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tv   Pervaya peredacha  NTV  May 12, 2024 10:20am-11:01am MSK

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the coastal regions of the far east will again have to face cyclones. one of them is circling off the coast of the magadan region. in magadan there is wet snow, gusty winds and temperatures not exceeding 2°c. a portion of precipitation is reserved for the islands and kamchatka. in continental regions, the weather is heading towards warming. in khabarovsk and vladivostok it is still about 15°. in blagovishchensk - up to 18 without rain. the anticyclone is also affecting the southeast of siberia. from krasnoyarsk to novosibirsk it’s already about +20. in omsk -25. but a cold front with rain. and thunderstorms on approach. in tyumen no higher than twelve. the urals also lack warmth, but there is an excess of precipitation here, a dense north wind, in perm in yekaterinburg it will not even reach +10. on european territory , the baltic anticyclone comes to the fore; it displaces all precipitation to the urals. instability in the atmosphere will persist only in karelia and in the south of the arkhangelsk region. the rest of the territory will experience no significant precipitation. in the middle zone , frosts cannot be ruled out at night, and daytime temperatures lag significantly behind climate norms. on eight a. in some places by 10°. and in the south it is colder than
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expected, but not so dramatically. there is also little precipitation; rain will mainly occur in the mountainous and foothill regions of the north caucasus. and now about the weather in the capitals, in st. petersburg tomorrow there will be light rains, +10, +12 during the day. in moscow the temperature is the same, but there will be no precipitation.
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good morning! two light trucks collided near st. petersburg. tough, right? at first glance, the culprit does not seem obvious. both participants in the accident naturally make claims against each other. however, the inspector who conducted the trial literally stunned everyone. now this is called breaking the pattern. and an example of mutual understanding on the road, well, the driver of one of the cars stopped and began to let me through, but not everyone is so kind, even i didn’t have time to press the brakes, you know, he suddenly flew out to turn, you have to look, azis is sure whoever turns is to blame , if the first one stopped, the second one also needs to be looked at, in vladimir’s opinion, there is only one lane...
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and aziz was not on it, the man who was moving along the side of the road, he is already violator, the supreme court clarified back in the nineteenth year, the sidewalkers have no advantage, there is no need to give way to them, i consider myself completely right, i did everything that was required of me, the rules of the mdd, i stopped, i was convinced, only after that i began to make a maneuver, who is right, vladimir when turning left. or azis in guy was decided simply by no one. in connection with unidentified doubts about the guilt of the person, the proceedings in the case of an administrative offense are terminated due to the absence of elements of an administrative offense. it's like this understand? in such an accident, it was not possible to determine the culprit? there is a video. witnesses of damage, be healthy. what's wrong with the traffic police department? then why are they doing this now?
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the car was destroyed in an accident, there is no one to blame, well, as you can see, it happens, although personally i am amazed by such humanism of inspector guy, because a violation of traffic rules is seen in the actions of both drivers, one is driving on the side of the road, the other did not ensure the safety of the maneuver when turning. in addition to those involved in the accident, a third car was damaged. so what should a driver do? there is no one to blame, you won’t even get money. no, this is a fallacy. the owner of a parked car has the legal right to contact his poosaga insurance company, and if the amount of compensation is refused or the amount is insufficient , file a claim against both participants in the accident, because he definitely did not violate anything, and his car was damaged precisely because of the owner’s negligence. collided cars. moreover, now many will be surprised, but drivers who caused an accident have the right to contact their insurance companies, because according to the law, if the culprit of the accident is not identified, pasag’s insurer pays half of the damage caused. how about sex? yes exactly. but is there
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any room here? you yourself told me that the supreme court ruled that there is no need to give in to the rebels. yes, this position is set out in one of the resolutions of the plenum at the top. court, a driver who moves along an unacceptable trajectory in violation of traffic rules, for example, in an oncoming lane, under a brick sign, has no advantage, no one is obliged to give way to him, but in practice, frankly speaking, this position has not yet taken root in similar situations inspectors often fine both participants an accident, a traffic accident, the one who is turning, yes, in court the maneuverer has a chance to challenge such a fine, but it is important to understand that if such an accident goes from... administrative to criminal law, for example, if there are dead or injured, the situation can be considered otherwise: a forensic auto-technical examination will establish that it was precisely the maneuver, for example, turning left, that led to the collision; it is the maneuverers who are found guilty in this case, because if it had not been for his maneuver,
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the driver would have driven straight and the collision would have occurred did not happen. wow, that is, you still have to give in to the sideliners. i repeat, in an accident without casualties, the maneuverer has a chance. to challenge such a fine in court, in case of an accident with victims there is practically no chance, and the maneuverer will be found guilty, despite the fact that the second participant in the accident was driving on the road, that is, where he should not be driving, there is a simple logic in this: the driver’s task is compliance with traffic rules, and not assessment of the actions of other road users, who violates what, where he can or should not be, for this there are traffic police and courts, then there will be fewer accidents, and besides, you can misjudge the situation and fly into someone who has... the right to drive on the side of the road, but who is allowed on the side of the road? for example, special vehicles have the right to deviate from the requirements of the rules and move along the side of the road with the special audible light signal turned on. cyclists, moped drivers, and people on fashionable personal
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mobility devices, unicycles, and electric scooters, can move along the side of the road completely legally. after all, pedestrians can walk along the barrel in the absence of sidewalks, that’s why it’s better to once again yield to a traffic violator and avoid an accident. than to get into it, and then have to go to court for a long time and have to be repaired. sergey, thank you for the interview, very informative, as always. in general, my friends, when turning left and making u-turns, you should exercise maximum caution, or you only have yourself to blame. the notorious decision of the plenum of the supreme court, where riders with the side of the road are denied priority, is not a safe conduct, unconditionally. car owners are scared is it really possible to lose your driver’s license as soon as you leave the territory of any gas station? interestingly, there are already several complaints.
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what's happened? yes, it dried out and didn’t last long enough to refuel, ninety-five? yes, open the gas tank, carry a can of gasoline in reserve, it is precisely such prudent drivers who are threatened with deprivation of their license. the traffic police officers came up with a very interesting trick. when the trunk opens, it turns out that there are one or two cans of gasoline and they say that this is prohibited, this is a dangerous cargo, we will now leave a protocol, this is from four to 6 months deprivation of rights, a large fine, and, accordingly , many, many other problems that you don’t need on the road right now, relying on the fact that the drivers don’t know, the driver is far away, you’ve been on the road for 10-12 hours, you’re tired,
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so it’s easier to come to an agreement, don’t let to deceive oneself, deprivation of rights, in accordance with paragraph one of article 1221.2, threatens only drivers of special vehicles intended for the transport of dangerous goods, if transportation is carried out with violations. transportation of fuel in the trunk of a car is allowed in a volume of up to 200. 40 liters in canisters with a capacity no more than 60 l. containers must be designed for storing fuel and transporting fuel; for example, the usual plastic water barrels will not work. if you violate these rules, you only face a fine from one to 1,500 rubles. and no deprivation of rights. a curious incident happened in moscow, the driver did not secure the load, drove off, the luggage fell off, it is very curious that a random pedestrian got burned due to this.
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a citizen passing by saw a package lying on the asphalt, picked up the find and found a large sum of money there. it would seem that a passerby would envy can. luck chose him and poured a lot of money out of her cash register. however, the lucky one now faces prison. irony of fate, or keep your pocket shiri. this is exactly what i would call maria silvestrova’s tv essay. don’t touch anything without me, i’ll come and get it out myself. that's it, come on.
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yes, dear tv viewer, who said that there isn’t a lot of money lying around on the road, mind you, there is a bundle. absolutely helpless, fate itself gave me a lot of money, or someone from above gave it to me, it depends on what you believe in, whoever you say will judge me, so you would they did it with such happiness under their feet, but alas, the situation is just like the classics, that you have a pleasant fool, so that i could raise half a sentence for myself, comrades, citizen, but the legendary pickpocket kostya saprykin was in vain, i raised this bundle for myself up to 10 years, this is exactly... theft: secret theft of someone else's property, that is, you understand that the money is not yours, it is someone else's, but
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you misappropriate it, taking advantage of the absence of the owner. city streets these days are strewn with security cameras, which is exactly how they identified a passerby in moscow who picked up the bundle of money. investigators of the presnisky district of the capital uncovered the theft of 1 million rubles. as a result of operational measures, criminal investigation officers detained the suspect. in relation to the happy owner, there is a finding. a criminal case has been opened, by the way, but really, can a find be considered theft? according to article 227 of the civil code, the person who finds the lost item must return it to the owner, and if he does not know whose it is, report the find to the police or local government. the finder receives ownership of the find 6 months from the date of the statement to the police or local. but only if the owner is not found or has not declared himself. in
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general, the moral is this: if you find money, don’t touch it, because if the police find you before you report the wealth that has fallen under your feet, the find will become theft. and i'm lucky today. vova, what are you talking about, turn off the camera. by the way, if the amount found is less than 2,500 rubles, you will not face prison, a maximum of 15 days .
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premier's emergency exit. tomorrow at 22:15 on ntv. when you're an adult it's so easy to forget that joy lives within us. it can be found in every moment and easily shared. the holy spring with natural juice fills life with joyful moments. the source of joy is in you. introducing the new taste of baltika 7 non-alcoholic with hops grown in altai.
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new baltika 7 non-alcoholic. experience the perfection of taste. magnet - price. what you need corn sticks squeaky 499 benefit generator bamfidio eldorado super discounts interest-free installments we approve of everyone smart sprit system for only 18.999 and also in installments in bembidio and eldorado. pizza, and where's the cheese? cheese, cheese here, try chiba pizza from the hot thing, even more juicy filling with tender mozzarella baked chicken. mega dampness chebu from a hot thing in a new design, panic, let’s do without panic, there’s the belaina internet, we’ll find better motels, with the belaina smart network, you have connections in a variety of situations, again i ’m sparing everyone, so you have the internet on your side, with yota your money will not fly away, we return rubles
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for the remaining minutes and gigs, you can yota. well, credit card debts are hanging, interest is dripping, you need holva, take out credit cards, transfer debts to holva, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay, shop or get rid of credit card debts, it’s easy with holva, i help calm the most raging stomach, i use phosphalugel, i cope with heartburn, stomach pain and poisoning and is available on the yandex market. sportmaster presents the outventure brand - reliable travel equipment. buy in the sportsmaster app and order with express delivery. the czech town of zadec is famous for its good rest on the square of three cups. enjoy non-alcoholic goose beer. register codes and collect your mug collection to have a good rest. collect nice
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mugs. it’s so easy to forget that joy lives within us and doesn’t need a reason. joy can be found in every moment and seen where you don't expect it. the holy spring fills life with joyful moments. a source of joy for you. nothing can help this patient. the doctor said to the morgue, that means to the morgue. come on, we 're in therapy. let's go and look at the corpse, but the work is here. the deceased is actually like that what’s going on, words can’t describe it, the patients are quiet, what was that? i think your body has run away, it’s true, the orderlies are violent, you sing songs to the murmurs on demand, but you’re responsive, what is this, this is vital, oh
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my god, and also adults, a dangerous way out, well, little lad, let's? kali, why did you need the killer’s rear? premiere tomorrow at 22:15 on ntv. you can perform in single skating, but play with a team in football. you may be a blogger, but you are ready to score goals because you have a real football, a real cup. russian football cup. stroke or intoxication. what really happened in the local parking lot, why did the inspector draw up a report, but didn’t call an ambulance, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it,
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calm down, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, that’s it, that’s it, laughter through the tears or vice versa, from the outside it may seem that alexey vikhorev laughs, the reaction of his facial muscles is distorted. after an ischemic stroke, he has such a reaction to everything, that he laughs, even when he is in pain, bad, that is, he laughs, tears flow from his eyes, the children still do not understand why dad is not like before, well, put it like this, put it, mish, oh, dad, do you like it or not, dad is silent, do you like it? that misha is decorating, but now it’s difficult for him, let’s say, he ’s a spendthrift and takes masha to the arches, if he doesn’t talk to her, yes there, but he can’t show
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affection there, some kind of attention, dad is there, but dad, dad isn’t there, in the summer alexey vikhorev was paralyzed on the right side, june 22 , 2023, my husband was urgently admitted to the hospital, the regional hospital named after burdenka, here... everything is indicated, what condition he is in, what the diagnosis is, it was an ordinary working day, alexey is a furniture assembler, he has another order in this house, vikhorev’s car is clumsily backing onto the lawn, the surveillance camera is filming, i stop him, somehow stop him, what is he doing in advance, he doesn’t react in any way, they tell him, eyewitnesses are calling the goyim, inspector kurmaliev immediately understood that alexey was their passenger, and that the driver was vikhorev. already in the traffic police car. this driver shows signs of intoxication. this means that now, in your presence, we will offer to test your state of intoxication using special technical means.
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alcatek peter. will you go through the examination? do you hear? no, come closer if you can't hear. the driver said no. well , that's a logical ending. the citizen was found guilty and subjected to administrative punishment in the form of a fine and deprivation of the right to drive vehicles. period 1 year 8 months, everything seems to be objective, because the driver gave a specific answer to the inspector’s specific question: you will go to a medical institution, the person also refuses to go through the medical institution, you will sign, that’s it in fact the driver vikhrev refused to purge, but alexey’s relatives assure him that the reason for this was a pre-stroke condition, and he did not understand that what he was being asked about, what he was answering, was from him... why did the traffic police inspector decide that alexey vikharev was under the influence of prohibited substances ? substances. you
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were talking to a person with a drug charge, when he, what he says in the inspector’s place, is there a drug charge or some kind of accusation, there are similar signs and signs. according to management, the traffic police crew correctly assessed the situation. highway patrol officers services found clear visual signs of an attack on the driver. speech impairment, postural instability. behavior in the appropriate environment, however, these signs characterize not only intoxication, doctors say, dizziness, unsteadiness when walking, confusion, the main symptoms of a stroke; in principle, these same symptoms can be attributed to alcohol. you can’t argue with medicine, then the question arises: when the driver vikhorev had a stroke already in these frames, or after drawing up the protocol, it’s still the same camera observations? alexey forges immediately after completing the administrative material, when he walked, we saw that he was limping on one leg, that is, this is one of the very first
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such symptoms. the inspectors compiled the materials against alexey at about 5:00 pm; a couple of hours later, according to his wife, alexey was hospitalized. my husband was urgently admitted to the regional hospital named after burdenka. here is the discharge summary from patient vikhorev. on june 22, the diagnosis of ischemic stroke in the right and left cerebral arteries, the exact time of blockage of the cerebral vessels was established it’s hardly possible; it’s quite acceptable to assume that alexei had a stroke while driving the skoda. he had a mini-stroke 6 years ago, but it turned out okay then - because when he also came home from work, we noticed that he had a winged smile, his tongue was slurred. that is, we immediately sent him to the hospital, it was possible to save alexey this time, doctors are sure, most often police officers, they understand better than doctors.
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tests to determine the condition of the person, what prevented the inspector from calling an ambulance, any complaints about the state of health from it was not received, and could alexey complain, he did not ask for help, how can a person ask for help if he does not understand, does not realize what is happening to him. can the inspector be blamed for anything? the question is very controversial, only one thing is obvious here: instability of posture and
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unrelated speech are signs. not only intoxication, stroke, as you can see, does not spare even the young strong, a blockage of the vessel occurs, the vessel is blocked by a blood clot, plaque or some kind of spasm, a strong spasm that causes an increase in blood pressure, the first aid, which is medical help, is to dissolve this blood clot so that it does not allow the area of ​​the brain, the brain cells, to die, so the sooner we do this, the... the area will be smaller, or it will not exist at all. and how to determine pre-stroke condition? it may be useful not only for traffic police officers. that is, the first thing we look at is the person, does he have some kind of facial distortion, a nasolabial fold, is it smoothed out? let’s say, let’s ask the patient to smile at the person, to smile. he smiles and we see the asymmetry. that is, well, it is no longer an alcoholic pinay if we see the asymmetry. and we ask a person to raise his hands,
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that is, if i raised my hands, you can see them at... the same level, then a person whom we suspect of having a stroke, then he will have one arm, he will not be able to fully raise it, or he won’t be able to hold it, and he has a speech disorder, as if he’s put nuts in his mouth - to break his fast like that, the presence of one of these symptoms should already alert us that the person already has a pre-stroke condition, and we should immediately call an ambulance. alexey’s life is now a daily test for the whole family, especially for his mother, i can’t, life has changed dramatically, well, because you can’t leave him alone, all sorts of situations happen, so that he is under supervision. alexey is unlikely to need a driver’s license in the near future, but a fine of 30,000 will take a significant toll on the family budget; now almost all
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the money is spent on rehabilitation. we want this fine to be cancelled. it is possible to cancel the fine. the algorithm is as follows: first we restore the deadlines for appeal, since the driver was in the hospital for almost 3 weeks and is still sick. it is very important that the medical history contains the date of admission to the clinic, and this is precisely the day when the protocol on refusal of medical examination was drawn up. a diagnosis has been established, these are arguments in favor of the fact that it was the development of a stroke that the inspectors took for...
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of course, it’s good, this is a rather expensive massage chair, it knows how to give pleasure. knead everything, can home massagers replace the hands of a professional? here's the question: what about the benefits? ununited creases, how good are cordless irons? do they really make ironing more convenient and what are their disadvantages? as well as a portable washing machine. tadam!
10:51 am
try chiba pizza from the hot thing for even more. juicy filling with tender mozzarella baked chicken, mega raw cheese pizza from the hot thing in a new design! when you're an adult, it's so easy to forget that joy lives within us! and she doesn't need a reason. joy can be found in every moment, seen where you don't expect it. holy spring fills life joyful moments. a source of joy for you. hunting is your thirst for the main trophy from 20 million. your chance to take yours in 15 minutes for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to win. oh-oh, zeva expert paper towels remain durable even when wet, you can wring them out, and you can
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handle even complex tasks. yawn is good where there is care. appetite anywhere. only dad will tame it. sausages, dad can. credit card debts carry interest, you need halva, take out credit cards, transfer the debts to halva, divide it into 24 months conveniently you pay off, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts, it’s easy with nothing, panic, we can do without panic, there’s belaina’s internet, well, let’s go to better motels, with belaina’s smart network, you have connections in a variety of situations, again i’m sparing everyone, with this the internet is on your side. i don’t like monday, my mood is at zero, are there any reasons to visit earth today? monday is the day of gifts on my planet, the good mood of subscribers is a priority, it doesn’t matter what kind of person you are, the main thing is a tv2 subscriber,
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each client will receive three gifts to choose from, i also receive i want gifts, so i’m flying to earth, monday, gifts for each subscriber, tele2 other rules. what we bring back from traveling with avito, cashback bonuses for your next trip. the avito trip will go as planned with cashback and bonuses. the czech town of žatec is famous for its good rest on the square of three cups. enjoy the žatec goose non-alcoholic beer, register codes and collect your collection of mugs to have a good rest, žatec goose non-alcoholic, collect nice mugs, benefit. generator bamfidio eldorado, super discounts and interest-free installments, we approve of everyone. buy a tcl tv for only 64,999 and also in installments in emedi and eldorado. you will recognize its taste from a thousand, this is fagot, perelian, from
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the juicy saw. oh koraka, fragrant. and no hot spices. vyazanka, sirloin ham, a taste that you can recognize from a thousand. when you are an adult, it is so easy to forget that joy lives within us, it can be found in every moment , easily shared, a holy spring with natural juice fills life with joy moments, the source of joy is in you, fabulous rudeness, uh, what are you doing, and the senior operative is authorized by korablev, the senior operative. i ’ll be older than the guy, come on, tia, come on, tia, it’s my fault, nikita ponfilov without a dog, come on, and sergei zharkov with dolphin, yours
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was, mine, vasilisa’s name is dolphin, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. the shine of chrome, the noble creaking of leather seats, and the price comparable to the annual budget of some sovereign island in the ocean. why, tell me, do people spend millions on luxury cars, at least to save on delivery of firewood to the dacha. panorama, you know why, so that the firewood dries faster, that’s it, cube 2 definitely fit,
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222 was normal, it’s unlikely two would fit, here it’s a little longer. it fits here well, it could be compacted more tightly, although another version in... is quite viable. wood instead of air freshener. just imagine the fragrant aroma in the salon. this, dear friends, concludes this issue. have a nice sunday everyone, we will be back on air next week at 10:20 on the ntv channel. see you.
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don't tangle your hands while it cools down, girls, how good are cordless irons, we tested them in everyday life and did extreme tests. massage it if you can, i would sit like that for 15 minutes. we compared whether the technique is capable of relieving fatigue, muscle tension and pain, with the hands of a professional. in the category “miracle goods”, a small washing machine, for the sake of which it would be a pity to launch a large one. it would be nice to have some time off to make life easier for my wife. she even promises dry clothes. miracle or no miracle. and also watching football increases the level of happiness,
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skateboarding is now carried out with a broom, a blood test will be able to detect dangerous lack of sleep, this and something else, in the hot five amazing discoveries and inventions from around the world. there is a miracle of technology on air, a program in which me and mine... we test everything on ourselves. when people explain why they don’t like
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ironing clothes, they give many different reasons: long, hot, boring, but at least some of the problems are promised to be solved by such cordless irons, do they really do this? is ironing more convenient and what are their disadvantages? once upon a time, all irons were wireless, because people did not know electricity and ironed, either by warming their assistants on the stove, or by pouring coals inside, as boris obrashkin, an employee of the iron museum in pereslavl zalesky, says, it was hard, and troublesome, and expensive . my grandmother told me: “i remember when i was young, my mother wanted to marry me off.” i didn’t want to get married, but... he persuaded me and said: “go, daughter, because there is
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a coal iron in the house.” our tests of modern cordless irons, we'll start with a joke. there are many videos on the internet about how sausages are fried using ironing equipment; someone even manages to make a steak. together with chef kirill geselev, we will try to repeat this. we took two irons of the same power with a wire for 3,400 rubles without for 4,200 and decided to take a look. this is in lon na mode.


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