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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 23, 2024 11:35pm-12:01am MSK

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lord, yes, what have you done? ridiculous, you are a person like you, do you imagine that, yes, comrade colonel, murder, with particular cynicism, i understood, i’m leaving, i have... murder, you’re lucky, ridiculous person.
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“this is not an exhibition, but a confrontation, if not for saikin’s composition, i would look like a pale toadstool in front of maria ivanovna, that you are seething, and i just introduced you to the lady you like, that’s it, i understand, you are taking revenge on me, what kind of attacks are you making, please go and tell me that you are not an artist, like you were joking, that’s all, you're a bastard, pasha, here. but he’s this conformist, a denier, i didn’t even understand what kind of attacks these were, i did a good deed for you, but you made parsley out of me, that’s what you made of me, that’s all you’re yelling at, you’re like all the neighbors you’ll wake us up in the refrigerator, because... zhanusya,
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zhanusya, i’m home, wake up, wake up, you, why, what did you jump up, husband, what kind of husband, you didn’t say, he came from a business trip, it’s all crazy, where’s the valcon, we don’t have . zhanusya, dear, dear, you, hello!
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this is the program today, with you artyom kolodkin, we are summing up the informational results of the outgoing day, well, we start with the footage that we receive in real time. vladimir putin has just arrived in minsk as part of his official visit to belarus. it is expected that, despite the late hour, the first of the two-day visit of the russian president. negotiations with alexander lukashenko will take place today, if personnel arrive, we will return to this topic a little later, according to the press secretary of the russian leader, putin and lukashenko have planned quote: extensive communication. during the negotiations it is planned discuss current issues of further development of russian-belarusian relations, strategic partnership and alliance. the progress and prospects of integration interaction within the framework of the union state, as well as key international topics.
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the focus will traditionally also be on the international agenda, the situation in the region, and the situation in ukraine. well, earlier, this afternoon, vladimir putin received the king of bahrain in the kremlin. following the meeting, the leaders of russia and the kingdom of bahrain signed a series of documents on cooperation, they refer to about joint projects in the field of healthcare, culture, trade and a number of other areas. for the last time hamad al-khali.
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next year we celebrate 35 years of establishing diplomatic relations between our countries, but over these years a lot has been done in construction. relations between our states, we have good contacts very much through the foreign ministry, on many issues on the international agenda our positions are close, just recently a week ago there was a meeting of the league of arab states, where bahrain is now chairs, and of course i would be very interested to know your opinion about the situation in the middle east, about how the discussion went: there is complete understanding and agreement regarding the need to hold a peaceful international conference on the middle east. russia will be the first country to which i will appeal to support the holding of this conference, because russia plays an important role,
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and one of the most influential countries at the world level can contribute to it. later the kremlin reported that the negotiations were surprisingly useful. and the parties reached an agreement on cooperation on all issues. in addition, the kremlin reported that vladimir putin presented the king of wahrain with an aurus car, but to be precise, its extended version. russian troops took control of another settlement in the dpr, as the ministry of defense reported today that the village of andreevka was liberated from ukrainian forces. besides, ours. the fighters managed to improve the situation in several areas of the special operation; all units are now working towards the overall result, in particular in close contact, anti-aircraft gunners and artillerymen, evgeniy golovanov reports. the wasp, even if it doesn’t fly, walks quickly
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and smoothly even off-road, as if it were swimming. by the way, the anti-aircraft missile system can do this too. yes, the ability to drive anywhere on any off-road, all-wheel drive is included.
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after firing, the crew immediately leaves the firing position so as not to come under return fire, the commander with the call sign sida was howling from the very beginning of the special operation, repeatedly came under counter-battery fire, during one of... he was wounded, suffered the most car, this was back when we were standing near kiev, there was a mortar attack, this scar is from there, if a fragment had hit a little higher and the ammunition could have detonated, it turned out okay, the artillerymen have their own talisman, meet me, this is the cat rapier, she was born and grew up here on the front line, her mother was brought from near kherson, now you see how beautiful she is, artillerymen sometimes even take her with them to battle. yes, handsome! the rapier also works as a living drone detector; they can hear the buzz of approaching drones much more before the fighters, tries to take cover. if she is calm, as she is today, both the crew and the journalists are calm. evgeny golovanov and andrey tkachenko, ntv, south donetsk direction
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of the special military operation. well, now we are returning to minsk international airport, where vladimir putin has just arrived on an official visit. and at these moments, right at the airport, a meeting between putin and lukashenko takes place. we receive these frames in real time, live broadcast to your attention. i have after negotiations. we had such a great meeting with our arab friends with members of the government, we talked about my visit to you, we went over almost all areas there on industrial cooperation, on energy, on agriculture, on the issue of security, well, probably half the government was there, some will come, tomorrow they will participate in negotiations. those who, tomorrow, those who will not be here, all conveyed great
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greetings to you and wishes for the well-being of belarus. well, now to other news. animal rights defenders are again trying to attract the attention of the public and state deputies thoughts on the problem of circuses. activists believe that animals used in performances suffer, and performances using predators are necessary. to cancel the bill about a year ago was even considered at the okhotny ryad, but was not adopted then, but however, today one of the most famous trainers in the country, vladislav goncharov, who has been working with the most dangerous artists for 20 years, has clearly demonstrated that with the right approach to animals do not experience any suffering during training, in particular goncharov has not used such an attribute as a whip for a long time, considering such props to be a relic of the past. our correspondent, this
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comrade would probably be happy to jump on me like that, but i won’t let him do it. they all end up in the circus as little kittens. ruslan was actually brought in as a twenty-four-day-old kitten, which they simply gave to me and said, take it. i was generally in shock at the time , they brought it to me in a box, i kept it at home. teenagers begin to prepare for attractions at the age of 2, looking at the address goncharova, there is a feeling that lions understand their mentor perfectly, in fact, this is a deceptive impression, the animals are constantly testing the two-legged alpha sans, and i tell my assistants, and guys, who is the next lion among us, and you have no idea , grisha comes up from behind like that with his nose right at me... knock-knock-knock pushes me, i’m like that, and guys, i missed the lion, that is
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, if there was another lion, he would have come up from behind, he would have already put me down, so the lion is unobtrusive warned a man to go to the king of beasts turn his back, so in the arena goncharov is forced not to let any of his predators out of sight, now there are nine of them in the attraction, but there were 10. the trainer steals the lion, one who has refused a stick and a whip, it is thin, soft, completely unlike anything that the method of training teacher goncharov. boris beryukov, who in turn was the successor of the famous irina bugrimova. she had one that was not entirely aggressive, but showed the king that he was a predator, that he growled, i have such moments somewhere, but respect, no, without portraying them as domestic cats and some kind of toys. the fact that these are cats, but not at all domestic, becomes clear during feeding in cages lined with a corridor leading to the arena. methods. i was asked to test sura goncharov personally in a cage with adult lions, remotely, without a whip
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or a stick, with the help of a cane and a tasty piece of meat, well, we see that the method works, after such a treat the lion, my mother-in-law pasha agrees to carry out the command and sits down on the pedestal, let's go place, pavel, journalist, put him in his place, in his place, in his place, so go to the wrong place. listen, they listen to me, an amazing fact. vladislav goncharov provided an opportunity to feel what it is like to be alone among lions. it is impossible to do without a death act in the circus. three lions and a journalist alone in a cage. open the door and you left him alone. open up, he’s alone there, alone, alone in a cage, well, well, open up! of course, this turned out to be possible thanks to excellent training. the presence of a tamer, even outside the arena, does not give should you devour the one who brazenly dared to set foot? into the cage, you saw everything with your own eyes, that the first time the lions came out, we didn’t even know which lions would come out, but just like that
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, once or twice everything happened. vladislav's son timur goncharov, at the age of 7, entered the circus arena; today the artist works under the circus dome in four rooms and insures his father during the attraction behind the cage. in addition, for the new circus festival , the goncharovs are preparing a performance for the anniversary of the battle of poltava; samson and leo will be on the rising structure. the program includes the prince of the circus and predators those who do not like water still appear among them. and then sports news from our colleagues smatchtv. winline heroes of rpl annual award. don't miss the main football events. find out who became the best this season. watch the broadcast of the award on may 27 on match tv.
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match news time, especially for ntv, in the studio alexey kachutkov. hello. and in the next 5 minutes we will discuss the most. there were arguments against the tactics of the italian coach gaspirini and the fantastic forward lookman. the nigerian scored a head-trick. in the european cup finals, none of the africans are like did not perform any feats. 3:0. atalanta takes the second trophy in its history and interrupts bayar's unbeaten streak in the fifty-second match. well, we are just happy for our mirovchuk. bet on the italians.
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zenit, krasnodar or dynamo, the last two clubs will play each other in the south of the country. the status of the winline match of the tour is the game of the year, the golden match, the significance of this meeting simply cannot be overestimated. dynamo can win the championship title for the first time in 48 years. krasnodar will play in front of its fans, but even a victory does not guarantee a championship, it needs zenit section in a parallel meeting. the uniqueness of this game is emphasized by the fact that only once a decade in russia the championship title is determined in head-to-head competition. you've probably already chosen
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your favorite. odds on your screens. from the point. rostov is a clear outsider here for the victory of karpino’s team , odds are 14. the first important start of the summer season for track and field athletes ended in sochi, this is the russian team championship. our main star maria lositskeni missed the tournament. favorite in the jumping sector height.
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for the second year in a row, uniks will play in the final of the unified league to break the resistance of lokomotiv kuban; the kazan team needed all seven matches. the defending champion started the match well, but well-timed timeouts and several three-pointers allowed lojo to return to the game. by the big break , kazantsev's lead was three points, but in the third quarter, unix gradually began to increase its advantage. however, krasnodar managed to win back. one and a half minutes before the final siren, the scoreboard again showed equality. the remaining time in all its glory nenat dmitrievich showed himself. the regular season mvp scored in the hole, hit a floor shot and made free throws. this time lokomotiv had no answer. 92:87 unix continues to defend its title. if you bet 10,000 on the hosts, you would get 16 back. unix in
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the final, what we wanted and it wasn’t easy to get together after the loss in krasnodar, when... we lost -30, find the strength in ourselves, thanks to all the fans, that’s it today shouted from the first minute until the end of the meeting, and after the meeting everyone shouted: thank you very much, kazan, you deserve it. voting for the best players based on the results of the football season in russia has ended. you will find out the names of the laureate on may 27, on this very day, watch the winline heroes rpl award on the tv match. it was t' news. this season, watch the broadcast of the award on may 27 on match tv.
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