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tv   Po zovu serdtsa  NTV  May 9, 2024 9:20pm-10:41pm MSK

9:20 pm
if you decide to spin, these will be the last minutes of your life, understand? blinov. comrade captain, grandma has arrived, that’s for sure, you’ve upgraded everything, it can’t be more accurate, i answer.
9:21 pm
urgently tell the first one, i’m fourth, i’m fourth, grandma has arrived, we don’t need help, i repeat, i’m fourth, i’m fourth, grandma has arrived. don’t need help, pasha, you don’t even realize what a genius you are, we took them, pasha, grandma has arrived, do you hear, you pumped up the mishchenka, you opened them, grandma has arrived, grandma has arrived, arrived, the pendulum will swing, the heart will freeze.
9:22 pm
what will count to whom? the command of the fifteenth cavalry cossack division entrusted me with the creation of a cossack hundred. i mean, it’s not anyone at all, don’t worry so much, well, we’ll beat the germans and we’ll come back, well, a hundred, in battle. cossacks on horseback stopped the most modern german tanks? not pieces of iron, but people. alexander dyichenko. stardub yes, the root is fresh, enchanted. because he is for the faith and for the fatherland. premiere. tomorrow at 19:30 on ntv.
9:23 pm
from the soviet information bureau, for frandage, khristevskaya. moscow says, all radio stations of the soviet union are working.
9:24 pm
in the room, high and gloomy for the whole day , a vague shadow settled, cloud lines became scars in a row with lightning. the face is burning, the voice
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is unfeigned, distant thunder, as if a memory has been thrown away from childhood dreams, the engine of the republic is rustling below, listening to the one floating above it. thunderstorm, how i now want to live 100 years so that we can write about our hot story, you float, float, thunderstorm along the chute, the sky will not be heavy for a long time, you float, thunderstorm, don’t hang yourself on us, add courage to us until freshness, photographed people , but little, uninteresting.
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and you are from there or there, i am from there, there, i’m very glad to see you, very much, you won’t get sick like that. screams, the voice of heaven, here in moscow, all this is happening to
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us, i just don’t want to believe it, i’m very scared. i heard explosions very close, i don’t know what happened to kolya, there’s no news from him, mashenka, don’t lag behind, baby, yes, okay, mom, i’m really thirsty, well, be patient a little, now let’s go, and you can find out, what’s wrong with him, sasha, you can do anything.
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only your choice. you can help me find him. it will depend on how you ask.
9:29 pm
then he gets up early, so, as they say, i if it turned out that i was here earlier, out of little need, that ’s what he made a choice, saved himself and... you, well, all of us, a strong man, i couldn’t do that, he was too strong, you’re a strange people, that’s why, first, then maikovsky,
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now lyapin, and after all, he asked to join the army, the fighting had not yet... begun, and he, the trouble, in fact, this is a disgrace for the entire division, just before the oath, in general, alexander semyon. “this is a special type of desertion, betrayal, no, we need to quickly remove him, we’ll get up in an hour, so you and raskin will run for shovels protect it as human beings, you will understand the place, and so that you don’t say a word to anyone, clearly, don’t say a word to anyone, don’t say a word to anyone, don’t say a word to anyone, don’t say a word to anyone.”
9:31 pm
rise, formation of personnel in 10 minutes on the first line, rise, slavs, here it is like - it’s not a lot, there’s a rise and bespectacled walkers, there are actually laureates here , too, motherfuckers, lift up, let’s get up and we’re going out to line up , writers, paper moralists,
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i’m sorry igor, i think i’ve found it. the best way out for everyone, i can’t do this anymore,
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fyodor mikhalovich, take me into reconnaissance, eh. well, i know how to shoot, you’re good with technology, i ’ve been spinning this steering wheel all my life. “i can disassemble and reassemble whatever you want, there won’t even be a video card left, but let’s see, i repeat again, there are no weapons in this warehouse, there is no headquarters in the city, everything has been raked clean, but why do you need weapons, i’ll give you the option according to the list , i need this cart, take it, but what kind of cart is it? well, that legendary one, remember, the machine-gun
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tochanka, all four wheels, according to my description it goes like a cart, that means a cart, come on. let’s take it, and i ’ll attach it to our lorry with a hard link, we’ll get there, it’s a great thing, well , let’s decide, these are the normal military people who came to me,
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so the extra paradise of the swords in the scabbard dartanyan in the soul the swords in the sheath, so the hooligans put them in place you don’t have an invoice, listen bro, help me. well, they took it, they went, stop, stop, stop, that’s it, good. come on, come on , writer, otherwise i see that you haven’t taken anything heavier than a pencil and a notepad in your hands, look, surprisingly, it’s similar in weight to a grenade, and by the way, the whole thing, you know, this means that i have the total weight indicated here, here is millet porridge, how many grams are there in the pack? 300
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grams, you think, but yeah, yes, this, this is simpler. wait, 400 g, soup, concentrate, take it, there is 75 g, yes, fyodor mikhailovich, that’s a sorcerer, imagine, he has real sabers, if only we could get them, put them aside, we need rifles and a machine gun over there kochchanka, i understand, raskin, help with the hitch, let's write. hold on, it’s just the first time from this side, you know, everything came together for me, great, yes, now i’m doing it all again i’ll double-check and oh, oh, so not carefully, neatly, sorry, don’t remember, these are documents, hold, hold, i feel that you won’t leave here this evening, and we’re done,
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that’s great, we’re leaving, i need more that's all. where is the ripe one? he was with us, i thought that he went ahead, like belov, can i run after the earring, he’s there himself, come on, come quickly, it’s time for us to go, let’s go, fyodor
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mikhailovich is calling, he came in, let’s go, help it’s necessary, but you haven’t seen seryoga, who is in budenovka, let’s go, but no, we need to go, fedor mikhailovich, saboteurs!
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ribo hats, don’t get upset, stay on the edge, goose, come on, open up, khovsky forward, you’re a hole, well done, don’t give in, well done, had a good rest, purely by chance, of course,
9:41 pm
what happened? we promised to return together, what now? i’ll tell you in the world,
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we ran into saboteurs, they became completely insolent, they tried to sabotage a warehouse right next to the headquarters, but they didn’t save the boy, we need to increase our vigilance.
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who is yours, earring.
9:44 pm
but it’s true that you have 24 wounds, who is this light, hamdiv said, tochanka and against tanks, against tanks, no, but against infantry, quite well, once again quicker, quicker, quicker, that ’s enough, goose, that is, gusev, that’s enough. in general, a third of them call me, thank you, the writers
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are complaining that this, everyone’s stomachs are in pain, let them get used to simple food, we’re taking this there to the place, hold it, heading to the warehouse.
9:46 pm
i decided to make an offer, first i need to ask my brother why he ran away, he’s not yet grown up, let’s go.
9:47 pm
maybe wrap it in one layer and let it loose a little, then it would wear out much slower and the leg would be comfortable and fit. still, something is wrong here, maybe try the other side, listen, leave me alone while you can.
9:48 pm
well, i see that you still can’t dance. what is your number? what 's the difference, forty-three, i just wanted to split the footcloth in half like this, then it will fit the leg, you know, according to the instructions, please, no need to shake the footcloth in my face, excuse me, excuse me, i probably... a guide to winding up party hooks, so let's look for a guide together, it no longer has meanings.
9:49 pm
igor, i keep wanting to ask, where is kolya? he is in the hospital, he has something chronically wrong with his stomach many, many times. better 40 times at once than never 40 times, major, senior political officer, military correspondent of the krasnaya zvezda newspaper with instructions to film a report about the concert, as well as the successes and life of our militias, who authorized the concert, political departments, party players, bravo,
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igor, how i'm glad, hello, you can't imagine what it took me to get here, oh, i'm so thin, hold it, oh, i almost forgot, add it, yes, when i found out, that i would come here, immediately when i ran, she became even more rounded, and wrote a letter to you.
9:51 pm
where is kolya? who do i see, you're hot, you look good, your uniform suits you, let's have a drink, i have it. and you don’t change, although the uniform suits you, comrade senior political instructor, why are you still going to honor me now, you’re crazy, better tell me something interesting, i now need material for a chronicle, something like the heroic feat of moscow writers, you have something to tell, but you don’t want to come to us for a couple of weeks, so to speak, to immerse yourself in everyday life militia, let's take pictures, dig, we'll do without your stories, maybe it's for the better, oh , this is a sporty one, let's wear a hat, my
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millionaire is at the front, he's right next to the fire, if the little one gets wounded, i'll take him to the car, eh... hey , fascist, cold wolf, why are you in a hurry, if you end up with ours, you won’t come back. where is kolya? we're just leaving soon, it took me so much effort to get here. i ask you to run away. bring him, but he’s not there, he’s on an important mission, you didn’t warn him, he didn’t know, yesterday there was still a very important mission,
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the major sent him with an order, kolya with an order, what order can he carry out? the world has turned upside down, long-lasting ones, our guys, our most beloved ones, comrades, have gone there , almost every day the germans bomb on...
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and maybe the reason is that he doesn’t want to see me, we had a very big fight before he left, but oh well you who you protect? he really wanted to see you and we will definitely miss you, he wrote poems for you, yes, now, every day i came to confess to my dear, but inna is unapproachable, and the civilian is not nice to her, now the soldiers are dear brought here, she once lived dearly and proudly, i don’t remember anymore. in the leninsky komsomol theater there is a new interesting play, a guy
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from our city in almost every issue of the truth is leaving, i ’ll write a letter to him well and please tell him that he was absolutely right in everything and that i love him very much and ask for forgiveness for everything, of course , i will definitely pass it on, and now let me introduce you to the moscow pop star, the famous inna yuryeva. “your name is, well, let’s listen, maestra, please, far,
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far away the castle. hearts behind the door is a big country, with a key with gold they open the door in the wall, but where is the air?
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9:58 pm
raskin come to me, raski, stay with him, igor. i’m a freak, it hurts a lot, it hurts, it
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hurts a lot, we win, my words, my blueness above the world, my trees and bushes, doubts and dreams, alive. let the earth rear up, i will live as i want, i will fly to my eyes like a free bird, i will open the heights, i will sprout grass at my feet, he wrote this, do you hear, he wrote this.
10:00 pm
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the concert was a success, the camp no longer exists, we are changing our location, here are the lists
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of the wounded and killed in my report, go, there, quietly, quietly. a little, but raskin, we are moving closer to the front line, and you will take your people to moscow, give them the letters, you don’t have to come back, you are wounded, you have the right, i understand, carefully, to the left, and where is nikolai, you should tell him exactly, it’s better if you do it, i think
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he already knows everything, okay, come, hello voroda, you’ve already fulfilled your duty to your homeland, so medal, as they say , be honored.
10:08 pm
olha. igor yakovlevich, we returned from the front, how is it?
10:09 pm
denonida ivanovna, where is olya? how thin you have become you don’t have a face, you weren’t fed there at all. olya, and here, as if there was a thump outside the window, all our windows began to ring. i immediately understood that she was in labor, called the doctors, and he chose her. where is she, where should she be, probably to the growerman, where else will they take her, i’ve cleaned up the place here. why are you being hooligan, everyone here is pregnant, they need peace, but what kind of peace is it now,
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grandma, my wife is there, you explain this to your grandmother, they tell you the regime, i’m from the front, a militia, at least find out who was born, okay, come in , let's see what the last name is, raskina, olya, raskina, or kogin, zorova, markovich, muryshkina, the crooked one, you name it, raskina, olga, gave birth, oh, everything is fine, on august twenty-eighth she gave birth in the seventeenth ward, i still won’t let you in, oh! raski, raski, raski, man.
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raski, leave the chambers immediately, are you crazy? yes, i'm crazy, doctor, doctor, doctor, have you come yet? oh! congratulations,
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i'm so happy to be back. what a pichaal, what a dirty one, our daughter, vika, victoria, pobeda, then we’ll tell her how i was born because of a bomb, we’ll laugh, that’s it, that’s it, now you... together, you want to support, she’s very similar to mom, she loves to eat everything like dad, you’ll never leave us again. i am
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a citizen of the union of soviet socialist republics, joining the ranks of the workers' and peasants ' red army, i take the oath and solemnly swear to be an honest, brave, disciplined, active fighter, to strictly keep military and state secrets, and to unquestioningly carry out military regulations. and orders of commanders, commissars and chiefs. i swear to conscientiously study military affairs, to protect military and national property in every possible way, and until the last breath, be devoted to your people, your soviet homeland and the workers' and peasants' government. i am always ready on the orders of the peasant government
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government. soviet law is a universal no contempt for the working people boris karlovich you are not zealous so well you will blow your skull off i apologize my friends. i
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’ll tell you as an experienced fighter, but don’t be offended, apparently, you shouldn’t take a lot of soil on your shovel, as vladimir ilyevich promised us, less is better, but more often, after all, we are gasping for air when we die, we don’t say a word to our comrade, without raising our eyes in the damp earth. digging a hole, the world of groups and simply, our hearts burned out in us, this is lyapina, i once read it to me, as if i foresaw the future, very good, by the way, is anything known about it, no, yes, probably in
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moscow, maybe , already in evacuation, in moscow, you say, but he left you his notebook, although he said that there was nothing more precious to him, well, except for inna, we fought very often, i appreciated him.
10:17 pm
senior lieutenant drunitski, 70th order of the red banner regiment, everything from he was left, who ordered the retreat, he was
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free to begin, here is his order to retreat to reorganization, where he himself, himself was. “there was just nothing to bury, a shell at the headquarters hit everyone in the fist, and whoever was in the regiment, there along with the banner, would have something to eat. forgive me, you understand what this means, the retreat of the red banner regiment, i understand,
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you can shoot, i already anyway, can you show your positions, the number of germans, what formations, where they attacked from, a lot of infantry and a lot of tanks, clearly, nothing concrete, good deal, the red banner regiments are retreating, and the unfired militias must hold the defense, while the opponents, without information, yes. apparently you can’t do without reconnaissance, fyodor mikhailovich, is your platoon ready? i’m not ready, i won’t lie, well, i’ll try, go
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with belov’s reconnaissance platoon, and i advise you. don’t come back without intelligence data, let’s go, son, let’s go, and i don’t think it’s worth adding these remnants of the regiment to us, they are of course experienced, fired at, but broken, and for our militias this is not necessary now, otherwise they wouldn’t have guessed my opinion without you ? where are the rest of them? to the army headquarters, let them decide, feed you first, listen,
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comrade hannin, he’ll disguise the game, i understand, i understand, i’m sorry, i don’t understand how the kamdiff persuaded me to take you with him on reconnaissance, no one has ever filmed such a report before, i’ll be careful, so, let's go back to tochanka with our camera.
10:22 pm
look, our russians, old men, women, are collecting our fighters, driving our godfathers into their pit, they are burying the bitches with birch crosses, the kidney tree is worried, we have plenty of birch trees for all the crosses, enough where your headquarters was he there
10:23 pm
happy birthday megamarket and only joy only on the birthday of megamarket household goods with cashback up to 70%. spellbound premieres tomorrow at 19:30 on ntv. one for all, all, all
10:24 pm
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10:25 pm
10:26 pm
you are silent like a fish, shirimprol, shrimp, fishburger, a real sea of ​​​​taste, only delicious, period, charmed, premiere tomorrow at 19:30 on ntv. moscow coffee shop on the fields, combination. traditions and advanced technologies of the highest class, the taste is a pleasure, i love it, i recommend it, it’s just space, the taste of ham with pork ham from cherkizov’s own farms, cosmically delicious, cherkizova, panic, let’s do without panic, there’s an internet beeline, let’s go to better motels, with a smart beeline network, you have connections in a variety of situations, again i am everyone’s spa, reliable
10:27 pm
travel equipment, buy sportsmaster in the mobile application and receive 300 bonuses for pickup. allergy, i wanted to sneeze on it, i’m a zodiac, i help children too adults with various types of allergies. available on yandex market. moscow coffee shop on the waist, taste, pleasure, love, recommend.
10:28 pm
10:29 pm
enemy forces are clearly preparing an offensive in our sector, there are losses in the reconnaissance platoon. senior lieutenant rudnitskaya was killed, tochanka went missing, khurkhanin and my boys were in the military with her, it was not possible to take the tongue,
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allow me to convert. colonel, i give permission, comrade colonel, the task of foot reconnaissance of belov’s platoon has been completed, the tongue has been taken, there are no losses, except that the military commander is seriously wounded, he is still trumping, fyodor mikhailovich, where is this they dug up a hooligan, orderlies, rapists here, come on, come on, let him, take it.
10:31 pm
my life will not be repeated twice, life is not a song to sing again, one way or another, but one day i will also have to die, no matter how i live my years, i ask in life, give the taste of water the smell of bad weather, the color of a star and the first rise of dawn , let happiness not pass by, not sparing the brightest feelings, if death and... it’s just inevitable, how i live and think, i’ll forget how, the charmed premiere, tomorrow at 19:30 on ntv. enjoying summer in new looks is a step towards yourself.
10:32 pm
come to ozone, discover the transformation, relax, choose, try on, enjoy your different self, fill your summer with bright images. nazam. sportmaster represents norрsland. austrian brand of travel equipment. order and pay in installments in the sportsmaster mobile application. what happened to the sky? it breaks through the dome. war, if the land is spared here, every minute you can hear a gloomy, heavy rumble, such that the fields shake the skins. moving, such whooping explosions that
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the birch trees suddenly tremble, look back at socks, standing up and asking: we’re still alive, hello, let’s go, let’s go, hello, boys, the commander ordered everyone here to be fed, the cops should not be left, they just cooked it even hotter, but makarych, yeah, hold on, as if you’re not kifor, you’re not coughing, why am i going to cough, give me, don’t start, hold on! thank you, and a spoon
10:34 pm
, thank you, olya, my love, i have all your letters, how happy i am, glad that everything is fine with you vikushay, too, you know, the people here are amazing, talented, savvy, it’s here that you understand how much. know that you are under reliable protection, trust me, we are determined, very soon we will defeat the enemy and return home, say hello to all of us, kiss the little girl, i love you, my girls.
10:35 pm
i won’t, but we will have a small one, is that what you mean, is it true? but how,
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how then, the war will end soon, we will return to the factory, everything will be done in time, such a good paradise. ihr habt einen sehr guten offizier gefangen genommen, nicht wahr?
10:37 pm
they know that we are civilians, they know that we are not important soldiers, and we are not a problem for their troops, look how accurate everything is, even with numbers units, even with the number of weapons, formations, look, they must divide our division, everything and regiment numbers, here is the fortress area, here is the airfield, yes, yeah, ah... these are tank ditches, i’ve just installed them, they’re
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all they know everything from us, even look. weißen sommer und unsere siegesparade in moskau, wenn wir auf dem roten platz oktoberfest durchführen und ich mit meinen soldaten werde auf den kremmeltrömern bier trinken. hollen sie bitte bist du taub oder schwerhörig? ich habe gesagt, wir werden auf diesem scheiß rotenplatz. his soldiers will. i don’t think so, your widow
10:39 pm
has oktoberfest in moscow, and he says that he will come here to cry at your grave. get out, get out of the law, do not disclose positions, want to hit something like a...
10:40 pm
the state has abolished commissions for transfers between its accounts in different banks. from may 1 , russians can transfer their money from one bank to another for free. the law came into force. now you can receive a salary from one bank and immediately transfer it to another, where it is more profitable. transfer money to a free alpha card, get a superkick withdraw cash in rubles from any atm for free. not just profitable, but... profitable, silent like a fish, shirimprol, shrimp, fishburger, a real sea of ​​​​taste, only delicious, period, everyone wants to win millions, but not the work where it’s needed, instant gold lottery, 35 million have not yet been drawn, hurry up to buy in company stores stoloto with prime minister...


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