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tv   Yemelya  NTV  May 1, 2024 7:30pm-8:36pm MSK

7:30 pm
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we take an ax, but there’s no need.
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guys, it's time to go home, irka is waiting, yes, i 'll go too, let's get out of here, guy, there's definitely no one there, yes, for sure, the watchman told me that they left, what if there's someone? yes, i personally
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saw how the owners left with a suitcase, it won’t work out with a guy, but don’t worry, everything will be in vain, come on, maybe we’ll come to me, and you, yes, you can, well, let’s go, let’s go, we'll grab some booze on the way. hold the bag and close it!
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thank you, well, now we’ll cover the clearing, have a drink, and tomorrow we’ll have a barbecue, a bathhouse, cool, i hope sirk won’t throw a scandal at us now, yeah, please, yes. oh guys, it’s like the good old days, everything is wow, you’re doing poorly, irina, we’re at home
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, so what the hell, what what? nice dacha, but i don’t like it, why? yes, because something breaks on the sensor all the time, it needs to be repaired, and then they are robbed, killed on them, you yourself have a dacha, no, but what are you saying then, experience, you just
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envy those who have i have dachas, but i don’t need them for 100 years, well, look. sister , you wake up, the eggs are singing, the sun comes out from behind the trees, you go to the garden, there are cucumbers, tomatoes, herbs, you immediately, who is doing what, having a bath, great, great, great, what are you doing here, i’m talking at the dacha, but they didn’t find the others, but what’s wrong, you actually have pipes lying here, so it won’t go anywhere? we were actually waiting for you, so i arrived, let's go, well, let's go, that's it, damn it, it's screwed, you'll have to drain everything too, but maybe it will blow away, but it will blow away, now they'll hang us wet, it'll blow away, listen, what
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the hell are you he told me that the mistress of the house was not there, but it was not the mistress, yes, who was it then, but how do i know, i would have given you a hand, just try it. goat, i 'll rip your legs out now, you creature, that's it, that's it, who's a goat, i'm the same, wallet, where is it, come on, no, there's no money here, nothing, just cards, so maybe they'll have... dough, and where can we get the pinkads, come on, give me her phone number, hello,
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hello, from you, wow, i wasn’t expecting you anymore, so i’m still on a date with you. i invite you, my mothers, i ’m about to fall, i’m free today, no, today i can’t, i’m hiding, well, tomorrow, tomorrow i also have work to do, listen, let’s go next week, the corpses will end, i’ll have a couple of free days, and if not it’s over, but it’s on my tongue, maria mikhailovna, maybe we can talk about the case, soon we won’t have lunch lying around, he’s right, vasin took it right off his tongue, i’ll go interview the witnesses,
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i’ll ask for a witness. where is our employee? inspects the site. captain emilel, criminal investigation department. mitya, well, that is, dmitry khvostov, victor, kruglov, denis, kormushkin, who is the owner of the dacha? it’s not me, the owner, my mother and i rented this house for the summer, when yesterday, where the owners are, they flew abroad, yeah, and you’re the victim, whoever you are, we had a relationship. her last name is safonova, where did you work? she had her own event agency,
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large, small, dead body, how was it discovered? the guys and i arrived after the club, went into the house, she was lying in the kitchen covered in blood. what time did you and i return? well, at about 1:00 a.m., yes, about one o'clock, they immediately called the police, yeah. and something was missing from the house, her phone, laptop, wallet with a bag, and that's all that was in the bedroom upstairs, there was a lot of money in the wallet, just cards, nothing else was missing, it seems no, i see, thank you, stay here . listen, what are you twitching there?
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yes, i'm sick of it, but where did you find it? yes , she found me somewhere, so kill her, yeah, she ’ll bite me, my face will be like this, it won’t be, it will be, i’m allergic to bees, you’re not allergic to that, damn it, go to work, go protocol fill it out, that’s it, i’ve been stung, call me soon, no need, i’m going to the pharmacy.
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i came up, looked out, and there were two morons at the gate trying to break in, well, i took an ax, let me think, i’ll go out and talk, i went out, but no one had already run away, you can write them, yes , these gastro, what’s their name, the baiters, well, one tall one , like you, the second one is like this here's the little one, why are you looking at me, but i'm not of normal height, but don't get worked up, i see, i see what the...
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okay, let's go to them and we'll talk, thank you, but you're welcome, happy, let's go, goodbye , shorty, fable. a lot of them live here, about 50 people, mostly
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from central asia, but there are also russians, but what about registration? ok, i checked, hello farid, hello dears, you cook pilaf, yes pilaf, from barain, we don’t eat anything else, but where did you get it at the market? why in the market, we grew it ourselves, we roast it ourselves, we eat it ourselves, go try it, don't even think about it. thank you, we can eat, but where is the azomat? azomat, there it is, is there now. all my life i’ve dreamed of trying real bukhara, it’s indecent, ivan, police captain, okay, there must be some kind of dream, there must be, there must be, well, let’s go, you really just wished, happy birthday,
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hello, favorite movie in the morning dartagnan , the three musketeers, the cardinal holantireys, this is power, during the day they conducted the investigation, however, this is a completely different story, and in the evening you are making a film, about whom, about me, and why? new a documentary film for...
7:47 pm
this is the ecology of the city, this is a contribution to the health of our children, this is clean air, they talk about switching transport to methane, about protecting nature, but it’s not only that. methane
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is cheaper, savings on every kilometer, the basting engine works perfectly, installation of a beard. as part of the people's fuel project, i converted my car to run on methane without investment, being practical is beneficial for nature and for you, choose ecogas, refuel at gazprom stations. charity-easter circulation of the russian every second ticket wins the lotto; from every ticket sold, 10 rubles will be donated to charitable causes. buy tickets in branded stores on the stoloto website. with premier you can stay home all weekend and relax the way you want. you can not be afraid of your own weaknesses and be strong in something else, you can decide for yourself how to do it right, finally, give in to the impulse by pressing play, you can be yourself. premier online cinema, for people like you.
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important announcement, samurai, cheap airline tickets. and i'm sorry, buy it cheap air tickets to aviasles, don’t get confused. aviasils service for buying cheap air tickets. our life is a series of meetings. over a cup of aromatic coffee, the monarch, every meeting can become destiny. from the most familiar day with soromagic coffee monarch can become a special gift of wings. vacation is a joy to the point of tears, but yandex travel is also profitable, yandex travel, book now, pay later. why did you decide to work in an orphanage as a janitor? he has a small salary. we are dealing with a very controversial person, but very
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heart. i'm an experienced person, i've done this twice. gathers his team. we're going to work , this one is too good, thank you for catching it, uncle lyosha, a criminally good comedy, look now at kyon to make money on your savings, i'm opening a deposit in tenki with a rate of 17%, i can top it up from any park, by phone number without commission, and if you need money from the deposit, you can withdraw it from any atm, also without commission. what was possible? open a deposit in tenkov with a rate of 17% per annum and easily top it up from any bank using the number phone, no commission. timkov, he is the only one. pairs of grand and grand picant at an attractive price only at a delicious point with for the marinade you need charcoal and lemonade of tomatoes for the salad the whole family will be very happy happy with
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a discount of up to 40% on barbecue and kupaty sbermarket we deliver from 30 minutes we begin a real musical festival stabbed the hearts of my cludi blood began to boil. in my body, i am not afraid, your sweet brain, i myself am surrendering the cosmodrome to the yuroks, everyone shout, 3,000 reasons, in the morning we will not wake up in moscow, the russians are coming. music award, golden gramophone. today our artillery units have renounced their fees, we are handing over certificates worth
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millions of rubles for damaged enemy equipment to our fighters. today is 22:45 on ntv. this is where they live. you won't find anything. why? there are no devils in my brigade. yes, who then takes out the dachas? these are not mine. oh look what i found. oh, but the laptop is not cheap, and the purse too,
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i don’t remember whose to open, do you hear, i ’ll cover this joke for you now, this is renat’s bed, where he is now at work, and you don’t remember what you’re saying, now i remember. abdullah, yes, kair darenat, speak in russian, you are a derina, over there, stop, where are you going, renat, come out! “i know that you are here, you have nowhere to hide, i’ll make a hole for you now, make sure you don’t kill him, it’ll be one less freak, renat, come out, come here, why, here
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, come, maybe?” everything, i mean, there is a number, yes there is, i have all their numbers, call, call, i found it, i’m calling, quietly, so, where, dinosaur? let me go, here you are accomplices, what kind of accomplices, with whom did you kill the girl
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, what girl, this one, and i didn’t kill her, yeah, but where did you get her things, i found her in the forest, in what forest, in our dima, do we live, how did you find them, what? things, what things, a phone, a phone, a wallet, there was no wallet there and the boss, i’m telling the truth, what size are your feet, forty-three, and where are the others ? it’s only a woman’s handbag and a computer, when did you find them, today at 6 '. what were you doing in the forest at 6 am? i came from the city and went through the forest to live, what did you come with? by bus?
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can you describe the bus driver? and what? why describe it in russian, in russian, yes, navrus, we are from the same village, he drove me to the village, i i went through here to the hostel and saw things by the road, picked them up, why did i just take them, i knew there would be trouble, you can show me the place where i found it, of course i can, okay, let’s go to the dump. let's go, let's go out, this is where they were lying. i
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picked up the bag, there was jewelry in it, let me think i’ll give it to zulfiya, who is this? my sister, you know how beautiful she is, she can’t wait for her older brother to return home, well , you’ll see soon, in about 15 years, hey, why are you saying that, oops, what’s wrong, oh, simka, eh where's the phone, yeah, well, there wasn't a phone? you have a sim card, but you don’t have a phone? no, i don’t believe you, boss, what should i do to make you believe me? tell me who raped the elderly woman, if i tell you, you’ll let me go, i’ll let you go, abdullah, very much, let’s take abdul, okay, let’s go, well, we ’ll go to the police station, take him, you, like to the police station,
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i want to go home, come on, come on! you go, we’ll observe some formalities, and they also call you names, as they call you, in different ways. for example, i’m embarrassed to say something like that, like swearing or something, swearing too, so especially vasin, i don’t even understand how you put up with him, i would have fired him a long time ago if i didn’t have him, he says, i won’t work without him, so you’ll fire both of them, yeah, whoever will catch the bundyuks, i’ll catch you, i know you , scrofula, it’s not my fault, it’s mercury’s
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fault. but what does mercury have to do with it? well, it's retrograde now. and what does it mean? well, this means that for us scorpios now everything is somehow going awry. we need to lay low for a while. are you going to hide? who will catch the criminals? out there now management called. some idiot hit a woman with a car. who will catch him? himelja. he doesn't care about mercury retrograde. even a coven of witches won’t scare him, he’ll catch him. ugh, you. now he said to fire him, no, let him work until you don’t understand scorpions, yes, we’re like, what’s wrong with my cheek, it was a wasp that stung me, i could have died, i’m allergic, i even had an incident at school, that’s all , go, go, go, go, keep in mind, whoever finds the driver who hit the woman will get
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a million, a million? let's check the sim card, it's by chance pin code, you don’t know, by chance i don’t know, come on, come on, four zeros, don’t try 1 2 3 4 not when she was born, i’ll check now. march 6
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, 1992, try 1992, why am i clicking all the time, because i’m thinking. they threw it away so that we wouldn’t detect them, why the hell did they just throw away the bag for 100 mowers with the sim card turned on, it’s clear why there wasn’t also a computer inside with jewelry, that means it wasn’t a robbery, that means the message came that money was taken from her cards there, how much is half? that means it's still a robbery this one, how did they find out the pin code? well , it’s recorded in her phone, my tanks
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do this, contact the bank, we need a video recording from the atm, okay, i’ll do everything, we found them, they withdrew the money at 14:40, which means they should appear now. yeah, that's where he went, now we'll see, oops, that's luck, check it out now. puzzatkin igor valentinovich, live at mira street, building 24, apartment 8. who am i after this? geni?
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i hope you remember what we agreed on? yes, yes, yes, what are you going to show the master class, i just ask you, film it on video, okay, i want tanya to see how cool i am, everything will be seen, quietly, i’m first, come on, i’m starting, so, everyone’s attention, captain vasin is detaining a particularly dangerous criminal, captain vasya, say a few words, tanyush. who is the police, open up what is needed, igor valentinovich puzatkin lives here, here, but he is not here now, and you,
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excuse me, who, a horse in a coat, citizen of the police, open up, listen, my house, my fortress, understand? get out of here, i don’t need help, citizen, i’m counting to three, i’m shooting at the castle, do you hear, go through the forest, you darned rabbit, who is a footed rabbit, who is a footed rabbit, otherwise, this is too much, come here. this is for you , we’ll discuss this,
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listen, excuse me, but i didn’t know that you were cops, i understood, i thought you were bandits, maybe they said, well, they said, i thought you were scamming, i thought. what kind of money did you withdraw from the atm? which atm? in that? so it’s not me, but i see you were sitting in the car, what car? to
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my own, i don’t have a car, just like i don’t have a car, the car is registered to you, to me, yeah, right to me, it’s not good for a belly to play the fool, either you are with me or under me, bitter 53, i just wanted to live, calmly, premiere from monday at 20:00 on ntv, mask, finale, on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. for headaches , there is askafen at an affordable price and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. happy birthday, megamarket,
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moscow time on ntv. where were you back at 10 pm? at home. what did you do? i piled on. one. with raika? na raika - who is this? well, woman. i understand that i am not a man. by whom? it is hard to say. we're having a drink, yeah, together, she can do it confirm that it’s at home, yes, of course, am i pouring it in vain, or what?
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give me a pill, maybe a beer, i’ll remember right away, listen, i answer, i really remembered, okay, oh, okay, okay, no vodka, i rolled my lip, well, i remembered, no, i don’t remember, give me a second one. guys, first write where i write, if i don’t remember, well, you won’t get a second one, i understand, i remember, one of them was called owl, well, that’s what they called each other, the second one is harek, come here.
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this one, over there, and this is his ferret, come on with the second one, remove your elbow, free, and the lid.
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owl, i'm in for 5 minutes, young people, good afternoon, who are you, captain imelin, a criminal, and
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you are dmitry alekseevich kharkov, yes, it’s him, oats, stand there, be sad! damn, where's the ass? the cops are rowing him. cops? stand with your hands behind your head, against the wall, against the wall. get off shiva, put the crowbar away, put the crowbar down, i won’t put it down, look, i might hurt you, eh. try it, there’s no trick against scrap, i see you like apples, you’ll catch them, but i warned you, well , tell me how you robbed the dacha, killed the girl, we didn’t kill her, yeah, but where is
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her phone in the barn? we found it during the search, and many other things, they were identified. owners the dachas that you also robbed, about the dachas, well , it’s true, yes, i admit, well, they didn’t kill the girl, you mean, she killed herself, when we got into the house, she was already lying there dead, you’ll die, but damn, well, i’m telling the truth i say, well, we got into the house, we thought there was no one there, we went to the kitchen to get some booze, and there was a corpse lying there, well , we got out of there right away, threw off the bag with the nolt in the forest, kept it for ourselves, what time was it? about an hour somewhere, and where were you yesterday at 9:00 pm? in the sauna, who can confirm this? toast maybe? administrator sauna confirmed that the suchev kharkov left
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her at 9 pm, at that time safonova was already dead, which means the motive for the murder was not robbery, but what then, i would also like to know, it’s hot today, yes, let’s go into the house, it’s cooler there, did you find them? not yet, listen, and you said that irina had an event agency, yes, she did, and what exactly was he doing, organizing holidays, and what will happen to this agency now? well, they’ll probably close, hmm, but did he have any partners? no, irina worked alone, and why
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didn’t you even help? yes, i don’t understand anything about this. how are you? yes, okay, there were no debts? no, irina won tenders for organizing city events, in general, there was a lot of money, well, were there competitors? no, but what? she had a relationship with denis's wife. what about denis? kormushkin, he and i were returning from the club to the dacha together. and what kind of devils? denis’s wife also had an event agency and she took all the tenders. well, then irina offered more favorable conditions to the mayor’s office and they began to work with her. yes. could denis’s wife have threatened irina? i don't know, she doesn't matter to me did not tell. and who will get city orders now? i think denis's wife. ah...
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yeah, but after the murder of safonov, things will get better, which is what you are hinting at, safonov was your wife’s only competitor. because of her she went bankrupt, i made inquiries, found out that you still have a mortgage on your apartment, and that safonov is no more, all orders for city events will go to your wife, what do you mean by this, that you killed safonov, where am i were yesterday at 9:00 pm, in the club, you entered the cube at 11, and before that where were you, walking, where? in the central park? yeah, you weren’t here in the park this evening, where do you think i was? on krasnoarmeiskaya 48,
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were you following me? uh, what were they doing there? did i meet there? met? yes, with a killer or an intermediary? with which intermediary? in the evening you withdrew money from an atm, who did we give it to? lisa? which lisa? this is my mistress. and he hasn’t paid a salary for a month, but he brought her money, where does she work? and for my wife, by whom? secretary, and your wife knows that her secretary works part-time as your mistress? no, she doesn't, please don't tell her, she’ll kill me, okay, i won’t tell you if the alpe is confirmed, well...
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and there were cameras there, well, if there were cameras, the trickster wouldn’t have offered a million rubles to catch the driver, he was so generous, but how do i know, go ask, eh where it happened, on the forest, so it’s near the dacha where sofonov was killed, when on the same day, there are witnesses, a man saw a car drive out at high speed on a pedestrian crossing and hit everyone, did he remember the license plate number? no, of course not, but what kind of car was it? mazda is red, but what is sofonov’s? let's see. red mazda
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twenty-first year, motherfuckers, finally, but i didn’t see her at the dacha, so maybe she was in the garage, you were in the garage, no, yes, well , there were wasps there, you saw, one even stung me, so and what, the wasp’s sting, the scorpion is no longer a hindrance, it’s a hindrance for me, yeah, i could have died, i’m allergic to all this. there was even a case at school, we all in the class got a mantu, but i combed it, this spot grew, it went, wait, wait, wait, everything is fine, the temperature rose, me, you, i just had to go into the garage, everything, a million,
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gorky 53 premieres on monday at 20:00 on ntv. new in magnet. frozen cow from korinovka 89.99. magnet - the price is what you need. one for all, all all for one. there are classics that i like more and more every time. classic grant burgers and a new one, grand picant with spicy tomato sauce, which you really want to repeat. the classic is already waiting, delicious period. enjoying summer in new looks is a step towards yourself. come to the amazon, discover the transformation, relax, choose, try on, receive pleasure from different yourself. fill your summer
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grill in magnesium. the state has abolished fees for transfers between accounts in different banks. from may 1, russians can transfer their money from one bank to another for free. the law came into force. now you can receive a salary from one bank and immediately transfer it to another, where it is more profitable. transfer money to a free alpha card, receive a super cash in rubles and a 16% rate on savings. not just profitable, alpha profitable. yes ice delux is a mountain of pleasure, sweet waterfalls and a feast of tastes. try your favorite ice delux and new flavors. papaya mango is just a tasty point. who covers other people's tracks during the day and leaves his own at night. so it’s you, uncle lyosha is here. lore is also very good. thank you for catching him? uncle lyosha, look at nakion now. the peculiarity of doshirak is in
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fermentation technology. therefore, my choice is - you can be yourself, you can change stylish looks, manage to work everything, be a practical housewife and mother, for different you
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there is one magnet of cosmetics, discounts and delivery to application magnet couples grand and grant piquant at an attractive price, only delicious, period, this is a show of stars, duels, lera kudryavtseva, that’s what’s wrong with me. why isn't he responding? is he charging? in short, bed rest is recommended for you, i am against it. let's write it down as against the regime. you want me to laugh at every joke you make. sasha, we don’t have show-masco here, we have stars. today
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lera kudryavtseva and her raisa team, and alexander reva and the soyuz studio will meet in a heated confrontation. on saturday at 21:20 on ntv. yes, we need meet when right now, are you at the dacha? no, where? yes, i went on business, but what happened? it seems we have found irina's killer, but we need to clarify some details. what details? come to the dacha, we'll talk there. okay, i'll come now.
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hello, sorry i'm late, there's a traffic jam, it's okay, the main thing is we've passed, let's go, okay, you said you found the killer, yes, but you can open the garage, why? well, i want to look at irina’s car, it’s not there, and i don’t know where it is, where she left it in
8:31 pm
the office parking lot, probably, yeah, but maybe yours look at the phone, why, well, look at something, huh? yes, here, he was arrested, for what? for murder? are you seriously? tell me, did he drive a red mazda to you today? yes, did you do something with her? not yet. don’t do anything, i
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’ll come and pick it up now. what is your address? zavodskaya 48, i'll be there in an hour. usually in such situations everyone runs away. and then i catch up with them. are you not? i no, thank you, when are you? let's go, close the garage, well done, on the way, i'll drop the camera, well, let's compete with what? in
8:33 pm
the murder of irina safonova, i did not kill her, ok, let's start from the beginning, here are the results of the examination, it showed that safonova's car hit a woman with two children, irina hit people, well, not she, but you, me, where did you get this from, at 17:40 you drove into the store. then they changed places, you got behind the wheel and the camera recorded it. 18:00, you were driving through the forest. made a hit-and-run,
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we have a witness, he can confirm this, after the hit-and-run you turned off your phone, got to your dacha and turned it on, listen, please, i understand that it’s hard for you, but i advise you to admit, yes, shit happens in life, but you can always remain human. i didn't want this, i really didn't want this. when the damp one and i returned to the dacha, she started shouting at me to call the police, confessed everything, that they would find the car anyway, she would be accused of hitting her, she didn’t want to sit for me, i refused to call, then she herself. i started calling too, i stabbed her,
8:35 pm
then i went to the city, met with friends and we went to the club, but why didn’t you tell me right away, you’re a normal guy, but i was scared, i thought it would bring me, but it didn’t, for everything has to be paid. i got scared too, well done emilin, congratulations, thank you, and i ’m well done, that’s okay too, two birds with one stone, well, that’s how we tried when we...


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