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tv   Legavii-2  NTV  April 28, 2024 5:40am-6:31am MSK

5:40 am
i’ll tell you everything there, only i ask you, be careful, you don’t know how to cook cabbage soup, or let’s go, in conclusion, i want to inform you that i committed all the above-described serious crimes for financial reward on the personal instructions of colonel of the ministry of state security igor pavlivker . with whom he served time in a correctional camp. usha 4832 in the period from forty to fifty-third. signed by hand. what do you think? all this looks like a fake opera. well, where is this man now, huh? died, ramses, died, well then, your papers are worthless, such bullshit, any shkket can make them. i think
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it’s not bullshit, he describes the topic with the redhead accurately, but it won’t take long to check the rest, i also think so, well, it turns out that the colored people fooled us, that this makrushnik radkevich, together with that peacocking colonel, hoped for one zone where there was gangrene and a yard, isn’t it gangrene, well, you never know who ended up with anyone, so what do you want to say about this, otherwise what did this colonel throw away?
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well, you'll tell us everything, come on, bazaar lie down, puzzles, everyone, lie down, i have nothing to lose, you stupid bitch, lie down, you won’t wait, you nit.
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here's a bitch, well, there's another question for me, motherfucker, chalay, what's up with this, and nikot, oops, an hour of joy, lads, circus, listen, you fucking magician, even i fell for it, yeah, before that it's necessary catch up, my business is taken over, i myself, come on, follow me, niku, the main thing is don’t interfere, i ’ll figure it out myself, listen, maybe there’s no need to snort, he ’s not a gift either, i said don’t interfere, i understand, i understand, come on closer.
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that's it, slow down!
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what are you doing, i told you not to interfere, but i’ll tell you he said that he was a gift for me, now for sure. let's go,
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and this regiment just said that he came for my soul, so he said, i need a miller at any cost, oh you, just at any cost, yes, nothing. i sinned so much before him, that’s what he forgot to say, but it just seems to me that he doesn’t need you, but why you decided so, and the wrong caliber, you are a figure for a whole colonel from the central apparatus of the mgb to come after your soul . he didn’t come out with a purr, sort of, and i also realized that he was in a hurry, so the matter was serious. so what, well, judge for yourself if if it was you that he needed, then what ’s the rush, he’d put me under pressure in a couple of weeks, split me to the ass, there’s such a curtsy, he’ll give me free rein if i bring him to you,
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and what does that mean, and the fact that he doesn’t have time means this can only do one thing: he needs someone who, in the very near... time , must go beyond the cordon through you, but keep quiet , so, but what benefit does this have for you, the most direct, if a person is being hunted at such a level , that means he’s not leaving empty, and your services aren’t cheap, and i’m also sure that he’s carrying something with him that the mgb will pay for are you ready to even come to an agreement with the devil, just to not let him leave? how do you say the last name of this half-con? bozhenin, roman lvovich. by the way, with him is the moscow opera that swaddled me last time. and then he was looking for my friend, andryushka zhukov, whom i brought together with you. and the opera's last name is kozyrev. here, too, you know
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, we don’t eat without our paws. okay, what do you want? third. you’ll get a fifth share, boil it, how cheap do you value yourself, a quarter, good, as soon as you start doing with it, the half-can will get you out of the ground, if this is your business he won’t burn out, the bosses will eat him without salt, then he’ll definitely have no time for me, do you think that the miller’s lair is at the lighthouse, are they too impudent, well, why not? everyone thinks that he is sitting in the catacombs, but he has built a nest right under the noses of the local authorities, besides, there may be an entrance to the catacombs, and access to the sea is convenient, i agree, but there is no point in taking the miller alone, what should we do? i don’t know, i only know one thing, because
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they were in a hurry with the mestizo, the denouement could come in the next day, two at most, well, well, let’s say, in the lifter... he appeared and then there were at least three people with him, there’s no one knows how many there are at the lighthouse, and we have six guns, it turns out that it’s still impossible to do without outside help, so how can you imagine this, where will we get this help? i have no idea, so i understand too, thank you, yanera, thank you, when is the funeral, the day after tomorrow the relatives should drive up from rostov, the grooms? you haven’t grown up, everything is fine, he’s just very busy now, an iron woman, it’s time for her to howl now, but he has no tears, when it’s all over,
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we need to somehow organize help, after all, what are we going to do? well, for now, wait, here you go, go back to the lighthouse, tomorrow morning my guys will relieve you, and i’ll call moscow and try to ask for help. even if it happens, it will not be earlier than tomorrow, and if the transition is tonight, well, if the transition is tonight, then, then according to the situation, well, what can you do, i understand, it means that this fairy tale is coming out, which they here in the past once they sang, we must divide by...
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well, you said it yourself, guys, they are dashing, the shooting will begin, during the day the city noises will be muffled, and at night any sneeze will be heard for 10 vers, and during the day they will be less afraid, so what, you hatched, go get the guys some work, wait, they came to these with news of the wet, well, that’s all got up, go, come on.
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i don’t want to, what about myself? i won’t, why don’t you eat anything? i don’t want to, after all, after all, i ’ve been worried about a lot lately because of the fact that i didn’t even think about it before. for example, well, for example, where does the money come from? “that is, money didn’t smell like that to you before, it didn’t smell like that, so what, what prompted you to such deep thoughts, oh, how curious, interesting, and why am i, come on, come on, igor, stop explaining, you know, sometimes it seems to me that behind this..." mask and buffoon, you are hiding your fears, and what am i afraid of, everything, and you run,
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run, headlong, it’s baby, it’s not fears, it’s just an instinct of self-preservation, it is inherent in any living organism, from bacteria to cochelot, you’re still afraid, yurki kozyreva , you’re afraid. well, he’s smarter than you, here you’re right, partly, i’m not afraid of kozyrev, but i’m afraid if at one time i if i hadn’t promised someone that i wouldn’t touch him, then i wouldn’t be sitting now in this shack, in an office with a secretary, and with a dozen adjutants, yes, yes... with general’s shoulder straps, so you know what, put it in keep your thoughts to yourself, and don’t
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bother me with breakfast, you’re still afraid of him. you just broke up, you were planning to spend the winter here, but you decided to grab the owners, we’ll leave, they ’ll come back, it’s all a relief to people because their pants are full.
5:56 am
as for money, man, man is a wolf, that's for sure, you won't have time to sneeze, like naked in they will let africa in, they are like that, these sharks of capitalism, this is not for you to paw other people’s women, you murlo, shut your mouth, but by the way, i have long wanted to see what you are capable of, then you keep puffing up, puffing up. i wanted to look, then look, put it aside, that’s it, that’s it, calm down, but who are you,
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a scarecrow? man of god, covered in leather, would like to whisper, master, okay, go. so everyone run to me, the transition is today, by 16:00 you need to be at the lighthouse, and why should they have been at 16:00 at night, i don’t like all this, this is exactly what we need to discuss, well, some other nuances, so
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that's it, get yourself in order, general gathering in an hour, don't relax. that's all i have the right to tell you in brief, so how? help, well, this time your bosses are neither in ear nor in spirit, but it just so happens, something often works out too well for you, work, and what kind of work is this if you hide everything from your bosses, or you have your own job, and the bosses have their own
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, and so on, whose job is this? always, he also respected you very much, listen, styopa, tell me, and there will be, well, this one, who is denis? it will be, it will definitely be, you will show it to me,
6:00 am
it’s good when, well...
6:01 am
i advise you not to drive more than forty, but they fine you, congratulations, now you can see it, cool, and what a fuss, this emelya is not... lying on the stove , great yumila, what are you doing? i push combat physical training and don’t eat kalachi, so you don’t have enough money for food, everything goes to the girls, because he had the most charismatic opera in the department, let’s show what kind of character you have, and you are three heroes, here this is funny, you don’t know how to use my bladed weapon, yes, now i ’ll get you, and i warned you, oleg gas, so guys, let’s not la-la, emelya, stock up on popcorn, watch ringer, tomorrow at 19:30 on
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ntv, mask , new season, today at 20:20 on ntv. pain can be different, no matter what caused the pain, if there is pintalgin, a universal remedy against different types of pain. can we do without? closing a loan is like a holiday; it’s customary to give gifts on holidays, and tinkof gives you a great gift, money. apply for a loan from tinkof until the end april, make all payments on time and we will return 5% of the interest rate in cash. we approve of your plans. for headaches there is ascafen p, at an affordable price. and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen when you have a headache. to combat heartburn and pain in the stomach, carefully coat its walls. almagel. knows its stuff for heartburn and stomach pain. order medicine with discounts at as we age, changes in vision can change the way things are done. toufon is created to nourish,
6:03 am
restore, preserve youthful eyes, it is recommended to use daily for 3 months. touphone is now in new packaging, especially for course use. try investing in stenkov and continue if you like it. open an account with tenkof investments and receive a starting rub 50,000 from the bank. you receive income from this amount. and if it does not exist, then there is no need to compensate for losses. tinkov investment is just tinkov. peace of mind, it is priceless, it can be lost due to a lack of magnesium, but magnelis b6 forta is available at an affordable price. magnelis b6 forta contains twice as much magnesium fortified with vitamin b6. twice as many pills to take. magnelis b6 forta - affordable magnesium for your peace of mind. dream job in the office or at home? possibilities.
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your dream. everything with sber, open a free account for business and connect to the sber business loyalty program, thank you, receive 10% cashback bonuses for purchases with a sberbusiness card and bonuses for account transactions. sberbusiness. the stars aligned today immediately after musk’s show on ntv. ntv continues casting for the eighth season of the international children's vocal show. you are super. it's a dream. starts flying and will definitely find happiness, we give a chance to children left without parental care to get on the big stage and change their lives, believe in yourself, because you are super, fill out applications on the website, well, how is the situation? but for now it seems calm, your guys are on duty there now and
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roofing with him. well, what about your bosses? the authorities? the authorities think, they generally like to think, especially about how to cover their ass, it turns out the same thing for you, but i thought state security is not so, what is it not? well, how is it, a warm heart, a cool head, clean hands, but you come out of the same gate that the whole people, even worse, it turns out, there will be no wolfhounds, i don’t know, i don’t know, i’m afraid that i’ll have to rely only on my own strength. well, since there are no dogs, then the dog is with them, a pack of greyhounds will do, what a pack, in the form of a commandant’s company with double ammunition, and most importantly, without unnecessary questions, and where is this company, like where in the commandant’s office, raised on alarm, armed to the teeth , the commandant is waiting for an order, so why are we standing here, well, behind me, then behind me,
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the commandant’s office is there. well then, lead the way, i’m approaching. i hope everyone remembers everything, repeat no need, well, good , great, equal, mortal, alignment to the right.
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comrade captain of the first rank, you are free to resign a separate commandant company, i ask you, comrade colonel, comrade sailors, you and i have a particularly important task to complete, the task of blocking a group of armed, especially dangerous state criminals, in case of resistance, fire to kill, and most importantly, all items found in the possession of criminals, and especially valuable documents , must be delivered to me personally, i repeat, everyone, and for me personally, those who have especially distinguished themselves will be presented with government awards, i have everything, start loading, zero op, car run, march! we start at my
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signal, the two of you go there, you can go with them, you meet there, you respectively go here, and the three of us will go there, so quickly, don’t spare cartridges, shoot as necessary, let’s go, look, they’re fussing, which means they’re waiting for someone... then, it looks like it, and obviously not for a visit, but if ours don’t make it in time. so we’re working on our own, what’s wrong with you? there are so many of them they will crumble us into vinaigrette, well then let's die the death of the brave, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, don't be afraid, it's been worse, we'll figure it out, let's get the other one both here, quickly,
6:11 am
oh, you bitch fuck! shuah talks about the matter for a long time, my respects to the fort people,
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let’s do without curtsies, let’s get straight to business. well, don’t tell me, slubyanka is already the sovereign’s business, which means the price is higher, well, don’t pull the cat by the tail, call the price, and you , my dear, let me look at it first, and then we’ll babble about the price, dear, it’s possible .
6:13 am
well done, let's talk, but how, of course, just talk now, i'll do it, but they have nothing, it’s fun, maybe they’ll crush each other, we’ll have to work less and less, and if we come to an agreement, then we have to... make sure that we don’t agree, are you stupid? where is the fool, are you disturbing? motherfucker, who shot?
6:14 am
it seems to me that they shot, well now, now let him negotiate, let’s leave. okay, then we’ll figure it out, you hear me, tell your caudle to shut up, bro, stop the pain, now we’ll settle everything here, otherwise i see you won’t be humane, kolya, but what to do, i also want to be rich, i’m for this wealth i sold my soul to the devil, and i sold you, such a rotten thing.
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persuade them to surrender, if not, then i understand, the personnel should take positions, and what the hell is this, i’m a colonel of the ministry of state security. you are surrounded by resistance is useless, i propose to lay down your arms and surrender, i guarantee everyone’s life, otherwise you will be destroyed, there’s a minute to think about it, time has passed, well,
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we’ll give up, but i have no reason, there is another way out, there is, only it’s not possible to leave quietly, but this is a fixable matter, so what? are you with me or what? or how? 30 seconds left, because i really need you i loved it, i hope you will appreciate it someday.
6:17 am
6:18 am
we're leaving. slana petrovna, good afternoon,
6:19 am
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6:24 am
follow me, sasha, suitcase, here.
6:25 am
zhenya, where is he? he left, where? we’ve already gone so far that these are your vaunted catacombs, we still need to get to them, huh? we opened this entrance about 30 years ago, just in case, so what are we doing now, it’s not worth poking into the city, i have one cache here, it’s just too far to walk, but why? on foot, go, run, north,
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faster! back, there’s a sea around the rock, it’s unlikely he’ll go far, he’ll have to cross the place.
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faster, sasha, press! your armor is far away, over 20, well then excuse me, go to bed.
6:28 am
i hope this will count for me, roman lvovich, it will count, sasha, it will definitely count.
6:29 am
a black loaf without a dacha, thank you.
6:30 am


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