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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 22, 2024 1:00pm-1:26pm MSK

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in the black sea, russian aircraft intercepted ukrainian unmanned boats. the tiger volunteer detachment from primorye today received high state awards. report by maxim berezin. ireland.
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they returned to their home airfields, and in the northern military district artillery zone they destroyed a ukrainian platoon that was trying to attack a height occupied by the russian military. after one of the motorized rifle units of the northern group of troops secured a position on a commanding hill, the scouts spotted enemy assault groups. fire mission for the defeat of the enemy was conveyed by the crew of the uragan multiple launch rocket systems. as a result of the strike, losses in the ssu amounted to up to thirty military personnel killed.
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and wounded, in the kherson direction of the crew of t-90 tanks, a breakthrough destroyed the temporary deployment site in the ukrainian armed forces, as well as the drone control center on the right bank of the dnieper. the enemy unit took refuge in a dilapidated house. the t-90, with a closed firing position from across the river, hit the target with accurate shots. volunteers of the bars detachment who distinguished themselves in the southern donetsk direction awarded state awards. i watched the presentation of orders and medals. our correspondent, maxim berezin, i am dying, in the middle, the ceremonial formation is announced by the commander of the primorye leopards, rustam bushaev, he is the current head of the bolshoi kamen urban district in the primorsky territory, a volunteer, who has been fighting with his detachment for about 2 years, started as a machine gunner in assaults, rose to the rank to the commander, the soldiers were called to the awards ceremony right from the front line, rustam abushaev was also noted and presented with a volunteer medal for the north military district, an honorary award.
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among the military personnel, bars-22 operates in the nizhnodonetsk direction, supports the marine corps unit, this is a well-organized combat unit in which volunteers serve, many of whom are former marines themselves, highly motivated and experienced fighters, they received today’s awards for the liberation of novomikhailovka. among those awarded the knights of the order of courage, the fighters received medals for courage and courage, medals of the order of merit for the fatherland. the detachment is constantly at war, not for the first day, not even for the first year, so the guys deserve it, they deserve it. separate a medal is also necessary in our ranks, in our existing system, people will wear it with pride, everyone will see that this is a voluntary formation. call sign korshin received the order of courage for competent actions as part of an assault detachment in novomikhailovka, where it was necessary to knock out a tightly entrenched enemy from literally every house. the armed forces of ukraine
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snapped, tried to counterattack, a group against the enemy, an assault group consisting of four people, moved in my direction, it turns out that it was an enemy counterattack, within half an hour i and my the group held the defense at this point, we suffered medical losses, two comrades were wounded, but we completed the task, the enemy was destroyed - immediately after that i asked for help. a reinforcement group arrived and i evacuated my wounded comrades. tigers in the squad are of different ages, nationalities, social status, strong backs and the support of marines from the 155th separate guards marine brigade. the call sign maestro lives in primorye, he signed up for the volunteer detachment in one of the first recruitments. the master was awarded a medal of the order for services to the fatherland, second degree. we found several tanks, which were parked in a shelter, and the lancets were used on them. here
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’s the episode, in general i didn’t even serve in the army, well , my homeland called me and said: i have to, my son is growing up, i don’t want him to fight, i want us to finish it faster, victory is ours, the soldiers have no time to celebrate awards and congratulate each other for a long time a friend, a group photo as a souvenir, and the squad returns to its combat positions. maxim berezin, maxim ushanov, sergey pakhsyukov, ntv, donetsk people's republic. today there are three countries at once - norway, spain and ireland officially announce their decision to recognize palestine as an independent state. thus, the world community is moving towards the implementation of the un, two states concept. for two peoples, approved more than half a century ago. currently, the independence of palestine is recognized by 143 of the 193 un countries, including russia. our country, as well as china and the arab states, insist that the settlement of the middle east conflict is impossible without
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a fundamental solution to the palestinian issue. israel, meanwhile, has already recalled its ambassadors from norway, ireland and spain for consultations. the head of the israeli foreign ministry, israel kats, does not mince words on... irish-norwegian stupidity will not stop israel from intending to eliminate hamas and return home the hostages. iran is holding an official farewell ceremony for deceased president ibrahim raisi. this is morning footage from a large architectural complex in tehran, a place for...
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after prayer there was a stampede, people rushed forward to touch the coffins, and this already at the street address, the bodies were taken through the center of tehran to the largest square of the capital so that everyone could say goodbye. the crowd heard not only slogans honoring the lynx, but also curses against israel and the united states. in america itself, by the way, they previously expressed condolences, although not entirely clearly.
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the united states did not observe politesse at all. mr. blinken, is the world a better place today with risi dead? considering the terrible things he has done both as a judge and as president, since he is no longer can commit them, the iranian people probably feel better. emmanuel macron is currently
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heading from paris to the other side of the world in new caledonia, an overseas territory in the pacific ocean, located. in time zones from france rebelled against the influence of the european master. the french president wants to return the ostrovetians to the path of truth through negotiations and the military. the day before, he announced that the military contingent would arrive in the coming days on the archipelago , famous for its unique nature and reserves. nickel. macron's trip is declared as a work trip. elizaveta gerson found out what kind of work the french leader would have to do on the rebellious islands. the pacific ocean is not quiet. donia, an old french colony, is on fire. its population has increased these days by more than 1%. from the former metropolis, as part of an operation to enforce republican order, president macron expelled 3,000 gendarmes and military personnel. over the past week
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, our government has done everything it can to enforce the law. to achieve this, we declared a state of emergency in new caledonia. now calm is beginning to return to the street. so far, the french police have managed to return to calm only a section of the route from the capital noumea to the local airport. the road was cleared of barricades and some burned cars. tourists await evacuation. home to new zealand or australia. we have developed a number of scenarios, but we need to wait for the french authorities to say that these roads and the airport are safe for new zealand tourists to get to the airport. the place is popular among tourists from this part of the world. this place is like that beautiful, i love it. local residents react with outbursts of fire and anger to the adoption of reforms in paris, ten hour zones from new caledonia. which expands the rights of the french who have come in large numbers as voters and narrows, as they
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fear, the rights of the inhabitants of the karen konak, they would like to discuss with the french final independence from paris, but paris sends gendarmes instead of negotiators. we want the situation to calm down, for the french government to make a strong political statement, and not send troops, sending an army to another country is usually does not involve negotiations. in new caledonia, more than a hundred people were injured, there were deaths, hundreds of millions of euros were damaged to the economy, a tourist was replaced, the president of france was going to the islands. french authority in new caledonia is represented by the high commissioner, who is appointed by macron. quite a colonial system. there are natives, there is a governor-general, and now the supreme ruler from the metropolis is arriving, whom no one in calidonia elected. macron, having lost influence in africa, is trying to hold on to new caledonia. he needs her from a military point of view from the point of view for military bases in the indo-pacific
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region, from the economic side for the production and export of nickel, and just for prestige, as everyone has, biden, sunak, a zone of overseas influence, and for him, for macron, they are scattering, and although now it seems that the french security forces are managing to maintain control over the territories, yet the ice on these tropical islands has long since broken. the tenacs make up about half the population and advocate independence from france. the other half are migrants. many descendants of french criminals who settled here after serving the sentence. they want to remain in french maritime territory. the uprising in the 19th and 20th centuries, three referendums in the 20th century did not lead to independence for new caledonia, but the desire to finally resolve the french issue with a guarantee to get rid of macron, who arrives not to... sunbathe, but to pacify, smoldering like
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the french bestros burned in new caledonia. elizaveta gerson, boris halfin, vladimir vypritsky and valeria polukhina, ntv television company. mechanism of credit support for small medium-sized businesses on the part of the state, it is noticeably simplified, brought to uniform rules and automated. last year alone , the volume of this support increased by almost a third. the head of the federal corporation reported this to the prime minister. tools to support smes in new russian regions, their goods can already be seen on the shelves of retail chains in the development of a preferential lending program for the border belgorod, bryansk and kursk regions. industrial cooperation of small large businesses is also an important area, so that companies know how they can be useful each other. if in the twentieth year you and i had 30,000 recipients, then last year there were 162,000 recipients, if earlier we
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were unfocused that now there is state support, every third ruble in the industrial sector is state support, every third ruble in a hotel, especially in investors, almost 90% - this is state support, skfo - penetration of 20% of state support, the main thing in all these metrics, in the numbers, is the investment climate, and the measurement of the investment climate... objectively, not of corporations, which may be interested in this, but of independent, objective associations of entrepreneurs, a very important barometer and tool, a feedback navigator that the corporation should use. businessman mikhail fridman demanded monetary compensation from the luxembourg authorities due to the freezing of his assets. we are talking about an amount of almost 16 billion dollars. next, business news, denis tolalayev, denis, how big. chances that they will still pay out. yes, you never know, egor. according to the sanctions list, mikhail fridman has already
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achieved relaxations. mikhail fridman invited the luxembourg authorities to voluntarily pay him 15 billion 800 million dollars. otherwise, he will turn to international arbitration. as the newspaper found out in the statement, this is the amount the businessman valued his assets frozen in luxembourg. he considers the actions of the local authorities to be expropriation and demands compensation for his losses. vedomosti sources clarify that lawyer mikhail fridman’s proposal for peace negotiations was sent to the luxembourg authorities back in february, but there is still no response. mikhail fridman owns stakes in several. year with the soviet union. colleague's partner lawyers kira venokurova explains that the agreement prohibits not only the expropriation
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of investments, but also, as stated, other measures with similar consequences. now the question is whether the fact that the businessman has not lost ownership of the assets, but actually cannot do anything with these assets, fits this formulation. in april of this year, michael fridman and pyotr ravina ensured that the eu court of justice overturned several grounds on which businessmen were included in the sanctions list, but they are still on this list remain for other reasons. the russian stock market starts the day with growth, correcting after yesterday's strong fall, the ruble yesterday. strengthened to such an extent that the dollar fell below 90. now analysts see two scenarios: either market participants will intensify purchases of cheaper foreign currency, then the dollar will remain above the 90 mark, or the actions of exporters who will sell currency will have a stronger impact, and because the peak of tax payments is already may 28, then the ruble will continue to grow. in these
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the market is currently in thought. federal air transport agency to... maintain benefits for air navigation services at airports in the far east. the agency's press service reported this to the ryanovosti agency. earlier today, the kommersant newspaper wrote that the federal air transport agency is thinking about canceling the benefits, and this is stated in the regulator’s letter to the federal air traffic controllers union. in march 2020 , rosaviatsiya set a tariff for air navigation services for the far eastern region 50 times lower than in the rest country to support carriers during the pandemic. s7 stated that the abolition of preferential tariffs will affect the cost of tickets, in the future it threatens to reduce the flight program to the far east, because the cost of transportation there is higher than in other regions, and since the twenty-second year, s7 continues, air navigation fees and so on increased by 76%. ural airlines adds a large share of subsidized transportation in the far east
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and tariffs for them for airlines have remained unprofitable for several years. egor about everything in the economy. thank you. with business news. there is a new election scandal in the united states, this time over a trump video. a video appeared on the politician’s social networks about what will happen after his victory in the elections. there were newspaper headlines , among others, the phrase “industrial growth has been significantly increased due to the creation of a unified reich.” the american media and the white house immediately reacted to this. they attacked the ex-president with harsh criticism. in the use of nazi rhetoric. after this video was urgently removed from trump’s page, the campaign headquarters reported that the presidential candidate himself was not familiar with its contents. in the romanian parliament, a deputy from one of the parties bit his colleague zanos amid disagreements. the incident took place in the lobby of the legislative assembly, and the reason for the brawl
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was the reproach of one another for non-compliance with the regulations. as a result, the parliamentarian who used teeth as an argument was deprived. mass brawl with shooting in the south of the capital, yegor, police are now finding out the details of several people in the hospital with injuries, three friends, members of the svo were returning to training, they saw a man beating a woman at a bus stop, and her comrades naturally stood up for her. literally a few minutes, the number of participants in the brawl approached twenty, eyewitnesses filmed what was happening on video, we will see these images in a few minutes. yes, thank you, marat, emergency, further, well, that’s all for now, and i say goodbye to you, until the next news broadcast on ntv, at 16:00, see you, with a smile.
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friends, svo participants were returning from training, they saw a man beating a woman at a bus stop, comrades naturally, they stood up for her, well, after literally a few minutes, the number of participants in the brawl was already close to twenty. eyewitnesses filmed the incident on video. the participants jumped into the car at full speed and fled the crime scene. all this disgrace was seen by dozens of passers-by and residents of western beryulev. what happened and what caused the fight? at first no one.


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