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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 13, 2024 4:00pm-4:21pm MSK

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it’s none of your business, so everyone fell silent, there were 15 seconds left, and yesterday i listened to the grandmothers at the entrance, it became really interesting, i thought they were discussing the fagots from eurovision first, but no, the plumbers from the zhek, it was a meeting place that cannot be changed, everyday life 14:00 ntv broadcast, goodbye. personnel decision the federation council is holding consultations on candidates for the posts of heads of ministries. the state duma, in turn, today approved candidates for deputy prime ministers. the rubble was cleared all night, 19 became victims of ukrainian attacks in belgorod human. increasing localization at the moskvich plant today presented a new crossover model. about the main thing for this minute in the studio.
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hello! the federation council is holding consultations on candidates for the positions of ministers and heads of a number of federal departments. the night before, vladimir putin introduced them into the upper house. among the proposals is to appoint acting first deputy prime minister andrei belausov to the post of head of the ministry of defense. all senatorial candidates are being considered today at meetings of relevant committees. following the discussion nikita korzin is watching. in accordance with the federal government law adopted in the twentieth year after amendments were made.
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is headed by the general staff, under the leadership of the supreme commander-in-chief, so nothing changes here in this part, this work is carried out every day, continues, and no one should have any worries here. at a meeting of the soffed defense committee , matvienko described belousov as an accessible and democratic professional. reminds me that it turned out to be very successful minister of economic development in the twelfth year. then he was an assistant to the president, in the post of first deputy chairman of the government, which he held until may 7, and turned out to be extremely effective in introducing and innovating the coordination of the needs of the army with ministries and departments in the troops. andrei belousov described to the senators a range of issues that require immediate action. i think it’s absolutely a mess when fsvo participants who come on vacation are driven from civilian medical institutions and sent to hospitals, which are often simply crowded. this is a necessary question.
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this bankrupt security of the euro-atlantic plan, which is now becoming irrelevant for us, since it is completely subordinated to the interests of the united states of america and great britain. by this moment , konstantin chuichenko, the president is considering his reappointment as minister of justice , and vladimir kolokoltsev, who, if approved by the president, will remain in charge of the ministry of internal affairs, will remain in charge until the acting one reports.
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all these statements by candidates for ministerial positions in the new government of russia in the relevant committees of the soffed will ultimately be reflected in a summary document, which the upper house will send for consideration to the president. nikita korzun, ekaterina kolonitskaya, georgy uvarov, dmitry koledin, yulia agafonova and nikolay prague, ntv. let's change half an hour ago, the state duma approved the candidacy of denis mantrov as first deputy prime minister of russia.
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continue to coordinate key areas of the technological project sovereignty, their implementation is envisaged in all sectors, the development of which affects the improvement of the quality of life of our citizens, bearing in mind the technological support for the production of innovative medicines, medical products, fertilizers and high-performance equipment for farmers, equipment for energy security,
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construction, the task is to increase the volume by the thirtieth year construction, to build almost a billion square meters, this means that every fifth meter in the country will be new, and i want to say that over the past for 4 years we have been maintaining these plans, in 4 years
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388 million square meters of housing have been commissioned, we have gained simply unprecedented momentum, science, higher education, sports and tourism will continue to be responsible for the national project for technological provision of food security, which should start from twenty fifth year in general, by 1930 , production volumes should increase by a quarter and one and a half times; we will have to increase our supplies abroad. we helped our business form new domestic and
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international routes. transport quickly adapted, i must say, and we are still working on logistics options on standby. i'm sure there. the conditions in which we work would kill any economy of another country in the world, but we are russia, and you and i can find the strength to adapt to such conditions, communication with candidates for the posts of deputy prime ministers lasted 2 days, first specialized committees, then at a plenary meeting, then voting on each candidate. let me remind you that the state duma for the first time in the history of russia approves the composition of the government, this new scheme for forming the cabinet of ministers was enshrined in the constitution in 2020.
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day. the number of dead found under the rubble increased with every hour of the search and rescue operation. emergency situations ministry employees, volunteers, and territorial self-defense fighters worked in the most difficult conditions. the shelling of belgorod did not stop day or night. smoldering began under the rubble , firefighters had to constantly water out difficult areas. according to experts, the threat of house collapse remains, rescuers and volunteers were forced to interrupt the search several times to hide in shelter due to the missile danger. this man was pulled out from under the rubble alive thanks to the ingenuity of the rescuers, who made
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a hole from the neighboring entrance and reached the wounded man pinned by concrete rubble. the impact on a residential multi-storey building on sunday morning was recorded by cctv cameras; the explosion caused the collapse of 10 floors of one entrance. according to the russian ministry of defense, the ukrainian army fired missiles from a tactical complex at belgorod. u multiple launch rocket systems. the governor of the belgorod region, glotkov, joined everyone in the rescue operation and cleared the way for... in the first minutes after the collapse, 12 people were saved, including two children. evacuation from neighboring entrances immediately began; people reported that they were locked in their apartments; the second collapse occurred while clearing the rubble. according to the ministry of emergency situations, three rescuers were injured from collapsed concrete debris. residents of the destroyed house were evacuated to temporary accommodation centers, charitable the funds organized the distribution of
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clothing, bedding, and food to the victims; it is not yet known exactly how many families were deprived of their property. now there is a missile danger, we are all moving for cover. belgorod residents try to warn everyone nearby about the threat; they say there are only 10-15 seconds to find shelter after the warning. at the entrances they advise where it is better to stand in order to wait out the shelling more safely. we try, we all support each other. we are now in a concrete shelter, here are the emergency numbers, how to provide first aid help, you 've been hiding for the second time today in 5 minutes, we have a message there about... numerous destructions were on our way to budenovo, now we have arrived here, they are coming from several districts of the city at once, this house caught fire after the shelling, firefighters
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were on the spot in a matter of minutes, the glass flew out, everything caught fire, that is, there was no one injured, thank god, we didn’t have time, it seems that we hid in time, so to speak, for cover, this family was lucky, they were not at home at the time of the missile strike, they managed to hide in the entrance, in the entire multi-storey apartment was knocked out by a blast wave, covered in glass fragments with destructive elements, there was an arrival, a direct hit, two slabs were broken, that is , the upper roof and the floor, it is unknown whether there is a shell there or not, that is, the danger remains here at the moment , despite the shelling, the removal of rubble at the site of a destroyed house, heavy equipment does not stop, this girl’s team of volunteers admires the dedication of all participants in the search operation, everyone is ready to help around the clock, sandwiches, hot lunches and sweets are brought to the site of the tragedy from all over the city; belgorod residents leave words of gratitude to the rescuer on the boxes.
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as soon as people began to take to the streets to clear them of fragments and debris, a new warning came. despite the situation, in fact, all services work very harmoniously, volunteers support them, both workers and swordsmen and... after the next shelling, the number of victims of the ukrainian attack increased by three more people, a nineteen-year-old girl, a man and a woman died on the spot, 25 people were injured, if not a concrete shelter next to this public transport stop, which was destroyed by an explosion, then there could have been even more casualties and deaths. ulga chernova, oleg zoltarev, andrey astroverkhov and sergey gavrilovsky ntv company. belder. in addition to the news from the svoom zone, russian troops are occupying new positions along the entire line of combat
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contact; a unit of the north group has improved its tactical position in the areas of volchansk, neskuchny, leptsov and vesely. the actions of the attack aircraft are supported by the drone crews as soon as the commanders the advance detachment reports the discovery of an enemy fortification; they are attacked by kamekaze drones. without them, there is nowhere, uh, the assault, even any support comes from our attack aircraft with the help of a pividron. let's say there is a machine gunner's point, no one can destroy it, fiodron operators simply destroy this firing point in one or two of their combat sorties. over the course of 24 hours, our military repelled 28 enemy counterattacks; aviation, artillery and missile fire destroyed concentrations of manpower and equipment in 129 districts. air defense forces shot down ukrainian 127, 33 drone, 15 missiles, 39 multiple launch rocket system ammunition, five guided bombs made in france. today, the court, following a lawsuit from the ministry of finance, limited the rights of foreign
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owners of alfabank; they are registered in cyprus. next on the air is business news, with us denis tovalev, denis. now what? well , you can imagine that now a new structure for the ownership of alfabank will probably appear, it will already be in russia, but it is still very difficult to discern any changes for the bank’s clients behind all this. today alfabank has become closer than ever to forced relocation to russia. the arbitration court of the moscow region suspended the corporate rights of foreign owners of alfabank and alfa insurance, the application was submitted by myunfin. he believes that in the context of anti-russian sanctions, two cypriot companies, abh financial limited and alfa insurance holdings limited, which managed the parent companies of alfabank and alfastrakhovanie, interfered with the activities of the country's largest private bank and, accordingly, one of the largest insurers. all this became possible thanks to a recent law: the government has compiled a six-point list of so
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-called economically significant organizations. the government said that such organizations would be able to move to russian jurisdiction with the help of appeals to the court. this list also included structures that own alfabank and alfastrakhovanie. in march last year , it became known that michael fridman and pyotr avin could sell their shares in alfabank. but what about the fate of that deal? so nothing is still known. at the end of april everything is the same the arbitration court of the moscow region suspended the corporate rights registered in the netherlands of the x5 retail group company in relation to its russian subsidiary. this was required by the ministry of industry. x5 manages the pyaterochka retail chains at the intersection of chizhek. the russian stock market is now trading in a slight plus. today , trading in st. petersburg stopped for almost 4 hours due to a glitch. her previous failure was last december. also from today's news it became known that the shareholders of the still head structure of yandex, the dutch yandex&v
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will be able to exchange their shares in a one-to-one ratio on the paper of the new parent structure. sberinvestment analysts note that over the long weekend in russia , exporters have accumulated foreign exchange earnings and today they can increase their sales, this is probably happening, because the dollar today has fallen well below 92. microsoft has opened access for users from russia to windows and office updates and now you can download them without a vpn. the russoft association told the newspaper about this. previously, on... a computer with russian updates were not downloaded using ip addresses, and microsoft has not yet blocked access to the software for russian it companies , although it promised to start doing this on march 20. according to the president of the russoft association, valentin makarov, microsoft is now looking for loopholes to remain on the russian market; in private conversations , it guarantees its support. according to
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a source from the izvestia newspaper, the company does not prevent the purchase of new licenses through parallel imports. yes, and russian companies, i must say, from products microsoft, for example, is not abandoning office, and if anyone is switching to domestic it products, it is the public sector. ilya, everything about the economy. thank you, denis talalaev with his economic review. ntv viewers in the capital. next up is the release of the program today in moscow. and we will continue our broadcast for other regions in the central part of the country. today at the moskvich plant they showed a new crossover model, moskvich 8. in addition, manufacturers are entering a new stage of work. now cars will begin to be produced using full-cycle technology from almost a thousand components. the start of production was given by sergei sobyanin. according to him, there are plans to deepen the localization of production and create our own electric car. alexey kuvashen with details. the start of a small-unit
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assembly line is, in fact, a different level of car production. we are launching full cycle production. let's go, if earlier moskvich 4 was assembled from 50 units and parts, now from more than 900, the time frame for which it was possible to launch production, as they say here, in a disaggregated version, is an impressive 15 months. now mounted a modernly operated welding line, so we are moving to a full technological assembly cycle, perhaps the first in the country, among those factories that were stopped by western investors. in addition to welding, there will be body painting and, also for the first time in russia, probably, a reinforced anti-corrosion coating of the body, taking into account our climatic conditions, well then of course. we will deepen localization and, most importantly, create our own car. the departure of the renault nissan corporation, the shutdown of the plant is not only the cessation of car production, it is people
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who should have been left without work, with experience, with competencies in auto production.


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