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tv   Topor  NTV  May 9, 2024 12:10pm-1:41pm MSK

12:10 pm
ivan andreevich, where is the cartridge? if you find some sheds, come on.
12:11 pm
what is it that was drawn earlier today? what happened? yes, it seems like the war has begun. how do you know that? do you think you brought a magpie on your tail? are you spending the night, or what? well, if your woman doesn't mind. yes, she already sleeps without her hind legs, but don’t worry, i’ll place her in the shed.
12:12 pm
i’ll tell you this, you and i, vanya , have been burning out for a long time, and it’s not our problem that you still have an interest in their newspapers, but until now such a disaster has never happened, and for those who care about the country, let them keep the answers , y i am a commissar no less. the family only remained on the photographic card, here it is, because of these bastards you don’t even know where your own people are buried, so that’s it, i decided to go to the front, as it turns out, first to the soldiers, well, hang on for a while, my people pulled up, the carriage i think they'll be at the station in a little while. an hour
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and a half on its own, but what can i do, well , i don’t have a car, there’s no gasoline, just think, well , there’s an hour delay, and 32 soldiers are already going to the front, well, that’s another thing, yeah, who are you, why are you without report, shryaev, come quickly down, tell the sergeant, let them send the command to the station, they are holding a train there for them, run, so that in an hour they will bleed, i’m listening to you, don’t tell me. there should be a boss here, this military commissar, i am a military commissar, captain boyko, vasilyev ivan, a commercial hunter, came out of the taga, there is a war, i would like to go to the front, clearly, you need to go down, there is junior lieutenant ryabov, but he does not accept documents, this lieutenant, he was sent to you, which means he’s not accepting you, go downstairs, wait, wait, you, what year were you born, how many are there years old, all mine, clearly, answer the question, well...
12:14 pm
i’m mobilizing you to carry out a combat mission, we have 23 people here who have reached the age of conscription, but another 13 who did not show up, the distance between villages, you know, is up to 50 miles, and summonses must be handed over , i would like to get hired as a courier for the post office, i need to go to the front, no, look at him, syryaev, he needs to go to the front. “i’m a career officer,
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i’ve submitted a report six times, and it doesn’t matter, because the army needs me more here, i agree, here i am there, war is not a policy for walking around with stritch there it’s not leisure to tinker, i see, this means that the officer is one of the former, i’m a saul.
12:16 pm
they don’t say that there are no documents, no, how can it be, your honor, well, look at him, and 20 years have passed, you’ll fall where you were sitting, you should have been sitting, you should have been, camp number, article, term, but you weren’t sitting , so are you one of the fugitives, perhaps, or even a spy? german, japanese, climbed over the border with manjougo, keep quiet, okay, the special department will quickly deal with you, stand, sheriff, sims
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belt, i see him out of sin, yes, you did the deed, the coders are abusing the people, they’re going home, moronok rushed to the station,
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you’re afraid, i’m sorry, it just happened! well, it’s true, i wouldn’t admit it right away, but oh well, okay, it’s a small path, well, when will you get to the place. thank you, well now , don’t think ill of you.
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go home, go, although you find it, maybe we’ll get in touch again,
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12:21 pm
i don’t hear it, but i understand, that means we’re waiting in an hour, we all heard reports before the connection, how it’s there, as usual, stubborn fighting, and i’m a second, shirshek, you, in an hour 603 it will be, we wouldn’t want to delay it, there’s a locomotive, fill everything up. who are you comrade, what did you want? vasiliev ivan, a volunteer, fell behind the train, such
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a bad thing, how we fell behind when yesterday evening, we had been traveling for a long time, everyone was hungry, the men there had collected their things to exchange for some food, i went, they said we’ll wait a little longer, but i came back to you, 725 or something, well, yes, well, yes, this one, yes, the one for moscow, yes, so he left at 22:17, what? didn't you come earlier? and i, i came, and this one, who is here instead of you, he said that there would be no acacia at night and sent him off, and in the morning lieutenant zuev said he would decide everything, strange, there were trains of women, well, it’s clear how that it’s up to you to decide, so extreme zoev, okay, give me the documents, lieutenant zoev, i’m telling you, i’m behind the echelon, all the things and documents are there, but how can i send them without documents, so give me the paper, it’s such a small problem, it ’s still moving on they won’t take the front, but then i
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’ll decide for myself, i see, you’ve already won yours, it’s enough for a couple of weeks, but nothing can be improved, it’s a shame for me to shout. put me on the train, and i ’ll convey your greetings to the german, well done, ivan andreevich, god gave me a fellow traveler, on behalf of the entire platoon, ivan andreevich, thank you, thank you, thank you, what are you talking about, otherwise he has a stove, and... put it in, and with this ash tree they would have given him oak a long time ago, i’m also a shoemaker, yeah,
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very funny, he might not have found a damn thing at all, but i kiss him spalos drinks, well, it’s not a telegraph desk, stop smoking, we’ve chilled everything out. what does ivan andreevich write? yes, they wrote it 2 weeks ago. they're late, obviously. what about the front? yes, that's all too. stubborn fighting, the germans suffer heavy losses. they're lying. why? that's what it says. while you were looking for this newspaper at the station, i spoke with the wounded woman. sanitary and that the germans are rushing, they are taking us to the very hell, but
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such is our lot, soldiers, these at least guarded the bulls, and i didn’t even hold a vintar in my hands, i did everything like a shoemaker, so i ended up like chickens in the wood, and i see you too, it’s not that, you read newspapers, you’re a scoundrel officer, and he’s about a year old... for the prisms of the bag, let’s say, and what about the tago, well, if you went to the civilian side, came over to our side, you would have been a general long ago, which means - former ones, i’ve changed my clothes, yes, i’m a hunter, i’m going to the front as a volunteer, i got my boots by accident, i’m your brother’s guard, yes i’m not old, i won’t sell it, on the contrary,
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i want to rush off with you, where, to kudykina mountain, are you going to the germans? it’s clear, they’re like you with prostrate faces, look at the smoking cigarette in the sanitary yard, you’re a locomotive, and i’m behind you, are you crazy, you’re a pass, don’t be a fool, they’ll skin you alive for something like that here, that’s on you , and i’m a proven person here, you need to get along with me, let’s go over this matter, let’s have a drink ? who is clear, dessert!
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perform a fly on someone else's place with the device, okay? i don't understand, okay? so that's it, now warehouse to get weapons and change overcoats , there are still questions, no way, platoon commander of moss, please contact me,
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here is the list of the platoon, as well as rapports, one was picked up on the way, and one escaped. you've lost your mind, mokhov, you should die in battle, not at the wall, it's your fault, comrade senior lieutenant, the dates for the eports are different, that is, either yours were silent, or you yourself did not give the matter any progress, and the deserter fled, you understand in general, that these papers are a direct road to the tribunal, but what to do is this: tell your people that there were no airports, and desserts after of the battle, the missing are registered as a relay, this is exactly what it means, so to the left of the station, a kilometer from here, there is a ruined church, there are people's warehouses in the basements, i
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will soon have someone on the relay for me.
12:30 pm
my last name is vasiliev, ivan andreevich, ivan andreevich vasiliev, i’m a fool, ivan ilyevich, but i don’t understand something, comrade. well, come on, i bet i’ll throw off the shirt , if it would mark the bullet that was for me, it won’t go away, so you tell me, petka,
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where were you in your twenties, in july-august, petka, petka, then it’s done, come on don't tell me answer, on the polish front, i commanded a platoon under tukhachevsky, and what kind of demand is that year, dad and bros. “okay, if you fought with the poles, there will be no demand from you, but i heard that you were shot, and
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a couple of times, the first time you were wounded and not finished off, and the second time you saved the revolution, just like the revolution did for you, twenty-second, neatly five years, the podlashka decree came out, in general, and replaced the execution with a prison term of 15 zakatki, where he sat on salovki in siberia, did not sit, satap was killed, in the heated cars the floors were rotten, they broke, they jumped, and there was already someone beaten, some were caught up to the wheels, and i ran away, i found my own where they had exiled, not all of them, my daughter-in-law survived , my nephew, but... the rest, from whom hunger took, whom the tiv mowed down, so all i had left was a photo card, igor’s cross,
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my daughter-in-law saved , well, and an axe, the same one, captured, i remember, i remember, comrade kamrik, it’s good that i found it, the signal was confirmed at the food warehouse, comrade lyamin, can’t you see, i’m busy, comrade. gb, bother to wait, i’ll see you later, i understand, comrade kambrik, so it turns out that you’ve been living under someone else’s for 20 years name, and are you proud in my skin? “you know, i ’m somehow not particularly good at mine, but what’s so, yes, 1937 is not the beginning of the twenties, we learned how to protect, well, i served 4 years
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while they sorted it out, there was also a mistake, of course, in july he was often rehabilitated, his ranks were returned , awards, a brigade and an order to fight to the death, but what?” shall we fight together again? or will you call the convoy? no, vanya, i ’m not holding you, go, what do you mean go? are you going to give me the troops, or are you disdainful, commander? no, there's another one. the army will not choose without an oath, i don’t think you’re ready, yes, i swore an oath, first to the tsar, then to the russian state, only there are
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none of them, but i’m alive, well, how do you know? how i should write, as you decide.
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12:38 pm
well, it’s never been so difficult to prepare such things, you think he’ll go into a breakthrough, ask intelligence, they themselves are not suffocating, in general, he will attack angrily, and we have cartridges from the ground, i contacted the warehouse.
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if there is no language, i will give it to the tribunal, it will be, comrade kambrik.
12:40 pm
i am tula, eagle, eagle, i am tula, i call eagle, on the flank of the swamp, a couple of tanks are a platoon of soldiers, the bastards are groping, yes there is, comrade kambri karel communications, so the commissar, with the command of the gunners, that’s right, comrade eagle, the enemy used a heavy weapon, daisy, daisy, etula, do you hear me, i don’t rule it out, a breakthrough in
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my sector, daisy, on the left flank, boxes, you see them, figure it out , i have barely six hundred people, and only a couple of guns, i can’t hold the front without reinforcements, so with shrapnel, force the gats to lie down, you... i understand, comrade eagle, the gunners don’t have armor-piercing weapons, i’m a warehouse for them, and where is grandfather, one wonders, who knows, it started, the fritz rushed, there he goes, come on, piled up, piled up. what are you giving, grandfather, hear what, are you riding like pregnant snails, i can’t hear a damn thing, but the horses are barely covered with an explosion, covered with an explosion, what’s wrong, i’m riding like pregnant snails, come on,
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come on, come on, come on , come on, lyamin, how many people do you have, two, comrade, what, form a squad, cooks, security, hunting sound. in short , everyone except the doctors, your operators will give introductory notes, it’s my fault, comrade kambri, i report directly to a special department of the army and i have completely different tasks, we have the same task: hold the front, form good, this is an order, i report only to a special department, decide for me tovarich komprik, leave the major, which means the headquarters doesn’t need me in the trenches, allow me. welcome romanchik, take a position next to the first rue, there is a show from here, it’s your fault,
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comrade, so there’s no spirit on my command post.
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12:45 pm
the charmed premiere, tomorrow at 19:30 on ntv, you order, then let the wounded trumpeter stand up, konstantin khabensky, the wonderwood group at the quartet dedicated to the centenary of the great kudzhawa cronyism. mom mom, i'm the one on duty, i'm the one on duty.
12:46 pm
one beautiful and brave soldier lived in the world on may 9, victory day. well, win, for moscow, for our hearts, our homeland
12:47 pm
, we went on the attack, at the call of our hearts, premiere, today 21:20 on ntv. and why they called you ivan lich grandfather, he runs around, cleaner than a young man, that’s what the young people called you so as not to record reconnaissance, reconnaissance, it’s a joke , i don’t see anything funny, well, reconnaissance is what fear, what kind of fear is there, they can kill anywhere, but only in war. even so, i will lay down mine, die, grieve
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there is no one, and i didn’t mean death, it’s much worse for me to be captured, ivanovich, but why shouldn’t i grieve for you? why no wife and no children? well, okay, if you don’t want to, don’t talk, but what should i say? in short, it’s about nothing, and otherwise there won’t be enough way. fritz, ivan ilyevich, fritz, come on, jump, jump, lie down, lie down on the ground.
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12:50 pm
that’s it, my mechanics didn’t understand, what’s here, i’m with...
12:51 pm
wait, here you go, okay, come in, park the car in the last door, hey, vodyskaya, is there anyone alive, yes, here, i’m here, what should i yell? that's right, shit doesn't sink, wait, wait, wait! wait, fool, well, it wasn’t me, the special officer forced the unreliable ones to identify, well, it wasn’t me on assignment, i was earning a warm place, but it just happened, the storekeeper was stealing, it seems they took him, then i showed up, well, okay, go
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and ship. hey, father, why such a birch tree, beautiful, yes, beautiful, mare, sima, oh, why so little, but it seems like usual, do you want an invoice? i didn’t hear the order, did i? what order? i’m now one cook for everyone here, everyone else went to the front, and were there any of the guys on the order? sled, thorn, cook, bar, what, sled, i don’t know, there’s a cook, let’s unload, i’ll go to the warehouse, yes, to the front line, uh, grandfather, who will
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carry the bush, zhora, whoever i order, it will be here, hey, slavs, why are we making noise, oh, intelligence, look out there, don’t fart in to the rear from this soup, and you’re a grandfather, don’t worry about us, come on,
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grandfather, don’t be offended, we’re doing the same thing, everyone where they can, but you understand, the experience is yours. from the time of the king of peas, now there’s no way, just take my guys, all athletes, all trained, ready for any situation, and with all due respect, the smart one doesn’t get into the situation, so, okay, well, come with me, here is a birch tree,
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this is... a lindage, an officer inside, a sentry outside and in front of him there is a thorn with bells, you can’t make noise, you can’t find words, but you need a tongue in the side, and what, but nothing , vasyata, come on, show me, show me, you see, he’s good, just now - your german is a little short, come on yourself, come on, grandfather, show him, with an ax, something like that?
12:56 pm
got it, that's all for now, get busy. db, the signal came, one of the former riders lathered up to him. yasenev, don’t you know how to write,
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it sucks in neutral, this is not the first time about teris.
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my brigade is holding the defense on the rear line, while there’s a lull, let’s go, where to go back?
12:59 pm
with the heavy german guns, unfortunately, there is no clarity yet, but the reconnaissance group is in the rear, the company commander personally led it, so by morning there will be language. grandfather, well done, get ready, you are helping the soldiers, one, two, there will be no reinforcements, order.
1:00 pm
belo took the tongue, but this is how he breathes, yeah, okay. where did you stop, this is a medical unit, like a bullet after a doctor, why did you get up, hurry up, come on, that’s a german, you fool, run after the doctor, march, come on, one, two, one, two, but in the body, you bastard, can i turn it over, intelligence, you should
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apologize, or something, what happened to elizabeth, i feel good about how you came out, it’s a shame, you’re an officer, after all, a commander , because my orders must be carried out unquestioningly, grandfather, you are not driving to the front line, my guys are there, maybe someone has been caught, but will you stay here? i’m having a dance with my superiors, at attention, comrade commissar, leave the commander, why are you yelling, the wounded are sleeping, where is he from the kulaps, yeah, a german, here, here, here, and under anesthesia, the last of the alcohol was spent on him, when will he come to his senses? in 5 hours at best , but not before? damn, listen. “
1:02 pm
i was wrong, i lost my temper and all that, in general, forgive me, okay, thank you for understanding, to be honest, my grandfather suggested, ivan the lich, yes, grandfather is a flint, with such people you can go into reconnaissance, i went, to me, forgive me. good morning, comrade major, good, i’m talking about documents, i would like to look at the list of personnel, the whole or a specific unit, reinforcements from the far east, which is from the vokhrovtsy, mokhov there, vasiliev, it seems, this is the team, that’s all
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here, but i’ll finish with your losses . of course, of course, by the way, what can you say about vasilyev, it seems he was like that, but not a driver, he died in september, and i don’t remember vasilyev from this team, sure.
1:04 pm
zhora, look, you place the lump like this, yeah, you strike here in the middle, and you’re counting it on the very bottom, i understand, yeah, it’s like that, so come on, practice, just unload it first and i’ll take it hot, how hot, grandfather, friend, no, the stove is very warm, there is no fire, there is no porridge, how were you before? i managed, but before there was only one stove, now there are many,
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where, you’re young, so what? what, grab the stove, heat it, yeah, it looks like the friedians are preparing an attack on our neighbors, tanks went there, and vehicles with infantry, here, in our area, everything is as usual, and no heavy artillery, as in, a division of heavy guns , not a needle in the stag, maybe they are deeper in the rear, and we just didn’t get there, after all, i had an order to take the tongue, well, they took it, but what’s the point, it wasn’t i who covered him with a mine, so the conversation? we'll take a new one at night, i believe, just a spoon for dinner ok, maybe the battery was removed, they hammered at us yesterday and threw it over, it’s really quiet all day today, maybe so, but then why the hell did the commander send these katyushas to us, please, comrade kambrik, a bm-13 battery consisting of four vehicles, your order has arrived, battery commander, lieutenant denisov, welcome, how much
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time do we have? half an hour, but we are almost ready, give me the coordinates of the firing points, if only you had the coordinates, there is only one option, battle reconnaissance, contact me with agayan, that’s it, lieutenant, in 15 minutes, i begin reconnaissance in force, note the coordinates of firing points, priority is heavy. gun, well, if it doesn’t show itself, destroy all the crows to hell, i understand you, comrade kambrik,
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the attack has begun again, it looks like ours, ours, what ours, missiles from our side, so it must be our attack, we’re advancing, yes, yes, they ordered us to sit, sit, the whole thing here is not tricky, reconnaissance later, who is reconnaissance, there is your reconnaissance, come on, denisov, come on, it’s time.
1:08 pm
intelligence, your mother, don't worry, grandfather, i, by the way, am a cambrigger, i personally asked him to let you transferred to my team, and what are you, and what is kobrik, come on, denis, come on, come on, do you hear,
1:09 pm
van, what am i going to say, where are you, lie down, come on, about yaseny, the one from the echelon, who did you remember as a friend? i wanted to warn you for a long time, but everything was somehow out of hand, you had buckets of strength, cleared up, don’t accidentally get into trouble anywhere, i didn’t give the report here, i wrote it down for the missing, no, don’t tell me, it will float, everything is under the monastery let's go, the living and the dead and the seed won't see pensions, okay, okay, that's it, i warned you, and now i'll leave a little, well, give birth damn alive,
1:10 pm
live, comrade lieutenant of the state security service. sorry for interrupting, lieutenant, but nothing, it’s quiet here now, i’m interested in one of your soldiers, vasiliev sled, vasiliev sled, i don’t know this, well, well, he arrived as part of a reinforcement with the far easterners and according to my information, it was you who registered them , that ’s right, but vasilyev was not among them, only rodin ivan ilych was identified as the all-vest from this group, by personal order of kabrig aleshin. it’s interesting, yes, kombrik said that it’s better to find a horse than in your homeland, and he was right, what are you saying, and where am i i can find this homeland of ivan ilvich, hanged
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the wounded after the sambat battle, thanks for the help, checked, yeah, no shit. serviceman, your sergeant has neither a mantuk nor a book, you don’t know who he is? oleshin's brigade, platoon commander, third company of the first battalion, that 's okay, otherwise it wouldn't do to keep something anonymous, thank you, ivan lich!
1:12 pm
so the order was for everyone to the front line, cooks, and drivers, everyone, but you’re here, to be honest, they didn’t include me, but i only found out in the morning, when in the trenches they were waiting for reconnaissance with language, by the way, how did he come to his senses, no, he didn’t come out of drugs, it’s strange, there was a minimum of alcohol on display, it’s a pity, although it’s rightly said that it’s great for the russian, the german is in death, okay, i won’t go in advance, red army soldier vasiliev, ivan
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andreevich, fighter, comrade gb lieutenant, red army soldier of the motherland, documents. well, is the cornflower confessing or what? in the car?
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the plane doesn’t seem to be ours. the threads are silent, which means it’s ours, we haven’t reached the little ones yet, put aside conversations, look at the road and increase the gas.
1:15 pm
died on the spot, comrade eagle, the same one messer-reconnaissance officer, remember, i reported, there is no doubt at all, there was one of ours, he was just driving towards them, he was carrying mitsan bad into the water, but of course, emka lyamina became the target, yes, the police managed to pull out the bodies, but not burned out, that’s right, i have the lamina tablet... i understand you, comrade, eagle, before the connection, i’ve never seen such lucky ones, vanya, consider it leaked between the streams in a thunderstorm, so it comes out for reconnaissance, forget it, it’s not but now there is a war, and you are no longer a master in this matter, you are great masters, he is right up to moscow itself. skedaddled, and
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there’s no tongue to take, well, you know, there are failures, and failures are when you put a hundred in 5 minutes, it happens, i put a hundred, i save a thousand, who are you anyway to discuss my orders, no one comrade kambrik, driver, sit down, driver, sit down, he said. comrade komprik, may i please? what's the matter, anikina? i'm busy. so it will be dinner, heat it for the third time. close the door on that side. bid order, vanya. if anyone has even a distant relative under occupation, do not allow them behind enemy lines. i’m here, and i don’t have anyone.
1:17 pm
i forgot how i received the red book? gayam drew it up for you only with my word, without any papers. well, now i’m a man, yeah, until a special department takes care of us, tomorrow they’ll send someone instead of lamin, who snitched? secretly, there will be a replacement soon, the rear will go to reorganization, they promise me a motto, we’ll live to see it. let's talk, okay, let's have a glass and a snack, and nikina, he's heating up dinner for the third time, it's inconvenient, thank you, but i need to give the horses some food, and a couple of other things to do,
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am i crazy, what if it were a little to the side? wanted if i didn’t miss, you’ll find out that i’m blood, yes blood, you know better, but where did you get it , they gave it to read, lieutenant gb lyamin, the earth swelled for him, lyamin, how he swelled, well. well, come on, now, let's get to the most important thing,
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and what is this for, and for love, well done, come on, liza, oh, excuse me, please, come in, sit down, yes, it's me, ivan ilyevich, excuse me, there they called from the headquarters, as if
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they were asking you, me, who, if you please, where are they taking you? come in, comrade commanders, smoke break, belov just returned from the raid, reports, fried left our site, that is, completely, no one to a depth of seven miles, something quickly bilofa?
1:21 pm
the order of galicia is the fifteenth year, which means it’s still not in my imagination, the bastards are repeating themselves, as soon as i move, they will immediately start attacking here and here, with wedges, yes, only this is not the fifteenth year, the wedges will be tank ones, comrade commanders. meet rodin ivan ilyich, a german intelligence officer and my commander, he took me behind enemy lines for almost 4 years, and we were born on the same street, so i have no secrets from him, but his advice it won't be superfluous at all. so, the germans are preparing
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a trap for us, if we take their position, we will expose and stretch our flanks, and they will strike with tank wedges, here and here. observer, allow me, comrade, and you, van, pomegranate, everything that is.
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comrade senior lieutenant of the gb, i’m heading to the front line from a warehouse with a load of grenades, a red army soldier from my homeland, riding, at ease, my last name is vozels, i’m from a special department of the army, we were driving to the position. the car broke down, we decided to walk, but it looks like we got lost, yes, what’s the matter, i’ll give me a ride, thanks, a seat the truth is not great, but as they say, in tight spaces , don’t be offended, shaysa.
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1:25 pm
“you received grenades at the warehouse, we want to know where he is, and where is my horse? we don’t need horses, we need a warehouse, and you need me, for now i’m silent, what he says is bargaining, that’s good, if you show me where the warehouse is, i’ll keep it. ” you have life, i give you my word, ss officer, don’t miss your last chance. so, you have a map
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, grandfather, you don’t have all of them
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, there must be one alive, officer, i’m his. carefully.
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you sit with me.
1:31 pm
look right now, but the truth is that you with your ax? five of the iss were killed by the family, there were about thirty of them, continuation of the military drama the ax, comrade colonel, mersh takes the grandfather, whose order, and you guessed it, alexander golubev, your worn-out tanker, dmitry shevchenko, there is no weight to your word against the word of the best intelligence officer of the front, nikolai kozak, you are a stranger to them, you will remain a stranger, an enemy, come with us, with you. monsters boris galkin, it turns out you were right then, but i was wrong, andrei smolikov, just the truth, ax 1943, right now on ntv. at the call of the heart, premiere, today at 2120 on ntv.
1:32 pm
may 9, please repeat. may 9 at 19:35 i didn’t understand you, please repeat, may 9 at 19:35 on ntv. as comrade christ said, seek and you will find. favorite movie about intelligence officers. there are a lot of acts, but practically nothing that can be watched again. go ahead, there you go. and again. 7, 108, 109, 110, exactly. in august. forty-four, the date and location of the broadcast and the hour coincide today at 19:35, you pumped everything up, it couldn’t be more accurate on ntv.
1:33 pm
go along the river, commander, and i’ll linger there.
1:34 pm
check here.
1:35 pm
1:36 pm
we need to leave, guys, go to the water let's go, no, let's give it to the side, danina, they're definitely not waiting for us there, and then through the swamps of the front, and not enough to say, it's empty.
1:37 pm
the fields are combed, how diligently, by thugs, why do i need this, so i think, why?
1:38 pm
1:39 pm
grandfather, i've never seen anything like this. kvaner.
1:40 pm


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