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tv   Obyavlen v rozisk  NTV  May 16, 2024 3:35am-4:21am MSK

3:35 am
master, master, hey! it's time, there's still a boy's corpse in the kitchen.
3:36 am
yes, dmitry vladimirovich, gena, yes, hello, i will need you today. so come, please, and here, my condolences, taras evgenievich, thank you, thank you, hello, listen, i must be nearby, so you stay in the office, and i will be family, as you say, one question, you already know, what happened to vadim, yes, and what happened, well, it so happened that vadim escaped from custody, was in...
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“i don’t feel well, i’m also very tired, it’s hard for me too, but this is life, you know, yes i have to go through all this, i also can’t get it in my head that vadim, i ’ve known vadim since childhood, and i don’t believe that he could kill, and i don’t believe, no one believes, but it’s a fact, vadim turned out to be guilty, i don’t know, i wouldn’t cut off vadim right away.” he has a daughter and a company, although she can’t manage it yet, there are us, yes, 7 years old, 7 years old, girls, she already knows that her father killed her mother , it’s a very sad tale, we have to go, if there’s something about vadimi, then i have to go after the first one, of course,
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they’re smoking, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, i’ve already given up, i’ve already i gave up, alice, why are you so little, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it. we see, no, i’ve already given up, look, there’s nothing, nothing happened, hold on, or better yet, introduce me to your friend , my wife, alice, a beauty, a journalist, alice, very nice, gennady, gena, by the way, doesn’t like me at all , everything is much more serious, who is the man-powder, the man-orchestra, where is
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the friend, yes, yes, so you sat at the same desk together, that’s not the word, not only did you sit at the same desk together, we went to kindergarten together, what are you talking about, i really only know how to do it in my head stand, but it’s good, in general , divide everything he says in half, i will divide by 16, but only when i tell you, everything, everything, everything, i understand, i’m leaving, i’m leaving, what,
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lord, alice, alice. guys, how do you like this puzzle, look, i think the angry owners helped, rogo? for which they paid, they didn’t even resist, poor fellows, such horns need to be shot right away, so you first find him, and when you find him, bring him to me, i need him alive, we’ll bring him, we’ll bring him, i feel sorry for the boy, why, but as you wanted, he is a witness, by the way, sanych, where is the dog, so i called,
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comrade captain, you just want us to sit here until the evening, where is the dog, there they are, you’re lucky, denis called, called, and he’s still at potapoy’s. i see, hello, here 's the initial data, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, search, search, search, search, search, here, right? search, search, search, search, search, but why, search, search, that’s it, the trail is lost, he left either by bus or by car, he took the car, rather by bus, well done, on the twenty-seventh, he
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left about an hour ago, sanych, go find out how long does it take to arrive in moscow at which station, and i, our ranks, may need a task force, hello, and 27.
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be careful, please don’t disturb people.
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the twenty-seventh is approaching, i understand, everyone get ready to detain a particularly dangerous criminal, use weapons only as a last resort, i need him alive.
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what are you doing there? i found the machine. did you see this? well, maybe yes, maybe not. so maybe or yes? well, this one with a beard, that one without a beard, sat there near the window, but only he came out earlier, where? well, as soon as we entered moscow, he came out. your mother. well, nothing, it’s even
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more interesting, i hope, no, no, issues of state support are not resolved so quickly, why, because? because i didn’t know anything about your claims last night, of course, but first you need to discuss it with your faction, that is, not earlier than next tuesday, not earlier, thank you, i can’t add anything more, everything is fine.
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yes, great, citizen, deputy, you can speak, then listen, i picked up the boys for whom you and i fought, but i don’t watch the horns, the meltas are dangling around circle back and forth, it seems empty, i’m here behind them, like a little horse too, so what? maybe you have other exits on rogovo, you never know, well, whatever you say, we can go for a ride.
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well, there are these, i would like a new sim card, but what operator? yes, the cheaper the better, well, i understand you, dear, what are you doing? ring as much as you want, friend, i only have 500, well , what can’t you do for a good person, hold on, brother, head of cabbage, call for good health, remember me again, thank you, come on, come on, kena, this is
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vadim, i’ve arrived, here? comrade major, if i were you jennifer lopez policed, and so, back view, god, what a clip i saw with her yesterday, oh, mom, she ’ll put your jennifer on the wanted list, and then we’ll hang her. rather, what's the threshold? very modestly, in the area of ​​three train stations , a woman selling pies saw him and remembered him because he bought eight pieces from her at once and disappeared in an unknown direction. it’s bad, bad, bad, marat, bad, but we know that he’s in moscow. and what? this doesn't make it any easier for me at all. it's easy to get lost in moscow. it is necessary to pull relatives and acquaintances. i have a mistress
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him? you're our bubblesleigh specialist. i really hope i’m just getting through this information. it's clear. your information is 0.2%, how can i go to the carpet now with such a valuable cargo? comrade major, well, firstly, you are charming, secondly, you are his nephew, thirdly, i think he definitely won’t kill you today, start digging, marat, go ahead, call the prosecutor’s office, they promised a case, they are silent, call relatives, dig, morad, i understand, i understand, and you understand what? drive, i love you, if you had come much earlier, i would be alive, wow!
3:53 am
durik, why did you shave the city? well, why there? did you sign everything for yourself? yes, after the death of ales, he was not himself, then they fed him some kind of nonsense during the season, of course they sat down, sign here, sign here, i. so what are we going to do? in short, i need money and my anonymous account in a belgian account, if you arrange it, we’ll do it. i’m still worried that my escape will be accepted, don’t worry,
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everything is fine, masha is with her, and menshka is also looking after her. with dima, you ’re still on the same page, by the way, but of course, he’s the owner, i’m an employee, dmitry vladimirovich, he believes that i did it, let’s find those who killed alice, and then we’ll figure it out, that’s it, come on. “so there’s a man wandering around moscow, who already has three dead bodies, plus five more who died in an accident, dashingly, tell me, what the hell made me buy this chinese one, all
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the general’s salary for light bulbs goes to batteries, how’s the body doing?” and what does aunt gal have to do with smoothly moving off the topic? no, i just liked her eggplants, eggplant, you say, maybe you’d better share your plans for the horn, what will you do? i’ll share, i’ll work out the connections, but he couldn’t fall through the ground, will get caught somewhere. come in, can you, come in, sit down, what do you say? i 'm talking about yesterday's incident, a weapons examination from the district, m, m, i listen, i listen, all three berets are clean, as if they had just come from the factory, although the numbers are often filed off, the bullets
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that killed the paddy wagon drivers are of a different caliber, but what are you talking about? , they were shot, most likely, uh, caliber 7.62, one shot, that is, in any case they would not be chosen, there is one more thing. i found out that the forensic examination of alesa rogovo’s body was carried out by my institute professor, and what does this tell us? sergey edgarych understands the psychology of murder very accurately, and you can simply clarify the character of the killer, is this unnecessary? no, this could be useful, so let denis do it, we’ll organize a meeting. yes, i'm ready, right now. but we agreed, i’ll call you in the evening, great, anything else? yes, i’m looking at you, what a beautiful
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couple, you fools, oh, okay, get out of my sight and work! thanks for the medical expert, i didn’t think to contact him myself. he said, in general, if you haven’t changed your mind, come, he’s not angry, but you, it’s impossible with
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talk to you, now, evgenich, rely on me, thank you, dima, yes, thank you, you helped us so much. how it happened, only you are left with us, alone, only you, no one else, everything is under control.
3:59 am
well, vadya, it seems they’ve arrived, i don’t know what it’s like here, but they said it’s a reliable place. “here’s a reliable guy for you too, he served as an opera man in the central district, now in a private agency, call, he’ll help, thank you, tomorrow, i’m needed, i’ll talk to people, and there will be, be careful, if anything happens , i’m nearby, i know,
4:00 am
say, it’s me, vadim rogov, lyosha sent me, i came from him, i came to you, i understand. well, hello, vadim rogov, hello, what’s your name? kostya, mechinny, write it down or remember? lyosha shilo said that you can help me, what they are looking for me for, i
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need freedom of action. car, security. there is something i need to be sure that they won't find me, yet. for now? until i find my wife's killers. lyosha shila told me that you are a normal guy. so i'm done with the car, fighter, do you have any other requests? i really want to sleep. hi, thanks.
4:02 am
marad, when did you make a request to them, and just yesterday, no seriously, oh my, why are these gentlemen prosecutors running so slowly, i call him on his mobile phone on a landline, no one picks up the phone, maybe i should go to the prosecutor’s office myself and personally talk to... these assistant prosecutors, a normal idea, by the way, let's go to the prosecutor's office without a case about the murder of alisa rogova, don't come back, i understand, major beletsky is listening, hello, denis andreevich, hello, junior counselor of justice, i'm very glad to hear from you, yes , i wanted to know how the search for rogov is progressing, they would have caught him a long time ago, but to be honest, without the case of rogov’s murder of his wife, it’s impossible to do so, when will you give it to us for
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review? well, no problem, prepare an official request, and you have had it for a long time since yesterday, we have confirmation from your office. oleg ivanovich, a huge request, take this issue under your control, and how can i communicate with the investigator who led this case? what was his name? this is a memory, really, you need to look for the matter, but you know what, i’ll dig into it personally in papers. i will find a copy of the case and immediately let you know when to come to you for a copy? no, as soon as the case falls into my hands, i ’ll call you right away, yes, denis andreevich, i’ll call you right away, all the best, they’re stupid, and i spoke correctly, right, completely, i think that if the cops.. .
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will do the horning for a fee, nothing bad will happen, right? so, if they find rogov, he won’t get through to us anyway, right, yeah, so, that means you hand over the case to them, send them a copy of the file, yeah, so that rogov doesn’t accidentally go further than necessary galloped, yeah, okay. yes, you’re more lively, uh-huh, i said, you’re more lively, yes, of course, well, start the car.
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andrei, rogov, half an hour ago i spoke with major biletsky, he told me that you are free, and that you have a double murder, what a double murder, some uncle and nephew at the dacha, you understand that i did not kill, you see what is happening, i need your help, you will be my lawyer, the first thing you need to do is surrender to the police, well , will i surrender or not, this is the twentieth question, tell me, will you represent my interests? if you triple the fee, i agree. okay, what do you want to achieve? not guilty, life sentence for those who killed my wife. well, first you need to get all the documents that directly relate to your case, witnesses, tests, in fact, the case itself, the main examination. how can i help? you? find the medical examiner who, excuse me, performed the autopsy on your wife. for what? to
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understand who killed, you need to figure it out directly. how he killed, you need to talk to the forensic expert first of all, okay, i’ll tell you got it, thank you, how can i find you, i ’ll find you myself. “i just spoke with vadim rog, he is here in moscow. masha, you are an honest person, right? in that case , let us know when he appears, if he appears. please do not forget, vadim is suspected of committing three murders. thank you for your understanding, all the best." what's new? it seems that rogov was at the cemetery where his mother-in-law was buried. one of the cemetery workers called and said that he had seen his photo in the newspaper. and then 15 minutes later he walked past him in a baseball cap, jackets and most importantly
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shaved. or maybe it wasn't rogov? rogov, there is one more argument. today, in the same cemetery, one poor fellow was found in one of the dug-out graves. there are no documents, the fingers have been removed, we are going through the database. so that means another corpse, it smells like a picker, i think rogov has gone crazy, what if he shows up at the office or to friends, what will happen, and don’t fuss, unlike you, i’m calling rogovo’s relatives and friends, as for the office, no, he won’t appear there, he’ll rather contact someone. what is the name of his main partner menshikov? dmitry menshikov, but i would pay attention to the head of the security department, gennady khramenko. yes. well, let's weave wreaths. you know, as
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a child i really loved yellow dandelions; it seemed to me that they looked like little suns. yes, it really seems like it. so, gen, i got it, look, thanks, friend, yes, everything is fine, i just thought that it would be good for you. it’s nice, she’s such a beauty, very big, yes, and she needs a dad, a dad next to him, not sitting in a cage, now about the money, let’s
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meet tomorrow and i’ll give you the first tranche, let’s do it, i’ll call you in the morning and let's arrange a meeting, okay, yes, gene, i also need the forensic expert who dealt with alice. i’ll tell you what it’s for, i’ll tell you later , the main thing is to find it, throw it away, okay, we’ll do it, well, that’s it, for now, connections, bye, whoever is not hiding, it’s not my fault, oh, we wish you good health, you’re welcome, thank you. what have you come? why be rude? here, this is for you. so, this is all we have about alisa rogova.
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it doesn't look thick. what else could there be? rogova, she is not a drug addict, and certainly not a distributor. right. among the eternal documents is a key to a safe deposit box. a... where does this all lead? well, she was engaged in journalistic investigations, by the way, very interesting, there are such personalities as, for example, bayramov, a lieutenant colonel, a werewolf from drug control, or, for example, watermen, and the owner of the club on the koshirka, in general, these are only those whom she managed print, how many were in development, and where they are, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, i understand that you are hinting at those who, besides her husband , benefited from the death of alisa rogova? you're thinking correctly, do the horny thing, do the horny thing, petya, that's a thought, thank you, good luck, thank you,
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hello, this is the ticket. katya, please issue me a warrant to issue me the key to the safe deposit box from alisa rogova’s eternal documents, do it very quickly, as best you can, because it’s for you. captain krupitsin is already running, just tell him that your evening is busy, because you know him, yes, why are you sitting, fly, fly, fly. oh,
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masha, hello, hello, dim, for some reason you come to us often, i visited your father, you visited, you don’t love me, masha, yes, but i really like you, seriously, and what am i supposed to do now, i’m about to faint , not really, you can just go to the aquarium if, like dad , you ate well. yes, he doesn’t eat anything, he just drinks juice, freshly squeezed, freshly squeezed, i’m tired, well, vadim, how i went, everything is fine, so to speak. kostya, lyosha and artyom were killed,
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but you think it’s me, you believe me, lyokha, i believe you, and you don’t look like a murderer. vadim, who killed a man, has different eyes, oh, lyokha, lyokha, lyokha, i spent 4 years in the zone with him, near magadan, and he saved my life, look for this freak, vadim, i ’ll help you.
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marsh, are you following me? gen, i want with talk to you.
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gen, it just seemed to me that yesterday in the car, in yours, i saw vadim, i’m a fool, right? you just understand, i never, never believed that vadim killed alisa, mash, and i also don’t believe that vadim killed alisa, they are looking for him, everyone who knows him is under suspicion, we must be careful, i understand that, i major beletsky already called, asked to call me if i see vadim, i think that... “if vadim appears, then we will decide what to do next,
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i promise you, if i find out something about him, i will call, thank you.
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sergei egarovich, your door is open, it’s me, vadim.
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roto, stop, igor, remove the barrel, then you’ll leave, denis andreevich, let’s go through the attic, i’ll go to the next entrance.
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friend, wait, i told you, he’ll leave. stop, rogal, wait, we’ll sort it out later, let’s get into the car, the situation is like this, i found it, it doesn’t matter how, well, what will the deputy do, okay,
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okay, we’ll do everything technically, i understand. cool, so we went for a ride, yeah.


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