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tv   Zapasnii vikhod  NTV  May 24, 2024 10:15pm-11:06pm MSK

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doctor, thank you for the injection, for the first time in 3 days i slept peacefully, valicek, why are you crying, who is hugging you, who is this, come on, calm down, what’s going on here, this patient still has time to live, they here they are already measuring him with a tape measure to put him in a coffin, but what kind of coffin? “we just wanted to buy a new bed for my brother, so that it would be convenient when they are discharged from the hospital, who should we take, here , take it,
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oh, cool, that’s it, yes, it’s a disgrace for me. this is a hospital, not
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a football ground, forgive him, please, he doesn't do it on purpose, it's outrageous, hooliganism, well, i’m not being hooligan, if anything, in fact, he’s a local janitor, and i’m an investigator of the investigative department, investigator, if you behave disgracefully, i’ll definitely inform your superiors, oh well, we apologized, we apologized, we should have thought before when the balls they kicked their own. and also a statesman, you can’t get away with this, lout, they kicked the ball, your kung fu bullshit, great, great, what you said, great, i heard it, the first time, well, again, the second time. yes, hello, hello, dim, here is
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the local police officer, the terrible lieutenant melnikov, i’m looking for a certificate about the cause of death of dmitry nikolaevich gordin, a resolution needs to be written about the refusal to initiate a criminal case. well, you sit down, because there is no potalogaan yet. as far as i know, gordin had alcohol and some other drug in his blood, so a crime is possible. oh, yes, it’s unlikely, he’s hypertensive, well, all the drugs were prescribed to him by the local doctor, most likely he drank, his blood pressure jumped, in this state he mixed up the dose, old age, and what did he do at all, but nothing, a pensioner with experience, a quiet, calm old man, a non-smoker, lived alone, and who discovered him, his daughter came to congratulate her father on the election of the chairman of the nomismatists society, what do you say,
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he did nothing, wow, the whole chairman of the nomismatists society, there is only one name, so a circle of lovers of pensioners , well, nothing valuable was missing from the apartment, right? there are no signs of robbery in the apartment, there is nothing on the table except a cup of tea, everything is neatly folded in the chest of drawers, all the prescriptions for medicines, utility bills for 10 years, well, what kind of money, there are no other valuables in the house there was a collection of coins, well, he has a small album of coins, he became a misramatist not so long ago, and nothing in this album was touched either, well, since we have a certificate there ...
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you wouldn’t be at the crime station would be, this is what the apartment survey showed, and what the cctv cameras showed, why in the end i have a thousand questions, yes, and you have zero at all, it’s your fault, free, i ’ll contact you later, maybe i’m dying, you’re just now , well, am i wrong or what? absolutely, damn it, here it’s mother-in-law, i mean marya ivanovna, she asked me to pass on something, oh, this, what
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is this, these are paints, in my opinion, french. every wedding ends the same way, the newlyweds retire to the bedroom and decide. i prefer investments. where to invest the donated money? investing in the future. i agree, but first we’ll open a deposit for interest at sea. with sberbank, everyone can profitably increase their savings. open a best interest brokerage account and receive three sber shares. as a gift, in savings it is more profitable with prime,
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yeah soli chokhanda, handa. but i got it, yes, this is a real adjustment,
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yes, what kind of adjustment, are you doing manual work , you have to confess, i just, i don’t know, dima, take these paints back, or rather, what am i going to tell her? i don't know what you tell her, i don't care what you tell her. ivana, don’t bother erasing it for her, huh? what a day this is, huh? even the gift caused a scandal. nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing. ivanovich, an easygoing person, is sorted out, that’s all. yes, but i won't take the paint back. there you go, well done, you don’t have to carry anything anywhere. it’s good that i didn’t go far, so you really explain what something happened, come on in, you have a man here, smart and with this cart walking around the territory of small stature, who is he, an asian, in the sense, well, in the sense, how he babbles in his own way, look,
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a maniac, a wanted killer, an exemplary citizen during the day . at night, a murderous maniac, it doesn’t look like you’re empty-handed, dear, you’re driving, we have such a face walking around half the country, you can take anyone. yes, well, it can’t be, maybe or can’t, we’ll see, i’ve already called the outfit, we’ll figure it out, or maybe, yes, well, okay, well, then you figure it out, and i’ll go and do it for me, i'll wash the tools, that's it, thank you, maybe some tea, maybe some tea. in order for you and me to get something tender and airy,
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we continue to repeat, you have to get out, get out, there are cops, cops, a raid, they announced a raid on you, you have to get out, come on, come on, come on quickly. surrounded, we will make our way through the central, quarantine, into morka.
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“hello, comrades, in general you can’t come here, there’s a morgue, we know, we’re having a raid, there should be a local policeman, he’s got directions, you should come here, yeah, yeah, stop and, shut up, shut up, he said, shut up”?
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lie down to him, be silent, be silent, just be silent, lie down, yes, good job, listen here, now you’ll lie down, here, you’ll lie down, like you’re leaning back, but you glued the manhole together, you understand, that’s how it is, you see, there’s no need to go to it, here, come on.
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what did you do, or what? so can the infact
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be captured? sergei zharkov, captain chatting with the fish, dolphins are not fish, and his dolphin is returning. andrei, there is still time to wind down the operation, well, i can’t, i’m just sitting around doing nothing, what’s up, but it looks like a murder, to bring everyone into the open, here in the south sea, which doesn’t happen here, but here ’s a murder with a crossbow arrow. first time, here so, andryukha, they are taking them down one by one, it seems to me that this is a clue. dolphin, new season, i’ll contact you, no matter what. from monday at 20:00 on ntv. via superstar, premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. sberbank mortgage for any type of housing. that would be a house in the countryside. better apartment in the center. or nevo scrobe. or maybe everything everywhere at once? find
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why do you need bracelets in the boss, shut your mouth. sergeant mikushev communications, object detained, take him to mork, end of connection, i wonder who they detained, they probably abandoned him, well, that’s unlikely, look back, oh, hello, and you? i'm lost, can you tell me where the exit is? further along the corridor to the right, thank you, so what? ran up, okay, but it ’s not him, how could it not be him, well, it’s an orderly,
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what kind of circus have you staged here, i don’t understand, free my colleague immediately, take off the handcuffs, what are you telling colonel toporkov now, i’ll call you in uniform a private standing at an intersection instead of a traffic light, i realized there was an order to detain janitor, they said that this is an orderly, not a janitor, so he was chalking for the pathologist of the anatomist. and please vacate the premises, we still need to work, we need to prepare the body
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for murder, everything will be fine, hold on, long live the juche idea, shut your mouth, but i’m silent, we will meet with you again, we need to figure out what kind of comedy you are here in front of us played. excuse me, please, but what is happening, why were we detained at the janitor? he didn't show his face. izolya stepanovna, we just
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didn’t have time to warn you, it was a misunderstanding it turned out that our bruce lee was mistaken for a criminal, we wanted to hide him, but it didn’t work out. sorry, i didn't know. yes, but what do you have to do with it? well, now... something needs to be done, he’s already offended by life with us, god forbid that something might happen to him, but nothing will happen to him, they’ll check and let him go, they’ll check and let him go, dima , how will he explain to them, when in russian he is not a belmes, who will let him go, your cops will let him go, they will all hang him, and he will be there to prove that he is not a camel, well, you want, let me go to the police, no need, i 'll figure it out myself. this is for you, by the way, a conclusion on gordin, wow, and what is there, a crime, how do i know, well, you are the investigator for you to understand, i can only say one thing for myself, his heart
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stopped, they give this to epileptics, sorry, don’t forget, gordin is hypertensive, so kolya, well, not about that, now here is a hypertensive or epileptic, saikin, come on, now all the hope is in you, go ahead and ask your people why the brules were detained, what criminal case he is under investigation for, yes, yes, there is, and bolder, yeah, yes, tougher with them, you got it, there, come on, yes, yes, yes, yes, excuse me, yes, yes, i’m coming, this is the country. yes, yur, hello, great, what site did you post it on, who posted it,
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yeah, he’s a blogger, a cook, i got it, i’ll take a look now, that’s it, let’s go, bye, it helped a lot.
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“great, well, great, what we need, yes, i was just passing by, i thought, let me come in, i miss you a lot, yes, yes, listen, i just thought, well, i was counting my funeral poems again at the wake, and why did you take this , well, there’s a black eye, but this one unsuccessfully moored to a widow, you know?” "
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just don't scratch your tongue and yours and everyone else's, that's all the orphan was swept away, the orphan remained in kazan, i understood, i understood, i’m sorry, it’s a habit, habits need to be changed, hat, that vodele that there’s no one left at all, and trafimov, oh well, i understand, oh well, in any case, fight as soon as if you screw something up, please let me know, it’s really necessary, thank you, dear, good day, hello, dear, you ’re in trouble, dear, go fall on your table, and oh, maybe we’ll kill this goat, but what? i’m
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a vegetarian, of course, you filter the market with your broom, you need to straighten your other eye, that’s all, sorry, pasha, i understand, i don’t carry pickles, you’ll have custard noodles, of course, i’ll have them.
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now brain it, and pash, listen, hear, you don’t have any alcohol, you can push your heart, but you’ll push boiling water, okay,
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change this suit for a new one, well, i thought, why not help, a suit is not forever, that’s right, if, well, what does this old man look like, so what, an ordinary old man, wearing a hat and a tattered suit, the kind of
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chess people usually sulk in the park. approximately how old is he? years old, 70, what exactly did he want? in short, he promised me 10 oblique. if i change the dead man into a new suit, and take the old sports suit, well, in which he was brought, back to him, you have become a fratern, yours, but you were an honest thief, what, i didn’t squeeze you, half is legally yours, when the exchange takes place, yes, i gave him my phone number, he said he would call in about 80 hours. nikola ivanovich, you have to respect the old man, after all , he’s seeing off a friend on his last journey,
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that’s it, bruce, hello, hello, thank you, i found out everything about you, you’re cool, chef, fuck there- yum-yum-yum, chef from korea, chungi, you understand me, chungi, yes, they are looking for you, they haven’t forgotten you, you have. there is uh girl, girl, girl, chinoe, chinoe, chinoe, chyno, yes, the restaurant is soney, chyno, chyna,
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우리 현는 죽었습니다. mr chong is dead. now you, ms. chinoa, are our boss. pak, we are flying to russia. sometimes doing a bad job in the past is doing a good job in the present. actually, it’s too much, i understand that he’s your comrade, then you can’t go on like this, well,
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well, give him free rein, he’ll build a nest here, he’ll bring more widows here, but what about the morgue for the thrill, what? gosh, what are you talking about? victim, saikin, you also somehow woke up a man, sorry, nothing, everything is fine, in short, bruce is free, already working on the hospital grounds, this district police officer had an old orientation, here dimon, well, you know that i rarely i say this, but today you are a hammer, so i agree with the executioner. dima, i just made you happy, well done, uh, the case materials regarding the real killer, he was caught last month, and not by the police, but just by vigilant citizens, there was even a trial,
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i reported to the authorities, they sorted it out, well and bruce was released, to hell with this ghoul, that you learned something new from bruce there, well, well... kolya, and i kept thinking that he watches these cooking shows all the time, and he’s not some fraker in a sack factory, he’s a real person with a biography, and not bruce lee, but this chungi, the coolest korean chef, can you imagine, he had an affair with his daughter... he had to escape to russia, murderers they looked for him, looked for him, looked for him, but they lost the trail, the boss was killed in a showdown, so she took his place, here is
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nikolai ivanovich, after the murdered citizen gordin, of course, there are questions, nomizmat specialists told me, gosh, what are you doing here, you don’t have time to go anywhere, it’s like a rendezvous there, huh? that's it, yeah, that's it, i'm off , i'm off, oh, easy remind me, that's it, yes, that's it, and i'm leading, i'm plowing as agreed, the money is in half, but don't lock the doors there, otherwise then i won't run after you, you won't believe me, where did kadyshev’s hope disappear, i suddenly hear a voice, i say, god, i got up, i felt good, what kind of score will uspenskaya’s love present to philip kirkorov for calling her names? beggar, i want to say one thing, who is the beggar, where am i and where is the money, i’m not talking about money at all, who gets concerts from dmitry debrov, i... maybe i’ll take a guitar there, and this is a new attribute of my entry into society,
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so, good evening, georgy, completely new. now let's see what we have here, i'm sorry, but the fee, bring the whole suit, you'll get the whole fee right away, no, well, maybe some kind of advance, what is it, money, no, no, that's it. i’m making an agreement, so take everything, we haven’t seen each other, wait a minute, why are you so nervous, here you go, just out of respect for your neighbors, okay, that’s it, that’s it, i’ll
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be quick, i hope. the poisoning is obvious, but according to my daughter, nothing was missing, ivanovich, a terrible exchange, here it is, oh, old man, i adjusted it for my sidekick. so yes, no, well , we should somehow invite this grandfather here, why drag him here, that we’ll do barter and walk around the holes, i’ve been sitting here too long, i hear you ’re an eternal guest at the wake, that you’re taking this old man by the trunk and dragging him here, i understand it’s
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a rule to put we'll be slaughtered by your client, gosha, up to his ears, go get him, gosha, do you know me?
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i brought a friend to identify the suit, and hello, hello, yes, please, come on in, so, well, this one, this one, here, can i take it, yes, of course, of course, give you a bag, no, thank you, i’ll take it, please, i can’t understand why, this is junk, well, for whom junk, and for whom is the memory of your best friend, well, i won’t bother you, what are you, it’s very nice, goodbye, thank you, thank you, that’s a lot, here’s 8 pieces to get, as agreed, it was
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not bad, oh, sorry, not at all memory, no memory at all, well, just a second, now. here you go, in the calculations, thank you, goodbye, pasha, i didn’t understand, and when you let him go, he climbed back in, kolya, hide, just hide, hide, what’s the show off, i don’t understand, shut up, just count to three, 3, 2, 1. sorry, yes, yes, what , what, they lost something, there should have been buttons here, i probably defended them. i ’ll look at the buttons, buttons, buttons, these,
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these, you see, now, now, now, open the police, and you’re here, hello, why, did you complain about me to the chief physician? vitelii, comrade saikin dmitry anatolyevich, investigator of the investigation department, last name, first name, patronymic, mine, yours, yours, orlov, valentin sergeevich, it was you, yes, who killed gordin, what are you allowing yourself to do, i, i’m a pensioner, an old sick man, i won’t leave it like that, how could i kill only friend dim, not me, not me, him. i
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’m calling you, judging by the printout of phone calls, it was from your number that the last call came to gordin’s phone on the day of the murder, it was me, i wasn’t there, i just called him, well , to congratulate him and in general i don’t know anything, you sit down. with valentin sergeevich, the conversation is going to be difficult, take a seat, valentin sergeevich, i hope we can do without the apprentices, well, you poisoned your friend with these two coins, yes, you will answer for slander, yes, yes, it is because of them, they are each worth approximately 6 million. okay, you appreciated the little one, you yourself told gordin about the price of these coins, he didn’t know anything about it,
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he found them by accident when he was uprooting old apple trees at his dacha, he found them and turned to you for help, knowing that he was interested in nomismatics, you neighbors, well, you live on the fifth floor, and he lived on the second, that’s why the video cameras in the entrance didn’t record anything. because when he left gordin’s apartment, and his daughter came into the entrance, he simply went up to his apartment on the fifth floor, that’s all, as simple as that, exactly, the daughter knew nothing about these coins, only in the mating community in which gordin had been a member for 3 years already, you knew about them, first you called a friend, and while your friend was pouring tea, you carefully poured cognac, after adding it, became, since childhood you have been registered as this epileptic, only dima, no alcohol was found in
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the apartment, only a cup of tea, but keep in mind that phenoborbital only dissolves in alcohol. yeah, you managed to grab two glasses and a cup with you, yes, when the sound of the intercom scared you, and somehow, in 30 seconds you managed to open the door, grab everything and run out of there, at your age, that’s not bad. and your buddy, your husband, is doing well now, if you want, i ’ll put you in the refrigerator with him, and please don’t interfere with the investigator’s work, my apologies to the investigation, continue, dima, yes, we didn’t have time to grab the coins, your hands were full, uh-huh, they thought they got rid of all the evidence, the experts found fingerprints on the saucer, and you’re lying about everything, couldn’t you? keep my prints, i didn’t touch this saucer, yes, that means you admit that you were at gordin’s house, right?


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