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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 30, 2024 10:00am-10:21am MSK

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hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. this is the program today in the studio of dmitry zavoisty. in krasnogorsk, near moscow, russia as a whole today remembers the tragic events of march 22 of this year, exactly 40 days ago. a terrorist attack unimaginable in its cruelty was committed. a few minutes before the start of the picnic group's concert, militants entered the building and cold-bloodedly began to kill everyone they met on the way, and then set the auditorium on fire. the tragedy killed 145 people, more than 500 were injured. terrorists they were detained a few hours later in the bryansk region, where they hoped to cross the border and hide in ukraine. later, the investigative committee revealed the connection of the attackers with the special services of kiev. in total, 12 people were involved in the case.
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we will not succumb to these intimidation tactics, you see, we are mobilized, today there are hundreds of us here, we demand an end to funding for the war, students refuse to trade in palestinian blood. the washington post has counted about 900 detained students over the past 10 days, although the rally is emphatically peaceful the order on campuses is not disturbed. unrest continues in georgia; they cannot reach an agreement there because of the law on transparency of foreign influence. after the opposition brought thousands of opponents of the document into the streets almost every day for two weeks, the ruling georgian dream party organized a rally in support of it. people filled rustaveli avenue near the parliament building, and the founder of the political force, bidina ivanishvili, addressed them from the stage. he explained why he believes that approving the law on foreign... is aimed
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to strengthen their agents, attempts to bring them to power, respectively, the transferred financial resources have nothing to do with assistance, on the contrary, they are aimed at depriving national sovereignty. the demonstration began immediately after the legal committee of the georgian parliament approved the document in the second reading. the discussion lasted almost 10 hours, there were some scuffles, a representative of the opposition accused the ruling party deputies of pro-russian sentiments and threw a water bottle at their colleagues. as a result, 14 people were removed from the hall, it is still unknown when the bill will be put to a vote at the plenary session, but it is obvious that it will be no less heated. about the reasons for the self-destructive behavior of english-speaking countries and the circumstances due to which the united states began to perceive russia as its main one. a famous american journalist
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published on his website. in response to one of the questions, dugin explained why the west’s hatred of putin is not a coincidence. putin, a supporter of traditional values, when he came to power, from the very beginning he brought our country from under global influence. he began to contradict their progressive agenda, and tried quite successfully. revive traditional values, state sovereignty, christianity, family. dogin expressed the opinion that the current ideology of the west has passed the stage of classical liberalism, which advocated the power of individual freedom. now the western agenda is about the rule of minorities against the majority, the philosopher believes. the most popular travel destinations for the may holidays were moscow, st. petersburg and sochi.
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the morinsky theater, amazing city architecture, but to truly see st. petersburg, you need to look at it from the water. the st. petersburg tourist fleet has been replenished,
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new high-speed catamarans have entered the routes, they will carry tourists to kronshtat, these are ships with powerful engines that accelerate to almost 30 knots, easily overcoming waves, they were designed specifically for... to confidently pass under city bridges , even in high water. there are other advantages too. panoramic salon, multimedia system, system air conditioning, heating, bar and the main advantage of new ships is this stunning open deck on which we are located. in the vastness of the gulf of finland , the catamaran is at full speed, but passengers can always take refuge from the wind in a cozy cabin, which makes it much faster and more convenient to get to kranstadt and the fortov island museum and historical park. the opening of navigation usually coincides with the opening of the tourist season, and this is another new tradition: soldiers of different eras are lined up in the courtyard of the imperial chapel. the preobrazhensky soldiers demonstrate to tourists how to properly load a musket; boys and girls look at them with wide eyes. family tourism is something that they are now especially
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trying to develop in st. petersburg. the main driver of our travels is our children, if the children want to go to st. petersburg, the parents will bring them and come to our city if the children liked it. parents and their children will return to st. petersburg more than once, and then the children will grow up and come here as young children to study. to the sounds of the anthem to the great city, volunteers hand out reference materials. this is part of a large-scale information campaign that should help tourists feel more comfortable in st. petersburg. city tourism pavilions have opened at the airport stations, as well as in kranstat. st. petersburg offers different types of tourism: industrial, medical and health, and finally, patriotic. the ship poltava is a new st. petersburg landmark, an opportunity to see
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a real sailing ship of the peter the great era and at the same time appreciate the work of those who were able to recreate it. guests will not only be able to see, they will be able to immerse themselves in the era of peter, see how sailors lived. how they existed here, guests will see and even be able to touch the real cannonballs. once upon a time, similar cannons fired salvos of welcome to ships entering st. petersburg, and tsar peter alekseevich personally met the first merchants and tourists. now a significant number of guests come to st. petersburg from the former cis countries, as well as from the middle east from china and india, so the window to europe, cut by peter, can now... be called a window to the world. ilya fedosov, victor khudi, pavel zelenkov, ntv, st. petersburg. today , russian rescuers are wishing dry sleeves. the national fire service is celebrating its 375th anniversary. the decree on the creation of professional crews of firefighters was signed by tsar alexei
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mikhailovich back in 1649. the fire service is one of the oldest special forces in the country. its development is closely connected with the history of the state. under peter the great, for example, crews appeared to extinguish ships, and during the great patriotic war, detachments that eliminated fires after fascist bombings of soviet cities. today, 260,000 firefighters serve in the ranks of the ministry of emergency situations; over the past year, they have saved tens of thousands of people; more than 100 thousand have been evacuated from dangerous zones, places of natural and industrial disasters. fire is a merciless element, fire does not recognize ranks and ranks, it teaches you to work with... ligaments and make the only right decision, protection from it is the work of real men, dear friends, thank you for your conscientious work and dedication, i wish you well, health, prosperity , success, peaceful skies according to the tradition of dry
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sleeves. today special words of congratulations and gratitude is addressed to the rescuers of donbass and new regions of russia, who are fulfilling their duty, despite... constant shelling from militants of the kiev regime. in the special operation zone, russian fighters are already being congratulated on the upcoming easter. popular front activists brought assault rifles to the military personnel. brigades in the kharkov direction a whole truckload of gifts, among them, for example, traditional kulechi; the soldiers were given the most necessary things for the front line, drinking water, camouflage nets, sleeping bags, thermal imaging sights. in addition, they brought a hundred portable gas stoves that do not go out even in the wind, along with a thousand fuel cylinders. a master class on their use in the field was given by a fighter called kitchen, who before participating in the north military district worked as a chef in a prestigious restaurant. which is experiencing
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a wave of large-scale flooding, the water has risen to 12 m 22 cm by 2.5 m, exceeding the critical level, despite the strengthened dams, in the regional center in the village of obatsky there remains a high probability of flooding, authorities warn, it has been going on for 3 days in the area emergency evacuation, but some... residents still did not dare to leave their homes. there is a high risk of flooding in other villages located along the banks of ishim, 14 of them are already cut off from the mainland. the dams along the tyumen-omsk federal highway have so far been able to cope with the record water pressure, but travel had to be carried out at intervals; traffic is open for an hour during the day and evening and 3:00 at night, the governor of the tyumen region said. a traffic jam of 60 km long trucks has already formed on the road. to the next one. tyumen, kurgan region, levels of the tobol river decrease for several days in a row. the headquarters
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formed during the flood moves from the mode of combating the disaster to eliminating the consequences. thousands of residents of the affected areas have been provided with payments for priority needs. eliminate the consequences of floods in the orenburg region. the ural river has dropped below dangerous levels; in areas freed from water, rescuers first carry out sanitary treatment. every day for a five year old. vanya from donetsk is scheduled literally minute by minute: massage, physical therapy, classes with a speech therapist and all this is not preparing for a competition, but fighting for life. you need to overcome a very complex disease, this requires comprehensive rehabilitation, the cost of procedures is more than a million rubles. mikhail plokhotnik about how you and i can help, give, give, yes, this is vanya, he’s great, he’s capable, he’s a must. can, what is he planning, the hedgehog rolled, where is the red hedgehog, where? the baby has
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a complex systemic disease, any activity will benefit him, and those for which we will definitely raise the required amount, the code on the screen, are especially needed, we want them to appear neatness skills so that a request, a gesture appears, and if not verbal, then at least alternative communication that vanya can use, understand. his loved ones will be able to with the skills that we will develop here. vanya’s path to communication is complex and long, he will need a speech therapist, a defectologist, as well as a specialist in adaptive physical education, he will, of course, go through this path, he will definitely be able to, we are doing our best to create conditions that do not allow him, let’s say, stay where you are, calm down.
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i like it, he wants to leave, he just sits, then they turn off the light, but judging by what i understand, he didn’t react like that, of course, but it was clear that he was a little surprised, a little scared, down syndrome itself while doctors cannot cure, but the symptoms can be alleviated, rehabilitation will help to reveal one’s potential, one’s real capabilities, not what we think we see, but the fact that those reserves that the child has, even if they decline hands.
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the qr code on the screen will also work for number 3434, caught, yes, mikhail plokhotnik, ivan ozerov, ntv television company. that's all for now, thank you for being with us, all the best and see you soon.
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at bigfest, four nuggets for 39 rubles. and other offers at a very competitive price. and also you?
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apply for a credit card, everything will be the way you want. mask final on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. about the weather for tomorrow, the far east and the may day demonstration of the coastal cyclone in the kuril islands is planned here. by evening , precipitation will approach the north of the ridge and intensify in the south of kamchatka. well, the atmospheric fronts will leave primorye on the night of may 1, we are waiting for more pleasant weather. a noticeable increase temperatures in the amur region. on thursday it will get colder again, and this is yakutsk, here the temperature will try to reach the climate norm and even exceed it. in siberia, today the island of irkutsk region is still warm, tomorrow there is a sharp drop to... lagging behind the calendar of the whole of siberia, with heavy rains in altai, khakassia and tyva. western ones are small, but the new portion for the omsk region of south tyumen is suitable.


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