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tv   Marlen  NTV  May 4, 2024 5:05am-5:45am MSK

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at the place where the helmet was found - that's two. shishlov at a meeting with what’s his name, pokrovsky, that’s three, and shishlo was already in the apartment – ​​that’s four. as they say in chess, he plays too active a game. that's it, we'll interrogate, come on. oh, this is some kind of plastic bag, bring it. i don't understand what you want to find there. it's just that. “well, what you want to hide from us, don’t worry, we will restore it all, why are you so worried, it ’s just garbage, you see, before documents were simply burned, but now they’re not fire safety allows, so they came up with this sweder, shveder, i don’t even know what it’s called correctly, but we glued all these strips together, do you know what it is?” “this is your separate estimate from svelikhov
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for the construction of a shopping center, you see, here here are the dates, here are the numbers, and that exactly on these dates pokrovsky came to your office like a bayonet, a strange coincidence, however, i don’t see anything strange here, don’t interrupt me anymore, please, so what’s the boss mayor's security service do it regularly in your office? he delivered construction documents, but for such cases you don’t have managers or couriers there to give you a lift? well, drink your tea, it’s already getting cold, but somehow you don’t feel like it, what were you doing 2 days ago, not far from the forest belt where we found levitsky’s corpse, where are you going with this, levitsky could have found out about these kickbacks of yours, the measure, the tender that you allegedly there won for the construction of a shopping center?
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yeah, so that means you have time to think about your difficult situation, it’s gone.
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an evil policeman came, yeah, that means i i didn’t kill levitsky, pokrovsky, i’m sure too, i don’t even know what eltsov is? yes, lemon, probably, yeah, he found out about the kickbacks to velikhov, levitsky contacted pokrovsky, named the amount for silence, velikhov decided to pay, sent pokrovsky to the radio station with the money, but the mayor called pokrovsky, he left without waiting for levitsky, yes, that, i persuaded the mayor not to pay, if he pays once, then a second time, a third time, and so on.
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how did you want to resolve the issue, how did i also come to the radio station, yes, but yours the car was not in the parking lot, i left it at the business center, what was your plan? i knew that levitsky was looking for his daughter’s killer, i wanted to offer him help, people, resources, whatever, i wanted to resolve the issue amicably, but levitsky didn’t show up, so how did you know that he was looking for the killer? my security guards began to keep an eye on him, he met with a private detective several times, we talked to him, the detective’s last name is georgievich, and then how do you explain your presence near the forest belt at the twelfth kilometer behind... that’s what you said,
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that you came to zhdanova’s birthday at 8 o’clock, but there were a lot of guests, almost everyone, almost, well, later another guy came there, i don’t know his name, i don’t remember from the radio, how do you know that he is from the radio, i saw him there that day, when he was sitting in a cafe, yes, he was leaving the radio station with a security guard, yes, he was alone. are you sure it's one? the first time alone, and the second time guards.
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so what happened at the time when you left this office and went down to the parking lot? i only went out with a security guard. no, you are not telling the truth. before you came down from security guard in the parking lot, you went out there alone, we have witnesses. indeed, yes, i just forgot. i was nervous, i went to buy cigarettes in our shopping center on the first floor, by the way, the pharmacy sells a good allergy medicine, you sneezed last time, well, i don’t have to sneeze every once in a while, but today i don’t sneeze, alas, what
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was spinning like an ear in a frying pan? it’s hard to lie, pash, you have to know how to lie, but he doesn’t know how, he can, you didn’t catch him lying the first time, last time he didn’t lie, what he said, he said that he was going down to the parking lot with a security guard, and that’s how it was, he just hid the whole truth, check the shopping center, uh-huh, what is his motive for the murder, what connects tsarev and levitsky, daughter, they studied together at the same faculty, the key to unraveling the motive is possible,
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dobry day, we need to talk.
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you are generally aware that you are obliged to share operational information with law enforcement. she didn't shower after training, so what? why then does she have all these soap accessories? well, i don’t know, maybe there was no water, but if there wasn’t, then she didn’t even bother she could have washed it, but her hands were covered in talc, she was dancing on a pole, what does this mean, and this
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means that the talc could have remained in the killer’s car, i’ll check about the water. “i wanted to apologize to you, to lyubushka, to pasha, to everyone, i’m very ashamed, i was in the right, so what are you planning again, you don’t believe me, the day after tomorrow and we both know that i’m facing a real sentence, you don’t you think that i’m such a seasoned swindler that, excuse me, forgive me, that this won’t have any effect on me, i think it
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’s really difficult for you now, but i know that this won’t change anything, i don’t play the role anymore, marlene, i understand everything, and i didn’t expect anything else, i just have a request to you, please, can you come today, well, at least pretend that you don’t believe?
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after all, they changed the pipes and the lack of water - this is a clue pasha, uh-huh, let me listen too, sit down,
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at the headquarters, i was there, but only once, uh-huh,
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i’m in place marlen georgievich, well, here he has everything except weapons is a case of war, so he prepared for war, only his weapons are information, so he needed money mayor. gorgievich, he needs tadpoles here, he has the password here, here is the speed of the river, the speed of the wind. it looks like a helicopter photograph with a rosregistry note, the date there is may 17, so stop, this is the date of the murder of levitsky’s daughter, come on, give it back.
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i’m listening, marlene, you’ve already left, grab something for tea, excuse me, marlene, are you kidding, where are you, a man invited us, how are you, you feel me, of course, i started whispering, but we’re already next to each other, yes, where, where, with me, where? i realized that he was a descendant of the rothschalds, a great pianist, by the way, he he played bach just like crazy, you know, some crazy fanatic, his personal plane was waiting for us at the airport, in the morning we were already in bali, a simple wooden hut, around the ocean, sand, and there was a piano, that is, this
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crazy guy decided to arrange a concert for me personally, in the evening he had to fly to paris, at the airport we went to such a very simple cafe and there he decided to propose to me, but i refused, here’s the story, just like in the novel, as i say, i refused, you know, i don't care at all. i don’t want to, because if i married him, i wouldn’t go through my own path, albeit difficult, with mistakes, maybe not entirely correct, but my own, on this path i met you, and in general you should have been my enemies, but you became mine friends, some even fathers, why don’t you
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understand anything? “right now, asya is next to us, and tomorrow, marlene, is there really nothing we can do, listen, i have a feeling that vasya is saying goodbye to us forever, and it’s not so easy to get rid of us, you know, i’m here. if i weren't sure that you were my father, i would have killed you i also imagined it exactly like this, well, we have a cake, and by the way, i also have wine. sorry, for god's sake!
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levitsky collected a lot of information, made his calculations of the speed of movement of the body and daughter along the river, turned to divers, examined the bottom, the investigation believed that the murder of marina was committed in zhdankovo, and levitsky went 10 km higher to govorovo, and how he found out about the helicopter ? well, he came to govorovo and interviewed almost every house. one of the residents recalled that there was a constant noise in the sky for several days, a helicopter was working there, a helicopter was there i filmed for 2 days, but i found this helicopter company, took the pictures from them, hoped that the killer would be found in them, and that the flight, you looked at all the pictures, everything, that is, it turns out that six months of searching down the drain,
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when levisky received the pictures, for day before his murder, what kind of company? now, we didn’t send everything that we filmed, we did the cutting according to the ordered site plan, i told your employee i showed the remaining materials, yes, yes, when he came, four days ago, but you can see the remaining materials, yes, yes, i did. .. i’m just opening it, oh, all your files are numbered, and where is the twelfth file, he chose it, it’s in the archive on our radio, now for... why was he going to the radio when he had an important file for him , well, broadcast, he’s
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a professional, or because he found evidence of his daughter’s murder and was going to present it, that’s right, so on the radio there was pokrovsky, shishlov, zhdanov tsarev, with whom he spoke on the phone when he was driving to... from zhdanov with zhdanova and tsar tsar, so i made an alibi for zhdanova at the time of eltsova’s murder, her colleagues confirmed that from 37 to 93 she was in a psychological center, in my opinion it’s a pomegranate, well, it’s clear why she hid it, because in our time going to these shrinks, they are not very welcome, in general it’s strange to hide an alibi when you are suspected of a triple murder, and she didn’t i was afraid of accusations.
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it will be difficult to bring charges, come in, i won’t interfere, no, of course not, listen, okay? what i found, valery petrovich, i wanted to personally present a modest gift, well, what was the occasion for the present, and we closed the levitsky case, and this is an apology for
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the concern, we found the killer, we found who he is, i can’t say yet, thank you, thank you very much, will you reveal it, yes. what didn't you like? no, why is the landscape beautiful? well, let's put it in a nice place, put it on a stripe, right here. oh, it's so beautiful, isn't it? now you have two canvases with the same meaning. listen, i don’t quite understand, both photographs are about life.
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marlen georgievich, tsarev came to the vedklinik, her sister works here, while she sits in the car, puts her hands on the steering wheel, and looks at one point. leaving, changed his mind about coming, overall a strange visit, i have a good appetite, but i’m not complaining, yes, she’s just like me, grinding basically everything that comes to hand, well, i mean under the paw,
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yeah. your cat is healthy, when was the last time you communicated with your brother, you are from the police, i am an investigator, marina sergeevna, your brother got into a very bad situation, now it depends on you personally whether i can help him or not, i understand, 2 a day ago he came to the treatment room, it was evening, he offered to give me a ride, but i had night duty, that's all i know, well, take the cat, you why don’t you see, we have something more important to talk about than the cat, and why didn’t you ask me what he did? marya sergeevna, now a lot depends on you, when he left and...
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a drug for anesthesia, we put cats to sleep, thank you, what is this, it’s an inhalation when we do operations, lisa, you don’t know how to behave at all, i have no memory worse than appetite. thank you, well, i’ll start, if you don’t mind, of course, uh,
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oddly enough. but this is eltsova, your colleague from the radio station. in the miraculously preserved fragments of her lung tissue, it was discovered a substance called trifluoroethane. this is a breakdown product of fluoroethane. trifluorothane completely decomposes at a temperature of 300°. the combustion of the corpse did not reach such a temperature. and do you see what’s so bad about you? well, i'm in a trance.
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uveltsova had talc in her hands. who knows how i could have talc in my car? this is where forensic science comes to our aid. the strength, speed, direction of the blows, the murder weapon of both yeltsova and levitsky are identical. this means that they were committed by one person. you, why should i kill lvitsky and yeltsov? and so that hide the murder? and the body was thrown into the river, her corpse was caught 10 km down the river below, the body was in the water for two days, that’s exactly how long it should have been carried by the current from the chateau where you were to the place where the corpse was actually found, taking into account this
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say the geological characteristics of the bottom, the speed... i met marina at the exit of the cafe, we had not seen each other for a long time, we decided to talk, we went out of town, we stood on the shore, drank wine, we had fun. then i thought that now
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it would be intimate, i tried to hug her, she rudely confronted him, hit him on the cheek, i don’t even... i don’t remember how i hit him in response, it was a tragic accident, well, with levitsky, as it was, you’re right, he demanded that i come down, there was such an effect of surprise, he came up with it well, here’s where my daughter is, you bastard, you come, let him go, look, you’ll find out, this is your car on the river bank, i
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say there, you’re lying, scum, six months of searching and who, my daughter’s friend, are you you admit it to everyone, it’s live here now, fuck you! i killed him already in the trunk, so there are no footprints in the parking lot. i waited until the end of the working day and took the body to the forest belt and set it on fire. i forgot about the helmet, i had to throw it away on the way, but first i carefully wiped it with alcohol gel, and threw the gel to zhdanova when i came to my birthday, the helmet couldn’t get out of my head, you once again regretted that you didn’t destroy it completely, i came back, but
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he wasn’t there, i thought that the police had found him, i got scared, so the idea came to frame the expected one, aseltsov, giltsovo, for what, an anonymous person started writing to me on the internet, blackmail, he witnessed the murder, gave all the details, very much asked for a large sum for silence, i hired a hacker and it turned out that it was yeltsova, i later found out that she and her boyfriend had quarreled on the stairs, ran after him downstairs because she was afraid that he will now fight with levitsky, her boyfriend left, she saw me fighting with him, and how you killed her, waylaid her in the parking lot, put her to sleep in a cockroach, which he took from his sister, then put her in the trunk, i killed her for sure just like levitsky, and also made a podjok, bollonic i
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i took it to the region and threw it into the river away from the forest belt. what, you think i'm a monster? no, just a killer. i ask everyone to stand up, the trial is underway,
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the verdict is being announced, to find verbina alsolya arsenyevna guilty of committing the crime provided for in part one of the article. 158 of the criminal code of the russian federation and sentence her to one year and 6 months of imprisonment to be served in a general regime correctional colony; the hearing ended coldly.
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maybe the car keys fell out? thank you, announce the plan to intercept, escaped the defendant is out of the courtroom, where is the walkie-talkie? i have you, i have you, the driver
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oleg palych called me, they have already left, yes, everything is okay with us, the ifar is ready, so, well, then let’s run everything so that by the time olek sticks arrives, everything will just shine, do it i'm like jazzy, okay, uh-huh, yeah. let's go, when i was there, you noticed them, i tanned glances, you rocked the muses, i don’t remember when i was married, but that world is not forgotten when it crashed, not in days, months in...
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no, i i can’t understand the pulse, look at the pulse, evich, where do you think asya is now? well, most likely she’s going to leave the country, but before that, before that, she’ll want to grab a jackpot, and most likely one that will last her the rest of her life. it’s risky, considering that she’s
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now wanted, i agree, but as we managed to see, the risk never scared her, yes. oleg pavlovich nesterov, 38 years old, unmarried, heads the westrin media holding, his fortune is estimated at $7.5 billion, you’re nothing, so handsome. marlen georgievich,
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of course i understand that the threat is dealing with fugitives, but we also shouldn’t sit idly by hands, no, we will wait,


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