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tv   Marlen  NTV  April 29, 2024 6:55am-8:01am MSK

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i’m delighted, i won’t write a statement, the world is not simple, not at all simple, you can’t escape from the storm in it, you’ve grown up, you can’t escape in it from the strong south and from separation from the endless sound. maestra is a gift today, i’m glad that you like my beautiful mistress, i like it when you call me that, i miss you, we can’t be distracted. i don’t care,
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how wonderful for you, i’m glad, now according to the schedule, we have a big corporate party for the employees of the central bank on thursday, yeah, on friday a bachelorette party for officials from the administration of the southern district, permanent clients, plus two anniversaries, one birthday girl, by the way. uh-huh, my massage therapists anton, they’ll raise the dead, your manager will raise her, i’ll notice with the clients, you’ll fly out in all four directions, i hope i didn’t interfere, dear, i’m almost ready, so huh... yup, you’ll take the car,
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yes, show me off, semyonovna , can i come to you, valeria igorevna, in... yes, enjoy a light steam, how do you like it today? phew, great. insman, i have a trip to the islands, but my figure is not the same, i was thinking about taking an intensive course, working on the problem every day, and wanted to know if i could get a discount get? well, well, for you, of course, you are a regular customer, sign up at the reception. thank you, all the best, goodbye, all the best.
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godish decided to take my place, oleg sergeevich, what kind of nonsense? inna semyonovna, my boss, you are her husband, take your hands off, i'm watching you, bastard, fuck you!
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marlin georgievich, how are you here? what are you doing here, pasha? yes, i wanted to ask asya a couple of questions, about the money that went missing from the lawyer. pasha, you know, my detector works not only on criminals, do you want to suggest a trip to... well, go straight to
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theater. yes, i just thought that i could help her, but purely for educational purposes. you want to insist on the true path, so what, pasha, huh? i was hooked by a lost soul, yes, just like you, marlen georgievich, that is, colonel, marlyan georgievich, where are you, you know, andrei sergeevich, pasha and i are always at work, but not always in our office, here it’s such a spicy situation , a man disappeared, the husband of the owner of the complex, he had with him the monthly revenue of the establishment and in a word... gandhi is already working, come on and get started, that’s not all of course it’s fascinating, but theft is not really my profile, you know, it’s all in the blood, marlene, we can’t help but react at all, what kind of talk is this, mine, not mine, i was urgently asked, here the wives of such people come to this spa, what tomorrow the entire internet
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will know whose wives used which brooms, so come on, this is a special case, gentlemen. everything is under control, you are not a quitter at all, you can’t escape from a storm, from a grouse, you can’t escape from a strong blow, and from separations, from bitter separations, but besides, what can you say, traces there is no struggle, there are no traces of dragging, the body could simply have been packed in a sealed bag and taken out, and at the scene of the crime, whoever ran through, everyone and the bathhouse workers , the clientele, how is it possible to work like this, listen, i really like to take a steam bath , but i’ve never been to such a bathhouse, this is some kind of palace of culture, and this is the former
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palace of culture, inna semyonovna, the owner of the recreation complex, the wife of the missing man, marlen georgievich, simonov, investigator and gandhi, uh-huh, what happened ? with my husband, he disappeared, oleg, 10 years younger than me, uh, in met at the fitness center, love at first sight, why, what, why, well, why at first sight, mutually, yeah, support support, in business, and at home, you...
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looked in the oven, of course, it’s terrible, well yes, well, yes, so, where can i find your manager, it’s along the corridor, the first door on the left, let’s go, i’ll take you, thank you, i ’ll find wonderful tea, thank you. every year, on holy saturday, we witness the greatest event for the entire christian world. the holy fire descends on the holy sepulcher, a symbol of the victory of life over the death of light
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over the darkness. ntv viewers have the opportunity to see this miracle live. what awaits us this year? will it do? heavenly fire. descent of the holy fire. on saturday at 13:00. live broadcast on ntv. emelya, premiere. today at 19:30 on ntv. knee pain, back pain, neck pain, maybe. pintalgin extragel contains the maximum dose of a substance for pain and inflammation. pentalgin extragel. there will be no money to be saved, with a sazon card there will be money, now you can easily get up to 300,000 rubles for any purpose, spend it anywhere, and also withdraw it cash. the first payment is only in a month, the money will always be up to 300,000 rubles. for any
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service dogs, nothing, really for yes, he didn’t give anything, the whole building was crawled with animals, there are a lot of different smells, aromas, incense, i realized dogs are useless. as the hostess tells you, how many
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people were in the spa at the time of the crime, so 25, including service personnel, and the security, about three people, didn’t notice anything suspicious, at that time they were unloading firewood in full , cameras inside, right here there is something interesting, this is the manager, anton elisha. but you know that when lighting a sauna stove and lighting a fire for a barbecue, there is one common problem, the main thing is not to be distracted. that piece of newspaper you use to start a fire, which isn’t funny, actually doesn’t exist, but what issue did you resolve with the missing person? delicate, he was jealous of his wife for me, was there a reason? well, of course not, firstly, inna semyonovna, my boss, secondly, she
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is much older than me, thirdly, she is married, oh, oh, what do you have, what? what's wrong with your nose? what's wrong with my nose? well, it's like he's grown up a little bit. i don't understand your jokes. it's a shame, they're funny. as i understand it, there are few cameras in the establishment, because of the nature of the usu, we simply respect the right of our clients to privacy. do employees hide their faces to... to help customers fully immerse themselves in the proposed atmosphere? well, wearing a face mask is a requirement of our establishment. we will need a list of the clients' employees who were in the building at the time of the crime. well, there are no problems with the employees. what's wrong with clients? with clients, i'm afraid
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i'm afraid this is impossible. trade secret? not really, it’s a little more complicated today. our clients. as a rule, these are the wives of the powerful, they are as exceptional, influential and inviolable as their husbands, i would like to inspect the premises, your colleagues have already crawled around here with a dog, you better not interfere with an additional inspection, your answers give me reason suspect you of involvement in a crime, so he was involved, oh well, yes, the last one communicated was.
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vip frill, okay, please, yes, for me, yeah, please, to the left, of course. in our spa there are different national steam rooms, this is a classic finnish sauna, the walking death greets you, the russian section, and the romans and egyptians soar, as part of the russian program we offer ax peeling and
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log massage. what were you doing at the time when your landlady's husband disappeared? i was with clients, i didn’t see anything. aren't you involved in a theater club? no yes? your materials, everything is exclusive, very expensive, oh, what a smell! please be careful, for god's sake, i'm sorry, in general, i showed you everything, if there are no questions, i’ll go, i need to work, i think you’ll find a way out, yes, of course, put everything away, but wait,
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please, i have a question, yes, i’m listening to you. wax boots, which means they’re so good, italy, italy, yeah, look, look, they’re indestructible, in general, since the union fell apart, i’ve been able to do ours before, yeah, i’m glad for them. but in your italy, once you go through a wet forest to examine a corpse, that’s it, the end of your italy. oh hello! why are you telling me all this, if at the time of the crime you were nearby as a victim, then the blood would definitely get on your
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shoes, you will have to give me your vitality, again, that right now i grabbed my slippers. yes, marlen georgievich, i have a list, have you found the dancers? i don’t know, just how i ’m going to go home now, you better think how good it is that you’ll go there at all, uh-huh, italy, uh-huh, such a province, in china, italy.
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shchukina valeria igorevna, 37 years old, twice divorced, no children, please tell me, when you... went to markina’s office, you didn’t see anyone in the corridor on social networks they are promoting themselves as a wealthy businesswoman, the cat is crying on the accounts, i can hardly help you, after these procedures you feel so dismantled that you have little interest in anything around you, a typical representative of the modern success industry, wants to appear to be something other than who she really is, why? they soar well, that’s why i always drink, although wait, i met her husband, but i don’t remember his name, well, oleg sergeevich, and anton
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the manager, eliseev, yeah, they were meeting me halfway, so, didn’t you think that there was some tension between them, listen, well, i’m telling you, i generally noticed very little... in my condition, you know, well, but it seems to me that they don’t get along, why? i don’t know, you’d better ask them what’s wrong with the traces, the blood belongs to the victim. his fingerprints and microparticles are in all the rooms, it’s not surprising, his wife is the owner there, i think those involved should be looked for among
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the staff, but don’t worry, exactly, colonel, we don’t suspect your wife, she has albie of iron, she is at this time, so, marlene, i know, okay, recommended to a friend, yeah, the body was not found, the money. also marlene, what did your built-in natural detector whisper to you, who is lying there, that’s it, the whole picture doesn’t add up, the victim before his disappearance had a conflict with the manager of the complex, the victim aligned him with his wife, the owner of the spa complex, why don’t you have a non-working version, there are no blood stains on the manager’s shoes, and by the nature of the blood stains at the crime scene, there should be some, although of course he could have... the video was sent from
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cameras near their office, they unloaded the props to the warehouse, and this heavy bag was loaded into another car, judging by the volume of this bag , they could well have taken out the body, marlene, you may be distracted from your exciting... interesting game, do you even understand what, what you have done now, you they destroyed the most important evidence, on the back there is a printout of messages from the victim’s phone, from one of the phones, he received threats, you can glue it together, no, well, that’s it, i’m typing again, comrade colonel, that’s it, the most unexpected premiere of this spring is on ntv , via superstar.
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we have mercy at night. we welcome you to the anniversary concert of igor mateta, a woman passed, the woman passed. melted away in a fiery glow, and don’t believe it, they will tell you that the road to success is easy, a simple motive, i haven’t forgotten, this is my justification, live the country, my incredible russia, live the country, it’s hard for me to imagine what i would do ? if i didn’t have music, igor mateta’s anniversary concert, today at 23:40 on ntv. the phone from which the threats were received is registered to
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alek gennadievich shastuny, the owner and director of a dance agency, who puts on a show for clients from the pyramid complex. listen, these dancers who left. this bathhouse is through a service entrance, and not his, of course, yeah, marlene, why do you need me? gondya, you know how to dance, you’re kidding me, it’s bad, well then you’re just asking for a banal examination of the trunk of a car to look for traces of the blood of a missing person, but do you have a resolution? no, there is no resolution, i’m afraid they’ll give us a reason anyway, how did he disappear, where did he disappear? he owes me money, a large amount, this is a personal matter between us, yes, how are things going here? yes
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, it’s fine, but what about you, settle down? well, yes, pasha, vlad, unfortunately, in addition to yours personal case yesterday a criminal case arose, we have. well, listen, it’s a long-term card principle: if you bend in small things, they’ll throw you in big. are you involved in markin's disappearance? well, why do i need this, to kill oleg, he wanted to start a new business, open his own spa,
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invite my boys there in the end, or maybe you specialize in robberies and murders, what else? quiet, you admit first, you will receive the minimum wage for cooperation with the investigation, you understand me, listen, are you high, no, i’m not high, i’m under oath, and you’re under an article for robbery and murder, where are you going with your bag, wait, wait, wait, what did you try to do, calm down, no, yes, that’s it, just accept it, start telling the story, say, come on, okay, okay, yesterday, yesterday we worked, as usual, so,
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finished at 12, went, changed clothes to go out, what happened next, then we went to eliseev, took a bag, went downstairs, got into the car, drove away, then they loaded everything into my car, after all eliseev, huh? well done, well done, vlad, where is the bag? the bag is in the car, he’s there, well , yes, yes, pash, he confessed, marlen georgievich, in bag, in the car, our specialist will inspect it. your boy’s car,
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where is the body, whose, well, you said in the trunk, well , yes, the goods are oils and incense, eliseev pushes them to us for 30%, and we use them in our work, you know, how... women turn on from them , i don’t know, i’m a man, tell me, have you ever been transported on another vehicle, because
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there are no traces of blood, please take off your bracelets, sorry. marlene, darling, so this is where our sherlock holmes works, something happened, yes, it happened, but what happened was terrible, what exactly it’s a disaster, my dear, i don’t even know how to say it, well, somehow, tell me already, did you miss the rehearsal? who is this? lyubov
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alekseevna, head of the theater studio. lyubov alekseevna, very nice, pavel. pavel, please quickly prepare everything you need for business with the applicant. grigory ivanovich, nice. are you sherlock holmes too? no, i'm more like dr. watson. for some reason i was sure that you were going there for a reason. nice to meet you. very nice. i'm waiting for an invitation to the premiere. lyumushka, listen, how did you find me? by the internet, you know that everything is there, i’m also a detective, well, you could just call on the phone, and then you would come up with a scary story about some maniac killer whom you catch day and night, you have absolutely no time for the scene , you have changed your image. “yes, it’s possible, but you don’t think that this
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is for your sake, i think, yes, indeed, it’s useless to lie to you, yes, i changed it, these are just new glasses, but this is because i feel that you have stopped to be interested in me, darling, what are you saying, i’m still very interested in you, well, just like our rehearsals, of course, are just a complete mess right now, there is a lot of work, honestly,
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a certificate of ownership of non-residential premises, information from the register and legal entities, all this belongs to the wife of the missing person, markina. ina semyonovna. and a marriage contract, according to which the husband will receive half if the wife initiates the divorce. such a classic, core motif. i got rid of my ex so as not to share the business. just to prove that we don’t have pork marks, but no. and the problem is that you can only get them in this women's bathhouse, which they called spa. spa, well, yes, yes, and get in
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there, well, so don’t arouse suspicion, maybe only someone, a woman, so unexpectedly, uh, i don’t even know, it could be dangerous, and you won’t have to do anything? just use the services of this complex and see from the inside how everything really works there, well, at the same time, take a closer look at the hostess and determine with your accurate, feminine gaze whether he has it? there is a relationship with someone else in the bathhouse, that is, do you want to peep in the women’s bathhouse with my help? love alekseevna, just listen. this is an excellent opportunity to hone your acting skills. yes, i’m just playing
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without distinction, well, gentlemen, so you can be convinced that i’m absolutely perfect for this role, i just. was born for this role, yes, for your first visit i recommend you the relaxing tibetan lotus procedure, thank you, to the sounds of singing bowls, your world will acquire balance and harmony, privacy is a priority for us, that’s why we were recommended to you, by the way, who recommended, i forgot . but i didn’t say it, the man wished stay incognito, give me privacy, in our complex, you will be completely safe, thank you, i heard that people are disappearing here, from whom did you hear, from your
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husband, from friends, from law enforcement agencies, i assure you, this did not affect our work in any way, which is good. here is the key to your locker room, thank you, i’ll take you, thank you, the application has been submitted, i’m alone, i’m alone, hello, madam, there are such banks here, you should definitely try all the massages, if you have enough money, of course, and not today, of course, my love , i beg you, don't distract yourself, okay, darling, can you hear me, darling, marlen georgievich, there at this cultural center, the walls are thick, the connection disappears, reception, if in 5 seconds
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this connection... yours appears, we stop this operation when it no, he still continues to spoil things for me, rumors have already spread, now this is who, i don’t know, they will pass, soon everyone will forget about it, that you got so worked up, and they will also forget about us, who will go to the establishment, from whose owner's husband disappeared, relax, everything will be fine, why are you so calm, why are you so calm, why so calm, tell me or show me what is better, what do you like best?
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darling, please be more careful, thank you. oh, well, of course, i haven’t tried massage therapists, but if you, marlene, don’t make an appointment with me, lyubushka, who was she with, and she was sitting half-turned, you couldn’t make out her face, but you can identify him by the head, by the head, bravo , bravo, bravo, bravo! not very pleasant, marlene, i played for you, i felt it, i was touched, so pow, let me take lyubov aleksemovna home, and you’ll take a look here, to shop, who is the postman pechkin who brought
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a parcel for your boy, you’ll catch him, but i warned you, he has his own. special methods of investigation, well, sorry, who you don’t hang out with, well , you’re a kobe, and in this way i get information and my own special team, how did i manage to fall asleep on the toilet, and i didn’t sleep for three days, i watched the parade of planets, you’re still true moron, because he himself is special, and who are you , the sheriff, even the sabbath won’t scare him, that well, it’s uncivilized that this is the police in a vest, the taste and color, gas, that’s usually all in such situations they run away and are later caught up. emelya, you have nothing, preparation, huh? and friends, good premiere, today at 19:30 on ntv. lera kudryavtseva vs. alexander reva. stars on
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mask final on sunday 20:20 on ntv. so it turns out how it really happens. no, marlin, it’s not about the search, it’s when you’ve already found it and for his sake, even into the fire, even into a bandit’s lair. thank you.
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lyubov alekseevna, yes, how can i say, you are such a sublime, creative, impressionable nature, and i’m a detective, i have it in my head, you know, everything is so clearly laid out on shelves, everything is like that. systematically, what i’m saying is, it will be hard for us to get used to each other and god, well, marlene, we are no longer young people, we will somehow get along, how we will get along, that’s it, that’s right, you said it, we’re not young people already, how can we adapt to
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each other, change all this somehow, some kind of compromises, my main thing is... take it further.
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where are you? how is it going? good morning, marlen georgievich, sorry, i just wanted to understand how it works. pasha, he’s telling me something. that
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i’m being deceived now, okay, you ’re serious, so you ’re suggesting with your stupid answers, i saw a man, i saw her, marlen georgievich, asya verbina, she’s a client of our spa, when i saw her, i immediately forgot about the task and followed up. yes, her boyfriend is very fast car, i caught a taxi so far, they, well, now we know where to find it, pasha, this is not what the authorities expect from us, well, not this, we are bleeding from wear and tear, we need to get access to markina’s phone, please don’t touch it anymore,
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ok, ok, i don’t understand, you ’re working on markin’s wife, comrade colonel, we need printouts of her calls, wife? it was she who made a noise, made connections, it was because of her that they now expect me there every evening with a report, so that they have something to report to their wives at dinner, andrei sergeevich, well, we are on your instructions focused on the employees of the complex, but if you think it’s time for me to take care of the clients, okay, okay, i’ll give it to you.
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to the phone markin, really good, pleasant, marlen georgievich, it’s hard to say appetite, appetite, uh-huh, here everyone is entering the mobile markin, there are a lot of men there, 48 names. frequently encountered 11, i suggest working in alphabetical order, powder, pasha, urgently learn to value your time, otherwise you will waste your life on trifles, and what are you doing, look whose phone number is there appear less often after the disappearance of her husband, why not, now they can talk on the phone as much as they want, they don’t need to talk on the phone, now they can meet for as long as they want, i didn’t open the hiding place, and look at anton eliseev’s number there, the manager stopped
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calling completely, marlen georgievich, why don’t you understand it yourself, but he won’t run away anywhere. where will he go? you know, he’s more likely to try to leave during a conversation with me for some reason, so that he can then leave the complex, and you’ll wait for him in his office? and he he will already begin to panic, and you will tell him: hello everyone, i understand! i was thinking, maybe we should really sign, you’re in your name, well, i don’t mean right now, let’s wait, another month, you
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’re in a hurry, of course, maybe you ’ll find a replacement for me, if you’re a punk, you won’t interfere in my business, i can’t find it, i can’t find it, have i lost something? you, and i haven’t gotten much sleep here at the commune, maybe i’ll come and chat to you, without protocol, so to speak, well, chat, and i guess i’ll go and take care of my direct duties, and it’s important for me to know the opinion of both of you, please, please, i won’t keep you long, we ’re listening to you carefully, yeah. i was wondering, your company, and spa services in general, how do you look at your business from a moral point of view? oh, i
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'm sorry. do you suspect us of something? well, firstly, this is my job, and secondly, in any crime, there are no absolutely innocent people. in this crime, i am interested in this piquant aspect of your enterprise. law, no fuss. here, here, here, here's how. with what i was talking about, here now you will lie to me that your clients do not have intimacy with these musclemen and massage therapists of yours,
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our clients, as a rule, are chill. anton, we won’t be cunning in front of the investigator, he is very insightful and understands everything perfectly, relationships happen, but this is their personal business. but if you are engaged in such a business, you yourself , willy-nilly, already use similar services, but what do you mean? i'm just speculating, huh? infidelity is a crime within the family. one crime usually leads to a second, but usually more severe. this could all end very sadly. very interesting,
7:58 am
what do you think, a group sex, a murder, for example, my husband disappeared, and you are accusing me of something else, i personally have had enough, i can’t trust listening to this anymore, all the best. what the hell are you doing here, and what about you? no, it’s not mine, it was planted on me. it’s true, but i
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believe you, now you won’t pin this on me, come here, my way, what did i say? wait, martian georgievich, they took him, he disappeared, it’s like, like the first victim, the cameras looked, from he did not leave the building.
8:00 am
hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, this is a program today in the dmitry zavoestey studio. today it begins for the orthodox. passion week, the last, most strict week of the forty-day fast, when the church remembers the last days of earthly life and the sufferings on the cross of jesus christ. each day carries a certain meaning and is pronounced with the prefix “great” in honor of significant events. these are the miracles that jesus performed, and the last supper, the condemnation of christ, the erection to golgotha ​​and the crucifixion, which believers remember on good friday, the most mournful day of the christian calendar.
8:01 am
holy week ends with the bright holiday of easter. on the eve of holy saturday , millions of believers.


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