still unknown, but it is definitely needed and not only for to identify scammers, well, those who took the fashion, blurt out something, and then declare lightning and a neural network instead of me. svetlana gordeeva, yana fedorichova, anton molokoedov, denis shuisky, konstantin torop, ntv. the legendary red mill, no longer spins or spins. the parisian cabaret moulin rouch has lost its. the reasons for the emergency
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are still unknown, but the management of moulin roush says that there was no malicious intent. the moulin rouch was built at the end of the 19th century; it is the most famous cabaret in the world and one of the main attractions of paris. the posters for the establishment were written by the great vicious tulus latrec himself, the genius of post-impressionism. liza minnelli, they will be held in the northwest, here too, finally the temperature will move from dead
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center and rise to +15, but these indicators still pale in comparison to what’s happening in the middle zone: it’s almost july here, and not only in temperature, but in behavior, tomorrow it’s raining almost everywhere, in the center there are also thunderstorms with gusty winds, and even in northern yaroslavl it’s +21 , in tambov 25, it will warm up to 25 on the volga, in its middle reaches there is almost no precipitation. how paradoxical it is. the source of cyclones, the south will also remain practically without precipitation, the pressure is growing here, rain is possible only somewhere in the caucasus mountains, although the heat is no longer off the charts in krasnodar, not 35, but 31, but also... this is much above normal, in most cities up to +28, in crimea closer to twenty, dry and extremely warm weather calls for us to be very careful, especially since the holidays are ahead, the degree of fire danger is very high. about the weather in the capitals, in st. petersburg today +11-13, on saturday no precipitation is expected up to 15, but in moscow the next two days
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will pass with rain and thunderclaps, during a thunderstorm the wind can increase to 15 m/s. for the city this is a lot, be careful, tomorrow afternoon it will be +22, on saturday - +17. weather forecast from evgenia neronskaya. well, these are the main news at this time. thank you for being with us and see you later. now you can easily get up to 300,000 rubles. for any purpose. and the first payment is only in a month. the money will always be up to 300,000 rubles. for any purpose. get an ozone card and pay where. any deposit - the best interest rate in sberbank with clear conditions - this is a reliable and profitable way to increase your savings with a rate of up to 16% per annum; quick registration in the sberbank application; online deposit - the best interest rate with prime; it’s more profitable to fly to mars, we don’t have that kind of cosmocreep, so we’re flying to
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