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tv   DNK  NTV  May 23, 2024 5:50pm-7:01pm MSK

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help ensure that vasily undergoes all the necessary medical examinations that are needed in this situation, and if he needs it, so that vasily receives help, including from social services, they could take it, of course, i will help, of course, svetlana , you can also take this situation under your control, and if vasily does not restrain yes...
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you will make sure that vasily no longer poses a danger to his neighbors, i am ready to come periodically to see what the situation is, to get in touch with the neighbors, and check, keeping the neighbors happy, the person has a second chance at a decent life in our society. vasily, i really hope that you will keep all your promises, and we will keep an eye on this, we agreed, yes, two trucks are driving up to vasily’s house at once, today the owner will have to say goodbye to the garbage that he has been accumulating for years, the workers start right from the entrance. the man himself energetically puts garbage into bags and ruthlessly gets rid of even the stroller.
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and promises to continue to monitor the cleanliness of their plots, i can promise my neighbors that more there will be no such clan to engage in budodorod. street residents hope that the men will keep their word. thank you, transmission beyond, for drawing attention to our problem. we hope that this process will be completed, we will control it. if vasya starts polluting in the future, we will be forced to turn to lawyers. we took
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this situation under control, the first section of vasily has been completely cleared, work continues on the second section, but we have encountered difficulties because it is unclear behind the fence, who owns this land, but it is just as cluttered, in fact, he did not provide any documents for this land, there is a possibility that he is not its owner, accordingly we had to draw up a letter for... it will become clear how to move further in the legal field. her adoption was a family secret, but after the death of her husband, the adoptive mother decided to confess everything to her daughter. in our studio. hello, natalya,
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hello, how old were you when you found out the truth? i was 33 years old when i i found out that our dad died, and we buried 4 km nearby, and... it was possible to walk from our village to where dad was buried, but we left by bus with my mother, and decided to walk back, we went and there was a turn somehow tired, sat down, here she is, why are you asking everyone, what about the fact that i’m not my own, i say: well, you don’t
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tell me, i want to know who i am and what, who i have, all she lived her life alone, well, she just started. to tell you that dad is gone now, it’s dad’s secret, dad’s was, i can tell you, but why did you find out, by the way, from everyone, well, because somehow my neighbor told me this when i was 8 years old, i remember she said it then, and i ran home and started crying, mom, it’s true, she says, why are you listening to everyone without listening... i i believed my mother, of course, my dad somehow didn’t talk about this, well, he always left, at the age of 20 my own sister, my mother said this too, i was already living with my husband, i already had a second child, i came before her how to visit, and
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how she told me this, that you are not dear to us, you came to see your mother again, i also say that again, what did she say, she’s your dear your sister said that... not your family, dad again looked down at you, well, when he left the house, and mom said: that’s it, what are you collecting, it’s not true, that is , no matter how much you asked mom, nothing specific they didn’t tell you, this has never happened before, maybe she was afraid that i would turn away from her, but i would never turn away, my parents loved me very much, very much, no one else did. what i had was the nineties, life was hard for everyone, but i had everything, absolutely everything, and they loved me, it seems to me that my family
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won’t love me the way they loved me, what if my mother finally decided to talk to you, it was hard for her, right? it was hard, well, i was glad that i had brothers and sisters, i was just glad that i had family blood somewhere, i didn’t want to communicate with them, that i wanted to be related to my family blood, i’ve been alone all my life i was, and my mother also told me something about where they took you from and where they took me from? in sherbakul, in general, how did i understand that i was from borisov, the village of borisovskoye or, and they took me from there, they brought me to the hospital, sherbakul, this is all the region, omsk, omsk region, i was in
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the hospital, my parents came there to look at me, my mother, it seems, came with her sister. oh, with the third, he says, we brought you such a white fur coat, he says, blue, blue eyes, you have such big, open eyes and white hair, they dressed me like a doll and brought me home, well , of course they changed the name and surname and the date birth, after your mother’s confession , your relationship changed, of course we won’t be close to that, well, let's talk to her. natalya, where did you live? in the same place where you were elected? until the age of 10, we lived in the omsk region, in sharbakul, then they told me that because of my mother’s illness we went to the chanovsky district to live, in fact, well, how
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it turns out, i realized that she and her sister were somewhere in the market, and my mother saw my biological mother, so from... you decided to change your place of residence so that you would not be found? yes, well, these are my guesses, that because of this, well , it turns out that your adoptive mother knew your biological mother, well, it turns out that she saw her, how could this be, i don’t know this, but your adoptive mother knew the details of the biological mother, what her name was, maybe what birth, no, i don’t know, she didn’t tell me anything, she just said. but i can’t pronounce the last name. alena, in your opinion, was it the right decision to take my daughter away, move, change her place of residence as soon as she met her biological mother on the street? i think yes,
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they loved the girl like their own daughter and did not want to hurt her. i think that on them any woman would have done exactly the same thing. how does your adoptive mother feel about your search? she’s okay, we talked about this topic, that what i want to find, she doesn’t mind, your adoptive mother wasn’t scared even by the bunch of diseases that you had in infancy. in the studio maria polekhanova! hello, maria, good afternoon, tell me
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about your daughter, i took her, she was only a year and 2 months old, i took her, i liked her, but she was in the children's ward of the hospital, where she was abandoned by her parents, and we wanted to take a child for a long time... we didn’t have any children together, and then we decided to take some child, and my sister, who worked in the maternity hospital, gynecology, obstetrics, she advised me, she says, she’s in the children’s department the girl, larisa, her name was, they wanted to send her to an orphanage, she said, look, maybe you can take her, that ’s right, then my husband and i went, we got her... the nurse brought her out, everyone surrounded us like that, looking, and the sister well, he shows it to me, and
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i had an apple prepared in my hands, so i i extended my hand to her, she also extended her arms to me, i took her in my arms, and it seemed so warm from her, i didn’t even want to give it away, i immediately decided to take her, she was so white, her ears were so short, i i even remember her little blue dress, after that we started filling out the documents, but we packed everything, i went to the city, bought things, my husband prepared a crib, that’s it, we picked her up and brought her home, there was such joy in the house, i just know , it seems to me that everything has become different, maria... but since the girl was in the nursery department of the hospital, which means there were health problems, yes, of course, she had a bunch
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of illnesses, but i was not afraid of it, and the doctors, children’s and sister, first of all told me, don’t be afraid, we will help you, she was there, standing she was registered for rickets, she had a big belly, her legs were like wheels, she had very low vitamin deficiency. “maybe that’s why she was so white, well, pale, and after how long did you bring the child back to normal within a year, then removed her from the register of this disease, everything, she began to, well, grow on our eyes, when you were just doing the paperwork, when you were just preparing for adoption, to take natasha for yourself, you probably asked who her parents were, her mother, i don’t even remember calling anything. they filled out the documents, i remember that, in my opinion, there was a sister, a brother,
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it seems to me so, in my opinion, her middle name was larisa viktorovna, that’s what i remember, and i know the last name zhakupova, with the date birth date, we just changed the month, hers was february 16 , 1985, and we made it 16 a... why did we decide change name? and the name, because when they brought her out to us, and for some reason my husband somehow reminded him, she reminded him, he has a niece who is somehow similar too, and her niece’s name was natasha, and he, so he gave her the name natasha himself, but that's the only reason, maria, why you changed your name. doesn't this mean, for example, that you were afraid that the girl might be found? i was afraid of this, i
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was that she lived, well, her parents’ house was there, it was 15 km away, we were only separated, and the accountant from their, well, department, she came to our factory, i’m at the factory she worked in the accounting department, she came to our accountant with a report, when she... came, walked in, and i immediately shuddered, i think maybe someone knows, what if, well, they say, it was me who took it, this has always alarmed me . that’s why, when she was 9 years old, we left there, changed our place of residence, that i was afraid, maybe they would catch her somewhere and take her away, why didn’t you tell natalya for so long that she was an adopted daughter, i could i would have risked telling you, but my husband didn’t want to forbid me to talk about it, that is, for him it was
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fundamentally, even as an adult he told me: don’t say anything, why was he against it? well, i don’t know why he didn’t want it. denis, can you guess why maria’s husband was against it, he categorically did not want his daughter to know the truth? this injury could subsequently have a negative impact on the child’s future life. i believe that this is an absolutely correct position when a child adopted at a young age is not told about the fact of adoption, because from that moment on. when a child has been adopted, he becomes effectively legally indistinguishable from his own child, therefore for the father this is his own child, in this regard i think the father was absolutely right, especially since he is protecting him, because then conversations may arise, marie, why did you still decide to tell the truth, i told him that
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i won’t tell you, be sure that i won’t tell you, and then he died, it will be 6 years since he died. not so long ago, i still have it, tell me, mom, tell me, and i, well , broke my promise, well, i decided, because i’m not eternal either, well, let her really in fact, maybe there really is someone, you probably yourself have thought about what could force the biological mother, the woman who gave birth to the child, to abandon him? well, i don’t know, maybe she was afraid that she was sick, maybe some family difficulties, maybe a lot of children, natalya, you can understand the action of a woman who once left you, as they say, i’m not a god to discuss her, well, just they will never take away a good mother’s children, well, they won’t, i am
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a mother of many children myself, i have five children, i haven’t left a single child anywhere, but... here they left me, they didn’t even take me, god forbid she was alive, of course they didn’t want to listen to her version, of course i would ask questions, of course i’m wondering why she left me, why should i, why didn’t she take me, they would like to hear explanation, well, of course, it seems every child wants to hear this, if they left it somewhere, and daughter larisa. was her third child, the last time she saw her was in the hospital in the village of shirbakul, omsk region, where the ten-month-old baby was taken by guardianship? our guest is irina zhakupova. hello, irina, how much do you have?
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children? i had six children now. natasha is my first, i gave birth to her when i was 19 years old, i gave birth to zhanochka when she was 20 years old, larisa was 22, rita, eighty-eighth, marina, ninety- two, who else is alyonushka? ninety -four, all your children have one father, the eldest from one, the second kirillov, i have, how to say, three, that is, you have three eldest children from one man, and three from another, and what was your life together like, with the father of the older girls, they lived poorly with him, they often cursed, it was true, yes, they were married,
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well, yes, we had already registered, she was young, he... was a rich guy, i once had zhakupov, something like this happened to us , like larisa was already very little, she ended up in the hospital with her, the two older ones were at home stayed with him, he took care of them as little ones, that is, you had a family, suddenly at some point the father of your... daughters gave custody of the older ones, yes, well, like they didn’t want to live together anymore, but he didn’t want in order to have children with me, you were deprived of your maternal rights, he did so. when i was in the hospital with larisa, he did that, why? he didn't keep his two older daughters? he
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couldn’t leave, he also worked as a milker, that is, not for himself, not for you, it’s better to go to an orphanage, it’s better for him, they tried to somehow return them, as i would return them, if he later did the same as larisai and i lay in the hospital, no, you say, you won’t come in, you have already been deprived of maternal rights, as a result, your eldest daughters ended up in an orphanage, yes, you saw this man again after you went
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there, i say, show me the children, he says no, he knew where he gave it to, you came to him and i said, show them to me at least once, okay, i somehow thought, there are a lot of discrepancies, of course, perhaps he somehow influenced her to be deprived of parental rights, but again there must be a reason, they don’t just
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deprive a person behind their back if everything is fine in the family , if a good mother, if there is childcare, which means you took care of the children, was a good wife, and he just deprives you of maternal rights because you are good and he is bad, well, it doesn’t happen like that, irina, she was the smallest , they didn’t try to return it, there was no way they would have returned it to me, if he did that, he did that, but you could have been restored to parental rights if you had wanted to, but i couldn’t, they didn’t try to do anything, they moved on, as i understand it, you had three more daughters, and then i got married a second time to kirillov. and gave birth to these, these were somewhere with me, margarita, marina and alena, you raised them yourself, tell me how you would raise them with your husband, normally, worked, and the husband
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worked, had his own house, studied, the girls, of course, already studied, and you were lucky with your second husband, he treated his daughters well, of course, well, that is, three younger daughters grew up as needed. omsk region, and this natalia knows that at
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birth her name was larisa zhakupova. take a closer look, do you understand who i'm talking about? i 'll introduce you, irina. this is natalya, before natalya’s name was larisa, do you think natalya is similar, maybe in some way similar to you? natalia, what do you say? do you have any similarities with irina? eyes, nose, similar. natalya, you have something to say to your alleged biological mother. i just saw a lot behind this mom. they really loved me, they didn't leave me the patient is nowhere, they are with me, larisochka, like you are like larisa to me. it’s not my fault, but you
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’re mom, you should have been with me, if i, and what if they didn’t let me into the hospital, i just walked out the window, looked, somehow i stood in my bed crying, and i looked out the window, i also cried, well, there was a free visit there, they didn’t let me in, they didn’t let me in. yes, we have five children myself, i go to bed with them in the hospital together, i go everywhere with my children, because i can’t do it without children, i can’t make it through without them, larisa, excuse me, irina, well you never tried to look for your
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little larisa. i wouldn’t know where to look, even ask the same father if he’s alive, i haven’t been with him for a long time either, i don’t see where he’s alive, he’s not alive, natalya, do you think it’s this woman who’s sitting opposite , gave you life, it is possible, maybe even, what kind of meeting will be for... a complete surprise, whether she will find people related by blood today, a dna test will show after a short advertisement. there is a russian proverb, and let it not come alone. the story of natalia nikolaevna mazurik began with that her mother died. during the birth of seryozha, my mother developed complications and died 2 months later. natalya dreams of finding her brother, whom she has not seen for 46 years. when mom
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died. why did he take seryozha away, and who are you left with? i stayed with my grandmother, they quarreled, they will quarrel, yes, and he didn’t want to give them any information about him, as well as the story of yuliana, who always felt that she had a sister, there is some feeling that i have someone there is, precisely my dear, precisely this sister, and i had this feeling since childhood, i lived in the village, there somehow... the neighboring guys, girls asked, are you adopted or something, wait for me, tomorrow at 17:55 on ntv. dolphin, new season, from monday at 20:00 on ntv. you are silent like a fish. shirimprol, shrimp, fishburger. a real sea of ​​taste, only delicious, period. what are you doing here? we make comfort accessible. rbd, we make comfort
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the dna program. a resident of the novosibirsk region found out that she was raised in a foster family from infancy and now wants to find blood relatives. irina, something about fate. you know, i don’t know, natalie, it’s a shame that irina doesn’t know where her eldest daughters, your supposed sisters, are now, yes, it’s a shame, but i didn’t even know where i was, i didn’t even try, irina, but your youngest daughters, they never disappeared from your sight, you always kept in touch, yes, and at least they received motherly love, so ? it turns out that it happened, but the fact is that your youngest daughters cannot thank you for your loving care, because the guardianship authorities took them away from you, in the studio
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marina erakhovets and alena belozerova. hello, hello, please come, marina, alena, have a seat. marina, how did it happen that you were taken away from your mother? a, they didn’t take us away from our mother, she left us herself, and that is, we lived with our father, with our grandfather, with our grandmother, then we were taken to an orphanage. how it was? well, everyone started drinking and leading a moral lifestyle, that is, we were left to our own devices. how old were you at that time? well, i’m about seven years old, alena was six years old. and your sister margarita was also taken along with you? yes, they took me to the hospital, they stayed there for about a year, about a year, yes, well, then they took me to an orphanage, and why is that, for about a year, there were no places in
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orphanages, in orphanages, that is, they didn’t want to separate us, but in the end alena didn’t care - six months later they took him into care, that is , when you were still in the hospital, yes, yes, but with you... with margarita, how fate, marina? well, after two months we were also taken into care, but we only lived for 4 months and asked to go to an orphanage, we were treated poorly, that is, at that age, even we didn’t understand how they could send us to such a family, that is, there are a lot of children there, just a one-room house, that is, well, we were treated so consumeristly, that is , all the work was done only by us, well... it ’s not even about what we did there, the children beat us constantly, simply because we were strangers, we ourselves asked to go to the orphanage, the guardianship came and took us away , we spent two weeks
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again in the sogat hospital, then we were taken to an orphanage and you lived there until you were 18, alena, and what kind of relationship did you have with your guardians? well, she took me, well, my mother was 6 years old. and until i was 14 i lived with her, that is, you always knew that you were not her family, and why only until i was fourteen, because i was in the mood. communicate with the sisters, so i asked her to send me to the orphanage with the sisters, but how did you live in the apikun family, was everything good? yes, she taught me - from scratch, it turns out, to read, write, she didn’t refuse me anything, didn’t scold me, that is, she was an ideal family, but why did i want, well, to my sisters, because well, it didn’t allow me to communicate with them, i wanted.
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no longer with the sisters, that is, you didn’t end up in the
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same children’s room, no, it’s very disappointing, we talked, we just have a phone number, that’s all we have i had a connection with my sisters, i was already in the eleventh grade, marina had graduated at that time, and came to the orphanage to pick me up to take me on vacation, she already had her own family, she came, took me, wrote a statement, alena, marina, all three of you together with your margarita, you... lived in an orphanage, graduated from the orphanage and never lived with your own mother, no, we remember, of course, her image, she always took care of herself, she was beautiful, well alcohol still, but she was never at home, never at all, maybe he’s absent there for a month, comes for a day, appears, leaves, and during this time, while you were in the orphanage, did your mother ever visit you? mom came when she had already
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met rita, that is, i was probably 2 years before graduation, probably before graduation, it was 2009, they came to the camp, well, i didn’t want to, i saw my mother only when i had already started studying , to college and came to their village, that is, i talked with rita, came to visit rita, and well , naturally, my mother was already there. and you are alena, when i saw it for the first time, yes, after graduating from the orphanage, well, that was, i had already graduated from the orphanage, that is , marina already had her own family, we communicated with the families, and that means, since marina communicated with her sister and rita , well, they agreed, well, we agreed to help them with clothes, food, they need it, well, this is for mom rita, mom and rita. help somehow, maybe
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fix it, margarita, after leaving the orphanage, returned to live with her mother, yes, they probably lived for some time, but on the contrary, i didn’t until rita went there, they just met by chance in the village, that is, my mother lived in this village , vnizhkovsky district, it seems that we porita studied at a vocational school there, and that is, she came to visit a friend in this village and her mother ended up there, that is, the woman purely by chance asked how are you like a mother? so she says: ira, well, she says, you know that she lives here, and that is, they are just very similar, so they found each other like that, when they called each other, saw their mother for the last time, when she took herself into hands, mom didn't drink anything, she she restored the documents, made them for herself, got a pension, that is, she lived all this time without documents, because her father burned her, she lived her whole life without documents, they ate how her relatives helped her restore her documents. they provided her with a house, her mother didn’t live,
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oh, she lived, she didn’t drink and lived normally, and i called her on the phone, that is, everything was fine, as soon as rita appeared again, my mother simply disappeared, went to this, roughly speaking, homeless place and just disappeared, you know what’s the matter, irina, before you went to the studio, told me that her three youngest children are you... marina, you and margarita always grew up with her, always grew up in love, you always had everything, your mother always raised you herself, the word for children...
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in our studio now yours the youngest daughters, this is alena, and this is marina, these are the same girls about whom you said that they lived with you, that you raised them, that you raised them, that thank god the three of them are doing well, why are you making up all this, i didn’t make this up, but i’m telling the truth, it’s probably a beautiful fairy tale, what she told.
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we are watching here today, we have already been told about the happy childhood of the younger children, we have already been told about the husband who handed over the children to guardianship, that is, a completely invented world, a fantasy such a person has created for himself, which means that now he is telling that everyone around is to blame, everyone but not her, we’ll find out in a couple of minutes whether irina’s daughters will be happy to meet their supposed sister, and what the dna test result will show. brest-litovsk, traditions through the centuries. when you drive a long car south to the sea or embark on another road trip, the question arises: where and how to eat? time to refuel, is it worth eating at roadside cafes? the roads have a lot of things, from coffee sandwiches at gas stations, to pasties in tents and pies at grandmothers'. and what kind of food
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his legal wife, it always seemed to me that this would not be forever, for example, i was not at all afraid that he would leave me, why does the actress think that valeria zolotukhin was ruined by yoga? now i, too, have stopped standing on my head, how she raised her son alone, facial expressions, gestures, sometimes a chill runs down my skin, it’s similar. well, what's there to argue about? and how many years has he been fighting for the inheritance? my task as a mother, i didn’t take care of it at the time, yes about this, at least now, but i have to do something for my son. irina lind and her million-dollar secret. saturday at 21:20 on ntv. dna is on the air. a resident of the omsk region had a ten-month-old daughter who fell ill and went to the hospital with the baby. but she returned home without the child; today in our studio she met a woman who may turn out to be her own daughter. alena, marina,
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did your mother tell you that she still has children? well, marina knows better, she told me about it when she was a child, i remember this directly all my life , i knew that we had two more older sisters, zhanna, natasha, but only age, well, i don’t remember, but how did you react to this information, that my mother had other children, left them, well, we were little, it’s just that at that moment it really seemed that this was not true, yes, maybe it’s true, because she said a lot of things like that, irina, why when marina listed your eldest daughters, the name larisa was not mentioned, marina, have you ever heard this name, no, never, only zhana with...
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well, they knew that there were two more, but they didn’t know whether it was true that they existed or there are definitely some of them, but there is another one, you would like to meet her... to meet her, i would really like to, of course, well, yes, unexpectedly, of course, completely unexpectedly, well, then let me introduce you, this is natalya, before her adoption, natalya’s name was larisa zhakupova, what do you think, can natalya be your sister, let’s at least talk about external similarities, well, the nose, eyes, and salty look are probably similar. very similar, yes, well , it seems to me, more so with me, for some reason girls came to my place, i immediately say, they look like me, eyes, nose, maria, maybe
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indeed, your daughter will find her sisters today, what do you think, well, i, for example, also wanted her, since she had already planned, so that she would not find her mother, i didn’t even think about her mother, but that she would like sisters, alena, marina, but while we still don’t know exactly from... your or natalya’s family, it would be interesting for you to see a story about this natalia, what if this is your supposed sister and is your blood sister? yes, of course, well, in that case, pay attention to the screen. every spring natalya plekhanova hardworkingly digs beds in her garden so that everything grows, blooms and pleasing to the eye. this is a large vegetable garden, we plant potatoes here, last year i planted tomatoes here. and i planted watermelons, well, now i ’ll also plant watermelons here and plant a few melons,
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i harvested as many as 40 buckets of tomatoes that year. the schoolchildren left, we have a small child, that’s it, you start feeding him, by the time she fed him, put him down to play, then she ran to clean up, i don’t know, i like having many children, i always dreamed of having many children, so that i could have a lot children, daughter masha happily shares household chores with natalya, the girl deftly
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manages the kitchen, helping mom set the table for dinner. my daughter came from novosibirsk, she cooked fish today, carp, and i also cooked cutlets, we also love carp cutlets, our cutlets are juicy, tasty, masha is growing up not only as her mother’s assistant, but as a real craftswoman. natalya teaches her daughter to sew and embroider. just hold it with your fingers a little, don’t tighten it, that...
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and we have second ones, athletes all grow up as athletes, for marina solyonaya, unlike their mother, children and family come first, we often play together, roma sometimes plays for me, sometimes he helps dad, now i decided to help dad, let’s play a sea battle. come on, start first, and two, by. 6 years ago, alena belozerova, together with her husband sergei and son roman, moved to a new apartment in omsk. their family is friendly and hospitable. this is what i cook all the time, salads under a fur coat, mimosa. what else do we love? bake the chicken. we make shish kebab with friends.
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the main assistant in the kitchen is my growing son. alena happily helps him learn culinary wisdom: we don’t skimp on the butter, we spread it well, we don’t skimp on the caviar either, just like that, oh, what a beauty, that’s it, now you, but he loves to help me and loves to cook himself, he loves to fry eggs, yes, yes, he cooks , cook, soup we... cooked, right? roma is in second grade and makes her mother happy with her success at school. an excellent student, he studies well, with straight a's. so, let's see what your schedule is, we'll pack our school bag for monday. alena’s sister, marina erokhovets, also lives in omsk, she is the mother of three children, her youngest son only 5 months. i’m taking care of a child now,
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i’m on maternity leave, i worked as a florist for 6 years, i have two older children who go to school, the eldest’s name is arina, she’s 12 years old, almost, the middle artyom is nine, and lyosha is 5 months old. every day marina walks with her child in this park. the park has been in lksm for 10 years, the park is very old, well, i’ve been here since childhood, so most often we spend time here, here. you can go down to the irtysh, you can look at the river, well, in general , of course, i would like to go - somewhere - to the mountains, it’s probably the same with children, nature inspires her, says marina, in her free time she likes to paint landscapes and is ready to give her paintings to future relatives. if my prospective relatives are
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interested, i will be happy to take them to places that i like, well, i will be happy to give them my paintings, if today. natalya, what do you say, you liked the supposed sisters, yes, but how do you like the news that if a dna test confirms your relationship, today you will become not only a sister, but an aunt, and more than once, good, it will be straight, i’m very glad that you say, good, yes, well, just so that i don’t... i don’t use it, because you gave me a lot of things in this life, a lot, you ’re the most important thing, you just raised me, groomed me, if only
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if it weren’t for you, i, too, wouldn’t know where i was, or maybe i wouldn’t exist, in fact. alena, marina, do you think the dna test will confirm your joy, well, i think so, because there is a direct resemblance, today you will not turn out to be your own sister, what will you do? i will continue to search, as my dad told me before, you are harmful, persistent, you don’t care you will achieve it, you still think, today your search will be over, yes irina, natalya - your daughter larisa, yes, it seems that it doesn’t matter, maria, do you think your daughter will find out the truth about her biological birth today, yes, i think it’s positive all. natalya, are you ready to check this? yes, i'm ready. i invite our dna specialist, daria popova, to the studio. will
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the dna test result make natalia happy or sad? will marina and alena have one more sister? answers to all questions. after a short commercial. watch today at 19:00. negotiations in the kremlin and signing of documents vladimir putin receives the king of bahrain in moscow. we have little chance, but we will fight. serbian president aleksandar vucic at the un general assembly is trying to defend his people from accusations of genocide in srebrjanica during the balkan war. watch tonight at 19:00, on the website and app now. emergency exit: premiere, today at 22:15 on ntv. the state has abolished fees for transfers
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on ntv. as we age, we all experience a decline in memory and intelligence. why does the body fail? can these harmful changes be stopped? can! our body has a main computer - the brain. it is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood and sleep and regulates the work of each of our organs. the brain is an electrical system, it consists of... nerve cells and processes between them, through which electrical signals constantly flow. as we age , changes occur in the brain; brain cells age and are damaged by the environment and stress. scientists from kyoto university have found that the japanese eat a unique mollusk called azumopectinida. it turns out that azumopectinide contains unique components that promote brain recovery, all of which belong to the class phospholipids. there are more than 100 items, so
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a product from highly concentrated phospholipids of the japanese clam appeared: prolong the youth of your brain 8800 100 exactly 1985 800 100 exactly 1985. the brain is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood, sleep and regulates the functioning of each of our organs, however as we age, we all experience a decline in memory and intelligence. disruption in the functioning of our organs. this year , the russian distributor purchased a batch of the japanese moy product. it contains all the phospholipids that promote recovery brain. brain therapy is produced in japan. brain aging can be reversed . and he will serve you faithfully again. prolong the youth of your brain. 800 100 exactly 1985. 8800 100 exactly 19. 85.
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find out more about the japanese product brain therapy. emergency exit. premiere. today at 22:15 on ntv. how did it happen that with the appearance of koralev in yuzhnomorsk , the story of the drug immediately surfaced and the murders began. we need to take him a deck too. somehow i don’t like all this andryukha. vaska, why did you save me, or what? either you really a good roper or a competent manipulator? quiet, quiet, guys, your criminals, dolphin, today at 20:00 on ntv. this is the dna program. the sisters from omsk knew that their mother had two more older daughters, about whose fate she knew nothing since theirs.
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they took her away, in our studio they found out that they might have another sister. daria, you have the floor. today natalya plekhanova contacted us for a dna test. since childhood, she was haunted by rumors that she was not part of the family. but the parents reassured the girl, saying that it was not true. and only after the death of her father, her mother revealed the family secret to natalia. she was adopted from a hospital in the village. bakul omsk region, changing all of natalia’s given name at birth larisa, surname zhakupova. irina zhakupova came to our studio from the omsk region, who last saw her daughter, larisa, in the sharbakul hospital, when the girl was only 10 months old. irina’s daughters also came to the studio.
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alleged biological mother, irina zhakupova, alleged biological daughter, natalya plekhanova. the likelihood that you pokrov's relatives, mother and daughter, which means marina and alena, your natalya, sisters, is 99.9.
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natalya, you said that you dreamed of an older brother, now you have younger sisters. i’m the eldest, how do you like the role of an older sister, i didn’t feel it, when they arrive, then i’ll feel it, alena, marina, what do you say, we’re glad, of course, very glad!
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that you exist, if you want to find out the truth about your birth, call or write to our editors, a new dna test is available tomorrow on ntv.
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assalomu alaykum.
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a gift for the king that vladimir putin presented to the head of the kingdom of bahran, which the leaders of the countries agreed upon during the verdicts in inna osipova’s report. umbrella for the fence about how air defense and artillery crews interact in the south donetsk direction of the special operation and about an unusual drone detector, evgeniy golovanov. we have little chance, but we will fight. serbian president aleksandar vucic today at the un general assembly is trying to defend his people from accusations of genocide against bosnian muslims in srebrjanica. sergei khovashevsky about why this is so fundamentally important for the serbs. in the state duma
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large parliamentary hearings were held on...


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