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tv   Ded Morozov  NTV  May 10, 2024 2:15pm-4:01pm MSK

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ready, you'll see our flectoscope will be no worse than the german one, develop it, we'll see, it doesn't matter. “our focal length is 300 m, and the germans have 500, nikolai alexandrovich, we tried resonance, but the power of free vibrations is not at all what we expected, which means we need to try again, many, many more times. natalya, antigravity is not fiction, scientific, hypothesis, demanding.” laboratory
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research, go and do it, nikolai alexandrovich, we are waiting for you, yes, there is something different with this station than with this station, an experimental radio weather station is not the same, you’re a scientist, you have to express yourself specifically, so what’s wrong with you, there’s no signal, but it seems, oh, well, alexey, he’s a young man. well, boris samuilovich, you must remember what the creator of the radio, alexander stepanovich popov, said. in any radio show, the most important thing is what? contact. contact, of course. well, what do you have here? the polarity is completely reversed. anode power batteries. anode? anode. well, i 'm not a radio engineer, am i? so do i. all the radio technicians, they, they are at the front. oh my god, nikolai,
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nikolai alexandrovich, how do you look at me, it hurts, i’m not dizzy, i’m alive, let’s go to the doctor, i’m alive, come on, lord, don’t hurt yourself, crap on me, leave me alone, leave me alone, sana, i’m completely fine, but what kind of you're okay if you're in your de.
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scientist morozov, yes, you must come with me immediately, nikolaich, forgive me, i spoke. but on what issue, and
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for a long time, i have no order to expand, get ready, we are waiting. well, why do you need this bag, for what purpose? well, they can’t put you in jail, can they? oksana, my dear, i spent 30 years in prison and i know too well the truthfulness of the russian proverb: don’t swear off prison, even if you... i’m 100% sure that you’re not guilty of anything, you’re still joking, they’re talking in moscow. there’s a fuss in the case of jet neutral pests, whoever they don’t take away, well, nikolaich
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has a reason here, no, comrades, they can’t just take them away the most honorable academician of the ussr. nikolai alexandrovich, nikolai sanovich, how can it be, what does this mean, everything will be fine, but what kind of farewell is it, like on the last journey, no, i’m still more alive than all the living, let’s continue, let's continue to work, natalya semyonovna, return to your free vibrations, and you, lyosha, ring the bell, the chain is on the kalala, okay, work, nikolai alexandrovich, if you are on my side again. troubles, please, don’t defend me anymore, don’t worry, you’re not to blame for anything, continue working, i just ask you very much, pay special attention to this last order of ours, a whole front is waiting for this, take it,
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take it, yes, it seems to me , i forgot something, there’s no need to go on, let’s not disturb them, just stop everything. okay, we’re working, colleagues, yes, what should happen will inevitably happen, the roots of all the events taking place now or yet to come have grown deep into the past, and now 2 years later, that time on the volkhov front, it seems to me like a vision, it is almost impossible to believe that i was 60 years ago , refusing to...
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clean - under this wheel, come on, come on, come on, come on! but she went,
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she went, and that’s it, that’s it! well, i didn’t expect it, comrade scientist, we were surprised, well, thank you, let’s go!
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where have you gone? major blachenko, sorry for the inconvenience, but the matter is urgent, if possible quickly, please, i have your things i'll take it. and what did you think that you, captain, what did you say to your comrade honorary academician, but you didn’t say anything, it ’s like in a reactive matter, not in a reactive matter, in a different way, i apologize, comrade, we then we’ll figure it out, now let’s go for a walk, comrade shakholin has been waiting for us for a long time, right there. and this sru-1 aircraft is a strong installation, and i’ll ask how you
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know, but actually this is secret information, the command of the fifteenth cavalry cossack division entrusted me with the creation of hundreds, how did i even no, don’t worry so much, we’ll beat the germans and we’ll come back, well, a hundred. because for faith for the fatherland premieres today at 19:30 on ntv. via super star
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premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. magnet - the price is what you need. jubilee cookies 499. well, credit card debts are hanging, interest is dripping. need halva. you take out credit cards and transfer debts to halva. divide into 24 months, conveniently repay, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts, easy with holva, oh-oh, cvo expert paper towels remain durable even when wet, they you can squeeze it out, and even complex tasks are up to you, the gap is good where the care is, in the global village we select ripe fruits from all over the planet, when you try our natural 100% apple juice, others also want a sip, once you buy it, you immediately
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the offer, three products for only 999 rubles. call: “hello, comrade shakhurin, a thousand apologies for having to disturb you, but we really needed your advice, especially since no one writes us so many letters with ideas on how to help the front, and i’m always ready to bring benefits worthy of respect, well, what ’s the matter, take a look, you’ll find out, it looks very much like
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a page from my brochure, it was published": in berlin in 1929, even before the nazis, it’s so clear, but these are calculations of components for rocket fuel, absolutely right, then we experimented a lot with konstantin and your students, it was then that you suggested using liquid oxygen alcohol?
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noise. everyone has somehow begun to get used to the fact that in the country, perhaps for the first time in its centuries-old history, so many spies have suddenly appeared , so that so many traitors, scientists, of course, no one in the scientific community believed that the king’s enemy was saboteurs, however , there were immediately those who ryan rushed to collect signatures for him. public condemnation, stop the hussarism, morozov, don’t be a hooligan, i could still understand if you were threatened, if you were forced, but red-handed to the lackey’s initiative to jackal with this letter, this
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slander, you are sure that korolev is not guilty, i am sure, but that i know him very well... well, sergei pavlovich started with me. section, korolev organized counter-revolutionary activities, which became the goal of weakening the defense power of our country for the sake of fascism. is korolev a fascist? yes, nonsense, this is the text of the verdict from the soviet court. this is a mistake, the courts make mistakes, too, even. soviet courts, you talked yourself into a sentence, but i don’t care, it’s too late for me to be afraid, i won’t allow you and this clause... to drag around our outstanding scientists and put them before a choice: are you with us or against us? let me stand!
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i am deeply convinced, comrade shakhori, that if korolev had not been imprisoned in vain then, we don’t imprison anyone in vain, he would certainly have launched a ballistic missile before the war, faster than the germans, you misunderstood me, i am more interested not in korolev, but in your other student, sharshinevsky, sharshinevsky, i understand that he fled to germany in the fall of thirty -seven, but he soon died there during some
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tests, and before that he worked with you, and his wife still works with you, stand up, she has absolutely nothing to do with it, well, we certainly do, but not with rockets or fuel, i haven’t been involved in a long time, well, what can i be? alexandrovich may have no connection with you, i don’t know, you see, nikolai shershenevsky is not here, but you just mentioned a ballistic missile, german, apparently you meant v-2, fu-2, a weapon of retaliation, something i knew, i knew that since march 1942 the germans had been conducting tests at a special test site; if successful, such missiles were capable of... destroying many cities. forty in the fall on the third, the training ground was bombed by british aircraft. however, rumors soon appeared
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that the germans were able to save the equipment and take it to places where they would least likely look for it. they continued testing retaliation weapons, if hitler received them, he could radically change the current course of the war. according to the latest reports from our intelligence, this secret training ground may be located in the polish forests, approximately near krakow, but why can i, this is a matter for the military or at least those who have current knowledge, the same, sorry korolev, why are you always talking about korolev, we found out everything we need from him, he himself recommended you. grisha, blow him away.
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he didn’t teach him to hide, well, you never know, but it’s more like just a clue, after all, he has a morozov school, the book, i’m sure, might somehow show up somewhere, and you’ll immediately determine that it’s him, and he’ll bring him out us to the training ground, i apologize, i need to go there, in general, nikolaich, if you agree, we will provide all the conditions for you, i have another proposal.
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comrade morozov, that’s right, father, behind you, come follow me quickly, well, we’ve been waiting for you, excuse me, given the bitter experience of the previous ones. you will land in this square in the area of ​​​​blyyanka, it will be a bit far, yes, comrade lieutenant colonel, it’s a bit far from the detachment, but if closer, it’s too risky, commander, yes, he has arrived, yeah, go, yes, go,
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i wish you health, colonel polishchuk, morozov, nikolai alexandrovich, yes, yes, they already called me, they warned me about everything, here are comrades, a leading soviet scientist, academician, revolutionary, associate vladimirovich alenina, extra, major gulia, hello i wish, comrade morozov, captain yastafiev, just the commander of that group, we have the best intelligence officers, that’s for sure, but it can’t be, pouring in whatever you want after the operation of safe marshal küchler. they can throw it anywhere, but fuck it in a bouquet, so yeah, well, how did we get a pamshwagen with a 75 mm cannon, well, soon, and why isn’t sharibkin tired, and what kind of uniform is the clothing, talent, what’s not infantry, and what kind of child is there, so, well,
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it’s frosty. well, again, a scrupulous survey of the local population, based on such a number uncertainty, i come to the conclusion that i can only bring full benefit by being on the spot. are you serious? that's right, i'm quite serious, i propose to send me along with the group, that is, how? no, but you understand that we will have to jump with a parachute, in complete darkness, at night, deep behind enemy lines. have you ever seen a parachute in real life, or only
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in pictures? so captain? in the fall of 1914 , my partner and i, unfortunately i can’t remember his last name, made a balloon flight from st. petersburg, not having flown about forty versts to vologda, we found ourselves in a terrible thunderstorm. whirlwinds came from everywhere , the sky seemed to turn upside down and it was impossible to tell where the earthly firmament was and where the heavenly one was. soon a hurricane damaged the shell of our balloon, it began to fall rapidly, revealing the complete hopelessness of our situation. palast that’s all, nikolai alexandrovich, it wouldn’t have saved him with such and such a shell. how far is it from the ground? i can’t know, the altimeter seems to be finished, but this is the end for us, stop panicking now! let's wedge wedge,
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let's try to make a parachute out of a torn shell, it's like, you cut the central cables, and i will release gas from the valve to deflate the ball, then while the shells are lowering, the center will go away, but i understand, let's do it. a little more, why, why, i ’m quite familiar with the parachute, so maybe you invented it, comrades, just put it aside, captain, it’s okay. and
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the parachute was invented by leonardo da vinci back in the 15th century; he invented the modern backpack parachute. we present you with normal conditions, you calmly receive your reports, what next? via superstar premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. a person with long-term anxiety often hears advice. calm down, don't be nervous, you need
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they are already giggling at me, that all sorts of shifts, what do you need? after the war, come on, go ahead, my dear, but i’m not talking about who, but about whom the commander was talking, well, why are you planning to fly with us, that’s it, just wait for everything, yes, well we’re thinking, what if he’s from the authorities, maybe he’s checking us, and radik, he’s not alike, you might really want to shoot off with a parachute, another one, well, brother, calm down, tzuterka, tzuterka, and more, but this is for you, aces, y2 a flying bookcase, and
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how to deliver an important cargo to the deep rear, so who is sent to the rear, where, well, the route is secret, only before the flight they will give it, but somewhere in poland, when at night, well, since it’s such a secret, then the cargo is not a bomb, means. ksana, my dear, you know that you are my whole life, but you also know that i live until i can be useful. to the best of their ability,
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they are there, they are there. group to the area, come on, come on, come on, follow me, quickly, quickly, forward, faster, let's go, they're there, forward, don't... the headless jafrits, dug around again, then got lost, look for puschater,
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quietly, here you are you're still pushing forward, but what happened comrade, we did everything as written, sashka, and what is the main rule of the landing, and drop away from the landing site in the first hours, we were so overwhelmed, yes sashka, that's it. yes, you lost the ball, the last one they didn’t find the bag, the most important cargo is there, by the way, you’re pushing the frames, the turn will blow you away, you’ll have to re-scrape the whole thing so you have to look for it, but there are pins,
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well, tell me here, it looks like, i don’t know, people are going to the forest the airfield
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and the transfer to the stream, we are waiting, people's trees, well, this stream of yours is far away, no, it's not far, show me, it's all here, we'll build a fire there, the footcloths are bunched up, yes, the potatoes would be hot, and the rivers won't suit you, what well, brother, you have women in the morning, right? khabkalo sharypin should be dismissed.
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and again, hello, you, hole for pasta. i ask you to forgive me for the inconvenience and inconvenience caused, but you understand that by your appearance here you are disrupting our secret operation to find this training ground of yours, if there is one at all, i understand that you
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see this as arrogance, however, believe me, i did this exclusively for the benefit of the cause, for what benefit, and what benefit are you asking now, don’t you see the weight here, here are the germans, here is poland, how did you even get here, i accidentally found out that poland is coming here for the lyudov army, cargo is sent on biplanes u2 , the rescue convinced your command give me a lift, give me a lift, well, my grandfather gives me. who are you anyway? who are you? have you seen yourself from the outside? are you a well-known communist or maybe you are an academician? so am i the only one who doesn't care? listen, i don’t know you by name, but the outcome of the war may depend on this operation. i would like to do everything
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i can to help prevent this catastrophic threat. but i can only help here, i understand that you are worried about the common cause, it’s difficult for me to convince you of something now, but for the life of me, i can’t do it otherwise, honest mother, are you morozov, i beg your pardon, but no, that same nikolaidrovich morozov, well, the people's will, pop hopon, bloody resurrection, i studied you in the history of the party. i’m also a bolshevik, i apologize, but we need to go quickly, just a minute, what were you thinking, let’s go, commander, commander.
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you see what is written here, captain evstavyev st., by the way, the commander of the first ukrainian front , army general vatutin, personally presented the award, and you know why? for the fact that i assembled the best team, i 2 i've been collecting them for years, now i've collected them, don't you look at what they are, they really are the best. we live as a single mechanism, we act as one, we think as one, we don’t even need words to understand each other, because there is a rule, a rule that everyone obeys unquestioningly, because a scout is like a sapper, one wrong move and no you, and not only are you not there, but the case,
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the most important thing, has failed, so the rule, and since it so happened that we are now in the same bundle with you.
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what is there from them? not yet, but it’s still early, but they contacted me from moscow, from the people's commissariat, not myself, but from the office, they asked me to report on how the comrade honorary academician was accommodated, whether there were any inconveniences, after all, he was an elderly person, as you were asked, but i understood, i said that he was on the move. he said that they, that they had decided everything with moscow, here is the old madman, so that his most unexpected premiere of this spring will be broadcast on mtv. superstar. groups that once filled huge stadiums will compete on stage.
3:03 pm
jewelry and watches at the best prices, as well as falcon cosmetics bags from 299
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rub on wildbres. anxiety can be treated. new - afobazole retard, gradual release of the active substance, only one tablet per day. afazon anxiety can and should be treated. what do you think? cool, but save up a vtb savings account for the subscription. if you replenish regularly, you will save up 16% faster. everything for the marinade, you need it, charcoal and lemonade, you need it, tomato for the salad, the whole family will be very happy, happy, discounts up to 40% on shish kebab and kupaty, zbermarket we deliver from 30 minutes, you are silent like a fish, shirimprol, shrimp, fishburger, a real sea of ​​taste, only in delicious and period, what do you want to do when you get enough sleep, go to sports, with velson you can fall asleep through.
3:05 pm
thank you for catching it, uncle lyosha, look now at kion, preparations for the summer on ozone are spreading their wings, all the goods have already flown here, catch the summer sale, they are ready. let's fly! summer sale on ozone. foam art & fact for 2909. velvet sandals for 1.599, neppy club premium diapers for 849. pentalgin extragel contains a special component for better penetration into the source of pain. pentalgin extragel. via superstar premieres on sunday at 20:20 on... hello,
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great, why are you so happy? yes, today i spent the whole night again, i don’t remember how i got to the hall, i was thinking, i didn’t get out of bed at all, listen, i don’t understand how you do it, i’ve already started to forget how it happens, well, what to buy, what is it called, prostatricun, do you remember? and remember, it’s better to try once than to hear 100 times, what do you think works? what, i don’t think so, i know, dark, of course, now i know my wife, how? and what is there, how to take it? call, everything is simple there, when ordering, they will explain everything to you in detail, just a second, wife, yes, dear, i understand, i’m flying, that’s it. i drove it, keep it for yourself, try it, then you’ll say thank you, okay, i’ll think about it, i’ll probably buy it too, what can i think, call me
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like this with us it means, i understood everything, i understood everything, oh, this means i’m leading, well, that is, i’m taking myself, no, like this, yeah, this means i see the goal, like a spyglass, yes, and this means don’t shoot, don’t shoot. and i'm sorry, i i didn’t ask, what’s your name already, last name, first name karl, karl, okay, but this is sashka kobkalo, sashka gopkalo, and excuse me, you, patronymic, your first name is patronymic, pyotr petrovich, petrovich is also a professor of radio engineering, oh well, and
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the last name is petrovich? we have half the village like this, they also have the village of petrovich, it’s in belarus, and this is radik, gabirov, it’s very nice, he’s keeping us quiet, okay, i’m sorry, karl, but is it possible for me to be given some weapons, commander, we would like weapons, but we don’t have a weapons store here, we don’t have any extra, so in the trucks? commander and for the partisans, of course, well, we won’t come up with a pistol for such a person, but rybkin, don’t muddy it, he’s right, the commander, every group should have a word for such rules, and also, okay, give it to him, so that we have headquarters here having put it, aleksandrovich, we’ll give you the best
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lady, but i’d like a carbine or a rifle, so a pistol or a machine gun, a pistol? you're on hand, but the fact is that shooting is influenced by many factors, including atmospheric pressure, humidity, wind, frost, and even recoil to the shoulder, but it is better to take all these factors into account when shooting from a gun, in short, it’s good to chat that it’s up, they’ve been scammed here for... why not, i want to say that there are many peaceful inventions in the world that we owe to the war, in the united states, during the first world war they discovered the material cellucotone, this cellulose wool, which is better than ordinary cotton wool, the bandages absorbed human blood, so
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after the war from...
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and then i’ll stuff your chubby face, and then i’ll take a photo and send it to stalin, maybe he’ll be scared and surrender. there’s someone here, please go ahead, i’m wounded. what a bitch, he left
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after all, it was risky, commander, right... the lawsuit, the father of intelligence, and caution, its mother, mother, as simple as pressing on a tight trigger, a click, a short mick, and there is no person. yusvity aknekis, who controls life and death? why did the universe need to give birth to this young german, to spend years and energy for future achievements, if one day in the middle of a deserted polish road... the russian old man, who so dreamed of bringing only benefit to humanity, would be deprived of all this, perhaps this german himself did not kill anyone, but only how and i, by someone’s evil will was thrown into war, the most
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unnatural manifestation of bestial human nature, after all, how is it to shoot, well, in science, don’t muddy sharybkin, one shot means nothing... a barbell weighing 80 kg, mother and hut, yes , yes, yes, yes, but then they began to train him according to science, as a result he began to lift a barbell weighing
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18 kg, whatever, but due to the fact that our country was excluded from world competitions, the world records that popov set there abroad . were not recorded, but these bourgeois are forever against us, well, don’t tell me, until revolution, our athletes were gladly invited to the olympics, to competitions, but i am afraid that in science and sports, lower the machine guns, to the ground, quickly, to the ground, live, to the ground, throw, live, we are ours, we are ours, that you create, we do ours. don’t shout, but these are not our own, but maybe german, commander, we don’t need to come to an agreement, that’s how it is, we are not poles, but we are not german, we are soviet, did they take
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us for germans, who are they, these are krai people, polish partisans, only they are anti-communists, we are not your enemies, our enemy, like yours, is fascism,
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only the germans will benefit from this, okay, my proposal: you leave the machine guns and bags, and i’ll let you go. what he says? he offers to leave our weapons and bag? no, no, it won’t be like that, everyone will leave here with what they came with, no, no, i’ll kill all of you here, move, you’re dead, each side must give in, the machine guns will remain with us, but you can take a tenth of this.
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listen, old grandfather, it’s better for you not to come across me anymore, after me, after me, so that you feel empty? an anarchist without a head,
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this is me, sit down, tell me about me, probably they also told us there, and this is glory, my deputy, captain, and for me stein can be so simpler, stefan gandyuk, he and i already agreed from the very beginning, there it’s all yours, here we’re sorry, when it’s...
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machine guns there were dekhterevs, how we waited for them, how i begged them from the center, no, there are mines, grenades, psha, kratsia batteries, all this good stuff we could use a machine gun, but in our area they’ll still be looking, come on, of course there’s little chance , but they exist, not a group we know, it couldn’t be better, and the captain, man. flint, sometimes it’s so mutated, but it can be just like your name, stasya, stasya is beautiful, and like your beauty, ugly, according to our beauty, mikolaich, from here you can see it, well, the planet is frosty, well, what they called about you , this is not exactly a planet, a small asteroid, so it can be seen,
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he petitioned the imperial academy of sciences to award me the degree of doctor of chemistry honoris causa, that is, a badge of honor without defending a dissertation, which i never had, as well as any official certificate. yes, in my youth i he studied at the gymnasium at the age of 16 and was even a volunteer student at the moscow faculty of medicine. university, however, he left
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his studies, dedicating himself to the revolutionary cause, i naively believe that in this way i can bring the greatest benefit to people, with all due respect to you, deeply respected dmitry ivanovich, but mr. morozov has not published a single scientific work.
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complex structure of the atom 10 years ago? what does this mean? please forgive me, gentlemen, i am sure that the atom consists of particles, many, few of them, it’s still a mystery, but these particles, probably they should also differ in their mass and polarity, gentlemen, i assure you, atoms undergo evolution in an endless history.
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years later, my theory was confirmed when british scientists proved that the atom consists of a nucleus and smaller particles, there is no landfill here, in six months we have already plowed up the entire neighborhood here, and the landfill is not a needle, you can’t hide it so easily, i i also think so, but an order is an order, yes, i understand that an order is an order, so what kind of artists are they, they invent those orders, then
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this grandfather of yours, what kind of grandfather is so important that they allocated a private plane for him, yes, yes, i don’t really know myself, but something is not right here, oh, i’m sorry, it’s time for dinner, it’s true, otherwise i’m blabbering - i’m cracking, yes, otherwise my comrade over there will die of hunger, captain, well, come with us some potatoes over there, amristein, since we ’ve finished our business for today, i’ll go to my people, well, as you know, captain, otherwise we’ve got grub general, we don’t keep bad ones, thank you.
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kohana in yak is also in ukrainian , then yaya, and if someone is ryzyk, then yayki. eh, stasya, i don’t have a lot of time to sort it out before kokhania, i’m very sorry, comrade lieutenant colonel, a radiogram was received,
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the evstavyevskys are in the detachment, grandfather is fine, ugh, sit down. i haven’t been eating all day, it seems like i can breathe out, but the worst is still ahead, hold on, what should i do with it, but it’s better for the brain as it is, not to tear off its head, and if you lead them by the nose, it’s dangerous, dangerous, but if with it something will happen, oh, the old devil gave me a mess with shrapnel. mazala, oh, captain, i’m giving you the best people, all the minefields, all... the swamp corpses know, so that’s it, guys, there are six squares with this
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anyway, so if your mythical training ground isn’t there, it’s not there anywhere, well, i mean, sharypkin, don’t risk yourself, sergesinevich, and if so, i’m going with you until you leave the forest, then, no, i said no, woman crying, father is jumping, comrade morozov, here... trained fighters, we have many kilometers of marches, perhaps a battle, a clash with the enemy, i understand, i understand, then let me remind you, i already remember everything, the guys too, rupa, follow me , don’t be afraid, nikolainovich, we have memorized your points like the abc’s, rupa, good.
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adam, tell me, you or the local residents here in the area haven’t heard such a very loud explosion, and then the noise, so, so, we hear a lot, that’s how, why do you know that these are rockets, people find such frequency , yes, what you say is the same. “the command of the fifteenth cavalry cossack division
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entrusted me with the creation of a hundred cossacks, since i ’m not anyone at all, don’t worry so much, we’ll beat the germans, we’ll come back, well, a hundred, premiere on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. with age, changes in vision can change
3:31 pm
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angelhrani.rf. mork is from the emergency room, we have pipes, do you think this is murder, this is a plot twist, but who is this? and this is our orderly, well, the orderlies of the morgue, why are the orderlies talking to the corpse, is it they among themselves, why are his legs moving and his arms, covered, we’ll make our way through central, open the police, well done, becoming a real investigator. dangerous exit, what is it, someone took someone hostage, premiere from monday at 22:15 on ntv, oh-oh, oh, oh, forgive me, i’m an old man for my clumsiness, but that’s okay, it’s i 'm sorry, what's your middle name
3:36 pm
shura, shura? i’m very glad shura morozov, how everything is smartly arranged here, all year round, meat, milk, eggs, yes, we’re trying to make ourselves at home, sorry, but we have to go, sorry, of course, adam, but do you remember, at least presumably, in what there were these sounds and fragments of rockets around the edges, so many days, even miles.
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oh launches, what are you saying, i didn’t say anything like that, just missiles, follow me, the same ordinary missiles, anti-aircraft guns, anti-tank missiles, these rockets, there are no weapons of retaliation, and why are you so sure about this, and therefore we are sure that checked a thousand times, the center is reported in detail. aviation reconnaissance has been thoroughly checked, no secret training ground has been discovered, that’s it, end of conversation, well, look, here’s a little bit, simyatitsa, right there, well, there are three secret training grounds,
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after all, comrade stein, i know that today... the village messenger will arrive, under no circumstances, let’s go straight to the german headquarters, hello,
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i remember in thirty-four he said: i’m going to moscow for a seminar about some kind of guy emissions , whether? yes, nonsense,
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you yourself made it up, it turned out, you know, that he went to save the chelyuskinites and his friend ott schmitt, they barely managed to get him off the plane, because he was already almost 80 then, and you say? are you sure that prisoners from this particular concentration camp are brought here to work, people behave in such a way that every day there is a pendant on the car he’s going to one place, we’re waiting, he’ll arrive now.
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janusz, you see! no, the revolutionary, this is the legendary nikolai morozov, knew lenin himself, lenin, there cannot be both lenin and dzerzhinsky, our felix
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dzerzhinsky, well, now you take him, you use my weakness, what a weakness, communism is strength, okay. go. oops.
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nothing here either. so again, you are my grandfather frost, frost is frost in polish, okay, you came from bialystok, because there is a war there.
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this is my grandfather nikolai, the father of my mother’s brother from bialystok, they have terrible battles there, their home bombed, please, please, mr. nikolai, what can i bring you to drink, water, if possible,
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i haven’t drunk alcohol for a very long time. i need to leave you, just 10-15 minutes, okay, grandsons. and what’s the patrol here, count every kilometer, it’s demoting, demoting from another country, otherwise it’s a small old village, but all the people have been evicted from it, people have been evicted, why are there so many krauts around, it’s strange, say,
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3:47 pm
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website results of the week on sunday at 19:00 on ntv. but it is at dusk that ghosts appear, as it seems in goeta, i dreamed about you very often, i come here once a week for...
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i am looking for a weapon of retribution. retribution to speak. what is there? retribution? i always suspected that you are crazy, but i didn’t think that before. is it really that your life, it still hasn’t taught you to be afraid, i remember once you already... asked me this question, how many
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times have i replayed this last meeting of ours in my memory? alexander shirshinevsky, a talented young scientist and my favorite student, was supposed to go to a conference in paris tomorrow, under my patronage, which in 1937 was considered almost a flight to the moon, so the day before he called me for a farewell conversation. very strange place it’s just that at the institute on the street there are a lot of ears everywhere, and i would, and i would like to figure out what you’re talking about, but i ask you, don’t play with me, i watch you every day, i understand perfectly well that you are already you know everything, you know perfectly well what i'm going to do.
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that you are not very good at hiding what lies like a stone in your soul, especially when you commit unseemly acts, you know the truth, i say that you are not good at hiding the fact that... who needs your gift here, my a gift for whom
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formal science is really not for the people serves, everywhere it is paid for by the party, the government, corporations, firms, but ultimately all the results of scientific achievements go to people, you will hand me over, yes, lord, at about your age, i was sentenced to
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death, it was replaced with lifelong hard labor, but this is also death, only extended in time, because day after day i kept waiting for this guest, i realized that death is a hundred times more terrible, it is useless.
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come back, come home, if there is still such an opportunity, come back to your dear ksenia alekseevna, her terrible sauerkraut, they don’t serve that here, i beg you, just, just forget about the weapon of retaliation. he is not there, then why are you here in this form, yes, because i am an ordinary rocket technician servicing rocket technology, why do i constantly make excuses to him, why do i still continue to make excuses to him, why, instead of just taking my fingers, click and turn it into a wet place like this, your fans. quickly, load the barrels, lively, eh!
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the president submitted the candidacy of mikhail to the state duma mishustin for the post of prime minister. those who were driving the bus with passengers fell into the car wash; random witnesses to the emergency were the first to come to the rescue. netanyahu announced his readiness to continue the operation against hamas even without american military assistance. hungary and china also spoke out for resolving international disputes peacefully. the fii chairman concludes his european
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tour with a visit to budapest.


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