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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 2, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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10 years since the tragedy, we remember the horror in the house of trade unions in odessa, why has no one been punished yet? to start from scratch, when they will start rebuilding houses in avdiivka and how they live there today, as well as washington’s naked double standards regarding rallies and protests, how they are preparing for the olympic games in france and whether this will help get rid of rats and bedbugs, for what reasons russian customs post are buried in international parcels, and the smuggler, who is also an investigator, who is also a hobbler, bonacieux.
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leonid konevsky is 85. this is the program today in the dmitry zavoisty studio. hello. today is 10 years since the monstrous tragedy in the house of trade unions. on may 2, 2014, supporters of the kiev regime brutally dealt with opponents of euromaid. people, fleeing from the rabid thugs who attacked them, barricaded themselves in the building and found themselves in a fire trap. almost fifty people were burned alive. these events. became one of the symbols of ukrainian nazism, according to experts, the investigation came down to the acquittal of the murderers, the west turned a blind eye to everything, to the question there are still no answers to who is to blame; the monstrous massacre was then called the odessa khatyn. alexey prokin, together with his colleagues who took part in those events, remembered how it was. ntv journalist sergei savin reviews the chronicle of the odessa tragedy. 10 years ago he tried to break through for several days. from kiev to odessa to
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tell the truth about the arson of the house of trade unions, the pearl by the sea was then surrounded by checkpoints, the city was surrounded by radical militants. sergei recalls that it was a miracle that he managed to get to odessa, while sergei was getting there, editors in moscow prepared for him footage from the house of trade unions, a chronicle of a crime without a statute of limitations, an hour and a half of video that was painful and scary to watch, then in the remaining days, there was this video every three or four, then another new one appeared.
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come out, we won’t kill, so burn alive, people who were able to speak, well, these are very brave people, because odessa was unrecognizable, i’ve been there before, odessa was there in early may - it should be a very warm, cheerful, cheerful city who wakes up there, humor, dialect, his own style, charm, no, odessa was shocked, odessa was scared, by one of the heroes of sergei savin’s report. in kiev, blaming everything on football fans will not work. alexey had to leave his hometown and set fire to the trade union houses at the hands of the regime. now he lives in lugansk. on may 2, 2014, beaten by radicals, albu and his comrades took refuge in the house of pro...
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nikolai bulkin, in 2014 he worked in kiev and talked about the reaction of the kiev regime to the events in odessa, according to nikolaev.
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not a word was said about the radicals, nationalists, ultras who staged this massacre, this is the mass murder of such a large number of people, that is , there are no accusations, not even reproaches, and they said that these are all external forces that are pushing ukraine towards civil war, and the killers are essentially obvious, they are simply - simply excuse it. 5 years ago , the un human rights monitoring mission in ukraine concluded: that the authorities did not do everything necessary to ensure a prompt, independent and impartial investigation, quote: murders of violent deaths that had place as a result of the violence on may 2, 2014. former ukrainian prime minister mykola azarov
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lists the perpetrators of the massacre by name. he is confident that with the fall of the bandera regime they will still be punished. who organized this tragedy, yes, who led this... so to speak, terrible act, that is, these are all famous people, this is parubiy, who, so to speak, led this in odessa, this is turchinov, the so-called its president, this avakov, who was the minister of internal affairs, these same people, are they some kind of they were held responsible for this, but they did not bear any responsibility. according to azarov, the odessa tragedy was supposed to show the world the true face of the kiev regime, but instead of condemnation, reprisals against their own citizens were carried out by europeans. the union signed an association agreement with ukraine and for 10 years continues to feed ukrainians with promises of joining the eu. during this time , not a single monument to the founders of the city remained in odessa, the streets named in honor of russian statesmen were renamed, and the land for the protection of which
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the participants of the tent camp rose on the waders field on may 2, 2014, having long been pledged to american and european corporations. alexey prokin, susana prutchikova and irina. all last night , protests did not subside in the center of tbilisi, thousands of people came out to rally against the so-called law on foreign agents; the police managed to push the activists away from the parliament building only in the morning; before that, demonstrators tried to break the iron gates to the parliament building and threw several house bombs. law enforcement officers used pepper spray and water cannons. eight people were hospitalized. there is no joy in the unrest in the georgian capital.
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they hastened to condemn the actions of the georgian authorities at the current protests, saying that dispersing demonstrations is not democratic. at the same time , right now the los angeles police are preparing to disperse a student rally at the local university. his students joined the demands to stop funding the war in the gas sector and staged a sit-in. according to some reports, some law enforcement officers have already entered the campus. on snipers were spotted on nearby rooftops. the day before , the same police entry into the kolombiisk campus. university and city college of new york ended in the use of force and mass arrests, with 300 students detained. the security forces are acting more and more boldly, and congressmen are giving them the green light. they just passed a bill to combat anti-semitism, it passed a vote in the house of representatives
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and is now being considered by the senate. the document, in particular, will allow the authorities to refuse funding to universities on whose territory anti-semitic rallies take place. some congressmen even came out to the students. we no longer kneel to the terrorists who caused riots and chaos in our city, and if the educators here, many of whom are involved in this right now, proudly say that they do not want to remove the palestinian sign from the george washington statue, if they don't want to do something to solve this problem, what? now this concept includes not only threats against jews, but criticism of the state of israel and its politicians. congressman matt getz said that
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this law is written, i quote: without regard to the constitution, common sense or even understanding of the meaning of the words, the gospel itself will fall under... anti-semitism under the terms of this law. the number of dead and wounded residents of the gas sector has already reached 5% of the population of the enclave, while 70% of the dead are women and children. this is scary. data from the official un report. israel has been actively fighting in gaza for six months. a necessary condition for resolving the crisis is palestinian membership in the un. our permanent representative stated this from the rostrum of the general assembly organized by vasily nebendya. but for now washington is blocking all resolutions not only on peace, but even on a ceasefire. according to their logic, the palestinians will receive the status of a full member state of the world organization. an obstacle to negotiations with israel. we categorically disagree with this logic. satisfying
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the palestinian request is nothing less than correcting a historical injustice against palestine, which should have become a state and been admitted to the un back in 1948. this is our common duty to you palestinians, and not some carrot that should encourage them to be more accommodating in negotiations with israel. our diplomat added that the situation can only be resolved by seriously condemning the possibilities for a fair political settlement. games, exceptions, this is what the olympics in france are increasingly called. parisian activists yesterday tried to get a meeting with the minister of the interior to talk about the problems faced by migrants. people are concerned about the so-called social cleanups, when people are evicted from city streets homeless. protesters even burned olympic rings. there were clashes with the police, at the same time, more and more trade unions are planning strikes during the competitions,
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garbage collectors, police officers, transport workers and civil servants were warned about the upcoming actions, as they are preparing for one of the most scandalous olympics in history, sergei kholashevsky. while the sailboat with the olympic flame, which the greeks lit on olympus , is plowing the expanses of the mediterranean sea on its way to marseille, the french are already calculating how much the upcoming olympics will cost them. the first record seems to have already been achieved. euros, so france, according to local journalists, will not earn anything, despite the sky-high ticket prices. france may break the record for spending on preparing for the olympics. france is competing with greece and great britain for the title of olympic spending champion. before the games, the french authorities launched a grandiose, so -called social cleansing of the city, evicting people.
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euros for cleaning the hay and the facade of the parisian town hall, the famous meme about parisian bedbugs rats preparing to receive guests is more relevant than ever, especially against the backdrop of threats from the garbage workers' union, which threatened strikes if the mayor's office does not fork out 400 euros for a salary increase, almost 2,000 euros of an olympic prize for each, to this it is worth adding the stern attitude of air traffic controllers, who a week ago the whole of paris is listening. air hub, then due to the threat of a strike at the capital's airport charles de gol, 65% of flights had to be canceled, and
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75% at orly. plus security problems. before the start of the games, the police promised to conduct an inspection of almost 1 million people, including volunteer athletes. 195 thousand have already been checked, of which 160 people were on the list of persons posing a threat to national security. in general, a complete headache, which... it took the international olympic committee 4 days to ban russia from participating in the olympic games. in gaza, the genocide has been going on for months, the number of victims has exceeded 4,000 people, most of them women and children, but no, the israeli delegation is preparing to welcome the israeli delegation to the games, because this is business. left mps demand that israeli athletes be deprived of the right to compete under the national flag, but the authorities say that israel is different, no matter what. additional questions about russia, the organizers of the summer olympic games revoked permission to work
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as volunteers, previously issued to russians who live in france. sergey kholoshevsky, polina timofeeva and boris filchikov, ntv european bureau. next, a short advertisement, after which we will tell you how they live in liberated avdiivka, when they will begin rebuilding houses, for what reasons russian postal customs are buried in international parcels. well, also a smuggler, he’s also an investigator, he’s also a haberdasher, leonid konevsky is 85. happy birthday megamarket you give joy only on the megamarket’s birthday meris diapers for only 1,299 rubles. it's time to be zen and keep abreast of the latest trends. keep up to date with what's trending in the fashion world. stay up to date with
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the latest sports events and discover the world in a new way on the main page. be on topic, be zen. the state has abolished commissions for transfers between its accounts in different banks. from may 1, russians can transfer their money from one bank to another for free. the law came into force. now you can receive a salary from one bank and immediately transfer it to another, where it is more profitable. transfer money to a free alpha card, receive a supercake in rubles, and withdraw cash from any atm for free.
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hundreds of languages, cultures, millions of people, we are in our own country, we have no barriers, in
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rbt technomay stores, so is the oasis microwave oven. with a volume of 20 liters for 4,290 technomai in rbt, to make comfort accessible to picador, our opinion on what ketchup should be, juicy, aromatic, truly spicy. ikodor, unexpectedly piquant ketchup. deposit, best interest, up to 16% per annum in sberbank online. what is missing for construction can be easily found on the avito sale. hurry up to buy goods for construction. up to 60%. all that remains is to build. avita, take it on sale and build it. via superstar. premiere on may 12 at 20:20 on ntv. moscow coffee shop on the floors. a combination of traditions and advanced technologies of the highest class. and the taste is a pleasure. i love it, i recommend it. simply delicious sour cream
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rostagroexport. just try it. sportsmaster presents. outventure brand - reliable travel equipment, buy sportsmaster in the mobile app and get 300 bonuses for self-driving, but i myself didn’t think that i would become a driver, a friend called me, the schedule is free, there are orders, the money is decent, at first i thought that i was here not for long, i haven’t had time to look back for three years already, the passengers thank me, i’m doing a good job, it turns out that if i hadn’t tried it then, i wouldn’t have understood, what is this mine? that's it, dad. the taxi driver's way starts with yandex pro. moscow coffee shop on the floors, taste, pleasure. i love it, i recommend it. beyond the new season with timur eremeev. today at 16:45 on ntv. you
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are watching ntv, we continue the broadcast. today is maundy thursday for the orthodox, it is dedicated to the secret thing. the end of the world will come, our channel will broadcast live from the church of the holy sepulcher on this day, starting on saturday at 13:00 moscow time. the russian
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military continues to advance westward, this is avdievka, liberated in february, but for now the city is still under the guns of ukrainian drone guns. despite all the risks, civilians remain there. i found out how they escape from shelling when housing reconstruction begins. boris shows everything that remains of his two-room apartment, there is a huge hole in the wall of the hall, the consequences of a shot from an armed forces tank, so ukrainian nationalists took revenge on the residents for their reluctance to leave the city, as it turned out, the evacuation of people turned out to be just a cover for retreating military units, this is all ukraine, purposefully stood in the roads went straight here. they knew which one, they walked around, saw where people lived in apartments, and they deliberately hit the target, what was the goal, that is , to intimidate the civilian population, from the broken
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apartment the bandare family managed to take out only things and dishes, the property that had been buried over the years turned into a pile of rubbish. boris recalls that the intimidation happened constantly, after a tank fired at the house they fired from a machine gun at the entrance, they threw flash-noise grenades, the ukrainian military who refused to evacuate were disgustedly called: “i’m waiting for us, come in!” the ground floor for this family became a real salvation. during the cold weather and shelling, animals flocked to them: two dogs, three cats and a neighbor’s parrot. the conditions in the room are minimal: three beds, a kitchen, food storage space, water tanks and even a tv that operates via converter voltage from a car battery. now the whole vdeevka lives like this, the whole vdeevka lives, now no one lives in apartments, everyone lives in basements, well, of course during the day the troops go out on the street, and at night they go down to the basement. because it’s very dangerous now, too in general, it was dangerous, but now drones are also flying, flying during the day, dropping them. boris points to the neighboring entrance,
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the ceilings of the fifth and fourth floors have been broken through, the ukrainian army continues to shoot at the city. you can periodically hear machine gun fire, they say that a lot of drones are flying over avdiivka, trying to hit cars or military vehicles, that’s why. in open areas we cannot, they ask us to move very quickly and move, from house to house, listen, look closely, well, like this this is how we act, you can move along the street by jogging or on bicycles, now this is the most common, perhaps, accessible transport. alexander went to yasenovataya and makeyevka for the first time in 10 years, was surprised by the assortment in the shops at the market, the ukrainian media talked about the difficult situation of the residents of the donetsk people's republic.
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each resident has their own story of survival, and they also want to quickly forget the horror they experienced and return to a peaceful life. god's faith helped us survive, but it's okay, we'll all survive
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evil. omar magomedov, rabadam bagomedov, ntv television company, donetsk people's republic, avdeevka. the prosecutor general's office demanded that the russian postal service of the federal customs service eliminate disruptions in the delivery of international parcels. more business news. marina pimenova joins us after the holiday weekend. marina, why did everything break? dim, but as it turned out, russian post did not expect that people would send more parcels than usual before the long weekend. the first may holidays were not easy for everyone, so there were obvious difficulties originated from russian post. the prosecutor general's office began its investigation after massive delays in international mail. after which he demanded that the russian post and the federal customs service jointly. to eliminate all failures, as the department reports, the reason for everything was the post office itself, since there was not enough money in its personal fcs account for all customs procedures. as a result, it was not possible to release
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more. there was no general consensus about who traded. the federal reserve left the key rate unchanged, and its head, george pavel, on the one hand, did not gave a signal for an imminent rate reduction, but on the other hand said that a rate increase at the next meeting is unlikely. the moscow exchange has already managed to trade on monday and tuesday, but there have been no significant changes on the russian stock market, trading volumes are small and no sharp movements are expected in the coming days. and here is the ruble after.
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the us treasury has imposed sanctions against pobeda airlines. the department’s documents explain that pobeda was included in the list for its activities in the russian economic sector. quote: intended to support the russian military industrial base. as the kommersant newspaper clarifies, the united states claims that pobeda is violating export rules by importing aircraft components of american origin. with the help of the iranian airline mahan air, also under us sanctions. true, the us treasury issued a license that allows companies to complete all operations with victory before july 30 of this year. this means, as the kommersant newspaper suggests, that victory was given time to complete its insurance settlement deals for the boeing 737 aircraft. the insurance settlement mechanism assumes that aircraft are purchased
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from foreign lessors using money from the national welfare fund. those who refuse demands to return these planes reduce the risk that these planes could be seized abroad. dima, that's all for me. thank you, marina piminova with business news. the concert of moscow soloists has become the main event of the international music festival that opened in yaroslavl, it is being held for the sixteenth time, its permanent director, people's artist, yuri bashmet. for the first time, academic modern music was played works of famous composers, jazz and music.
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modest respect for a person who is no worse than the townspeople, you see, this year music coexists with the treasures of written culture, in the fay of the yaroslavl philharmonic there is a facsimile copy of the oldest monument of writing in cyrillic, this is the miroslav gospel, a unique shrine of the 19th century, from which report of the serbian state on which its president takes the oath. in crimea, they managed to solve a problem that many russian regions are struggling with. completely on the peninsula the queue for kindergartens was eliminated. over 10 years, about 200 new preschool institutions have been opened, bringing thousands of children. and their parents can now safely go to work. rostislav skidan will tell you how the preschool system of the peninsula was revived. we'll put on the cap like this, like this. the daily routine of millions of russian parents going to work
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through kindergarten. became familiar to the fire family only last year, there was simply nowhere to take little sasha, we stood in line in the garden for two months and ended up with five years, that is, we have a very densely populated area, a valley, and there were two operating gardens. construction of a kindergarten in the village of zarechin began in 2016 and opened in september last year. already after her son went to kindergarten, olga recalls, she realized how good it was that she did not delay with the queue. everyone wanted to get in, but of course, not everyone could. our kindergarten has a capacity of 160 places, but naturally we have already expanded our horizons a little, we have more children. the only shortage of places left is in nursery groups; according to the authorities, the problem will be solved in this year, along with the opening of twenty-three new gardens, in addition to the 163 already built in crimea during the russian decade. in the fourteenth year, only 11 institutions could be brought back into the network, 41% of the supply.
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some of them were supposed to go to work, but they couldn’t, there was nowhere to take the child. this problem had to be solved as soon as possible ; construction began in 2015. the federal target program for the development of crimea and sevastopol came to the rescue. thanks to her , 55 new kindergartens were built on the peninsula in 10 years. 12,000 seats. children from 3 to 7 years old do not need to wait for a place in kindergarten. in this age category, the preschool system is ready to welcome new students, as kindergarteners are now called. music lessons are also available for them. and we need theatrical performances, what else do we need, physical education, construction and generally busy everyday life, guys, who is this? teacher yana chernichenko delicately
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laughs it off, answering the question, when do you sleep, the student of the sevastopol pedagogical college has final exams and a hot summer season in kindergarten just around the corner, new year's holidays, or is it march 8th, then yes, then it’s hard, then the script is being studied, then they go... the new building of the educational center of the sevastopol cossack bay opened in march twenty -third, yana has been working here for six months, colleagues joke, she missed the most interesting thing - renovation . the teachers themselves designed the design of the premises, chose toys and equipment, so sensory and light-music rooms appeared in the garden, and wide corridors turned into separate play areas. as each of us builds a house, we select materials for ourselves. so that she would be comfortable, so that she would be cozy, that’s why we selected materials, first of all, equipment, color, the children appreciated the design efforts of the teachers, which kindergarten did you like better, the one you went to or this one, this one, and why? because it's cool there, what do you
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like best there? playground, playground, teacher. while the lighthouse was being built, little margarta makarenko went to another kindergarten where there were places, or rather, she went. together with mother victoria. now it's a shame it's a 5 minute walk. victoria often spends her free time at the lighthouse helping teachers. i would like to create some conditions, comfort to participate in the same matinees and competitions. this is a parental position when you are included in the life of the child, in the life of the kindergarten. new kindergartens, about 200 throughout the peninsula, helped the economies of crimea and sevastopol. over these 10 years , more than 15 thousand parents whose children were waiting for theirs were able to go to work. queues for kindergarten. rastislav skidan, alexander solovenko, dmitry mezintsev and oleg shalya. tv company ntv, the city of sevastopol and the republic of crimea. today, congratulations are received by leonid konevsky, the same smuggler in gaidai’s comedy the diamond arm and, of course, the brave
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detective shurik tomin from the legendary tv series investigations are conducted by experts. leonid semyonovich is 85. for a quarter of a century, he has been our colleague, the permanent presenter of one of the most popular programs on russian television that airs. look in a couple of minutes, that's all for me, thank you for being with us, all the best and see you later. good morning, about the weather for tomorrow i will tell you, evgenia neronskaya. the coastal regions of the far east are covered with clouds. rains will pour on sakhalin, kamchatka, in the southern regions of the khabarovsk territory and primorye.
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in addition to precipitation, we expect noticeable cooling. the rainy epic continues in siberia, rains throughout the southeast, in the central regions of the krasnoyarsk territory and the north of the irkutsk region, but the temperature will slightly regain the lost degrees. in krasnoyarsk tomorrow it will be +13. to the same values ​​in the western half, in the omsk and novosibirsk regions. it's cooler in the urals, plus there's rain throughout the region, with sleet in the north. temperatures drop on the other side of the ural mountains. in the volga region. moreover, the weather there is also the most difficult. in the north, the values ​​do not reach the climatic norm, five, and in some places even 10°. the north-west is another matter, tomorrow there will be plenty of sun, but it will only shine until it is not warm. tender weather awaits only the shores of the baltic sea, in kaliningrad +23 and not a drop of rain. seeps into the center of european territory, freezing to -3 at night, and not so much during the day it’s warm, like at the beginning of the week, and the cold wave has not yet reached the south during the day +20-25, but short rains with thunderstorms are not excluded, there is a strong wind on the coast. in st. petersburg tomorrow
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it will be cloudy, with clearings; at night in the vicinity of the northern capital the temperature may drop to zero, but during the day it will be above zero...


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