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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 13, 2024 8:00am-8:21am MSK

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15 people were killed, 17 were saved in belgorod , the search operation at the site of the collapse of the entrance after the fall of the ukrainian missile was completed, the armor of the marines of the pacific... fleet evgeniy golovanov about the work of tankers in the southern donetsk direction. well, also the historic defeat of the conservatives in municipal elections, or as the british example, the sunok begins to lose power. this is the program today in the studio of dmitry zavoisty. hello. we start with vladimir putin’s new personnel proposals for a number of federal ministry and departments, mainly the security bloc, sent to the federation council. it was proposed that they remain at their posts. also
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, the upper house of parliament received documents on konstantin chuychenko for consultation for the post of minister of justice, and the president also proposed reappointing sergei naryshkin as director of the foreign intelligence service, alexander bortnikov, head of the federal security service, viktor zolotov, director of the russian guard, dmitry kochnev, reassigned. for the post of head of the federal security service, senators will also consider a candidacy alexander lints to the position of head of the main directorate of special programs of the president. vladimir putin proposed the candidacy of andrei belousov for the post of minister of defense. previously, he was first deputy prime minister. he will replace sergei shaiga. press secretary of the head of state dmitry peskov commented on personnel decisions in the military department. it is very important to include economics.
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search and rescue operation clearing the rubble at the site of the collapsed entrance to a high-rise building, as reported by the ministry of emergency situations, 17 residents were rescued from the concrete rubble, 15 as a result of the impact ukrainian militants were killed. work at the scene of the tragedy, where fragments of a ukrainian missile hit a residential building, did not stop all night, and rescuers had to constantly be interrupted by new reports of air attacks, sounds of explosions were heard, and they worked. russian air defense. specialists from the investigative committee joined the investigation into the attacks on peaceful areas of belgorod. they qualify the incident as a terrorist attack from belgorod. report by olga chernova. the number of dead found under the rubble increased every hour search and rescue operation. emergency situations ministry employees, volunteers, and territorial self-defense fighters worked in the most difficult conditions. the shelling of belgorod did not stop day or night. smoldering began under the rubble , firefighters came. constantly shed
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difficult areas. according to experts, the threat of the house collapse remains; rescuers and volunteers were forced to interrupt their search several times to hide in shelter due to the missile danger. this man was pulled out from under the rubble alive thanks to the ingenuity of the rescuers who broke through hole from the neighboring entrance and reached the wounded man pinned by concrete rubble. a family with a disabled child lived on the top floor of a high-rise building. the rescuers were informed about this by the fund that supervises the family. at the time of the shelling, the family was not at home; after the missile threat was lifted, contact with them was lost. the missile attack on the multi-storey building was recorded by a cctv camera. the explosion caused 10 floors of one entrance to collapse. the victims trapped in their apartments had to be evacuated using a car lift. thanks to the prompt in the first minutes of the tragedy , 12 residents were saved, including two children. now there is a missile danger, we are all moving for cover. belgorod residents are trying to warn everyone nearby about the threat. they say there are only 10-15 seconds to find after the notification.
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shelter, in the entrances they advise where it is better to stand in order to wait out the shelling more safely, we try, we all support each other in whatever way we can, so well, you see everything. they organize things here very quickly and efficiently, from food to some kind of special equipment, so yes, it’s complicated situation, but we are belgorod, let the whole of russia learn from us, the residents of the destroyed house were evacuated to temporary accommodation centers, charitable foundations organized the distribution of aid to the victims, clothes, bed linen, food, how many families were deprived of their property, it is not yet known exactly. this is already the fifth shelling of the day, people abandoned their cars, we are now in a concrete shelter, emergency phone numbers are listed here,
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no, thank god, we didn’t have time, it seems that we hid in time, so to speak, in the shelter, despite the shelling, clearing out the rubble on the spot heavy equipment does not stop destroying a destroyed house, this girl team of volunteers admires the dedication of all participants in the search operation, everyone is ready to help around the clock, sandwiches, hot lunches, sweets are brought to the site of the tragedy from all over the city, belgorod residents leave words of gratitude to the rescuers on the boxes. 15-20 minutes, as soon as people began to go out onto
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the streets to clear them of fragments and debris, a new warning came. missile danger, it sounded 17 times, since this event directly occurred in 11:24. and the siren, well, it won’t die, and the shelling of the city of belgorod also continues, we don’t give up, despite the situation, in fact, all services work very harmoniously, volunteers support them, both workers and the ministry of emergency situations and volunteers of various structures, and despite the missile danger, constantly, we hide right away, we call everyone, we protect everyone, i think that this even brings us together, this family was lucky at the time of the missile strike, they were not at home, they did not have time to hide in the entrance, the entire multi-story building was blown out by the blast wave, windows, apartments behind... fragments glass striking elements. there was an arrival here, a direct hit, two slabs were pierced, that is, the upper roof and the floor, it is unknown whether there is a shell there or not, that is, the danger remains here at the moment. after the next
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shelling, the number of victims of the ukrainian attack increased by three more people, a nineteen-year-old girl, a man and a woman died on the spot, 25 people were injured. if it weren’t for the concrete shelter next to this public transport stop, which was destroyed by an explosion. then there could have been even more casualties, killed, again the alarm signal, belgorod residents they run to hide. every day, day and night, there is no peace, i don’t know what to do next. at 3:00 a.m., emergency workers found the fifteenth victim under the rubble. not all identities have been identified yet. the authorities promise to publish a list of victims of the ukrainian attack after the completion of the search work; according to rescuers, due to the constant smoldering, there is no longer any hope of finding survivors under the rubble. ulga chernova, oleg zoltarev, andrey astroverkhov. now about the situation in the special operation zone, russian units of the southern group of forces destroyed the ukrainian armed forces dugout in the donetsk direction. shot! the strikes on ukrainian
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positions were carried out from the fagot anti-tank missile system; the target, which was located at a distance of about 2 km , was discovered using drones, in the same area from air strikes. our fighters are protected by tor anti-aircraft systems, they shoot down cruise missiles and attack drones; in the area bordering the belogorodskaya region, russian fpv drone operators destroyed camouflaged positions in the ssu along with infantry. without them, there’s nowhere to storm, even any support comes from our attack aircraft with the help of a pividron, let’s say there is a machine gunner’s point, no one can destroy it, the fiodron operators are simple. in one or two combat missions, it destroys this firing point; according to the military, such drones reach speeds of up to hundreds of kilometers per hour, so it is almost impossible to escape from them. abrams tanks, leopard armored vehicles of the bradley infantry, and up to 10 units of western equipment were destroyed by our
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military during the liberation of the village of berdychi by poddeevka. fierce fighting is now taking place in the southern donetsk direction, there are tank crews, marine corps formation. ocean fleet, which at the end of last month liberated an important strategic point - the village of novomikhailovko, evgeniy golovanov spoke with the soldiers of one of the crew. this. it’s not at all the case when, whatever you call the ship, this t-80 with the light hand of the crew, even if not bars yet, but with the habits of a wild far eastern cat, when they hung mine trawls on it, they said, it has released its claws, it tears up any covering, well, a trawl doesn’t drop and mines appear on the sides, pushes them apart, there are also cat trawls, he rides on them and blows them up, these claws came in handy during the liberation of novomikhailovka, for the assault on...
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ay, well done, come on, come on, the three-three ruble is gone, the ukrainian counter-battery men are constantly trying to find the positions of the tankers, every now and then something flies in nearby, the air defense is working out , but much more often than rockets and shells, enemy drones arrive; the tank is covered with electronic warfare systems, mounted dynamic protection and anti-drone nets, which are now installed by each crew on the front line with their own hands. this is the superstructure on the tower that protects a car from resets and from copters is called
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a barbecue, why a barbecue? well, not only because it is similar in shape, but also when the release occurs and it detonates from the grate, such a flash is visible, and you really get the feeling that a fire has been lit on the grill. a very effective protection that saves both the equipment and the crew, the so -called bobaiga flew in, it threw shells at us and did not harm the tank. they try to throw it to the side, because it will be ineffective for them to use the projectile there, because it will be processed, now that the front began to move actively, the snow leopard became less and less frequent, this is how the sun dozes in the shelter, crawled into the wounds in rimbat, goes out hunting every day, the crew is ready to engage in battle with german cats, then it will be possible to paint over the last two letters of the tank. evgeny golovanov, andrey tkachenko, aliidzhanov, yuzhnodonetsk. directorate of special military operations. the georgian parliament passed
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the law on transparency of foreign influence in its third final reading. opponents of this document decided to block the building in the evening, thus simply not to allow me to go to work as a deputy in the morning, but the police did not allow this and pushed the protesters back in the morning. the georgian authorities reported that they have information about plans by radical activists to start riots in the next two days. prime minister of iraq. kabakhidze emphasized that the opposition, allegedly using money from abroad , formed militant groups and set them the task of attacking parliament and police detachments. the so-called law on foreign agents will help make the activities of organizations and media that are financed more transparent. from abroad. georgian president salami zurbishvili and the local opposition, western diplomats led by the american state department, spoke out against this. they said that the law does not meet tbilisi’s stated goal. join the european union. anti-government rallies in connection with the discussion of the document have not stopped in
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the capital of georgia for almost a month. but great britain, which left the european union, is preparing for radical changes in the life of its country. prime minister rishi sunok will speak about this today. preliminary the text of his speech was obtained by the times newspaper. in it, the prime minister will say that in the next 5 years, the british will face more transformational changes than in the last 30 years and explains this by external threats, while his conservative party is losing popularity like never before. elizabeth gerson will continue. the whole country is making fun of him; not only did his party lose half of its seats in the local elections, but his wardrobe is not in order. our viewers are discussing, fashion lovers notice that his pants are too short. there is a version that this is how he tries to appear
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higher on the international stage. but short pants did not lengthen either the legs or the political one. life. the conservatives suffered their worst defeat in municipal elections in 40 years. almost minus 500 seats in 107 elected bodies across the country. i threw myself into my work; it benefits people all over the country. you will have noticed that in the last week alone we have cut taxes by £900, which will be reflected in wages. at the same time , the first asylum seeker to be rejected goes to rwanda. but he was refused and samsunok will soon go far away for a long time. the laborists are seated in the seats of his party, they have a replenishment of almost 200 seats. the labor mayor of london, sadiq khan, held the third post. this is a dress rehearsal for the conservatives' general failure in the parliamentary elections later this year. the british government can make plans for the country's development not for 2030, but sometime before november.
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here in blackpool we are sending a warning message to the prime minister about the outcome of the parliamentary vote. "we tired of your decline, your chaos and your discord, we want change. their hearts demand change, and the only thing conservatives are capable of is to think about changing the wearer of the country's first trousers. since the last parliamentary elections in 2019 , the conservative party has changed leader boris johnson and lystra srishi sunok three times. and if earlier this position was transferred in an attempt to save the ratings of the conservative party, now there is no question of this." the only realistic request that could be urishi is not in question. sunoka, who would shake off this power, so as not to at least act as the gravedigger of his party, from fidot to yakov, from yakov to everyone, just as hiccup is being driven away from each other, in britain in recent years there has been power, but it’s too late to change faces if people turned to a completely different place, with the
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health care system in coma. the british save money and go abroad for treatment from england, and when they return they talk about overseas miracles, doctors treat there, british women alice in turkey replaced her hip joint, put her back on her feet, and at home they have been advising physiotherapy for years. a turkish consultant brought the results of the analysis to my room. imagine, i didn’t even have time to get dressed, and i didn’t have to wait 3-4 weeks like in britain before they were announced to you. the conservatives, unable to stop the endless strikes the day after the election, stood up. they distorted their iron word: the railway workers. we had solidarity pickets, first in the summer, then in the winter, and virtually every organization in britain, public or private, went on strike at some time, and there is not a family in the country that has not felt the consequences of these strikes. labour, the party of labor, promises to solve the problems of working people, but in foreign policy
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there is no difference between the conservatives and the liberists. both parties support israel and ukraine. muslim communities. unhappy with the position of the traditional parties on gas, so in bratford, with a population of half a million, 13 seats were taken by independent candidates, taking seats from both main parties. my name is muhamed ali islam, i want to say a big thank you to the people for all the seats won in the elections, this will give many opportunities to young people like me, and this will change the rules of the game. in relation to russia , deviations from the usual course are also appearing in britain. johnson's closest former ally. dominic cumings said that the west lost everything by supporting ukraine, and initially should not have found itself in such an idiotic situation, the failure of the ruling party of britain in local elections, a vivid illustration of cumings’s bright and obscene statement, everything is lost, to say the least. elizaveta gerson, boris halfin, natalia markevich and valeria polukhina.
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antv television, london. that's it for the program for spectators in central russia is completed. thank you for being with us, only at alfabank. spin the reel in the app and get a superkick up to 100% every month, and up to 30% in the category. guaranteed, if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha debit card, not just profitable, alpha profitable, happy birthday, megamarket. joy only on the birthday of the pet food megamarket with discounts of up to 50%.


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