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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 24, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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security issues, the situation in ukraine and economic cooperation in minsk, putin and lukashenko held talks. mikhail mishustin took part in a meeting of the council of heads of government. cis countries in turkmenistan are focusing on transport corridors, energy and ecology, nakhit babayev reports from ashgabat. in moscow, on the territory of the russia forum exhibition at vdnh, a meeting of entrepreneurs supporting participants and veterans of the special operation, as business representatives, also help develop the regions novorossiya. edmund zhalbunov spoke with participants in the business mobilization project. russian sailors are investigating the causes of death.
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american submarine during the second world war and honor the memory of the allies in the fight against nazism. about the historical expedition to the la perouse strait. report by pavel rybalchenko. hello, you, hello. russia treats the security of belarus as its own. this statement was made today by vladimir putin after negotiations with alexander lukashenko. they took place in minsk. strengthening the defense capability of the union state was one of the main topics, in particular, the leader discussed options for responding to the threat risks that arise at the border.
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memory of those who fell on the fronts of the great patriotic war. this year the republic celebrates the eightieth anniversary of liberation from the fascist invaders. another date is the twenty-fifth anniversary of the union state. the agreement was concluded on december 8 , 1999. preparations for this date were partly dictated by the invitation of alexander lukashenko to vladimir putin to visit minsk. the belarusian leader met russian guest in the palace of independence as his official residence. roto is also here as an honor guard, participants in the russian-belarusian negotiations. after the military review, emphasizing the significance of the visit.
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these are always issues that are in the field of view of the president of belarus and mine, my colleagues and i are always engaged in this, especially recently, this is all relevant, bearing in mind the direction that has been chosen by the western community in relation to both belarus and russia , unconditional hostility, attempts to restrain our development.
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cause damage to our sovereignty, no one has succeeded in this regard so far, i’m sure nothing will work out, here we feel... absolutely confident, reliable, and we will strengthen our interaction in these most important areas of activity. alexander lukashenko shared 90% of the negotiations with journalists, he and putin discuss defense, today they talked more about the economy, but exercises related to non-strategic nuclear weapons excite minds. we don't need war, we said today only about peaceful prospects. i am grateful to the president of russia, who included me in the delegation.
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and then we must be completely sure that we are dealing with legitimate authorities. russian vice-premiers and ministers also spoke about deepening integration with their belarusian colleagues, and the head of the military department andrei belousov, in particular, held a meeting with his belarusian colleague viktor khrenin. today, more than ever, we need close cooperation in order to promptly respond to changes in the military-political situation in the world, take additional measures to ensure.
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has not yet been accepted, this is all, in my opinion, a trick, and we proceed from the fact that american and other western weapons strike targets on russian territory, primarily civilian infrastructure, residential areas, so it is on their conscience, in in the palace of independence, everything reminds of the exceptional relations between the two countries, the army banners of the great patriotic war, modern state flags, interiors, there is also a gift from the patriarch of moscow of all russia kirill, an icon of the baptist, prince vladi. another symbolic detail, these negotiations are taking place on the day of the slavic enlighteners, saints cyril and methodius, equal-to-the-apostles, monastic brothers, who laid the foundation of the language that is now spoken in 12 countries, but only russia and belarus were able to use it so as not only to speak to each other with a friend, but maintain a truly brotherly relationship.
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nikita korzun, pavel baidalov, sergey dronov, minsk, republic of belarus. one of the goals of those who ordered the terrorist attack in the capital city of cityhole was to carry out. security agencies and special services of the cis countries in bishkka. he also spoke about new details of the investigation into the terrorist attack and named the number of detainees in this case. we are currently establishing the entire circle of those involved in the crime. more than twenty persons have already been detained, including the direct perpetrators and accomplices. during the investigation, including with the direct assistance of our colleagues from kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan and uzbekistan. it has been established that the preparatory actions, financing, attack and departure of terrorists
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were coordinated via the internet by members of the veloyat-kherasan group located in the afghan-pakistani zone. two of the four participants in the attack arrived in russia from turkey shortly before the terrorist attack. upon completion of the capture, the terrorists received a clear command to move to the ukrainian border, where a window had been prepared on that side. the investigation is ongoing, but it is already possible to say with confidence that ukrainian military intelligence is directly related to this attack. in addition, according to bortnikov, nato countries are helping in the transfer to ukraine members of terrorist groups from around the world, including the middle east, north africa, and afghanistan. the head of the foreign intelligence service, sergei naryzhkin, said that the organizers of the terrorist attack in krukus do not intend to limit themselves to one attack. according to him, the main goal... of the west is to destabilize the situation in russia and other countries. we see that their
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aspirations are not limited only to the space of the commonwealth of independent states; the geography and their activities are much broader. well, what is it worth, recent an attempt to remove what is objectionable to the liberals. the euro-atlantic elite of the prime minister of slovakia robert fisze, who dared to speak out in defense of the national interests of his country, the interests of his people. well , one of the motives of the criminal who opened fire on slovak prime minister robert fitz was to force the country's government to provide military assistance to ukraine and agree to its admission to nato. this has been said.
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said that one of the european commissioners on the phone dissuaded him from adopting the law on foreign agents and incidentally intimidated the story with attack by slovakia, adding that kabakhidze now needs to be more careful. the georgian leader called it:
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on military targets of ukraine, as reported in strikes with precision weapons and drones to the ministry of defense, as a result , enemy airfields, ammunition storage sites, temporary deployment points of the armed forces of ukraine of foreign mercenaries, as well as enterprises of the military-industrial complex of ukraine were hit. and today the ministry of defense published footage of the liberation of the village of klyucheyevka in the donetsk people’s republic. before the beginning the southern artillery carried out an assault on enemy fortifications. groupings of troops were hit by high-precision projectiles in krasnopol, our fighters hit strongholds and firing
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points on the outskirts of the village itself, ukrainian nationalists who tried to take refuge in the basement of a destroyed house were hit with the help of fpv drones. after this , assault groups entered kleshcheevka, entered into close combat with the enemy and cleared all the dugouts of the trenches. and the video also captured the moment of raising russian flags. and copies of the victory banner for everyone key buildings of the village. and today footage from the donetsk direction appeared online, showing how a ukrainian military man...
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will not start shooting in the back. success on the front line now largely depends on the quality of reconnaissance, and drone operators are excellent at this task. with the help of drones that are constantly in the sky, our military monitors the enemy’s movements, transmits the coordinates of the target, artillery, and aviation with advanced reporting by maxim berezin. intelligence operator the drone orlan controls the cameras and the game joystick, as if he were playing a flight simulator, but the enemy is quite real. trying to intercept the uav. ukrainian rep is operating in the sky in the donetsk direction. the drone flies at an altitude of approximately 5 km directly above the positions of the ukrainian armed forces. the crew is continuously at the observation point for 10 hours. this is the battery life of the uav. operators should not be distracted in the field of view of arlan cameras by camouflaged support units of the armed forces of ukraine, communication points, and hidden guns. all this needs to be found and destroyed. control room in
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in an inconspicuous building, a group of artillery reconnaissance uavs strictly adhere to the rules of camouflage. they look for arlan every time. takeoff site, the ukrainian armed forces also have aerial reconnaissance that flies far beyond the front line. the crew has been working for several hours, a fighter with call patrol controls the board, a partner is looking for the movements of the infantry and equipment of the ukrainian armed forces on the monitor. during the day they try not to show themselves, hiding their guns and vehicles in the greenery. finding such a position from the air is not easy. in this video , orlan discovered a camouflaged howitzer. the artillerymen quickly worked on the specified coordinates. particular attention of the unmanned group to the headquarters and support personnel. usually they are equipped in residential buildings, basements, ruins, but the command post is often given away by trenches and antenna communications. are there any results after 4 hours of work? yes, there is a result, the kbes were discovered, the infantry was there, that’s what happened, the coordinates were transmitted, the artillery worked, it was ordered. the arlans
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literally gave the artillery regiment a free hand, aerial reconnaissance. significantly increased the effectiveness of destruction of ukrainian armed forces targets, that is, allows you to more effectively conduct counter-battery combat, well, hide the enemy’s control point, that is, more effectively inflict fire damage in the interests of general units. the coordinates of the target are directly transmitted practically to the firing position, but we have already aimed and are already looking accordingly, there is a gap, as you can see, there is a hit, orlan’s day patrol is ending, a drone with a night infrared camera will take his place. it is impossible to stop observing, in the dark the enemy feels freer, goes out from shelters, more targets appear for the artillery of the southern group of troops. maxim berezin, maxim mushanov, sergey plokhtyukov, ntv donetsk people's republic. today in moscow we talked about helping soldiers and veterans of special operations. this topic was discussed by representatives of the defenders of the fatherland foundation and entrepreneurs from the business mobilization movement. both structures
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have been helping fighters for several years now and only plan to expand this work. the business will continue to create new modern products that are needed in the north-west region. another direction training special operation veterans in the basics of entrepreneurship. edmund zhelbunov, more details. defenders of the fatherland fund met with entrepreneurs in the webrf pavilion at the russia exhibition at vdnkh. the full name of the pavilion is “cities for living come true.” it is symbolic that it was this space with such a telling name that the organizers chose to discuss plans for the economic and social development of the republic. donbass, kherson and zaporozhye regions. and at the same time, to summarize the interim results of the project "business mobilization". 300 people are currently employed. and this is where entrepreneurs also play a very important role. the business mobilization project created by the synergy corporation, together with the popular front, the support of russia, has existed for more than two years. during this time
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, more than 1,500 caring entrepreneurs from all over the country joined him and sent him to the northern military district zone, in total more than 100 thousand so-called. commodity units, they continue this work. initially , the movement was created to help fighters on the front line, for this many companies repurposed their production or launched new lines under the brand made for the front, they began to produce quadcopters, communications equipment, optics, ammunition and other products for combatants. among the own developments of business mobilization participants are new models of drones printed on a 3d printer, electronics that can withstand difficult field conditions, all-terrain vehicles, tundras and pioneers modernized for conditions. as well as food in self-heating packaging, camouflage costumes and much more. this program, including helping the guys who are on the front line, is humanitarian.
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development of the movement, especially in terms of restoration and development of the regions of donbass, the launch of new services, the opening of retail outlets and enterprises will help breathe new life into these regions, make these... they can open even from scratch. the fact is that all this is done so that veterans
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receive the necessary knowledge and skills for running a business, which subsequently they are always generally interested in learning, especially since since, well, i served, i served, my military service ended, that’s it, i need to realize something further, look for myself somewhere, how to find a use for myself in peaceful life, but again , it’s still possible, this is a great opportunity to help my loved one edge. because we still have the luganda people's republic, it is still in ruins, that is, we need to help our region, and as business development, this is also a big step in the development of our region, because as a republic, it is within, so to speak, scales, she's still young, that's fine to join a large family called russia, just at today’s meeting , the entrepreneurs agreed that russian business will continue to comprehensively develop the regions of novorossiya, where in the near future for veterans of the northern military district... even more career prospects will appear. edmund zhelbunov, anastasia altukhova, ilya lyadvin, anatoly vaskin and dmitry kochitov, ntv television company.
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today is a touching moment for hundreds of thousands of high school students across the country. the last bells rang in russian schools. and on many at ceremonial assemblies, according to tradition, first-graders rang the bell for graduates. sad, farewell. high school students have the most difficult tests ahead: final exams for admission to higher educational institutions, a new stage in life will begin for them, but today is a holiday for graduates, they danced a farewell waltz, launched balloons into the sky and deeper into the sky. in one of the schools in vladivostok, eleventh-graders were given symbolic bells and notes with good parting words. in many educational institutions, such as perm, the last bell ceremony began with the national performance. anthem, high school students admitted that they were sad to leave school teachers, a slight sadness, and maybe not even easy, it’s very
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sad to leave the lyceum, but on the other hand, i understand that many opportunities open up before me, a huge number of opportunities, and i i hope to take advantage of each of them, i really love the lyceum, i will definitely come back here many more times, the festive events for graduates were not held in safety schoolyards, in assembly halls, this year on the peninsula more than 800 eleventh-graders in the border areas of the kursk belgorod region, as well as in some schools of the dpr, for obvious reasons, decided to conduct the last calls in an online format, but in populated areas omsk region, which suffered from floods, postponed the celebrations to june. today in ashgabat they talked about strengthening economic ties in the commonwealth. of independent states , a meeting of the council of heads of government was held in the capital of turkmenistan cis. the main conclusion is that unprecedented external pressure, which is expressed in western
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sanctions, has not stopped cooperation between most countries in the post-soviet space. russian prime minister mikhail mishustin said that cis members are increasingly trading with russia and named several areas that need to be jointly developed. report by nahid bobaev. turkmenistan. the first country visited by mikhail mishustin after his reappointment to the post of chairman of the russian government. one-day visit, working program, schedule saturated. the first meeting of tetatet with the president of turkmenistan serdar berdomukhamedov. the focus is on bilateral relations. the growth of our trade and economic cooperation continues steadily. in the first quarter of 2024 it was 22%. but this is approximately 18 billion rubles. which i don't think is enough. we need. work harder so that our relations in the investment sphere, in the trade and economic sphere, in the scientific and technological sphere, in the cultural and humanitarian sphere develop. after
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a conversation with the president. michael mishustin went to a meeting with ministers of the commonwealth countries. the heads of government of the cis countries meet twice a year, in spring and late autumn. the first meeting, if you try to draw an analogy, is like a pit stop in a car race, that is, it is an opportunity to sum up intermediate results, correct the course if necessary, and develop tactics for the rest of the race. yes, the meeting took place in turkmenistan, but this year russia is chairing the cis, so mikhail mishustin moderated the meeting. the chairman of the russian government noted, that the cis countries are our key partners. this is also shown by the growth of mutual trade. i mean the cis partners, russia is steadily increasing. last year to more than 14.5%, now we are almost seeing 16%. despite opposition from ill-wishers, in 2023 our trade turnover with the cis countries increased by 5.8%. in january,
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the main topics of negotiations at meetings in a narrow format and in an expanded format were energy, ecology, logistics. the ministers agreed to jointly develop the infrastructure of international transport corridors in order to unlock the powerful transit potential of the commonwealth. we will continue to improve the free trade zone for goods and services, build up multilateral cooperation mechanisms, and create conditions for businesses to create promising production and technological chains. this requires reliable logistics routes in the cis, their connection with the international north-south corridor, the east-west corridor, the northern sea route, and today an action plan in the transport sector has been adopted, we are very active we are modernizing infrastructure, introducing advanced technologies, and we hope that this will open up additional opportunities for our entrepreneurs. the heads of government also adopted the concept
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of cooperation in the energy sector. the documents were prepared by the moscow energy institute and are aimed at supporting the scientific and technological development of sectors of the fuel and energy complex, their implementation involves the active introduction of the most modern methods and models for managing large energy systems, this will lead to a reduction in negative impact on the environment. in total, in ashgabat, the ministers signed 10 documents on the protection of intellectual property before cooperation in telemedicine. today it also became known that the next meeting.
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a program is in effect in 11 districts of the vologda region, gas pipelines have been built, boiler houses and social facilities have already been connected to them. at the final stage, the construction of another branch to the north-west of the region is underway. these 13 districts contain settlements that are located along the gas pipeline route. we are this we are finishing the project, the last stage will be put into operation next year. we hope that this will have a significant effect both on gasification potential for the population and
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potential. here we have business news, denis, that there are a lot of mistakes, well, the ministry of transport says that less than a percent, even much less, i ’ve been looking at this figure all day today, 67%, the ministry of transport has decided to punish russian airlines for errors in tickets, we’re talking about the information that enters the reservation systems, as the kommersant newspaper learned, the ministry has prepared amendments to the code of administrative offenses, according
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to which... for the first such violation, the airline faces a fine of up to 100 thousand rubles, and for a repeated violation up to 400 thousand or suspension of activities for 90 days, the ministry of transport itself is necessary.
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when compared with the same period last year, the price has increased by almost 20%. moreover, rbc's source in one of the retail chains warns: in the near future, wholesale prices may rise by another 20%. the weather and the peculiarities of the season had an impact. strawberries from the krasnodar region are running out, and the harvest it will arrive from other regions only in two weeks. as the hydrometeorological center previously said, the beginning of may in the european part of russia became the coldest in the entire history of observations. vk company today announced that its messenger icq, which was created by the israeli company mirabiles back in 1996, will stop operating on june 26. the company says that it will focus on the development
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of vksenger and vk woorkspace. even the kremlin commented on this news today. presidential press secretary dmitry peskov told tas that there were times when... in they used the kremlin, but then the service fell behind its competitors. what's left? ooh, the russian stock market ended trading in the red today because the ruble is getting more expensive again. the dollar as of friday is less than 90 rubles. but the euro today during trading even went to see what was below the 97 mark. obviously, the fact that exporters have a peak tax payment on may 28 has an impact. and the russian central bank makes it clear that it does not exclude the option of increasing it. bet. in japan , a dog named kobosu died at the ripe old age of 18. it's unlikely that anyone will recognize her a good friend until she saw what kobosu looked like. this is a shibu dog from
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those very doge memes. as per the meme , they were used for just about everything. and on the internet in early 2010, this photo was everywhere. and at some point it turned out to be so famous that in the thirteenth year it became the face, or more precisely, of the dogue coin cryptocurrency, and its popularity increased sharply when elon musk announced that dogue coins as a payment method would be accepted by tesla and starlink. doug coin is now one of the ten largest cryptocurrencies of the world with a capitalization of $23 billion. the success didn't end there. in the nineteenth year, doga got a partner, chims. and together they took over the internet with a new meme about a pumped-up, confident dogi and a mumbled, helpless chims. but both heroes of our meme past are no longer there, chims, the real name of bodza, died in august last year, today elon musk, the creator of another famous cryptocurrency ethereum, vitalik buterin, also expressed condolences over the death of kabusu, and the owner of kobosu wrote that she
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i'm sure kobosu was the happiest dog in the world, and she was the happiest owner. everything about the economy, thank you, thank you, denis talalaev with an economic review. there 's a short commercial now, don't switch. where to invest the donated money? investing in
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this is the program today. we continue our release. vladimir putin met with patriarch kirill of moscow and all russia before leaving for minsk, the president congratulated him on the day of tesaimitation, or, in secular terms, on his name day. and according to tradition, he presented a bouquet of white roses. thank you very much for everything. you are doing for the russian people, thank you for the level of cooperation that exists between church and state, as i already said, unprecedented when compared with... with the entire russian history, god bless you, congratulations, thank you, thank you, the name day of the patriarch coincides with the day of slavic literature and culture, which is widely celebrated in russia, in cathedral of christ the savior, patriarch kirill served the divine liturgy. less than an hour ago, the head of the russian orthodox church opened
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a gala concert on red square. at these moments, an orchestra performs on stage with...
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the best russian classical groups and performers are on stage, this is an orchestra bolshoi theater, the combined choir of the bolshoi theater and the state academic symphony chapel under the direction of valery polyansky, and at the conductor's stand, of course, the living classic, valery gergiev, for many artists to perform here today.
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performed by the combined choir of the russian academic symphony chapel, the combined choir of the bolshoi theater, symphonic excerpts and arias from operas, vocal music, instrumental masterpieces of russian classics. it seems to me that the viewer should be interested, and this concert can reflect everything the richness and palette of our russian culture. the annual day of slovenian writing and culture is celebrated on may 24; the holiday itself is directly related to the names of the creators
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of the cyrillic alphabet, saints cyril and methodius. in addition to russia, they are revered in seven more countries in ukraine.
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in official status, this holiday has been celebrated here since 1991, well, for several years already in the millennium of the slavic alphabet, already in honor of it , such concerts are organized here on red square, by the way, the broadcast can be watched on one of the state channels, but we taking advantage of this chance, we will continue to listen to the concert right from here, from red square. thank you, it was ksenia ignatova from red square, where a festive concert is currently taking place in honor of the day of slavic literature and culture. now we have a short advertisement. we'll tell you after it. russian sailors are investigating the causes of the death of an american submarine during world war ii and honoring the memory
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of the allies in the fight against nazism. about the historical expedition to the la perouse strait. report by pavel rybalchenko. together we can do a lot. together we can change the world for the best, together it is easier for us to get down to business and turn it into the work of our whole lives, together we become stronger, ready, all systems are ready, and we can reach for the stars. vtb and opening together, to be closer to you, switch to profitable products and take advantage of all the advantages of vtb. vtb and opening together with you together for you. apply for free.
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your chance to take yours in 15 minutes for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to win. this is sasha. it is important for him to have friends.
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rostix has a new soft ice cream with
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natural cherries, just what you need, to cool off on a hot day, cool off with pleasure in rostix, how hard it is to change old for new, lucky day stinks, we give up to 50,000 rubles for the purchase of a new mattress, sofa or bed, take away your old one for free askona lucky. it’s hard not to notice the legendary alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest on all purchases. you receive a supercake in rubles every month and withdraw cash from any atm for free. not just profitable. alpha is profitable. this is the program today. we continue our release.
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russian sailors installed at the bottom of the strait laprousa, which shares sahali on the japanese island of hakaido memorial plaque. a wreath with the inscription “russians remember” was also lowered into the sea. and thus, the expedition members honored the memory of the crew of the american submarine in ahu, which was sunk by japanese aircraft during world war ii. us navy submarine. found by an expedition of the russian geographical society during the search for a sunken soviet submarine, its discovery is still the number one task for scientists in this section of the sea of ​​​​okhotsk. pavel rybalchenko from the scene of the event. yuzhno-sakhalinsk. the boat with expedition members leaves the port of korsakov. at the roadstead , transfer to the multifunctional vessel lamontin. ahead lies a 115 km long path to the very border of okhota. seas. the la perouse strait is the water area between the russian island of sakhalin and the japanese island of hakaida. the goal of the expedition is right here
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under water, at a depth of 60 m. an american submarine, sunk. during the second world war. the submarine wahoo, named after a large sea fish, entered us service in february 1942. during the war , her crew made seven combat missions from pearl harbor to the shores of japan. the latter proved fatal for american submariners. in october 1943, which sank 20 enemy ships and had six battle stars in ahu, it was shot down. the submarine was discovered only in 2006 during the search for another soviet l-19 ship. last december, marine engineers, using modern technology, were able to study in detail how exactly the us crew died. we carried out a bathymetric survey, a visual survey using a remotely operated underwater vehicle, as well as the shooting was carried out with an underwater 3d camera. in principle, you can see on the model that in the area of ​​the wheelhouse, if i’m not mistaken,
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there is a on the starboard side. and also all the key points, all the control centers, i mean the electrical circuits, they are, let’s say, preserved with oil, so no water is dangerous there. triton's claws are made of a special titanium alloy; the material is light, stainless, and most importantly durable, which allows you to work at serious depths. pressure. in a few minutes uninhabited
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the device reaches the place where the submarine lies. the purpose of this dive is to collect soil, collect water, samples are raised to the surface, first they will be sent for examination to collect data, then for storage at the headquarters of the russian geographical society. the engineers have to wait a while with the next dive. captain lomantina roman bulatov reports: the current in the strait has intensified. the la perouse strait is very unpredictable. yesterday there was still rain, wind, and fog here. today there is clear sun, almost calm, but a strong undercurrent, which in this situation complicates the work of studying this submarine, we are waiting for the weather to calm down a little and continue working. a few hours later , triton is given the go-ahead for a new dive,
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now the underwater manipulator will have to install on the bottom of the sea... a sign stating that even lost ships have a future, after which the sailors, according to tradition , lower the wreath to the surface, honoring the memory of the crew of wahoo and others lost ships. expedition to the loperouse strait, members of the russian geographical society and the people of the sea foundation, they are just starting a large-scale maritime heritage project, its goal is to systematize, preserve and pass on to descendants all the information obtained during many years of research. we are looking for an object. here are the artifacts of the past, and we study them, put them on the geographic information system, and thus this memory, doomed to such an interactive form, it continues. the historical memory of non-politics and it seems to me that it is very necessary now, when the foreign agenda is very complex, to remember those things that unite us, that are with us, perhaps this will allow
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in the future it is better to understand each other. we are looking for understanding. already this summer, researchers plan to return to the la perouse strait again to finally find the site of the death of that same soviet l-19, the search for which helped discover the sunken ship of the american allies. pavel rybalchenko, stanislav skripnik, ntv television company, sakhalin. it's time for the weather forecast in our weather studio evgenia nerosskaya. right in the summer, the weather in moscow has cleared up, hopefully the weather will improve on the weekend. will not deteriorate much, the atmospheric front will soon make adjustments to the perfectly sunny weather, but this will happen only on sunday, but for now the sun, summer, the water in some reservoirs near moscow has already warmed up to +17, so brave souls, the weekend can open the swimming season. in the south, you need to be careful when swimming, there is a very strong wind there, in the novorossiysk area gusts up to 27 m/s. in the krasnodar territory and in the mountains of the north
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caucasus there are rains, in kalmykia there are dust storms. it will become sharply colder in the north, in arkhangelsk the temperature will immediately drop by 15 degrees. in the northeast, european territory, there is generally just above zero snow. and in the northwest the weather is exceptionally pleasant. especially for the weekend +26-27, thunderstorms only on the baltic coast in the middle zone . saturday is an ideal day, bright sun, cloudless sky in the center in the black earth region 23:25, in the volga region it will warm up to the same values, the weather in the capitals is a little later. if your joints bother you when the weather changes, take rheumoflex. it helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes uric acid levels. revmophle. evalar movement without pain in any weather. how to reduce joint pain without harmful to the stomach? rivmoflex helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes the level of uric
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acid, preventing its deposition in the joints. revmoflex evalar - movement without pain. in st. petersburg tomorrow it will be +24 without precipitation. in moscow it is also 24. cloudless sky. on sunday the air will warm up to 27, but in the evening there may be a thunderstorm, from monday the sun will return, wonderful, thank you, zhen, evgenia neronskaya with the weather forecast, well, these are the main news for this hour and we, elmira fendeeva and vladimir chernyshov, we say goodbye to you, goodbye.
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listen, dan, do you think this is her handwriting? yes, the handwriting of genreta stepanovna. this is him, i saw how she wrote, and also this funny
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little letter k behind the squiggle. yeah, the key to the boat was also there, right on the note? i think i went to work, but i knew that you were here, dan, is it really possible, how many times have i told you, not to leave the house alone, mom, i’m sorry, it wasn’t geniya stepanovna who told me to come this morning, we wanted to go to the sea, she said that you i know, she said that, yes, they went completely crazy, and hello to you, inna, your phone isn’t working, i’m sorry, i forgot my phone at home, i came back, there’s no tribute, he and stepanovna agreed, but you don’t need to warn me, well, where is stepanovna, just wait, he brought it from stepanovna’s house.


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