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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-16  NTV  May 15, 2024 4:50am-5:41am MSK

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what experience they experience.
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well, in general, i live here. here? yes, well, let's go to you, but why come to me? well, how's mom at home? yes, why are you lying? you said she left, shall we go? well, no, she got home, shall we go? okay, let's run, third floor!
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where to go, great, hello everyone, great, hello, sorry, i'm late, well, you're the boss, why should you be late, don't grumble, van, don't grumble. lyosh, death occurred a long time ago, about two hours ago, and you can tell the rest after the autopsy, i see you know everything yourself, the documents were with him, local, ivan gorilov, 35 years old, no documents, just a certificate of release, wow, even the way they were killed, the wound was open, they were stabbed in the back, but no murder was found nearby, judging by the wound, the killer was not tall growth,
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fights, maybe screams, didn’t hear anything at all, do you think that if i heard anything, i wouldn’t have told you, i didn’t hear anything, i was probably sleeping, sugar, please, yes , envy your sleep, you are so calm, and what kind of reaction did you expect from me, tears, hysterics, but still you killed your son, the only thing, and i accepted it a long time ago, i knew that he would end up like this, i knew, only... “unfortunately, it is so, but what
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he was imprisoned for, for some kind of robbery, i don’t even really know, after all, he left home, he was not yet 18 years old, we didn’t communicate with him, then i only found out that he was in prison, i went to see him, brought parcels a couple of times, and he, that i am there, that i am not, okay, i think , live as you want, when he served 10 years, there was nowhere to go, he came back, and you let him in, she let him in, after all, he was the only son, and how long did he live with you, but not for long, about four months, probably yes, but during that time he told me something, maybe he had some problems, what kind of problems a person who has served 10 years might have, or any kind of problems, yes, you know , you can’t talk like that about your child, but...
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all these months i was just waiting for him to finally move out, so unfortunately, i can’t tell you that we had a warm relationship with him. to say yes, he was noisy, he made trouble with everyone, he drank a lot, he took women around, he made trouble, and with whom exactly did he make trouble, and with everyone, but the peculiarity of uncle borii, uncle borii is who, this is the shadow’s husband, i called the police a couple of times myself, they fought, they even fought, okay, thank you, excuse me, but we can go, no, guys, you can’t go anywhere yet , because we still need to record your testimony, then we wait, wait here. well, wait a minute, now i’ll interrogate you, here, here is his room, it’s a mess as always, you don’t mind, i’m looking, please, tatyana
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ivanovna, please tell me, where is your husband, boris, and what does boris have to do with it, well, for now i i hope it has nothing to do with it, we just need to talk to him. “you have very good audibility in the house, the neighbors talk about conflicts between father and son, so i don’t know where he is, well, what do you mean, you don’t know, you don’t know anything, and if he’s missing, he’s not missing, he’s gone, they quarreled recently with my son, we had a very strong quarrel, boris couldn’t stand it, he left, and you didn’t even call him, you didn’t call the police, you called him, but his phone didn’t answer, so...” what are we doing there? father and son had a very strong quarrel, was the son killed? the father has disappeared and is in hiding. do you think that paris never in life? where can i find it? i don't know, i really don't know. i called friends and
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acquaintances, but no one knows where he is. this doesn’t happen, there must be some kind of address, he has an address in karil. left from his aunt, uh-huh, okay, the address of the house, i don’t know him, brother, vadim probably knows him, andryukha, look what he has, it can’t be, garik, let me, let me , let me, where is radanov, he said, that he has some kind of vital phone call, now he’ll come, where are we... without him, listen, what, colleagues, you won’t believe me i just got a call from a travel agency, they said that i won the lottery, a romantic trip to crimea for two, okay, are you kidding, what kind of jokes, seriously, to crimea, i’m even overjoyed, well, congratulations
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to you, of course, if georgievich lets you go , go have fun, and whatever he won’t let go of before me, he’ll let me go, okay, let’s get down to business, sit down, okay, we killed ivan gorilov, 35 years old, killed in the entrance of his own house. a neighbor discovered, they did it in the apartment, there are witnesses, the fact of the matter is that no, they killed early in the morning, everyone was still sleeping, we we talked to his mother, yeah, and when examining gorelov’s room they found a gun barrel, there was only one peculiarity, gorelov recently sat back, he was in the zone for 10 years, so, and because of what he was in prison, we establish what versions there are, well, what versions, the man was in prison 10 years old, he has a gun, i think all this is for a reason, maybe a call from the past, perhaps, well, or a banal everyday thing, when... he returned from the zone, gorilov was in conflict with his mother’s new husband. according to his mother, he had a strong fight with his stepfather, after which his stepfather left the house and no one saw him again. so, what are the clues? where look for him now? well, for now we are working on the inner circle. ochim has a brother, vadi, maybe
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he knows something? margo, then go to this brother, look for ochim. pasha, you take care of the burnt man’s past. as soon as the results of the examination are ready, immediately report to me that you are wearing a gun. well, i’ll go to crimea. and you’re going to help margarita, it’s clear where you’re going, crimea peninsula, full board, 10 days, but it’s not the season in crimea, you know, it’s all inclusive, it’s always season in crimea, no, no, no, i won’t let you down like that i can let you go, right? you know how much work there is in the department, yes georgivich, this happens once in a lifetime, a free trip, well, wait, but you can’t postpone it, you can’t, unfortunately, really within... this month, well, i don’t know, i don’t know, well georgievich, this is me, for family reasons, leave at my own expense, well , it’s not about the bills, andry, well, someone needs to work, you talked to the guys, the burden will fall on them, but i understand everything, i haven’t yet i said, yes, i don’t think that they will be against,
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they will cover for me, well, i don’t know, i’ll think about it, i said, i’ll think about it, go to work, father dear, thank you, you're welcome? ate. he’s already said that he’ll let him go, i can just feel your envy, that’s the problem, i talked to him, but he looks like he won’t let him go, but i’ll persuade him, i’ll persuade him, andryukh, who will you go with? you know me, i’ll choose a worthy candidate, yes, but i know crimea well, listen, fox, i still won’t take you with me, well, take me, i won’t, i told you, i’ll choose a worthy candidate, and i’ll talk the good guy into it so that he doesn’t let you go, what a traitor, huh? okay, don’t be upset, in crimea now it’s still not season, but the truth is crimea. hello, great,
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what are we reading? we read the materials of the criminal case and the court. well, that same krendel, in 2002 he robbed a store, took out the cash register, but was not found then. okay, 2003, robbery at a cafe, yeah. he stabbed a security guard, who later. died 2004 again the store inflicted serious injuries on a security guard , only in 2006 you were caught 10 years old, here is information on the trunk found, but it belongs to a police officer, what are you saying? yes to whom? 3 weeks ago there was an attack in the vyborg district against police major andrei zhdenov, wait, this is the one who the criminal took his service weapon from him, shot him with it? yes, this is exactly his pisto. well, congratulations, you solved the case, found the killer
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of a policeman, but it’s too early to congratulate, you still need to figure out what district zhdanov served in, in the red guard, come on, study it, thank you, lech, come on, good luck, thank you, he promised it’s like home maybe we'll try to ring again. man, your phone is ringing, but i never hear it, it’s us calling you, vadim nikolaevich, yes, i had to take the dog for a walk, and what happened, we are looking for your brother, brother, i also can’t get through to him for 2 days, no matter how stupid he does, i mean, it’s all vanka the idiot, but his brother little boy, he recently returned from the zone, well, he doesn’t give a damn about life, no, not boris, 3 days ago borya showed up to me, drunk
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, all on edge, he said he got into a fight, i tried to calm him down, but he doesn’t mind, he walks and walks , looks at me and is silent, what happened next, what’s next, i say, stay with me and cool off, but he doesn’t, he went home, he says, i need to to go, and then i suddenly discovered that my hunting knife was missing, it was lying in the kitchen, i took it out to sharpen it, and from then on...
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was he lucky that he was killed? none of our employees would have forgiven him for the death of andryusha zhdanov, but how did zhdanov die? ridiculous, he died, i would say banally, he and his wife irina went to the cinema, in the evening they returned through a vacant lot, that’s where the attack took place.
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boss, let's wake up. i didn’t bring vodka, it’s a pity, but who are you, the criminal investigation department, get ready, you’ll go with us. where to the city, why? are suspected of killing ivan gorelov, murder? in murder, but so what? i him? what, you don’t remember anything? i do not remember.
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remember, but what to remember? remember everything from the very beginning. it’s such an irony of fate, you know, you and i go out to make arrests, catch dangerous criminals, and in the evening there’s a stray criminal in the park, well, in general, thank you, but why do we need it? for catching the killer of andryusha zhdanovo, we must thank the one who killed ivan gorelov, besides, we are not entirely sure that it was he who killed andrei, that you have irina’s contacts, of course there are, you know, i i’ll give you her phone number and home address, i just want her to identify him, then we can say for sure that the killer of the policeman has been found and
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has come out. crawled to his mother, there was nowhere to go, nowhere to live, but she didn’t want to, he said, he’s nothing but problems, but i insisted, i said, this is your son, little sister, you have something to drink, i certainly don’t, and then let's go, let's go , drinking, boyfriends, cheap women, some kind of endless yelling, how many times did i tell him, you'll bring your mother down, i wanted to kick him out, but he says: who are you, there's no way to call you, you no one in this house, then you kick him out, it won’t be a hassle, he beat me and my friend for the last time, my shoulder still hurts, my neck, everything is clear, apparently, your patience is over, apparently, my patience is over, and you they killed him, i, no, no,
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i, i wanted to leave, leave, and then... and then, well, apparently, i decided to kill him, since you say so, it’s impossible, i can’t, i’m 60, and i’ll do my time, i’ll go to prison myself, and at least tanya will live normally, he still wouldn’t give his life, get ready, you’ll eat with us, oh paryan, we have guests, petrovich, this is for me, i’m leaving, that is, why the hell did i want to go to the store then, quietly, i killed a man, who, who, who, vanka, well, this vanka, and this one, lord, how i killed, by the way, my friends, and how
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i killed him? a knife in the entrance of his own house, that’s clear, stop, stop, when did it happen, tonight, so tonight we were here together, last night too, yes, guys, it’s definitely not him, are you sure of that, of course i’m sure , the burka arrived three days ago, came to me right away, i hadn’t seen him for 3 years, when my aunt died. well we took it then another, another, he complained to me about this same vanka, and then we went to me, there it was... until mine knocked us out, in short, someone can confirm this, of course, maybe, mine can, this is lyubka from the store, yes i can do everything, nadenka, hello,
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this is rydanov, well, what kind of rydanov, andryusha rydanov, captain rydanov, found out, great, i ’m asking, what are you doing next week, huh? come with me to crimea for 10 days, you got married, well, congratulations, i wish you happiness, joy, congratulations, congratulations, well well, bye, in any case, i was glad to hear, bye, you say, just throw a cry, calm, calm, i just started, just started, come on, zhanna, zhanna, hello, it was possible somehow... tourier than me send? nothing, nothing, you've just started, right? yes, i've just started. hello, what's the news? hello, yes, we found this boris, the husband, mother
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of the murdered man. i drank at the dacha for 3 days. there are witnesses. yes. it's clear. what else? nothing yet. badly. if the simplest version has disappeared, then you need to dig deeper. it looks like potapov is right, this is some kind of call from of the past. in general, deal with the personality of the burnt person. communications accomplices. well, all that, well , igor, in general, pashka is closely involved in this version, well, then help him, a policeman was shot from the barrel that you found in the burnt apartment, you understand, well , okay, in general, let's speed up, let's help, where do we start, listen, where are the materials of the case of the burnt man, over there on the table by pasha, give me a lift, thank you, we need to contact the investigator who was involved in this case 10 years ago, he probably has... something to tell us, now, now, now, now, investigator sergei nikolaev, yeah, it’s him, are you
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sure, i’m sure, i’ll never forget this face, colleague andrei was told that he attacked you, yes, she wanted to rob, excuse me for the question, but... maybe your husband was i knew him, that maybe there was something connected, he attacked from behind, hit andrei on the head with a stone, then put a knife to me, demanded a phone, documents, jewelry, a bag, i gave it to him, asked him to take everything and leave, then he started. andrey, found his service pistol, andrey woke up, tried to twist, but he started, he shot him,
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mom, let's go for a walk, later, zaya, we have guests, hello, and you're a policeman, yeah, they can kill you too, like dad, my little bunny, go play, okay. you can turn on the cartoons, yeah, sorry, i’m grateful to you for finding my husband’s killer, but i assure you that andrei had nothing to do with this criminal. okay, i won’t distract you anymore, once again accept my sincere condolences, if you remember something, call, okay, yes, thank you, see me off, yes.
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this is a star show, grand finale, what a finale, in this finale i will do what i do best, get a divorce, participate in the show on... as a basis, don’t lie, moscow and beijing have recently become very close, he says, the last beijing is very moscow friendship, i want to understand , why are people dying in our village, yes, because you extinguish them, what the hell are you, who is this, yes, i got microloans, this is their collector, money is dust, and i’m a vacuum cleaner, i’m a little worried, as if i’m reluctant before a sparring match. blow dmitry malikov, sconce, sconce, sconce, sconce, your performance is simple full merchant, stars, finals, today
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six finalists will perform before us, but to win. there will be only one on saturday at 21:20 on ntv. yes, our murdered man ended up with a rich criminal life. don’t tell me, we’ll be very lucky if his accomplice is alive and in the city at all. oh, ridka, let's not be too pessimistic. the weather is like this, this is pessimism. andrey radanov? yes, with whom do i have the honor? and i am katya's husband. what katya, and such katya, in short, a cop, you will write to my wife again, you will regret it, i warned you, wait, wait, what katya you mean, maybe you confused me with someone, but i’m not confusing you with anyone, he’s inviting her to crimea, so i warned you, oh, well, he warned you, this is the number, so what? there’s a lot on your list that she didn’t tell me. get comfortable, i'll protect you,
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wow, women, your name is treachery, look, it looks like, well, where is this sweet couple, here it is, come in, why are we late , sorry, delayed, guilty, come in, report, we were in investigative committee, talked to investigators...
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this means that gorelov would have gone to vasichkin immediately after his imprisonment; our real motive lies precisely in this story. well , let’s say, is the whereabouts of this vasichkin known? nikito is now looking into the addresses of the attraction, as soon as he finds out, we’ll rush there right away in the morning. this is good. what else? an examination arrived on the trunk, which we seized from the burnt man. yeah, apparently, this pistol was used to kill a police officer, zhdanov, zhdanov, zhdanov, who was shot 2 weeks ago in the vybsk district. exactly, exactly. the waiting man's wife identified him gorelova. and there seem to be no questions, but something in this story confuses me. well, look, on the one hand, a former robber attacks people in the park and demands money. it’s clear here, this is in the spirit of gorelovo. well, well, what
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bothers you? why kill? well, he attacked, demanded money, began to search, found a gun, but he would have run away, especially if he realized that he had attacked an employee, what kind of killer do you have to be to kill a policeman right on the spot, the second question is why he didn’t kill his wife then, like witnesses to a crime, if that's what he is cold-blooded, no, somehow in this story everything doesn’t go well for me, well, yes, pasha, you’re right, something doesn’t go well, yes, it’s interesting, but there’s one thing, it’s all very indirectly related to the murder of gorilova, that’s what for... focus on his accomplice, that's it, i'm waiting for the results, work, but tell me, how much does it cost? great, well, let's wait, wait, wait, wait, this, here, andryukha, no, this is different, look, here, here,
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the infection is gone, as he painted us, but he sensed a bug, an experienced one, don't say, a parasite , screwed up, there is such a thing. “i need to train, oh, don’t tell me, good day, please tell me, you know the seller of the neighboring stall, and lyokha vasechkin, i know, it’s fine, he gave a damn, yes, there is such a thing, so we should talk to him about murder, murder?"? oh, seriously,
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please tell me, can you tell me something about alexey? no, i know, he has a dark past, problems with the law, what? i don’t know, well, that it would be murder, i would never have thought, tell me, this comrade came to him recently, came, came, just like he came, with a concert, so with a concert, that for the concert in more detail, well, a week ago, or a week and a half, i don’t remember exactly, they had a big quarrel, right, but what they quarreled about, don’t you know? i don’t know, when i went out to see what all the noise they were making, there was already one swear word and a fight. yeah, maybe there was something else remarkable? here’s lyokhin’s car, it’s that guy who did that, he said he’ll be back, so how, he came back, no, well, i don’t remember, i didn’t see
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him, okay, thanks for your cooperation, always, please, let’s go and have a look at the car, guys, well how will you... correct yourself, correct yourself, and if he is now lying at the bottom, how will you look for him? nikita was puzzled, we’re trying to find friends and distant relatives, in short, we’ll find him, and if he leaves the city altogether, it’s a big country, who will issue you a business trip, then so, andryukha, of course you’ll excuse me, but until you find vasechkin, i’m afraid you won’t make it to crimea, igor, sorry. i already talked to the man, asked him off, he let me go, uh-huh, it ’s true, or something, he let me go, it’s true, he let me go, he let me go, clear, sea, but in this case i ’m calling names to your conscience, we have three operatives in our department, right now you'll get off who will look for vasechkin, okay, okay, he put pressure
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on his conscience, he put pressure on him, now i’ll go catch him, now go catch him, i’ll go catch him, and i ’ll help you, my comrade, let me go, go, listen, ridka, let’s close this case when we give up together with you to the sea, to the mountains, come with me, i pray. wait, are you running out of options? no, i have a lot of options, i just realized that my main and best option is you, oh, suck-up, suck-up, i’ll think about it, but georgievich is unlikely to let the two of us go, whoever will do the service, they won’t let go, georgivich, that’s it, come on, in short, vasichkina, floodplain! well, not to the crimea, but at the dacha, to the dacha for barbecue, better to go to the crimea with you, so, well, that’s all i dug up about him, well , is there anything interesting, well, at first
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glance, not, but in reality you need to sit and figure it out, this is your part, well , we’ll figure it out, but despite his vigorous activity, he was not convicted, so i couldn’t find any criminal contacts, well, except for the burnt one. it’s all easy to recognize the operas who were involved in the cases in which he was involved. well, yes, by the way, there is list, he was a suspect eight times, a witness five times, but never included in the rank of accused. yes, i wonder, is he local? well, i’m originally from vladivostok, if you’re talking about this, this, this. i found something. vasichkin had one permanent girlfriend in st. petersburg, they lived together for 5 years, then separated. but a week ago he called her. a week ago coincides with the time of the visit. this is very interesting, why did you call? wait, that is, it turns out that if gorelov demanded money from vasichkin, then vosichki could be hiding with his ex-girlfriend, yes, just ritka, rushed there, thank you, nikitos, come on, thank you, who's there?
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police, vasichkin, open the door, this time you have nowhere to run, but for what reason? vasechkin, let’s just talk, now i ’ll throw on a robe, so, vasechkin, it’s a very bad idea, besides the fact that you’ll break everything, there’s no point, that’s enough, let my colleague finish this. come in, just don't hit me, let's see your behavior. ritka, come in.
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well, vasichkin, shall we admit it right away, or shall we deny it? and i have nothing to admit. i've always been clean before by law, clean. according to the law, they don’t run from the police, and so quickly, and it’s not written on your face that you’re from the police, but who are you running from, from bandits, from bandits, just like in a fairy tale? there is no need to tell you, we know very well about your conflict with gorelov, we know that he threatened you, we know that he beat you, that he broke your car, one thing we don’t know is what he wanted from you, money, not on record, but where are you you see the protocol, it’s not there, don’t be afraid, say yes, you were on fire and wanted money, but a lot... more than we agreed on, as far as we understand, in your past life
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he took all the blame for himself, you shared the loot, that’s right, in just 10 years a lot has changed, including prices, this money by today’s standards did not seem as much as he expected, then he he became obnoxious for 10 years in the zone, demanded five times more than his share, the idiot went completely off the rails, wow, what a negative attitude you have towards him, and the motive is weighty, maybe... he failed, he didn’t understand, you understood everything, was he killed? when? well, just don't pretend that you don't you know anything? yes, i don’t know anything, really, well, yes, he threatened me, took his anger out on me, but anyway , it wasn’t me who had the money, but who did irka, our third gunner, wait, so what about you, it was acute, yes, investigator nikolaev about this...
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this irina of yours has a last name like irina zhdanovka, i can give her the address, if necessary, no need, thank you, don’t leave the city anywhere, so, but i have nowhere to go, so, the seventeenth, so, let's see, so, so, so, here he is, so, there is contact, andrey, that means 17 6 ​​pm, he came to... well, yes, everything is correct, irina
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zhdanova is that same gunner, here you go! andryukha, hello, go back to the department, i’ll send potapovo to arrest her, he knows her, he talked to her, that’s it, come on, i’m waiting, bye, hold on! nikitos, let’s know what we’ll do, ask the local authorities for recordings from the surveillance cameras of the gorelovo microdistrict, well, everything that is there, near the metro, shops and so on, wait, you think it’s expected that it will light up there , well, in theory it should. either she or her machine will get something, and if she gets stuck, we’ll just pin her down with this, well let me do it now, okay, in general, i ’ll report to you, okay, i ate normally in the garden, but why feed me, cutlet pasta and compote, hello, hello, hello, dash, hello, i need to talk to you. yes, of course, let's go,
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natasha, what a dacha, what are you saying, i've got my hands full, we'll go there in the summer, that's it, come on, i can't talk, bye, what are you doing, igor, i need to talk to you, well, sit down , you've worked too hard, you're a major, you've worked too hard, andryukh, that's enough, listen, igor. fighting you are mine comrade, dear, here are two vouchers for you to the crimean peninsula in a three-star hotel with full... boarding house, what? what about you? so what? i won’t go, in general, why me? well, firstly, i was already in crimea, secondly, i couldn’t find a suitable candidate to go with me, norina refused to go with me, unfortunately, and most importantly, most importantly, your last name is suitable, krymov
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should be in crimea, go, igor, rest, i haven’t been on vacation for 100 years, natasha, you’ll make your beloved wife happy, go, go, listen, thank you, of course, andryukha, how am i doing? will i quit? well, don’t worry about that, everyone has been warned, everything will be clean, we’ll close the month, everything will be chick-fuck, go, i talked to the sheep, asked you to leave, he let you go, as if he let you go, he let you go, well, andryukha, in the crimea i just wasn’t there, so, when is the flight? the only one, sorry for the spontaneity, we have to fly tonight, i’m crazy, we won’t have time to get ready, but if you have time, leave right now, that’s it. i have a problem, thank you, magnets for the whole department and masandra cognac, rest easy, but i must, irin, why do you need me
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they didn’t tell the truth right away, but what kind of truth do you want about the death of your husband, my husband was killed by a criminal, right? but not because of the wallet, but because of the stolen money that you appropriated for yourself 10 years ago, did andrei know about this? irina, it’s pointless to remain silent, you ’re only making it worse, think about your daughter, yes, he knew and forgave him a long time ago, it was 10 years ago, the statute of limitations has probably already passed, well, yes, the statute of limitations may have passed, but a long time remains, but you knew the burnt man as if he were skinny, you were accomplices, weren’t you? about... giving the money, but i didn’t have this money, i already considered it a miracle that my husband forgave me, forgot the whole story, remember it again, force me to look for his money, andrei was an honest policeman and earned little, this amount is for us would be a real problem, and you couldn’t think of anything better
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than to kill the burnt one? i thought that i would come up with something, borrow money somewhere, but this bastard gorelov demanded everything. protect how you killed him? everything was like andrey didn’t know anything, he was just trying to fog me, there was only one thought in his head, not to give offense daughters, i followed it to the front door, this bastard still didn’t understand anything. he didn’t see me, i don’t understand at all what you were counting on, you had to go to the police, you yourself said, the statute of limitations, besides, robbery is not as serious as murder, you could save your family, you know, now i just
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don’t know how to help you, dasha has someone else, grandmothers, okay, we’ll figure it out, go, irina, get ready, hello negito, great, give me the phone number of the social service, well , which one, which one, who deals with children, i'll call you back, and you knew... dad, in general, of course, it’s a sad story with this zhdanov, a great guy, he forgave his wife, forgot her youth, but he still got greetings from the past, i don’t know, i honestly don’t see anything particularly sad, zhdanov was an opera, he he knew perfectly well
5:36 am
what he was getting into, he knew the law, and irina, by the way, had plenty of mitigating circumstances; he could have forced her to go to the police. admit everything and everything would be different, korelov would have returned for his money in any case, okay, he would have returned, but then it’s possible it would be a good idea to go to the police and not be afraid of peeps, pasha, it’s just that rita is principled, i see, no, nikitushka, it ’s not a matter of principle, it’s difficult to find new love, but it’s possible, here’s a new life, who came to us? presented a friend with two trips to the crimea, nothing at all, don’t lose the crown, have a seat, well done, you are, of course, doing well,
5:37 am
let the man rest, but i can see that it’s even a lot, i, by the way, was already planning to go to the crimea with you, even i bought a swimsuit, wait, i was supposed to go with it, i bought myself a swimsuit, wait, what was your name, actually, yes, calm down, crimea promised consolation prizes to everyone.
5:38 am
5:39 am
oh, oh, my god, who the hell is hurting so much? who's there? andryusha, good morning, lena, can i come in, come in, what happened, it’s a long story, let’s drink tea, come in, don’t be afraid, irochka, my wonderful friend, a very good person. stop, stop, lena, i ’m not getting involved in your adventures anymore, i’m stealing the date, fire me, that’s not what i’m talking about, andrey,
5:40 am
ira’s daughter is 18 years old, a very good girl, she ’s always been there, there’s never been any problems with her, how suddenly, god, oh, it's just some kind of nightmare, and that recently she began to come back at night, the girl’s life is in full swing, 18 years old, do you remember yourself at 18 years old, no, andryushenka, she just broke up. i went with the boy for a month, sad, disappointed in life, oh, at 18 we were all a little disappointed in life, it’s funny to me, andrey, she dropped out of college, comes back in the morning with the smell of fumes and with money, you know, be careful, oh, how delicious , lord, this tastes better, andryush, please talk to her, well, you probably have a couple of edifying words stories about how bad it is to get involved with bad company, well, can you imagine what it will look like if she wants to talk to a stranger? who reads morals, you are still a police officer, if she got involved with bad company, maybe you can intimidate her somehow, andrey?


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