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tv   Zapasnii vikhod  NTV  May 14, 2024 10:15pm-11:36pm MSK

10:15 pm
so italian, let's throw the dice on the couch, and some kind of laboratory, like that, yeah, can you feel it? the smell of science, a little bit, let's start with a diluted one, oh, wisely increase the degree, tie it with mushrooms, a little bit, daddies, that's it,
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you can feel the level of a professional. so tolik, while you are still in memory, quickly, let’s go. look. what is he doing here? why is this tonya, but he looks like he’s alive?
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and so why did you decide that homosexuals gather here? here we have this club on the basis of these metosexuals. so it's completely different, yes,
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i don’t know, i see men walking around in skirts, these huge lips hanging, well, i thought, you also have this handkerchief, well, young, inexperienced, excuse me, okay, you got your id on time, but i still don’t understand why you come, in general, we need nikolai mukhin, you know? his grandfather was killed, and it was a very serious matter, why did they attack the gusel, well, i thought it was him, i didn’t see him in person, you know, we need something in an informal setting, in the good sense of the word, in short , we just need to talk, help us, i'll try, semyon, check the flies yourself. ask
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him to go down to the basement sex, okay and so, by the way, the handkerchief was torn by nikolai mukhin , lieutenant of the investigative department, what’s the matter , citizen, you’ll have to come with us.
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herostil, i beg you, don’t say a word to anyone, i’m sorry. why did you bring me to mork? so it’s probably necessary, but who is nikolaevich? i have no idea, citizen, wow, i don’t understand, why did you decide to bring everyone here, i mean? all of you, this is my brother, tolya, misha, yes, yes, kolya, kolya, kolya, i touched our sticks, ugh, hello, i mean,
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mukhin, then here it is, i have a testimony in the morgue, lieutenant colonel mukhin himself came, well, it’s good that he came, well, why haven’t you... have you thought of it yet, haven’t you thought of it, what else, confessing to murder, the first one will be counted for what murder?
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yes, mukhin, that’s right. great, now everything is assembled. please follow nikolai ivanovich. maybe you could explain first. what's the matter, let's not point it out here, let's go, guten morgen, do you need a special invitation, who are you,
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an investigator, and who am i? professional alcoholic, where am i in the morgue?
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someone might recognize their grandfather, mukhin, viktor kuzmich, in this corpse. it's him again, why me again? i already saw it somewhere today, where? i do not remember. in general, we won’t walk around too much. as you may have noticed, your grandfather was killed. yeah. yes. and a pistol was found near the crime scene. my. misha. how do you know? grandfather was killed, the gun disappeared. it's easy to compare. now i'm a suspect, apparently, yes, or what is it called? well, you’re not the only one, he was also strangled.
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my god, why are you looking at me like that? a what do you think? i think this is nonsense. well, that means he strangled him, and you poisoned him with arsenic. sorry, what did i poison? arsenic. what kind of arsenic? ordinary. gentlemen, no one wants to, so to speak, relieve their souls in the presence of victor. kuzmicha, i want what? oops, naerus, just in exchange for information, who killed? i, i killed this man, well, now you’re screaming. well, tell me,
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what about the murder? and explain, are you kidding me, you killed your brother’s grandfather with a pistol, so come on , tell me how it all happened, and how it all happened, i grandfather walked away through the square, smiling from everyone. meet me, god, i don’t remember what kind of nonsense, just stop it, you don’t see that he’s a sick person, don’t bother with him, calm down, so, let’s first, where did he get my gun from, how could he get it? in general, and where, oh, sequester, manstradonian, the pistol was not even kept with me, where with my ex, my common-law wife, jean and prolov, i came to her in order to pick it up, but she did not let me on the threshold, after that’s why i went to
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the police myself and stated this, but what else could i do? what to do, i don’t know, maybe store a weapon as it should be, it turns out that you stole a pistol from citizen fronlova, so that’s it, for us the morning is a sorrowful day, the day carries with it its face from sorrow, the day hides, let’s go, have lunch, let’s talk, that’s great, eat. let's talk, some will be saved, others may not, you should interrogate fralova, oh, don't teach the scientist.
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yes, what's wrong with the face? yes, they kissed, they just turned out to be the wrong guys, judging by the face, they were just the same ones, to some extent, yes, no, why did saike take my drunk, i did it for... myself left, your mukhin confessed to the murder of his grandfather, that who is the killer, well, who was lying here, and you yourself believe in what you say, he just confessed, of course, of course, but this is what, they expropriated him again, he just took it, is this ours? thing, oh, yes, yes, a familiar
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10:31 pm
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10:36 pm
hello, great, guys, hello, fools are lucky, all sorts of idiots , but he knocked off golovanov, yes, it was better with golovanov. now how many inspectors are there? so sakin, what do we have regarding the murder of mukhin? the case was solved without delay, in general, the killer confessed to everything, all that remains is to interrogate him as a witness and wait for the results of the examination, well, then we can go on to press charges, not a day has passed, it’s impressive, but the motive, blood feud, excuse me, what? took revenge for his father and grandfather in an ingenious way. sakin, that means you don’t write this as an accusation, yeah, just write it on the basis
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of a suddenly unpleasant relationship or generally selfish motives, right? got it, yes, sayakin, well done, go to work. got it. he's new to us, but he's a promising guy. no questions. vysaykin? saikin. i have an important message for you regarding the murder of mukhin. come on in, he was sitting on the windowsill, really
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what, some kind of dwarf, a dwarf, i didn’t understand, at first, i was scared, of course, the apartment was sealed, well, i ran out of the house, then i decided to see who, a short, stocky man, with gray hair, came out with a package under his arm, with which? but it seems that it was a photograph, well, it used to hang on the wall, well, he’s from home, and i followed him like that, and what’s my address? uh, no, the address where the man went? i don’t know, but he went to the morgue to see petlyakov, to the morgue, to petlyakov? thank you, what should i do? so, who are you anyway? somehow, wife,
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the wife of the deceased, zhana mukhina, well, fronova in the past, here is my husband’s passport, mine, i handed it in, my last name is wife, wife, that’s it. provo, you mean, you are the wife of mikhail mukhin, it turns out, the grandson of the deceased, viktor kuzmevich proposed to me, and we signed, and now misha, this is my grandson, and here? his son, just sit there, both of you, mukhina, frolova, you are detained and you’re going nowhere at all,
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i’ll be right back, i have a few questions for you, what did i interrogate you with? no, but the matter took an unexpected turn, well, and you were arguing, well, practically we're starving, let's go to the refrigerator, shall we? why are there dead people lying there anyway? are you really afraid of dead people? no, well, we’re afraid,
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then follow me. well, well, well, it’s clean, there’s nothing, well, the bottom one, and the bottom one. oh, dismemberment you say, yes, yes, nothing, such dismemberment, delicious.
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nikolaich, what is it, gerasim, agreed, hands up, you are being detained on suspicion of murder, well, whip him, why are you completely crazy already, i say, stand! now, what are you doing, pavel pavelich, don’t you dare, don’t you dare untie him, this the idiot came to detain me, supposedly i killed mukhin, why did he decide?
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in soviet times, the old man was an underground guild worker, a millionaire, but now, dear excursionists, look to the right, at the photograph, well, some thoughts arise, no, you don’t need to get a knack from him, there are no thoughts there, okay. nostalgia,
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nikolach, well, turn on analytical thinking, turn it off, it doesn’t work for you, look at the photograph, what do we see, we see members of the politburo, the central committee of the cpsu, well, what’s on their heads, hats. they have very nice hats on their heads, all these very good hats are sewn in workshops, i said everything, but what about obhs, your obhs nervously smoked to the side, he was detained four times and all four times
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only mints were found on him. the triple, which he kept next to his heart in the inner pocket of his jacket, and which you, in your foolishness, took for a stash, and i would frame this triple in a museum for the edification of an investigator so unborn that saikin, this is what you should have told me, but talk also for me, now, that means i only have one question: what kind of woman dropped on me, how do you know that it was, in the sense of a woman, this answer is not counted, then, zhanna fralova, whose grandson, a lieutenant colonel , left a national pistol, but they just broke up, so she, she married the old man mukhina is married, imagine, the grandfather is with his grandson,
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the woman was taken away, just ah... now she’s a mukhina, pregnant, so, so, that’s it, sakin, you have to be patient, now the cards are on the table, gentlemen. zhanna has a gun, that's one thing, she has access to the old man's apartment, she's been there several times and she even has a key, that's two, well then why the hell does she have a motive to kill her own legal husband, you are asking me now, which one of us is a cop, screw you, okay, then the motive, grandchildren-heirs. there is no will, all the evidence on the grandchildren is at one blow, listen, a determined woman, in fact, it turns out that she killed him or something, that’s for you, saikin, to decide.
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by the way, some woman is waiting for you there, yes, the capture group is urgent, which i didn’t understand, the matter is taking an unexpected turn, i still wonder why he added that three ruble from behind, nikolai ivanovich, you better we wondered where he invested his capital. i invested mine, not in banks, actually it’s customary to ask permission, pavel pavelovich, you actually stole this photo, come on nikola, i
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’ll return everything the way it was. so what kind of nonsense is this? why did he put these drawings here? oh, cheesy, leonardo. what's wrong with you?
10:49 pm
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husband, where you killed, killed, killed, actually your grandfather is her husband, all that remains is to find out whether there was, so to speak, a criminal conspiracy between you and your sister, oh, smart guy, things got hot, there was a conspiracy or not, i and... oh, sorry, i don’t remember that i just don’t remember at all, i don’t remember at all. you don’t seem to smoke, but i say, you don’t seem to smoke,
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i don’t smoke, i don’t smoke, nikolai ivanovich, can you imagine, with these hands i held 16 million, euros, but wait, maybe copies, but copies, these are yours there are copies, pictures, photographs, reproductions, is it with carne? we would sit with mukhin and have a drink and saikin would tie us up there yes.
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well, not from skornyak, but if not from him, then, then, then, he decided to adopt his own great-grandson, which means she doesn’t need his death, but she does need it - you stabbed me, you didn’t need me with a knife , with bare hands for yes, who gave you permission
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to touch this, i just didn’t understand, well, well, maybe he didn’t want the product to spoil , which he didn’t understand, so what? the living room needs to be painted, here he doesn’t understand, but how the fuck can you eat someone else’s property without asking, here he understands everything, it was delicious for you, you bastard, you’re deaf, i have guests today, why not he said, and sunny, you're dumb, i 'm you, i'm you, i 'm not a bastard, but he still took the french one, from the bastard, he should, he said to come in, sign something, here, please, here
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that's it, well... soon you can take your grandfather, as they say, one to heaven, while the other is still tormented here, our condolences, guardian angel, our condolences, guardian angel, please, all the best, what are you... nikolai ivanovich, i i understood you correctly, pavlovich, thank you, call the rubber one, otherwise they will soon return here, why are you doing this? you think, pure intuition, why have you been holding a sword
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all day, like a wounded lynx in your head, colonel, the matter took on unexpectedly. well done, that’s what needed to be proven, guys forgot something, our money was missing. but i don’t know about the money, but you defended our keys, that’s for sure, it’s wrong for the men to get involved in this matter, i’m of the same opinion, no,
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just everything in life. unfortunately, it’s impossible to take into account, i understood, saikin, this is a dead-end branch of evolution, it’s a pity, the lieutenant colonel immediately understood everything, pay attention, these are the keys of zhanna frolova, one key to her own apartment, here it is, here is the key to your grandfather’s apartment, these are mikhail’s keys and one. the key amazingly coincides with the key to zhanna’s apartment, these are the keys of nikolai mukhin, this key is the key to your grandfather’s apartment, this does not prove anything, just as it does not prove,
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in my opinion, it proves everything, in my opinion it was all like this: you , nikolai, they called your brother, that your grandfather is trying to make a wedge against his ex- girlfriend, grandfather could fool around as much as he wanted, but we are talking about the inheritance of the furrier himself, what kind of inheritance is there, tiny apartment, right? well, only you don’t have this one either, which means you were both categorically against zhanna’s rapprochement with your grandfather, so you, mikhail, took advantage of this opportunity, entered zhanna’s apartment, took your pistol, and then shot him, strangled him, and poisoned himself, no, i think it was nikolai who poisoned him, because he would n’t have had the courage to strangle him, but amazing things. your grandfather turned out to be a strong pepper, and this is all your fantasy, well, fantasy is not fantasy, that’s not the point, grandfather had
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to be strangled anyway, i just can’t understand one thing, but that it was impossible to just shoot him bam-bam , it’s over, they shot him, saikin, sit down, calm down, or rather they were already shooting at the corpse, well , that was the whole plan, understand, the brothers agreed, you know, and so that no one would stay. aside, grandfather was poisoned, strangled, well, shot at the end, absolutely right, but if you dig deeper, then all saikin’s strings lead to someone, to zhanna, she has the key, the gun too, but unfortunately, you didn’t take into account one thing, that to at the time of the murder, zhanna was already your grandfather’s legal wife, plus, absolutely true. besides, still in position, so she didn’t have any motive, the grandfather showed concern for his great-grandchildren, that
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is, for your child, mikhail, zhanna didn’t say that she was pregnant, that’s what she told her grandfather, nikolaevich, you forgot about the drawings, what other drawings, but your brother didn’t tell you anything, yes, they cost, by the way, they don’t cost, by the way, 16 euros, and that’s the minimum, and you’re a beautiful school, but why do you, you don’t understand anything about it, they’ve scammed you, you know, it’s a mess at the workplace, nothing, nothing, now we are them, now you will see everything for yourself, the whole gang is assembled, eh?
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you’ll get off, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, well, well, well, come on, come on, i would have hit my grandfather with the gurney anyway, yeah, it’s not sooner or later with the french gurney, it’s all because of him, he knocked out his mother, his father died as a drunkard, called a grandfather, this is when your grandfather is alive, why didn’t you come then, you didn’t want to get dirty, but this damn thing just won’t calm down? you understand how he laughed when he married a zhanna, you understand, no, it’s necessary to take the woman away from her grandson, that’s why you wanted to blame everything on zhanna, well, a rotten family, listen, you, kitty, follow, you let go of our tolya , he’s not involved at all, i swear, let’s go out, go out, go out, come on, i don’t have a gun, it’s a pity, i would have put you down without even touching my hand. gerasim, what are you doing here?
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gerasim says that i asked him to come here when these guys return, well, just in case, gerasim, special thanks for the caretaker. via superstar premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. the two components of phosphoglyph help not only restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction, inflammation. phosphoglyph. now in an economical package of 96 capsules. it's hard not to spot the legendary credit card. alphabank with a whole year without interest on all purchases, you receive a superkick in rubles every
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month, withdraw cash for free from any bank. whole country. baltika 3 non-alcoholic. taste the revived taste. you can stay home all weekend and relax the way you want. and finally, give in to the impulse. by pressing play, you can be yourself. premiera online cinema, for people like you. catching a firebird feather is not easy.
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is given to us by nature itself. that's why i saved everything with love. healing herbs and oils, that very black soap from grandmother agafia, for you, dear ones, this is the security service, name the code from the sms, let's do this, if you manage to trick me, i will return the stolen money to the client, order a sim card f mobile protect your bank accounts bills from telephone scammers, he is the only one,
11:10 pm
missions for transfers between his accounts in different banks. from may 1, russians can transfer your money from one bank to another for free. the law came into force. now you can receive a salary from one bank and immediately transfer it to another, where it is more profitable. transfer money to a free alpha card, receive super cash in rubles and withdraw cash for free from any atm. not just profitable, alpha profitable. if they killed the girl, where did they put the body? could they safely drown the body in the sea? well, you understand that you won’t find anything in the sea, right? we'll see about that, war is brewing in yuzhnomorsk, business interests, but it will be easy massacre, no more leads, except for one, what, maksimovich, let me interrogate them, they released them,
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as they released, the dolphin for... at 20:00 on ntv. hello, they gave me a certificate.
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je mets la turbine et puis ça me dérouille, c'est toujours mieux que les nouilles, c'est comme si j'étais à la fête,
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opana, i didn’t understand, the first one was free, yes, it’s not ours. this is the country, yes, nikolai ivanovich, we’ll figure out who got into what, and let’s die, wait, you’re playing around, pal pavlovich, our door is locked, the door, now i’ll go take a look, well, it’s locked, which means i’m alone an extra half finger, but what now, i need to tell you. so, just don’t need to report anywhere, i know these messages in handcuffs and until the circumstances are clarified, yes, but no one will find out anything there, no, i don’t play these games anymore, what should i do then, maybe
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the round one knows, i’ll go myself i’ll ask, yes, yes, birthday, no, what kind of birthday is a holiday at our age, no, so, so.
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i was drawn, what, today you happened to be with a man, so to speak, so smart, you didn’t communicate, what do you mean, well, such a big-nosed suit, handsome, a tie only in a sieve, in box, no, i didn’t communicate in the box, for some reason i don’t really understand you. do you love your job? well, actually, this is not really my profile, i’m a surgeon, well, work is like work, well, yes, for what purpose are you interested? and here we have -
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of course a surprise was organized for you, for work, uh, in the form, you haven’t come down to us yet today, no? i haven’t come down yet, but i heard it all over the place, it’s your birthday today, but from our small team, from the bottom of our hearts, for the sake of brain function, so to speak, thank you for being so sick?
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with a round hazelnut, idiot, why are you so scary, what's round? round
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bom, i’m not asking about that, what she said, she doesn’t know, you told her about it, well, of course not, so i’ll go and say, yeah, a dupe for my brother on the bunk, don’t talk nonsense, palpalich, kolya , kolya, let’s take him to the park, have we really gone crazy? i will never do this in my life, remember this, nikolai ivanovich, why did you steal the wallet from the corpse, what are you carrying, what kind of wallet, well, what kind of wallet, when i left, she had a wallet in her pocket, where, where in the jacket, in the inner pocket, 300,000 rubles, three credit cards, are you coming or what? what 3000, i didn’t take anything from him,
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but my eyes were running, my eyes were running, come on, citizen, former boss, where did you hide the stolen goods, look at me, look at me, stop, i didn’t take anything from anyone, that’s it you will sing this song to the prosecutor, that’s how kolya will tell us to go to the park.
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wow, am i unloading everything, sitting here in the middle of the alley or what? yes, there’s no one to wait, he’s already been wandering around for half an hour, listen, you’re just putting me in humiliating position, and you are even lower than me, some kind of madness, what madness, they will bring him to us anyway, well, let’s formalize him officially, officially, he got there, he did n’t appear with us officially anymore, where did he come from, how do i know, where did it come from, came on its own, got into the freezer and threw the ends away, i don’t care, but i don’t give a damn, yes... wait, nikola,
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nikolaich, my sister got me this job so that everyone would leave me alone, so that i would disappear, so that they forgot me completely, i sat there four times, i won’t go there again, but i told her i gave my word, you understand that it’s still impossible, it’s possible, it’s possible. this is disgusting , oh, nikolai ivanovich, maybe let him lie, well, not like a human being, it’s somehow, you know, no, climbing into the freezer... let’s
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put him on a bench or something? come on, come on, now let's sit him on the bench, come on, well, that's it, that's it, they've come, you brought me under the monastery, spaku, kolya, i'm an idiot, guys, there's no smoking, it's rare, we don't smoke, maybe at vitka's yes, for sure. we violate, that we violate, well, public order, what happened to a friend, i went through a little, it happens that a boy was born to him, his first-born, there is such joy in the house, well, someone dies, someone is born,
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such a country goes in a cycle all the time, damn, citizen, he fell out, why is he so green , it means that a good one has already come to us, we have, uh, whoever didn’t, but sandaled one, so consider that he gets everything, so guys, you can go, do n’t worry, we’ll deliver him, at best see, strollers, and here the old lady asked, uh, to guard the stroller.
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in his office, i see a familiar face, major kedrov, there are still questions, but sure enough, i see, you’re not you, but everyone here is ours, guys, now we’ve got to the house, but don’t, guys, it’s like everything’s normal, guys, we’re on our own, there, if his mother-in-law sees him like this, she ’ll flush him down the toilet, he won’t mess with us, everything ’s fine, guys, he has this, yes, this.
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nikolai ivanovich, did you just jump to the mayor, right? no, well, you played along with me, just a pure artist, like smaktunov. complete registration and arrange positions. don't miss the central television, the first information show about the events and people of the week. there is a new government in russia, a new cabinet of ministers new minister of defense. what tasks did putin set for the head of the military department ? why do new appointments scare the west so much? the curse of the kennedy clan. why america's most famous family is haunted by murder and tragedy. and could it be a mere
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, make a deposit, hello, how are you, how are you, great, but i’m not doing well, i’m going to see my mother-in-law, what are you, spit, alive, healthy, thank god, she’s not even retired yet, she skis, but i wanted to consult with the men, i’m going to make peace,
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they’re not in the autopsy room, you don’t know what time they’ll be there, yes, it’s an expensive infection, but what to do? flowers are an important element in any negotiations, especially with a woman, i understand, farit, i can handle it. you and i just committed a crime, did we kill him or something, he is a man, who is a man, this big-nosed man, so, if a man gave up, moved his horses, glued his flippers together. weighed the skates on a nail, this is no longer a person, this is already property, if
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the property does not have an owner, it is ownerless property. ownerless property belongs to whom? to the state, whose state we have serves interests? public, where did we take him? we took him to the park, that is, to a public place, iron logic, that’s it, the puzzle is complete, that’s it, let’s go and it’s still cynicism, cynicism, if your refrigerator is broken, what will you do with it? i ’ll take it for repairs, and if it’s no longer there...
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it’s still like, for god’s sake, good afternoon, good, who are you? we are from above, from above, presidents, or what? no, we are from funeral services, we are located on the floor above, when we started having funeral services there, it’s already the second day, but well, this they forgot the sword, well, it’s clear, and what did you want, but we left the little man here for storage, that means preservation, well, we
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brought it, there was no one here, we put it in the refrigerator. guys, here 's a thank you for your concern, so ours seem to be all there, and we'll show you now, they just don't know, so i think, don't think, you need to look here, is this some kind of joke? no, well, you can still look at others. wow, boys, well, who are you here?


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