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tv   Moi grekh  NTV  May 7, 2024 4:25am-5:21am MSK

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“please stay, what the bedouin reports, the bedouin is nervous, during the interrogation of the arrested jafar, it turned out that mustafa knew about all the movements of soviet diplomats, and the kgb is now trying to figure out the source of the leak, and first of all they will want to find mustafa, you know where he is ? after the death of the sheikh, how harley fell into the ground , you recruited the bedouin, he is your agent, only you and i know who he is. and if we lose such an agent because of the idiot mustafa, who has already ruined the operation for 5 million dollars. , you can't get enough. so, look for it. it wherever you want.
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they won’t let us anyway, viktorich, or maybe it’s your own insurance risk, you’re pushing us into a crime of office, but weren’t you forbidden to smoke, they were forbidden, not everything was forbidden, thank you, they’re still allowed to breathe, what about the money for kipling? izmailov promised to talk, but so far
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it hasn’t worked out. gorbachev is on vacation in foros. and without him, no one decides anything. will arrive after august 20th. well, it lasts 3-4 days. dima, were you there? he has urgent matters, he will come tomorrow. he'll come with katya. one. yes, poor thing. petya, no one dragged her into reconnaissance on arkan, stop, she never intended to work for us, she just married dima, intelligence, spies, romance, and after the wedding, where she enrolled in the martial arts section, kindergarten, of course, i don’t like all this.
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oh, he ran in, waved a stick, oh, please, didn’t you understand that you really got in? what a goat, but now you're jumping around with me, what are you guys doing, goat, where are you going, yes, i have one wheel more expensive than your bucket, which is true, how did you get it, you stinking suckers, now i'll figure out how good your wheels look , it’s a pity that they are full of holes, what did you say, men,
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men, men, that you stared, what are you, captain, kgb of the ussr, i understand, we are carrying out an operation, so what’s the matter, citizens, everything is fine, we can handle it, don’t burn, where were you , where you were, he almost missed me, sorry people, didn’t pay me back, forgive me. well, kuvaev, konstantin ivanovich, what are you doing with the girl, listen, bro, my girl, let’s break down the concepts, otherwise it turns out ugly, whose are you anyway, solntsevsky, orekhovsky, lubyansky, like you they say,
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please turn on the tv. what's there should i watch? since the morning the ballet has been performing without interruption. is there nothing to show? or maybe there’s nothing. in the morning they were broadcasting some kind of gkacha. it seems like gorbachev got sick. so now they are instead of him. what? what hikochupa? how do i know? everything is bad in the country. otherwise we can’t see without them. there is no order, the enemies have raised their heads. oh, i don’t remember what they said there, come on, put your feet up, excuse me, what’s wrong with the phone? oh,
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i don’t know, in the whole building where the bosses are, it’s not working, it’s a mess, that’s it, it’s like a ball in the shops, like a tank around the city. drives, and they have the gkchpa, tanks, tanks, it took me 2 hours to get to work today, they are honking, chirping, rattling, they replaced all of our guards at the checkpoint, where are the tanks from, what am i telling you, marshal yazov or something, maybe they’re having a parade somehow, they have nothing to eat, so parades, in this difficult period for the whole country, without...
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normally, dima is working, katya is shaking the controls, well, that’s how it is, david gich, welcome back, hello, how are you beirut, everything is fine, um, yes, it seems to be, evgeniy alekseevich, i understand that for a specialist with your qualifications, what you do, well, frankly speaking, but big changes are coming, new personnel appointments will soon be made, i am sure that you will be in demand. david geevich, and you are in no way taking the place of ilya konstantinovich, gedar radilyevich, ilya konstantinovich is seriously ill, and i am temporarily performing his duties, then, as the management decides, can i see you for a minute, yes, i read your report, it’s very important, but what kind of report , regarding the captured
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militant, and thank you, well, we ’ll talk to you later, i have big plans for you, vice president in russia, any democratic experience usually results in reactions, and why are you upset? the second cold war, you are a cheese of power , the hawks have come, now they will begin to crush the fools who believed in change with tanks, please, we are in the race again, enemy number one has appeared again, according to intelligence.
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impossible under these conditions. izmailov was suspended on the personal instructions of yanaev. he was
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too close to gorbachev. great. petya, i need to get out of here. for what? meet with izmailov and declare neutrality. and who you authorized? this will be my personal initiative. i don’t know how they did it, i know that ilya konstantinovich went somewhere, met with someone, but in any case, after the suppression of the mountain lion in moscow, intelligence was not touched. let's talk about personal contacts with the baby in moscow. what? about meetings with the baby. in the fall of ninety-one they transferred to moscow, and why are meetings needed, all contacts with the agent
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occur through tanic bookmarks, well , he probably had his own curator in moscow, look how interesting it turns out, you work in beirut, and the kid works in beirut, you are being transferred to moscow, and the baby is right there, but i was the only one transferred to moscow, and we will also ask the others, i didn’t meet frank and the baby in... que.
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broke, well, let me take a look. so, well, let's see what your bosses need? i think big changes are coming to langley bosses. they need confidence that you have your hands full and that you will not interfere with either yugoslavia or ossetia. i'm not even talking about the distant region. there's no point in playing around here. information that your snegor spring. this is not strategic information. he is an ordinary employee. so, local operation. rumors, and gossip, let’s say, we will decide how to give his
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information a more global character, what’s new? what is important is your old friend mustafa, according to rumors he is now in libya, but may appear in the union, your islamic regions, most likely, listen, i wrote everything in the report at the end of july, and why are you so worried, the incident in beirut was loud, this doesn't happen every day, you know, so i repeat the question, you knew about the time the group left for the french embassy, ​​did you know where? colonel usyagov said that you were not at the meeting when operational tasks related to the trip were discussed. but how do i remember, from whom? someone said, this was not a secret, maybe from chaikin, maybe from gabriandashvili. or maybe from ekaterina chaikina?
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yes, that is, cigarettes? sorry, dear, i just threw away the pack. your mother. why are you so fussy? yes, the management has already gotten the same thing 50 times. did you know then that the guys were going to the french embassy? no, and what? this is me saying, but what? are you holding on tight? fuck them. be careful with them, otherwise they'll bug you in your apartment, and that'll be it for them. come on, come on, go.
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yes, ekaterina alekseevna, yes, it’s me! good evening, this is captain stepanov, from the spacecraft management, i wanted to invite you to join us tomorrow. for what? i think i told you everything. the investigation is completed. yes, i am aware, but
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i need to clarify some details. this is not long, no more than half an hour. what time will be convenient for you? let’s say about abkhazia and georgia, snegor i can to know from anyone, yugoslavia is out of the question, he could not have come into contact with the balkan department, listen, let's promote him, let's give him
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a position to salt. another title, immediately increased access to information, but what can the americans bite? you need a loud reason for promotion, otherwise why would it happen all of a sudden? the mole will immediately inform his masters that out of the blue, an undisciplined, insubordinate employee is being promoted, it’s suspicious, so come up with a reason.
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i'd like to talk if possible for a little while. en, i'm here now. i was glad to see you annie. yes, me too, richard. i need your approval to involve the special operations department in the search for mustafa. why the hell do we need him now? the russians might capture him and ask: where did the information about the diplomat’s movements in beirut come from, richard, didn’t he get it from you? and, of course, you want me to give you permission and not inform the director about this. i understand correctly? why specialists? do you want to remove mustafa? we
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can't let the russians get a witness. roll! katya, katya, katya.
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damn, katya, katya, damn!
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اياك نع i'll work, and documents, i'll call the duty officer . no, thanks, jute, you can go, i'm still an officer. sir, good night, i didn’t wake you up, i hope you saw the message from moscow about the negotiations of yeltsin’s people with minsk and kiev, on the creation of
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a union of independent states. of course i read dick, i read it. well, if they succeed, dalis will applaud us in his grave. is the president aware, sir? of course, the president is aware and has given instructions to provide any assistance in every possible way. crap! take them, the democrats are lousy, not only are they essentially planning a coup d'etat, but they also have a lot of american spies surrounded by them, who else knows about that paper? no one, as soon as we received a message from kipling, i immediately came to you, the kgb missed these national liberation movements.
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baltic states georgia, and now take it the slavs kept running after dissidents with placards, but it was necessary to shepherd the nationalists, but what can i say now, okay, i ’ll report to mikhail sergeevich, thank you, pyotr sergeevich. well done, your kipling, worth the money, greetings, we have problems, the americans learned about the contacts of your people with
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kiev and minsk. someone around boris nikolaevich talks too much, to hell with them and the americans, and if mikhail sergeevich finds out about this, kolya, the house is full of washed-up people, i remembered the words, the boys and i are in the village for 2 they haven’t been peeling apples for a minute, i wish i could invite you here. with the boys, otherwise you see, my harvest is disappearing, i wish i could find those boys, you ’ve been assigned to the cadres, to the reserve appointment, yeah, it’s clear, like ekaterina, she’ll leave the hospital, go to treat her nerves, lyush, at her wits end, the girls are a little they didn’t cut off the head, it’s not in the head, kolya, we see? her majesty was not
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immediately released with tanks and special forces, now we are all crap, including dima, and she is jeanne arc, okay, enough about that, what do you say, what do you think about gobrendashvili’s report, control is working, there are too many suspects, well, if we’re doing this, we’re doing it, that’s it, okay, let’s go have tea. with jam.
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all rights reserved. م كتو تمام لقد هجم علينا
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i was just training, i swear by allah, i was training, yes, sport is a great thing, help me, if i’m not confusing bashar shuqiri, massad is looking for you for...
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peace to this house, what do you need, i brought a bow from the holy martyr sallah, we were waiting for you 3 days ago, did you have any problems, something serious? no, i've made up my mind, i need to see arby's, i i’ll tell you, you want to eat, i won’t refuse, i went shopping, it’s a mess, it’s a mess, ruin this country, come on, dima, for
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the meeting, for the meeting, nikolai vasilyevich, i wanted to ask how katya is. in the clinic? ilya konstantinovich told me, excuse me, if i’m bothering my own business, that katya seems to have filed for divorce, yes, a lot of things have accumulated there. listen, ilya konstantinovich, of course, he said, he cut off the flint. you've always been like this, you almost immediately became ambitious, but you're not like that, you can just sit down, talk, you said, but words don't solve anything, don't you can convince no one with words, so why does she
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want everyone to leave her alone, first of all me, so a man? here's the hot one, let's make room for me, so, yeah, here's this sauce, bon appetit, well, yes, you're great, wow, impressive, kitty, and i'll quickly, where is that toilet, there's a door over there, you see, yeah ,
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kotya, i’m ready to continue, i’ll sit down for a minute, just like that. so, is it cool here? well, yes, i like it, are you a cooperator? well, something like that, hmm, what are you doing? are you cooking your pants,
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or is this the broker? yes, spare parts i carry steel, but they say it’s profitable, although it’s dangerous. it seems like everything is a scam, but it’s profitable, keep it that way now, so, so normal, yeah. for you, now, wait, hello, evgeniy alekseevich, this is jolaev, we need to talk urgently, well, say, guide radilievich, you didn’t understand, personally, in plain sight, collect.
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sit for 5 minutes, kotya, where are you going, there’s a neighbor downstairs who asked for help with something, it’s quick, kitty, and if i fall asleep, and if you fall asleep, i’ll wake you up.
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hello hello!
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it's a pity that you don't speak russian, you should i'll learn it. show me. isn’t it dangerous to keep such an arsenal in the center of moscow? no, it’s not dangerous, i have all the police on hand. no one will poke his nose in, but what about the transport channel to the south? there is, everything is there, you just
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tell who and how much to send, we’ll have to get more, if there were dollars, there will be dollars, a lot of dollars, well, which of these suits us best, i think kharayev’s weapons depot is a good option, nothing is stopping us declare that... his people were preparing a series of terrorist attacks in moscow. carry out a loud arrest. captain snegur is a key figure. through counterintelligence agents we will let him down as an arms dealer. i think that. for americans, such career growth will look quite convincing, well , we’ll have time to prepare everything in a week, like in a week, i actually wanted to catch mustafa, but today, i arrived in the middle of the night, for some reason, we sat in the car for half an hour, strange , okay, then i’ll find out from ilya
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konstantinovich. when are you meeting your baby? tonight i’m going to kizhi, i’ll admire the russian wooden architecture. the operation was hastily planned, as was many operations before the collapse of the union. in most cases, work proceeded by inertia, something was started, developed, orders were given, but everyone’s head was occupied with other things. as if the process is more important than the result. tell me, why were you... involved in a purely internal operation, the people of the kharay bought weapons within the country and also transported them not abroad. kharaev was in close contact with radicals; these are syria, libya, lebanon, yemen, in general, all these are our clients.
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why were they in such a hurry? reports say that the clearance operation kharaev’s group was part of another operation. this is classified information, are you kidding me? no, why? please take permission, i will be happy to share with you.
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and what is this gentleman? he is not a tourist, this is your contact. if you don't want to, don't answer. if you don't know him, i recommend canceling the meeting. nicholas, i understand you, i understand. thanks, have a look here. look how beautiful, why did you insist on a personal meeting, yours doesn’t understand that this is dangerous, the residency wants to be sure that you are alive and healthy and still ready to work,
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i’m ready to work if all cia employees in moscow are not notified about our cooperation with you, why the hell did you bring hoffmann here? i said, this is the requirement of the resident, he just wants to make sure, i hope you are convinced, listen carefully, mustafa is in moscow, if he still works for you, we want to know the goals, objectives and contacts, i completely forgot to show you the icons xv century, it’s nearby, let’s go, now for you, you’ll find information in a cache, i think your superiors will be pleased, that’s it, we’re leaving. katyusha, hello, good to see you, come in, sit down, hello, sorry i don’t
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get up, the doctors told me to sit for another 10 minutes, some kind of tricky medicine, will you drink tea, no, no, thank you, yeah. i’m glad to see you, i’m looking at an old album where dimka is still very little, and lyuba is alive, ilya konstantinovich, why did you call me to talk to odya, and dima, i’m listening to you, katya, i wanted to listen to you, and i’m all that i wanted to say, i told dima, we have a trial in 2 weeks, i understand. and you couldn't tell me why are you leaving him? fell out of love, and probably never loved. no, it’s all because of that story in beirut, but you have to understand that i don’t want to understand anything, i
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want to be left alone, you, dima, your service, i want to forget, everything, you know, everything , as if this had never happened, katya, you are right, in almost everything, as a layman, you are right, but this is our service. and no matter how rosy our relations with the west, with the east, with anyone, there is no peace for the intelligence services, we always have war, and war, unfortunately, does not happen without casualties, and no one wants to be a victim, and you didn’t want to, but you remained alive, and vitya eremenko, let’s say, died, which means it’s my fault that i didn’t die? katya, what does this have to do with it? but dima did everything he could to get you out, he
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violated the order, he put his career at risk, he took risks, yeah, for you to put your career at risk is the highest degree of self-denial, oh god, i am you, there will be an abyss between us, what did you say , it wasn’t me who said, his color, get better, ilya konstantinovich. i am categorically against snegur's candidacy for this operation. i'm not asking why counterintelligence can't do this. but in the end , there is gaprindashvili. nikolai vasilyevich, i have made a decision. well, okay. in the station's messages, you're talking about snow. they wrote more than once, why didn’t you give in, comrade dzhalaev, like last night, you demanded from snegur to establish
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the whereabouts of mustafa, it couldn’t wait until the morning, who authorized you, it was a request from the cc management, it was late and i i didn’t bother you, what it was, to lure you out of the house for half an hour snegura, why? “i don’t know, it’s amazing, and i find out at the last moment. where do you work, comrade colonel, i don’t hear an answer, counterintelligence officers suspect snegur of something, he’s an intermediary, kharaev buys weapons from servicemen from units near moscow, the cotter pin is a former captain inside ". the troops are full of connections, in the current mess he is like a duck to water, but why did they grab him? tried to sell a batch of rp in nagorno-karabakh,
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we had an informant in the group of buyers, but we offered him, either you are with us, or cut down the forest for 10 years, he he has been working with kharaev for a long time, well, for about six months, he led us to him, so kharaev completely trusts him, hello to an honest company, why are you so happy, not like a fighter?
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it was in vain that he asked for your photo, made inquiries, insured himself, let’s go, salam, do you mind? clean, sit down.
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put it on, why else would you come back alive, dear. what are we doing? let's go get them. dim, in general the task was simply to make sure that they met with the buyers. what do you think this is, a buyer? now he was just taken to to the buyer. well, if they detect it, the operation will fail. what if the snowman doesn’t come out of there? you can, be more careful.
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come on, come on, come on, viktorich, come on, how are you nikolai, glad to see you, dear, salam, arbe, here is the captain i told you about, i see he brought a dear guest, we’ll make money, yes, as we agree, we’ll agree, don’t doubt it, they’ve been waiting for you for a long time, just like that , of course. an old friend is having a serious conversation with you, which friend, the real one, stand, mustafa, they are waiting for you.
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the debate about whether shakespeare really was there is a worthy evidence base behind it, there are about eighty versions, or rather only about 80 people are claiming, and there are many times more circumstances that speak against the person who bore the corresponding name, but excuse me, today four centuries later, when the works are with you. for us , his personality has become more significant than the author himself, is it worth pursuing these debates at all, especially since we most likely will not get an answer, you are in vain underestimating the ambitions of the creator, personality plays a paramount role in history and literature role, but what about the desire to remain in this story, to preserve the name, remember herostratus, we will remember herostratus after a short commercial break, of course, as always in the most
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interesting place, rose, rose, oh, what is it? roza georgievna, it’s me, dinel, roza georgievna, open up, here’s the deaf grouse. rose, oh my god, call the police. hello hello.
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we call the killer with experts right away. ninel mifudevna, what can you say about your neighbor? lebedeva roza georgievna? 75 years old, no relatives, no one, actress, good morning, dobrechka, why is there no one else, we first, together, okay, rita, i need to talk to you. go ahead, rarely, i met a girl, it’s good, very good, we have sympathy, all that, she, of course, is not exactly my circle, she’s
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an art critic, but pashka, i can’t believe for the life of me that you’re not with her what to talk about, but no, of course there is something to talk about, but the problem is different, she is a crazy fan of the theater, and you yourself know how much i love it, well, i got scared once, two to three times i went, what could i do, it was death , wow, wow, what did we go to, i think, well, let's go to something familiar. pushkin, little tragedies, everything is fine, we come, we sat down next to her, that’s it, such a certain contact has already started, i’ve already done this once, once, suddenly he comes out, who, pushkin, pushkin alexander sergeevich, rit, can you imagine, he there was a redhead, pushkin, a redhead, of course i’m a fool, but not that much, i know that pushkin is black, curly, but that’s not all, behind him comes mozart in sneakers on a busunoga , also a redhead, i turn to her, i still see through the eyes of what - sympathy, well, nonsense is happening, and she’s sitting there, she’s all blurred, she likes everything, she is blissful. and i understand that at this moment i like her a little less, you know? and how, tell me, well, tell me, how after this and what is the main thing to measure love, listen, this should not be asked of me, but of rudanov, of course he hasn’t been to the theater for 20 years, but with girls he has 100% everything
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okay, hello young people, good morning, oleg georgivich, sit, sit, chick, but we still have time to chase anyone, here’s some food for thought, suspicion of murder, take lyosha an expert, but if it’s confirmed, tighten the bolt. by the way, the story is quite interesting, a famous actress in the past. these are the continuation of the theatrical theme. yes. it's good that i was called. i can say for sure that this is poisoning. the color of the cru is almost black, probably containing something mercury. judging by the ulcers in the ear. time has passed since the introduction, 10:12 hours. lyokha, oh, listen, suicide is definitely out of the question. rita, what do you think, in our time, if a person decided
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to poison himself, he would start pouring poison into his ear, some kind of middle ages, well then, where would she get the poison here, well the devil knows, yes, theater and cinema in the same apartment, a funny genre, guys, you guys are like a video...
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but she never asked for help, she rarely left the house, well, some neighbor she had a circle of friends, acquaintances, relatives, no one, what do you mean, no relatives, no friends, no going out anywhere, sometimes very rarely, we met her in the store, well, what kind of conversations, so the weather, well-being, everything, but past, no, no, never anything, but try to remember yesterday... maybe you heard some noise on the staircase or in the apartment, maybe someone came to her or she was quarreling with someone, you know, in our house the audibility is very good, you can hear everything, no,
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no, no, nothing like that happened yesterday, though i don’t know, it’s probably not relevant, but lately she’s started reading the classics out loud, you know, excerpts, scenes, monologues, well, as if she were her own. i went through the roles, read beautifully, with inspiration, with feeling, i listened with pleasure, well, actress, actress, you know, pashka, lyosha confirms the poisoning, bulkina. called, so in connection with the absence of relatives, apparently we will have to dig up the past. and in which theater did rosa georgievna serve? she called it the theater of the leningrad satyr. yes, yes, yes, yes, the apartment is full of posters, i think we should start with him. let's start with him. yes, arit, hi. hello, nikitos. listen, lyokha has already brought you the tape for decoding. yes, yes, yes, i brought it. just know, the only problem i have here is with the equipment. this
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is urgent, so let’s go without any hesitation, it’s urgent, i’ll come now, i’ll look at it with you, and in the meantime you digitize it, well so that everyone has access, and please check the databases for lebedev’s relatives , rosa georgievno, are there any hunters for 30 square meters and a darned bed, uh-huh, okay, come on, i’ll do everything, it’ll be there soon, a darned bed, and a hat, a bell, horror what, in general, of course, i can’t wait to see what kind of video it is. in fact , the only clue, well, yes, it’s just some kind of dostoevschina, well, let’s go to the theater, look, you’re not there eyewitnesses of lebedeva’s glorious years, and then i’ll go to the department, you’re in the car, no, i wanted to perform for you, okay, what about you say, comrade policeman, what a rose lebedeva, i found out about its existence 5 minutes ago, i’ve been around for six months.
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they give birth to alcoholism and children, sometimes to the same mother from three different fathers of the same troupe, what are you saying? that’s it, that’s enough, now i’ll introduce a dress code, albert semyonovich, hello, hello, and lena said, you asked for the story of rosa georgievna lebedeva, this is not for me, this is for a friend, there’s not much here, but some of creative biography and from... life, i can’t say anything about my personal life, but from the theater actress left in 78, now none of her colleagues of that time work in the theater, the troupe then numbered 23 artists, the theater was undergoing changes, the management’s policy was quite, yes, there is no place for old people here, portrait galleries are enough, but someone is one of those actors still alive, koshkin? i don’t have exact information, but in the house
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of veterans of the stage they should be kept at the boarding house maya shkolnaya, they were classmates and ended up in the theater together, thank you, gosha, your information will certainly be useful to the operative, free, goodbye, my the curator of the museum, i only rely on his encyclopedic knowledge, is a completely out of touch guy. and you say the repertoire, the history of the theater, the main thing is to put all the figures in their places so that the mechanism works, you have everything, but for now, yes, hello, andryukh, great, you ’ve already heard about the morning performance of the actress, then you have a creative task, visit the house veterans of the stage, her colleague and a certain classmate... from school, if
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it turns out to be more personal, friends, colleagues, envious people, well, you understand, but we’ll discuss it at the meeting, that’s all, thank you, okay, sonya, sonya, well how can you sleep, well, look, what a delight, oh, what a delight, ask, sleepyhead, because such a good night has never, never, happened, no, look, what a listen, maybe for you valerian, what a delight, to me it helped, come here, darling, my dear, come here, one forensic examination. can’t get by here, huh, and i’m like this, shah, well, i’m thinking, come on, come on, come on, good afternoon, hello, hello, oh, girl, good afternoon, could you help me, how can i find actress, my schoolgirl, and who are you?
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she belongs, but no one, i’m from the criminal investigation department, captain rydanov, i need to talk to her, she was familiar with the murder victim in the past, well, try, thank you, maya viktorovna, hello, oh, i ’ve been waiting for you for a long time, let’s take a walk. of course, great, ridka, hello,
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but what about you, prita, of course i didn’t know the old lady, not after, but didn’t we come up with this investigation for ourselves? but understand, the yellow press is constantly full of such stories, like the mysterious death of the queen screen, lyosha will come and clarify this matter, knock-knock, oh, reminder, come on, you are the first, well, everything is confirmed. the poison was injected into the auricle at 11 pm, the day before, it was absorbed for 12 hours, since it contains arterial elements, damage to the nervous system occurs slowly, but this makes it possible to very accurately determine the time of death. lyosh, i
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’m asking about suicide again, because i have a complete feeling that the granny was definitely not herself. rita, i know my business well, so i’ll say it again. why to you isn't this suicide? firstly, a bottle of poison was not found at the scene of the murder, secondly, what was used to inject it was also not there, it was injected carefully, well, do you think that the pharmacy also sells poison from a pipette into the transfer, or what? yes, lyosha, i understand, that means so, here’s your conclusion, i’m off, ah, thank you, i haven’t walked with a young man like you for a long time. maya viktorovna, why did you say that you were waiting for me? cards? tonight they told me everything, the party of spades under the heart, the queen of spades. did you
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happen to tell you who killed your classmate rosa lebedev? of course you did? garson, boy. well, let's. we ’ll forget about the cards for a while, just tell me what kind of person she was, what kind of relationship you had with her, but if on the cards the queen of spades was depicted as a bat, it would be an accurate portrait, that is, you didn’t like her a little, your vanity was corroded her soul is like a moth in the closet, my only fur coat, when was the last time you saw it? "i haven't seen her since the day she left the theater because of her quarrelsome character, in the hope that it will be in demand by the whole country, even by putin, cuckoo, but young man, life, although not
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fair, is natural, you don’t speak so unkindly about"? "one can suspect you, lord, save and have mercy , i told you, boy, he grew up and took revenge on his nerdy mother, wait, wait, here we have information that roza georgievna had no children, yes, she didn’t, she didn’t, in her life, in her house, in her passport"? the scene got in the way, no one in the theater knew, she
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cleverly pulled it off, who the father was, but it could have been who whatever, it’s understandable, and of course, when the child was born, you can’t say why i can’t, he was born on july 14 , 1976, great, if you know the exact date of birth of the child, it means you were still in a trusting relationship with her, well ... “ they trusted me secretly, the rose knew this, it’s very difficult to keep this in yourself, yeah, so she needed a spectator to whom she could always justify herself, that’s the kind of spectator i was, but what happened to the child’s fate, the boy grew up in an orphanage, he was named maxim, independent, whether he ended up in a family or not.
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i know, i don’t know anything else about him, maya viktorovna, thank you very much, this is very valuable information, please, goodbye, goodbye, all the best, goodbye again, what can you tell about the old lady? yes, a psychological thriller, oleg georgievich. to be honest, i myself don’t like these stories about st. petersburg centenarians, it always smells like devilry. okay, i'm listening to you. in general, the story is this: a grandmother lives in the world, with the past of a famous actress, and suddenly dies from poisoning, and i am shown through the ear in an ophelia costume in front of a video camera, so where is the film? i haven't seen the film. “in short, the recording contains excerpts from world literature of various female characters played by our
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murdered woman, at home, the very moment of death, which means the film needs to be carefully re-watched again, yes, ale georievich, i would instruct you on a psychiatric examination, but already posthumously, because, excuse me, i question the fact of the murder, of course , according to the expert’s conclusion, there is not a single sign of suicide, well, to be honest, we got hold of it, but there is a name and an estimated date of birth, hence the version and motive, murder on
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the spot, but this needs to be double-checked again, listen, maybe lebedeva’s medical record will give something, i will find out everything in detail, okay, everyone is free, yes, igor, personal request, start working with the laboratories right now, didn’t you come so? or mine, guess three times, congratulations,
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congratulations, by the way, after that time, not even once, why are you fussing, i haven’t asked you about anything yet, party on what occasion, well what, well there share who read what, what are you doing, i wonder what you i read recently, well, laboratory work number seven, i’m now settled in a vocational school, a chemistry teacher, yadom was simply a fanatic, he could make a berry out of nothing, you know, what was his
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name, oleg verovki, yes oleg verevki. and he also received grants to work in europe, but the truth is they won’t let him out, that’s where he is, i don’t know, nikitos, why are you taking so long, are you sleeping or something, don’t sleep, old man, don’t sleep, call me a man named oleg veryovkin, he graduated from the technological institute, which means that now he 27-28, that's it, come on, end your party in half an hour, people want to rest, they have a friend. i don’t know, comrades, a disaster has happened, all the people’s strength is to defeat the enemy, i am obliged to protect my wife and unborn child, my place is there at the front, if you want to go to the front, go, there’s no point in sitting here, i’m also a soldier in glasses with a manicure, equal, calmly, and why should i
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study the miracle of heroes with these little dogs, hard workers , motherfucker, the enemy is rushing towards moscow, it will be necessary to shoot at him, whoever needs to be torn with his teeth, mosin rifle, bolt, shot,
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oh, my god, who's so late? yes, who is it? find a way to get the recording back, otherwise you're next. what? oh! when this mighty mind rattles like a beaten bell, and the incomparable youthful appearance is marred by madness, and my god, where has everything gone, and
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what’s wrong with me? and in fact, that’s all, until nalimifodena started banging on the door, it’s clear, well, what do you say, anatoly sakovich, our case, but not rare, according to personality diagnostics, we can say that the degree of schizophrenia in her can be identified, but for women in this profession in old age in absence work is characterized by some insanity, but i would not insist on this. the only thing i would like to draw your attention to is the selection of material. girls of 20 years old, are these roles not played on stage, then maybe these are favorite roles, but why are there no older ones among them? don't you think that we should look for the trace of a man here? further, have you thought about the purposes for which
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this recording was made, and who it was intended for, for a wide audience? and as it were, a modern broad viewer. i might find out about the talent of death of rosa lebedeva, remember the episode of natasha rostova, pay attention, in this episode lebedeva does not turn on the camera, as she did before and after, the monologue begins immediately, he turned on the camera, your killer, he is in the room, he is next to her, she does this is for him, let me through, he called me, who? killer, i could barely wait for the morning, drink some water, it wasn’t night, thank you, it’s a complete nightmare, my heart is still stopping, at what time the bell rang, after midnight, i was already asleep, i really fell asleep in the chair tv, but what an exciting day it was, i still can’t come to my senses, tell me, the voice didn’t seem
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familiar to you, no, the voice was young, but you know, but understated, that’s what they do in the theater to instill fear in the viewer let me tell you more, now, now the most interesting thing, last night i didn’t go out onto... the stairs, but that would have been imprudent, but when i went out today, i noticed that the door, roza georgievna’s apartment, was opened by someone at night, that is it was locked, i checked, i pulled the handle, but the piece of paper was yours, the piece of paper, it was torn off, hanging like that, what kind of news is this, well, thank you, anatoly sakovich, you gave us, so to speak, food for thought. oleg georgievich, i always enjoy working with you, you have such extraordinary cases, i myself get tremendous pleasure. yes, yes,
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the only thing i didn’t finish, you remember, in the last video, the victim is always waiting for something, looking at his watch, getting ready, so, she knows exactly when she will die, they have everything calculated, think about it , yes, pay attention to the characteristics of the psychotype of... murderers, what kind of normal murderer would ask a witness to take the document from the operatives, all the best, and thank you again, i wonder what the criminal is counting on, that we will just give you the recording and will not let you be followed after that, ninel mikhodina, remember , please, one more time... is this exactly what the phrase that the voice said on the phone sounded like? find a way to return the recording, otherwise you're next. well,
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friends, whether we return this recording or not, the killer will call again. yes, comrade mayer, delivered. thank you for telling me that i was detained, i was not allowed to study at the university, i was not allowed to travel abroad, so what, your colleagues. now they have ruined an important experiment for me, i can’t even work at home, so, please, tell me , what do you do at home, and how do you make a living? i’m a chemist, i create all sorts of instant-response drugs, you don’t have to sit down, you sell them, i exchange them for ingredients, in the sense, i’m finished products, exchange them for new ingredients and continue to work, my process is going on next, do you understand? this is a creative process, you can’t stop it, as you imagine it, how customers get to you, i don’t know, someone tells something about me somewhere, people find me themselves,
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come and ask for various medicines or an antidote under a specific disease, you know, it’s every time, it’s like a new task, chemistry is very exciting, here comes a man, he was bitten by a snake, well, i don’t know, but somewhere somewhere in asia, i’m starting to compare the region , type of reptile, season, time of detention.
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faces, what are you going to do, i remembered, he had beethovin’s fifth symphony playing on his phone, you see, someone called him, and he didn’t pick up the phone for a long time, he also told me what pathetic music, nenal myfodyevna, but it’s true that saleri poisoned mozart, this is artistic truth, i mean... how is it different from the real thing? the real one is more boring, yeah, that is, if you figure it out, let’s listen to the music, well, let’s turn it on,
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that’s it, turn on the recording, search for the location, i’m listening, did you take the material? from a mint, yes, i took it, but they didn’t give me the originals, they made a copy, it doesn’t matter, even if you told them everything? they can’t take me, listen to the instructions, in 2 hours, nekrasovsky square, central alley, third bench from ligovka, just leave the package and leave, if anything goes wrong, you won’t get home, that’s it, payphone on kolomenskaya 10, oh, hello, ritka, well, we detected his mobile phone, he’s not such an idiot anymore, he called from a payphone, uh-huh, well, let’s go there, well, that makes sense, he hasn’t been there for 100 years, so what, prints
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shall we take it off? you think, well, go ahead, just send an expert there, kolomenskaya 10, yeah, okay, got it, okay, stop, kolomenskaya 10, and roza georgievna worked at kolomenskaya 14, you think it’s a coincidence, i don’t know, hello, maxim leonidovich independent, yes , absolutely right, and you... who is captain rydanov, criminal investigation department. good afternoon, captain rydanov, did something happen? don't worry, nothing serious, just a few questions to ask. yeah, well, i'm listening to you, i'm really a little busy, but that won't stop us from talking. okay, okay, nothing scary. you have a rather rare surname, maxim, independent, yes, it’s just that in malyutka’s house, when i was born, people weren’t very good with imagination. they looked at
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the calendar. and it just happened to fall on france’s independence day, yeah, but can you tell us anything about your parents? i have no idea where they are. i have no grievances or complaints against them. we have complete reciprocity with them. i don't know where they are, and they don't know where i am. yes. that is, you don’t know anything about your parents, are they alive, or maybe dead? no negative attitude towards them you don't feed. i was brought up. in the orphanage, there were very good mentors there, they were very caring, i had neither a family nor parents, i set a goal for myself, i will have a family, here i am married, i have three children and recently became a grandfather, you can congratulate congratulations to me, it means they weren’t interested in their family at all, well, it’s unlikely that they were representatives of the red cross in kinya.
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so as not to pay attention to your own son, so excuse me, please, okay, okay, then tell me where you were the day before yesterday evening, what did they do? can anyone confirm this? i have a notebook and everything is written down here, for example, at 9:00 i was at irochka’s, she treated me to her charlotte, and before that at the railway workers’ cultural center, oh, there’s a great white piano from the 18th century, when you play it.. it seems that you are touching history. ok, thank you. what do you want? oleg georgievich, i understand everything. we have provided instructions and insure the connections ourselves. ninel mifotyevna. listen again. we don't know how soon he will appear and we don't know what
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he looks like. no matter what, you you leave the package on the bench and walk down the alley towards the operational vehicle, of course, you remember where it is, i remember, ritochka, dear, i understand with all responsibility the seriousness of what is happening, but it’s so scary, ninyl mefhodevna, don’t be afraid of anything, we ’re close, ok, you hear, yeah, that's it, i'm off, lord, help me,
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boy, where is the package you stole? i didn’t steal it, they asked me to pick it up, in return they gave me frost, there, guy in the hat, let’s run away,
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be careful, hello! are you looking for someone? yes, i'm looking for a guy in a hat, have you seen the rinse? i i didn’t see anyone, if you want, you can look around the room. i'm sorry, nothing. yes, albert semenovich. it’s an infection, i’ll never get used to st. petersburg yards. yes, margot, gara, what do you have? no, he disappeared. that’s great, i have nothing either. let's hope that everything is fine with pasha. what are you, friends?


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