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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  May 15, 2024 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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on ntv, the program is an emergency in the studio of valeria gavrilovskaya, we are live . hello! the inadequacy of the heroes of our first story is off the charts. a campaign of young people in sterltamak suddenly attacked schoolchildren taking photographs. the teenagers did not give visible or invisible reasons for the conflict and aggression towards themselves. events developed rapidly, fortunately many turned on their mobile cameras. and now, against the backdrop of these images, the justifications of the attackers sound extreme. unconvincing, dina rusmanov o consequences, the attack on schoolchildren in a bashkir salovat happened suddenly, absolutely inadequate molochki, as if they had fallen into our time straight from the nineties, all the attributes from that time, a rusty tinted lado, a tracksuit, a blank look and absolutely causeless aggression, this is some kind of abnormal man, here’s another thing, along with the fact that in front of them are schoolchildren who were photographed for their graduation album, most of them are girls. and the rowdies were not embarrassed, they
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waved their fists indiscriminately, they even hit pensioners passing by, trying to reason with the inadequate ones, grandfather, boys and schoolchildren tried to protect the girls and each other, at some point one of the attackers was knocked to the ground, the other was dragged aside, but the aggressors were clearly under some kind of doping and again rushed at fights, good, good, good, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, even that. that the hooligans pressed their heads against the asphalt of several students, it didn’t seem enough to them, they took out pepper spray from the car and started spraying them, got into the car, okay, in in the end, the attackers settled down and, although they were clearly drunk, fled at full speed even before the police arrived; instead of a photo shoot , almost all of the schoolchildren had to go to the emergency room. the drug addict hits my son right in the forehead, in the face. with his fist, he falls
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backwards, the child, as a result, four schoolchildren were diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries, a dozen more children, including girls, received concussions, hematomas, blunt injuries to internal organs, everything could have ended even more tragically, we are convinced parents, it’s possible that knives could have been used, for example, thank god we were there, although mostly they were women, that’s because it’s scary to imagine. so what would have happened, if we weren’t there at all, the guys would have been confused, i also want to say that they had pepper spray, the identity of the attackers was established, they were detained, the police sent the car to the impound lot for examination, one of the hooligans managed to record apology, not too impressive, but i kind of understand, i kindly ask you to forgive me if i seem to be able to help someone or something... and i can help,
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both financially and financially, i can help physically, but there is no material, much less physical help from anton nikerin and his accomplice , parents of the injured schoolchildren they are not ready to accept, so they wrote a statement to the investigative committee: a criminal case has been opened under the article of hooliganism for an attack on minors in the city of salovati, all the circumstances of the incident are currently being established in order to give a legal assessment of the action.
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it's hard to imagine how one can survive after such care, because barashneva took the veteran under her wing, when the monstrous details of her care were revealed, everyone was shocked, from the prosecutors, they were the first to see the house of hell, to the doctors in the hospital of every viewer of ours... today everything is fine with the veteran, she came to her senses and is under the sensitive, minute-by-minute supervision of nurses and doctors, who, it seems, want to make up for all 15 years of the grandmother’s terrible existence with their attention. daria vezovaya with details. happiness is the feeling that ninety-six-year-old olga yakovlevna hasn’t experienced this for too long, because she doesn’t need much, a clean bed, clothes, she doesn’t remember the last time she smelled freshly washed linen.
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at least a little compassionate attention, which the veteran of the great patriotic war had not received for the last 15 years, from her story about how she lived, although it would be more accurate to say, survived all these years, everyone cried from the doctors. the veteran, who had survived all the hardships of the war, became a prisoner of her own neighbor galina barashneva, because of whom she was literally bedridden, to this one, where to wooden boards were tied to iron bars, because getting up and going outside was strictly forbidden; in this form , prosecutors took olga yakovlevna from a dilapidated house, took
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the old woman away in an ambulance with a heart attack, brought her from the rostov central district hospital on a stretcher, brought her here, well, the grandmother was heavy, not didn’t talk to us, didn’t seem to come into contact. it’s hard to imagine how an elderly woman managed to survive in such conditions; the stove, on which nothing had obviously been cooked for many years, was rusty, and there was glass instead of glass on the windows. plastic bags, so we had to keep warm in the winter frosts under a layer of blankets. judging by the numbers, they almost never turned on the lights in the house, they saved money, olga bogdanova’s neighbor called all this concern. a criminal case was opened against her after the program aired, the person has the right with andrei kunitsin. at the election of the suppression of peace, barashneva asked not to be sent to a pre-trial detention center. i complained about poor health, i have a lot of chronic diseases, it’s all registered in my card. she herself, apparently, regularly i visited doctors, but the veteran has not been examined by doctors for a very long time. barashneva did not turn to doctors, because then the conditions in which she kept her
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hostage, otherwise you can’t say, everyone would have known, there was no talk about medications either, she herself admitted this even before the arrest. why didn’t you even call a doctor here to see her? well, i myself, as they say , raised her with prayers, there are prayers that lift people, that is, not doctors, but prayers and prayers, but there are no prayers, now it’s probably clear, that under the pretext of care and concern, with which she promised to provide the old woman, and all the agreements were concluded unofficially, barashneva received a monthly pension for the veteran; needless to say, olga yakovlevna did not receive a penny, everything went into the neighbor’s pocket, in total over 15 years, the amount exceeded 2 from... based on the materials of the prosecutor's audit , a criminal case was opened on fraud, illegal imprisonment and leaving the widow of a veteran of the great patriotic war in danger. criminal investigation the case is under control of the prosecutor's office. in addition to barashnevo, by the way, she had previously been
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prosecuted for fraud, she stole pensions from the elderly while working at the post office, apparently confident that there was no one to stand up for the veteran, she was alone and had no children or grandchildren, she managed to rewrite for her daughter 's apartment, which... so despite the hope that olga yakovlevna would recover, complaints and requests, the barashnevo court sent her to a pre-trial detention center for 2 months. during this time, doctors , as far as possible, taking into account everyone diseases. now her speech is gradually returning to her, sometimes the old woman even sings songs, but most of all, doctors say, she wants to get back on her feet as soon as possible. today she even wanted to get up in front of lyubov vasilievna in front of the nurse, i’ll go now, i’m tired, we sat her down, she sat down, she was so tired.
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development of this story in our issues, then silence is a golden proverb, which will now become a life motto for one blogger who spoke about a serious article of the criminal code, for which a man was detained, we will tell you after the advertisement if they they killed the girl, then where did they put the body? they could have easily drowned the body in the sea, well, you understand that you won’t find anything in the sea, we’ll see about that later.
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let them go, how did they let them go? dolphin, today at 20:00 on ntv. you are silent like a fish, shirimprol, shrimp, fishburger, a real sea of ​​​​taste, only at the delicious point, nail fungus can deprive many. in pharmacies in your city, details on it is profitable to retire with a savings bank. for pensioners, a free sbercard, a favorable deposit rate, to please yourself more often. cashback bonuses in pharmacies to take care of yourself. loan discount. to buy what you have long dreamed of, apply for a pension with sberbank
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a mother, at first glance, the child was well-groomed and fully developed. what prompted the woman to make such a manual mistake and how she explained her action, see the material by sergei putyukov. a short video of not the best quality, that’s all the operatives had criminal investigation. with a child in her arms behind her, she went into a chain supermarket, came out already alone, she left her two-year-old daughter in the middle of the sales floor, of course, without explaining anything, the baby, who wandered confused and in tears among the shelves with the product. i had a fight, it turns out, with all my relatives, but i left home, took my daughter, left home, packed my things, lived in cities, when the situation was already hopeless,
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money and so on, i realized that i couldn’t support my daughter and just her left. ekaterina german is 37 years old, officially unemployed, having gotten rid of her own daughter and having relieved herself of the burden of responsibility, she took a bus to the city of kropotkin, from there she took the kislovodsk -st. petersburg train. investigators recognized her based on her orientation and removed her from the train at the capital’s station. now they are taking me by car for interrogation. since april 22, 2024, together with her minor daughter aged 2 years 6 months, the woman moved around different cities of russia, among which.
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everything is fine with her, she, as they say, in such cases only had time to get scared, her doctors examined her and confirmed that no cruelty was used against her, the girl even attended kindergarten, her development corresponds to her age, the problem apparently lies deeper in the psychological state of the mother herself. while they were waiting for the police, the store employees fed the child and calmed her down, explaining that it was just a game of hide and seek, and the mother will definitely return, the girl’s mother apparently understood that the child would not be able to tell anything that would help in the search, but no... she assessed the video surveillance system, based on the camera recordings, law enforcement officers suggested that the woman was suffering from either drug addiction or psychiatric problems; external signs of behavior revealed a broken person in her. now, after the arrest , the guards will send her to doctors for examination. it is quite possible that the mother’s desire to voluntarily give up her daughter has every chance of coming true. herman herself now
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assures that it was a gesture of despair. she is ready to change for the better, for the sake of their daughter together. future sergei potyakov, mikhail vlasenko, daria mosalova, ntv television company. krasnodar. the zelenograd court today is choosing a preventive measure for a blogger who said too much during a stream. alexander sokolovsky entered the blessing sphere a year ago. he worked at a gas station and suddenly decided that his opinions on various issues would be of interest to users of social networks. in his last live broadcast, most likely, in every sense, he gave a description of the fighters of the northern military district and not only. our film crew is now in court, and correspondent diana kovando is already in direct contact with the studio. diana, what exactly outraged the subscribers and investigators in the blogger's speeches? valeria, well , alexander sokolovsky, a former gas station employee, and now a man who can proudly call himself a blogger, apparently decided
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that since he had a webcam and registered on a streaming platform, he could become a full-fledged leader. there are so many of these guys with me, we’re already getting ready, i’m a senior sergeant, i’m a combat veteran, i fought, i know what war is, and the svo are drunks who go there, drunks, in court, where he was taken to be arrested, he was covered with shame, like santa claus' jacket,
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which he put on himself live, apparently so that some kind of zest would appear in the frame. and insulting the svo fighters, at the same time he collected donations from the audience with a signature for a difficult life. in general, he was never burdened by success, he used to work at a gas station and literally counted the change in his pocket, well, at some point he decided to become popular. a native of taganrog himself, at first he published very informative videos on his youtube channel about how he eats, but then, apparently, he decided that bread should also be supplemented with a spectacle and drinking heavily, which he admitted, and then went on air. with political themes and openly insulted the svo fighters, although, of course, his age, apparently, allows him to help his homeland and defend the interests of the state, and not throw mud at the military while sitting out.
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what is he saying now? well, naturally, as usually happens, after he was detained, he abruptly changed his opinion and began to refer to some malicious commentators, among his viewers, who made him emotional, well, in the end, after all admitted frankly, drank heavily and did not watch his language. insulted taganrok rostov in honor of the dignity of the fighters and his president. russia, i apologize to everyone for what i said, first of all, think about what you are saying, even if you are drunk, now about live broadcasts,
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the detainee will have to forget for a long time, it will not be easy to do this in a pre-trial detention center, he was sent there for 2 months because for inciting hatred or enmity, as the article of the charge reads, he faces up to 6 years in prison. valeria, diana, thank you, directly was on air. that's not all, see below. two aggressors met. which motorist is least to blame for the violent parking lot battle? we'll figure it out after the ad. debts in exchange for a newborn daughter, such an offer to a willful defaulter was made by a housing and communal services worker, i wanted children so much, and i asked
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her to give this child, and i would pay her all these debts, and the debtor agreed when she gave the baby to the foster child mother, took with her her seven-year-old son, who was crying his eyes out because of his little sister, he said, what, mom, don’t give it up, i’ll raise her myself, will my sister find her own? brother 38 years later, did he remember her all these years? mom told me that a woman came to her, i don’t have money, i have a child, maybe we can exchange, my brother asked, mom, don’t give her away, i just want him to forgive me, i say, mom, we can’t give her away, this ours, she says, she will be better there, i feel guilty, i open the envelope, dna, today at 17:50 on ntv. this is the security service, tell me the code from the sms, let's do this, if you
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emergency on ntv live, we continue broadcasting. in circumstances of conflict between two the most balanced motorists in st. petersburg are being dealt with by the police. the brawl took place right in the parking lot of the shopping center, and it is now in its second day. who didn’t yield to whom, who showed more aggression, and most importantly, who is to blame for what happened in the shooting scandal, pavel kuznetsov found out. witnesses to this conflict. in the parking lot of the st. petersburg hypermarket , they couldn’t even imagine that in a second they would become eyewitnesses to a real western, a man in a pink t-shirt with a gas canister in his hands for some reason blocked way to the crossover, the driver of the foreign car tried to pass, but at some point his nerves could not stand it, a pistol flashed in his hands, what are you doing, to the screams of shocked eyewitnesses and the siren of the fire brigade, which was
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nearby and tried to calm him down. where did you go? come on, this is already a threat, come here, i filmed it, lyonya, calm down, the blow with his fist on the car did not go unnoticed, lyonya’s opponent, and this can be heard on the recording, clicked the shutter of his weapon and demonstrated the seriousness of his intentions to continue the journey, come on, get it, this already a threat, come on get out, lena turned out to be not so simple, for several minutes he persistently pursued
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the offender, clutching... a gas canister in his hand, all psychos, a child in the car, what did i tell you, and what did i tell you, the child of the car is armed, the police were called, license plates yes, lenya’s amazing tenacity, it must be said, raised many questions, which is why he so fundamentally did not let go of the other driver, threw himself on the hoods and banged his fists, the preliminary version is that most likely one blocked the other in the parking lot, currently by the authorities... internal affairs, based on this fact, a criminal case was opened for hooliganism with the use of an object used as a weapon. although the results of the investigation into the criminal case have been put under control by the prosecutor’s office. it’s terrible that a child, the son of a man with a traumatic pistol, witnessed all this disgrace. we managed to talk to the shooter on the phone; without giving details , he confirmed that everything really happened because of a parking space. well, it all started with
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the parking lot, yes, there - listen. it doesn’t matter how it started, what matters is what happened and because of why did this happen, and it’s all on the video, so i have to say something on my own, how would i have done what i did, well, let the laws. leonid is now in the hospital, he has injuries to his abdomen and thigh, he underwent surgery, but nevertheless he feels fine in consciousness, investigators are now eagerly awaiting the shooter to testify. pavel kuzentsov, oksana gonchurenko and dmitry salnikov, ntv, st. petersburg. let's call an ambulance now. unusual contract killing entrepreneur. employees of the main investigation department managed to disclose the claim under the moscow areas. the perpetrators planned the crime so cleverly that they were exposed only after being detained for another offense, illegal mining activities.
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aleftina marchenko will tell you how investigators were able to outwit the criminals and collect all the necessary evidence. a tall man in a black robe tells the investigator in detail how the murder of a successful moscow region businessman vyacheslav chumachenko was prepared along with three partners. he was waiting for him at the house, in a green minivan purchased in advance, the door the elevators of which open on both sides, wide without effort, and as soon as the businessman parked, a signal was given for the attack, the door was open, after which we brought the victim into the vehicle head first, probably like this, even four of us found it difficult to cope with the strong chumachenko , he fought back and...
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to think that people would do such a thing. things were going really well for the company of friends at one time, until in 2017 an audit showed a shortage, from 50, according to one source, to 140 million rubles. in
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at that time, the accounting department was in charge of the troshina spouses and the main suspicions fell, it was decided to part with them, the resentment apparently sank deeply. there are as many as six defendants in the criminal case, all of them... will stand trial separately, two of them made a deal with the investigation, including the killer skrobogatov, clutching a paper in his hand, a former professional athlete with downcast eyes shudders from comments thrown in his direction : “we won’t leave you alone, but you’ll make everything worse.” only while under investigation did each of them understand that the money promised as payment for the share of the murdered man’s business would never have been given to them; according to the internal charter of the company , it is transferred only to relatives. almost all the accomplices gave confessions, and the first was the customer metroshin himself. investigators also found out his involvement in another crime; he ran a network of underground gaming clubs in a number of regions. aleftina marchenko, rika vagyan, natalya popova
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and nadezhda zypkina, tv broadcaster. moscow region. that's all, valeria gavrilovskaya was with you. stay on ntv. today in our program. panic attack. kiev scares kharkov with a russian invasion and calls for evacuation. what is the mood in the city? from now on, evacuating residents is impossible. monkey with a grenade. the british allowed the apu. with its missiles on crimea, will ukraine take advantage of its license to kill civilians? and the affairs of the past days. 26 years ago the g8 summit was held for the first time.


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