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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 22, 2024 4:00pm-4:46pm MSK

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the table broke, couldn’t stand it, the third said: that’s nonsense, i have apples this year, i took one apple on the cart, put it, they say: and that the cart fell apart, but where is it, a worm crawled out of it and ate the horse, that was meeting place, which cannot be changed, 14:00 will be two, goodbye. ireland, spain and norway announced recognition of palestine. israel is no good. countries that today recognize the palestinian state reward terrorists, murderers and rapists. the federation council approved the bill on creating a public register of those who do not pay child support. when will the so-called list of shame be made public? old problems in new caledonia. sending an army to another country does not usually imply. talks on
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how macron struggles with the idea of ​​​​independence of the islands, elizabeth gerson. no condolences. the iranian people probably felt better. the american state department commented on the death of the iranian president in a unique way. as a rule, they are located at very great depths. vitebsk search engines picked up fragments of what was shot down at forty the first year of the p2 bomber. the remains of the pilots have been identified. spain and ireland officially announced their decision to recognize palestine as an independent state. thus, the world community is moving towards the implementation of the un concept. two states for two peoples, approved more than half a century ago. currently independent. recognized by 143
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of 193 un countries, including russia. our country, as well as china and the arab states , insist that the settlement of the middle east conflict is impossible without a fundamental solution to the palestinian issue. the head of the israeli foreign ministry, israel kats, without mincing words, called the decision of the three countries to recognize palestine a perverse step that undermines the sovereignty of israel and its right to self-defense, saying that quote: irish-norwegian stupidity will not stop.
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spain was called to the israeli foreign ministry to consult with diplomats from these countries. three european countries were welcomed in the kremlin, according to dmitry peskov, russia consistently advocates a settlement between israel and palestine based on. two-state solution. to the ministry of defense reported the liberation of another settlement in the special operation zone. units of the southern group of troops took the kleshcheevka. the donetsk people's republic advanced to control the areas of georgievka and konstantinovka, defeating three ukrainian brigades. it was possible to push back the enemy defenses in the kharkov region; the north group caused serious damage to the third tank and fifty-seventh motorized infantry.
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volets has been howling with his squad for about 2 years, he began as a machine gunner in assaults, rose to the rank of commander. the fighters were called to the awards ceremony right from the front line. rustam abushaev was also noted and given a volunteer medal for the northern military district, an honorary award among military personnel. bars-22 operates in the southern donetsk direction, supporting a marine unit. this is a well-organized combat unit, staffed by volunteers, many of whom are former marines, highly motivated and experienced fighters. today they received awards for the liberation of novomikhailovka. among
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the awarded are holders of the order of courage, fighters received medals for courage and bravery, medals of the order of merit for the fatherland. the detachment is constantly at war, not for the first day, not even for the first year, so the guys deserve it. they deserved their awards, they passed both pavlovka and nikolskaya, and today they have even passed novomikhailovka. the caller korshin received the order of courage for his competent actions as part of the assault detachment in novomikhailovka. an enemy assault group consisting of four people advanced in my direction. it turns out it was a counterattack enemy for half an hour, my group and i held the line. at this point we suffered losses as ambulances, tigers in a detachment of very different ages, nationalities and social status, a strong back and support from the marines and the 155th separate guards marine brigade. the call sign maestro lives in primorye, he signed up for the volunteer detachment in one of the first recruitments. maistor was awarded a medal of the order for services
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to the fatherland, second degree. we found several tanks, which were standing in a shelter, and the lancets were used on them, so... episode, in general, i didn’t even serve in the army, my homeland called me and said, it’s necessary, my son is growing up, i don’t want him to fight, i want us to finish it faster, well, victory is ours, the soldiers have no time to celebrate awards and congratulate each other for a long time, a group photo as a keepsake and the squad returns to its combat positions. maxim berezin, maxim ushanov, sergey plakhyukov, ntv, donetsk people's republic. an official farewell ceremony for the deceased president ibrahim is taking place in the capital of iran.
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after visits to azerbaijan and pilots. black the chelma on raisi's coffin is a symbol indicating the status of siyid, which means that raisi was considered a descendant of the prophet. muhammad. by the way, the spiritual leader of iran, ayatallah khaminii, who read a prayer to the dead, is also sitting. after the prayer there was a stampede, people rushed forward to touch the coffins. and this is footage from the streets, the bodies were taken through the center of tehran to the largest square of the capital so that everyone could say goodbye. the crowd heard not only slogans glorifying raisi, but also curses against israel and...
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the states expressed condolences in connection with with the death of ugochavitsa, and also when joseph stalin died, these are people with whom we had great disagreements. joseph stalin was actually an ally of the united states, but the us secretary of state did not observe politeness at all. mr. blinken, is the world a better place today now that ricey is dead? considering the terrible things he committed both as a judge and as president, since he
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can no longer commit them, the iranian people are probably better off. emmanuel macron heads from paris to the other side of the world in new caledonia. overseas territory. in the pacific ocean, located ten hour zones from france, rebelled against the influence of its european master. the french president wants to return the ostrovetians to the path of truth through negotiations and the military. the day before, he announced that the military contingent would arrive in the next few days on the archipelago, famous for its unique nature and nickel reserves. macron’s trip is declared as a work trip; elizaveta gerson found out what kind of work the french leader will have to do on the rebellious islands. the ocean is not quiet, new caledonia, the old french colony is burning, its population has increased these days by more than 1%, from the former metropolis as part of an operation to enforce republican order, president macron expelled 3 thousand gendarmes and
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military personnel. in a week, our government has done everything possible to ensure compliance with the law, for this we declared a state of emergency in new caledonia, now on the streets.
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negotiation. as a result of the unrest in new caledonia, more than a hundred people were injured, some were killed, and hundreds of households were damaged million euros, the president of france is coming to the islands to replace tourists. french authority in new caledonia is represented by the high commissioner, who is appointed by macron. quite a colonial system. there are natives, there is a governor-general, and now there is a supreme ruler from the metropolis, whom no one in caledonia elected. macron, having lost influence in africa. is trying to hold onto new caledonia, he needs it from a military point of view for military bases in the indo-pacific
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region and from an economic point of view for production and export nickel, and just for prestige, as everyone has, biden, sunak, a zone of overseas influence, but with him, with macron, they are scattering, and although now it seems that the french security forces are managing to maintain control over the territories, there is still ice on these tropical... the indigenous kanakas are about half the population, they advocate independence from france, the other half are settlers, many descendants of french criminals who settled here after serving their sentences, they want to remain an overseas territory of france. uprising in the 19th century in the 20th century, three referendums in the 20th century did not lead to independence for the new coledonia, but the desire to finally resolve the french issue with a guarantee of getting rid of... the crown, which arrives not to sunbathe, but to pacify, is smoldering, like
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the french bestros burned in new caledonia. elizaveta gerson, boris halfin, vladimir vypritsky and valeria polukhina, ntv television company. the european union is thinking about sanctions against georgia due to the high-profile law on foreign agents, a number of european publications report this from the united states, citing their sources. the initiators are supposedly estonia, the netherlands, the czech republic and sweden.
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to international arbitration, as the vedomosti newspaper learned, this is the amount the businessman valued his assets frozen in luxembourg; he considers the actions of local authorities to be expropriation and demands compensation for his losses. vedomosti sources clarify that lawyer mikhail fridman’s proposal for peace negotiations was sent to the luxembourg authorities back in february, but there is still no response. mikhail fridman
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owns stakes in several luxembourg companies, through which he invested in alfa bank, a food retailer. x5 groups in telecommunications companies vion and turkcel. the businessman’s position is that luxembourg, by freezing assets, violated the investment agreement signed back in 1989 with the soviet union. partner of the bar association kira venokurova explains: that agreement prohibits not only the expropriation of investments, but also, as stated, other measures with similar consequences. and the question now is whether what about...
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chairman of the board of the association of lawyers fits this formulation russia's vladimir gruzdev says that now there really is no mechanism to force a conditional neighbor to develop his land plot. at the same time, the ministry of justice responded to this bill. he pointed out that it is not clear what exactly signs of non-use the government can prescribe, because russians have the habit of not only growing something in garden plots, but also sometimes relaxing. egor about the economy thanks all denis talolaev with business news. the mechanism of credit support for small medium-sized businesses from the state has been significantly simplified, brought to uniform rules and automated. last year alone, the volume of this support increased by almost a third,
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alexander isaevich, head of the federal corporation for small medium enterprises, reported this to the prime minister. according to him , there is a lending program. high-tech enterprises have financial instruments to support smes; in new russian regions, their goods can already be seen on the shelves of retail chains in the development of a preferential lending program for the border belgorod, bryansk and kursk regions. an important area is also industrial cooperation of small large businesses, so that companies know how they can be useful to each other. if in the twentieth year you and i had 30,000 recipients, then last year there were 162,000 recipients. if earlier we were unfocused that now there is state support, every third ruble in the industrial sector is state support, every third ruble in the hotel, especially among investors, almost 90% is state support, skfo penetration is 20% of state support, the main thing in all these metrics, in digital kpis, this is the investment climate, and the measurement of the investment climate
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is objective, not of a corporation that may be interested in this, but of independent objective associations. entrepreneurs is a very important barometer and tool, a feedback navigator that the corporation should use. well, today , after the state duma, the federation council approved a law proposing a new measure to combat those who do not pay alimony. we are talking about creating an open register of debtors, which have already been called a blacklist . in particular, getting to this one this kind of board of shame will be fraught with problems in finding employment for violators. the database will also be available to the employer. for whom the reputation of potential employees is important, and on top of everything else, the authors of the initiative consider the creation of a separate register and an additional moral impact on more than 150,000 debtors, namely... this is how many of the worst defaulters have been recorded at the moment, risking ending up in a public database, here below, the register will include information about debtors by element
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obligations brought to administrative criminal liability, as well as those declared by bailiffs as executors in the rose information, this will affect 154 unscrupulous alemens. it will be possible to get out of the blacklist only by completely repaying the alimony debt, there is time for this, the law itself will come into effect. medicines thanks to the krok good foundation. the fund, created just over 3 years ago by presidential decree, is a unique mechanism for supporting seriously ill children who require expensive medications, sometimes costing millions.
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dollars. mikhail plokhotnik will tell you how the circle of good works, what specific human stories are behind the dry numbers, and how to get help for those who need it. this was always necessary, but the fund appeared only in the twenty-first year, to help children with severe, life-threatening, chronic diseases. and rare diseases, during our work the number of requests and the list of drugs have increased significantly. the fund currently lists 93 serious diseases, and for their treatment the fund purchases more than 100 different medications. this is diana, she's 10 years old, she has hope for the future, thanks to the foundation, now she receives spinraza, a drug that was once called the most expensive in the world. she draws a house especially for us, the same one. which she will definitely have, how many floors are there in the house? two, are two floors enough for you? yes, there will be a cat in this house, diana loves cats, especially red ones, even plush ones,
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she recently lost one, she lost him on the street, we put up an ad, 10 at night, i remember, we went, put up an ad, and imagine, they returned it to us , in the end diana now has two favorite cats, or rather three, and this is lisa, she can, she has learned to walk on a wheel, her dna system is built in such a way that what we call tubular bones grow more slowly. she is open-minded, cheerful, active, has been doing gymnastics with a coach for 2 years, can do cartwheels, dances beautifully, knows her letters and can already spell out her name. 2 years ago , i began to receive a drug from the state fund circle of good, thanks to which i have grown by 14 cm. injections, painful injections, yes, but i endure it so as not to wake up vara and write, it’s about a brother and sister, takes care of them, now there is strength to take care,
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medicine helps, the fund’s list includes very serious diseases that terribly change the lives of children, these are several types of diseases of the blood, immune system, hepatitis c, syndrome... that operational through the state services portal. in fact, literally at the moment the parents apply, they immediately find out about the child , contact the regional
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health authority, and help the parents submit the application correctly. over the past year, the fund allocated for the purchase of medicines more than 120 billion rubles. in total , almost 240 billion were spent during the work. mikhail plokhotnik, anastasia altukhova, ekaterina katelevskaya, ntv television company. search engines in belarus have recovered from the ground the wreckage of a warplane from the great patriotic war. thanks to the painstaking work of specialists, the plane was identified, which means that another family now knows where their relatives died in which battle. sergey savin, more details. a nickel of land cleared of trees and roots. somewhere here lies pet-2, the most massive dive the great patriotic bomber, but on the poster there are two crews, who died here, the main thing. and this is the may day parade in moscow,
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1941. stalin tries to impress the germans, their generals are present and watching. on the second pawns, the newest model has just been accepted from the factory, both of these crews, sirov and garmash, will fly here, and in 52 days the war will begin. tatyana is from moscow at the excavations for the first time, she is a relative of the bombardier, nikolai antropov. the boys called me, well, they said. nothing was known for 83 years, but if it’s not him, i’ll still come, they ’re the crew together, if it’s another crew, they were together, they were friends, well, it turns out that this is ours, these are our guys, there are strange things at the excavations from the very beginning, a lot of small fragments, exploding artillery shells, which should not have happened, version of the black diggers,
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undermined the hull decades ago. pilots identification of the aircraft, practically nothing all day. a small area is dug up several times around the perimeter, layer by layer and with hands, hands and strictly hands, this is the only way there is a chance, let’s take it so we don’t
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miss the remains of the crew. after a long 7 hours, luck, both engines are an almost one hundred percent chance of naming, the iron still needs to be washed and cleaned, but the main thing has been found: two crankshafts, they have serial numbers duplicated on the lock washers. it is this one on the right with the number 1154 that is important. the fact is that this number was also additionally used for military reporting documents; by it one can accurately name the composition of the crew.
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there is information from several sources, he may be very close, within a radius of 5 km. sergey savin, tegrantov, konstantin morozov and dmitry davydenko, ntv, vitebsk region, belarus. and watch after the commercial. trump's new election video caused a scandal, what is he accusing the presidential candidates of this time, and what does the third reich have to do with it? before our restoration, the cathedral was under partial records, copy-pasting, and tinting. the stone chronicle of russia, large-scale restoration of the novodevichy convent is being completed. here is the foundation of the monastery, the lighting of the cathedral, the wooden walls that surrounded monastery. svetlana gordeeva will tell you what the monastery has become famous for over 500 years of existence. the state abolished the commissions.
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transfers between your accounts in different banks. from may 1, russians can transfer their money from one bank to another for free. the law came into force. now you can receive a salary from one bank and immediately transfer it to another, where it is more profitable. transfer money to a free alpha card, receive a super cash in rubles and a 16% rate on savings. not just profitable, alpha profitable. what are you doing here? we make it comfortable. per annum maybe everyone, open a deposit on with premier you can stay home all weekend and relax the way you want. and finally, give in to the impulse. by pressing play, you can be yourself. premiera online cinema, for people like you. i love the moscow coffee shop on
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poi. and i'll tell you why. moscow coffee shop on the fields is a combination of traditions and advanced technologies of the highest class, the taste is a pleasure. moscow coffee shop on the floors. i love it, i recommend it. you locked us all here, why? let's play a game. colimbo, only in okka online cinema. this is sasha. it is important for him to have friends nearby. maxim always says yes to his friends. masha will help you any minute. and vanya will never keep you waiting. start a cool career at alfabank, bring friends and get 15,000 rubles for each. alfabank is the best employer in russia. pairs, roman burger and roman chicken burger at a great price. in italian, delicious period. choose your favorite brands at
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wildberries. high quality, beautiful and stylish. huge selection of shoes for all occasions. shoes or sandals for going out, or maybe sneakers for every day? oha at competitive prices on wiildberries. order a free alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest, receive a superkick in rubles for all purchases , withdraw cash for free, it’s not just profitable, it’s alpha profitable! one day , a small mole appeared on the tanned shoulder of agronomist alena. alena didn’t notice her and the mole made a girlfriend, and then another and another. and alena’s husband nikolai noticed this and said: “i love all your moles so much.” he didn't know that moles could be a sign of skin cancer. get a medical examination for free. dna today at 17:50 on ntv. i love the moscow coffee shop on the belts, i’ll tell you why. moscow
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coffee shop on the fields is a combination of traditions and advanced technologies of the highest class, the taste is a pleasure. moscow coffee shop on the fields. i love it, i recommend it. i love the moscow coffee shop on poi. and i'll tell you why. moscow coffee shop at the top, a combination of traditions and advanced technologies of the highest class, the taste is a pleasure. moscow coffee shop on the fields, i love it, i recommend it. i love the moscow coffee shop on the fields. and i'll tell you why. moscow coffee shop on the belts - a combination of traditions and advanced technologies of the highest class, the taste is a pleasure. moscow coffee shop on the waist, i love it, i recommend it. every wedding ends the same.
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logs are of the highest class, the taste is a pleasure, i love it, i recommend it. moscow coffee shop on the waist, taste, pleasure, love, recommend. via superstar, premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. we're back on the air, let's continue. there are new scandals in the united states due to donald trump's election video on the politician's social networks , a video has appeared about what. will be after his victory on elections, there were newspaper headlines, among other things, the phrase “industrial growth has been significantly increased due to the creation of a unified reich.” the american media and the white house attacked the ex-president with sharp criticism and accusations of using nazi
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rhetoric. after this video, the video was immediately removed from trump’s page; the campaign headquarters reported that the presidential candidate himself knew nothing about it. global restoration is being completed in moscow. exactly 500 years ago on this day the cathedral of the smolensk icon of the mother of god was founded, from which history began monasteries, restorers put in order dozens of monuments, several towers, various chambers, frescoes of the tomb, removed the dust of centuries to reveal the paintings of the 16th century, svetlana gordeeva had already seen them, before the era of, let’s say, scientific restoration, it was a very royal object, of course, it was washed for every holiday. are we so diligent that century after century the smolensk cathedral, the most ancient temple of the novodevichy convent, lost its brightness, the faded frescoes were occasionally painted over with oil paints, all these layers along with the restorers removed the soot, so we look at the walls through the eyes of a 16th century muscovite. before our
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restoration, the cathedral was under partial records, copywriting, tinting, which told its appearance, only now this original appearance appears before us in the form in which... it has reached us. you can study history using novodevich. it was founded by vasily ii, the father of ivan the terrible, in honor of the capture of smolensk, which was under lithuanian occupation for more than 100 years, built near the city of moscow. posad, that is, outside of that the time of moscow, we can see the foundation of the monastery, the lighting of the cathedral, and the wooden walls that surrounded the monastery, they say that vasily ii built the monastery for selfish purposes, without waiting for an heir . the grand duke came up with a scheme: a childless wife goes to the monastery and, as it were, dies for worldly life, and he is in the status of almost a widower, he chooses a new bride, he eventually tonsured his wife as a nun, but after a conflict with the church, which did not divorce... dobrila sent her away from moscow. this
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monastery from the very beginning was almost the monastery of the court took such a position because it became a place of tonsure for members of the royal family and the family aristocracy, the princely aristocracy of the second half of the 16th and 17th centuries. relatives of ivan the terrible and the first wife of peter i also lived here, and quite well, in large apartments, surrounded by noble servants. tsarevna sofia, the sister of peter i, also loved navodevich very much. according to her plan , the monastery was rebuilt as we see it now. this is all the merit of princess sofia alekseevna. before her, the monastery looked different, simpler walls, without decorations. there were no gate temples that we see above the northern and southern gates. ironically , sophia was later forcibly settled here by peter ii for trying to prevent him from gaining access to the throne. but even from the monasteries, the rebellious princess controlled
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the streltsy army; after another riot , peter tonsured his sister as a nun, and hung the rebels over her windows as a warning. the bell tower at one time was one of the tallest buildings in moscow; the clock on it chimed not only every hour and quarter, but every minute, as if recalling the acuteness of earthly life, they say that peter i himself established them, as an edification to his sister princess sophia, who was imprisoned here in the novodevichy convent for treason. the monastery was completely plundered by the poles, and later it was restored by the first romanovs. miraculously, navodevich survived the invasion of napoleon. the french settled here, destroyed the monastery's supplies, and when leaving the capital, they laid out gunpowder under the buildings. the monks, without risking their lives, rushed to extinguish the lit fuse. the flaring fire was extinguished and explosion prevented. they say that the monastery owes its miracles to its main shrine, a copy of the miraculous image of the smolensk mother of god and
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is poison. the restoration, which lasted so much, was dangerous, because after all , almost 10 years, it ends when they fix something, they say it will be as good as new, in this case the monastery will be as old as 500 years ago. svetlana gordeeva, maxim zabelin, valery kushni, roman kulazhenkov, maria popova and nikolai korolkov, ntv. the coast of the red krasnodar territory is filled with a huge number of jellyfish, they gathered in the sea near anapa, the day before the same picture. but it was possible to observe near tubse novorossiysk and sochi. the water has turned to jelly, swimming is unpleasantly dangerous, and you can get burns. according to biologists, among the reasons for the invasion are the abundance of plankton, which jellyfish feed on, and the high water temperature this year on the coast, which has warmed earlier than usual. it’s warmer in central russia, weather forecasters say meteorological summer has already arrived, what’s next, evgenia neronskaya will tell you. yesterday's atmospheric front only parroted muscovites with the steamy wind, but with precipitation. i still haven’t been generous about whether to wait for more rain, i’ll tell you after a break. how to reduce
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joint pain without harming the stomach? rheumoflex helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes the level of uric acid, preventing its deposition in the joints. revmoflex evalar - movement without pain. if your joints bother you when the weather changes, take rheumoflex. it helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes urinary levels. acids. rheumaflex evalar - movement without pain in any weather. so, on european territory the weather is determined not by one, but by two anticyclones. the most important, the most powerful is located. in the center he distributed the flows so that the volga, alas, gets the arctic cold, there is only 12:14, well, in the center there are almost 20, but everyone is united by the bright sun and cloudless sky, light rains will only occur in the black earth region, in the north-west the sun is all at once warm , always up to +26, hot in kaliningrad,
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but the baltic resort mood is a bit the rains will darken it, in yoga there is not a cloud in the sky, here that same second anticyclone in it warms up the air. to the resort +25, along with it the water becomes warmer, although it is windy, it rains in the mountains. in st. petersburg, without precipitation, only sun and +23, in moscow +20, and also no rain until the end of the week. weather forecast from evgenia neronskaya, well, these are the main news for this hour, thank you for being with us and see you tomorrow. this is sasha. it is important for him that his friends are nearby, maxim always says yes to his friends, masha will help in any way minute, and vanya will never keep you waiting. start a cool career at alfabank, bring friends and get 15 rubles for each.
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alfabank is the best employer in russia. moscow coffee shop on the fields. we’ll find where to stay, it’s hard not to notice the legendary alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest on all purchases,
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