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tv   Pyos-2  NTV  May 7, 2024 8:25am-10:01am MSK

8:25 am
when do you try our 100% natural apple juice? others also want a sip, once they bought it, they immediately fell in love with it, global village, ripe for your table, pyaterochka to the rescue, sportmaster represents the outventure brand, reliable travel equipment, buy in the sportmaster app, order with express delivery. spellbound, premieres on may 10 at 19:30 on ntv.
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come in, they brought you a drink, how much do i owe you, i brought you bad news. today you will die, i hate blood, did you order pizza?
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looks like they strangled, yeah, seconds, wait, no leave, wait, i say, yeah, telerobbery, but it’s unlikely, wallet, phone, everything is in place, but i’m telling you, this is a stranger, don’t, the nest is raging, rejoices, he’s solved the case. and this is a witness or something,
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a suspect, yeah, let’s go and talk, it’s good to treat me, i’ll destroy you at the very first interrogation, so come on, come on, confess yourself, but i called you myself, why should i do this if i’m a murderer , elementary, in order to create an alibi, this won’t work with me, i realized you’re crazy, this question interests me too, go, go for a walk, i had a short day, well, wait, it’s not lunch yet, wait, okay, i saw a button, yes, it’s his button, it was found next to the body, and he tore it off me himself when he grabbed my hands, and then the body threw it up, but of course, tell it in court, and i’ll laugh, you didn’t know about the prizumtsy, you’ve heard about it in general, of course, but let me remind you that the suspect is innocent until proven guilty. you have to prove his guilt, not
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the other way around. listen, go to hell with your resumption, this is all for cover criminals, and i’m an experienced bug, i already understand who it is, that you’re laughing, well, get out of here, stand here and not turn around, when you know exactly who the criminal is, the evidence will be planted on me, seriously, naturally, but what about the law, lyosha, what a law, a law. sometimes even the best evidence can be disputed in court, so resumption is not for you, got it, got it, just a presumption, why are you being clever to me here, bespectacled guy?
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look, here the herring is smeared, there’s a dirty fence, well, he was running away from someone, well, it looks like he was running away, but he didn’t have time, that’s how it turns out there are traces of our murdered man, and this is the killer, so fuck off, trample everything here for me, don’t touch the fence, smart guy, the size is the same as mine. what size is my size what is correct 43 please one more irrefutable evidence bespectacled man what is your leg size 41 you bend your toes i know these tricks you got into trouble student your dog is something so active
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today he has personal problems oh well if this happens that you have it, it can’t be with him, so i advised him to go to work with the head, he... he’s half gone, it’s up to the experts call, otherwise this one will take a photo, wow, it looks like we have another friend, yeah, just a second, i have to be the first to look at everything, oh, get out of here, go, i told you, fuck off, well, i’m dating the fact, pipes not fresh, at least a week, which i can determine with precision by the smell, but on the contrary, who the hell is here,
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why are you coming to me, and what, you were here all night or something, yes, yes, yes, i live here , which is even wonderful, we were here last night, right? of course, did you see anyone suspicious? and suspicious everyone was suspicious of me, especially this one, i saw him, are you crazy or what? who are you listening to, he's blue in style? i’m nothing like that, i’ll be in style later, just wait, you’re absolutely sure that you saw him yesterday, right? yes, his insolent suspicious face, i saw his suspicious hat, oh, well... the hat is irrefutable, of course, are you crazy or something, yes you, and who, yes, in short, you have a suspicious face, ugh, suspicious, rest, that they will come, wake up, in broad daylight,
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they will insult you, in short, it was my house that was broken, you shame on him, homeless person, he remembers my face, the main thing is that he remembers, listen, he has his own face, that,
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good morning everyone, hello, what about the dog, he has personal problems. fathers, who has such a stupid ringtone? it’s not mine, well max, of course, very interesting, on the phone for, maybe something important, hello, maxim, it’s you, and he came out, what to tell him, very interesting, a woman called that you had some girl i called, you'll call me back, sure, woman. i don’t know, maybe they got the wrong number, well, maybe they made a mistake, the victim is alexey samoilov, student, third year student, excellent student, in bad company wasn’t noticed, he lives in another part of the city, it’s unclear what he was doing in that yard, the cause of death was strangulation, but i’m telling you,
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he’s a bespectacled man, he strangled him, i immediately took a bite, who is the killer, the presumption of innocence of the nesters, leonida, you hesitated with your innocence, where gnezdilov is... and by the way, you haven’t forgotten that you yourself were identified by a witness at the crime scene, who is the homeless person in the box, don’t tell me, but you have an alibi, i have an alibi, i have an alibi just everything is in order, yeah, so maybe then you're in identification if you take part with us, it’s easy, come on, come on, come on, drag your witnesses here, it’s you, come on, drag yourself, drag yourself to our witnesses. well, yes, i’m dragging along, good afternoon, good afternoon, fuck off,
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well, sit up, that’s right, your time has come, pi, or whatever it is, the hour, this is what, this is it, now it’s me.
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and so, to be honest, not really, we didn’t see him at all, uh-huh, okay, thank you, you can be free, goodbye, come on, congratulations, only two made it to the finals, “you can go, yes, dear, get out from here, well, 3k-4 eyes, sushi loaf, and what does it have to do with you, they recognized you, knizdo, you are our champion, and what did i tell you, who was identified, you, two witnesses confidently identified you, okay, yes, okay, who are you listening to, who should i listen to, wandering around, who i also identified you, that you are laughing, that you are laughing, this
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is not the end, get out of here, go, go to hell, maximo, you, you understand that this is a mistake, you think, yes, i’m telling you, you saw these witnesses, they're all on drugs, you know what young people are like these days, the traces at the crime scene match yours on... whatever coincides, it still needs to be punished, i don’t have an alibi, i have an alibi, yes i do, i was somewhere on business, i was on business, where you were on business, i was in a strip club, but it’s as easy as shelling pears, bring these strippers here, let them prove your albie, it’s all business, i don’t understand, are you kidding me or something, a little, fuck you.
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solemn ceremony of inauguration of president of the russian federation vladimir vladimirovich putin. today at 12:00 moscow time on ntv. spellbound premieres on may 10 at 19:30 on ntv. the pain can vary. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if pintalgin is available. a universal remedy against different types of pain. let's get by without any pain.
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your handiwork. no. are you coming with me? look, ivan! i won’t call you a second time, can you imagine how dangerous this man is in the wild, we ’ll make such a mess with him, like emilyan fukachev with stenka razin, you’re sure he wasn’t sent, maybe you wanted to find him, but in order to get him again plant, come up with a plan, an attack on a museum, a museum, an exhibition where, a ural diamond, a raid on the exhibition will take place on the night of next wednesday or thursday, a heist is planned, kliton has completely confused the shores, the purpose of the operation is too important. the operation cannot last indefinitely, i have big plans for gorky, gorky 53, there are no worlds without war, premiere, today at 20:00 on ntv, right lyosh, you can see by your face
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that you found out, i can see by your face that you’re interested. uh-huh, the victim alexey samoilov, he started an affair with a certain katya at the institute, and timur liked katya, a classic love triangle, that there are no more names, again timur, maybe we will be banned from this name in the city, maybe then there will be fewer criminals, well, bad reputation, which means timur got two arrests for fighting at the institute only thanks to dad, so according to rumors this timur was seriously angry with samoilov, no, okay, let's go to this institute. we find out what this topic is, what it is, calm, just calm, lyosha, don’t you think that someone has appeared at maksimov’s, well, what do we care, well, nothing, but we’re just curious, he’s clearly
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hiding something, i don’t understand why you are so curious, well... you ’re not interested at all, i’m not, lesh, i’m not interested at all, what is it that you’re staring at me? what's the matter, that there are some problems, i ask, problems, ran away, excuse me, yes, a nest, imbecility is a problem, and not only for...
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oh, listen, listen to an intelligent person, yes, i agree with an intelligent person, a schmuck is a weakling, where should he kill, what are these me words , i’m not a schmuck, if necessary, i’ll kill anyone, so this was a confession just now, yes, maksimov, fuck off, fuck off, leonidov told you, he said, that’s it, that means gnezdilov is not guilty, yes, oh, how, he’ll get through the knife all versions, i’ll take care of your innocence, yes, do what, yes, i won’t say that right away, it’s quite intimate question, come on when we meet, and look, there’s
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timur, he’s mine, so, well, stand there, well, forty- three, so what? i took it. hi, fuck off, i have a black belt, let me show you, oh, oh, i also have a trick
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for you, dad paid for the train too, yes, a monster, what’s a criminal? at samoilov’s house, well, i wanted to talk to him like a man, so that he would leave katya, you can’t talk, you wanted to kill him, but no, just beat him. but he never showed up, this is a confession, well, yes, if they hadn’t killed him on the other side of the city, i heard that’s all coincides, you deliberately went to another
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area and strangled him there, yes, some kind of crap, crap, he put on shoes, size forty-three, to make it easier to catch up, well, i always have our shoes, which means that you are always ready for. .. i understand, you’ve gone crazy, or what, what are you, well, you
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found out something, max, while he’s interrogating the suspect, i’m not asking about that, someone has appeared at maksimov’s, yes, you know, he has appeared, seriously, or what? ? i was just passing by, and he was talking to her about something very intimate, through who it could be, for your sake is this what you called me? no, lyosha, i called you so that we could rejoice together about the fact that maximov finally has someone, well, i see how happy you are, why are you annoyed, i’m not annoyed, i’m just not going to follow behind the intimate life of maksimov. you know, he wants to, he’ll tell you everything, including you, but you can’t ask. murderer timur, and once
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the killer is caught, that’s it, you need to remove the pressure from gnezdilov, wait, and this size forty-three footprint is at the crime scene, how to wear gnezdilov, what's the matter, you were given this print, by the way, i found the evidence, so i want to use it, i want not, what do you want from me, what does he want from me, you say that this is his print, and he uses it, what who he, what does he use? what can he do, he can’t even rip my cloak anymore, he’s on his last legs , he’s a lazy bastard, it’s high time to fire him, no, well, the main thing is that he’s a nester, he’s the only one working here, and he, and he’s being put on the list of those who are being snatched up, and he’s not talking to the noise of the inextensible, i found out what samoilov was doing in that yard, he brought it there pizza, so pizza, this is the courier that works, exactly, in the evening he delivered pizza to the address where he was killed, the dead end
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of denis radnyansky 2, sorodnyansky, that everything is familiar, he went to take the killer, what the presumption of innocence does to people, and come on, come on, come on, air raid warning, you are all one for all, our weapon is the word, stronger than a bullet and a bayonet, moscow has pulled itself up, threatened, the city is taking up arms, for a great common cause, the people are up in arms in full force, accounting next to a scientist, side by side with a laboratory assistant, a mechanic, heart in heart, in a stream of united people building office counters, fly around the ranks of the company company at attention, platoon forward, i will call the heart.
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premiere on may 10 at 19:30 on ntv. sales is strangled. there are no signs of a break-in either. i'm not a robbery. valuable things are in place, well, that’s all for the moron, it’s clear, yes, either timur killed him, either his team, or the bespectacled guy, or the pizza delivery guy, exactly, the pizza delivery guy, and
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the pizza is just for cover, by the way, someone sees the pizza, but where is the pizza, there’s no pizza, that’s all, don’t look at me like that, uh i have an alibi, wait, what if the pizza guy killed him? who then killed the pizza delivery guy himself? and i ’m asking you, i’m asking you, and i ’m working on it, i think the peddler pete became a random victim, he came, he saw, he ran away, well, it’s practically right off my tongue, and the killer was caught by his fence, that’s right, and he banged his bespectacled, a button, remember, a button, that’s it, lesha, look, what is this, a game, can you tell me? that it’s nothing, that it’s not a damn thing, but how is it on and how i’m also interested in what your hat is doing at the crime scene, it’s not my hat, it’s not my hat, it’s signed there that it’s
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nestilov’s hat, and where’s the hat , which is signed that she is gnezdilov, and i will be doing this now, uh-huh, so my version is this, gnezdilov is waiting here for the owner of the apartments, so when he comes he starts... so he falls off his hat, rolls under the table, comes the pizza delivery man notices all this, gets scared, runs away, gnizdilov overtakes him, already in front of the fence, leaves his mark there, kills him, which is seen by several witnesses, a homeless man and a couple of teenagers, and the bespectacled guy who called the police, gnizdilov tries his best to frame him, having tossed him his own pluvica, why the hell, why the hell should i kill him, i see him for the last time then uh-huh. you heard about the presumption of innocence, as i said, well , really, you deny it, reject it, spew it out, but go ahead, give it here, listen, max, i have one question for you,
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come on, how did the nester’s hat really end up here, i just planted it, why, maybe you can’t do something like that, didn’t plant evidence as a witness, wedge-maple, are you mistaken? you eat well, citizen, boss, there is news, but not a guest. there are no prints, but there are a huge number of them in the apartment, at least a dozen, well , that means, take your hands away from there, please, that means the owner was very hospitable, but we have a small oblong wound on our neck, of unknown origin, i ’m working on it , yeah,
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i didn’t read the message, i noticed now, yes, well, get out of here, you’re wonderful, let’s go, alena beltordovna, hello, yes, igoryusha, tell me, my precious one, please remind me, what time did i leave you yesterday? how is it, how was it not, wait, how not, leonidov, here, i’m sorry, of course i’m answering, uh-huh, here i am, personally, i think you’re smart, from... of course, an educated person, unlike
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all our other employees , thank you, we won’t name names, together with the dog, i have a question for you, what could be the reason memory loss, anesthesia in a scientific way, anesthesia is pain relief, memory loss, this is amnesia, something didn’t suddenly hit you, it’s just interesting, well, for the purposes of self-knowledge, self-dissolution, well...
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well, this is not not about you , igor, this is not about you, of course, where am i, where is the dementia, well , yes, it doesn’t fit, the heads were strange, genius, genius, lyosha, i have head injuries, do you remember how maksimov, you remember me at the dacha then, how you hooked me at the dacha, remember how you hooked me, i got a head injury because of you, yeah, no problem, we’ve been diagnosed with you for a long time we understand, you have... peak disease for 8 years, but
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of course, you can’t wait, i’ve still outlived myself, oh, yes, please, no, i’m real, well, i’m quite real, i constantly very often encounter, get into fights with dangerous criminals, and in general i ’m being given lifelong punishment for being harmful, please translate, he suspects he has amnesia, so please tell him that when he remembers, he ’ll tell her why he killed two people, i ’ll remind him, i’ll remind him, fuck you, friends my, you have evidence from gulkin buoy, oh, yes, yes, traces, hat, boots, all this is not punishable, and lesh, by the way, lena said that the scar on the victim’s neck was left by a rocket watch, who, by the way, which ones, i don’t have, where she sat down, i have fame, awards, uh-huh, oh, glory to him, his reward, bitch
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, our rocket man shot back, yes, be careful, don’t step into the nest, what’s wrong with him, he has a nap on schedule, he lay down, the second victim, a certain nut, businessman, not married, i didn’t particularly quarrel with anyone. co-owner of a financial holding company, but what about business? nothing dark today in the evening he has a strange meeting at his shepherd, at a strange time, oh, it’s me, leshenka, right? shit be, i'll take myself today, and tomorrow the dog and i have an important event, let's go, hello, look at him, an important
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event, a date with maksimov, a home date, no, a date, but we don't know yet, even gnezdilov is scared of your jealousy, lyosha, hello, how much is opium for the people, or are you selling organs? figure it out, yeah, just like that, i understand,
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get out of here, get out of here, get out of here, what are you trading anyway, nothing, nothing, but friends, why didn’t you help, then take the dog away, okay, let’s go to the police station, let’s continue the conversation, you take this suitcase with you, come on, come on. solemn ceremony of inauguration of president of the russian federation vladimir vladimirovich putin. today at 12:00 moscow time on
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ntv. gorky 53 premieres today at 20:00 on ntv.
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gorky 53 premieres today at 20:00 on ntv. every year in may we remember and honor the memory of those who, at the cost of their lives, led the country to a great victory. on all fronts in the rear the soviet people worked every day for a common future. one of the most significant awards was the order of the patriotic war. this order is the brightest symbol of military history, courage, fortitude and love for the homeland. one of the few remaining as a legacy to the future generation, the imperial mint minted the order of the patriotic war on a commemorative medal, free for every russian, you pay only 349 rubles for delivery, the medal is plated with pure silver, the highest award is minted on the medal,
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“here is our lawyer, he can confirm everything that i said, hey, uncle, can i have one more lucky meal, he eats them, please, and this is mine, and i will eat it, i hope nothing bad happened, well... "two murders evidence, uh-huh, tampering with evidence, but in principle it’s no big deal, uh-huh, uh-huh
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, i’ll probably take a couple of days off, somehow i’m completely unstuck, what are you saying, we can’t do without you, well, you , naturally, of course, well, you’re our only suspect for now, well, yes, where are you going without me, okay, we’re working, we’re working, well, i agree with you, this one is yours, what’s his name? gnezdilov really has enough evidence against him, gnezdilov is generally a strange guy, he left a trace at one crime scene, left his hat at another, was identified by two witnesses and one homeless person, maybe something else early from the clock, the detective , yes, yes, yes, here is the phone, the lawyer and the victims, so, if he identifies the place, then he is finished, yes. i urgently need to call a lawyer, no, not about this case, it’s just that my friend is shit,
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haven’t seen each other for a long time. nearby, where are we going? at a meeting with one lawyer, i think he will tell us about the motive for the murder, come in the car, that he lives richly, fuck it, it looks like we are late, please dial. hit him in the head with an object when he got out of the car came out, he wasn’t nesting, of course, then they strangled him until he regained consciousness, there are no surveillance cameras here, yeah, that’s bad, come on, give me, give me, give me, give, give, give, give, give, give, give, give, give, give, well done,
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looks like the victim's phone number. wait, at the semaphore, let her through, what did you want? you know, i saw a man running away from here, what kind of man, can you describe him? yes, to be honest, he ran so fast that i didn’t see his face, and i didn’t notice his build either, it’s a pity, it’s a pity, it’s a great pity, but he was wearing a raincoat, like that, so interesting. tell, the cloak was buttoned, like it is now, well, yes, uh-huh, and the collar was raised, well, yes, thank you, you are free, thank you, eh, i thought that at least today there would be a nest in alba, i was going to become his witness, well, a witness about the nesters could
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dull. in general, i’m starting my own investigation, oh, how menacing, against whom, not maxi tupimov, not maxya, against gnezdilov, of course, but it seems that gnezdilov is involved in all the crimes, all the evidence is against me, the evidence is against me , and igor, look, there’s an open day at them today, maybe you’ll ride crazy with them, come on, don’t you feel at home there?
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what are you getting at? well, to the point that it seems to me that the main target was a lawyer, but they simply got confused. so, so, so, so, listen, what are two random victims? no, well, everything can be, of course, but then this criminal is a complete moron, which again brings us back to the version, gnezdilov, yes, but gnezdilov may be stupid, well, i’m not deaf, listen, give him some reassurance, no , i already said, leshenka, the big day is tomorrow, it’s so good, this is a bit of a battle, we need to do it again analyze everything in detail to find additional evidence against the rotten, that's it, let's go to work, i'm off, well, since you 're off, then we'll probably stay, yes, look, he's getting further and further away from us, but as if he didn't
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get lost, where? “i looked through the biography of the third victim, there are clues, there is one, i booked a room in the same hotel every week, look, there is the number seventeen, ten, three, well, tell the number to the network, i must remember, well, you see, these are the same call in the evening from the same number, what can i try? "yeah, that's it, screw it, nested, quiet, quiet, quiet, i haven’t dialed yet, even, wait, hello, what’s wrong with ivan ivanovich’s voice is unclear, but everything is clear, lesh, this is a mistress, mikhail is married, they met in a hotel, that means he too married, all women are pathological cheaters, she obviously doesn’t
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know that we... mikhail died, you can send her an sms, make a date, meet at the same hotel, and natural-born intriguers, you can make a date. hello, good afternoon, how can i help? hello, help me, man, you know, yes, i know, he often books a room for nabrachno, what is his number 401, young man, the number is busy, but nothing, nothing, i’ll agree, young man, he doesn’t give a fuck, barbarian, asian, tell me. have you seen this man? hello, and yes, don't worry, i'm from the police, i'll be undergoing a police
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operation now, so please pack your things for andrey, do you hear what i said, man, are you calm, girl, police operation, pack your things to leave , more alive! wow, what a witness she has, girl, wait, i urgently need to interrogate you with addiction, oh you fucking idiot, come on, why the hell, let’s go, get out of here. “ give me your shirt, and getting married is dangerous, have you seen this person, what the hell, it’s you, it’s not, but it
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’s me, trying to anonize whether i was here before or not, you didn’t answer my question, hey, uncle, go from here, insolent, our young lady will come, go away, stinky. openly, misha, hello,
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who are you? and you and the police, sit down, where are you? misha was killed, that’s why i came? said, sit down. but it’s you. did you see? no. call me, i see this gun every day. i don’t understand, are you covering up for a criminal? nest, go finish what you started. by the way. i can believe it, there is an assumption who could have done this, of course, there can be no other options, it was stepan who killed him, your husband probably found out about
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our relationship, a very scary person, i have long wanted to get a divorce, but i was afraid. an interesting version, perhaps he killed two more, my god, i hate this man, i have long dreamed of escaping, but i didn’t dare, but we don’t have enough evidence, we need your help, ok, i'll help, i'm here for you. mikhail on the phone, well, supposedly he is in the hospital, and you make sure that your husband sees it, okay, the inauguration ceremony
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of the president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin. today at 12:00 moscow time on ntv. at the call of the heart. premiere tomorrow at 21:35 on ntv. the state has abolished fees for transfers between accounts in different banks. from may 1 , russians can translate for free. your money from one bank to another. law it entered into force. now you can receive a salary from one bank and immediately transfer it to another, where it is more profitable. transfer money to a free alpha card, receive a supercake in rubles, and withdraw cash from any atm for free. not just profitable, alpha profitable. preparing for summer on ozone is spreading its wings. all the goods have already arrived here. catch the summer sale. ready, let's fly! summer sale
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yes, your head is made of iron or something, huh? if you are still alive, you think it hurts, no, it hurts, it’s when your wife is walking, you remain silent. do you know how many people i beat up, thinking that it was you, you don’t know, well, nothing, because now i decided to kill you, here i am standing like this, well, you’re under arrest, i understand, but i can’t stand it, blood,
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now i i'll knock him out, he's afraid of blood, you what, fool, bitch, yes, yes, you don’t understand what it is when your wife cheats on you, understand what and what, what did you do to him? nothing, he remained my only friend, how did he know, everyone knew, i’m the only naive idiot, mother, as if he gave a hand, friend, mother,
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oh, that’s who, your true friend, won’t sell, so we have the first victim what was your name? otherwise he’s a smart guy, our smart guy, so he himself opened the door for the killer, the door, yes, you little bunny, because he thought he got it. eugene the madman killed the kopitsy by mistake, and then the delivery guy came? pizza, and the killer caught up with him and killed him as an unwanted witness, and
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then only on the third attempt he killed his wife’s lover, smart guy, well, you see what those guys are like. it was already in the hospital, i don’t know what i know, i don’t remember, did they take murder? no, they didn’t take it, but all the evidence is clear, uh-huh, who is the killer, how who, gnizdilov, who, and i said, i said from the very beginning, smart girl, but you understand us, some evidence had to be planted, you know, yes, yes, and otherwise, how are we going to take the street, that’s understandable, i’m so confused there following in your footsteps, well, yes, fine, well, so what now? that khan to you everything is a final comedy , but now your dear nashok is already coming for you, drink up,
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don’t move anyone, don’t move anyone, let me leave, lenka let me leave, otherwise i’ll shoot your best cop, don’t move, igor, igor, don’t forget. no agreements with terrorists, yes, so that you don’t doubt it, come on, don’t come, don’t come, he’ll shoot me, but what are we going to do with the bottom, uh, it’s his hour of insanity, it’s on schedule, at least check your watch, i i still don't understand what's going on, a little lesson from maksimova, what a lesson, well, just once in my life i behaved as i always did... for myself, oh, i let it go, yes, i finished my investigation and caught the killer. oh, who is he? and here he is! and, no, i didn’t allow it, yet, i
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propose to apply the most severe form of presumption and innocence to me. i'll tell you it was manslaughter. i can not do it anymore. a false witness. you will be my false witness. lenka. lyosha , please testify. here is your testimony. and you are a ford, yes! who is max dating?
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this is not maksimov’s date, it’s the dog’s. max brought his mating. funny, right? are you following him? lyosha, haven’t you been following me? i'm still your husband. well, maksimov, our friend. hello, who are we following? and we’re taking a walk here, just, take a walk, yes, i noticed, but you couldn’t tell about the aps right away, but i, moreover, this is his secret, not mine, ask him, okay, you won’t get tired, only.
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oh, what else, well, thank you, rags, thank you, thank you, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's it, that 's it. here's a gift for you, sit in the dark, wait, go, yes, my dear, well, here's the address tell me, yes, that's it, bye-bye, bye-bye, uh-huh, yes, yes, go, go, go, i'll be right there, well, old man, happy birthday.
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congratulations to you, thank you, well, say something, congratulations to you on the next hanging, that now the nester will arrive, will start telling this evidence, no, witnesses, no, suicide, well, yes, i understand, but haven’t you examined it yet? , just arrived, it’s locked, well, the owner is inside, knock, well, that’s the problem, look, there are no valuables,
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similarly. murder for the purpose of robbery, it may very well be that you saw the bundle, look, i take it, thank you, play outside. you 're crazy, igor, you're crazy, you have no one to throw a stick at, if i'm late, it's for moisturizing reasons, i didn't have hot water, i washed my hair in a kettle, your kettle is big, i'm not complaining, igor, listen , did you happen to forget that you are at work, you broke my glass, and so he said he would give it back, but the money was stolen from him, can you imagine what it means to be stolen, he says, and if i find it,
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find it, well, everything is clear here , killer, murdered vadim koltsov, 35 years old, economist, no criminal record, the computer, his, tablet and phone were missing from the car, but we have numbers, so it won’t be difficult to find, in general, it all looks like a robbery, the only thing that confuses us is this strange knot, nothing
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confuses us, this an ordinary sea knot, my grandfather, which... a year ago he gave it to the end, he called it in the mouth bromsel in the mouth, this is not a sea knot, rather a japanese one, i checked, they used the same example as a samurai, these are all your wet fantasies, come here not found, i tell you, a murderous sailor, and even really argue with him, he knows better there, yes, i know better here, oh, me again, what kind of strange gifts does the dog bring you, and that no one remembers what day it is? we remember tuesday, and what is iron, and so every week tuesday, no, leshenka, exactly this tuesday, so what about this tuesday, but nothing, my informant is working at the supermarket, why are you upset, nothing, just
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go ahead, there's paid parking there, that's it, that's it. stop, pestilence, varyukha, maksimov, it
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’s not me, maksimov, it’s not you, right? one was drawn, whistled, return it, they say in the city i’m a craftsman , i’m not in business at all, it’s a dog’s wallet that strangles people with an interesting knot, they say that only these samurai used it, and you would n’t remember the turtles, sorry, just about the samurai in our city... no one knows anything at all, oh, you need to read books, and no one brought a phone and a laptop at the same time, so this is not for me, you need to ask the huckster, he has a second-hand shop nearby - brilliant, listen, wait, oh, let me go, let me go , let go, let go, let go, listen, give up the dog, why, she knows how
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to steal wallets, they won’t put her in jail, listen, but they won’t close the entrance without you? exactly, come on, to the factory, to the factory, hello, good afternoon, can i tell you what you are? just to see, oh, police, just curiosity for now, dear, police, i probably yes, well, like dear, real, yes no, it’s a souvenir, just a souvenir, yes, but no one brought a laptop with a phone at the same time, i won’t give it, what a laptop, stolen, listen, i don’t sell stolen things, i came here, igor, listen, for the first time in my life i’m glad to see you, i’m glad too, that same sailor, he’s got... a vest on the midfield from what he was supposed to do, let’s check now, no, no, no, no, i wanted the best, but there’s no vest, igor, quietly, well done, here you go , but he said that
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you don’t sell stolen goods, igor, go play in the street, you know, there’s a corpse hanging on this phone and laptops, igor said, go with the guys, play in the yard for now. federation of vladimir vladimirovich putin, today at 12:00 moscow time on
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purchases with plus central television on saturdays at 19:00 on ntv for moscow in an attack at the call of the heart premiere tomorrow 21:35 on ntv. hurt yourself? no. and then the police have a couple of questions. police, and the order, what order, what order, why do you need the order? well done, igor, there’s a killer, there’s a sailor, you ’re completely out of your mind, you’re crazy, what a killer, this is a famous fashion designer, jean paul gaultier, who are you scratching, what a mandelier, all famous mandeliers have the last name either dolchin or gabanov where to look, where everywhere, yes, a phone with a laptop that barygi
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took, where? took it, found it, found it on the street, on the street, yes, yours, no, no, you tossed it to me, that is, you want to say that the dog tossed you the driver’s license of the murdered vladim ivanovich’s ring, where is the cutlet stuck, drops for me there , where, everything is fine, idiot, where, ah? you, oh you, come on, i’ll finish it, so go ahead,
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sit, why did you kill the ring, but i didn’t kill, you’re lying, i didn’t kill, yaal, when i found him, he was already dead, but interesting, but what well, you didn’t call the police then because i took that melophone, telephone, and what else? oh, how generous, come on, come on, i took the laptop, well, then pour it in, come on, cake, what a cake, beautiful, it was like that, delicious, there was probably an inscription on it, this is the end, and a name, a name, i don’t remember the name, but maybe you’re lying, there was no cake, but somehow, it’s at my house, at home, at home. and i’m not hungry,
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home, quickly, i understood, stand, stand, gobble it up, yes, it was evidence, you understand that i, as a hereditary sailor , feel sick on an empty stomach, then cake cannot be evidence, it spheropoch, shut up name. igor, idiot, the name is on the cake, remember, this is the end, and me, i ate what i needed, well, did you find anything? yes, i found it, i found a threatening cake, what?
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i found a cake with threats in the sense, and the nest ate up the name, igor, an idiot, ate up the name, and what are you going to do now, i don’t know, i’ll probably go to work, to this, talk to my colleagues, like i’m hot, no, get drunk, from zapyu, thank you, guys, thank you, thank you, well, there was no need for that. what did they come up with, wow, wow, well, you say, hello, sorry, but nothing, we’re actually closed here
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a party, that is, an ambulance was invited, but the police were forgotten, and i also really like to have fun, your birthday is so fun, it’s just that my friends threw me a bachelor party before the wedding. yes, here, i know, they were passing by, this is the end, grisha, they’re just joking, grisha is me, excuse me, he’s a cliptomaniac , we’re being treated, ugh, let’s talk, grisha, please, have fun, get treated, go for a walk. so what exactly is the matter? vadim koltsov had any enemies, ill-wishers, maybe something
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happened to vadim, answer my questions. an important political event in the life of our country. updated aurs, march rehearsal, review of the presidential regiment. how are preparations going for the ceremony, the inauguration of the president of russia, inna osipova. read more about behind the scenes of the inauguration. achievements of our military. svo. aviation from the vostok forces group destroyed the ukrainian stronghold of the nationalists, as well. there is a paratrooper in the tula positions.


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