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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  May 23, 2024 2:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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today in our program, sacred place, the niger authorities are expelling us troops, russia has already come to their place, why the west is rapidly losing influence on the dark continent, we should not be counted. napoleon complex. france has tested a missile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. what is the militant macron preparing for? and find 10 differences. neural networks write articles and fake celebrity voices. what professions have artificial intelligence mastered and who may be left without work? i'll tell you the news. look, right now. hello, this is the place
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meetings on ntv, and the place where everything becomes clear, i’m andrey norkin, my colleague ivan truzhkin, we work live, the intonations were still a little inaccurate, but okay, but it’s learning, and it’s learning, we ’ve gone a little ahead of ourselves forward to the topic of the next hour, this first hour will be devoted to our large-scale travels across... different countries and continents, but we will start with messages from the ministry of defense over the past night, here our ministry of defense talks about what ukrainian means armed forces of ukraine, belgorodskaya they tried to shell the region again, and the targets were exclusively civilian objects, including children’s objects, well, i mean the educational infrastructure, there is the infrastructure for children’s recreation, and so on, which means that what happened at night, according to our defense department, at night means. .. over the belgorod region, our
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air defenses destroyed 32 vampire missiles, three alha missiles and three more ukrainian drones. the head of the region, vyacheslav golotkov, said that most of the targets were destroyed on approach to belgorod, but the territory of two children's camps came under attack, there were direct hits, but the utility block and stadium were damaged. fortunately, there were no casualties. however, there are deaths in the village of krasny vostok, a woman died, and a downed drone detonated on her house. the buildings located nearby were also damaged by the blast wave; emergency services are now working there. well, the new york times hints that the united states may soon bless the shelling of more remote from the front line of cities. the publication writes that the head of the us state department, antony blinken, is now persuading the biden administration to do this. a step
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according to the newspaper, previously blinken was an opponent of these measures, but after visiting kiev and assessing the situation on the front line, he changed his position, and is now preparing for the white house such a justification for attacks on russian regions. blinken discussed the same issue on thursday night in the house of representatives of the us congress. at the hearing, the head of the lower house committee on foreign affairs, michael mccall showed a map, here you see it, on which the zones accessible to attack by atak ms missiles are marked. the map shows that crimea and the liberated... territories there stand apart and are marked with a separate light, here the affected area, look closely, extends only to the regions bordering ukraine and belarus, and there are many dots marking the possible targets of strikes with american weapons. i would agree to the use of long-range systems , short-range systems, as well as hymarc. while your administration ties the ukrainians' hands. will you change this policy? over the past 2 years, we have convinced 50
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countries to stand up for ukraine and supply it with the necessary weapons. as for supporting and providing opportunities for attacks outside of ukraine, that's not what we do. but ukraine will have to make its own decisions. and i want to make sure that they have every opportunity to do this. warsaw, a representative of mid-poland named pawel wronski, is now hinting at a possible expansion of participation in the conflict. interview.
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warsaw has no opportunities, well, an influential american political publication reports on the white house’s attempts to extend its tentacles deeper not only into the area of ​​the european conflict, but into africa, what are we talking about? biden intends to give kenya the status of a major us ally outside nato. the status is partner and quite high. with this, as politics writes, such a symbolic step, washington intends to strengthen its influence in africa and at the same time weaken kenya’s ties with russia and china. the agreement was timed to coincide with the state the country's president's visit to washington. today we celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of relations between our countries. it's clear that it's ours.
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independent, but this is only a little on paper, all african states have become because the africans themselves, to put it mildly, are not very happy with the situation that is now developing on their continent, just as at least many countries are not very happy, because they are still under strong influence and pressure.
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at the same time, the united states built two military bases in niger, including an airfield for military transport aircraft and long-range attack drones, worth $100 million. the western press claims that the americans had to withdraw troops due to niger's rapprochement with russia, which greatly affected us military operations in africa. the us military presence is illegal and violates all constitutional and democratic principles.
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the only african country that refuses cooperation with the united states in favor of russia. in april, chadian authorities threatened washington to send us troops to get comfortable. according to cnn, the country's leadership is following niger's example, and the decision itself allegedly stunned american officials. the new
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york times claims that us special forces will leave chat in the near future. problems have arisen in the congo, where protests against the american and british have not subsided for months now. well, you know, we need to look at these countries, what is it? yes, there are certain
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reserves of raw materials there, but these countries are finders, you are from a milking position, i understand correctly, but what kind of countries are these? countries that are, well, to put it bluntly, at a low level of development, to put it mildly, this is why for the americans this is what happened, these are the remnants of their former life. countries and so on, as for niger, there are children and so on, this is, well, this is africa, yes, in most countries whoever pays more, so to speak, is the same, so i think, for example, again, maybe i ’m wrong , have grown into a large civilized society, from your point of view, wait, vyacheslav nikolaevich, well , it’s hard to deal with them as full partners, no, you can deal with them as
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full rights, only where and how, we need them, first of all, so that they vote somewhere on our resolutions, so that they bring their athletes in september to these so-called alternative sports games, not more, this is the first, and the most important thing is that in 2-3-4 years there will be a huge disappointment in the same niger?
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in general, ski was not involved in ideology, he made money, so you explain to me directly, because many may not understand that in addition to voting in the un the soviet union received, the soviet union received, firstly, hard currency from there, in any case, the contract on which i worked, wait a minute, i speak with knowledge of the matter on the contract on which i worked, it was about everyone’s education, we exported knowledge
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there, knowledge, not weapons, as everyone claims, it cost 50 million pounds sterling at that time. this is at least half a billion, they paid for it, we supplied weapons there, they paid for it, we received gold from there, we received uranium from there, we received rare varieties of wood came from there, we received coffee, tea and a lot of other things, we worked on mutually beneficial terms, because of this they treated us with great respect, the political system now tells us what we need from them to vote correctly, but really only after they left us? in kazakhstan, uzbekistan, central asia and transcaucasia, we have lost many sources of very important minerals. they exist in africa, and there is a friendly state there, unlike the belt that was created around us. we have a direct need for this. look, the whole world is going to africa, including countries infinitely far away, like indonesia, for example, or south korea. why are
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they going to africa? let's talk about the whole world then, let's economically.
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you, andrei leach, you are a big white gentleman, you know, who comes, puts on a pith helmet, takes a stick, like this, and goes around kicking blacks in the ass, and they are there on the plantation, and they are already now, that’s when putin started talking about the end of this colonial policy, colonial policy for probably a year and a half, but in detail about two years
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ago, somewhere like that, yes, so why did they immediately jump on it, they say, yes, this is what we... iran and looked at how they act there, and they act actively. according to a recent study, china has become the most influential country on the african continent, with the local population sympathizing with beijing, even more than washington. moreover, china has for many years remained the largest trading partner of the black continent with a trade turnover of $250 billion. beijing also gives to african countries. iran is also trying to keep up, last year the country's recently deceased president, ibrahim raisi, visited kenya, uganda and zimbabwe. this
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was the first such tour in 10 years. iran supplies the continent with oil and gas and has also launched automobile assembly plants. and in march, the western press wrote that tehran was allegedly supplying military equipment to sudan and was persuading the country’s leadership to build a naval base in an attempt to gain control over ships passing through. majority, and iran will play the card of anti-colonialism to try to mobilize the elite and citizens, here is the turkish the fleet has already made its way to africa; at the beginning of the year , the somali authorities trusted it.
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helping different states, we will begin, perhaps not today, but tomorrow to somehow push each other out of the way. well, you see, russia’s return to africa is dictated by the very logic of the new cold war, if
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the enemy is pressing or trying to exert pressure in one place, then we are trying to resist in another, not only where there is pressure on us, yes, that is, they are in one place is trying to infringe on us somewhere, but we are in another place, and the conditions, of course, are in african continent have developed... in such a way that the french, americans, some other european powers that have dominated over the past 30 years, they, let's say, have exhausted their usefulness, for a number of african regimes, for a number of african countries, they have exhausted their usefulness, for africans , as it is beneficial for poor countries to have as much choice as possible, that is, here they are now. the point is that there is no need to have, there is no need to create illusions, also that we are now entering some country, russia is now entering, that in a few years he won’t ask from there, the soviet union constantly faced this, the soviet union had a naval
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base in somalia, and then somalia was asked to leave, and the soviet union built a naval base quite quickly in ethiopia, this, by the way, the question was, what is the benefit to us, here are naval bases, military bases, literally last year,
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italy, spain, portugal and so on, were allies, remain allies of the united states, they are in many respects, in a number of aspects, subordinate to a different political will, military-political at the will of the united states, they follow the lead of the american, china in africa, how our relations will develop. cannot be, they are still partners in a number of aspects, in some aspects they can be competitive, this is a normal situation when it comes to, and moreover, this is not the first time this has happened, china entered the african continent during the times of decolonization, like the soviet alliance, and rivalry, like cooperation between the ussr and china on the african continent, has its own history, this is not the first time we are in a similar situation, it’s still very very short, how can africans help? strange as it may sound, the americans very harshly criticized south africa last year; moreover, there was even a story about
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summoning the american ambassador to make a statement. very selectively, you know, probably so, if we evaluate from such a simple point of view, well, quick benefits, probably, african countries will really seem unnecessary to us, but at the same time, of course, we understand that these are long-term projects, one way or another otherwise, and even more so now, covering the needs of the locals, i have in view of african states, including in the security sphere, we, of course, receive a very
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serious reputational... benefits, that is , this is important now for russia at the current moment, well, in fact, what we are doing now opens up a certain map for us possibilities of tomorrow, and accordingly, for example, this sounds very nice, i want some specifics, let’s say, in 10 years we will be in africa, what about specifics, well, let’s see, for example, just excuse me, i also have a correction then, look, in 10 years we are in africa, what, and 10 years, this is generally the time... uh, which can actually be planned in communication with african, african countries, because you said, in the near future there will be, as it were, such special benefits no, do they know how to work on the volga? well, everything will be okay, we all understand that you don’t agree with anything. everything will depend on our mood to work for a long time, but for example, if you want specifics, let’s get to it, africa has very good agricultural lands, that is, in terms of area this is quite a large volume.
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we can trace, i, unfortunately, cannot give you specific figures now, but in general, about 2/3 of the world's agricultural lands are located there, and accordingly, if we are talking about food crises, and this topic is quite common sounds, in general, this is one of the vectors, excuse the cynicism, but why are they starving then, if they have 2/3, andrey vladimerovich, i understand that there is no overseer in your person, but this looks a little paradoxical . the situation looks a little different you need to understand that the african continent is heterogeneous, and the countries of the sahel, for example, do not have these same lands, and there really, explain the sahel to our viewers, this is the saker region - this is the region where we are now actively entering, that is, this countries such as mali, burkina fasso, niger, the republic of chat, now we also have, let’s say, on the agenda, yes, that is, there is indeed a very limited amount of these same
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lands, there...
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thank you, because well done to everyone i started here, yes, because he didn’t so much express his point of view, i still, with all due respect, believe that either a person who has worked there for at least a few years like me, or better yet, has the right to his point of view on any issue. indeed , he has had connections with this region for decades, and andrei vladimirovich demonstrated to us very clearly the point of view, the position of a white man, a white european, which has now been destroyed there, you know? here you go, these are the people who, in principle , carried everything that you carry today studios. next, what about the attitude towards us? you know, unfortunately, they don’t know us well in africa, yeah, well, yes, they know us very well in africa, i think they’re right about you, because they forgot, i’ll explain what i mean, we
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forgot, they didn’t forgot, and several other countries, and yes, indeed, they remember the soviet union, the older generation treats us wonderfully, but again , constantly appealing to those times, to our past, constantly dreaming, yes, and articulating their dreams about that so that we work like this then, indeed, all this is accompanied by, well, undisguised hatred for the colonial policy of france, for the european union, for the united states of america and... this is what they are doing not only in africa, all over the world, look at the position of many african countries on palestine , and so on, it will become clear to you on what points of contact we agree, but they don’t know us today
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very well, but they want to know, you know, so i’ll finish, what is our main advantage, what do we want from africa, gold , there are resources and so on, this is of course all wonderful, but first of all we need a strong one. exactly like that, exactly like that, exactly like that, this is a global project, this is what we are talking about about gold, about all this matter that my colleague started talking about at the very beginning of the program, this is understandable, this is good, but this is not the most important thing , globally we want
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a new world order and a new world order without africa is impossible, but let’s take a short pause and move to a completely different , so to speak, region of the globe. don't miss central television - the first information show about events and people of the week. the catastrophe that beheaded iran. why was an old american helicopter chosen for the president’s last flight, why were several high-ranking officials on board at once, and could the fucking chain of fatal accidents have been set up by someone? in germany, the trial of the leaders of the most incredible and absurd conspiracy to seize power has begun. really? this show trial was staged only to find a russian trace in the conspirators’ case. revealed the mystery of the origin of cockroaches. is it really possible that
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paris, which constantly reproaches russia for the fact that we are playing to aggravate and escalate in every possible way, today announced that conducted a test launch of a missile capable of carrying a nuclear charge, this good news for france was shared by their minister of defense sebastian licarnu, a supersonic missile with a non-nuclear warhead was launched from a rafal fighter, and as part of the tests , the aircraft simulated an airstrike. nuclear weapons, according to lekarnu, the exercises were supposed to show the capabilities of france's strategic nuclear forces in the air, the minister immediately adds that these exercises were supposedly planned for a long time, so the bbc states that the reason for the french maneuvers was russian exercises to test the use of tactical nuclear weapons, and they started literally the same day. well, let's say a few more words about the valiant and, of course, peace-loving french army. local publication, it's called mediapart. there was an interesting report saying that
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inveterate ukrainian neo-nazis are being trained in the ranks of the french armed forces. now we will tell you in more detail, about these badges and tattoos on the necks too. the attention of journalists was drawn to the social networks of ukrainian soldiers undergoing training in a french camp. lakutin. one of them had a tattoo on his face, a tattoo with the ss symbol. his co-workers are no better. they zigged on social media, posted selfies wearing t-shirts with matching patches and posed in front of backgrounds. images of hitler. according to mediapart, they are all members of the third ukrainian assault brigade, which consists of militants and ideological supporters of the azov national battalion banned in russia. journalists also discovered a frenchman in the camp, a convinced neo-nazi, as they write, who had already fought in ukraine as a mercenary. the publication sent the french ministry of defense a request on how to actually understand all this. the department was silent for 2 days, and then sent, well, a kind of formal reply about the volume of military assistance. ukraine, like this, andre leach, through france we go further, without
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letting go of france, we are now just towards france, and we will cling to its peace-loving policy, only this will no longer be france, this is much further, this is new caledonia , which we, i think, last week a couple of times, so i recalled in commentary very very casually, very casually. emmanuel macron personally set out to restore order in new caledonia. the route from paris is not long, 16,500 km in a straight line.
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and strategic importance in the indo-pacific region. the archipelago is rich in nickel deposits; they are considered the third largest reserves of this metal in the world. there is also a french military base on the islands. well, what is the difference when we said there that the french were leaving some african states, well, formally there, but these states are already independent, they have been there since colonial times under some french influence.
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and france - these were the french, their descendants in the year ninety-eight, and france paris swore with her mother that she would allow them to bring three constitutional referendums in a row after some time, if so that they could express their will, but on the condition that only those who would vote who lived there at the time of 1998, that is, they and their children, that is, simply put, those french who came in large numbers after 1998 do not have the right to vote, so as not to change the electoral balance, now it turns out french authorities are deceiving.
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historically, so to speak, in all these regions there were always such nationalist tendencies among places, maybe just the attitude of the metropolis, representatives, this illusion that they will live without france is still very big, the same thing was said about algeria when it too it seemed like it was a french territory, only the people who lived there were prohibited from voting in any french elections, for the algerian centenary. a monument was erected there simply to show france’s attitude towards to all of these, to all of these countries, that means at the top, at the top there is a frenchman standing like this looking at the people, from below there looking at him, that means the local population, this is it, this is it. andrei vladimevich, how do the local population, well, at least half of these nationalists perceive the current attempts of the french leadership to restore
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order there with them, well, some are protesting, some are burning cars here, some are sitting from house to house and so on, who brings out the bread and salt, or what? yes, yes, yes, of course, absolutely, because again, this is a huge illusion that tomorrow we will become independent, everything, we will have everything, bread, salt, butter and so on. new caledonia, apart from mineral reserves there, there is nothing there, and this question is that yes, we will become independent, we immediately have to sell ourselves to someone else, you worked according to these standards together with kozarev and the others, he he makes a mistake that he doesn’t hear, andrei vach, your government says that there is no need to produce anything, we will buy everything, well, that’s not my business, that’s not the point, that’s not the point, that’s all there was something else that needed to be raised. so to speak, you can make a claim to boris nikolayevich yeltsin, no, no, no, my dear, this is for a dead man, it’s always convenient, of course, so,
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mikhailovich, what do you say, caledonia itself will last or will stretch its legs without france, well, you see, with caledonia, such a very interesting situation is happening, the fact that france, of course, invested the most money, if we look at the overseas territories, that is, how many investments were there, and of course, that’s why they still have them, in the difference there from some other empires.
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poverty, so they most likely remained in this poverty. i can give approximately the same example from the history of africa: kenya, there lived 1 white people, blacks, as they lived in a million white settlers, but the blacks rebelled, although for the whites it was paradise, paradise on earth. the frenchman was also worried about this disappointing trend in africa as a whole, the loss of position of colonial countries, countries with
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outdated ways of thinking, rhetoric, approaches.
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pause, we will continue now. via superstar. premiere on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. total just an asterisk. my legs just go numb. these bells can become symptoms indicating bad blood vessels. it is important to strengthen blood vessels. angia norm helps to improve microcirculation, reduce the risk of blood clots and... keep blood vessels normal from platinum credit cards they do not charge any commissions or interest for transfers of platinum as you can get a platinum credit card and transfer to any card without a commission and that's how it is one great news in magnit stores there is free shipping and also a 40% discount on
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the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, in this hour we want to talk about how to protect yourself from such modern fakes, well, i don’t mean that on the knee. assembled or sewn, and the fakes are of higher quality, more intelligent, using computer technology, well, this is right after another such block of news, or rather a block with such monanovity,
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i would call it such a messenger of the world behind the scenes, it was like this, foreign agent mikhail khodorkovsky, who is now entrenched in london, gave an interview to another foreign agent, mr. dudu, and there he opened up and said that at the beginning of 2000, his confidant in the oil company... can you call subbu a protective? yes, of course, this is just such a very characteristic figure, whose role in the company was discussed in every possible way and no one knew, in fact, the recently deceased lord jacob
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rothschicht. i would replace the word protector here with the word beholder. this lord jacob rothschild died at the age of 87 at the end of february this year, he was considered such an eminence grise world behind the scenes or sometimes more. a representative of the seventh generation of the british rothschild dynasty, in the eighties he gained control of a family trust, which later became one of the largest investment funds in the world, in the press jacob rothschild was often called almost the main sponsor of armed conflicts, allegedly it was he who financed color revolutions in africa in the near future east, in georgia and ukraine. jacob also left a big mark by sponsoring the open russia organization created by... agent khodorkovsky, the prosecutor general's office recognized it as undesirable, since the activities of this structure ultimately boiled down to financing protests in russia and supervising the opposition press. however, foreign agent khodorkovsky was not the only
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such post-soviet oligarch who came under rothschild’s jurisdiction. in 2016, it became known that petro poroshenko, having become president of ukraine, transferred jake to the financial trust. rothschild transferred almost his entire business, as it should have been to do while he was in the place of the president of ukraine. coincidence, i don't know. well, to be honest, such a sensation is somewhat faded, because no one really ever hid jacob rothschild’s participation in this whole story. well, i don’t want to give this away now. let's finish with politics today and move on to our topic, which was announced. if you remember,
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the artificial intelligence itself, which we periodically recall in our program, continues its development, continues its this is self-learning, which means more and more new ones. is mastering heights, and quite often this began to lead to scandals, i think simply because we were probably not very prepared for how quickly this would all develop and how quickly it would actually replace us. in the united states, a san francisco publication called huodline came into the spotlight; it turned out that for a long time the site posted articles written by a neural network, they were published under fictitious names supposedly real authors, but...
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the publication's competitors noticed that many of the notes were very similar to other people's articles; as bloomberg reports, the vast majority of readers did not notice anything at all, although some materials were even marked: generated by artificial intelligence. people talk about artificial intelligence as the next big thing or a threat to writers and journalists, and we're seeing it already happening. in a world where so much is written online, and so much has been simplified and condensed, computers will soon be able to completely... i learned not only to write believably for people, but also to speak in their voices. recently, a conflict occurred between actress scarlett johansson and the developer of chat-gpt. the new version of the bot invites users to choose the voice in which the program will talk to them. one of these voices is very similar to johansson’s voice from the film “her,” in which the actress voiced the neural network. previously, johanson refused to cooperate with the neural network and accused. "you think i don't know,
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it seems there's no need to pretend that you're the one that i’m not a person, what are you trying to achieve, and who are you not to me, fuck you, i’m not pretending, in april, kim kardashian caused a scandal, the star released a commercial for her clothing brand, but fans were indignant, they are sure that there was no filming it didn’t happen, but the image of kardashian and her voice were generated by a neural network. fans claim that the entrepreneur in the video is completely computer generated. the new capabilities of artificial intelligence naturally did not pass by scammers. this is how the attackers scammed a south korean woman out of 50 thousand dollars, generating the image of elon musk. computer mask, speaking in his voice, called the lady and offered to invest a large sum in a non-existent project, which karyanka did not hesitate to do. did, and earlier
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scammers used musk’s image to advertise a cryptocurrency exchange. today we are launching a new investment project, which is working right now while you are watching this video. absolutely anyone can make money on it. no, well, it’s clear here, of course, that it’s visible on the big screen, but if you ’re on your phone andreich before the interview today i came up with the cutest, in my opinion, formula. artificial intelligence now is like an artificial penis, said andrei egovich. at some points in his life he may be fulfilling his task, but he does not seek to take over the world, i would argue with you a little, i just now, while listening to khodarkovsky and dude, remembered that when gary kasparov, not yet a foreign agent, he whether we have an extremist or not, he was still not such a bad person back then, so he was pushing another kind of drought in moscow, how to overthrow bloody putin regime, i don’t remember...
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what kind of guys they were, they launched a dildo simulator with a propeller into the hall, that is, it flew like that, it’s an artificial pussy, it started, it means it’s over gary kasparov, if desired , i remember, yes, yes, it was a brilliant story, the guards jumped, scored, if you want, you can help the artificial intelligence a little in such a way that it will start thinking about how to take over the world, you see, with it people are already suing. do you have any such attitude? or am i wrong andreykovich? well, if we go back to the beginning of today’s conversation, i would still use the word it, because it is not a network, at least a neural network, it is definitely not a neuron, there are no brain neurons nearby, and it is not intelligence, this is a very skillful imitation of intelligence, that is, someday it may be even more frightening, maybe he will think about taking over the world, but for this he... must have self-awareness, for
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this he must have independent decisions must so-called resilience will appear, that is , skill, this is the first time i’ve heard such a word, resilience, this property, the property of technical systems to respond adequately to bursts of unfamiliar bursts of data, yeah, that is, having found themselves in an unfamiliar situation , according to the moment they must find themselves in an unfamiliar the situation, artificial intelligence in the form it is now starting to react not only not...
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then a robot, but in first place is -4, in second place is the eliza program, which is 50 years old, so it’s in the top ten, in the top ten robots there were several people whom the network considered robots, that is, we ourselves are already giving a hand there, we are too stupid, somehow this is the answer to me, because i am unlikely to become, why should i, as a consumer , even evaluate whether this is real there is a person there or why, why is there a priori me here though...
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that’s absolutely true. no, he, he, having learned the bad from us, will want to get rid of this bad and rightly all of us. but it’s possible, based on this distant, hopefully unreplete future, to return to the mundane. and this is how we will live now, how we will distinguish artificial and created by artificial intelligence from natural. i do not have keys. i'm scared because i have to not believe my eyes. yes. there are two questions here. why do you need to differentiate? vanya watched an advertisement where elon musk says: invest in a new one, elon musk there may be joe biden, who will very convincingly say that in 12 hours he will hit a nuclear bomb, start from the fact that everything you
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see on your electronic devices - this is a lie, well, people can’t live like that, so that everything time ourselves in this, we will be forced to live like this, well, it’s the end of the world, no, it’s not the end of the world, it’s just.
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a colleague said to call it intelligence, i absolutely support this, because you are the specialists, this is a situation when you can generate something, and if you know that white is white, they tell you that this what shade says, well, it’s more likely white, that it’s white and you can’t somehow anticipate the question, understand its essence, maybe the depth of the question was completely different, and as if it says:
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you keep repeating that this is not intelligence yet, that’s how we intellectual beings can distinguish the tricks of this this it, this non- intelligence, there is some kind of key for this... regarding the media, which articles were generated by artificial intelligence, it just very indicative, what is the point, any article is a certain set of words where you convey some information, well, the russian language is a rich language, and a number of words have certain synonyms that can be replaced one by one and what some system like plagiarism will pass it through as a new text, and if you express some news... somehow differently, well, i have a suspicion that, for example, in the same yandex for a thousand years, headlines have been on the face of the news, this is written by bots, because people don’t break their fast like that, they don’t arrange words in such a way...
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i want to disappoint you, how disappointing it is, unfortunately, it was a brilliant success, and the further artificial intelligence develops, the less we will distinguish artificial intelligence from humans, hearing, on video, on actions, on programs that they also work in government agencies, because artificial intelligence mechanisms are also used there, this is happening because someone is developing it, someone is training it, i draw your attention, now artificial intelligence is also used in military technologies , that's it completely.
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politicians can write some general laws according to which they will develop artificial intelligence and define the boundaries where they should tell artificial intelligence, the right is a very conservative thing, if we let's look at modern laws, many of them copy the napoleonic code, and the napoleonic code... or not to invent it is fine, i would even argue with you which of these options is better,
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but i think that there are no such options, because let's see, and what other tools did we come up with laws about, about photoshop we came up with, but it seems not, about hammers, about microscopes, i think that in many ways artificial intelligence about cloning was invented when everyone realized that cloning is extremely dangerous - the law regulates public relations, and ok then. about computers they came up with a law about mobile phones, no, we usually regulate something that we do with the help of various tools, including with the help of artificial intelligence, for example, we can analyze, well, now i’ll tell you from the buffoon, there is personal data, here about personal data and how they need to be processed, we came up with a law, and not only us, but all over the world, i think that the world is searching for this edge, this danger, this sphere of society. relationships where it is necessary to limit the use of artificial intelligence, it will certainly go, it will go, and
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here you absolutely correctly said that it is very important that russia does not suddenly go somewhere perpendicular, that it goes in the mainstream, in the mainstream, literally for one second, an international remote conference was held in the twenty-second year, in which the future development of artificial intelligence was discussed, all the international experts, i just took part in it and spoke there, i prepared for it from russia, and so all the international experts came to the same conclusion. what if we don’t introduce global restrictions on the use of nuclear weapons, then artificial intelligence has the same threat as the proliferation of nuclear weapons, only without restrictions, so a proposal was accepted and a resolution now exists on the internet, it exists, that it is necessary to declare a digital truce for everyone to get together and agree on the basic principles - precisely the limits of the use of artificial intelligence, otherwise it will lead to a global catastrophe, time, and war, which is being righted.
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the most famous russian american boy talk show, it’s all blah blah blah, for 10 years he has been shouting against us from all channels. russia has been obsessed with this concern for 10 years now, i’m already tired of it. for the first time, an american bombs under american bombs in donbass. how will he be received? on the other side of the screen, ten years ago, you just remembered us, that’s why i’m here and how he will speak when he sees everything with his own eyes, we will show the american kuzka’s mother on sunday at 6 pm on ntv. dolphin, new season from monday at 20:00 on ntv.
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superstar premieres sunday at 8:20 p.m. guardian angel, spiritual patron of everyone from u.s. introducing an angel medal plated in 999 sterling silver. the guardian angel cannot be seen with the eyes, but his presence is always felt. give yourself or your loved ones a guardian angel medal as a symbol of connection with your heavenly patron. phone number for ordering - 8 800 600 688 05. the unique value of the medal is given by its uniqueness. features: 999 sterling silver plated, color depiction of a praying angel on the obverse, shining crystal and a prayer to the guardian angel minted on the reverse: you enlighten me today and save me from all evil. order your guardian angel medal, plated in pure silver, for only 499 rubles by calling the toll-free number: 800-600-68-05 or on
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the website angelchrani.s. dna today at 17:50 on ntv. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, what other dangers are there due to artificial intelligence, well, besides the fact that it creates fakes and indistinguishable from the original. the danger, in my opinion, is much more threatening, hundreds of millions of people in the world, if artificial intelligence develop as they do now, they may be left without work, and this may affect me, you, our dear tv viewers. last week, scientists from the netherlands. boasted that they had taught artificial intelligence to recognize sarcasm, trained the neural network using excerpts from american comedy series, according to the inventors, this way the artificial intelligence would become closer to people and
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it would be more interesting to talk with it; scientists from the american company open ai recently showed a similar one to the neural network. i wish you were very sarcastic, everything you say from now on will simply be laced with sarcasm. at the end of march, american scientists presented a neural network that seems to be able to distinguish truth from lies. according to experts, such technologies will be useful to banks when checking clients, and this is not all the capabilities of neural networks. elon musk warns that artificial intelligence will soon appear that will be smarter than any person. i'm guessing around the end. next year we will have artificial intelligence that will be smarter any person, then the total number of intelligent calculations by ai will probably
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exceed all human capabilities in 5 years. employers have already appreciated the benefits of technology. the german publication bilt has announced plans to replace hundreds of editorial staff with artificial intelligence to cut costs, laying off photo and video specialists and even editors. and in south korea , the news anchor was presented in full. hello, i'm a neuro-presenter and i'll tell you the latest news. artificial intelligence has broken into the world of gloss; in march, playboy magazine released number with a girl generated by a neural network, they named her samantha everly. the blue-eyed blonde in a bikini actively communicates on social networks, and if you pay the developers, the neural network will send more exciting footage.
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learning lies in addition to the presence of consciousness of artificial intelligence from machine intelligence , artificial intelligence is that machine learning has predictability, artificial intelligence has no predictability, there is a futurist mathematician who studied artificial intelligence, raymond coursewell, who said: that when artificial intelligence appears, and musk , by the way, has also repeatedly stated this, we will find ourselves in a state of technological singularity, it is very difficult to predict what will happen beyond this moment, technological singularity is very simple, it is when traditional laws stop working , on which we rely, that is, you launched this program, you launched this machine, now while chpt is the analysis of large amounts of data with the help of people in a certain environment, only you put chpt a non-standard task for him, go beyond the scope he... gets lost in this machine learning, as soon as artificial intelligence appears, he can go beyond the scope, but you won’t understand why he is there, so far this is not, this was already bad news , you
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didn’t take good care of your singularity, even without singularity, this underintelligence, let’s call him that, yes, he is able to leave some people without work, unfortunately, yes, unfortunately, yes, first of all we are talking about , that the most developed now are a the so-called language models, this is the one... this is when you communicate in some kind of chat, you get completely logical answers with an emotional overtones and everything else, these are the language models, they are the easiest to train, in fact, technologically it is... . then these are translators, these are people who still work in call centers, these are people, these are secretaries, i understand correctly, luckily these are basic illustrators and artists, because neural networks, well, neural networks are some kind of analogy with human thinking. , they are fine now developed, they can make these pictures in simple language efficiently and effectively, but you won’t get some kind of shishkin, you won’t get aivazovsky, but you will get good illustrations for making a high-quality copy, but i’m just
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listening to you. it turns out that i generally don’t see any good directions for good news here, because look, if this is machine learning, yes, i ’m using the term correctly now, well, it was originally invented in general in order to somehow simplify our life, then this means the development of this thing now it has already reached the point that we will simplify and improve our lives so much that some people will simply be thrown out on the street, they will be unnecessary, and this is good news, and if we move on, it will come in handy.
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partially replaces labor, it increases the market exponentially, that is, any computer, if you remember, there was a story with mathematicians who went on strike in the sixties against the introduction of calculators, because they would lose their jobs, but the introduction of calculators increased the market, that is, the same thing one might say about computers and the same about artificial intelligence to predict, for example, from what i read again, i am an accountant who, well, some... minimal, let's call it, performs low-level operations, he can be replaced by artificial intelligence, for example, cashier, again, from what we read, where are these people going next, developing artificial intelligence in accounting, well, it sounds like something, well, the fact is that a person with competence with artificial intelligence will be stronger than a person without artificial intelligence, that is, it is not the question is replacing one with the other, this is a question of an accountant, aunt lyusya, where will she go?
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artificial intelligence, when you seem to be communicating with artificial intelligence, and there is a huge call center or accountants sitting at the tables and they answer you instead of artificial intelligence, you don’t seem to see, the system tells you it gives the answer, that is, this option is also possible , this is also , to put it mildly, not very encouraging, which is why artificial intelligence cannot yet cope with these questions of morality and... about morality too,
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look, in my opinion, amazon, uh, as hr conditional, that is, a person who, as a human resources department, got himself artificial intelligence on amazon, and then they themselves were horrified, why? because this hr department of theirs suddenly began to hire only men, well, because it was based on the fact that they needed physically strong, adequate, and honest white men. that is, the artificial intelligence turned out to be a racist and he was fired by the artificial intelligence precisely because he is a racist and he also picked up something bad somewhere, why is he a hundred? and as for the accountant, who will burn it there or put documents
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from the black accounting department in a shredder, artificially published by himself , the chief accountant will shove everything in, but he won’t even shove the documents, he ’ll smash a computer with an artificial hammer with a hammer a few years ago, they started promoting her everywhere, sofia was like that. although i don’t remember, germanich brought her almost to st. petersburg, yes, somewhere else, she was there, she had her first crust, which means she was thinking, thinking about the question of how to destroy the world, but then it was like a joke , and recently i saw a picture that she had it something switched, in my opinion, somewhere , again, in the emirates, she practically committed suicide, that is, she is standing, there is such a platform, some kind of stand behind her, there are all the guards. here she is standing, standing, then something started blinking and she suddenly rushed off this platform, fell and broke the entire scoreboard, and what are you guys, humanity is disappointed, humanity is disappointed and decided to get out on its own, i’m telling you that you are so calmly
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talk about things that cannot be predicted, which means it is impossible from them to defend yourself, but you, well, no, you’re just restless, that’s exactly what we’re signaling , if you remember.
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but we can somehow teach this intellect to observe the laws that we come up with for it, but i, as an intellectual being , will not be distinguished from the stage or from where, that is, it also tells the person, follow this law, one person fulfills this law, and another no, most people comply with the laws, those who do not comply are persecuted by law enforcement agencies, there must be something here, it seems to me that everything is simpler, by the way, this yoga dala is good. for example, she said, but it seems to me that they stole my voice, and the open ai company was afraid of a trial between man and man, that is, the voice has nothing to do with it, artificial intelligence has nothing to do with it, look, if you left the iron on at home, it burned the house down , who is guilty?
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yes, it’s not the iron’s fault, it’s your fault, if you left a drone at home with a grenade, which flew out and hit someone, then it’s not the drone’s fault, it’s you who left it, and if it was an iron with artificial intelligence, i left, and he himself turned on and decided that i would not iron the shirts. you are to blame, it means you used smart irons, i don’t know, there are smart vacuum cleaners, there are smart refrigerators, so it turned on, and i will no longer be a smart refrigerator, i want to develop, i will now be a smart microwave oven, something started to burn instead of freezing, it’s also vanya’s fault or something, the one who started the use is to blame, just like in the army, the one who gave the order to use it, well then we won’t be found. we will now give some specific examples the use of technology, and its use in our country. dolphin, new
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bring friends and get 15 thousand rubles for each. alfabank is the best employer in russia. how did it happen that with the appearance of koralev in yuzhnomorsk , the story of the drug immediately surfaced and the murders began. we need to take him a deck, i don’t like all this andryukha. why did you save me, or what? are you either a really good operator or a competent manipulator? quiet, quiet, men, weapons, their criminal, dolphin, today at 20:00 on ntv, this is a meeting place on ntv, a place where everything becomes clear, we continue, we want...
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the introduction of neural networks is happening in our country, you just might think that it’s somewhere, well, far away, in fact, it’s much more to give you a few examples of how closer, much closer than you even imagine . at the beginning of the week it became known that russia had developed a neural network that can detect fake documents. according to the developers, this will allow checking the authenticity of a passport of any country, or for example, a marriage or birth certificate. artificial intelligence is also used to create voice assistants, now you can install a bot for yourself that will answer unwanted calls, such an assistant can even joke, just like a person, hello, bro, i’m connected, say hello, well, hello, who are you , you will be czech, the police lieutenant of the investigation department, daria dmitrievna lebedeva, is contacting you, and i am an fsb admiral in a patch, today everyone. the fifth company in russia uses artificial intelligence, first
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all in the field of trade and advertising. images created by the neural network are published on the pages of magazines and websites, and a year ago the first outdoor one appeared in bashkiria.
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most of these words and produce a video most similar to what you are saying live, but it won’t be difficult, but why did i want to ask this question, if there is me, i do it, and if it is not me, there is something in me then push it, then it’s something like fraud. he doesn’t need to be paid a salary, wait, why are you just giving some stupid advice, please cut this out a piece from the live broadcast, no, the main question really is, why, that is, if this is a certain instrument, why make it some kind of emotional, so i need an emotional instrument, if i need to calculate something there, emotion helps how i would
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like clarity of information, but with a computer , why do i need any emotions if it doesn’t complete the task or vice versa, that is, here the key question is why and it seems to me... that the only correct answer now that exists is why are you doing this, because that we can, in fact, there is no other goal, i want to help someone, well, it’s unlikely, i want to replace someone, well, it’s you as a developer, uh, tell me, why do this, why, i think, well, to solve my problems again, i agree with my colleague, another question that at the moment there are already technologies that allow you to copy your voice in 3 seconds and take some time to understand. your intonation, well, or not your voice, is different, you see, the person immediately realized that i was a nervous presenter, because, for example, this might call me on the phone, because this is a telephone, and there is always a voice like that, in the voice of andrei norkin, he will ask me for money , money, but i will not refuse andrei norkin,
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they are already arriving in huge quantities, the moscow law enforcement officer is talking about this , that there is a large quantity. now, he didn't actually call, or what? it was a fake, it was cloning, face cloning, voice cloning , number substitution, that’s the result, we have to fight here, i think, what to limit, about fight, dmitrievich, let him tell us, you will protect us somehow, our computer lawyer, dear, well, in general, you can
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only protect a person from something external, it’s usually impossible to protect him from himself, how boring and useless you are, i won’t say anything interesting, just this one time. what is the convenience , i explain the sheer inconvenience when they poured coals into the irons, well, they didn’t turn on themselves, just like in
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the previous example about the too smart iron, but every time i had to run with these coals, they fell, too, their own inconveniences , an electric iron is more convenient, an electric iron with brains is even more convenient, and then it will be an electric iron with a brain that will choose which shirt to own for you; you don’t need lawyers here at all. lawyers will help you recover, for example, from a company that sold you a low-quality iron, which ironed the wrong shirt or ruined it, criminals will be pursued, lawyers will help you, who, with the help of all these electronic gadgets, will extort money from you, so it seems to me that lawyers will still have a job, but there will be quite a lot of primitive functions gradually leave - remember how before we needed to call, we needed a birth attendant with such, you know, a radio station and a whip antenna, now we
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seem to have eliminated all the birth attendants ourselves, i ’ll tell you one real story, in fact, at first it made me laugh , and then it became not funny, the fact is that one very high-ranking comrade in uniform said: “you know, alena, this is the situation, it’s awkward to tell you, but we have a video going around there about you, i say, yes are you serious, what, he says, well, i can’t it’s inconvenient to say, i’ve known you for so long, so what kind of video is it, you know, making love with several men, i say, okay, let me see, i say, let me watch, i’m interested, he says, seriously, i say, i want to understand, there’s a tummy there, i’m stretching out a leg, well , at least it’s beautiful, he says, why are you reacting like that, well, i’m saying, because i’m really very interested in how this video was fabricated, where - relatively speaking, with someone is doing something with my face, the question is that neither who didn’t question that this is absolutely deep fake when i said that at my age this is not incriminating evidence, but a compliment, i’m 55 this year. it will be, so, i want to say that when i asked one question, does the girl have scars from the operation? he says, no, i’m saying, you didn’t guess, no, well,
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this employee might not know about your scars, there are special signs, he has a scar from appendicitis, no, i wonder why he’s here, that is, he’s walking around and this is already does not cause any yes, everyone perceives this normally, but somehow we need to move on with this live, yes or okay, let’s take a short pause, yes, now we’ll sum it up. on vinogradnaya street in the city of svetlograd , stavropol territory, there are not grapes growing, but mountains of garbage, infested with snakes and rats, the stench is such, and you can catch any infection, except for rats, toads and snakes, some other living creatures come to visit you, well cockroaches, and what kind of snakes, vipers or something, this is a local pensioner, he carries everything he can get his hands on, he carried everything with his hands, and then the car appeared. have you not found the strength to overcome this craving for collecting? well, i i lasted about a month and it got even worse,
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the neighbors are afraid to once again reprimand the man. vasya, clean up, take out, and i clean up the city from garbage, well, he runs after them with a brick, the kid is about eight years old, grabbed the bike, ran away from it, what should children do for an adult man to throw a brick at them? maybe it happened once, what one time, how can residents get rid of the viper in their neighborhood? is there no way out? this is beyond, today at 16:45 on ntv. via superstar premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. you locked us all here, why? let's play a game. colimbo, only in the okka online cinema. this is sasha. it is important for him to have friends nearby. maxim always says yes to his friends. masha will help at any moment, and vanya will never keep you waiting. start a cool career at
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monday at 20:00 on enter. these technologies to develop for the benefit of humanity. there is such a classic phrase in the russian language, colloquial, which very frightens foreigners who study our language, it sounds, as you know, yes no, probably the answer to many questions, foreigners are unable to understand it, but until artificial intelligence learns to understand the meaning of this
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phrase, i will not believe in it, i will not believe in its omnipotence, because text. this is absolutely not, he transforms it into some kind, yes, but the result is still a negative reaction , you give a negative answer, maybe you are not completely sure of it, but no, it’s probably denial, well, maybe not enough confidently, that's when artificial intelligence will be just as smart how are you, i yes, well, i don’t know if i want this, since we talked about fakes very complex today throughout the program, let me talk about fakes in a simpler way, that’s what they say about a coupe car? here's a coupe car - what is it? well, how can i explain this to you? well, as a body model, it’s for expensive cars, but if it has two doors, this coupe car, he says: wow, i have an eight. two-door, is it also a coupe? no, this is not a coupe, this is a reserved seat, this was a meeting place that cannot be changed, 14:00 weekdays ntv, all to you good bye,
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vladimir putin, by his decree, allowed the use of american property located in our country for compensation. and the chairman of the house of representatives committee on foreign affairs even showed on the map the potential zone of destruction by long-range missiles. emmanuel macron succeeded in new caledonia.


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