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tv   Kvartirnii vopros  NTV  May 12, 2024 3:00am-4:00am MSK

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and here i felt it, the fresco adds a feeling of lightness, it seems as if you are still on the street, you have just entered, there is still a continuation here, as if the area has increased, when the birds sing in the summer, and in the morning, especially when you wake up, let’s say you fell asleep here fireplace, woke up in the morning, and as if you were outside, as if you were in nature, you wanted to drop everything, leave work, sit on the sofa. sit reading a book for a whole year and never leave this room, we recommend everyone to go through this experience, because it indescribable, it is unique, i don’t know, such sensations, in the body, in the body, in the head, something is happening, this is a break in the pattern, yes, and this must be experienced, just for everyone, thank you to everyone.
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wie hat er denn sie getauft? es ist doch ein, how did he baptize them? it's just an ordinary river. although only jews can baptize each other from an ordinary, dirty and stinking river.
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herzlich willkommen in dobibur. herzlich
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willkommen in eurem neuen leben, dies ist jetzt euer zuhause. herzlich willkommen in subiburg.
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ist jetzt euer zu hause.
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everything will be completely safe, don’t worry about anything, i’m not worried, thank you.
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a little boring, but everything is in order. and then everyone will meet. save your receipts so you can easily find your luggage for storage at home. agree to any
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job. for what? keep your baggage receipts. enough, i told you, stick with me, jacob, partners, come, come!
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stop, let's go.
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what do you think turns him on?
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look, the same circumcised, the same jew? they also have a field here, those present are praying, chischeriks are like cattle on god, weaklings, parhat, sasha, let's leave without them, i
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'll jump through this wire with my teeth, and you from the tower with a machine gun, and don't croak. sash, what are we deciding? the news has only been two days, they have known everything in the camp and around for a long time, nothing is a nightmare, let’s go.
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ich bin juwelier hier der ring den habe ich gemacht. der trauring, meine frau, eine zeit mann, gut, nach dem krieg mache ich eine ausstellung, after the war i will make an exhibition, you
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will all die of envy. “it’s forbidden to go out, you can’t go out after lights out, i didn’t
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go out, it seemed to you, i saw you went out from the bars, sasha, you are up to something again, no, why are you, why are you testing. fate, try to forget minsk, minsk, you are not to blame, but you are alive. don’t you want to live? no, no, bitch, i don’t want it like that,
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no one wants it like that, no one, but you have to endure, endure and believe.
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es ist unmöglich aus dem lager zu entkommen, it is impossible to escape from the camp .
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what are you doing, jews? you deserve yours fate, go to bed, the ashes of your loved ones are flying in your face.
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we have a committee, you guessed correctly, we need a commander with military experience, a blagolander, jokobs, a naval officer, brave, training was underway, he headed it, but the berliner sniffed out everything and reported it, they tried the golanets for 2 days, but he... didn’t give us away , the germans shot 76 people, and my jews completely lost heart, how many letters did your committee issue to people at the station, i promise that everything will be fine,
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we are trying to survive, to take revenge, you are just trying to survive.
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 stop torturing yourself, you can’t do this.
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they expect miracles from me, but what can i do? in minsk , a fool played the savior hero, people died, but i’m alive, i’ve played enough. will this nightmare end, will anyone survive? yes, definitely, i pray that... it was you,
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sasha, god will save us, just don’t bother him, sasha, you just have to endure, endure.
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weiter, mehr, mehr, mehr!
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yes, come here.
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ich gebe dir 5 minuten, um diesen stumpf zu sp i give you 5 minutes for you to split this stump, if you don’t have time, we will shoot every tenth person here, understand?
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that's not all.
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dokhutsii, i was the director of the market, glyaevtsy, i i can organize everything, organize everyone. but i can’t take people with me, i need a commander with military experience, sasha, a normal jewish
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approach, yes, sasha, we need moses, that’s it, hang up, sasha, don’t behave like that here, humble your pride, i’ll think about it, sasha,
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they will denounce us to the berliner if we see them together again, they don’t want a new escape, they will find out about new executions.
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where is my wife?
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“leave him, those people are gone, but the food remains, they are gone, 100 people have just been burned, and we are eating, we are safe here, we are wiping the nannies’ asses, stop being stupid, something needs to be decided, he brought me gold teeth,
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with pieces of jaws,
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herzlich willkommen in zobibor, herzlich willkommen in eurem neuen leben. herzlich willkommen in eurem neuen leben. dies ist jetzt euer zuhause. herzlich willkommen in flobiborg. herzlich willkommen
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in eurem neuen leben, dies ist jetzt, quiet, quiet, what? what he says?
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to us, perhaps the most important thing now is to wait for the red army, to survive, and how long to wait, a year, you won’t wait, any day now they will kill us all, you rat, you’re crazy , leave it alone, leave it aside. our camp is next, it will be liquidated,
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everyone will be killed, kapa too, that man from the train whom berch shot, he was kapa in belzice, so we will all be killed together, you think, i have skin, i am a physics teacher, i have my whole life . the pointer was in my hands, here i am, killing people, no, you can kill, i don’t know, the provocateur would have answered, he has access to all the premises where the officer is sitting. there are 12 of them, 12 people, the brain of the council, i will destroy the brain, we will kill them all, like this, we will slaughter, bite to death, for the soul,
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we will liquidate the officers, we will take away the weapons and that’s it we will leave through the central gate, well, with weapons. simpler, everyone, the whole camp, oh, how, either everyone or no one, the question is, dispersed.


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