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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 16, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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friendship and partnerships on a national scale. vladimir putin began a two-day visit to china. artificial coma after a four-hour operation. latest status information.
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forces that directly threaten the security of all countries, vladimir putin and i noted the need to resolve the palestine-israel conflict on the basis of a un resolution. china and russia are also in favor of resolving the ukrainian crisis. china's position is clear, it is compliance with the un charter. the chinese country hopes for a speedy restoration of peace and is ready continue its constructive role. our negotiations once again demonstrated that the approaches of russia and china to many... the united nations and its security council, international law, cultural and civilizational diversity, are verified. a balance of interests of all participants
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in the world community; from this position, russia and china are interacting fruitfully in brix, where russia is chairing the shanghai cooperation organization this year, the presidency of which will pass to china in july. well, before that, on the main square beijing tianyan hosted a solemn welcoming ceremony for vladimir putin, the guests were greeted by a company of honor guard, the presidential aurus drove up to the house of the people . chinese leader sijin ping was personally waiting for putin. the heads of state exchanged warm handshakes, but then briefly talked on their feet. today the leaders are expected to take part in a gala evening to mark the seventy-fifth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations and the opening of the cross-years of culture between russia and china. the russian leader will also meet with the prime minister of the state council of the people's republic of china, litsyan. as presidential aide yuri ushakov noted, the prc ...
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is not afraid to express its point of view, which does not coincide with the mainstream of the collective west. chronology of events and the first footage of the interrogation of the suspect by sergei kholoshevsky. his condition has now been stabilized; as for the attacker, the prime minister’s security detained him immediately; he is a one-year-old man from the city of leivice. the police initially
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did not disclose his name, but local media reported that shot at the prime minister was a writer and supporter of the opposition party progressive slovakia, juraj cintula, born fifty-three.
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mass unrest is gaining momentum, about 200 rioters have already been detained, local authorities were forced to request help from mainland france. 500 french troops landed on the archipelago and took control of the most important facilities: the ports and the capital's air harbor. a state of emergency was introduced , social networks were blocked, unrest and pogroms grew for several days and resulted in real street fights. plumes of smoke from fires rise above the capital; rioters have burned dozens of cars and even several buildings. the clashes began against the backdrop of paris's attempt to pass a new electoral law, which for the indigenous population of caledonia means that supporters of its independence will in fact lose the opportunity to achieve sovereignty through a referendum. such a plebiscite on the islands has already been held four times; once the supporter of secession from
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france lacked only a few percent of the votes. now realizing that they they want to deprive them of their last hope, people took to the streets, but paris is ready to take action. force so as not to lose dependent territory, especially against the backdrop of the fact that literally over the last six months, french troops were asked to leave several african countries at once, where france had maintained its presence since the 19th century. washington cannot decide how exactly to help its israeli ally. the americans can provide weapons and money, but at the same time, the white house is very afraid of serious escalation in the middle east. the president biden is ready to send a billion dollars to israel, however. advisers beg him not to rush, how helping an overseas ally has turned into an acute internal political issue for the united states itself, our american correspondent, alexey veselovsky, looked into it. the white house seems to be completely confused whether to help israel or not, and if to help, then how? last week, biden unexpectedly
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announced that he would not supply certain types of bombs to tel aviv, sparking an outcry from the right. now the american administration has probably decided muffle criticism. announcing the preparation of a deal to sell weapons to israel worth a billion dollars, but this did not calm passions at all. the weapons promised by biden will arrive in israel within several years, and the republicans. you know the administration has announced arms sales to israel, but what you probably don't know is that these sales have nothing to do with the current conflict, the arms sales they announced won't be ready for another few years, so they continue delay supplies to israel. they want biden legally force all aid to be provided to israel, without any exceptions and as quickly as possible. otherwise , republicans are threatening to suspend the salaries of us secretary of defense austin,
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secretary of state blinken and some other white house officials. the president's recent statements suggesting he would withhold supplies to israel are appalling, completely unacceptable, and a slap in the face to both parties who recently voted to support our greatest ally. biden said his support for israel is ironclad but we see that this is not so, all this at the very time when israel needs weapons and help. we see our president denying them exactly what they need to win. before the dinner that the us president hosted for military commanders at the white house, journalists tried to clarify biden’s position on israel, but he chose silence. but. responded to trump, although we don’t live, in a carefully edited video message. biden agreed to debate with
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the ex-president. trump lost the debate to me twice and has not appeared at the debate since then. now he pretends that he wants to meet me again. agreed, buddy. i'll even do it twice. let's pick some dates, donald, i hear you're usually free mid-week. this is subtle trolling of trump, who really has a window in the middle. all other days, except weekends, he must attend hearings of the new york court in the case of “secret payments to porn actress stormy daniels; wednesday is a day free from the process, but biden’s mockery did not work, the candidates’ headquarters had previously agreed hold a debate on june 27, which is thursday and september 10, which is tuesday, trump wrote on social networks, fraudulent joe biden is the worst person i have met at the debate, he cannot string two sentences together, i am ready and willing to participate in debates with con artist joe twice. at the suggested times in june and september. moreover, trump agreed to very unfavorable conditions for himself:
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firstly, the debate will take place on the platforms of the liberal television channels cnn and abc; america has not yet forgotten the scandal of 2016, when cnn anchor donna breazele leaked questions to hillary clinton ahead of her debate with trump. it really didn't help hillary. and at the request of the biden campaign, the debate will be held without a live audience in the hall, perhaps so that it won’t turn out like in 2020. trump offered biden another third round on the pro-republican fox news channel, but the us president has not yet responded, there are unlikely to be conditions for him there profitable. biden had already been thinking long enough about whether to debate with trump or not, but... expediency obviously took its toll, the us president is now behind his rival in almost all polls, so he is ready to do
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a lot to reduce this gap before the elections. alexey vasilovsky, aviaabramov, alexander gusev, ntv. usa. in russia , new restrictions may be introduced on the sale of sim cards, and we are not talking about foreigners, but about russian subscribers. business news marina pimenova. marin, what options are being discussed? for example, sell sim cards only to those who? biometrics. russia is once again planning to tighten the rules for the sale of sim cards. the measures are being discussed by the fsb and the ministry of digital development. about sources close to telecom operators told this newspaper kommersant. one of them clarifies that there are already three options: the first is that sim cards will be sold to russians using biometrics. secondly, the sale of sim cards will be allowed only in operator communication shops, in mfcs and russian post offices. the third option is that the path to a new mobile phone number will be for russia. through a digital signature, and specifically through an application called gosklyuch, where the agreement is signed
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electronically. one of the newspaper’s interlocutors says that the tightening of rules selling sim cards to russians looks logical after the authorities decided to introduce new restrictions for migrants. in april, the ministry of digital development published a bill according to which foreigners will be able to buy a sim card in russia only after they pass biometrics. moreover, all foreign citizens who already have a russian sim card will have to. sign the contract again and also submit biometrics, otherwise the number will be disconnected. the fight against gray sim cards has been going on in russia for several years; for example, the ban on the sale of sim cards without concluding an agreement began in fourteenth year. all three major american stock indices closed trading at historical highs, helped by inflation statistics in the united states. in april , monthly price growth slowed to 3% compared to four-tenths in march. and this is an argument in favor of the fact that the federal reserve will soon begin to reduce the key rate. therefore , the dollar has fallen in price against other currencies; the exchange rate against the ruble at
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these minutes remains at 91.06. the russian stock market begins its sixth day. it is reported that now the two media corporations will jointly promote technological developments in the media, strengthen joint work
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in news broadcasting and exchange expertise on issues of media development. all. thank you, marina pimenova, for business news. this background of russian-chinese relations contrasts extremely sharply with the chinese-american relations. there is a reverse movement towards confrontation. it has been warming up with washington for several years now, and now us pressure on china is only gaining momentum. right now, washington is waging a real trade war against beijing, including in the auto industry. where are the chinese electric cars are head and shoulders above their american competitors. the usa responds. by introducing new duties, and the heads of world automakers, even western ones, called such actions by the united states a shot in their own wheel. from china, reporting by ksenia nekrasova. the western press called this chinese seagull, a small electric car seagal from the chinese automaker, a nightmare for the united states, with a price of
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about 12 thousand dollars. he is able to travel 400 km without recharging and would easily overtake his own. american competitors, if the tariffs not introduced by biden, which included for chinese electric vehicles in the red states , having raised tariffs fourfold to a record 100%, the head of the white house assured that this is how america ensures fair competition, primarily for itself. i want to be clear, americans can buy any car they want, be it gas, electric or hybrid. we will never allow china to unfairly control the market for these cars, period. trying to justify the inability of american products to compete with chinese ones, states. the success of the middle kingdom is explained by large government subsidies and accuse china of making electric cars too cheap. in beijing , the us decision was called a standard of protectionism and
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a continuation of the policy of duplicity, the ultimate goal of which is to suppress chinese development. exports goods where they have a comparative advantage, this is called free trade, but when other countries do the same, it is called excess capacity, in our parlance, it is to prevent others from doing what they do themselves. according to analysts, in 10 years every second car sold in the world will be electric, and this is the future. china had the foresight 20 years ago when it relied on electric cars, ensuring a full cycle of domestic production. from the creation of lithium batteries to the finished product, and adding to this futuristic design and high-tech filling, at a relatively affordable price. a green number in china is precisely an indicator that the car is electric, unlike the same western countries, in the prc there have been no electric cars for a long time luxury, means of transportation. many models here cost the same as their gasoline
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counterparts, while for owners of electric vehicles, the largest in the world has been developed. charging network of more than 6 million points. after china has become the leader in the production of batteries for electric cars, without green technologies from china, neither ford nor bmw will go far, even tesla has chinese batteries, which biden also dealt his pre-election blow and imposed twenty-five percent tariffs on them. olaf scholz has already criticized the decision of the head of the white house the swedish prime minister called washington's measures a shot in the arm. signal and risks bringing the entire global auto industry to a standstill. trade protectionism only harms production and businesses, it harms the electric mobility transition and
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the healthy development of the auto industry, which is already growing on a global scale. at the same time , the head of the ministry of finance hopes that beijing will not take retaliatory action, but in order to ruin western auto giants, chinese consumers will simply have to boycott them. last year american. motors has sold more than 2 million cars in china, which is more than in the united states, so beijing will not remain silent about the trade war unleashed by washington, the chinese foreign ministry promised, adding that they will do everything to protect their own interests. ksenia nekrasova anastasia vishnyakova, especially for ntv. next, a short advertisement, after which we will talk about the aerobatic performance of drone operators in the northern military district zone, why did the heads of the ministry of emergency situations come to the tyumen region? ministry of construction.
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the avdeevka area, and so on. they themselves helped motorized rifle units move forward; in the northern sector, tula paratroopers liquidated an infantry group and an ammunition depot. active hostilities now they are moving in the donetsk direction, where reconnaissance drones are of particular importance. with their help, operators aim artillery at the area's fortifications and transmit data to assault troops. report by maxim berezin. how quickly reconnaissance means changed at the front, former donetsk militiaman sparrow. he received his main experience not in the training center, right on the battlefield, he ended up in the training center from sparta, learned a little, started working with artillery for the first time, it started to work out, the brigade realized that it was advisable,
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they started humanitarian aid... flying drones and more or more began to spread, after that the drops from maviks began to spread, it was also very effective, but the peak of this effectiveness is now the most necessary thing. unmanned units of the 110th brigade of the 1st army corps operate in the donetsk direction, aim artillery with their copters at the fortifications of the ukrainian armed forces area, provide advanced information to the assault troops and hunt for enemy equipment. the conditions of combat work are very different, from a shelter, from a forest plantation, sometimes you have to lift it. fields, the crew is constantly at great risk, the enemy carefully monitors the eyes of the advancing attack aircraft and does not spare drone pilots, nato missiles, or shells to defeat the two fighters. the crew does not always have the opportunity to work from protected positions, for example, from dugouts; sometimes they have to go out into some closed spaces, for example, such dense forest belts, while they only have a few minutes to launch the drone and not unmask themselves. according to the fighters, the enemy does not carry the direction himself drone, control panel, thereby trying
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to calculate. camouflaged position of the operator and cover it with fire, we work from the remote control, yes , there is a remote control, the remote is located somewhere, well, relatively speaking, yes, there is 50 meters from us, we are sitting in the dugout, well, that is, the dugout is fortified, well then there is even if it pills, well, that is, they won’t cover us right away, but there’s artillery or, let’s say, the same thing, the best uav crews are former reconnaissance officers, because they know how to camouflage and work without giving themselves away, target priorities our fighters have shifted from the enemy, knocking out first... a branch means disrupting, for example, the exit of an assault group. goal number one: we ourselves work in exactly the same way, if we find artillery, or we see remote antennas, that is, this is an fpv crew or a mavic crew, priority goes to them, since they serve the same artillery. there are not as many copters in the body as we would like, but no one will save them. a drone at the front is consumable and rarely lasts more than a few missions. the lives of fighters who don't have to going on an assault without air reconnaissance is disproportionately more expensive, as
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howling commanders often say. divisions maxim berezin, maxim ushanov, sergey pakhtyukov, ntv, donetsk people's republic. the heads of the ministry of emergency situations and the ministry of construction of russia arrived in the tyumin region today; they will have to assess how the region is fighting the advancing water and eliminating the consequences of a large-scale flood. this, by the way, is the first working trip of federal ministers after their reassignment, but not the first visit to tyumen during the current flood. heads departments have already reported on the operational situation in the south of the tyumen region along the current. of the ishim river, its levels are decreasing, the water has receded by 8 cm per day. rescuers have begun restoration work, experts are carrying out sanitary treatment of areas freed from water. however, north of ishim, another large river, the irtysh, overflows its banks. it has already flooded more than 300 houses, and dams in villages are being urgently strengthened. the situation in tyumen's neighbor, the omsk region, where the irtysh also flows, is becoming more complicated every hour. in
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ustishimsky. residents publish on social networks footage from suburban areas where garden plots of the recreation center are located, while at gauging stations on the tom river, indicators do not yet exceed critical levels. the most tenacious athletes, the leaders of russian rock climbing, are competing in moscow these days. i'm about to receive not only the title of russian champions, but also a ticket to the world friendship games. alina repina, about artificial rocks and real trials.
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arseny kubchek talks as if he is staging a ballet, but no, he is the main director bouldering routes at the russian championship. a scary man makes people stretch this way and that on vertical cliffs. this is an olympic sport, it also includes difficulty climbing at speed, on such high, that is, long routes. sometimes it seems to us that the holds on our way up are too slippery and small, look at this hold, it is wide. 4 mm, but on this someone manages to catch up, speed athletes, that is, those who work for speed, have the same track , all over the world for about 20 years now, here boulderers are different every time. for boarding, the routes are short, but terribly
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difficult, it is a 100% sprint. it works like this: the athlete enters the site only then sees the route for the first time, he tries it on for 2 minutes, and then climbs up within 4 minutes, the number of attempts is not limited. the main thing is to crawl to the finish line for a few seconds and stay there, it doesn’t always work out. let's see if lionti has enough strength for this powerful movement, he was very close now, we watched the broadcast of the championship with the whole department and, unexpectedly for ourselves, we couldn’t come off, you see a guy in a red t-shirt, he climbs like spiderman, i exclaimed in the messenger, looking at him, our producer ulyana was right, a twenty-five-year-old muscovite, nikolai erilovets became the first among men, at least to... a superhero, he has a relationship like that himself, spider-man, he climbs on some kind of fluff, and it doesn’t matter to him what kind of coating is there, but we are without fluff, we are with our training, long classes, a bunch of all sorts of trails, worn out skin, torn skaldiks and so on
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we develop, and yes, we look like a person, which there is something here, the girls were won by eighteen-year-old nastya zaikova from novosibirsk, she was sent to the climbing wall as a child in company with her brother, her brother abandoned her, and nastya stayed from... became the champion of russia, they interfered with her, she says, during her performance, thoughts about victory, it seemed to me that i was going to win, and these thoughts encouraged me, and also confused me a little, because i hadn’t done it yet, and why did i already have these thoughts, it was as if it was palpable, as if there was gold , i have it all, now the champions will go to world friendship games, they will be held in september, in moscow and yekaterinburg, where, by the way, there is a traditionally strong climbing school. the selection for the game continues, tomorrow the workers and speedsters will be scrambling for tickets. alina repina, ulyana talpa and artemy chenkov, ntv, moscow. that's all for now, thank you for being with us, all the best and see you soon! how
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to reduce joint pain without harming the stomach? rheumoflex helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes the level of uric acid, preventing it. it helps reduce pain in joints without damaging the stomach, and also normalize the level of uric acid. rheumaflex evalar - movement without pain in any weather. and now about the weather for tomorrow, good morning. on european soil, cooling is on the agenda. alas, the scandinavian anticyclone does not hide its nordic character. there will be no significant precipitation, there will be few clouds, but it will get colder by five degrees, and in some places by eight. the cold front, meanwhile, is slowly moving south, through moscow, vladimir and ryazan. by the end of the day it will cover the black earth region and the middle volga region. we are not expecting heavy rains,
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light precipitation is predicted, but the temperature will become lower. in the south there is still no change. in the rostov region in the krasnodar territory, the rains continue. true, they are no longer so intense. there will be thunderstorms in places and wet snow is possible in mountainous areas at night. on the black sea coast during the day 13-18°, in crimea no precipitation and about 20. in st. petersburg cloudy with clearings during the day +16:18, in moscow light rain and up to 20 degrees are possible. why are you looking at me like that, i always approach you like that, i’m the coolest. in the city, the keys to the handcuffs are naturally, the devil left you in an old cloak, they threw you here, oh, oh, oh, sorry!


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