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tv   Operetta kapitana Krutova  NTV  May 23, 2024 12:55am-1:46am MSK

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and you say clift, i don’t know how you and your wife are on vacation, but if i go to an exhibition in this jacket, i’m doing great. hey, come on, don’t miss tomorrow, you, basically, sit here, and i ’ll chase after the thief, and what is that you have hanging around here, an emergency exit, a premiere, what the hell is this, it smells like kerosene, full of papandos, this is a setup, we need to get rid of the corpse, i’m an officer, i’ll shoot myself, right? come on, stop the hysteria
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now, why, kolya, well, this is the way out, i know what needs to be done, tomorrow at 22:15 on ntv.
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i went to paris and there he robbed me.
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got together with someone else, i tried to poison myself, so stupid, so shameful, suddenly i was drawn to russia , to my homeland, to my girl, lord, lord, be merciful, forgive me my sins, what are you doing, get off me, dear viewers, the anniversary took place today. i don’t often meet young girls, young and interesting, i’ve already forgotten, and i can’t clearly imagine what 18-19 years old feels, louder, on stage, because the young
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girls in my stories and stories are usually false, i would like to even for an hour to be in your place to understand what you think, and in general, what kind of thing are you? listen, he's picking on her, not according to her role, uh-huh, girls, i hear everything, dasha, uh-huh. and i would like to be in your place, why? to find out how a famous, talented writer feels, how fame feels, how you feel that you are famous, wait, where did this log come from, your husband picked it up, believe the police, sit down. once again, what
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attracts trigorin to nene? young, pretty. rich and famous, groupies for one night they’re not interested, but he doesn’t want to sleep with her, but to dissect her, ivan petrovich, sorry, although it’s true, to dissect, to open, so to speak, her soul, to feel what’s inside of her, well, one thing doesn’t interfere with the other, the best, you with some water wash yourself cold, okay, i need an aristocrat of spirit, not a lustful baboon, a sexual maniac, an alpha male, a march cat, so now someone will be rehearsing on the street, okay, yeah, dasha,
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yeah, i understand that you’re just getting used to it, but tell me, what are you doing now? i'm reading text, nina’s role, that’s it, you read the text, you need to act, uh-huh, direct your energy to your partner and get an answer, this way interaction will arise and it will be interesting to watch, clear, clear, once again with the phrase, wonderful world, wonderful world, good afternoon, darina romanovna, let me ask, what was that? artamonov invited him
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to the role of zarechnaya in the second cast, but what? wow, why is this interesting? well, of course, you are a first-class actress, but in my opinion you have a different profession, no, why are you calling him that? hooked, i never hook anyone, understand? well, of course, yes, nikolai arkadyevich is an altruist, he just gives out roles, out of the kindness of his heart, he would say what this kindness is called, even, well, say, say that, listen, you are illusions, you don’t build, no. the freebie won’t work, it’s not the police, they took it, supported it, let it go, gave them a summary, you have to work here, not read the text, as i understand it, this was the master’s advice, i’ll definitely go see snow white, i’ll look at you in the role of the second gnome, the fourth, as far as i understand, there’s nothing else to look at, i just remembered
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there is a series, the coolest getting into character, only they can easily replace it, no one will notice, what’s the point? this is for the dressers, oops, i got caught, it worked, i can’t know here, it’s a familiar thing, so who’s stealing our money, i didn’t take anything, well, my dear, what’s the result, the shield got dirty? and will this one delay the summer of kedek for a little while? yes, nikolai vasilyevich, don’t you know the prospects, first the air force for 48 hours, right darina romanovna? yes, then a subscription or a pledge, or, alas, an arrest, then a trial, well, taking into account your certificates of honor, your age, of course,
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they will give it conditionally, i just looked, there was a wallet lying there, i wanted to take it away, no, it wasn’t just lying there, it was lying in a zippered bag , you got yourself into trouble right up to the gums, nikolai vasilyevich. but there is an option, you compensate for everything that was stolen, apologize, write a statement on your own, and we disagree, think, nikolai vasilyevich, you have 10 minutes, time has passed, you just crushed the opera, well , it was time to study in the isolation ward, you by the way, they deliberately put me with this cyclist, with which cyclist, whom i myself was on... did you sit like a casserole? a then you didn't know? no. wait. did you tell him that you killed sancho? i agree.
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dima, why are you spying on me, yes, something like that, i repeat to you again, i don’t care to anyone. listen, casserole, either you are now telling darina romanovna everything that
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interests her, or you will be a cuckoo in the cell, where did i find out about the brand of the pistol, i read it in the newspaper, it was there with the duty officer while he was processing me, kolugin, what he said, verbatim, he said that he didn’t kill anyone, that’s it, that’s it, yes, it’s real, that’s it, live for now, dammit, that’s all, or what? i'm only there for 2 days. so, ok, there’s no point in hanging around there anymore, you’ll only scare us off, we’ll put our feet behind kalukin, and the phone on the button, i just started, you’ll finish tomorrow, oleg, not everything is written there, what else? look. sancho works for ganaev. gonaev is skvartsova’s lover. and skvartsova is
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kolugin’s ex-wife. understand? again. sancho worked for ganayu. that's it, stop. write a detailed certificate. and every day there is a countdown on my desk. for what? are you kidding me, how will i report to my superiors? understood? get out of here and find me the main trunk, hi, it’s great, but there won’t be any punishment, you’ll offend me, i just didn’t collect it, listen, let’s not make any more calls, we’ll have to meet. throw a coin in the mailbox, and if the dishes, i think they
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believed me, be careful anyway, then you’ll set me up too, let them be more careful, don’t miss, are you offending? fragile elements inside please be sure to keep your eyes shut with no sloppiness. brilliant, just brilliant, i have
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the feeling that i’ve seen this in the movies 100 times, you ’ve also been playing in your chekhov theater for 100 years and nothing, i agree, listen, what’s wrong with this make it a scene, kutov ends up in a security camera, it’s impossible, he’s a professional, but we’ll erase the camera on the graphic, it was a real object, not a decoration, everything’s fine, a unique country with a unique fate,
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stomach, active from the first minutes, extinguishes the burn, extinguishes it. sasha. it is important for him to have friends nearby. maxim always says yes to his friends. masha will help you any minute. and vanya will never keep you waiting. start a cool career at alfabank. refer friends and get 15,000 rubles. for everyone. alfabank is the best employer in russia. series premiere. colimbo - series premiere only in the okko online cinema. a person with long-term anxiety often hears advice. calm down, don't be nervous. i need to sleep. but in fact, anxiety can be treated. new. afabazold s
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your card number so that the money can be transferred to a secure account. i'll call the bank myself. and hung up. what do cars appear to be? to get money out of you, hang up without talking, you can’t go there, he’s busy , sorry, darling, i need it urgently, nikolai arkaevich, can i do it urgently, denis, what’s the matter, we have a meeting, it’s a matter of life and death, seriously, let me make some coffee , nikolai arkadyevich, to you do it, no, thank you, whatever you want, okay, come in, let's go, let's go. what do you have? you cast a non-professional actress in the lead role. let's go. second cast, there wasn’t even an episode for me, that is, you want to take part in the seagull, i want to play in a chatty manner, this is your question
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of life and death, for me this is very important, very, denis, on what basis, bykov’s chatter? i’m not going to change the decision of the artistic council until you give me the role, i’m not going anywhere, stand up and don’t explain, when you’re adequate, then we’ll talk, and i’m adequate, well then stop.
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if you want to go to the toilet, no, go. i’ll wait, i don’t want to, okay, denis, i’ll think about it, seriously,
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that means, i said, i’ll think about it, thank you, nikolai arkaevich, thank you, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it. this is really so important to me, thank you, denis, come on, a famous writer, a favorite of the public, they write about him in all the newspapers, he is translated into foreign languages, and he spends all day fishing, rehearsing alone is pointless, and you know the text of the role, for a long time, if you want, we’ll try, we’re the only ones here. you don't have to waste your time on me, you're a replica i missed what it means, not so abruptly,
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calmer, i had the meanness to kill this seagull today, i’m laying it at your feet, what’s wrong with you, soon i ’ll kill myself in the same way, i don’t... recognize you, yes, after that how i stopped recognizing you, you have changed towards me, your gaze is cold, my presence embarrasses you, lately you have become irritable, you express everything incomprehensibly, in some kind of symbols, this seagull is also apparently a symbol, but forgive me, i i don’t understand, i’m too simple to understand you, if only you knew how unhappy i am, your cooling... it’s very scary, incredible, as if i woke up and see, as if this lake had suddenly dried up or flowed into the ground, there’s like a nail in my brain,
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damn it along with my pride, which sucks my blood , as dare, then the scene with trigorin, i know those for trigorin. maybe, maybe the killer wasn’t waiting for him, he was watching him, the same one, maybe, maybe, we need to check sanchi’s entire path, he probably showed up somewhere, we checked, if
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there was something, i would have known. listen, the police are not it shows everything, they don’t tell everything, let’s check, come on, denis, i didn’t give information about you to the press, this is my friend, yeah, why does he need this, he’s a journalist, i came with him to the performance. that is, there are exclusively business relations between you, yes, well, but the guys should know everything about each other, nothing at all, with whom they are, with no one, including artamonov, but what about going to a restaurant, and where should it take place? business meeting in the bathhouse?
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you see the camera from behind, did you just notice? sit in the car, don't shine, partner, yes, they came, you know, i don’t need any problems with the police, yes i understand, but for... there is, this is between us, yes, of course, there is, well, we have a little bit of all sorts of showdowns here, you know, we are insuring ourselves, but why do you need , a friend was killed, i want to figure it out myself, mm, i understand, ilya, like in the movies, well, something like that, throw it here,
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yeah, yeah, okay. “look, maybe one girl can take a selfie with you, she loves you very much, yes, of course, wife, daughter, well, daughter, wife, or maybe three, yes, of course, well done!” surprise, how did you do it? well, well done, look, here he is leaving, you see a car behind him, maybe random, random, you say, here is the second camera, and so he gets out. “here
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he’s leaving, so let’s wait, oh, look, it’s the same car, write down the number, i’ll try tomorrow, yes, yeah, what do you have today, i’m going to work on the role, on the role, great idea, you’re moving in the right direction, partner, y me, yours?" i understand, that means you have, i’ll let you in, well, you’re ready, uh-huh, and i’m saying something like this, you don’t have anything hot, just good for ligaments, kefir, for refrigerators, but no, kefir, it’s only worse does, i remembered, by the way, the story with kefir
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on tour, there with these with vasily, let’s not talk about hunting stories, okay, creative excitement, my father and his wife don’t let me come here, they say that there are bohemians here, they are afraid that i won’t i became an actress, but i am drawn here to the lake like a seagull, my heart... is full of you, you chose this scene on purpose, i mean, i chose a scene where there is something to play, she even has a kiss, so what , come on without the kiss, denis, come on without the kiss, but the kiss is the key to the scene, to be honest, i'm serious, well, if you don’t want to, let’s go without him, we’re alone.
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it seems that there is someone there, no one, denis, what about denis, dash, is it chekhov? wrote, by the way, not denis, i don’t know, somehow it’s not professional, we rehearse or we don’t rehearse, or at our performance a kiss will be born, well, here i don’t know, okay, okay , okay, it’s written in my pike , written simply as a whole, which in my opinion is an interpretation of the social, ay, it hurts, a reflex, i’m sorry, you ’ll hurt your partner like that, your play is difficult
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to play, there are no living people in it, in my opinion, there must certainly be love in the play. hi, hi, i just stopped by to apologize, can i come in, no, dazhda, well, well, okay, forgive me, well dazh, okay, come in, this is denis, and this is edik, the same journalist
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who wrote a lot about you have a nice one. hi hello. come on, apologize. and... denis, what did i write wrong, in my opinion, everything was like that, because, well, if i’m wrong about something, then i can give a refutation, but what a refutation, old man, only here duel. sorry, wait, why are mobile
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phones on, administration, watch this, seryozha, i'm sorry, it's from the police, i'm sorry, hello, hi, convenient, hi, how's it going, listen, were you there? there is no car with that number registered, it’s a fake number, wait, but the car itself can really be broken through, it’s realistic if they killed the minister and not sancho, i understand, where are you going to the rehearsal, okay, i’ll be there in 2 hours, okay, well, denis, what can i do, how did it happen that...
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i would not endure the love of loved ones, need, disappointments, i would live under a roof and eat only rye bread, i would suffer from dissatisfaction with myself in my consciousness imperfections, but it would require glory, real noisy glory, my head was crushed. boris alekseevich, our log is coming to life, artamonov, he is so pleased, as if he had eaten too much sour cream, not a single comment, but this is a log, soon you will feed here. let me in, and masha was thinking of eating me, and this policewoman will eat her up for breakfast, uh-huh, yes, this is the estate of my late mother, i was born there, i lived on this lake all my life, and i know every island on it, stop, zhen, well,
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let’s play the attacking male again, nikolai arkadyevich, well, people are adults, adults, but intelligent, what? we play, treats everyone, hello, laziness, dear, hello, well, first of all, i’m calling to remind you about the anniversary, yes, i remember, i, i remember, i hope you were with the car, well, yes, with whom else - i heard, our great film director is sick again, yes, but i ’m not surprised, maybe they’ll send him to germany, and the clinics there are good, just recently i have... they constantly monitor fresh air, but laziness, laziness, do you hear me, laziness, but excuse me, parallel call, laziness, it was wonderful.
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so half-smoked sausage krakow horseradish yes good afternoon colleague. i’m taking leave, hello, raise your hands, but there’s no need, well, he fixed the door, he said after the payday, in general, in an amicable way, he also has a share, it’s his own fault, but what’s your business, but he wrote a report, yes, he thinks that you, specifically because of an unpleasant relationship, are obligated to go and check, well
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, let’s, let’s tell the whole world how our investigators issue a search warrant for themselves. the minister will laugh, yes, but he wasn’t the only one who wrote, who else, your wife, to the regional housing department, to remind you why, here not only the minister will laugh, but also the president, such a wonderful story, 3 years ago, brave operative, kolya petrashkov caught a drug dealer. ambushed him in his three-room apartment. the drug dealer didn’t show up, but sat down somewhere abroad, and kolya was sitting in ambush, and so as not to get bored, he moved his wife and child there from the dorm, settled in, bought furniture, and his wife
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was so upset that she wrote to the housing department , they say, is it possible to leave this apartment completely, here you are, a sack, do you think it’s possible? find out, and the sooner the better, watch behind her, overhear the conversations, what should i teach you, you’re a pro with us, you have a week, otherwise a dorm, or an article?
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“hello, stanislav sergeevich, hello, i found a new source, oil will soon flow, well , yes, of course, i was worried all day, i was so scared, i was afraid that my father would not let me in, the sky is red, the moon is already beginning to rise, and i drove the horse, drove it. dasha, sit down. where on the floor, sit down, here, yes, then i’ll go to her, yes, but i’m glad, you’re not happy. “i’m glad, but i don’t see that you’re happy.” but i’m glad, but my eyes seem to be teary, it’s not good,
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and our eyes are not teary, it’s like that, you see, it’s hard for me to breathe, i’ll be leaving in half an hour, i have to hurry, well, here, real life has appeared, yes, organically, ivan petrovich, well , sorry, dash, but you were worried, everything is working out, we will continue, so, the rehearsal is over for today, we will meet tomorrow on the big stage, at the same time, i ask you not to be late. okay, that's it, yes, you know, thank you
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very much, our presenter, well, we have to go, happily, see you, well, you're just like, what? bad, no, of course, i just learned as you say, someone promised to help with rehearsals, yes, uh-huh, come on, come on.
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sit next to him, fold your hands, rustle the chocolate wrapper. be brave, jump into a taxi, i know where to lead now, in vain, you hide your eyes, we fly to big cities, people there are looking for ways, i know what will happen ahead, and we are easy, easy again, in the city, rest. for three parsecs, we are easy, again easy, and we are
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easy, again easy, the city is still three parsecs away, we are easy, again easy, today i’m drinking, it’s my turn.


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