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tv   Tsentralnoe televidenie  NTV  May 5, 2024 6:30am-8:01am MSK

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just don’t think that i’m here out of gratitude, i just need to take my money, no, no, again, what is he up to, nuances, colonel, gentlemen, journalists, now let me introduce you to a person without whom it would be simple. can this operation be possible, this is our freelance employee, asya verbina, who was infiltrated into a criminal group, that beautiful girl, there she is, ah...
6:31 am
well, that’s it, now you’re a famous person, there’s no going back to the past, the sooner you serve time for a painting, the sooner you come to my theater, you are a born artist, yes... this yours, there is a young artist, he is ready to give you acting lessons during dates, my love, thank you, but i have someone to visit, promise me not to marry him until i am released, i want to walk at your wedding, i ask everyone to stand up, the trial is going on, forgive me,
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he talked to his neighbor, uh-huh, she saw one pretzel run out of here, i told you, the third one, the scar was on his cheek, yes i say, she’s describing a noose, it’s dimka sotov, mom we’re weeping, comrades, bosses, i didn’t kill, i didn’t do anything, let’s figure it out in general, i thought that i would be ruined, if it weren’t for the doorbell ringing and the snowy seryoga calling, what the hell, seryoga, what are you doing, hey, what are you doing, i don’t understand, the ukrainian commander in chief, alexander.
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syrsky claims that a critical situation has developed for the ukrainian armed forces in the combat zone. and he accuses one of the ukrainian brigades of the fact that its fighters left their positions without permission and opened the front. but what is this really, just a statement of facts or a big game, during which kiev plans to drag nato troops into the ukrainian conflict. moreover, as stated the other day emmanuel macron, france is ready to send its troops to ukraine if the ukrainian defense is broken through. in these and other main events of this week. we 'll try to figure it out right now. good evening! good evening! my name is vadim takminev, i am yulia bekhtereva! today is may 4, great saturday, the eve of the main christian holiday of easter. in most cities where they are watching us now, the exact time is 18:57. and we begin! tanp-grill, as a cheap but very practical know-how of the russian military , baffles nato generals and gives nightmares ssu on the front line. the new thorn in biden's political ass is no longer trump, but
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rebellious american students? how can american universities change the outcome of elections? which politicians will turn student unrest to their advantage? are you sure that the apartment you currently live in is still yours? this moscow pensioner found out that scammers had already stolen and sold his square meters only after he accidentally flooded his neighbors. how do scammers do this, and is there a way to protect your life from them? not only treat, but also maim! this is how pharmaceutical giants hide the truth about the terrible side effects of their drugs, which seem to be supposed to save lives, as well as the special guest of poites central television larisa rubalskaya, for which philip kirkorov hated her and how he later had to apologize for it.
6:35 am
it's an incredible bar you've set. here you are, this wonder of the world, this is elo! mask, finale! today at 20:20 on ntv. hmm, she smiled, it means she recognized her, she smiled, it means she’s real! they recognize, love, remember, appreciate, truly,
6:36 am
psb is a bank for the real thing, for headaches there is ascafen p at an affordable price and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches. this is a security service, tell me the code from the sms, let's do this, if you manage to outwit me, i will return the stolen money to the client, but it is unlikely that you will succeed. tsinkov returns money if it was stolen by telephone scammers. order a sim card mobile protect your bank accounts from your phone. so a samsung vacuum cleaner with a power of 1800 w for 7,590 tech in rbt to make comfort is affordable; many entrepreneurs have already
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received money from the fund for quite a few businesses. now it’s your turn alfabank will distribute 100 million rubles to entrepreneurs across the country. the best stories will get the money. tell me. about your business on extended additional 15% discount. choose clothes, shoes, accessories on ozone. use promo code spring. it will be added to existing discounts. buy more profitably with the promotional code spring. sber is introducing a loan with 2% cashback to give you even more opportunities. possibilities. without delay get everything, oh what you have long dreamed of, opportunities to please those who can be difficult to please the first time, opportunities to get new impressions, a wave of new impressions, a storm of new impressions, get a loan from sber and
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receive a monthly cashback of 2% interest rate, more profitable with sber prime, pizza, pizza, and where? and the cheese, the cheese is here, try chiba pizza from the hot thing, even more juicy filling with tender mozzarella baked chicken, mega cheese pizza from the hot thing in a new design, we take loans, easy to apply for, we at sofcombank, we take loans, approved quickly, we are at sofcombank, loans that everyone knows, great news, magnet stores have free delivery, and also a 40% discount on popular items.
6:39 am
the exact solution is free movement. to make money on my savings, i open a deposit in tenkov with a rate of 17%. i can top it up. from any bank, by phone number without commission, and if you need money from the savings account, you can withdraw it from any atm, also without commission, but it was possible, open a deposit in tenkov with a rate of 17% per annum and easily top it up from any bank by number phone, no commission. tinkov, he’s the only one. just a minute, attention, ladies and gentlemen, everyone, multiply by zero. in 1953 , the soviet government announced an amnesty, which became the largest in the history of the ussr. good afternoon, beauty, please pack me a complete set of clothes. more than a million former prisoners have been released, but everything is fine with frergat? front-line reconnaissance soldier. why didn't you
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come back after the war, vanya? well, what are you saying, what is mine is good, not yours. he's a former prisoner. the country forgave you for your crime, did not forgive you, punished you, returns, since he such a dangerous character, how did he end up free to cleanse the bitter one? crime, where did they crush it like that? i talked to the hostile investigator, either you are with me, or under me, and regain my honest name, i just wanted to live, bitter 53, either he is us, or we are him, premiere, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. let me remind you that you are watching live on central television. so, this week the first abrams arrived in moscow. many
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probably remember how hotheads were in kiev and some western capitals for a couple of years ago we seriously dreamed of driving into the russian capital in an american tank. and here is the time to quote the irish writer oscar wilde, who once said: “if the gods want to punish someone, they fulfill his wishes.” well, indeed, the dreams of those who wanted to see in moscow. during the course of hostilities, trophies produced an almost complete list of all the goods that nato generously supplied the ukrainian army with. and here it is very important to clarify that despite the resumed supply of military equipment from the states, the armed forces of ukraine have serious problems at the front. yes, vadim, indeed, as the commander in chief of the armed forces of ukraine alexander syrsky said, the situation at the front for the ukrainian troops has sharply
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worsened. he confirmed the retreat of the ukrainian armed forces from two settlements near avdievka. sirsky also admitted that the ukrainian armed forces had left novomikhailovka, and this was already near maryenka. well, in addition, ukrainian troops retreated from the ocheretina railway station and lost all key heights in the area. kiev now blames this collapse of defense. military personnel 115 separate mechanized brigades that left their positions and left the battle without any orders. yes, but when the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, officials in kiev, instead of hushing up their failures at the front, as any warring country usually does, on the contrary, in every possible way pedal this topic, using expressions such as a critical situation or even the collapse of defense, then everyone, anyone who believes in conspiracy theories should be wary. well , because, by the way, all this panic, which is now being dispersed in the ukrainian and western
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media, echoes the recent statement of macron, who, as we remember, said that will send troops to ukraine if the russians break through the defenses of the ukrainian armed forces. so is commander-in-chief sirsky really ready to take such a desperate step to open the front in order to force macron to keep his word and thereby drag nato troops into the ukrainian crisis? our reporter, alexey petrushko, talks about this and more. just a year ago in the western press one could see headlines that soon leopards and abrams would reach moscow, the then minister of defense of ukraine even asked for directions, there is a road to the brain, and on may 1, 2024 this happened, under the cover of darkness, nato equipment reached moscow, no, it’s true that there is no longer a daring defense minister from kiev, no western fuse, and the tanks are not traveling under their own power, as trophies on russian tractors, if you rely on what was published in the press ukrainian revelations... the command of the armed forces of ukraine relied on the very fact of using leopards and abrams, they say the russians see nato equipment and immediately
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retreat, however, if you look at this well-preserved trophy, it turned out the opposite, the german armor did not show any the ukrainians themselves were forced to flee themselves in battle, thousands of people line up on poklonnaya hill, so that if they don’t touch the vaunted nato weapons, then at least capture the historical moment, they don’t pass by and... western media, and if alone compared the exhibition with moscow’s response to the aid package for ukraine approved by the american congress, it seems that the germans were the most upset, we see how the tank is destroyed in a barbaric way, we see how the muzzle of our tank is lowered so that it looks like it was damaged in progress military operations, this is exactly what the russian army failed to achieve on the battlefield, because german technology is so superior that it cannot be destroyed like that, but it seems that no one hid that the leopard’s barrel was lowered not during the fighting, but ... under pressure right at the exhibition, and this is not the first example in history, for example, the egyptians, after the next
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arab-israeli war, displayed trophies with just such bowed muzzles. in addition, upon closer examination, you can see that the german armor turned out to be not so excellent. so washington, in the new package of military assistance to ukraine, allocated money for only seven of its tanks, apparently realizing that even the abrams in the hands of the ukrainians could turn into a pile of scrap metal. but a reasonable question arises: is there even such a prodigy before kiev? capable of defeating russia. is it any wonder that against the backdrop of ongoing events, the secretary general of nato suddenly rushed to ukraine on an unannounced visit, it seems that one could even hear. read lips in the frame, fit into already established concept of such support visits. the biggest risk is if president putin wins, the biggest price is if russia wins in ukraine. however , what was behind the scenes could be guessed from the statements of particularly unrestrained politicians from eastern european countries, who said that with new weapons it would be possible to hit russian territory from now on; the same idea
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was repeated by the head of the british foreign office who arrived after stoltenberg. cameron. we are expecting longer range fighter missiles f-16s replenishing artillery shells. do i think this will be a game changer on the battlefield and that we will likely see more significant gains for ukraine? most likely not, the most likely outcome is a deadlock , and then questions about negotiations will inevitably arise. it turns out that the west’s strategy is to knock out a more advantageous negotiating position for ukraine by striking russia. attacks on the rear have never helped anyone win a war. that is, they must be so total that so global as to completely destroy the economy, ukraine will not succeed. but this raises the question: if the new strategy for ukraine does not work, is the west ready to stop? after all, under the guise of the defense of the suwalki corridor, this is what they call a narrow strip of land that could hypothetically connect belarus and kaliningrad, lithuania and poland gathered 1,500
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pieces and two hundred pieces of equipment. yes, by the standards of global conflicts you...
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what to do, but i talk about it less now, because it’s probably not very well, when we talk about nuclear weapons, they are terrible weapons that, god forbid, we have to use. in general, this statement by father lukashenko in an interview with central television could serve as a model for some politicians in the west, how to raise the stakes, stop in time and not say too much,
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this is how, for example, to understand this new statement by macron in the economist publication, about the possibility of introducing nato troops to ukraine. if the russians had broken through the front line, if a request had come from ukraine, which is not the case today, we would legally have to ask ourselves this question. it turns out that macron seemed to name two conditions for sending the french military, but they all contradict the real situation. firstly, russia has already broken through the front twice just since the beginning of this year. secondly, realizing the stalemate of the situation, zelensky would probably have made such a request to macron himself. france, as well as other ponato allies, do not have a clear understanding of russia's military goals.
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build it together with the united states, but the united states is now losing macron is groping for new ways, but even if we assume that macron’s statement betrays his plans to return france to its former military power, for some reason he himself is in no hurry to go to kiev, although he promised to come in the winter. alexey petrushko, daria medikova, denis anikin, central television. well, what definitely won’t be in the new package of western military assistance to kiev is an effective weapon that can stop them on the battlefield. a new russian development, and the development not of gunsmiths, but of simple front-line craftsmen who decided to equip an ordinary tank with specific protection against ukrainian kamikaze drones. people have already given this miracle weapon the nickname tsar mangal; in fact, it is an ordinary tank, sheathed on all sides with metal sheets for additional protection from cheap and small
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drones, which, as it turned out, during the military operation in ukraine are one of the main enemies of the expensive armored vehicles. but any action, as we know, always gives rise to opposition, at first the ukrainian western media over such improvised protection of a russian tank. they made fun of it, calling it a chicken coop, a garage or a turtle, but the laughter quickly died down when this turtle showed itself in battle. about new inventions that have already appeared or are about to appear in the fields of the northern military district, alexey semakhin. here it is, the russian tank tsar mangal, recently spotted by the enemy near sentry yar. a military barbecue is a name given to saddle metal canopies that are installed on armored vehicles to protect against drones. ukrainian drone operators. were surprised when we met such turtles on battlefield. such improvised armor leaves almost no chance for successful destruction by drones. also, such armor can
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effectively resist artillery and anti-tank missiles. it is now possible to destroy such a tank with the help of drones only if it is immobilized, for example, by being blown up by a mine, but if the tsar-barbecue has the know-how of the russian soldiers themselves serving in the northern military district zone, then this fireproof overalls for tankers was invented and sewn in civilian life. so, this fabric should not...should burn for at least 15 seconds, just like that standards for leaving the tank, that's right, for russian tank crews, in fact, the fabric used for sewing must withstand 45 seconds of exposure to an open flame, attention, it's burning, but before we check this, we're going to an autocross competition, that's why, the legs of this idea they grow up here from motorsport, that is, they have been there for 50-60 years, and racers all over the world ride in fire-resistant equipment. ekaterina nikolaeva sews overalls for tank crews by order of the all-russian popular front from the same fabric that is used for the costumes of young people athletes. it does not support combustion, that is, you put it into the fire, figuratively speaking,
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and it is all carbonized, crumbles and does not burn. in the side of this sports bug, like in a tank, there is flammable high-actane fuel, unlike the tank driver, the athlete must leave the burning car not in 15, but in 7 seconds. i have a stopwatch in my hands and now we will see if semyon can handle it. and meta-aramite, it is anti-ignition, but it is not heat-resistant, temperatures are high, it is among the first to conduct, this new product was received by tankers in the kupinsky direction, and this
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feedback from the advanced, the usual open flame was held for 30-35 seconds, no combustion was noticed, that is, there may be a slight burning, but i shook it off and there are no traces, we are immensely grateful for such a gift, this is truly a good thing, it won’t be very soon... to save the lives of fighters behind unmanned technologies in which human participation is minimized. maloyaroslavets, kaluga
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region, two all-terrain vehicles specially designed for the north military district are leaving the mpk steel angarozavod. the unmanned snow and swamp vehicle, galazhanin, is not afraid of him snow, you can easily park swamp rivers on it. vodka luzhanin easily makes its way through a low-lying field, it’s easy to make a tank turn on the water surface of the river, let’s play around with a tank turn, also the waterline is high, the car comes ashore from the water, a fairly serious large angle, it doesn’t easily roll over, it takes any height , yes, such a pie is nothing for a lift, in my opinion they swam successfully, the sizikhod with huge wheels is a hybrid, it was made this way specifically at the request of the military, and you can control it in the usual way using levers, as well as like a robot from a remote control,
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and control the all-terrain vehicle. weighing a ton can be remotely controlled, literally like a children's radio-controlled car. using virtual reality glasses, the control channel range of the unmanned all-terrain vehicle and this self-propelled platform is 2 km. oh, the technology is serious, 37 horsepower, and the controls are elementary. i’m as delighted as a child. the all-terrain vehicle's carrying capacity is 1 ton, speed is 20 km/h. but for such a car , it’s not the speed that’s important, it’s...
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field hole, that is, the wheel will not deflate immediately; it will be possible to continue using the vehicle. another advantage: kaluzhanin, the absence of complex key parts, there is no bridge or cardan, the propulsion system is based on... domestic software components, its own engine is belarusian, in fact the main thing , which means it is almost impossible to break, all production here is modular houses , there is one of these even in antarctica, and robotics is a hobby for plant engineers, now there are even special battalions that test such technology, that is, has begun to appear, this
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is really very good, because well... it’s no longer trump, rioting american students, how american universities are a new thorn in biden’s political ass will be able to change the outcome of the elections, which politician will turn the student unrest in his favor? the abduction of europe by sijin ping drives a wedge between europe and the united states, how and with what beijing is luring the eu countries to its side, who were the first european leaders to defect from under the wing of the american eagle into the shadow of the chinese...
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are you sure that the apartment you live in now is still yours? this moscow pensioner found out that scammers had already stolen and sold his square meters, only after he accidentally flooded his neighbors, how scammers do it, and is there a way to protect your life from them, not only treat, but also maim, like the pharmaceutical giants hide the truth about the terrible side effects of their drugs, which seem to be supposed to save lives, special guest of the central television larisa rubalskaya drinks, for which philip kirkorov wanted her and how he later had to apologize for it, i waited for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you, finally it came, spring, warm, sunny, bright. the russian exhibition blossomed
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rubles from scammers. this is the security service. enter the code from sms. let’s do this, if you manage to outwit me, i will return the stolen money to the client, but it’s unlikely that you will succeed. tsinkov returns money if it was stolen from a telephone machine. order a tinkov sim card mobile protect your bank accounts from phone scammers. tinkof he is such one amillat, act exactly in the area of ​​pain. the exact solution is free movement. great news. magnit stores offer free delivery. and also a 40% discount on popular products. order in the magnit app. be brave about your expenses. with yota, your money will not fly away. we return rubles for the remaining minutes and gigs, every month, you can iota, domklik, find a property that is right for you, this is domklik otzbera,
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move to a new apartment in a new building, a secondary building, or build your own home from scratch, domklik, where everyone will find a home for themselves. pentalgin is a remedy against various types of pain. pentalgin acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the reasons for its occurrence. pentalgin, we can do without pain. this is central television. we continue the live broadcast, the main political somersault of this week is next. biden has a new political thorn in the very place where he continues to sit in the oval office of the white house, which... now he should be more irritated than his main rival donald trump. let’s try to figure out how this happened and how it could all turn out right now. it all started with the fact that this week anti-war rallies on american university campuses
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turned into a real student bund. on tuesday evening, hundreds of police entered the campus of columbia university, which is located in manhattan, that is, in the center of new york. to disperse those who are pro-palestinian. students who protest against israel's military operation in the gaza strip. during clashes with police , 109 people were arrested. and in the states, this reminded many of the turbulent events of the spring of 1968, because exactly 56 years ago, the police also stormed the student campus of columbia university, which at that time was occupied by opponents of another war, the vietnam war. but let's go back to today: on the other side of the country in los angeles, arrested. but even before the police arrived, students who were rallying in support of palestine had to to face those who support israel,
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well, to see the whole picture, you just need to mark the rioting student campuses in red on the map; it is this fire that has engulfed america that becomes the main problem for biden, against the backdrop of student protests. even trump, who is still ahead of biden on issues, somehow faded into the background, while trump himself supported the police actions to disperse the rallies, and this is understandable, because if... trump praised the way the protests were suppressed in campus. in his characteristic manner, the former president called the pro-palestinian students rabid, crazy, and even suggested that they were hired to distract attention from immigration problems at the border. with mexico. trump praised the new york police officers who
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stormed the campus in manhattan and even moreover, speaking at a rally in front of his supporters, he called for similar actions at universities across the country. well, this is where the main political somersault of this week happens. to get rid of the political thorn in your ass, biden is making sure the protests become a thorn in trump's ass. right after trump. the incumbent president said americans have the right to protest and rejected the idea of ​​sending national guard units to rioting campuses. well, does this mean that biden himself will now try to ride the wave of protest and won’t this political balancing act lead to the current president, figuratively speaking, breaking his neck.
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like once recently, the united states capitol. new yorker dmitry timoshikhin at the request of central television , he tells what is happening now near the campus. on the territory of their own university, students pass through as if they were entering the territory of a prison. they brought in literally a real black policeman . armored car, extending from there a huge
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ladder, along which about a couple of police officers climbed through the narrow gap of the open window. the confrontation on the streets of america has become a confrontation between biden and trump. political scientists and experts yesterday praised the new york city police for desperately pushed out all the protesters. i say to every college president: clean up the camps immediately, defeat the radicals, return our campuses to all normal students, but if trump is for it, biden is against it. there is a right to protest, but not a right to cause chaos. rabbinical professor at the american jewish university michael berenbaum is confident that protests in america could become a turning point for both biden and trump. we don't yet know how they will affect the elections. in the us, the question is whether young people will sit through these elections, not
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making a choice between biden and trump, and will simply stay at home and say that they are both no good. this week , there was an unexpected turn in the confrontation between the two presidential candidates; the always restrained biden decided to hit trump below the belt, that is, to use his own methods, to troll and ridicule him. donald trump believes windmills cause cancer. and he said it. for months , biden campaign aides have been racking their brains over how to respond to claims about the eighty-one-year-old politician's age, and it seems... found the answer. biden decided to turn it all into a joke. yes, age interferes with trump's political age. of course, the 2024 elections are in full swing. and yes, age is an issue. i, a grown man, compete with a six-year-old child. his comment immediately took
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the internet by storm and attracted more attention than any other social media post in the past month. the harsh comments are biden's way of addressing what polls show are voters' concerns about his age. energy. but at the beginning of his presidency, biden avoided even saying trump’s name, calling him that. did you hear this, well , former... guy say, or so, my predecessor, oh god, i miss him, biden hoped that the one he carefully does not name would soon disappear from political...
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danger - confident political scientist peter kuznik the risk of this strategy is that trump knows how to quickly respond with a counterattack, if you are going to take this low road with trump, he knows this way better than anyone. by the way, remember when he was trying to deal with covid, he said, just lead the veins a little.
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which washington opposes could begin at any minute. there have already been so many plans for a peaceful settlement of the israeli conflict in palestine that one can lose count, but more and more are being proposed, and it seems that everyone wants to receive that very nobel peace prize, because the person who reconciled arabs and jews will go down in history for many years and centuries, for millennia. biden supports israel and is a friend of israel. this is quite a difficult situation for biden. it’s enough for trump to just announce it to everyone. the states now depend not on biden or even on trump, but on benjamin netanyahu and his decision whether to storm rafah or not? klim
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sanatka natalya usenko and mark zlenko, central television. which at these moments comes from cairo, where israeli representatives are trying to negotiate with hamas leaders. just now, one of the leaders of the movement said that hamas may agree to a phased deal for a complete ceasefire with israel, but a possible conclusion of an agreement on gas will require several more days of dialogue. well, it’s possible that this is very good news, let’s see how jerusalem reacts to it and whether it will help stop the bloodshed. well, in the old city... today the descent of the holy fire happened, a little later we will definitely tell you about it, right now there is news from the russian ministry of internal affairs, president of ukraine zelensky has been put on the wanted list. as i understand it, yul, there are not many details, but they are there. yes, vadim, there are not enough details, k this minute it is known that in the database of the russian
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ministry of internal affairs , zelensky, born in 1978, a native of the city of krivoy rog, appeared on the list of people who are wanted. the previous president of ukraine, petro poroshenko, was caught, while the articles of the criminal code under which zelensky and poroshenko are wanted have not yet been disclosed. and now to other topics. the unkind may greatly surprised residents of some regions of russia. in the urals this morning people woke up in the middle of winter. in the sverdlovsk region there was suddenly heavy snowfall at night. the temperature dropped sharply, although just the other day residents of the region enjoyed the +25 mark. precipitation caused a power line to break, hundreds of residents were left without heat, and repair crews are working in emergency mode. energy experts say that there has not been such destruction in the power grid for 20 years. there are traffic jams on many roads, and motorists who have long switched to summer tires find themselves in a difficult situation.
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the perm-ekaterinburg highway was heavily snowed. we will definitely return to the main news of this saturday, but oh well. major crime story coming up this week, and we called it the main one because literally any of us could find ourselves in the place of the victim. it happened to a moscow pensioner, whose life was literally turned upside down. it all started with the fact that a man flooded the neighbors from below, and no, this is not a crime yet, this is still an ordinary everyday drama. looking ahead, it is worth saying that the neighbors who decided to sue the culprit of the flood for damages. property, literally saved the old man from a more terrible disaster, because it was at that moment that it turned out that legally, the apartment no longer belongs to the pensioner, all the documents indicate that... the grandfather sold the apartment, there is even a court decision according to which the pensioner should be evicted from the apartment in the near future,
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well, that is, a scheme that was carried out by scammers behind the old man’s back, almost worked, and if it weren’t for the old pipes that leaked, the old man would have really been thrown out of his own apartment onto the street, and then go find the truth, but how did this become possible, why the law, which is supposed to protect owners, becomes a toy in their hands? scammers, how they even do it, and is there any way to protect your home from this crook. investigation by mikhail bogdanovna. if the neighbor above had not flooded natalya, then the wallpaper here would come off, then the ceiling would be all out of print, all the tiles in the bathroom would fall off, the frame now needs to be changed. maybe this story would have ended, as usual, with another old man pulled out into the street from his own apartment. neighbors begin to collect documents to apply for damages and find out that...
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he himself wonders how it happened that the apartment in which he has lived since ninety- five has not been his for a year now, according to the neighbors’ tables. once i ran into them at the beginning of february at the entrance, they told me, boris, what , he says, you sold the apartment, i say, no, i didn’t sell anything, he says, they’ve even already put someone in your apartment, i say, this is the first time i’ve heard of it. the documents for the sale of boris sergeevich’s apartment were drawn up according to all the rules without the slightest participation from him, says lawyer konstantin, who studied the case.
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erohi. they used his personal data, made a passport similar to him with a photograph, and the person, acting on this passport, sold his notary’s apartment to a second person. in the past, usavostin was a geographer by education , expeditions, scientific articles, and he speaks on the program of the travel club of yuri senkevich. special interest. skovikov is aimed primarily at ships that transported rich, valuable cargo, gold and silver, but they divorced their wife, they don’t communicate with their daughter, and is it really all this? happened simply because boris sergeevich, a representative of the most vulnerable, defenseless category of the population, a lonely pensioner, slightly out of touch with the harsh reality, i was there collecting some kind of devoted children’s things for my daughter, well, i don’t know how everything will happen next, i’ll have to throw everything away, oh . like tatyana sergeevna kosmovskaya from ulyanovsk, who is already preparing to move out of her former apartment, now i need to remove the double
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curtains from here, oh, god help me, after the curtains she collects icons in boxes, then puts a photo of her only son who died from covid, tatyana sergeevna’s husband, a disabled person of the third group, is in the hospital, and she with all these cardboard boxes moves out of nowhere, because following the instructions of telephone scammers, she will first give her and her husband’s coffin money of one and a half million, and then sale his only property, this apartment, money, of course, will also be sent through a courier to scammers, it all happened when calls began to come in that something might go missing, disappear, and what would disappear, actually, there’s no point in disappearing, because tatyana sergeevna, who worked as a teacher all her life, didn’t consider herself a naive person, and in order not to miss or forget something important, in her old age...
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so, in order to prove it, i really have to formalize selling your apartment to prove the fraud of the scammers and get your apartment back, here is everyone who called, what they said when i sold my corner and the blank pages of a foggy future for 3.3000, an apartment with a mortgage... again moscow, where from the same outcome, by chance boris samostin rescued by neighbors. having picked up the documents, it turned out that his apartment, while he was living in it unsuspectingly, was being resold for the third time right now. the methodology, as they explained to me, when an apartment is sold for the third time, it is already bought by people who, well, no matter how guilty of anything, suggests why he came to the attention of the scammers. because of the debt for utilities that accumulated while the process of applying for a pension dragged on, he thinks that maybe he’s some kind of alcoholic, but i
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’m not like that and... well, what could happen next? maybe they saw the information somewhere, they could buy it, of course, too, but in general they are watching, as i understand it, about seven people, and more and more often stories with the sale of apartments happen without the slightest participation of the owners, it turns out that on the spot literally anyone can turn out to be tatiana kosmovskaya from ulyanovsk or boris sovostin. it turns out that the scammers are almost omnipotent, the person lives in his apartment, furnishes it and does not even realize that the apartment itself and the things in it are his.
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each other's documents making sure of their they sign the papers, of course, they look at the authenticity, they shake hands, but the tenant is not going to live in this apartment at all, he is going to use the information received to sell it, like making a duplicate passport of the owner of the apartment, but from his photograph, this is called re-pasting, you can create a fake passport it’s easy to buy on the internet, the main thing is to know. look, here is a site where for 55.00 rubles they will make you such a passport that the local police officer, and most importantly, the notary, will not be able to distinguish it from the real one, but what can you do then, just from time to time you can order a free extract from the unified state register for your apartment, this is done through government services, however, this is not a 100% guarantee, this is part of a series of questions about how to protect yourself from being
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hit on the head with a bottle at night, and you can also submit application to the federal tax service so that you... are notified of all transactions with your real estate via e-mail, although the example of boris sovostin, who, by the way, does not have access to the internet, shows that this is not a panacea, because even ordinary paper court documents notifications, so that he would not suspect anything, he had for a year, someone simply pulled them out of his mailbox. mikhail bogdanov, alexander karlov, yaroslav filatov, ksenia politaeva, central television. now, according to tradition, we must pause for a moment. there is still a lot of interesting things ahead, so be sure to stay tuned. don’t switch, as you age, changes in vision can change familiar things. toufon was created to nourish and restore the youth of the eyes; it is recommended to use it daily for 3 months. touphone now in new packaging, especially for course use. one of my friends decided to relax in a place where there is no connection. and then he catches it?
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again very soon. enough! miracle anticorrosive emulsion five in one will save your energy and save your wallet time. it will not only remove rust, but also prevent the appearance of new ones, prime the surface and extend the life of your things. work the water pipe and you won’t flood your neighbors, and the rusty battery will turn into a new interior part, your car will serve you for many years, the miracle emulsion anticor 5 in one costs 999 rubles. but if you call us, we will triple the offer: three funds for only 999 rubles. call or order on our website leamax - shopping. with a plus. mask: final. today at 20:20 on ntv. well again , live on central television. and we
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continue. another sensation of this week is coming up. one of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies unexpectedly admitted that its drugs not only treat, but also treat. the astrazenesa company denied to the last that it was. can cause a disease that can kill a person in a short time, but the facts, as far as i understand, were presented in a british court, they pinned the company's lawyer against the wall, well, not quite like that, vadim, officially the company still denies that its drug is somehow to blame for the deaths of patients, however, as delhi telegraph journalists learned, in the documents, which the company's lawyers submitted to the court, astrazenesa admits that... can cause a fairly strong side effect, and we are talking about the so-called tts syndrome, that is , increased thrombus formation occurs in the patients' blood, which can lead to blockage of vital vessels. yes, and
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thus, the company, which made good money from the coronavirus pandemic, is now fighting off a lawsuit for 100 million pounds. well, of course, for a company whose market value has already exceeded 200 billion, a hundred million dollar claim is like grain to an elephant. a much stronger blow will be dealt to the reputation, because the company is accused of dozens of deaths, and such a stain cannot be washed away with any millions. tatyana proskuryakova found out what other inconvenient and sometimes terrible truth the pharmaceutical giants are hiding from us. let's see. charlotte ride came to the royal courts in london with a photograph of her husband. he was the love of my life, he was my best friend. he was only 32 when intensive care doctors pronounced steven wright dead. a doctor, an athlete, a young father, was one of the first to receive the astra-zeneca coronavirus vaccine. after 10 days he
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was gone. we want a statement from astra-zeneca. we want them to apologize for his death. stephen's family fought for 2 years for the court to finally recognize it. yes, the cause of death is blood clots, caused by the vaccine. from the very beginning they tried to convince us that we were everything. they made it up that we are anti-vaxxers, but this is not true. we wanted an eye-opener to save other people so that they would know that this vaccine is not as safe as we were told. compensation for the family of steven wright is the first fiasco of the pharmaceutical giant, but this is only the beginning. the body produces antibodies to its own platelets, as a result , a person who has a heart attack and bleeding at the same time ends up in intensive care, which means that the thrombus cannot be dissolved, it cannot be removed from using surgery is impossible. the chances of getting such a side effect are 1x50,000. this became known 2 years ago, when most european countries refused the astra-zeneca vaccine, but after conducting an investigation, officials issued a statement. reports of
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blood clots are extremely rare and, overall, the benefits of the vaccine outweigh the risks. that is, from the point of view of vos, several thousand victims among the millions treated are insignificant numbers. however, these numbers have names. student. medic casey turner, 18, dreamed of working in an ambulance, designer jack horn, 26, was preparing to propose to a girl, engineer jack last, 27, an athlete and an ecstasy. the tragedy of these patients is that they were all completely healthy before the vaccination. programmer jamie scott survived the stroke, but remained disabled, lost his job and now his family, with two small children, cannot pay the mortgage. i took the vaccine because i wanted to protect the elderly people around me, but astrazeneca and the government had to explain the risks associated with the vaccine. astrazeneca should be terrified of how much the search will cost. or not, we are pleased to report
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double-digit revenue growth, we expect twenty-four to be a year of strong growth with the introduction of our medicines in all regions of the world. not everyone can look to the future as confidently as pascal zario, posing in front of a new multi- billion research center, because astrazeneca will not pay the victims anything from the kingdom’s budget. the plan is reliable, like the swiss watch of boris johnson, who included this condition. this was presented by johnson as a triumph. during the pandemic, everyone was terrified, and as lawyers, we don't dispute that vaccines have helped many people, but we do argue that politicians put a lot of pressure on health officials to allow a vaccine to be used without evidence of its safety. according to lawyers, it was the political ambitions of the former.
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they called him the rays of life, a panacea for all diseases. for this reason, they began to add them to drinks, medicines, and cosmetics, and this fever ended only a few years later, when people began to die en masse from cancer. raditon was not free cheese in a mousetrap; only wealthy people, primarily from hollywood, could afford it, but they have now turned another miracle drug into a pharmaceutical blockbuster.
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a medicine for diabetes with a side effect in the form of weight loss has become a kind of subculture and has spawned many new phenomena around it: face rapid aging of the face against the backdrop of a sharp loss of kilograms, sagging skin on a built-up body. that this is my ozempic child, new the phenomenon itself suggests that millions of people are taking the drug to its full effect on the body.
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she dreamed of becoming a mother, the feeling of nausea and aching pain did not particularly frighten her, many describe a similar side effect, but one day the girl lost consciousness. we tried to give naomi artificial respiration, but her lips turned blue and she never came to her senses. the cause of death was stomach paralysis caused by taking ozempic; ashley keenan did not know that this was possible. i took it for 4 months, and then i ended up in intensive care, a little didn't die. the drug caused acute pancreatitis. after stopping the medication, ashley quickly gained the weight back and made a desperate decision. i'm ashamed of it, but i hated myself so much that i persuaded the doctors to prescribe me the drug again. and after 2 months i was again in the hospital with pancreatitis. then i realized that this medicine was dangerous. but this danger stops few people, and zempik is being swept off the shelves of pharmacies in the united states. it
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is sold via the internet, smuggled in, more and more often the police are finding batches of counterfeit drugs, what will this ultimately lead to? an obsession with an unstudied drug, which to our descendants may seem no less crazy than energy drinks with radium. tatyana proskurikova, anastasia lunkova, oleg baranchnikov, vladimir sharykin, central television. from revelations in the field of medicine, let's return to political news, especially since it is on the political map of the world. another important story: it seems he is serious about driving a wedge between europe and the united states. for the first time in the last 5 years, a chinese leader is leaving.
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beijing wants to offer europe much more economic options than the united states, especially if trump comes to power in washington again. according to bloomberg, the trip. it is an attempt to convince europeans that there are better options for economic cooperation than cooperation with the united states. at the same time, according to the agency’s sources, our comrades in europe are waiting almost with open arms. french president emmanuel macron wants to attract chinese investment in the production of batteries for electric vehicles. hungary needs chinese loans and technologies for the construction of high-speed railways. and the visit to serbia is another, so to speak, wake-up call for washington, because the chinese leader plans to be in belgrade on the twenty-fifth anniversary since the americans bombed the chinese embassy. it was in 1999 that during the nato
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bombing of yugoslavia, american missiles killed three chinese journalists. the white house later called the strike a mistake and blamed it on faulty maps. beijing's obvious one is quite understandable, but it would be at least strange, if china offered all these goodies and carrots in the form of investments and technologies to washington’s european allies, china would not seek any benefit for itself. why did beijing need to kidnap europe and is this really a chinese response to washington’s attempt to ban chinese in the states? our reporter anton chichulinsky, who knows a lot about conspiracy theories, looked into this. why would joe biden need tiktok if he could create his own app for those over 80? i don't know anything about tiktok fans. until recently, this social network was considered exclusively youth apolitical. but listen to what
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fbi director christopher wray has to say about her now. to us, tiktok represents a national security issue. so what happened? to understand this, you need to move in gas. after october 7 , the situation reached a completely different level. late last year, the israeli army attacks alshifa hospital. this bag of hamas equipment is located right behind the mri machine. this is how this excursion by the idf press service will be ridiculed on tiktok. what it is? this is a map of the tunnels hamas.
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what was at first an object of envy now seems to become a cause of paranoia. american senators, european bureaucrats, the media, research institutes, they are all trying to reveal the dark underbelly of tiktok. but
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is this target tough for those who chose it? after all, the heart of a dragon can burn, or maybe it will ascend to the pinnacle of the geopolitical struggle with america. and there is already paranoia before the elections again. the chinese government can control the recommendation algorithm that are used for influence operations. i see the impact this has on my students. a younger generation of americans are opening their eyes to foreign policy for the first time in decades, and tiktok is supporting it. professor. american university of washington peter kuznik is sure that the white house is losing even more trust because of the pretext that it chose to fight the social network. this is the official position they are telling us.
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to be so afraid of young people’s favorite app. but perhaps washington
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also views tiktok as a bargaining chip. secretary of state blinken demanded too much during his visit to china without offering anything in return. i expressed our concern about the impact of china's overcapacity on global and us markets. solar panels, electric vehicles, batteries. china alone supplies almost 100% of global demand. musk met with chinese leaders, including
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the prime minister, it is known that they discussed artificial intelligence, the same tiktok and deletes up to a million every week videos, and if not tomorrow, then the day after tomorrow, the question of who is actually conducting influence operations and interfering in elections may become controversial. anton chichulyunsky, alexander karlov, yuri rabokon, central television. now let's abruptly change the subject: tomorrow evening on ntv, the grand finale of the mask show, beloved by millions, of the fifth anniversary season. that is why we have a special guest in our studio today, a wonderful poetess, larisa rubalskaya, larisa alekseevna, good evening, thank you, this is you and thank you, you know, the audience, probably, of course, you already guessed what we will talk about, but for those who are not yet in the know, let’s do it.
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and this is of course amazing, incredible, how did you decide on such an adventure? i made up my mind in one minute, as soon as they called me and invited me, well, i’m not a young girl anymore, i don’t have much new going on in my life, but i’m very happy when something new appears, and the offer to go out as barbie was very nice to me to my liking, i didn’t dare, i happily agreed, but i know from myself how difficult it is to exist, let alone move in these masks, beautiful, but very heavy. stuffy, it was hard, tell me honestly, it was hard for me because i had such
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severe bronchitis, i was in the hospital and 2 days after the hospital i recorded a song, then went to a fitting. i held my hand like this when they tried on my dress, but this joy, the feeling that it would happen, somehow held me, it was hard, but good, larisaevna, but it seems to me that it’s not even the costume that’s harder, not the burden , this is in the form of a costume, but it was hard to listen to ridicule, some jokes from the jury, let's listen to what philip kirkorov said, come on, yeah, it's interesting, there's some kind of dwarf, a freak, after such a compliment. i suggest moving on from the world star of the clue, but that’s what you were thinking at that moment, i didn’t think anything, maybe you thought kirkorov, oh, you ’re a good boy, i didn’t think so, it was funny to me, to be honest, the head is very big, it there was some kind of disproportion in me that fell on my shoulders, and i had a presentiment that they would say something like that to me, i generally willingly overcame myself
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i laugh, so i wasn’t offended, i wasn’t annoyed, i laughed with them, but in fact... philip kirkorov, as we know, knows how to apologize, he’s a gentleman, and that’s why you apologize, by the way, let’s see how he apologizes, that is, you took off the mask, philip immediately understood everything, and the jury members, let’s look at his reaction, interesting, mask, mask, yes, yes, i said, you waited, regina, larisa rubalskaya,
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let me remind you once again what the audience will see tomorrow the final of the mask is at 20:20, but, unfortunately, without you, but we will probably see you on stage theater, tell me where it is, what it is, i’m very interested, i’ll come myself, since you’re asking about my performance, they did a performance, it’s called an adult woman, according to my stories, i don’t know when it will be now. we are just thinking about this, but one wonderful woman, marina stanislavskaya, read a book with my stories, came up with a play, there are a lot of participants, and four girls play four ages, and the director marina chaplina, so it all talentedly combined, very much this strange performance was a success strange, because all the genres were combined in it, pantomime, and a comic quartet,
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a fashion show, i was in my role, i was myself...
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in a few days, in 4 days, in 4 days, yes, ah, that is, that’s when you found out, when you realized that your concert was literally the day before, what feelings overwhelmed you, i, i couldn’t even...
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thousands of pilgrims from all over the world came to jerusalem to see with their own eyes the ceremony of the descent of the holy fire, well all ntv viewers could see it all live. the tv channel broadcast live. you
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you hear the festive easter gospel sounding in the sky above jerusalem, this means that the holy fire has descended, that great saturday has reached its apogee, that under the arches of the temple, the holy sepulcher , the words, christ is risen, are heard in all the languages ​​of the orthodox world, anticipating the holiday, first here, in jerusalem, and then throughout the world, the blessed fire received from the holy sepulcher, the fire that instantly scattered throughout the temple, on thousands of candles in hundreds of lamps, a human river of fire carries out of the temple, and now this fire will delivered to all the capitals of the orthodox world, soon this fire...
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in the language of our right faith, the orthodox faith, at that moment we saw how the police tensed up quite seriously, we were afraid of provocations,
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we were afraid of political manifestations, but none of this happened, the holiday preceding great easter passed, as 15 centuries passed, before that annually, calmly, but noisily, in joyful and anxious anticipation, the last moment, as... the orthodox church entered the chapel of the tomb, the armenian christian archbishop said a prayer, after which the first candle with fire, to the temple, now it is scattering throughout the blink of an eye, this fire has spread throughout the entire
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orthodox world, like a legend, a tangible testimony, the miracle of the resurrection of christ has been conveyed to the waiting believers, and literally , first here in jerusalem, and then everywhere, thousands of believers repeat congratulations. christ is risen! so, the blessed fire has descended in jerusalem, and soon the lamp lit in the church of the holy sepulcher must be delivered to moscow to the cathedral of christ the savior, where, like in all other orthodox churches... a solemn ceremony will take place divine service, right now you are seeing footage of how at ben gurion airport the lamp with the holy fire is carried into the plane that has already taken off for moscow, well, right now in real time on the flight radar website we can see where the plane with the particle is at these minutes holy fire. so, as we see, here it is approaching
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the borders of russia and - to moscow it is still approximately 20:20, about 2 more hours of flight, the expected time of arrival is 22:14, so we are waiting for the plane in moscow. well, that's it our time on the air ends, and in a few seconds the program “you won’t believe it” will take place. well, we will see you in exactly a week, which, by the way... speaking, promises to be very stormy, i will remind you that on may 7 the presidential inauguration will take place, and on may 9 the whole country will watch the parade on red square. well, we will meet next saturday at 19:00. stay with us, stay with your central television, which, as always, will have something to tell, see you soon, bye.
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hello, welcome to information service of the ntv television company, this is the program today in the studio of dmitry zaboisty. for orthodox christians today is the bright holiday of easter or sunday of christ, the most important joyful one. day, it marks the victory of life over death, the triumph of light over darkness. at night , festive services were held in all churches, in the cathedral of christ the savior, the service was conducted by patriarch kirill, and the president was traditionally present in the cathedral. alexey prokin, more details. the patriarchal choir and chamber choir of the temple of christ proclaim that christ will illuminate everyone who follows the lord. savior. joy on the day of christ's sunday fills the hearts of believers
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thanks to the victory of life over death. patriarch kirill in his easter address to his flock is comparable.


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