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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 28, 2024 4:00pm-4:21pm MSK

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the level of the ishim river in the tyumen region is rising along its entire length, where the peak of the flood is expected today. student america has been swept by pro-palestinian protests, almost all universities in the country are holding rallies, alexey veselovsky. from usa. coconut-sized hail causing severe damage and loss of life in guangzhou province, china. not just stops. artists of crimea ask the authorities of the peninsula to preserve the mosaic pavilions, but they are legally demolished. this is, in fact, the same mosaic. what is special about these stops, why is it not special? is always valuable for culture, rastislavsky dan understood. and the watch of the richest
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passenger of the titanic was sold at auction, as much as they paid for the most expensive item found on the sunken liner. hello, you are watching the news on ntv, in the egor kalyvanov studio. a division of the group of russian troops-center occupied the village of novabakhmutovka in the dpr, according to a new report from the ministry of defense. in addition, russian troops destroyed hangars with attack unmanned aerial vehicles at the kamenko airfield in the dnepropetrovsk region, warehouses with ... stationary ammunition and aviation equipment at the airfields of the chernigov and khmelnytsky regions, as well as temporary deployment points for foreign mercenaries. russian air defense shot down 46 ukrainian drones with five us-made atak missiles. obadsky district of the tyumen region is going under water. the ishim river there is now called the abad sea, and the tyumen-omsk federal highway, which is backed by the stream, is the riviera. the water level in ishim has increased throughout the day, in some places by just a few centimeters, and in others by more than.
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it was split in half, this is the only means of communication between the two parts of the peak flood, they were waiting there a couple of days ago, but contrary to forecasts, the water continues to remain. what is the condition of your home now? it’s okay, the water didn’t even reach my garden. and this is the kurgan region, where the rivers are returning to their channel. at the beginning of the flood, we talked about how water-filling dams were installed in the region, these are sleeves that are stretched and filled with water, creating a barrier in the path of the river. here is the reverse process from the left. sleeves
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are rolled up. israeli operation in the city of rafah could begin in the next few days, and the world will witness the largest disaster in the history of palestine, said palestinian president mahmoud abas. judging by the footage transmitted from the south of the gaza strip, along the border with the enclave, israel is concentrating armored vehicles. there are now several million palestinians in the city. anti-government protests took place in israel itself, thousands of people in tel aviv demanded the resignation of netanyahu's cabinet due to the inability of politicians to return home israeli hostages, in the usa the real the problem has become an emerging problem in the united states, the real problem has become the growing protests in support of palestine, students and university professors. during numerous protests , over 700 people have already been arrested, but despite the fact that security forces are using tough measures, the riots do not subside. alexey veselovsky understood the campus intifada. threaten
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american democrats. beginning on the campus of columbia university in new york, student protests in support of palestine have now spread to almost all american universities. stanford, yale, princeton, harvard, dozens of others, everywhere now palestinian flags are flying and anti-israeli slogans are heard. the peaceful protest very quickly escalated into a confrontation with the police when they decided to restore order. just in the past few days, police at atlanta university used tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse protesters. dozens of people were arrested, including the dean of the local philosophy department and a professor of economics. both women clearly posed no threat to law enforcement. the police are not i was figuring out who to grab, but in osten, where the university of texas is located, cameramen from a local tv channel were arrested, he simply turned out to be too much. close to the police,
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rubber batons are used, the protesters are trying to escape, not everyone succeeds, but the rally is still going on. and organized a program to work with this, i also condemn those who do not understand what is happening to the palestinians, but will the president be able to sit on these two chairs, they are right, they are sure that the condoning and blm movement, on the same campuses of cancel culture, the democrats they themselves have laid a time bomb under themselves , which is now quite capable
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of canceling them themselves, biden’s pro-palestinian protesters do not call anything other than jogenocide and are not going to vote for him. some democrats say it's true. in the protests there seems to be another russian intervention, of course, to help trump. it is in putin’s interests that you know who wins. i believe in the sincerity of many of the demonstrators, but some of this i think has a russian flavor as it relates to the elections. the rights respond with accusations against the billionaire george soros, allegedly he finances some pro-palestinian organizations behind the protests, which means that all this is being done on purpose, but it is not clear which... american universities with israel, to break off all scientific and financial ties , conservatives propose to cut off their funding altogether. the democratic
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party brought hitler jugent to our campuses, and i want to say, america, are you tired of paying for this, we need a movement to boycott, expose. marxists and islamists. meanwhile, protests continue to grow and universities are slowly starting to cancel their may graduation ceremonies. alexey vasilovsky, aviaabramov, alexander dzekin, ntv. usa. a resident of nizhny novgorod faces a prison sentence for saving a teenager. egor shchebakov saw how an adult man beat a schoolboy and intervened in the conflict, as a result of which the attacker’s jaw was broken. the teenager’s mother agreed to forgive the offender on the condition that he would not make counterclaims, but the man did not keep his word and filed a statement with the police, and now the man who saved the schoolboy faces 3 years
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in prison. people have the right to details of this story in the program immediately after our release. they save thousands of lives every day. ambulance workers celebrate their professional holiday today. svetlana gordeeva about the conditions in which those who are always on duty sometimes have to work. even if this is not a super intensive care vehicle, and the only equipment it has is a paramedic’s bag, but this team will even get to the north pole, you can’t drive, they will go on foot, and if necessary, they will swim. there is taiga all around, there are practically no roads. around the village of partizanskoye is really tens of kilometers of taiga, in which tiny ones are hidden. villages, an alarming call came from one: a guy fell from a tall tree somewhere in an impassable thicket, we made our way through dense thickets, walked through a swamp, we had to cross the manu river more than once. we probably crossed the mana three times and passed the gto standards. while elena
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was waiting for the ambulance helicopter to provide assistance, san sanich and the locals made fires. there’s a fire so that he can see us, that means there’s a helicopter, a second fire, because we need it was so that the patient could warm up. to the station. ambulance elena and san-sanoch returned only 9 hours later to go to a new call. often the ambulance driver is not just a driver, but a full-fledged participant in the rescue mission. when it became clear to felcher ruslan erulin that the patient with a heart attack needed to be urgently taken to the hospital, the driver helped carry him. our patient was on the fifth floor, and we carried him from the fifth floor together with the driver. the main thing is to act quickly, without panic and emotions. this is what ruslan teaches his students in medical college. there's still counting here. for minutes even, it really goes for seconds. automation of the ambulance system also helps save people; even in small towns, paramedics have tablets with electronic patient records, and dispatchers can use special programs to find the car closest to the patient’s address. in moscow ,
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artificial intelligence has been searching for hospital teams for a long time. well, for example, a patient had a heart attack, perhaps there is a hospital nearby, but there, for example, an operation is currently taking place, our system understands this sends the brigade to another. they love to see a number of ultrasound diagnostic devices for pregnant women, the mother is so happy when we show them this baby swimming, the heart is beating, here is a device that does chest compressions: you can resuscitate the patient even when the car is rushing to the hospital. svetlana gordeeva, irina lemkina, alena antonova, vladislav dubovitsky, valentina abramenkova, ntv. heavy hail hit the city of guangzhou in southern china. some hailstones were simply huge, the size of coconuts, falling the ice looked like... the bombing caused great damage, more than 140 plants and factories were damaged, building windows, shop windows and
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cars were broken. according to preliminary data , five people were killed and more than thirty were injured. a gold pocket watch from john astaire, the richest passenger on the titanic and one of the richest people of that time, was sold at an auction in great britain for $1.5 million. the clock has become the most.
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the fate of all these pieces was to get lost in the chest of construction waste, this is in fact, the same mosaic that i showed you in the photos, in the tablet of a ural designer who moved to the peninsula 4 years ago, there are more than 100 photographs of crimean mosaics, there are also a lot of mosaics scattered throughout the rest of crimea, which are worthy of attention, well, preservation from this count crimea's stopping problem begins: neither the number of art pavilions, nor their condition, nor their cultural value is known. pavilions with mosaic stops, they are common objects of capital construction and do not fall within the competence of the ministry of culture. this means that a stop, even one that is unique in appearance, but not recognized by experts as valuable for culture, can be legally demolished during road repairs or recognized, for example, as an emergency stop. social activists on the southern coast of crimea are calling on officials to reconsider their approach and admit it.
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one of seven stops on the south coast highway taken under state protection, the facade was repaired here and, of course, the mosaic was updated. in the opposite direction olushtinsky, similar artistic there are no fewer stops, but they look completely different. what these pavilions will look like in a few years without state protection can be guessed by visiting yevpatoria. the good story of the monumentalism of the seventies, a bird flying to freedom, has been preserved, but only on one wall and that one, which, apparently, has not seen repairs for several decades. now.
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received a non-standard order to develop a sketch of a mosaic pavilion in masandra. well, she was so colorful, joyful and cheerful. well, unfortunately this stop was doomed back in 2009. this place has been rented out. it's just a pity, because there's not much beauty in the world. igor glodkikh disassembles the mosaic, or rather what remains of it after the demolition of the stop, into fragments, so it is more convenient to separate the valuable smalt from the cement, which the artist will again put into creative circulation. i have this idea, to make a floral ornament, that’s where it will be used, actually smalt, which was previously used in mosaics, which has already been destroyed and which i will put into use again. the artist jokes, if only the builders knew how much he has work to do, they would have handled the stop more delicately and more slowly, but it’s unlikely that would have happened then. completed in one working day. rastislav skidan, alexander solovenko, dmitry mezintsev and oleg shalya. ntv television company. republic
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of crimea. the results of the week will be summed up on ntv at 19:00. and that's all for me. there is a weather forecast ahead. thank you for being with us and see you later. sometimes you expect one thing, but get something completely different. what are you dreaming about? but what you get is not at all what you get, and it happens that you are just waiting for a convenient office, but you get the best one. alfabank, in every office. the best bank. now you can easily get up to 300,000 rubles. for any purpose. and the first payment is only in a month. the money will always be up to 300,000 rubles. for any purpose. get an ozone card and pay anywhere. submit an application for free gas supply to the border of your
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there are still a couple of days until the end of the month, and we have june indicators. more or less within the calendar framework. in murmonsk in arkhangelsk is not higher than +5, there are still frosts in orkutye and naryanmar, but the north-west will finally warm up in the warm southern currents, an anticyclone has come to the rescue, dispersed the clouds, light rains will occur in petrozavodsk, and it will be cool there +9, but in pskov in velikiy novgorod is +20, on the baltic coast, in kaliningrad almost 25. in the center during these pre-holiday days, the atmospheric pressure is rising and the sun is actively warming, from kaluga to voronezh +18. 20. there will still be rain in the volga region, but they will be sporadic; in nizhny novgorod tomorrow there will be no clouds in the sky and +17, in samara it will get colder to +14 and it will be cloudy. but... in the south the weather is unstable, there is a local cyclone, there will be short rains in the lower reaches of the don, thunderstorms are not excluded, in rostov-on-don +25, novossiysk there will be a very strong wind and also.


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