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tv   Mamkina zvezdochka  NTV  May 9, 2024 7:00am-8:00am MSK

7:00 am
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air, charge, russian planes, faster, faster, fire! yakus yon knows where the tsez'yashka is going. poli,
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come on, it’s time for the yashka, yeah, yeah.
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tykov, come on, dance, ah, well done, hold on, little devil, how are you? flew in, in character, but it was difficult to cross the line, this, comrade gelevich, a package from the kamdiv, paulyas’s wife writes a letter near stalingrad, lately i don’t like the people who surround you, guys, listen, where is your fighter here? so cheerful, funny, last time i flew in, he was standing in his outfit, vitka, or something, where is he?
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nadyuzh, whose new guy is this? momkin, why momkin? yes, he constantly remembers his mother, in his dreams, so we’ll write it down as his mother’s.
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erich, wo bist du, erich, where are you going, we finished the task, it’s completed, we found the target, who’s there with us?
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our pilot, he was an instructor at marseille, comes up and says: let the commander of your language, i’ll fly, on a low-level flight along the riverbed, he went, and there was a bridge, there were anti-aircraft guns on the bridge, as he was standing under the bridge,
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he caught something there , crashed, but a hero, a real az, marcel, often about him i remembered, in nicolas, it’s not your postman who’s flying, it’s ours, your eagles, they’re afraid to fly at night, okay, run, otherwise i see nuts falling off along the way. i overslept again, oh my, but the fighters are up for repairs, they call us all sorts of things, dudes,
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don’t touch the fighters, this is our pride, i understand, a secret bag of special importance from the partisans. comrade colonel, the task is completed. i brought everything, i brought it to everyone, everything is fine, but how was the flight? - okay, in normal mode, first like this, then like this, and then, well, in general, everything is fine, vasily ivanovich, listen, how is my rapport going, and alexander petrovich, i ask you in a friendly way, but stop trying to join fighter jets, everything is clear. decide to go, sasha, the fate of military operations in
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the rear is in your hands, and the lives of the wounded too, you will leave, who will fly, well, everything is clear, i’ll go and work as a postman, light, hello, i wish you good health, comrade lieutenant. dear liza, yesterday there were three combat missions, i took revenge for you, if i were alive, you would... be proud, they hit me well, and mom would
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be proud, and aunt grunya too, it’s time for me, zhenya, why are you sitting there, your ears are freezing, good morning, san-sanich, hello, i don’t have the strength, i want to sleep, how’s it going, okay, have you seen petrovich? i saw it, came back, already in the tent, and ears, and you will go to the dance today, for sure, zinulya, we’ll sleep with the barenya, it’s old-fashioned, but quadrille is another thing, but you ’ll take sashka with you, well, where would we be without him?
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ja, aber ich will das heute noch passiert. last month we spent 3.00 rijksmarks on them, this month we need 4.200, can you explain? the director says that there are more children, mr. commentator.
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children must help the reich soldiers who
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shed blood for their liberation from the red horde, you are free, there is a small problem. mister colonel, what else, the children are very weakened, sick, we had outbreaks of typhoid several times.
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you can send children to the village to fatten, even the weakest patients, there will be no cost to you, and there will be less left for the bandits, this is reasonable, not a bad idea, let it be, thank you, white.
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sasha, you are so strong, they say you flew a little before the war, but why did you become a civilian pilot on such a funny airplane? best cadet graduating, comrade the lieutenant colonel, according to the assessment commission, can be an instructor. where would you like to serve further, comrade mankin, send me where you need it, but most of all it’s needed now in spain, send me as a military specialist to a fighter intro brigade, eat in spain, didn’t you want to join fighters? but
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i’m afraid of heights, so it’s normal to be lower than princes. you are funny, sasha, but she won’t come today, she’s on flight, you know how i feel about the pit, because... tira, i’m a simple pilot, yes, i didn’t think that you were such a karelist,
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sashka, hello, hello, you been here for a long time, a long time ago.
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we will have the first family of pilots in our union, when the war ends, that’s right, and we will transport everyone home in the evening, and i flew double in central asia, you can do three flights, at least you squeeze it out, sasha, there are so many young boys in bombers in attack aircraft, after the course, what about you? and you think i didn’t write to them, but i filled them up with airports, with zero results. well, how can it be, you are the most worthy, worthy, of course, worthy, x, pi, d, ah,
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doctor, i’m fit, i’m a fighter, i can’t. from the sky, i understand, the maximum i can for you, give permission to fly in civil aviation, even without passengers, but, probably, they are already old, so they won’t take it, you fool.
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weiter, weitermachen, weiterfahren, komm noch mehr, ja.
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wow, like santa claus, great, i brought letters to the boys, but it’s not me who lives in the forest, it ’s them, great, san, hello, well, great, that means i’ll go to ageleevich soon, alexander petrovich, you’re at the checkpoint there, urgently. it’s summer with tie, there’s a wedding planned, you can’t read other people’s letters, oh, okay, don’t grumble, our troops are landing at night.
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great, how's it going here, they say, i'll have spare parts for now i was looking in the databases for sparking, you were drawing here without me, how can you, georgy ivanovich, oh well, fill it in, great, great, well, as a flight crew, yes, there are copies here, you can practice takeoff and landing, there’s verochka, nothing, taxi. but
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strict, pavel, pavel, we don’t have unconquered heights and unmastered technology, ladies, hello, no, georgy, this is a different case, let’s not get distracted, they’ll even break off your wings, yeah, they’ll break them off, you say, girls, we bet if you lose , 2 months of the people's commissar for me, yeah, come on! let's go, you’re just better than me, comrade little boy, i really need something better, right next to the lake, you know how to swim, you’re bad, comrade little boy.
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come on, reconnaissance, the time has come, jump, it’s great, it smells like spring, especially at night, we’re not tired of romantic things right away in our heads, we want warmth in our shoes, yes girl, good night mademoiselle, allow me to introduce myself, senior lieutenant georgiy nesterov, but for you we can just georges,
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george. didn't anyone tell you that visiting unmarried girls after midnight is bad manners? let's go, well, everyone knows that night moths wake up only at sunset to fly to enemy lights, by the way, this is a chocolate for you, thanks for your hospitality, well, to start our acquaintance, thank you, but i don’t eat sweets at night. and i'm eating!
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hello colonel, how are you, good, i wanted to give you leave for 2 days, for the successful completion of the task, excellent, but you have to send me to a new one, well, then after the war we’ll rest, sasha, i promise, i’ll write you out.
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then he will tell everyone how he recruited germans, yes, everyone wants orders, especially for those who have their ass in a warm place, well, as usual, sasha, departure at night, there is. comrades, he came to us from moscow for the award ceremony for just one day. comrade ponomarev. comrades, for showing courage and heroism in the fight against the nazi
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invaders, dmitry protosenko was awarded the order of the patriotic war, second degree, posthumously. intelligence stated that it was in the neighboring one. go, i wish you good health to the young lady, so i was wondering where you keep the brooms with mortars, but
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it’s very funny, really, verochka, it’s not for nothing that the germans call you witches, i... what did you actually come? verochka, shall we go dancing? no thanks. yes. let's go, verochka, otherwise i'll scream. i’m tired, i don’t have the strength to dance today. let's go. let's go for a walk, girls, don't be bored, verochka,
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where is sasha? verochka, i thought we were going to take a walk further away, georgy! come to me, stop, stop, immediately, i didn’t want to in front of everyone, now there’s a war, and we are comrades in arms, but it’s war, he’ll blame everything on the war, why are you doing this, you’re a komsomol member, an officer, you’re not such a glutton. "don't strive to be worse than you really are, you’re a good guy, i’m just loved and loved, that’s all, go!”
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yes, he studied to be an architect, so he knows what he’s saying, the war will end, he ’ll fix everything right away, i wanted to ask, but really, yashka, in despair, is a good for the pilot you need to turn around, you with your nonsense, and you with your nonsense, okay, then we’ll finish, i read,
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my daughter was born, congratulations, tell me the answer, alexandra, let them say that we are waiting, comrades, we need to fly, okay, well, let’s, guys, help. orphan, orphan, kamchatka is calling, how can you hear me, reception, kamchatka, i hear, okay, look at square 36, there is a station, look how ours bombed, let's see, this might be interesting, i'm doing it!
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me, please, baby, what can you do? tell me that you can, mom, i can, promise i can, well done, well done, you can, hear, you can, please, you can, please,
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that’s it, sasha, sasha, my dear, tell me that you can, that’s it, run, zashka, run, run, zashka, second, three, come on, come on, come on, come on, kogaruzhi,
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so yes, snare faster, okay, now they’ll bring it, no, it’s too late, we won’t save him, he was a brave deputy, he didn’t save him, fate, petrovna, what ’s written in his family? comrade lieutenant colonel, the germans
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brought children to the village, report the children to headquarters, and there is, well, let’s change the deputy, and this is for three combat missions, oh, now the excursions will be washed, what did i say, envy in silence, pash. don’t offend the trolleybus drivers, it only makes the ride worse, who did you call a driver, oops, look, that’s right, brother, well, repeat, trolley driver, wait, wait, i have a son someone like you, also a fighter in karelian, i would be ashamed. if he behaved so ugly, in places,
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what do you think, yashka, huh? of course, at some houses you keep your fingers crossed, and there the commander plans everything. i am not a pamecili.
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give me a grenade. goodbye, mikola.
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what happened, give me water, give me water, bring me water quickly, hold on,
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you were ambushed, comrade commander. kolya and vanka were killed. mikola is wounded, trying to carry, well, where is he, he gets caught, shoots, the grenade is taken away from me. zack, du hurensohn, hörst du uns jetzt sagen, los, spring, hier hast du noch ein, i tell you, they wanted food, we knew, from the forest, two weeks
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ago, we were driven to work in nemechchina, four of us escaped. if the partisans succeed, then they plan to bring the children here, and then, comrade colonel, lieutenant mamkin, alexander petrovich has arrived on your orders, new assignments for you, orders from the division commander, do you have any questions? no way, no, that is, advance then, rush, go, eat, please transfer me,
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again 25, you, of course, excuse me, vasily. he did something like this in spain, he was from the army they turned, put yourself in my place, he is the best pilot of the regiment, he flies in any weather, and for the partisans the pilot is a god, it won’t be said under a communist, you don’t have to explain it to me. do you know what they call it over there? guerrilla angel? and you say fighter.
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faust's problem is the problem of the entire european culture, all this knowledge, attempts to know the truth, to gain freedom, they are insignificant, people are helpless.
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they have just started, the frontline hospitals are overcrowded, there is not enough blood medicine, the cars will arrive in a week, get ready, comrades,
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spellbound premieres tomorrow at 7:30 pm on ntv, it’s out, there’s a war here.
7:50 am
some evidence, all these are facts in the world of the galaxy, sing with your nose to the ground, but what’s the point, download, download, download, you’ve been working on the case for 11 days with practically no result, the decision of the agents, then this one is probably the eldest, download it, download, pasha , download, your task is to make them show their essence, the most pumped-up film about the great patriotic war in august 1944, you pumped everything up, it couldn’t be more accurate, today at 19:35 on ntv, the rise
7:51 am
of the bespectacled nerds, here are actually the laureates there are, writers complain, let them get used to simple food, they don’t care about mulberry, win, for moscow, for the heart of our homeland, under attack, hit, hurray, i will call the hearts, premiere, today at 21:20 on ntv. the command of the fifteenth cavalry cossack division entrusted me with the creation of a cossack hundred. and i’m like, i have no one at all, well, don’t worry so much, we ’ll beat the germans, we’ll come back, well, a hundred,
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because for the faith for the fatherland the premiere is tomorrow at 19:30 on ntv. we were discovered shooting off the ground. go lower, hug the forest, empty your supplies, and get swept away. forward on right.
7:53 am
ver, are you feeling bad, are you injured, vera? i still can’t smell the smells, the kerosene exhaust from the engine makes me sick in flight, i often feel sick, yeah, and i can’t eat anything, if you want to save the child, you need to go to the rear, but what about the girls? maybe
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moriya stepanno has a pill? no, ver, decide. she leaned on the handle, and i kept pulling her back by the collar, heavy, as if the plane had brought her, i thought that she was in a daze, well, that’s it, what about nina, what about the others, who were still burned behind the front.
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how does water boil away? and so the floor flows out, like water boils away, so, let’s flow out, go away, go away, go away, go away, be patient.
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and my mother told me, i don’t want a kid, i’m
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flying away and where to look for milk, thank you. well, i vomited right in the stomach, in the stomach, the doctor said that i might not be able to have children,
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alexander petrovich, alexander petrovich, the plane is ready for colitis. go, it's time for you, go, it's time for you, i wish you good health,
8:00 am
hello, the information service of the ntv television company welcomes you. in the studio of yuli bekhteleva. russia celebrates the main holiday - victory day. today in our country we pay tribute to the heroes who saved the world from fascism. all russian regions host parades, processions, concerts and themed events. the main celebrations, according to tradition, will take place in the center of the capital. at 10:00 moscow time the parade will begin on red square. our tv channel will show it live at 9:45 moscow time on ntv. the broadcast dedicated to victory day will begin, at these moments you are already on tverskaya street...


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