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tv   Stantsiya Vostok  NTV  May 22, 2024 12:40am-1:56am MSK

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she began to slowly feed him pills so that her blood pressure would increase, and she promised her beloved brother mountains of gold for a future inheritance if, using his official position, he gave him just one small injection at the right time. this is how it is, lieutenant, this is how love is, this is what kind of love is this, look around, i’m not the first, i’m not the last, he used me, i used him, that’s all, right, everything is clear, are you under arrest?
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madam, please, mrs. karenina, the train is already on the way, come on, and just let it go will separate you, in the district. the hospital in the neighboring
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region was partially flooded, the sewer system burst, patients are being taken to us, including to mork, hello, paint the ceiling, where did this guy come from? alexander lvovich, with his colleagues, will work at night so as not to disrupt our schedule. emergency exit, premiere, so, gentlemen, passengers, we pull the stop valve and fire from the carriage, the organs are turning red, the creatures. tomorrow at 22:15 on ntv. november 2023. the gulf of prütz begins to clear. from the ice, icebergs dance in
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bay, ice floes wash ashore, turning it into a beach for seals with cubs. penguins bask on the rocks. summer is coming in antarctica. for hundreds of thousands of years , almost nothing has changed here. this is exactly what it was like in 1820.
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antarctica entrusted its exploration to future generations. progress station is the modern capital of russian antarctica. to get to its ice pier, ships from the mainland spend two weeks making their way through stormy latitudes and icebergs. however, you can fly here,
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like in any capital, there is progress. there is an airfield, there are trains here, that’s what caravans of all-terrain vehicles are called here, but they have only one route, to the east, to the east station, in the middle of the mainland, sleighs are also on the way, the twenty-third on the way. well, that's it, everyone is on the way, come on, guys, have a good time everyone, you are slowly going to the east.
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central antarctica. often compared to mars, -40 in the summer, below 80 in the winter, no flora, no fauna, even birds never fly in, life here seems impossible, how are you doing, the temperature is 62, normal, but this is already the tenth this season the hike is moving to the east, heavy vehicles are moving at speed...
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so sgp 10 ivanovich, good evening, 9.6 96 km covered in 24 hours, temperature -44, wind two, visibility horizon, we go by touch, there is no pressure, we look at every stop oil, level, that's it, that's enough, everyone is healthy. trains are carrying modules to the pole of cold for the construction of a new scientific complex that will help unravel the mysteries of not only the earth. the antarctic wind dome
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rises higher and higher, reaching into the interior. vostok station was founded in 1957. at that time, only a few small houses were brought with them on sleighs by soviet pioneers. on december 16, 1957, navigator aristov announced that we were at the pole. here he is, cherished, stern,
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silent. the first thing we did was establish radio communication so that the pole could speak russian. and then the power plant started working, and from its businesslike knocking the pole itself suddenly seemed simple and long lived in. the first winter was akin to space exploration, complete unknown. and the polar explorers accomplished a real feat. proving that it is possible to live and work in such conditions. east, says east, says east. soviet vostok base at the south geomagnetic pole.
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for almost 70 years, antarctica covered all buildings in the east with two meters. the station is slowly dying, going deeper and deeper into the glacier. here the structure of the snow is completely different than here on the mainland, we are used to going out there, and then the snow begins to fall, it is so white, fluffy, cool there, but here the snow is like sand. there is no snowfall here. in the east it is almost always clear, but strong winds quickly cover it with snow
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any building. based on our long-term measurements, we have established that, according to the roughest estimates, the movement of the fly occurs in a south-easterly direction, at a speed of approximately one and a half meters per year. the whole array is moving. sveta, killed means killed, you yourself volunteered, but i’m sick and tired of this afterlife,
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in order to find criminals, they sent me a black mark, the fin was for a dolphin, remember, to save their dolphin, they wanted to kill her, just like andrey, but not there are such coincidences in life, sergey zherko, it’s hard to be dead, by the way, delpin, new season, if you sit here too long with this investigation, then how will we then tell the story of our death? we'll play it back. from monday at 20:00 on ntv. emergency exit. premiere. tomorrow at 22:15 on ntv. only at alfabank. spin the reel in the app and get super cashback up to 100% every month. and up to 30% in categories is guaranteed, if
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you don’t have a card, order a free debit alpha card, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable for products emfreshness we grow, collect and deliver fresh vegetables, mushrooms and greens, uh, fresh from the garden to the shelf at the speed of freshness, only online magnet, hey, what are you doing, you don’t like italy here, but do you like it? flower italy, roman burger with fragrant arugula, mozzarella rings and ice delux papaya mango. just eat. in italian: delicious, period. to make money on my savings, i open a deposit in tenkov with a rate of 17%. i can top it up from any bank using a phone number without commission. open a deposit in tenki with a rate of 17% per annum. tinkov, he’s the only one. dima, dima, do you know how long ago? i just realized how
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we had to remove a layer of snow and fill the empty space with barrels. in the nineties there was no money to create a new east. it is difficult to appreciate this legacy of the soviet union, when on the mainland almost all science was on the verge of survival. but now, for the first time in the history of the exploration of antarctica, all-terrain vehicles are dragging 60 tons of construction cargo into the depths of the ice continent on huge platform sleds. lyosh, are we going okay? each train consists of four units
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of eight cars. they are leaving the station progress with a difference of 2-3 days. the route to the east is not only long, the train rises to an altitude of more than 3.5 km above sea level to bring modules and equipment for the new station. give me a rag, please, thank you, the oil is running dry, my hands are icy. the difficult path to the east for builders began 3 years ago, when in 1957 they had to start everything from scratch. people, equipment, fuel and the modules of the new station themselves went to antarctica on four
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ships. the icebreaker captain khlebnikov was supposed to make a way for them in the ice. but precisely in this season, a powerful wind drove huge ice floes into the tal bay, and from 40 km on the approach to the unloading point they were clogged with impassable hummocks. khlebnikov did not approach in the contract, he crawled. the captain said, where are we going anyway, the ice is already impassable, why are we even going here? for almost a month they fought, fought, and finally achieved it. ships were unloaded with lightning speed, life depended on speed, any mistake in working on the ice could be fatal, it was the fastest unloading in my, at least memory, that we carried out ourselves, because well, unload 700 tons in 10 days onto soldered ice, while simultaneously assembling equipment,
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simultaneously unloading the beams, immediately connecting them, immediately populating them. there are deadlines, no one has canceled it, antarctica cannot wait, that is, we, we need to adapt to it, but don’t let antarctica adapt to us, we were already, roughly speaking, closer to the middle of summer and realized that it was about to , just about, now there is ice, everything has already given up, our roads here are all snowy, the equipment is moving, the snow is already starting to melt under the equipment, beetles are starting to flow from the mountain, we understood that literally so... from day to day our road simply will not exist, but in principle it happened, literally a few days after the ship was unloaded, the road simply dissolved, it simply disappeared. in january 2024
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, the unique logistics operation was completed. over the course of 3 years , more than forty sledge-caterpillar trains ascended to the east. they delivered blocks of the new station to the cold pole, where very soon scientists will begin conducting new research. good afternoon, yes, we’re coming in now in a couple of hours, we’ll come in at 17:00, i see the connection, come in, that’s it, you give permission, that's it, thank you, we'll come in now, in 2 hours, wait, let's see you, almost continuously, meteorological observations have been carried out here for 63 years, and the more years this monitoring goes on. passes in the same place, in fact, the larger the series of data, and thus we can talk about the weather and predict the weather most accurately,
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it’s cold to work as a meteorologist here, because every 6 hours you need to go outside, you need to control, strictly speaking , take readings from sensors, this is great, dream job, under kilometers of ice that covers antarctica. the answers to the most important questions of humanity are still stored: how has our climate changed over millions of years, what awaits our earth in the future, and how did life originate on our planet? that is why, from the very first days of operation of the vostok stations, geologists dreamed of getting to the antarctic bedrock. this is a unique drilling rig; underneath it is the world's deepest hole in
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ice. russian scientists in the east have been digging into the ice for more than 50 years. almost every year we go to vostok station, but the easiest thing to determine is that in all these 20 years i’ve only been at home two or three times for new year’s. by the early nineties , four deep wells had been drilled at vostok station. the deeper the drill went into the glacier, the more problems arose. accident followed accident. geologists tried a huge number of drilling methods and technologies until they finally poured a unique mixture invented by soviet scientists into the well. a cocktail of kerosene and freon allowed the heavy drills to penetrate.
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raised from different levels of ice kerma, with ancient microorganisms frozen in them, with air bubbles, it’s like a frozen cross-section of the history of the earth. the results of drilling, ice cores have been stored under the snow for half a century. in these natural refrigerators, the temperature is always kept at -55. these thorns, as they say, contain not only the history of our planet, but also, as they say, a piece of the soul, probably, of everyone who touched it. this long
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project of drilling deep wells gave new knowledge about the paleoclimate of the earth, that is , how the climate on our planet changed, from what these changes depend on and what forecasts can be made for the future in connection with new knowledge. in 1994, the scientific world was shocked by a real sensation. the last great geographical discovery of the 20th century. it turned out that right under the vostok station there is a huge lake, with prehistoric water splashing under the ice dome. this subglacial body of water is the size of lake sladozhskoe, a closed ecosystem where neither light nor atmospheric air has entered for millions of years. but it was possible to get to the water only after 20 years. in 2012, russian scientists
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drilled a deep well. they are very small cores, because a lot of them are taken for analysis, there is an island in lake vostok, it rises above the surface, it is, well, also composed of some kind of rocks. about
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which we know nothing, it is possible that - ice that moves over the surface of yudivostok, it scrapes off these clay particles, they are very valuable for understanding what was, how, firstly, the earth underneath us is structured, well, understanding , what happened exactly in those years when antarctica covered... or another dome, at first we didn’t believe our eyes, because really such an inclusion had never happened before, and especially at such depths of drilling ice, vitalik stayed with us for the season, helping in the laboratory, doing just that primary core processing, how
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big is it, right? so, well, i think that three millimeters can be written down, well, bubbles , vital, write, january 3 was my birthday, it was my first anniversary, i turned 45 years old, when we took out this core, everyone’s eyes popped out of their sockets, because there has never been anything like this here, we call it a stone, and they gave it the name zavchait in honor of vitalik zarovchatsky, our colleague and leader. all the entire wintering staff of antarctica, the sixty-eighth of heaven, because it was his birthday. the historical buravaya in the east, which brought both the station and its inhabitants world fame, is also slowly disappearing under the snow. it should be replaced by a new pine forest complex and russian scientists will be able to continue studying the history
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of the earth. and the lake itself. specialists they warned that the old east had only a few years to live, it was necessary to hurry, otherwise russia would have to leave central antarctica. and konyaev’s campaign, konyaev’s campaign, konyaev’s campaign is here. i welcome you to the east, unload at the station on the left side, from the runway, as i accepted, accepted, accepted,
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3 years at the pole of cold. in such a volume, in such a short period of time, never before have so many people been here at once, here it is as difficult as possible, if we take our entire planet, here you are, igor, come on khalil, do something, please, what are you discussing, who are you waiting for, come on in, if you are waiting for someone, call, this can be somehow washed off in general, listen, but it’s not possible. to seal something, grease it somehow, or something else,
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construction goes on around the clock, day and night, without holidays or weekends, the polar summer lasts only 2 months, at the south pole it begins in december, and already. .. in march the temperature will drop to -60 and work will have to be stopped. navatek. we are part of a large and great country. a unique country with unique destiny, unique culture. people, original and full of mysteries, with a broad soul and rich traditions, a country
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that never ceases to amaze, discover your russia on the unknown russia tv channel. dolphin, new season from monday at 20:00 on ntv. to make money on my savings, i open a deposit in tenkov with a rate of 17%. i can top it up from any bank using a phone number without commission. open a deposit in tenkov with an interest rate of 17% per annum. tinkov, he’s the only one. profitable again? not again, but every people. profitable for price tag means low price. olive global village 1499. pyaterochka helps out. apply for a loan in sberbank and get a chance to win money to repay it, and also receive a monthly cashback of 2% interest rate, it’s more profitable with asper prime, a pro or you glue it yourself, for any
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ideas, metillan wallpaper glue, quickly mix, just apply, professionally hang, wallpaper ideas a lot, the glue is always methylane. this is sasha. it is important for him to have friends nearby. maxim always tells his friends, yes. masha will help you any minute. and vanya will never keep you waiting. start a cool career in alfa bank. bring friends and get 15 rubles for each. alfabank is the best employer in russia. dima, dima, do you know how long, long, long ago you haven’t posted anything, and roaming with mts travel is free, post beauty, i’m zhan badoeva, i just realized how beautifully your legs got rid of me, travel, get more samtes travel,
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to prevent the new complex from being covered with snow, it stands on high supports, each 4 m high. huge iron legs lift the structure above the ground, more like a spaceship . directly the presence of jacks, self-lifting legs on which the station itself is located, this set a certain futuristic design. the support is such a rather complex structure, made of stainless steel, consisting of several elements, the main, largest one, we call it a bell, a jack is installed in it, a jack is installed along with strain gauges that control the pressure. which turns out to be a station on a specific support, which actually
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allows the station to understand from the inside what condition it is in, whether everything is fine, or whether it is necessary to think about some decisions. station supports stand on a special foundation. antarctic snow was turned into a 3 m thick slab, as strong as concrete. it was compacted layer by layer for several months, driving over the same area. with a special device 400 times, even soviet scientists, they already used this method, the only thing that was new was that we worked with cold snow, everyone knows that warm snow compacts much better, snowballs when the heat becomes much greater easier than when it's cold, our calculations for the viability of the station are minimum. 50 years, our building should
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stand here for many years, decades, probably this is unique. however, the first buildings of the old station are also still preserved, but already deep under the snow. using this antenna, soviet scientists transmitted the first antarctic weather reports to the mainland. vostok, says vostok, says vostok, soviet bazooka at the south geomagnetic pole. the history of the conquest of antarctica is here. literally under your feet, in these premises
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russian antarctic science began, here there was the lowest temperature in the history of ground observations was recorded -89.2°, old potatoes. these boxes contain a collection of soviet films that were shown to polar explorers in the company cabins. wherever i am, remember, as a friend, wait, like loved ones wait, because all the harmonies around you are about you, the best songs are being sung, well, i
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have gathered you here for a reason, i explain to you how there is a request, it comes out quickly and you have to breathe more often and my head hurts and well, it’s just that i and i wonder, of course, aren’t they over-the-top people,
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let’s take off the t-shirt, take off the t-shirt, take it off. lie down, then patronymic surnames, please, chetverikov yuri alekovich. vostok station is located at an altitude of 3,488 m above sea level. atmospheric pressure in these latitudes is two times lower than normal, as at the top of elbrus. so, vostok station is growing. 170 so weight yeah 79 so primary kg 15 seconds ispatialization dr. shipulin we don’t have a nurse without oxygen a person gets mountain sickness, loses appetite, has a headache, feels sick, suffers from shortness of breath, yur, the gel is cold,
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forgive me, as they say, by the root, as they call it, everyone who gets sick gets sick station, both beginners and experienced polar explorers. the most difficult thing is to hold out for the first 3 days, during these terrible 72 hours the polar explorers hardly sleep, it is very scary to suffocate in your sleep, you sleep and it happens that you suddenly wake up and seem to be caught in your mouth, but in your sleep you begin to suffocate, headache pain, nausea, took a breath of oxygen, walked away for an hour and a half, the feeling was like... some first, first hours, one might say, panicky, a little, it was not clear how it was, how to deal with it, yuri, we sat down on stool, we’ll do spirometry, actually, the function of external respiration, yeah, start the examination, take a deep breath and
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a long, gentle exhalation to the end, if we know... we’ll reveal some mechanisms of psycho-emotional stress, that ’s all, then in in the future, i think that there will probably be some more detailed preparation, yura, you breathe very deeply, calmly, even calmer, just like that, yeah, the first week, especially acute adaptation , there is acute weight loss, i personally lost somewhere- then 9 kg, then problems started, that’s all. that’s it, shortness of breath started, everything else, it’s because of what started, well, the blood began to thicken, as the doctor told me, then i realized that this is really not a problem, but you need to take it into account, you can do much less here, with significantly less activity than you can do at home, somewhere you exceeded the speed limit, somewhere you climb the stairs, it ’s all immediately felt on the ground, you
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don’t even think about it, these stairs i will now only use elevators when i'll be back home in march in the south... these don’t help, the skin on the fingers begins to crack, so it doesn’t heal here, it just gets worse and worse. russian. scientists and builders have learned to live and work in extreme temperatures, at which even ordinary metal crumbles, and in order for
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the structures of the new station to withstand this cold, the ural metalworkers invented a special antarctic alloy. the metal crumbled, the metal did not behave exactly as we needed, we took many samples from different manufacturers, unfortunately we rejected those metals that did not... temperatures of -80, as a result, one of the nizhny tagil factories provided that they were able to provide sufficient strength with the quality of melting of the metal from which we made our block modules. the station consists of block modules, which themselves have a thermal insulation contour, after which, when assembled , the block modules are already assembled into a single whole , a thermos system and... the next layer, let's say design, cosmetic, which also has a layer of thermal insulation, this all creates a fairly airtight a system that
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prevents the penetration of cold bridges. the station is protected from the outside by aluminum panels; inside there is a real insulation cushion between them and the walls. the entire new complex is completely wrapped in a warm , almost meter-long blanket. the blanket, yes, it is completely all around, the roof, walls and bottom are hemmed, our bottom is 940 mm, it is layered with an overlap so that little cold penetrates, so it is completely encased due to the insulation. like all the parts from which the new east is assembled, the insulation was invented and...
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a fire at the station can become a real disaster, this already happened in april 1982, when, at the very beginning of winter , a diesel power plant in the east caught fire. in personal archives. were able to report what had happened, after the fire the polar explorers spent another 227
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days at vostok station. fortunately, the fire did not touch the containers with diesel fuel; throughout the polar night it was burned in homemade stoves to save heat; the entire station they moved to live in one cabin together. its walls still keep traces of this feat, we reveal the story, at a de-energized station on the polar night at the pole of cold, people were able not only to survive and save. unique station, but also to continue research. the world continued
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to receive weather reports from the east every three hours. go! the soviet union launched the world's first spacecraft , sputnik vostok, into orbit around the earth, with a man on board. when in the late sixties the question arose about long-term orbital stations and deep space exploration, the developers of space programs.
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their compatriot, the first cosmonaut, looks like . the inhabitants of the earth, they did not know how the planet was for almost a year. the flight to mars is expected to be take a year and a half, wintering in the east lasts almost the same amount of time, the same enclosed space with rare exits into the snowy space, the same isolation from the outside world and... the opportunity to get help, the same, if a small reserve of patience and homesickness, distance from the family, when i left, my son was a month and a half old, yes, as if, without seeing all this, as if it was a little difficult, in the kindergarten, they had some kind of performance there, he said that dad was in antarctica, my wife is waiting for me at home, she was
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my bride that season, this season i she’s already a wife, so... subordination without these efforts of yours to be heroic. the killer is hunting for a girl-witness; here we have to act ourselves. we'll catch him right there right away. dolphin, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. via superstar, premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. this is sasha. it is important for him to have friends
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it extinguishes to make money ours... for msvezhest products we grow, collect and deliver fresh vegetables, mushrooms and herbs. m-freshness from garden to shelf at the speed of freshness, only online magnet. only at alfabank. spin the reel in the app and get a superkick up to 100% every month.
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i lived here for a week and a half with the guys from sixty-eighth rae, i saw how they communicate, how they live, it was something, i really liked it, they are just like a real family, so i really hope that we will have the same thing, if someone - he will ask, for example, i want pea soup with vegetables, of course you will have pea soup with vegetables tomorrow, why not? a happy polar explorer, a well-fed polar explorer, so cook all sorts of fun things, invite people, cook together, that is, if i see that someone is not communicating with someone else, i i’ll call this person and this person, and
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together we’ll make something, some kind of unreal, delicious, big cake, in the process , of course, they will have to communicate, they will have to be in contact there, so we won’t allow, we won’t allow discord in the team. each with their own character, yes, each with their own peculiarities, so patience is very important, and , to be honest, i have never seen such a concentration of patient people in one place before the east. as a rule, 10 polar explorers spend the winter at vostok station; the same crew is expected in in the future to settle on a lunar station. russian specialists in space medicine.
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but outside the earth it is nowhere, so what? no more than 100 people around the world are searching for and deciphering microscopic messages from space. russian scientist yuri chetveryakov is one of them. this means that i am now trying to develop such a monitoring technique, that is, continuous monitoring of falls and prolapse. new material on earth, no one has done this before, this is exactly my new word, in this science it’s big, it blue for some reason, they are usually
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metallic in color, but this one is just blue, beautiful, but most likely it has a thin, thin crust, and most likely, if you press on this speck of dust, it will crumble like an egg, this is 15 liters of water, daily this is done by a special duty officer.
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at the new station, water will be stored using machines for the whole year at once. this station provides for water purification so deeply that it is actually possible to reuse and reuse this water, and we will probably even carry out necessarily.
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it goes to cooking, washing, cleaning, well , all this is what goes away, goes away, and something comes back, that is, it comes into our gray water, in gray water it is also cleaned, then it goes to the showers, to washbasins, as for the already dirty water, which after a shower, it turns into black water, then from the black it is also cleaned, something is discarded, thrown away.
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washing is required once a week; based on the number of baths passed, they calculate how much time is left until the end of wintering. in these steam rooms gave birth to a unique ritual of soviet polar explorers, it is called club 200. well, we are preparing for club 200 on street -37 in bathhouse 120, we are vigorous, 200 is performed under the following conditions, when in the bathhouse it is 120°, on the street -80° and you need to stand on street for 200 seconds, then the distance covered is counted as 200, the title of honorary waxer is awarded, and this ritual is present only at the station.
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station set her first record here, becoming the only polar explorer in the history of the earth who lived in antarctica for 3 years in a row, well i want to go home, i want to go home, really, but i have to, so i have to, let’s be patient, we’ll finish it, we’ll leave, yes, this is our hero, who, let’s say, devoted himself completely to this project, two winters, even with progress, not every person
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will survive, but after two winters on progress , go to the winter in the east, it’s probably still worth a lot, then that wall, mikhaloch, this is what we need, here we sweep, paint, throw out the forests, look how these fellows are, and i scolded them, you you know, we are often afraid to look back, to look forward, uh, you look ahead, you see some kind of complexity, you consider it a task, you go and solve it further, so all our guys, they... are a little desperate, a little crazy, brave and, probably, somewhere in some sense hero, there were moments when even well, i had it all, i was already thinking, now i’ll give up,
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now i’ll give up, when you have friends around you, you understand that okay, you’ve given up, with them, they have nothing to do with it, somehow this is... here we prepared for 3 long years, and we waited even longer, for which we risked our lives dozens of real heroes of the pole. dear colleagues, good afternoon, greetings to everyone. the opening of a new wintering complex at
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the legendary vostok station is a big and significant event. i wanted special words of gratitude. addressed to everyone who contributed to the creation of this new wintering complex, thanks to your courage and dedication, the work at vostok station is receiving a powerful impetus for development. dear vladimir vladimirovich, we have operator connections, i ask for your permission to transfer control to the new wintering complex. please, i ask you, i authorize you, to begin the transfer of control. the appearance of a new wintering complex at vostok station is not just an expansion of the housing stock, it was created in order to provide a new stage in the development of scientific research. when the station was being designed, on behalf of the president in 2020
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, a comprehensive research program for lake vostok was developed, since the phenomenon of the formation of this unique object has not yet been determined. this is a very urgent task. which stands before us already moment, that’s when we realized that what a success, we are drilling a well, and there is also a lake under it, it became logical that we need to penetrate into the lake, take water samples, take samples of bottom sediments, examine them, so in the future there will be a new drilling rig, a new filling liquid, accordingly , a device has already been developed in the form of a robot that will take this liquid in liquid form and deliver it. us to the top, and then, in fact, all the world’s institutions will probably want this water, these problems will have to be solved to the new generation of russian polar explorers, they are already here, they are the ones who will write the next pages
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in the history of the development of the most rebellious mysterious continent, any drilling site, any scientific project - not only equipment, technology, it is, first of all, people, we now have more than 10 people who are ready to go to antarctica, to work in antarctica, both in terms of their professional skills and personal ones, these are guys under 30 years old, that is, this is our future, well, i think not only of the mining university, of the entire russian sciences. i want to get cores under the glacial rocks that are located under lake vostok, i want, of course, to write my favorite dissertation, then build a projectile after defending my ph.d., accordingly , assemble it, bring it here, drill to
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the subglacial rocks, select the cores, this will be a cool achievement, my the topic of the dissertation, and my scientific interest is to create a device. would be able to do this, of course, i would like to devote my whole life to this, all these stations, especially the vostok station, these are the antarctic ones stations, they prove that materialistic values ​​are not so important, we need, we need to live with some kind of dream, discoveries, something, something so lofty, well, we’ll see, maybe we’ll relocate somewhere beyond the borders of the earth my projectile is deployed, i don’t know, we’ll see how it goes. lake vostok is very reminiscent of the oceans hidden under the icy surface of the moons of jupiter and saturn. and perhaps soon russian scientists... will answer the question of how to look for subterrestrial life in them; potential objects for
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life in the solar system are rare earths satellites of the giant planets, this is enceladus, europa, yes, perhaps there is an under-ice ocean that contains life. when we started this project, we heard every day.
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world, we should be here, here is our station, here is our scientific research, our men are freezing here for them and in formation, the word has been heard for the first time in the east for more than six decades, for the first time a polar station was founded at the pole of cold, for the first time the deepest well was drilled in the glacier, for the first time, the oldest ice on the planet was mined, and now for the first time, it appeared on the edge of the earth
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a modern scientific complex, so that one day here russian scientists will be able to answer the main questions about the past, and therefore the future of all humanity.


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