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tv   Delfin  NTV  May 16, 2024 8:00pm-10:16pm MSK

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it looks like he was stabbed with a knife several times, so that they would probably drag him into the booth, yeah, everyone is drunk, the door is in...
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and no one is doing anything, the murder weapon was not found, what do you think? yes, i think that it all happened by chance, in such places they don’t plan murders, witnesses can show up at any moment , i didn’t see a surveillance camera in the room, the investigator was studying the name, so stuffy for, well, let’s go, this one? mm,
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it’s wednesday, i’d like to bring things up to speed as soon as possible, i’ve already figured it all out. wow, you know him, what a surprise, tell me everything, my dear, what do you know about the deceased, well, okay, as i understand it, a face-to-face conversation is needed here, yes, yes, it’s better without strangers, our guy is from the teaching staff. how’s he doing, but it’s interesting, so it turns out that this security guard of yours has been working for you recently, yes, and not even a month has passed, he was a good guy, yeah, no complaints, nothing so far, in general, judging by the records, one of these two worked, yeah, either the one who came out first, or vashakimov, but the first one came out and dances as if nothing had happened, your akimov is clearly cheating, you can go back a little, look, yes... back, stop, stop, stop, stop,
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oh, during the war years the nazis stole gold from the banks of the occupied countries in excess of $500 million.
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do you know any of them? some have been, but not often. and the nickname is called gera. so he always stopped by more often. yeah, and also this one? why are you silent, continue, continue, don’t be shy. mr. manager should go to the investigator a long time ago, don’t be afraid of questions there, carriage. yes, there was another one, edik, so he often hangs out here.
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you guys know the last name, listen, who knows? where could this company go? what else do you want to say? speak up, grandfather, this goat, i see, did you have something? well , i used it and posted it, i didn’t even order a taxi, that is, you know his address, can you write it on a piece of paper? yes, now, captain, it’s wednesday, come here for a minute! this is what preceded the murder, which means that they still had a conflict, right before the murder,
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a classic of the genre, we will certainly work on akimov, but i doubt that it was him, and that this is so, but va netrushkin told me that? he's a great hand-to-hand fighter, you know, with i could have gotten into a fight with a security guard, and i could have continued further, but people like him, i don’t carry knives, you know, but it seemed to me, andryukh, that akimov , let’s say, wasn’t likeable to you, you were still providing information on him, well, he’s not likeable, that’s why i try to be objective. good morning, the neighbors are crying, now i’ll turn everything off, wait a minute, where is the rest of the company, where is the other group with whom you rocked at the club, and
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how do i know, they crawled into holes, it was already very bad, but this one of yours, in short , took me home, but sex hit me, i’m sorry about the rudeness of the young man, but we ’re really in a hurry, but i’m explaining to you, the cops pestered me, yes, they have a reason, mom, you don’t have to start now, but
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no, they’re not taking me to the department, but to my friend , i don’t remember the address, i’ll drive home to the address and look, yes, that’s enough, for your rude words, but a belt would be nice. with your son, and you answer, mom, then you will regret it, nothing, don’t worry, i’ll complain to mine, i didn’t understand anything except the entrance, no, okay, wait here, i got it, uh-huh, don’t worry! so they will pump it out from you something happened, my son celebrated his birthday so quickly that they took him away, gera, yes, how do you know, tell me, and his friend,
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akimov, where they both were taken away, and gerochka is completely unconscious, they are in the club. cabin boy, who cares, if those two fools are high, i have nothing to do with it, i didn’t use anything, yes, well, let’s go now to the narcological dispensary for a medical examination, i won’t go to any dispensary and i won’t take any tests, but what’s here? what happens is that you allow yourself, and i understand that you are the mother of this
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young man, and i am not just a mother, so i see your colleague recognized me immediately, so captain, how are you there, sereda, hello, anna vitalievna, well, introduce me to your... uninformed comrade, this is leiko anna vitalievna, judge of our city court, and this is the senior detective, captain korablev, well, on what basis was my son detained, he was not detained, he... “we just had a conversation with him as part of the murder investigation, that’s all. yes, but he had the right to refuse the conversation, you entered his apartment by deception, and are now illegally detaining him , and if you if you think that your actions will remain without consequences, you are deeply mistaken. edik, follow me, well, ah, they're already done.
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this, and then what about the guard at the entrance ? come on, let’s fight, before it’s too late, but didn’t i fight? yes, he saw that they were crushing me, he didn’t let me back into the club, then, apparently, he suspected something, asked what i was drinking, i say, i only drank water, then he went into the club, i followed him, he went to the toilet , i went there, and... i blew him away, then i thought that something was wrong with my head, and then i returned to the guys,
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gerka is no longer there at all, he says: take me home, but i took him, there the parents scolded us, and then left us to spend the night, how is that? so what, did you believe him? well, the story is clear, there are no traces of blood on the clothes. oh, that’s why he has names, so as not to leave any obvious marks. yes, he’s a green guy, he took him under the cameras and got into a fight. again, we didn’t catch him lying. but we didn’t catch much. or maybe this akimov himself was selling yungai in the club, and now he’s telling you fairy tales. and fairy tales are generally a favorite genre in our department, yes, major. so, korablev, come on without demagoguery. i think that when hans ran away, he was shot along with me. this
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version has already been fully worked out, well, yes, the yakimov candidate is so-so, he could have gotten information, but it might not have worked out, it should have worked for sure, but why limit yourself to the convoy service of akimov, information about the time and place of this event could have been obtained by any of us, any , that means so am i, and why not, well, that’s how you ended up there, what do you want to say, that i’m an accomplice? it’s clear to everyone, go and work, koralev,
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stay late, harunzhiy, a former drug dealer, and he’s also the brother of vislovich’s wife, these are the things, for a special check upon appointment to a position, i wish you good health, healthy, here you are, but you
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charged, moscow without a sock, we seem to be with you from the eye- they were discussing outright, well, maxim, that i also hinted, well, like that in front of everyone, why, well, you were the first to start about akimov, it’s a sin not to hit with such a pass, so i decided to see who would react how, i looked, yes, seldikov was dumb as always, veslovich twitched, but restrained himself. and you are fire, fire, that means, yes, you could really imagine that it was me, but not you, not you, no one would kill the goose that lays the golden eggs, it’s impractical, practical, i thought you’d say something about friendship, touching, but you, yes, we’re all friends here, it seems, that’s how it turns out, you found out about this burry guy with a scar, he’s not in our databases, it doesn’t work according to landmarks, okay, we’ll figure it out, i need to jump away here for a while, come on, me
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too, come on , don’t touch me, it’s more important to you with your hands, so go get them, lucy, what are you doing, put your crabs away, lucy, fuck you, buddy, you won’t help me what i need, listen, i met a guy here, good company, they even wanted to stir up one businessman, vasilkova lives, drives a car, she’s so blue. i think i remember the car, but i forgot the name, it happens to you, it happens, but there is this car, well, a guy showed up recently, it seems like his mother died in the winter, so he hangs out on her site there, rather he he’s drinking, i don’t know him, he’s such an arrogant passenger, yes, yes, that he’ll immediately wave like a nashist, yes, drink,
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so, yes, you say, it’s drinking, and is it possible to buy elite alcohol here somewhere? it’s possible, but i don’t recommend it, why? beautiful bottles, ordinary moonshine is refreshing for visiting idiots, yes, that’s just what i need for idiots, that’s what i need, but where do you say the site is? that means, straight to the left, it will immediately be on this side, thank you for quarreling, don’t quarrel, i think you said that you used to work here in the scientific field, that’s right, and how do you like the current leadership? mister tarma, or what? well, i'm a rogue, that's it, i'm like that too i think. imagine, he wants to fire the embankment. and i knew that everything was leading to this. you see, he’s afraid of her, she’s principled, she doesn’t let him handle her affairs. and what kind of business? can you tell me more details?
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can. at the megamay megamarket, there are millions of products at competitive prices, for example, split systems. with cashback up to 40%. this is a star show, a grand finale, what a finale, in this finale i will do what i do best, get a divorce. participates in the show until he gets involved again. moscow and beijing recently. became very close, he he says, the last beijing, very moscow friendship, i want to understand why in our village people are rude, because you extinguish them, what are you, who is this, yes, i collected microloans, this is their collector, money is dust, and i’m a vacuum cleaner, i’m a little worried, as
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empty-handed, by the way, it’s worth a lot of money, but somehow i’m not used to drinking in one helmet, i don’t know how, well, for some reason i don’t recognize you as a neighbor, okay, that’s right, because i work in yuzhnomorsk all the time, i’m rarely here, so are there cups? let's hit one at a time, oh, this is honey, and what kind of manners are these? stand, where, wait,
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how are you there, everything is fine. police, why are you blaming me, you creature, that new arson is not your thing, i’m burning. people who? bagel? yes, this passenger fell on my earring, i almost immediately kicked him out onto the street. so, of course, they are setting me up. bagel was hired because he's
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an asshole for sure. they’ll blame everything on me, but that’s okay, i’ll get him, i’ll shake everything out of him, everything, but i can’t allow her to continue violating labor discipline, we have a non-charitable organization, well, in two weeks everything will work out according to the law, article 261, part: and that these animals were in your center, and then disappeared somewhere, so questions may arise, where did they go, probably sold, well done, that from
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a state institution he organized a private shop? wait, this is pure speculation, it’s true, i’ll collect all the information for you and tell you, are you doing this little thing, i’m doing murders and i advise you to leave the careful one alone while you work here, you will inevitably be more careful and will not get involved with any rabble , which means you won’t become my client, in what sense a client, a corpse, a criminal. oh, korablev, you’re in a hurry, yes, probably to me for the report, and where did you go, by the way, i hope in connection with the murder case in the club or so, again on your own business, you are a ship, an operative of the homicide department and you report directly to me, or what do you think, i don’t know about your connections with borovikov, you have the same interests everywhere, you even
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managed to manage one woman. andryukh, hello, hello, hello, come on, you ’ll write a report right away, yes, of course, i’ll write it up, to the css, so that your connections can be checked, and maybe yours too, what kind of business is this between major vislovich and the drug dealer harundzhim and so am i first he got married, and only then he showed himself in all his glory, then kharunzhiy served his time and now works honestly. in the construction business, he works honestly, and you honestly protect him, so you said, well, put it aside so that i can see it for the last time, they understand, there is, there is, it would be better to get down to business, a knife was found, not far behind the club, it seems the same one,
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check the results. yes, i’m telling you for sure, we left the club, immediately got into a taxi and left, there were witnesses, you can check, especially like you yourself you say, the knife was lying to the side, therefore, i didn’t kill, it turns out that way. “we’ll find the taxi driver and check your testimony, but if your fingerprints turn out to be ours, they can’t be there, i really hope so, but for now the guy, everything is against you, and the fight under the camera, that’s why he then ran after the security guard to the toilet, and then you hastily disappeared, but drugs were found in your blood, and they drugged me, that’s what everyone says”? in short,
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the main thing now is to drop the murder charge against you, you have your whole life ahead of you, guy, you’re not stupid, you’re strong, you’ll find other uses for yourself, that is, even if i’m acquitted, i’ll still be fired, but as you thought, evgeny, they’ll keep a drug addict in the police force, and dismissal for misconduct will give the rank of an employee. still better than a shkonka, so remember every little thing, he will help you with this, come on, comrade, sit, sit, eat, thank you, thank you,
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right? now tell me how did you manage to do it? what exactly, you know, i love plain ice cream, well, ice cream, and no filling. bad hands, but the person who wants capable, happy to do them, sat without work and without a penny, reveling in his
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own pride, so is it necessary, so fair, yes, no, well, of course, i gave him several convincing arguments, but did not press him, but if i had i really pressed him, it’s funny, that’s how it’s always with me, if you want to try mine, go ahead, forgive me, please, oleg, i’m actually very grateful to you, you know, i have the feeling that i’ve been mistaken all my life. it’s also delicious with the filling, let’s go wash our hands, come on, here you go, yeah, thank you, well, why did you fall asleep there or what? come on, tell me, otherwise i have a lot of your business to do,
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well, go about your business, i’d love to, i need to solve this murder case, so come on... let me know exactly when you felt bad, at what moment, specifically , after the dance floor, what difference does it make if because of some assholes my whole life is derailed, yes, i was also recently framed here, and also with a cabin boy, and also for murder, by the way, the person whom i, in general, it doesn’t matter, so how did they leave you in the authorities? "i remembered something very important, and proved his innocence, found the killers, understand, the cabin boy is not being sprayed in the air, no one gave you an injection, maybe you
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yourself mechanically, well, drank something, come on, remember, did you remember something? " okay, then see you tomorrow, see you tomorrow, by the way, why are you stopping by the convoy service, and this has nothing to do with it, a close friend of mine works there, don’t tell me your last name yet, come on,
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let me go, come on, give it here, and you move over, andrey, i beg you, please take me to the hotel in yuzhnomorsk, andrey, there are no free rooms in yuzhnomorsk, everything is closed, the rooms are occupied, you'll live here for now, you won't embarrass me at all, i'm always at work, so... people should help each other, right? well, this is not normal, a man and a woman under the same roof, and that is, you don’t vouch for yourself, well , wait, forgive me, please, it was a bad joke, why are you deciding everything for me, cop,
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what to take from me, forgive me , i have to run, i have some work to do on the forge, you sit down while there and have something to eat, there’s probably something in the refrigerator, okay, andrey, thank you.
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goodbye, brother, i will destroy those who did this, no matter what it costs me, he will return from the other world, killed, that means killed, you yourself volunteered, but i’m tired of this, the afterlife, to hell, to find the criminals, i they sent a black mark, the fin was in the dolphin. 120 on ntv. pentalgin is a remedy against
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“don’t get under the hood, woman, guys, don’t slow down, get a medical examination, health is important here now. hello, my dear, vaska, hello, i missed you too, too, that’s how you
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always manage to find me, understand, and there are people, vasya who don’t understand a damn thing, even a good one, you want to make her better, but it doesn’t work out , i’m amazed at your positivity, vasilisa, by the way, i dreamed about you, yes, what am i worried about, you know, vaselis, until i find these scumbags. , which grandfathers... they killed my stepanych, here there will be no peace in my soul, something like this, yes, vasya, yes, something is happening here in the bay, otherwise,
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it means that you yourself pushed him to this escape, well done, to look for criminals, don't be afraid, i'm determined, idiot. doesn’t he really understand how this could turn out for him, but akimov is not guilty of murder, but he couldn’t have gone from the club to a taxi at the same time and thrown away the knife right around the corner, no fingerprints were found on the murder weapon, they were erased, so sakimova no one accuses takes it off, he could have given this knife to someone to throw it away, we need to look for it before he does anything wrong, not in his t-shirts, as he runs around the city, that means... probably either his mother or someone one of my friends, yes i know, of course, thanks to korablev we now have something to keep our personnel busy, but i’ll find him myself, i’ll be pleasantly surprised, hello, excuse me, please, hello,
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hello, you recognize me, you’re from the police, yes, so how? did you find out who poisoned my son? but no, tell me, akimov didn’t show up at your place? a, so he showed up, but for some reason you don’t want him to be captured? yes, i know my wife, from that age, he is not a criminal, he is the opposite, and that means you drown your own people, so how, with or without pleasure? yes, understand, i just want to help him, if he were a criminal, would he come running to you, and he’s being eaten up from the inside, what the hell can you think about him? at least he apologized, it was you who gave him clothes, but he didn’t say anything, well, at least something, it’s just very important, gera had a girl, so, vika, her first love, they now they are friends with her, although vika broke up with them, yeah, zhenya asked about her,
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then i had the same question. vika, hello, do you remember me? oh, well, yes, at gera’s on dnyugi in the club. how did you find out about my address? do you want his herodol? does he need something? no, he doesn’t need anything from you, he’s in a coma in the hospital. ay, i felt very bad too, the cabin boy poisoned us with drugs, maybe you know? horrible? are you a little involved in this? i, now i will explain to you. remember, i came from the dance floor and you handed me a bottle of water, i took a sip of it. i didn't drink anything else, and i immediately i set it, i took it from the table, lord, how are you, zhenya, zhenya, i swear, i didn’t know anything, i swear, forgive me, i’m in a hurry, come up, vika, that won’t do, someone asked me for this give me some water, tell me what you're doing, let me go, but wait, zhenya,
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hey, where are you going, be careful. well, akim, let’s warm up, good one, give me your hands, i’ll throw some bracelets on you, captain, let me go on good terms, and you, like with your elders, say, yes, oh, i don’t advise you, comrade captain, comrade captain, ugh , god bless, sorry, i went too far, it came out instinctively, i should have remembered your instincts,
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a good blow, this girl must have given you something to drink, yes, after which you became a little goat, well, yes, it was her, well, she might not have known , the water bottle was open. uh, closed, it seems, you see, it means that vika is not in business, so perhaps, perhaps, let’s move our brains, who set the table, who brought water, put it on the table, well, everything that was brought to the table was brought to her by the waitress , it turns out the bartender, who talked to him, who ordered did it with the bartender, edik, what a bastard, edik, let's leave him for later, more expensive for ourselves. but the bartender is an interesting story. let's go
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see him this evening. just be careful on the road, don’t get caught by us. yeah. now, wait. sorry, i have to answer. i listen carefully. i'm actually in the service. what kind of urgency is this? ah, i understand. where to go? well, you didn’t believe me, but i keep my word, get pyromaniacs, well, the delivery method, of course, is illegal, but very reliable. "who hired you to set fire, tell me, it’s okay
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didn’t set it on fire, but what, you ’re in league with the cops now, you’re catching your boys for them, skin, well, you understand skins better than me, who you sold out to, you’re going to say fuck off”? he won’t not say, stubborn people, even torturing is useless, in short , let’s take him down, guys, guys, well, wait, arthur, come on, let’s come to an agreement, with this, uh, we can’t agree, by the way, maybe you’ll take him down, like an attack by an employee or an attempt to escape, what have you ? usually they say that they should write out a bonus, but listen, yes, that’s a good idea, move away, otherwise. your brains will fly, you too, what are you doing, what are you doing in
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nature, little arthur, i'm completely lost, what a fool i am to you, little arthur, say thank you for not drowning me with a stone around my neck, they'll bury me normally in a human grave when i find him, that's it , come on, come on, don’t, please, don’t, i don’t know who hired him, it’s all my rapist, we hung out together, we agreed through him, and the child grew up big, big, yes, how to find him, no i know, well, i really don’t know, he’ll definitely return to vasilkov, the little one is in our house, he won’t find her without me, let’s go and see, well well done!
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well, then, then he’ll definitely give a damn. and you’re good, well done, what are you worried about the result, your life depends on it, in general, like a bagel, you’ll go there with me, and if you’re in the house, you’ll explain to him that i can hide from the menkh. i don’t know about your type, i missed it, i missed it, and you come in from the rear, and why are you giving orders, commander, keep in mind, any mistake is a disadvantage for you, it would be better if i didn’t take it for you, honestly, they would have handled it faster, the rest are here , waiting for the signal, we are starting viperstar, today's topic is not at ease,
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every month for free, withdraw cash from any atm, it’s not just profitable, it’s alpha profitable, which is because of this scammer department, one day, don’t quit, well, one day, if you go away. he needs it, kolya, who are you, orderlies from the morgue, a former cop and a criminal with four convictions, packed up his things out of here, emergency exit, premiere, doctor, the patient woke up, it’s too early, the anesthesiologist hasn’t come yet, so he won’t come, his well, they’ve cut it short, what’s happening, we’ll operate on you, cut off everything unnecessary, today at 22:15 on... ntv. reppa, it's me! reppa, crawl out! everything is fine! i didn't
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return. bagel! don't be stupid, you can drink as much water as you want carry me around for hours, hey, i want to say, the turnip is sitting on a campaign of treason, he has become a fool, and i’m not going to be a blind man because of him, i’ll give you all the money, arthur. i ’ll do it any way you want, just don’t kill me and get this crazy cop away from me, i’ll give you everything down to the last penny, here they are, here they are, my dear ones, i left them,
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start the car! quickly, to the ground, i slammed him down, quickly said, back up, get out of here, get out of here, get out.
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come on, go, go, go, go, go! yes, captain, i'm there, when will you be, no, no, today, come on, it won't work out, tomorrow we endure everything, i can’t talk anymore, come on, greetings from edik, to him too. hi, i’m talking about this magic water, there is, magic, just hear me, give me an idea of ​​the price, because edik was bathing then, and i don’t remember the ruble, come on,
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yeah, great, just stand, stand, don’t rock the boat, i said , so guys, who will be witnesses? well, i have to agree with your immediate superior, major vislovich? and you, andrey, have one headache. i don't think this is just arbitrariness. captain korablev deliberately did not say that he was pursuing a criminal who is borovikov's man. obviously, acting in the interests of this same borovikov, captain korablev, in his characteristic manner, thought that he could solve this problem in an unofficial way. well, i've decided. comrade. lieutenant colonel, i
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insist on an internal investigation. the only good thing about this situation is that now we at least know exactly who is behind these arson attacks, namely artur borovikov. it’s not a fact, his man was most likely bought out, but this is a kharunzhiy, who else is working in whose interests here? big question, go with the patient don't lose your head. i read the testimony of the truck driver, and he claims that... two cars were not involved, the second car fled the scene of the crime with the permission of the captain of the ship, it just disappeared, there’s no need to make too much stuff up here, that’s what it is, sorry for barging in , that's who pushes the cabin boy in the club, viia superstar, premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv.
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sportmaster represents norsland, an austrian brand of outdoor gear. order and pay in installments in the sportsmaster mobile application. when you're an adult it’s so easy to forget that joy lives within us and doesn’t need a reason. joy can be found in every moment, seen where you don't expect it. the holy spring fills life with joyful moments. the source of joy is in you. your source. the prime minister's emergency exit is today at 22:15 on ntv. before his death, the security guard clearly realized who was pushing the drugs. do you understand what i'm getting at? i didn't know anything about it. i didn't know this guy at all. with what guy? with this? yeah. and why you? what exactly he killed, i saw how
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this one went on the way out to catch his breath, and this one from the photograph of the judges rubbed him, came to me and said: talk about the cabin boy to the cops, you’re not a jerk, then he went to the toilet, soon the guard followed him, i didn’t see the guard alive again, that means this unknown person before the conversation i got into trouble with you and someone, so what about you? you weren’t watching him, right, you were watching someone you know very well and who was freaking out because of this, who was it? edik, he's pushing the cabin boy.
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hi, hi, something happened, but it’s not right, i’m just breathing air, can i do the same with you? i’ll take a breath, today is just a crazy day, i keep forgetting to ask how it’s going, danka, but the quitter wants everything, it’s hard for him, getting up, lights out, eating, everything is on schedule. well, this is an endurance exercise, he asks to go home, yes, uh-huh, he asks, i don’t understand, he seemed to want to be a sailor himself, i didn’t put pressure on him, but that’s normal, it’s always so hard at first, let me talk to him, well, not now , now it’s probably too late, tomorrow, come on, thank you,
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where are you going? we will continue now. edik, let's continue another time. went out. did i say something unclear? what do you want? open up, the conversation is urgent. it's better that the neighbors don't hear. “it’s better to talk about what, without unnecessary ears, about captains and cabin boys, and who is this, get out of here, hurry up, come on, asshole, what
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other captains, izubard captains, you seem to be with them already.” tom, your mother warmed them up and now they are preparing a response for you, because of this , the cabin boys specifically flattened me, even makrukh in the club wanted to tell a story about me. now they will definitely kick me out of my organs. i'm counting on your help. for my help? cop, you're nothing confused? i don't care about your problems. and now they are not only mine, eduard, the barman betrayed you, he was persecuted, he started to leak that he almost caused a flood, so soon they will come to you with a ban, the decree has already been signed, if they find a cabin boy in your place in enough quantity to bring him under distribution, then you're thirteen! and no mother, no judge will help you, and i have nothing, well , that’s wonderful, then i went, and you think what to do, and i hope that you will thank me, good luck, duh.
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yes, what kind of deal can there be with the hooked ones, they they are murderers, i would... with my own hands, yes , i understand you, pasha, i understand, they will go to prison for a long time, i promise you that, but first they must tell me about this young man, they are silent about this, of course, yes how do they know this
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? serious suppliers, and through them ... you rely on these brothers for all cover the network? fantastic, it sounds somehow, because then they will need to promise something in return, bargain with these freaks, this cabin boy is spreading throughout... it’s worse than some kind of infection, there are more and more serious crimes, including murders, including me , pasha, to stop this, i’ll make a deal with anyone, anytime, okay? at
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there will only be one on saturday at 21:20 on ntv. the general partner of the show is vtb bank. everything will work out. via superstar, premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. i am something good, something better. and i'm useful.
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a free credit card from alpha bank with a whole year without interest. get a supercake withdraw cash for free in rubles for all purchases. not just profitable, alpha profitable. all is good. i have never had such norms before, i have norms of waking up earlier than before, rising above myself and circumstances. find the strength to do what you have been putting off, devote time to the most important things, when sports are the norm of life, everything is fine for me, gain energy on emergency exit, premiere, today at 22:15 on ntv. this t-shirt needs to be washed immediately, but running a washing machine is expensive. and washing by hand kills the skin of your hands and your manicure. stop compact lotos washing machine from leamax is ideal for... a large amount of laundry, children's clothes, socks, t-shirts, underwear, quick wash without overpayments for water and
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if he goes home, or about his business, that means he hid it in the garage, we’ll find witnesses, we’ll conduct a search, everything will be according to the letter of the law, and not like you did in the club , that now you can’t even start a business, you have to think ahead, zhenya, your mind should be like that of a good chess player, 16 moves ahead, okay, i’ll buy chess. give it back. i'll give it to you, puppy, to the side, crawl away.
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he burns the evidence, we need to take him, but where without witnesses, his mother will tear us to shreds, we cannot charge him with the sale, security, well , he will say, he found it, did not know what it was, he decided to destroy it, which is what he does. actually, korablev is called provocation of a crime, if everything had worked out for you, you yourself would have ended up under the article, and akimov was also involved, by the way, how he worked, it’s great,
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he would have made an excellent opera, of course, one artist promotes another. to this akimov after all this history, the road is only to the national economy. but what a story, you know that akimov is not guilty of drug use, and we don’t have enough detectives in our department. akimov, will you go to the opera? pavel maksimovich, yes, i, i, i, anything, just not in my department, will you allow me? oh, great, great, judging by the radiant smile, i dug up something, otherwise, right after akimov’s visit, idwardly. made a call to one number, registered to the deceased old man in starorossiysk, the number is not active often, mainly in starorossiysk, well, judging by the billing in the time of the murder of the security guard, its owner was also in the club, and he also calls the staraya rossiya club, mainly from the port area, which means it is possible that he works right there, hmm, wednesday with
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koravlev, tomorrow you are going to the airport, yes, in the morning i will sort out the formalities, where, where, where, to the airport? which airport? to the port of korablev. go and work. yes, i have. eat. akimov, free. eat. hello, son, hello. now uncle andrey wants to talk to you. yeah, i'll give you the phone. hello, danya, great, how is it in your camp, yes, yes, my mother said, listen, i understand you very well, i was little too, i thought, and i’m tired, i’ll give up, i can’t, you know, i stopped you, i thought, suddenly there’s only
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one step to victory, such a small step, but i’ll endure - it’ll take me a little while to achieve my goal, and then i’ll decide whether i need it or not... no, i believe in you, dan, you’re great, well, thank you, and i ’ll pass the tube to your mom, but i understand, come on , bye-bye, they announced curfew, went to bed, well, it seemed to work, thank you, good, you can do it with children, not everyone can do that. salad you will, come on, the opera means they are going, well, thanks for the information.
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“i wanted to find out about my childhood friend, it seems he works for you at the port here, so ask the personnel department, you still need to go there, but the captain of the ships, is he listed in the personnel department, i just don’t know, captain, he or not chernevich surname, nikolai romanovich, yes, knock-knock-knock, andryukha, i haven’t seen you for 100 years, how glad i am to see you, you’re healthy, meet my colleague, captain sereda, oleg, nikolay, well, with subordinates, nikolay is better romanovich, what rank are you, me too captain, but in the police, you are the captain, and i am the captain, it turns out there are two captains, my favorite book was in childhood, well, sit down, tea
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, coffee, better later, we need to find one little man, and the sooner the better, it is very likely that. .. he works in your port, yeah, his last name is unknown, there is a photo, and they hinted to me that if you give the command, things will go much faster, my team won’t be needed and no one will be involved either... i’ll have to, i know this guy , oleg zhukov, he is the son of a very respected person among us, too captain, oleg works as a freight forwarder, supplies captain points for port employees, but of course he’s a rare idiot, we only keep him for his father’s sake, and what did he do, he’s suspected of murder and drug trafficking, lord, yes, as i understand it, you came to detain him, and this is definitely him, well, the probability of error is negligible, nikolai romanovich, pyotr sergeevich, we are just coming to you, what happened? we have a problem, but oleg zhukov, you probably know him, the son of sergei olegovich, he is suspected of serious crimes, in general, they came detain, help organize so that everything
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is quiet, hello, yes, yes, i understand, i quickly, olesh kazhukov is in place now, you can send him to me, to the delegation, we need to prepare a buffet. how, what happened? well, okay, send someone else, well then, not now, later, all lights out. starting today, he is on vacation at his own expense and said that asa has health problems. okay, let's call dad. hello. hello, here’s zhenya, what happiness is that? gera was transferred from intensive care, they say the crisis is over. and i see you, have your service been returned? so
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i told you right away that i am not guilty. sergey olegich, thank you. they responded immediately, but i had a choice, which means this bastard referred to my illness, it’s good that at least i won’t bury him alive, where did he distinguish himself again, uh, your son is suspected of murder and drug trafficking, he’s a bastard, it’s a shame to look people in the eye , well, sergei olegevich only suspects for now, we should somehow find him, i can vouch for these people, they won’t do anything bad to him, but at least they did, he ’s been cut off for me a long time ago. i kicked him out when he once again came to ask for money, yeah, we haven’t seen each other for 2 years, so i don’t
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know his circle of friends, where he might be, maybe his mother knows where he is, i have no idea, we divorced her a long time ago , did he really kill, just like that, gerka, you’re covering up for this idiot, well, he’s my friend, but i’m not a friend, i got into such a mess because of him, that’s normal, you didn’t... got into it for him, i mean, it’s me , told vikka to offer you water, although he knew perfectly well what was in it, you, why, i don’t know, i don’t know, i was already high myself, suddenly some kind of aggression came over me, that you are all so correct, exemplary, in short, it’s my fault, blame everything on me, okay, but i won’t blame it on you, it’s not you... who brought it, edik and the bartender mutate, he had such a supply in the garage, mom, don’t worry, the dealer is your friend, and he’s on hand, he has a friend, zhuzha, so it seems to me that
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he’s the one urging these cabin boys on, look, it’s him, he, what else do you know about him, nothing, well, it seems like he has girls here, well, he dropped into the dialogues that he hangs out at his house. wow, already something, well, report how you intend to look for zhukov, explain, i’m on another issue, i was reporting, my wife is sick, i would like to meet my daughter from the circle. mikhail, well, you have this kindergarten without end, maybe you will transfer because of the feathers, we actually have no set working hours. who will you stay with? two operas for the entire department. go, misha, go, dear children, especially since you don’t have any ideas anyway. why do i
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have one? well, why are you silent, tell me. how did dzhukov figure out how to make the legs? so someone warned him? a after all, only we knew about it. and andrey is right, we have a leak. we must quietly look for this zhukov calmly, with our own people. forces without reports or discussions, who found it, that fellow, well, in the sense of not suspicion, a good idea, i knew koralev that you would approve of it, an operanarchist who does not report anything to anyone, that’s... ideal, go, misha, the family is waiting, thank you , and we have instructions and established rules, which i do not intend to cancel, listen to comrade lieutenant colonel, what did he do, or something, you can seize the fact, sergei zhirkov, captain chatting with fish, dolphins are not fish, and his dolphin is returning, andrey, there is still time to wind down the operation, well, i can’t, i’ll just sit around doing nothing, whatever, it
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looks like murder. to bring everyone to clean water, here in the south sea, which doesn’t happen here, but here’s a murder with a crossbow arrow for the first time, like that, andryukha, they’re taking down one by one, it seems to me that this is a catch, dolphin, new season, i’ll contact you , as far as you can go, soon on ntv, emergency exit, premiere, today at 22:15 on tv. it is profitable to retire with sberbank. for pensioners - a free sber card, a favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, a discount on a loan. apply for a pension at sberbank online or in a branch. everyone wants to win millions, but don't work where it's needed. instant lottery with toloto. 35 million has not yet been drawn. hurry up to buy in stolato branded stores. for 37 years, dashraq has been preparing stock base
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sunday at 8:20 on ntv, what are you standing for, we agreed, oh... wow, you're making me sick, stop the usual dinner, bon appetit, thank you, mm, delicious, where do you even eat such work, where do you have to? how's it going, danya, didn't you call? he called and bragged about his successes, a big hello to you, tell him a big one too, damn it, it’s become cozy here.
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vaska, what is this, beautiful, how beautiful, what is this, is this a trick from the dolphins to the criminal investigation officers?
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you’ll have coffee, yes, with pleasure, your willpower, of course, is iron, running to the sea this early for a swim feels good in the sea. well yes, especially if you can’t relax at home. thank you, it’s time for me to move, andrey, i’m staying at your place, where to the hotel? don’t talk nonsense, i’m sorry, yes, pavel maksimovich, i have to drop everything i’m doing, i’m already moving forward, yeah, yeah, the bosses are hungry for communication. oh, is this a gift for you, for me? yes, in honor of what? in honor of our friendship. don't leave, please. fine?
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fine. give me your boat, okay? okay, take it, but it’s just there, the engine is acting up, you need to sort it out, be more careful, but why do you need it? i understand, yes, i’m young, i want to remember, i’ll be more careful with the engine, not for the first time, come on, that’s it, what a beauty, thank you, yes, why did you decide that i could do this, first of all, you’ve already worked with hooked ones.
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so that they don’t get the lower price for murder , they’ll just give information on the cabin boy, everything they know and who they sold it to, and we’ll do it like this, to the limit, i think so too, these nonhumans should get the full price, why bargain with them, the decision has already been made , instead of your sloppy objections, it would be better to think about how to deal with this, otherwise it’s easy to hide from the judge, right away. to me, how? v in general, in short, i’m waiting for the result, of course.
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i had no time to visit you, i’m sorry, i almost fired otarby, andrey, at least he doesn’t forget you, hey, is there anyone here?
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what kind of cheap run is this? we accidentally took this drug from a stash, and we have no idea whose it is. okay, that’s it, the market is over, let them take me out. well, what do you say, i can’t understand one thing, so in purely human terms, may i ask? go ahead, you and your brother were normal men, everyone says so, then suddenly a defenseless girl was strangled, where does such rage come from? don't you dream about her at night? a... everything is fine, normal, normal, everything,
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uh-huh, you, pasha, need to speak out, otherwise you’ll put yourself in harm’s way, and your mother won’t survive it, and your mother won’t survive it anyway, but we’re freaking out, i understand, we were cheating , when we took the cache, we thought of quickly pushing everything. wholesale, in order to pay off our debts, we have everything here in our local party, well, they brought us to serious people, they seem to be interested, these people came to the switch and immediately started making mischief, in fact, one was a shooter, the second one said to sing, he was from the car not even came out, uh-huh, in short, we barely carried our legs away, mother and woman and... petkina and their boy were loaded into a car, taken out, then
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they drank all night, thinking about what to do, what were you thinking, should they look for you or something? there will be, well , yes, we didn’t have enough brains to figure it out, drugs are not our topic, they foolishly got in here, in short, we decided to go back. we have to somehow close the question, you won’t go to your place, he’ll end up on the first night, you had to understand in general what the situation was, they rented a house in a white bay, hid the cabin boy, threw him through people, they say they are ready to return the goods, work out everything that whatever, we don’t get an answer or a greeting, it’s clear that they will blame it for others’ edification. you sit and wait every day, it’s scary, so we
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suppressed this fear as best we could, booze, chicks, chicks, booze, and with a cabin boy in addition, then one evening it hit us, and those who shot, at least something about they know, yes, they whispered to us that they were dug in at the port. who hissed? it doesn’t matter, there is no person. a young healthy swimming master drowned during the day. this was the last straw. what did the shooter look like? yes, an ordinary guy, strong, i don’t have a hair cap saw it. oh, he was burly. was there a scar above your eye? yes, i was. that is, in your opinion, what the hell is going on in the port,
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bandit raspberries, yes, you see, i am concerned about the reputation of the port, especially international. can you imagine the glory we will gain if it turns out that the drug is distributed from here, by the way, like his cabin boy, such a word from pahabili, oh, our contracts will fly, so what do you offer, i offer help in any format and volume, but we do everything quietly, uh-huh, when we have significant information in hands, we’ll tell you where to go, thinking vaguely, silently, they’ll take everyone, yeah. the state doesn’t need anti-advertising, do you agree? yes, kolya, i’m talking about repairs on the third berth. hello, we have no news about zhukov. i told you, i'll let you know right away. captain korablev is in town on completely different business; he just stopped by for a friendly visit. hello captain. can you talk?
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yes, as long as i can. well done, you try to communicate with this vika, but the main thing is not to press too hard, if he is lying with her, the main thing is not to scare him off. that's it, come on, i can't talk, i'm playing hide and seek, with an adult, lights out, oh, yes, kohl, off, ah, ah, well, i just didn’t want
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to interfere, i’m coming to you, come on. let's say, what do you care? what do you think, will he get jealous? you look at the cat like he’s living with you, it’s time for me, it’s all very strange, are you sure? i ’m never wrong about surveillance, if it weren’t your call, i would have taken it all, and there wouldn’t have been any questions left, well, sorry, i didn’t do it on purpose, but it’s my own
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fault, i won’t turn off the phone, the sound, but something else is interesting, this man it worked specifically for me, but the fact that i’m in the port they only knew... you're a passer-by, your deputy, wait, are you hinting at a fight? can you vouch for him? well, it’s a difficult question, buddy, you know, we only communicate with him about work, yeah, he’s a high -class professional, but about everything else, he’s a rather reserved person, vika, i’m sorry, i ’m interfering with my own business, about gerkiy, he and so on the betrayal due to the fact that everyone turned away from him because of drugs, especially you, why especially me, well, because he asked you to give me the bottle, i thought he didn’t knew what was in it, that all this happened by chance, yes he knew, but it wasn’t he who brought the bottles, and i see you were left with the service, you cover for each other there, the cops don’t give up their own, but it happens in different ways, but you now she said it so angrily, as if you have problems with us, your relatives or maybe your boyfriend have problems, he has nothing,
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why is he hiding with you then, vic, but he’s probably different to you he told me that he got into business and connected. with the wrong people, now they are threatening him, but he needs a little be patient, everything will work out, it’s him, yes, it was he who killed the security guard at the club, so let’s talk calmly together, i like it too, well, we’ve already been waiting for 2 hours, she quickly promised to return, well, there’s no way faster, i’m already from the old russian chala, but i learned something about the new number of the zhuzha, it is also registered to the deceased, vika, your boyfriend is a particularly dangerous criminal who reads everything
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in advance, he doesn’t need extra witnesses, it’s good that akimov found you, i can’t believe that he killed, he couldn't do it, well, will you help us? yes. well. alezh, are you okay? it’s just that some strange men came up to me on the street and started asking about you, and now i’m afraid to go home, what if they come after me? yes, i understand everything, just slam the door, and i ’ll call you, like... well, that’s it, now get out of here, you don’t need him to see you with us, yeah, that’s it, come on, come on, stand, police, what
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is it? come on, you go there, i go here , stop, oh, stop, come here, come here, give me a hand, you’ll hurt yourself. stand!
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hand, come on, you’ll fall, you’ll break your head, but i’ll put my hands behind my back, we’ll start, i’m a superstar, today's topic is out of place,
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fights heartburn, pain and heaviness with increased acidity in the stomach. tiven extinguishes heartburn from the first minutes, extinguishes again a leap into the past, time travel is not a toy, if you knew how tasty it is, you wouldn’t such a messy, stellar combo by alexander petrov for 355 rubles, i love it, it’s delicious. tell us about the events in the nightclub, the security guard entered after you, what happened then, nothing, in short, i stood there, cleaning my t-shirt, uh-huh, then the security guard came in, uh-huh, i left, that’s it, the staff actually have a separate toilet, that’s it i thought about this too, well, i ’ll cling to the guard, right, but
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why did you clean the t-shirt when... you left, you continued to clean it, when you entered, it was clean, you can see it on the cameras, how you do it explain? blood washed up the security guard, right? no, that i was just freaking out, i felt the mountain coming up, well, i immediately hurried into the push, barely made it, but of course, some of the vomit got on my t-shirt, but i’ll take it all off later, well, it’s the same thing, only it’s the same, you present it beautifully, beautifully, well, what’s the truth, sedak?
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damn, it’s really my fault here, i bought the term , i didn’t think about it, i just when i’m breaking up, there’s no life, i keep calling, calling, that’s why i decided to get a new sim card for each, then i say goodbye to both and that’s all, aren’t you? you do, well, i advise the topic, why did you lie at work about your father’s illness, they told you that they were already coming for you, but no one told me anything.
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so she called me herself, you understand, herself, she raised her head at night in the hospital to get my number, and as i understood what she was talking about, vika with her hands, the main thing is don’t touch anything , there are prints there, but let’s hope that she heard you , hello, here’s a bag of drugs, we rolled our fingers, they’re crazy, so now we definitely can’t get away with it. okay, so what should we do about it now? oh, to the fowler and the beast. yes, right away i'll report. well, andrey? has akimov already boasted about you? well, how? well done, well done! translation sticks out and consider the issue resolved. paul maksimovich, i said, decided. so, zhedya, congratulations, go to the personnel department.
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there is a personnel department. congratulations, you're out of the woods. and we have a serious conversation ahead. sit down, andrey. yes. the matter took an unexpected turn. zhukov has already been interrogated by the committee regarding the discovery of the cabin boy. and you know? he stated that he found the cabin boy by accident, or what? zhukov, of course, is a rare impudent person, but he wouldn’t give a ride if he was under pressure they also found a container of corrugated iron, uh-huh, there are also his fingers on it, no, he admitted that he bought it as a one-time purchase, so to speak, to get money, well, to escape from his mythical creditor, but the most interesting thing is , where do you think he got the cabin boy, i bought some hooked ones from my brothers, huh? yeah, that’s how it is, well, of course, they’ve probably already been given some crap so that they stick to this version, we ’re talking about their lives, you can’t beat such a card, but i knew that he would say that, and he’s right,
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of course he’s right , but i'll still try with them talk, okay, something, pasha, i don’t understand you, you yourself told me that you hid most of the cabin boy. which means they couldn’t sell it to anyone, therefore , you don’t know it, i lied, i didn’t want to set the guy up, he, like us , got into this shit for the first time, felt sorry for the guy, so, yes, yeah, and he, by the way, the security guards at the club stabbed him to death, so what happens, we ourselves are in jail for a wet crime, so what do i need more than anyone else, or what? so, just for the record, what did he look like? nice guy, sporty, show me, i recognize this one, uh-huh, yes, it seems like that, i
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thought so, only this is our opera, and juju you didn’t see it in your eyes, but along the way they threw the little thing at you, what to do and how to do it, they promised that the guys who were looking for you would leave you behind , but this is not true, they are using you. and then they killed you in the zone , you were still alone, bite your tongue, oh, i think i realized that they found your family, yes, together with your mother, they hold you tightly, but there is one option, we take your family out, and you show , where the shootout took place, where the cabin boy was hidden, in a confrontation, tell the truth, i’m judging this and the owners him, those who are giving you nightmares, we will split him up and he... will surrender, and if we don’t split him, they won’t hurt him like that, but for you this is the only chance to tell the truth, rewind the sentence, then return to those who are waiting for you at home, and take your family
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out , well, if you help me, which of our people is helping them, did you have personal contact, no, they found a note, just a note, and where are the photographs of the house? they are hiding, no, this is how they deceive you, how can they know where your family is hiding, they are just taking it for show off, you confirm that you and your brother hid this bag in the indicated place, using diving equipment, that there was a narcotic drug inside the bag...
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then he walked around, collected something from the sand, they didn’t see what could be there, shell casings, probably, how do i know, then he got into his vehicle and drove off, can you describe the car more accurately? , color, model, andryukha, found, found a shell casing, andryu, found a shell casing, obviously not makarov. well, brothers, we’re hooked, it turns out they were telling the truth, there’s a mark from the tread, and we found a cartridge case, well, i hope it’s not crushed chalk in the bag, but why lie to us? let the bastards wash themselves, where
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did they shoot from? vanya, hello, are you on duty today? where do you stand? oh, great, now a black one will go past you from yuzhnomorsk bekha.
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i won’t tell you about the body, the numbers are most likely on the left, but you record everything, but don’t stop it under any circumstances, even if they violate, there are armed criminals there, they will announce , they will announce an interception, they will announce, but i’m afraid that they will get through before, come on, i’ll come to you now, i’ve already reported to maksimych. that's it, nish, calm down, calm down, give it here, you're not a hero anymore , stand still, otherwise you'll upset the children, you understand me, that's it, that's it, come on, are you because of this swindler? department, one day, don’t quit, well, one day, kolya, he needs to be removed, kolya, who are you, morgue orderlies, former cop.
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and urka with four convictions collected his things from here, emergency exit, premiere, doctor, the patient woke up, it’s too early, the anesthesiologist hasn’t come yet, so he won’t come, he ’s been laid off, what’s happening, we’ll operate on you, cut off everything unnecessary, today in 22:15 on ntv. via superstar, premiere. on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. for headaches, there is ascafen p at an affordable price. and ascafenultra with enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. it’s hard not to notice the legendary alfabank credit card. with a whole year of no interest on all purchases. you get it. every
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there’s a bonus from your department, especially in my bar at home, the french cognac has run out, and the only cognac that comes in is french , the rest is brandy, vanya, you are a genius, what are you doing? yak french don’t forget, eight years old, things are bad, andryukha, the car is really on balance at the port, the drivers along with the vehicle are attached to my deputy brawler, and the car has not yet returned to the port, it will never return, now the police officers have been informed, the car was found nearby, the driver was killed, and where was your deputy in the morning ? he was here, for sure, but his driver tolik, it seems, was always running around on his business, he wouldn’t have risked going to yuzhnomorsk without his permission, let’s go. well, yes, i’m listening, well, what does it mean that you don’t understand, i have information that your ship is not ready to leave the port, from the office, hello, hello, hello,
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yes, all ends in the water, i don’t believe that it was suicide, and i don’t believe it either, i saw one person there, for some reason
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no one knows about him at the port, but there’s a fierce moment there access control, but we'll sort it out, i think the boy was not the leader, they sacrificed him because they burned him... well, maybe of course there were other reasons, i don't know, wait, who else besides chernevich knew that we were looking for this car, well, he sent my request to the security service, maybe there there was a leak of information, although how is this possible, zhuzha must be injected at any cost, mr. zhuzha was sent today under recognizance not to leave the place, by the judge leiko, but we have nothing to insist on another measure of suppression, they shut up those caught. again one of our people leaked it, who is misha seldikov? he risked his life to cover one of the brothers , zatsepino, the middle bear, but veslovich was not there, although he knew that i persuaded the brothers to tell the truth, mislovich should have
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gone with you, it was i who sent him to the prosecutor’s office, so it’s too early to draw conclusions.


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