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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 15, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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an assassination attempt on the prime minister of slovakia and robert fitz was shot when he went outside after a cabinet meeting, who attacked him and... the general staff of the russian armed forces will continue to work without changes, and the new minister of defense andrei belousov is tasked with monitoring the balance between the guns and oil. the supreme commander-in-chief explained who is responsible for what. nikita korz is overseeing the transformations in the military department. the shelling of belgorod continues and there are dozens of wounded, residential buildings are damaged, repair crews are unable to keep up eliminate the consequences of missile strikes. olga's report.
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hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, this is the program today, its presenter is igor politaev. today in slovakia an attempt was made on the life of the country's prime minister robert. it is reported that he received several gunshot wounds, including in the stomach and chest, doctors are now fighting for his life, according to the vice speaker of the slovak parliament lubysh blach, responsibility for the assassination attempt of a citizen who opposed the supply of weapons to ukraine and its membership in nato lies with the slovak opposition, the so-called liberal media, which sowed hatred in society. our european correspondent sergei khlashevsky comes into direct contact with us. sergey, what is known at this point about the condition of robert fitz? yes, but robert fitz was shot today
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in the city of gandlovo, where a visiting meeting of the slovak government was taking place, this city is located in the west of slovakia, 190 km from bratislava, and at the moment when the slovak prime minister was leaving the building of the local palace of culture, he decided to approach local residents, to shake their hands, at that moment the unknown person shouted: come here robotically and opened fire. the security reacted instantly, but he immediately received several serious injuries. despite all the severe injuries that robert fitsa received, his condition was stabilized and his life is now not in danger. as for the attacker, the police said that he was a seventy- one-year-old man from the city of levitsa, his...
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the police did not disclose his name, but according to unofficial data this is a person, a writer, a supporter of the opposition progressive party slovakia, and his name is juraj chintula, he was born in fifty-three, as for the motives, now the entire press is wondering what was the reason for this assassination attempt, why they decided to organize assassination attempts on robert fitze, and it is known that robert fitze has always been consistent a critic of the conflict in ukraine, he said that the west.
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parliament, becoming prime minister for 4 years, as they say, there were ups and downs in his career, he became three times in just 7 years, achieved a majority in the prime minister, and from the second term left early due to the political crisis in the country, in 2023 the party led by fitz won again. even at the stage of the election campaign, his rhetoric differed significantly from the position of most european states, as he emphasized that slovakia would not sign documents on ukraine’s admission to nato. there must be some guarantees, someone must give guarantees to ukraine, someone must give guarantees to russia, because the russians are right that the west deceived them, that there will be no nato expansion, but there was. the future prime minister criticized nato ukraine's flirtation with nationalist sentiments.
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stop providing military assistance to ukraine, limiting it only to humanitarian assistance. well , it is clear that the west did not like this position of the slovak politician . recently, he was attacked by the western media, they called him pro-russian politicians, just like viktor orban
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, prime minister of hungary, president of serbia aleksandar vucic or president of the republic of srpska milorada dodik. by the way, orban and vucic have already stated that they are shocked by what happened and are sending.
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development economist, worked as an assistant to the head of state, in recent years he was the first deputy chairman of the government, therefore, vladimir putin is sure, he understands perfectly how to integrate the economy of the power bloc into the national economy; this year our total spending on defense and security will be
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approximately 8.7% , this is a big resource, and we are obliged to use it very... carefully and efficiently, increasing spending on defense and security, we proceed from the fact that all social obligations must be fulfilled to citizens, this is the relationship between guns, the so-called guns and butter, should be organically integrated into the overall development strategy of the russian state, education, healthcare, support for veterans, pension payments, none of this should fade against the backdrop of rising defense spending, putin said. i hope that andrei ramovich will cope with this task in the best possible way, among other things, andreivich has recently, on my instructions, been involved in some dual-use things, in particular the development unmanned and aerial and other
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unmanned vehicles, sergei kozhege did the same through the ministry of defense. shaigu said the president will now take up the work of the secretary of the security council. to introduce a commission of the military-industrial complex to organize the work of the federal service for cooperation with other countries, there will be another notable task on the list of new tasks for sergei kozhugetovich, assistance to the head of state in the leadership of the entire security component of the country, a logical continuation after all that has been achieved. i want to thank sergei kuzhgevich shaiga for what he has done over the previous years to build the armed forces, to give it a new look. yes, we all understand that... a lot still needs to be done, many things were not clear before the start of hostilities, neither to us, nor to all those who in one way or another in the world deal with building their armed forces, this is
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obvious, but the way we quickly respond to the demands of the time gives us confidence that we will certainly solve all problems of this kind. read more about these problems and ways to solve them vladimir putin already spoke at a meeting on the development of the military-industrial complex. defense minister andrei belousov and sabez's secretary sergei shaigu remained, but the district commanders were replaced. deputy chairman of the security council dmitry medvedev, first deputy prime minister denis manturov, presidential aide alexey dyumin, minister of industry and trade anton alekhanov and the head of rostec sergei chemizov, vladimir putin also explained to them the nature of the latest personnel changes in the government. the development of the defense industry should not affect the achievement of national development goals. this is extremely important thing. we must under no circumstances allow any distortions in the economy and industry. shaigu, as no one said, putin knows the needs of the armed forces.
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the successful work of our combat units on the line of contact as part
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of a special military operation, the guys are fighting, fighting well, successfully, improving their position along the entire length of the front line, this happens every day, the more effective russian military personnel are on the line of contact, the greater the chance of resolving the conflict by peaceful means exactly. to this, according to the president, is what russia has always strived for. nikita korzun, alexey seregin, vyacheslav zubarev, ntv. units of the russian military group north advanced into the depths of the defense of the ukrainian armed forces in the kharkov region and liberated two more settlements: glubokaya and lukyantsy. the ministry of defense reported this today. also, according to the department, fighters from the dnepr group of troops completely liberated the village of rabotiniv, zaporozhye region. tankers from the center's group of troops repelled a counterattack of ukrainian forces in the avdiivka direction in donbass. they opened fire in advance from
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a distance of up to 10 km. tankers received drone data to adjust fire and control damage to enemy vehicles. as a result, the ukrainian column was stopped. su-25 attack aircraft carried out successful combat missions in the area of ​​responsibility of the group center. strikes by unguided aircraft missiles at given coordinates.
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but it is quite enough so that when rolling it does not glow for a long time in open areas. i choose the shooting platform and firing position in advance, so that later, when it arrives an order to open fire, not to waste time looking for her. a small clearing in a forest belt with low trees that hide the vehicles but do not interfere with the gun, ideally, unfolds rhythmically. while the crew is planting the tulip in the ground, the gunner sets the bead, with its help they measure
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the azimuth and calculate the elevation angle of the barrel to accurately hit the target using the coordinates received from air or ground reconnaissance, ready! then follow the long-established algorithm: aim, load and open fire. we work at strong points, at azotam, dotam, ordinary high-explosive steel mines. they break through up to 2-3 m of concrete shelters and completely destroy them inside. in general, artillery is a whole science, an exact and complex science; it takes several years to comprehend it in special studies. military artillery schools, but here at the front recruits master skills in a short time, of course, there is shooting training at the training ground, but truly all the subtleties and nuances of this military craft are learned only on the first combat tours, everything comes with experience, charged with the call sign black in civilian life
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worked with a woodworker and electrician at a carriage repair plant, he recalls that in the first month in the northern military district zone it was difficult and unusual, but quickly in...
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tv. south donetsk direction of the special military operation. the belgorod region today again found itself under fire from the ukrainian armed forces. more than 130 shells were fired at populated areas during the day. the enemy uses guided bombs and drones , injuring at least six people. in order to protect residents from ukrainian attacks, the regional authorities decided to additionally install 20 reinforced concrete shelters in parks and crowded places. olga chernova reports from belgorod. belgorod was again attacked by the ukrainian armed forces at dawn, with guided bombs, rockets, missiles and drones. russian air defenses destroyed 14 air targets on approach to residential areas. one shell pierced the roof of a private house in the suburbs, starting a fire. the damaging elements scattered over a radius of several hundred meters, breaking glass in residential buildings, damaging roofs, power lines and cars.
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two-world residents with spolochny wounds hospitalized with burns. a man is in serious condition in the fire department's intensive care unit. they worked quickly and prevented the fire from spreading to neighboring houses. today , ambassador at large of the russian foreign ministry, radion miroshnik, arrived at the scene of the mass death of civilians on shchorsa street. according to him, the western media are trying to hide information about the crimes of the kiev regime; the ministry’s task is to collect evidence of the killings of civilians and convey it to the world majority. the ambassador is preparing a report for diplomats so that the tragedy in belgorod can be discussed in the un security council and osce. when a blow is applied directly to housing and in such a quantity. where people die, this is an international crime, and this is a war crime, if they stop supplying ukraine with weapons, the war will end in 2 weeks, so gentlemen, gentlemen, europeans, yes, what is holding you back in order to stop this bloodshed? the investigative committee of russia has already opened several criminal cases regarding terrorist attacks in belgorod. according to mitt russia representatives, responsibility for these war crimes should be held
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western countries as accomplices who supply long-range weapons to ukraine. now the belgorod and... in their place the same section will be built, the construction is planned to be completed within a year, the authorities are ready to help eighty-nine families who lost blood with temporary housing. rescuers from the ministry of emergency situations continue to remove surviving items and household appliances from apartments that are subject to demolition. special services carry out an inventory of the property and transport it to the warehouse. that's all we took out, the furniture needs to be taken out, but i don't know what to take out
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whether we will be allowed or not. cctv cameras at the shopping center recorded a rocket strike, which penetrated two floors at once. building, at the time of the attack there was only a guard in the center, miraculously he survived. metal balls and fragments from the vampire multiple launch rocket system scattered throughout the gym. at the height of the day, hundreds of people train here, and it’s scary to think what tragedy would have happened if the blow had been struck during working hours. the fitness center was closed on the day of the tragedy on shchorsa street, when the missile attacks became more frequent for safety reasons and decided to suspend work. the situation is kind of complicated, of course, we are counting on support from the state, i’m sure. something will be done for this. over the course of a week , more than 1,200 residential premises were damaged by shelling in belgorod. there is structural damage in seven apartment buildings. there's still glass over there, you see. i took it out because they hadn’t come yet, no one had looked at anything, well , here we go again, yes, but this fragment just fell right under our window, missile
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danger, stay at home if possible, repair crews do not have time to promptly eliminate the consequences of missile strikes, there are hundreds of addresses at work, residents are waiting patiently, because of broken windows they sleep in outerwear, but they do not complain, they understand that someone is worse off and needs help, i look at our people, belgorod, belgorod, this has changed a lot. speech and human rights in relation to citizens of the two countries. earlier, a group of state duma deputies and public figures appealed to law enforcement agencies of russia and several foreign countries to
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investigate the facts of possible involvement of persons and structures located abroad to finance a series of attempts on the lives of russians, as well as explosions of the gas pipeline to nord stream. according to one of the authors of the appeal, former deputy of the verkhovna rada of ukraine andriy derkach, there is documentary evidence of the secret transfer of millions. dollars in cash from partners of the family of us president biden, to a ukrainian military intelligence unit that is conducting terrorist activities against russia. based on the results of checking the materials, the investigative committee opened a criminal case under article financing of terrorism. in april, the prosecutor general’s office announced that it had sent requests to the competent authorities of the usa, germany, france and cyprus, but there was no response from there. against the background of the silence of the west, the authors of the appeal intend to withdraw.
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emotional support,
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post-traumatic syndrome, because of this he went to court . he left the army due to which he was allowed to come with his dog , but he will have to part with the mongrel, and the post-traumatic syndrome is unlikely to go away.
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professionals, they would have been fired, saying that if an afghan could grab you under your nose grenade hidden behind the curtain, you don't deserve to be in the special forces. mcbright appeared as an expert on a bbc program about similar war crimes by british special forces. he also passed on the evidence he collected to australia's abc. in australia, a series of reports called the afghan files was published in 2017 . author of reports. usa.
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asanj's case is similar to mcbride's. and not just because they are both australians. asanj, as a more prominent figure, can end up on naar not for 5, but for 175 years. but the essence of the accusations is similar. the american or australian authorities who are prosecuting them both consider it a crime to reveal war crimes. assange published, in addition to approximately 700,000 other documents, on the wikileaks website. video from 2007 with the shooting by the american military from a helicopter of residents of baghdad who did not pose any danger to them, including reporters, one was with a camera, the other with a phone in his hands, the video was accompanied by a commentary from cheerful american soldiers, a-ha-ha, i got it, oh yes, admire these dead bastards. in this case , the american military was not arrested, but a sophisticated pursuit of asandzh, who was trying
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to hide, began. americans in britain, maria zakharova reminded prime minister sunak the day before that the british authorities are also covering up war crimes with their army. iraq, libya, yemen, afghanistan, arab spring, aggravation in the middle east, sudanese crisis. ask your minister cameron, he voted for the invasion of iraq and later tried to stop investigating the crimes british military. cameron is silent on this topic. asks cameron, who switched from iraq to ukraine and encourages zelensky to attack russian territory. war crimes left unpunished continue. punishment comes only to those who speak about crimes, if the speaker, of course, can be reached by hands from london, washington or canbera. elizaveta gerson, boris halfin, maxim zaichenko and alexander gusev. ntv television company. london.
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georgia, where. representatives of the european union also talk about inconsistency of the georgian law with the eu standard. four foreign ministers of estonia, lithuania, latvia and iceland arrived in the capital of georgia from europe, now they are convincing
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the georgian government that the... it is difficult not to notice the legendary alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest on all purchases. you receive super cashback in rubles every month and withdraw cash from any atm for free. it’s just profitable,
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softens perfectly. freshness, softness, purity, quality. via superstar, premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. this is the program today, we continue our release. we have just received new video footage from slovakia, where an attempt was made on the life of the prime minister of the republic robert fitz, he was taken by helicopter from the city of gandlova, where he was wounded, to the university hospital in banska bystrica. he received two wounds in the abdominal area and one wound in the shoulder. now the politician is undergoing surgery, fresh from the kremlin. a message has arrived. vladimir putin sent a telegram to the president of slovakia zuzana cheputova. the leader called the assassination attempt a monstrous crime, i know robert fitz as a courageous, strong-willed person, i really hope that these qualities will help him withstand a difficult situation, vladimir putin said. today mikhail mishustin held the first
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meeting of the renewed government, in his composed of six new ministers, four of them former governors. vladimir putin approved the government the day before, and late in the evening he personally welcomed representatives of the cabinet of ministers in the kremlin. the task set before the government is implementation. plans for the next 6 years, the president emphasized that in a unified system and to organize work without the current difficult conditions, it is necessary to act without any pauses, with details from inoosipov. the first working day of the renewed government, there is no time to unwind, the prime minister made it clear. we have to to justify the trust of the head of state, and of course the citizens of russia, to work clearly and effectively, as the president emphasized, in the current difficult conditions. you need to act in a single formation and organize all the work without any pauses. on the agenda is assistance to residents of regions affected by floods, in particular the orenburg and kurgan regions. many people lost their homes, property, and households. the president especially noted that
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it is extremely important to provide the victims with everything they need and to respond to every request. and on behalf of the head of state, we will send kurgan region 4 billion rubles. to eliminate the damage, first of all. for payments to residents, including one-time payments and in connection with the loss of property, as well as for the repair of damaged housing or the acquisition of a new one, if the previous housing was destroyed. half a billion rubles were previously sent to help residents of the orenburg region; now, on the instructions of the president, an additional 5 billion are being allocated for the reconstruction of public utilities. the regions will also receive money to restore destroyed infrastructure, starting with hospitals and schools. ending with roads. small medium-sized businesses, which have also suffered greatly, will be supported by tax breaks. mikhail mishustin noted more than once today that it is necessary to keep in touch with people, including through state duma deputies, who precisely approved this. according to the updated constitution, a new cabinet of ministers.
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although the composition of the government has been updated, all the faces are well known, these are people with extensive experience, and are not ready to work, to carry out the tasks that the president outlined in his message. vladimir putin yesterday signed decrees on appointment of federal ministers and deputy prime ministers, met with the new government in full late in the evening . the president asked his work to take into account all the comments that were made in the state duma during the consideration of candidates for positions in the cabinet of ministers. with parliament, with members of the state duma, we probably didn’t just discuss candidates, we probably talked about the state of industries, about what and how, from the point of view of state duma deputies, needs to be done in order to implement all our plans, i ask you to take this into account seriously, and from what we have outlined and from how we have planned to do it, take into account the proposals in practical work. the president recalled that work plans must be drawn up for 6 years, all personnel issues
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must be resolved promptly and effectively. the main task for our government is to implement, first of all, the decree on national goals, the new decree and, of course , all the tasks that you set in your message to the federal assembly. the government of the russian federation is your team, and we ready to begin solving all assigned tasks. in the near future we will have to determine the financial one. ensuring our plans, mechanisms to support russian families, citizens, businesses, well, in general, you all understand what i’m talking about, we worked with you on this for almost the entire previous year, well, at least 6-8 months, or maybe year, in general, everything is clear, but nevertheless, if there is a need to fine-tune something in terms of determining the source of financing, this must be done as quickly as possible. vladimir putin congratulated all members of the government with the start of work in
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the new composition. the president also expressed hope that the ministers who came from the governor's corps will use their skills in their new place of work with maximum effect. inna osipova, alexander terzinov, ntv television company. and today vladimir putin held a series of meetings with former members of the russian government. the president thanked them for their work and invited them to talk about further joint activities. as they say , they loved the subject they were studying with all their hearts and devoted themselves to it due attention, i want to thank you and suggest we talk about your future work, local, and the minister asked nikolai shulginov, who held the post of minister of energy...
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but you managed to organize the work in such a way that nothing would fade for us, as they say, on the contrary developed, and developed actively, thank you very much. vladimir putin informed everyone that they would all receive state awards. and now there is news that will probably be of interest: the ministry of health has published a list of car enthusiasts drugs, after the use of which it is not recommended to drive, including terofluoz, spasmal. prostin, but some believed that taking these drugs
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automatically prohibits driving. denis talalaev will help us understand this issue, denis, not recommended, prohibited, this is not the same thing at all. yes, but practice shows that very often in russia the line between these concepts is quite thin; a new bill should help us all; as they say, it is already on its way. the ministry of health has prepared a list of drugs which. refers to narcotic or psychotropic drugs, but after using which it is forbidden to drive, the head of the expert center no traffic jams, alexander shumsky, announced this in his telegram channel, noting that the public only learned about the list thanks to a deputy request from yaroslav nilov. there are more than 200 drugs on this list, including a very popular one. there, for example, antipyretic drugs theraflu, firvex and antigripin, cold medicines coldrax night, maxicold and koldukt, pain reliever salpodeine (nurofen+ and spasmalgon), an allergy drug tevigil
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suprastin cloritine. the ministry of health itself later clarified that this list is for informational purposes and that there is currently nothing in the law. there are no penalties for drivers for using these drugs. according to the law, you cannot drive after taking psychotropic, narcotic or ethyl alcohol-containing drugs, which, however, still does not protect against controversial cases of deprivation of rights. more clarity on this issue may appear after the state duma considers amendments to the code of administrative offenses, which regulate for what drivers may lose their license. as newspaper-commercialists in the duma committee on state construction reported, this bill is the first.
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years, today deputy minister of finance ivan chibeskov announced that after july 1, the ministry proposes to increase the rate on family mortgages to 12% for families with children over six. secondly, the ministry of finance advocates a gradual increase in the rate on far eastern mortgages from the current 2% to 8% by the thirtieth year. the ministry of finance and the central bank previously said that there were too many preferential mortgages, so it does not make housing more affordable, but drives up prices.
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about heated front glass, heated mirrors, electric windows, a usb socket, a modern multimedia system, well, an airbag for the passenger in the front seat and many many other additional options, alloy wheels, then the cost... will differ, but this will be the next quarter . in the next quarter, avtovas also plans to release an electric larus, but its price, according to maxim sokolov, will be very different. russian the stock market today continued its slow growth; individual corporate stories are pushing the index up. the ruble is rising in price for the third
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day in a row, the dollar is again falling to the level of 91, below which it last went on may 7. the mts company today held a conference called mts platform 2024 , showing several new services in its ecosystem. this is how the launch of the beta version of the mts vers digital space was announced. as the company explains, this project combined gamification and a new experience of user interaction with the brand and its products. they also introduced a new voice assistant using artificial intelligence. you can ask him a question directly while talking on the phone.
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will invest 3 billion rubles in the creation of a joint venture for the production of innovative medicines; it will localize chinese medicines and refine them before registration in russia. rdif will also promote the sputnik vaccine in china. this was announced by the general director of the rfp and kirill dmitriev, on the eve of his visit to china vladimir putin. we also use experience. our investments in sputnik, promotion of the sputnik vaccine, is that we will sign an agreement on the promotion of russian drugs and vaccines to the chinese market, with a manufacturer in china, and also that we will localize some of the drugs from china to the russian market, this there will be a separate agreement with a leading russian company, together with which we will
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provide and localize leading drugs from china on the russian market. according to kiril dmitriev, rdif, together with chinese partners have already made more than 50 investments, which have attracted more than 780 billion rubles into the russian economy. everything about economics. thanks denis. denis talalaev with an economic review of the day. this is the program today, look after a short advertisement, another metro line will appear in moscow, the command to launch two tunnel shields was given by sergei sobyanin, edmund zhelbunov watched the ceremony. there may be pain in the knee, pain in the back, pain in the neck. it’s hard not to notice
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the legendary alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest on all purchases, you get a supercake in rubles every month for free, withdraw cash from any atm, it’s not just profitable, it’s alpha profitable. preparations for summer on ozone are spreading their wings, all the goods have already flown here, summer sale on ozone. geox children's shoes from rur 3,697 robinson suitcase for 3,999. submit an application for free gas supply to the border of your property. details by phone: 8800 101 000 04. the call is free. hmm, she smiled, that means she recognized, she smiled, that means she’s real, they recognize, hmm, they love,
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installment plans, this is the program today, we continue our production, two new metro tunnels began to be built today in moscow from the people’s militia station to the boulevard general karbashev, in the coming years in the capital
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can be divided into two stages: within first, a section 12.5 km long will be built, six new stations will appear on it, these are the zvenigorod people's militia, karbyshevo boulevard, silver bors, strogino and linden grove, and already at the second stage the new line will be extended by another 6 km to two stations, this is ilyinskaya and rublevo-arkhangelskaya, although the names of the stops themselves have not yet been finalized, there may still be some changes in this regard; the beryulyovskaya metro line in the south of moscow is also currently being designed. here in the plans, this is also included in the master plan of the city of moscow, the connection these two lines, rublevo, arkhangelskaya and berilyovskaya lines, through the central part of the city, local residents will be able to quickly, comfortably, without traffic jams, get to the desired point, because there will be new convenient options for transfers, including with the large ring metro line. it will be a fairy tale, to be honest, it will be convenient, because now, but for me personally it takes
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more than an hour and a half to get to prospekt mira. by the way, it was as part of the bkl that they were opened. in 2018, the first two stations of the future line were the business center and shelepikha, but this was only the first step, and now the large-scale and long-awaited project, approved back in 2012, began to gradually acquire more and more clear contours, which, starting from this day, outline two more tunnels: victoria and natalie. edmund zhelbanov, natalya dudina, nikolay lavrukhin, igor venediktov, sergey dedukh and denis shuisky, ntv television company, moscow. and now it’s time for a short weather forecast on ntv and come to us. evgenia neronskaya joins. evgeniya, should we expect further warming in central russia? yes, it has already begun, at least at least, night frosts are a thing of the past and daytime temperatures in european territory are finally rising. the fastest is in the northwest in pskov, tomorrow +23. even in kaliningrad it is more modest, but without precipitation. in the center of the volga region, the temperature is a couple of degrees behind the norm, but the spring sun
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is trying to warm everyone, from smolensk to nizhny novgorod p16. the warmth has only arrived in the north for a day, already tomorrow in the arkhangelsk and murmon regions it will become sharply colder, it will start raining by 10 degrees, we will have to wait for the return of spring for another several days, and the southern regions were stuck in the rain in the cool, without precipitation only in the crimea, in the ozovo region in the kuban, rain and a maximum of +18, about the weather in the capitals after a pause. increase your wealth with uralsip bank, right now. in branches throughout russia with... offer for new clients: deposit-income with a high rate of up to 16.5% per annum. uralsip bank is reliably convenient. if your joints bother you when the weather changes, take rheumoflex. it helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes blood levels. uric acid. rheumaflex evalar - movement without pain in any weather. how to reduce
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joint pain without harming the stomach? rivmoflex helps reduce. joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes the level of uric acid, preventing its deposition in the joints. rivmoflex evalar, movement without pain. in st. petersburg tomorrow it will be warmer again than in sochi in the afternoon until twenty sunny. and in moscow, without precipitation, it’s also +18:20, on friday it’s also up to 20, but with rain. however, the precipitation will not linger, the weekend is sunny, but not hot yet. well, thank you. thank you, that was the weather forecast. and from evgenia neroskaya. well, now we return to the main topic of our issue, the assassination attempt on the prime minister of slovakia. robert fitsa received three gunshot wounds, two in the abdomen and shoulder, when he went out into the street after a government meeting in the city of gandlovo. he was flown by helicopter to the city of banska bystrica, since transportation to bratislava would have taken longer, and the wounded man required urgent surgery.
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slovak officials said fitz's life was in danger. shooter was. detained on the spot by the prime minister's security. according to local press reports, he turned out to be a seventy-one-year-old oppositionist from the slovak city of levica. investigators are now looking into his motives, the slovak parliament believes. these are the main news at this hour right now detective dolphin, premiere at 22:15, detective series emergency exit, well, we are igor peltaev and aina nikolaeva, thank you for your attention, all the best to you.
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okay, here's the second one.
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vaska, come to me, my daughter, vaska, come!


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