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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 5, 2024 8:00am-8:21am MSK

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hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, this is a program today in the dmitry zaboysty studio. for orthodox christians, today is the bright holiday of easter or the resurrection of christ, the most important and joyful day. it marks the victory of life over death, the triumph of light. over the darkness. at night , festive services were held in all churches. patriarch kirill conducted the service in the cathedral of christ the savior, and the president was traditionally present in the cathedral. alexey prokin, more details. they proclaim that christ will illuminate everyone who follows the lord patriarchal choir and chamber choir of the cathedral of christ the savior. joy on the day of christ's sunday fills the hearts of believers, thanks to victory, life over death. patriarch kirill in his easter address to his flock,
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the christian faith is not just some emotional side of human life, christian faith, being in church is an indispensable condition for a saving journey through the stormy, often everyday sea. the royal doors are closed, all the shrines in the temple are extinguished, the stichera, a special hymn, sounds, in which... the light comes on, the royal doors open, the patriarch of moscow of all russia lights lamps from the holy fire. the holy fire arrived at the cathedral of christ the savior from the church of the holy sepulcher, a long journey from jerusalem to moscow, one of the main easter symbols.
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made a special flight, a moment whose triumph for orthodox christians in russia is as significant as the moment of the descent of the holy fire itself. we accept this shrine with special feeling, because with the holy sepulcher, with the place where the great miracle of delivering people from sin took place, curses of death, feelings and relationships connect each of us with that special place.
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three ringing sounds are heard throughout the center of the capital, a special easter bell ringing, the procession approaches the closed gates of the temple, the gates symbolize the entrance to the holy sepulcher, the clergy sing a troparion, glorifying the lord. the gates open, symbolizing the entrance to paradise, which the lord has opened. for the peoples of the world, parishioners enter the sparkling temple to see the victory of life over death. christ will rise again. christ will rise again. on this holiday, orthodox christians remember events of the new testament, remember the days of holy week and the resurrection of christ, events that 20 centuries later christians remember and honor, thanks. luke, mark, matthew
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and john, these are the thoughts with which the parishioners went to the cathedral of christ. the saviors, each, of course, has his own, but invariably bright, we are very, well , joyful when this holiday comes, and we are really looking forward to it with all our family, that’s why such a bright feeling comes, namely a feeling of purification, we must create. you, as our holy fathers say in fear of god, in purity, in goodness, well, in a good mood. the passion of christ, the events that happened to jesus of nazareth, his arrest, crucifixion, happened on the eve of the jewish passover, and the resurrection of the son of the lord is a holiday itself, so easter became christian, so easter became the semantic center of the christian faith. the date of the bright holiday, as you know, changes from year to year, but the time of easter morning is held here in... the story
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of mary magdalene and the women who came to the holy sepulcher on the night of saturday to sunday to wash the body of jesus. plot christian faith, and the festive greeting will now be heard for the next 40 days until the day of the ascension of the lord, so believers share with each other the joy that the savior has risen, patriarch kirill also recalled the essence of the easter holiday in his address, she, according to bishop understanding that we are called from existence by the creator not in order to disappear forever, but in order to be heirs of christ's victory, to be immortal and to abide in his kingdom, kingdom. truth and love, and the church preaches caring and readiness lend a helping hand to your neighbor. the russian orthodox church today continues to actively help those who, risking their lives, are at the forefront of defending the fatherland of traditional christian
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values, who have lost loved ones, become homeless or were injured. our dioceses, monasteries and parishes, orthodox volunteers continue to contribute to this. a national cause, i thank everyone for their hard work, responsiveness and kindness. russian president vladimir putin visited the cathedral of christ the savior according to established tradition together with vladimir putin at the service , the mayor of moscow, sergei sobyanin, the clergy , meanwhile, moved on to the main part of the easter morning service, singing the easter canon. blessing the salvation of the world, as christ will rise, i am risen, jesus is risen from the dead, this is a lompadka, now the blessed fire has descended, today we will light
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a lamp, carry this sacred fire home, light candles and pray, i just brought my friend who ...
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the holiday is also celebrated by the military at combat posts, the bakers of the ministry of defense prepared tens of thousands easter cakes are illuminated before being sent to positions and delivered to the soldiers, as usual on trucks by the logistics support service. one of the main threats to the work of the rear guards is enemy drones; tracking and destroying enemy drones is the task of the russian air defense forces. maxim beresen saw the work of the guards of the sky. is on the armor, watching the sky, tracking drones with drops and kaze drones, of which there are a lot now in the avdeevka direction, the group is armed with vepr shotguns, a twelve-gauge shotgun with great accuracy, according to experience , it shoots down copters more effectively than automatic weapons, with a boar, we work directly close,
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when we are already right on approach, for this we turn on the anti-drone jammer in advance in order to use it to land them, if anything, we tried right on the move blew us up, shot down nothing, fought back. everything is fine. the crew welded additional armor plates onto the lightly armored vehicle. air defense is one of the most important targets for the enemy. the survivability of the complex is increased by any means. the tor m1 crew goes on duty in their site, waiting for the launch command. the tor-2m is a universal air defense system; the combat vehicle can be targeted by aircraft, missiles, and even small-sized drones. this crew has more than 100 confirmed targets. the crew tries to confuse the enemy, camouflages, changes combat positions... is not located anywhere, the crew of this vehicle operates first in a special military operation, this is one of the most experienced crews in the avdiivka direction, the complex is accordingly extensive, large, well, from the sky we are very good visible from long distances she is also very visible, so we use various
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camouflage networks to hide in the forest, to hide in some terrain, so these are some mounds, hills, air defense crews don’t know that... their task is not only to cover advancing infantry from enemy aircraft, but to shoot down missiles flying towards donetsk. the retreating part of the ukrainian armed forces is not abandoning attempts to shell the capital of the donetsk people's republic. maxim berizin, maxim urshanov, sergey pakhtyukov, ntv, dpr. residents and guests of sevastopol these days remember the heroic events of eighty years ago. then soviet troops liberated the city from the nazis. on the eve of the anniversary of the red army operation, a festival of the banner of glory was held on the territory of the sapun gora memorial complex. the central place in the program of celebrations was occupied by a requiem rally at the eternal flame and a march with the removal of the banners of combat units, which with...
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completely differently, here everything was watered with blood, seared by fire, our employees through museum museum language, exhibitions, interactive points, stories , excursions, are they trying to bring every visitor, every guest as close as possible, and in an accessible language, even for our little visitors, young people, to tell and explain at what cost and with what force did our ancestors bring the sevastopol victory day closer? and in st. petersburg we came across a military museum on wheels. the “strength in truth” train
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has been traveling around the country for several months. its carriages display materials on special operations and the great patriotic war, as well as samples of weapons. this bright day will become even brighter if you don’t pass by who needs help. sixteen-year-old mittyatrafimov from the moscow region, suffering from a severe form of cerebral palsy, cannot sit or eat on his own. and even breathe, in many respects his health now depends on the drugs and on our caring, we need to collect more than 600 thousand rubles for a new chair so that mitya can walk. ksenia ignatova on how to help. what mitya loves is to sit in his mother’s arms, listen to her sing, smile from ear to ear, the boy can’t express his emotions anymore. miite has a severe form of childhood cerebral paralysis at 16, he, like a baby, does not speak,
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for a long time, so to speak, he could not be born, they pressed, squeezed out, so to speak, all sorts of different manipulations, so to speak, obstetricians did not do to me. irina does not complain about anything and continues to fight for her son for years, all that she can now give mitya is comfort, love, care, care, but with care everything is not so simple, the trafimovs constantly need money to provide for him. mitya's father left the family, and irina cannot earn money; she is with
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her son around the clock. only a charitable foundation helps house with a lighthouse. now the boy needs a new wheelchair seat; he cannot sit in the old one, it does not fit anatomically, which causes discomfort and pain. they want to make a new chair in the house with the lighthouse, but it costs a lot of money. mitya, we just selected a certain frame, a chair in which we can put it all. the charitable foundation announces. for this you need to collect more than 620 thousand rubles. we really, really need a chair so that the child can sit comfortably with decent care and a comfortable life for the boy and so that we continue our walks, we are just locked at home now. if you want to help mitya and his mother in their daily battle for life, just point your phone camera at the qr code on the screen or... send an sms with the amount in the word help to the short number 1200, for example, help 500.
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ksenia ignatov, alexander stvolin, pavel biryukov and anastasia altukhova, tv company. that's all for now, thank you for being with us, see you later. beauty, why bother, it’s so expensive. no, mom, it's not expensive at all. liran makes comfort accessible running - the source of my energy when it’s cold outside. everyone wants the house to be warm. i like that you can control tipleco from your phone. the tepleka energy-saving heater has high efficiency, does not burn oxygen and is absolutely fireproof. it works like a russian stove, heats up quickly, and then releases heat for a long time. only now tepleka heater at
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