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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 27, 2024 8:00am-8:21am MSK

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hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, in the yulia bekhtereva studio. russian troops in the zaporozhye region destroyed the firing positions of the nationalists. the strike was carried out by soldiers of the dnepr group using grad multiple launch rocket systems. and this is footage of the operation of su-34 fighters of the vostok group. the pilots attacked the strong point with unguided aerial bombs. the crews performed an anti-missile maneuver and returned to the departure airfield. under sentinel yar, usuri paratroopers saved from shelling strike drone. in the ssu a woman with children.
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nationalists attacked her car when she tried to leave a dangerous area. the family barely managed to get out. the russian military, who were nearby, came to the rescue. they used smoke bombs to cover civilians, beat up several enemy drones, but were wounded. the second group of russian servicemen evacuated everyone from the battlefield. air! the car was sent, captured equipment was delivered to the repair teams, which our military had knocked out at the ovdeevsky site. after inspection the military personnel came to the conclusion that the nationalists abandoned the vehicles when they could still be returned to service. amar magomedov was convinced of this. accordingly, the car drove into a minefield and an explosion occurred. this engineering vehicle based on the abrams tank was pulled out by the soldiers of the repair and evacuation battalion during the battle. the enemy is obvious. i didn’t expect such
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a rush, when i came to my senses, it was already too late, although i made attempts to repel the armored vehicles, sent drones, fired cassettes, ammunition, even sent special forces, to no avail, now they got down to business our engineers, we have already studied the dynamic protection of this sample, this dynamic protection is worse than ours, this is what the cabin of the abrams tank looks like, it’s quite cramped here, there’s very little space. apparently, there was a fire inside, some devices survived, and now our specialists from the military-industrial complex are removing them for study. the tank turned out to have plenty of vulnerabilities; it is heavier, weighing about 60 tons, does not overcome sticky soil well, is not repairable in field conditions and is technically difficult to control for inexperienced crew. by military standards, this model is almost new, manufactured in 2009, and is packed with electronics and thermal imaging equipment. the whole
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is equipped with a panoramic view, this is another american-made engineering vehicle, it also tried to pull the abrams tank out of the battlefield, but was noticed and attacked by kamikaze drones, this is how homemade drones for 30,000 disable armored vehicles worth hundreds of millions of rubles. if, in the case of the saboroms, the crew at least tried to set fire to the cabin and burn the electronic stuffing, then the men repairing the hercules recovery vehicle simply ran away, not counting the triplexes broken by shrapnel, and the mechanic’s work places. and the commander were preserved in almost perfect condition. the most interesting thing is that most likely the crew did not speak english well, and in order to somehow understand and not get confused, they wrote and duplicated the inscriptions here in ukrainian. it is known that the kiev regime received eight copies from the us army, two of them did not withstand harsh use in the donbass and were sent for repairs. two more were destroyed in the past year. this one was captured relatively recently by the assault units of the group of troops. to the center, the right
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track was jammed, we disengaged it by detonating it, and carried out engineering preparation of escape routes. the reaction to the capture followed immediately; the abrams were prohibited from appearing on the front line. the news from the pentagon seems to have shocked the entire ukrainian public; in an attempt to stop the advance of the russian army, they never became the superweapon on which they had high hopes. for 2 months. five american tanks, the fate of two is already known; they will join the museum of captured equipment. omar magomedov, rabatam bagomedov, ntv television company, avdeevsk direction of the special military operation. another monument to military glory was dismantled in ukraine. this time in the city of rovna, with particular cynicism, a few days before may 9 , an eight-meter sculptural composition dedicated to the victory over fascism was demolished. under applause, laughter, the figure of the soviet.
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a partisan soldier and a girl threw themselves off the pedestal. a three-meter bronze bas-relief was dismantled with the image of soldiers of the great patriotic war. the local mayor said that the memory of the feat of soviet soldiers will be sent for scrap metal, and the proceeds will be used to buy drones for neo-nazis. in ukraine, the fight against monuments is being carried out within the framework of the law on decommunization, which you adopted 9 years ago. during this time , almost 3,00 objects were demolished and 50,000 streets were renamed. in the tyumen region. the water level in the ishim river continues to increase, in the area of ​​the village of obatskoye it has almost reached 12 m. the day before , rescuers discovered a leak in the dam, which protects the federal highway tyumen-omsk. work to strengthen the protective structure lasted all night ; reverse traffic was organized on the highway.
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in the region, about 200 residential and more than 500 country houses, several thousand household plots were flooded. more than 5,000 people were evacuated from dangerous areas. in the orenburg region, the flood is receding; almost 3.00 houses there were freed from water within 24 hours. large-scale work is underway in the region, cleaning and disinfection are being carried out, and the supply of light, water and gas is being restored. according to the forecasts of the governor, vorsk, the victims from the flood of the house, the house will be fully connected to communications within 2-3 weeks. and powerful tornadoes hit the united states. the storm is raging in three states: iowa, texas and nebraska. according to local media, three people have already been injured by the hurricane, it tore off roofs from houses and overturned cars, several train cars derailed in nebraska, and according to forecasts, the hurricane will reach its peak power today. strong gusts of wind
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and large hail are expected in the storm zone. exactly 50 years ago, on april 27 , 1974, the first komsomol members they went straight from the kremlin to construction. in just a few hours, 600 people from this hall in the kremlin palace will go straight to the yaroslavsky railway station in moscow to become pioneers of the baikal amur mainline. from the heroic working class,
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from labor veterans, heroes of the five-year plans, the detachment commander viktor lakomov is presented with a red banner. viktor lakomov was appointed commander that day. link that connected the eastern-western sections of the highway, in the seventy-fourth from the ship nabam the first detachment arrived at the beginning summer, taiga all around, no roads, no houses, at first only tents, it was lakomoy’s brigade that not only laid the first of 400 km of railway, but managed to equip the village of stars in the irkutsk
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region before the frosts, please accept my heartiest congratulations on such an outstanding day of your life in the st. petersburg museum of railway transport has a rich collection of documents and 2.0 photographs about the construction of the century. sharply continental climate, from -60 to +40. temperature changes, that is, the amplitude is about 100° throughout the year. yes, 100°. that is, of course, it is a miracle that it was all built. the bam runs north of the trans-siberian railway through eastern siberia and the far east. along the way, this highway is one of the largest in the world. crosses 11 rivers and seven mountain ranges. and in total there are about... 10 tunnels on pusibama. and the largest of them is severomoisky. 15.343 m. the tunnel builder was cutting through a total of a quarter of a century. today bam is not just a monument to the feat of soviet komsomol members, but also a strategic highway with access to the pacific coast ocean. an alternative to the more southern trans-siberian railway
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is the key route of the so-called eastern testing area. now additional second tracks are being laid on the single-track bam, which means new backup tunnels will be required. this drawing shows. the entire route of the severomolsky tunnel with all the near-tunnel structures has four tunneling shafts. much attention is also paid to the electrification of bam. the first stage has already been completed. during the implementation of the project he came to us. apply new approaches, this includes the invention of new high-voltage supports, more than 90 m high, it’s like a thirty-story building, in the first stage we have built more than 2.0 km of power lines, the main facilities will be completed this year, the bama development project is designed until the middle of the next decade, already in 2032 the volume of traffic along the updated highway should exceed 270 million tons, but bam is a story not only about logistics, it’s also tens of thousands of destinies
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whose life line has become the railway, for me bam is just a great time, bam is my happy road, our lightness, many komsomol members, having left that very historical congress straight to the construction site of the century, decided not to return, so along the future baikal-amur highway in the wilderness of the siberian taiga, dozens of new ones appeared... an unusual tourist trend is gaining popularity in crimea. according to local residents, travelers increasingly began
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to come to the peninsula specifically to look at the blooming of lavender and rare red book tulips, as well as take photos or shoot videos right in the field. local authorities and businessmen have already responded to such a request and developed special tours. rostislavsky found out how they are ready to surprise guests. and professional photography at the same time. you'll see everything on ntv. first stop. on the crimean tour of this pair of travelers, the apuk nature reserve not far from kerch. tourists from kaliningrad and chuvash came here for photographs in a flower field. i have a friend who is a photographer, she generally knows all the places. but they didn’t know that there were such beautiful beaches here. and in general, we hung out here, of course. the main characters of their photo shoot are hiding among rapeseed and grass, these are red book tulips schrenk. as scientists recently established, no, not british, crimean breeders of the nikitsky botanical garden. these steppe... holy ancestors of all tulips in the world. from here, from the shores of crimea, in ancient times they dispersed
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throughout the world on merchant ships. in their homeland, they behave very modestly in the wild; they bloom for only 2 weeks, but this year, due to the abnormally warm spring, even less. you will see them even like this, seeing them. great luck. the flower tourism trend this year was picked up by the authorities of the peninsula and launched project "throw in crimea". this is a website with a calendar and maps of the flowering of naturally vibrant photozones. and a series of events in gardens, parks, museums and theaters, etc. in the hotels of the peninsula, but together we have really formed this as a separate project, which is supported by accommodation facilities and special prices, discounts on accommodation during this period, and the may holidays, we understand that we will be very busy, but this one the period is basically april, may, june, it is fantastically beautiful in the region, like in fact, the whole year. the tourism business spiced up this idea with its corporate style; in the japanese garden of one of the largest hotels on the southern coast of crimea, the blossoming of white sakura was celebrated with a musical picnic. in the nikitsky botanical garden it is bright even in winter, when, for example, cacti bloom, to
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say nothing of spring, every day a new landscape, the flowering of wisteria was celebrated here with a ballet and a concert, opening the musical season of the project bloom in crimea. what could be more beautiful than a blooming garden, blooming flower beds, flowering plants, combined with musical projects, this... yes, very beautiful and cool. very soon the peninsula will become even brighter, the season of wild peonies, rapeseed, sage, daisies, poppies and lavender is approaching, photo zones right next to the highway. for the exclusive, red book flowers in the frame, you will have to go to the reserves of crimea, along dusty roads, far from civilization. plants listed in the red book bloom quickly, they may not bloom at all due to weather conditions, but you can literally come to the ends of the earth, such as namysapug, and walk several tens of kilometers over rough terrain in hopes of meeting and being. isn’t even not seeing the treasured plants at all a real adventure? rastislav skidan, alexander
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solovenko, dmitry mezintsev and oleg shalya, ntv television company. republic of crimea. and that's all by this time. stay on ntv. what is missing for construction? easy to find on avito sale. hurry up to buy construction supplies at discounts. up to 60%. all that remains is to build. avito, take it on sale and build it. take care of your snow. melatonin is the northern star. sleep well. now you can easily get up to 300,000 rubles for any goals, and the first payment is only in a month, the money will always be up to 300,000 rubles for any purpose, get it on an ozone card and pay anywhere. i like that you can control tipleco from your phone. the heater has high efficiency, does not burn oxygen and is absolutely fireproof. only now tiples heater at a special price.
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this, in its national cuisine there is not a single fish treat, the most famous dish. here and you know it for sure, it’s soy, because that’s how the word adjika is translated, you already understood everything, zeromas absny, hello, abkhazia, lake ritsa, stalin’s dacha, gek waterfall, today we won’t show you everything... well because you already know these places, that’s why i started the program in the classic way, hello, tick, you 're going to die. i had to refuse, we have a different goal today, i want to show you a little-known location in abkhazia. my plans for this trip are to be in a cauldron that fits
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in the palm of my hand.


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