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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-16  NTV  May 26, 2024 4:50am-5:41am MSK

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lyosh, come on, let’s diagnose, the main person involved, please go around, killed by two shots from a pem, one control shot to the head, so it’s 100% ordered, ordered, the weapon was not thrown off, strange, well, yes, and this is his guard, killed by one shot and right away, what?
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most likely he walked through the fence, there is a forest belt about 50 meters away, then there are houses, there, lost among the corpses, is tumanovich, a native of the city of sverdlovsk, now yekaterinburg, registered there , this is his guard, amelin fedor sergeevich, a local, well, there’s his brother, omelin igor sergeevich, both brothers worked at tumanovo as security guards, it’s clear, guys, whoever... needs to establish, well, we’ll figure it out, and i ’ll go talk to my brother, and he was also wearing a mask, a black mask, no, a medical one, often the murdered man approached you with his brother, not often, the last time was about six months ago, yeah, but what did your duties include, cars and personal escort, and did tumanov tell you why he needed personal security?
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that murder is a serious crime, and revenge is an aggravating circumstance, so be more prudent, my advice. petka, my brother, i don’t have anyone closer. who is this tumanov? there is little information about him yet, it is known that he is a military pensioner, a retired colonel, yeah, but did they ask for the army? they asked, but so far there is silence.
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do you have any relatives, no wives, no children? well , at least in the archives there is not a word about relatives, great, so what do we know about the amelin brothers? both chupovites specialize in personal security, which means the military pensioner turned to the services of a security guard, curious, yes, so when did he contact these brothers? 2 years ago, but he only applied for services, take them five times, here's an interesting fact about the fogs. he always came for one day without an overnight stay, now he has a return ticket, bought for an evening flight, but what was tumanov doing in our glorious city, what was he doing? nothing special, he visited cafes, restaurants, shopping centers, but at the same time he always left security in the car, so amelin doesn’t know who he met, to the hospital, whose soul he went to? dmitrieva is now finding out, i left her, the staff is interviewing patients. yes, lyosha, what? igor, are you guys there? so, let it be arrives. got it, you, wait. so, the expert says what he has for you. a lot
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of interesting things are waiting for you with impatience, have you ever seen this man, i don’t remember this, okay, thank you, oh , we’ve been through enough, we’re horrified today by these murders, god forbid, we should experience something like this again, oh, don’t say , we have two mothers who were in care and immediately gave birth out of fear, and one actually ran away, ran away. the baby ran away in an armful and only they saw her, but where is her room? yes, you know, can you look at her map, ok, wait, i’ll bring you, due to events, your room, here are the documents. for
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the mother, for the newborn, a medical card , a copy of the insurance policy. yeah, lidiya vitalievna stenina left without warning anyone? her husband was visiting her when all this happened, ours ran into the yard to look, when we returned to the ward, there was no one, neither the baby nor the parents, she’s not giving birth, we just prepared her for discharge today right after lunch, that’s how , yes, igor viktorovich, they asked me to tell you, so, well, super, can you imagine, it’s my son’s birthday tomorrow, here’s a gift, but whose is it, well, you can’t find out, huh? i’ll find out, but what will i find out? bor, what is it, look, seven, and for my gleb khalga, this is my favorite superhero from such a time, so he doesn’t play, no, bor, you don’t understand, i’m talking about another khalga, the hollywood one, so he i'm a brazilian, bor,
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listen, this gift seems to have two themes in common, football and cartoon, brazilian and hollywood, you know, i understand, well, well... what does it have in common? that's it, go, borya, the crossing is over. well, bogdan, for our impasse in the case? why the dead end? well, they boxed a little, they boxed. hello. and you are a tea drinker, and i just ran out of tea. just in time. yes, of course, pour it. i'm talking about the scar on your tumanovo's shoulder. it turns out it was a tattoo. it was removed by skin excision, you know. but the paint penetrated so deeply that it was not possible to completely destroy the tattoo, interesting, i was confused here and got this, oops, vtc, the city of kolpino, a correctional labor
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colony, yeah, i think he had a go at for a youngster, great, here’s a retired colonel for you, yes. georgievich, this is not tumanov, his name is nichaev, vitaly alekseevich, born in sixty-eight, a native of leningrad at the age of 16 was sent to a juvenile colony for robbery, was released from there when he came of age, well, it turns out that the passport he had with him was fake, experts are studying , we are waiting for an answer, this one has a relapse, that is, nichaev had one, another one, in 2008. ermalaevsky was convicted of participation in a criminal group, but for some reason the court only gave him 3 years, a serious charge for only 3 years, well , that’s it, for what kind of merits, i wonder, they asked for the case materials, we’ll study it, you igor, i feel like we’re dealing with gang warfare, but it’s not for nothing that he’s being sent
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to the next world a professional sent it, yes, besides, he had already been there, where he had been, well, where, where in the next world, he didn’t understand, just like that, right after his imprisonment he disappeared? left home and didn’t return, yeah, only in 2014, according to his wife’s statement, the court finally declared him dead, in fact he was quite alive, yes, until this morning he was finally sent to the next world, like this, dear colleagues, in order to think better, help yourself to the apples of my change, a very good friend, ellie, smart girl, thank you, that’s it, ladies and gentlemen, we need to look for nichaev’s relatives. igor, first, eat a source of iron. the database states that nechaev’s wife died in 2015
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. they have a daughter, she should be 25 years old now. that's all. what, no passport information? nothing else. i’m surprised myself, this is the first time i’ve seen so many dashes on a person was, i didn’t understand, but the disappearance of nichaev, which was not investigated at all, but that’s the point, in the case only the wife’s statement of disappearance and the court decision to declare him dead, that’s all true, but at least the daughter’s name is known, well lidiya vitalievna, this is her insurance policy, yes, lidiya vitalievna nichaev was a girl after her husband stenin, by the way, she recently gave birth and nichaev was brought to the maternity hospital to visit her grandson. so maybe you know her address? i know, i don’t understand, is this omelin’s car? yes, it looks like that
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, it’s strange, okay, let’s go find out, answer me, scum! amelie, well, calm down, they warned you not to mind your own business, or maybe they’ll put you in bracelets, yes , i understand, i understand, who are you anyway, the criminal investigation department, excuse me, i’m there... he’s screaming, can i, thank you, what's going on here, we would like to know what's going on here, yes, this crazy person burst in here, started threatening what they need to do, you know that my brother was killed, who did this, so as not to do something stupid, you'll go to department, take him away, bogdan, come on, let’s talk to you, why did you decide that the stenin family had something to do with the murder, and because? didn’t know that the client was in town, and if so, it means they could have leaked this information to someone else, why didn’t you tell us
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about it right away, i forgot what else you forgot to tell us, that’s all, i’m sure, i’m sure , in one i will dig until i find to kill my brother, even if i have to go against the law, yes, even if i have to go against the law, i will dig, listen, don’t dig up your own grave, our brave one, yes, i need there was information, good thing did you manage to find out? nothing, you showed up at the wrong time, sorry, sorry! in general, everything is clear with you, melin, we are detaining you for 48 hours. on what basis? based on penetration into someone else's home with the use of...
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at the moment you pose a threat to yourself and to those around you, so you will stay under our supervision, this is nichaev, he was involved in a case that was brought up in a group of researchers. yarmaev's gang, robbery on collectors, entrepreneurs, weapons smuggling, drugs, contract killings. do you remember? yes, 45 proven episodes, 13 defendants, non-chai among them. yes, i remember him. did you personally interrogate him? tell me, isn’t he still right after his release? he is. yes, i interrogated. you had rumors that his own people took him as soon as he sat back, these
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rumors are true, but partly, he was shot yesterday, there were bodyguards with him, one of them was also killed, an unsurprising end, who was he in the gang, an ordinary ordinary militant , torpedoed by the reputation of a speedless person, they were afraid of him, because without a tower, why should he they gave me such a short sentence, well, i ’m telling you, the nechaevs, even their own people were afraid, none of the imalaevskys testified against him, your milk is boiling, oh igor, hello, hello, hello, why are you so early, but i won’t be here for long. ran away, i'm leaving now, but have you had lunch? well, yes, of course, of course, i had lunch, but why are
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you holding the bag in your hands? has the sport come together? yes, you understand, we will take the standards at work, they gave us a form for this task, we need to go pick it up, it’s old, no, it’s such a shame, give it here, it’s fine, wait, now you need another one i'll give you, oh, take this one for now, okay, okay, listen, dad, mom is right, you need a new bag. adviser, clear sea, than to give advice to your father, it would be better if you helped your mother, you would do a wet cleaning, at least in your room, otherwise you’re just sitting on the phone, and you yourself are on the phone all the time when you’re at home, igor, you’re still you catch your own criminals and run the department, your son is growing up, and he needs your attention, in 2 days he will be 17 years old, but go somewhere with him, just the two of you. well, has anything become known? the investigation is ongoing, specifically, while i
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i can't tell you anything. yeah, i see. why did you run away from your family home? well, what do you think? was he killed right before our eyes? i was afraid of my family. clear. did you often meet with your father when he came to st. petersburg? not often, most recently in november last year. so, what about before that? about a year ago. well, according to our information, your father was a major crime boss, and that i should not have communicated with him, we opened a restaurant and vitaly evgenievich helped us. no longer alive, why not, lida, it seems to me that we don’t need to say this, dads say, say what you wanted to tell, when the gang was discovered, dad began to cooperate
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with the investigation. and he betrayed his former friends, that ’s how, this is already very interesting, the interesting thing is why you didn’t protect him? irina vasilievna led the ermalayevsky case and provided state protection for nichaev, but now that everything has come to light, we hope.
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lok served time under investigation, after the trial he was released with a new passport, this is the one we found on the murdered man, yes, no matter what, he became a fog, we ensured his disappearance from obscurity in quotes, in 2014 the court declared him dead, in fact, nichaev and his wife and daughter were resettled beyond the urals and forbidden to ever appear in the city, but he did not listen, 2 years after they were hidden, he contacted me.. nichaev’s late wife, she said that one day he left the house and did not return, well, he disappeared, so to speak, for real, they were looking for him, to be honest, there was no need for this, especially since we learned from our sources. , that his own accomplices began to hunt him, and what happens is that he was resurrected, missing daughter, it seems that way, that is, you believe
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that the murder of nechaev was the work of his former friends, well, i have no doubt about that, especially since... it did not coincide with the arrival of ermalaev himself in st. petersburg, yarmalaev in st. petersburg, what fate? yarmalaev was brought to st. petersburg to carry out investigative actions on old closed cases, now he is in pre-trial detention. well, you don’t have to go anywhere. well, amelin, they told me that you want to say something? yes, well, i hope our conversation will be productive. i wanted to say that i was wrong, when i ran into these unfortunate people, understand me, fetka is no more, i can’t believe it, sorry, thank you, i won’t
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interfere with your business anymore, i don’t need problems. that ’s all, i really didn’t touch anyone, i just hurt the boy, let me bury my brother, okay, amelin, we’ll let you go, but on one condition, if you know anything about the case, you ’ll tell us about it right away, i give you my word, you promise, you give me my word, just go. thank you, thank you, you're welcome, amelin, you gave your word, igor, do you
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really believe that he will back down? not at all i believe, of course, where he will retreat, but we cannot keep him here any longer. we have no right, i have to see her, she was always next to him, goodbye, brother, i will destroy those who did this, no matter what the cost to me, he will return from the other world, killed means killed, you yourself volunteered, yes, i'm tired of this, the afterlife, to hell, in order to find the criminals, they sent a black mark, there was a fin. don’t remember, to save your dolphin, they wanted to kill her, just like andrey, but such coincidences don’t happen in life, sergey zharkov, it’s hard be dead, by the way. delpin, new season, if you sit here too long with this investigation, then how will we then play back the story of our death? tomorrow
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20:00 on ntv. so nichai died. how? he was shot. god, not timoshka, sees a little. what do you want from me? but we have every reason to believe that you have something to do with this? and what’s wrong with a boss without an approach? before you could blink your eyes, you already have a verdict? i don’t have time for approaches, but i have it for life. so, ermalov, let's start again, the murder of nichaev, yours order? what’s right, boss, why bother? as they say, if there were a person, would there be an article? ermalayev, do you understand the question? on me? if you want to hang me, go ahead, boss, i won’t get away with it, one more, one less, only you seem to have forgotten where i am, that is, you want to say that
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there are no strings left in the wild, why should i, i live here, i’ll die here , yeah, well, what about semyon yaermalaev, don’t touch your son, he visited you recently, yes, you correspond, he’s my son. "will never end up here, you do you hear, never, yes, natasha, hi, congratulations on your new thing, you liked it, what did you not understand, well, you received a photo, i sent you a photo of a new bag, i bought you a gift, and yes, i just saw the photo, thank you, natasha, it’s great!” this bag is super, listen, you take it in your hands, you’ll completely forget about the old one, no matter what, the old road is like a memory, that’s the thing, the old one told you to live a long time, that’s it, forget about it, then there’s like,
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wait, what did you do with it, what did you throw it away, where did you throw it, and in the trash, igor, you threw it in the trash, what are you doing, crazy, or something, who gave you permission to do this, you asked me, why are you yelling at me, so, so, good, when you threw it away, krymov, you made money from... from this job of yours, by the way, you have a family, gleb, who needs attention, and sometimes i too, work won’t hug you and support you in difficult times, keep in mind, igor, are you making noise, you can hear it in the corridor, everything is fine, not quite, my wife was putting things in order at home, as a result, the son was left without a gift, well, when a woman cleans the house, something always goes missing, it’s time to get used to it, why lost something? you understand, i wanted to give my son an exclusive t-shirt for his birthday, well, natasha was cleaning and threw out the old bag in which i put it, well, anything
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can happen, i think that natasha did not do it out of malice, listen, i have an idea how fix this matter, you want tickets for football, for the cup final, but at the same time you will spend time with your son, georgic, listen, well, i have a couple of tickets, if you weren’t there. it would be worth inventing you, okay, okay, come see me later, okay, yes, i heard about nichaev, this a friend from his past, but we call such people accomplices, let it be so that you know about nichaev, at the trial they read out the testimony of some hidden witness, everything was against the father, well, they said that it was the testimony of nichaev himself, who said, i didn’t i remember already, maybe a lawyer, right? this was already understandable, because only tea could know what was in these testimonies. why are you so sure of this? semyon, please tell me what
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happened, why all these questions? i will definitely tell you everything, but only after you. so i'll ask you the question again: why? you decided that nichaev is the hidden witness. okay, my father told me so. he said that it was not. handed over and generally appropriated, semyon, what are we doing with the order for the sofa, tomorrow you will finish with the details, hello, hello, what should i tell the customer, pavel gennadievich, i ’ll be right up, just a minute, okay, i’m waiting, so what happened, nichaev dead, nichaev is dead, he was shot, your father may have something to do with this, what does it have to do with it, my father is in prison, it’s simply impossible, we know that in prison, where were you? that i shot him, why do i need that? well, at least because you just said that nechaev put your father behind bars. where were you on friday morning? was here all day from 10
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to 8. ask the management employees, we will ask, ask, but work is waiting for me, you have everything, bye, yes, wait, my father ruined more than one life, including the life of my mother, she didn’t know what he does and couldn’t bear the truth about him, the investigation, then the court finished her off, do you really think that i would allow this to happen to... my loved ones, my wife, my children, why would i do this, and yet you visit your father, yes, because no matter how terrible this man is, he raised me, he is my father,
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what is necessary ? another sports bag, a sports bag, uh-huh, it’s useless to look for what’s worth it, they’ve already cleaned it up, and what’s worth it, it was disposed of by mistake, and husbands, as a dear memory, i disposed of it, uh-huh, when at 2 o’clock, at 2 o’clock, 2 o’clock, it’s black, yes, with blue inscription, yes, on the left. i'm sure i didn't see it, wait, i have money, i'll pay, but maybe he saw, yeah, behind me,
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a rise, yeah, and this, yes, hold it, that’s right, okay, hello to my husband, thank you very much. hello, dad, we know, he ordered it , netya, hold your gun, you threw it away.
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forced me to dig in the trash so that it would be empty for you, yes, really empty, i was already leaving work, closing the lock, when he ran up from behind, hit me on the... head, yes, you got it, brother, it’s okay, until the wedding will heal, i’m married, well, excuse me, did you manage to see him, no, it was dark there, i fell, i couldn’t even raise my head, yeah, eh maybe he said something to you, said hello to his father, said, we know it’s him, he ordered something unexpected, i told you that my son
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is out of business, you set him up with your requests, or maybe you were his framed by their criminal past, who did this? hmm, there are options, so strangle this rat, this is revenge, and as you put it, this rat told your son that you ordered nechaev, you nit, this is not so, i did not order anyone, you must protect my son, so help us do it, i don't know who killed it?
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filed a complaint against ermalaev’s son, so he said that he knows who killed nichaev, how could he know this, maybe it’s vomit, you ’re asking me, you know, i’m here studying the materials on the case of ermalaev’s gang, in the case, unfortunately, there is not a single mention of a common place with the group, but it was, well, judging by the testimony of the detained gang members, part of the loot went into the common, only... there is no evidence of where this common was kept, who stored it? why did this question arise? due to the fact that the file, unfortunately, is missing some pages, and precisely in those places where there is a mention of this very common fund. don't you
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find this strange? oh, you’re kind, the usual costs of a production document, the case has become worn out over the years, do you think this could happen, but they announced a small loss? well, of course, of course, well, good. it's time to run, call if anything happens, and you too, don't get lost, where am i going, goodbye, goodbye.
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investigator ostapchenko kept nichaev on the hook long before the arrest of the gang; they took the irmalaevskys only after they
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killed two collectors. by the way, the stolen money was never found. and not only then, in general, the imalaevskys have eight robberies, not counting the last ones. three of them were committed against collectors, five against private entrepreneurs, and not one of the cases resulted in robbery. still haven’t found how much there is? well, in total, about 80 million. wow, yes, this would be enough for nechaev to hide from us for the rest of his life, well, yes, and support his daughter’s business, that’s what comrade colonel needed to talk about, allow me, comrade colonel, a second, that’s about it i should have asked we will find nichaev’s bodyguard amelin, georgivich, amelin and interrogate him again, that’s how your amelin was found. “i wish you good health , i wish you good health, great, yes, there are witnesses, there are only those who heard the shots, how many
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witnesses, shots, how many shots, they say at least three, good, yes, he avenged the death of his brother, two wounds , one of them is fatal in the heart, there are still traces of blood, apparently, of the second duellist, and this one was less fortunate, here is his pistol, it looks like a gas pistol, yes, it was converted into a combat weapon in the old way, he let him down, jammed, this is what i found in his pocket.
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the thing is that the hair that the criminal left in the medical cap, the blood that was shed in the transition belongs to the same person, by the way, identical genetic material was found in the apartment he rented... gorin, yes, yes, he is also very tightly on the needle, a bag of heroin was found in the apartment, it turns out that it was gorin who killed nichaev, his bodyguard, and now his brother, well, it turns out that so, the orientation was sent out, yes, of course, that means amelin found his brother’s killer before we did, but it was impossible to get even for lamellin’s brother, who tipped him off, who sent him a message on his phone, we find out, georgievich, nikita is studying, friends, don’t you think that nichaev’s daughter. knows more than he tells us, but rather not the daughter herself, but her husband,
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rydanov has now gone to see them, okay, yes, andrei called, he spotted borin, he was thinking of killing me, two, who are you, i’m the one you ordered nichaev, that everything is for you, ready, okay, yeah, he, he wanted to atone, wanted to atone for not caring about me about my family about so many years ago, of course, but maybe your dad reproached your husband with this money? dad never remembered about this
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damn money, yes, i didn’t love him and i don’t hide it, he was a domineering, arrogant, self-centered guy, unfortunately she didn’t notice it or didn’t want to notice it, and it made you angry, he disturbed you, he constantly talked about money, about the fact that without him there wouldn’t be a restaurant, he needed to be in every hole, he threatened to take away my part of the business , he convinced this fool of the right thing. this decision, and you decided to get rid of it, i nothing to do with it, but gorin came to you, why? i don’t know, yes, he called, he called, igor, we already have four corpses in this case, how do we understand this, georgich, anton stenin was framed, gorin was absolutely sure that stenin ordered the murder of nechaev, and stenin had nothing to do with this murder no relation, and where does that come from? confidence,
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because there was an intermediary who, when hiring gorin, told him that stenin was the customer, yes, oleg georgievich, nikita, well, he’s to blame, sorry, let’s report, so, message omelin was sent sim cards that belonged to the head of the outlet at the radio market, yeah, he sold them, naturally, without presentation. naturally, but there is a joke, the sim card was in the last batch and there were only four of them, so he remembers the day of sales and signs of buyers, so, well, come on signs, men of about thirty, no, wait with the men, there were women, so, now, now, yes, she was alone in a hood and sunglasses, so, well, let me guess, she looked about fifty years old, slavic in appearance, yes, height about 85 meters, large build, yes, eyebrows...
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colleagues, you need to call them, at least, already, already, good afternoon, lieutenant tyulin. your lieutenants, hurry somewhere, i’m afraid
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to get caught at the border during a shift change, so we have here, excuse me, irina vasilievna, but you are in a completely different direction, how could it happen that you are a servant of the law, an investigator. maybe so, when iermalayev’s gang was taken, i offered to negotiate a deal, freedom in exchange for money, he took half of the common fund, half of me, in order to organize it all, but never let me down, your greed ruined him, he had to disappear forever, i did everything for this, but one day he showed up in my
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office, said that he considered the deal unfair, demanded a recalculation, threatened to make everything public, it’s rotten, and you decided... . to get rid of him, i repeat, i had no other choice, he threatened, there was one less dong, it’s clear how you found gorin, gorin, gorin is a complete nakaman, once the ubratkov was a regular militant, a brainless crowd, i led him. since the nineties, as an informant, she covered up it came in handy that you... i said that i am a follower, that the customer stenin is nichaev’s son-in-law, and that stenin pays cash for the murders of his beloved tes, gorin got the wind, and to get rid of gorin, you decided to use igor amelin, yes, as soon as amelin was released, i contacted him, he did not really delve into my interest, i said that
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the investigation knew who beat his brother, that there was not enough evidence to bring the killer to justice. amelin believed, i can’t understand one thing, why was it necessary to attack iermalayev’s son, goin attacked, i had to knock me down, but i’ve already knocked you down, you can’t say anything, my brain is still boiling, no matter how you judge me, i ask you not to forget that i served in law enforcement for 30 years, at the moment it doesn’t matter. in general, the citizens of apir are all great fellows, many thanks to everyone, they caught the criminal, thanks from me, from georgivich, perhaps there will be a bonus, so everyone is free, igor viktorovich, judging by his mood, it was not
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possible to buy a gift for his son, but unfortunately no, today i called several places, but i didn’t buy what i wanted it turns out that it’s too late now, my birthday is tomorrow. so the surprise didn’t work out, it’s very sad, that’s what we ’ll tell you, our dear military colleague, there is always a place in life for surprise, just like boda , fighting, fighting, please, well, look, you wanted something like this for your son, the son will be happy, wow, listen, well, this is exactly the same t-shirt, well , great, let the child be happy, i bought it as soon as it went on sale, by the way, i’ve never worn it before, yes, but what about you? yes, i have another one. igor, hello, finally, i’m ready for you call, let's undress quickly, wash your hands at the table, go congratulate your son, so what am i going to do? dad, hello, great, well, name, congratulations, wow, dad,
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listen, where did you get it, ordered it on the internet, well, where did you get it, it’s no longer there, huh? on sunday, what are your plans? will i watch the cup final on tilik? yes, but i think that it will be more fun at the stadium, wow, man, this is my best gift, at the same time we’ll give you a t-shirt, hello, hello, great, mikhaloch, great that you don’t have anyone to form a party with? yes, you somehow maxim would like to sit at least once, hello, hello, otherwise he’s alone too, there’s no one to play with, you know, but i know how you play, you’ll defeat him, because as soon as you bring the queen into the game, okay, we’ll sit and play sometime, well be healthy, be healthy.
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oh, maksimushka, hello, what little flowers do you have, did you bring me something, come on, we agreed, the next bouquet of scarlet dews will be especially for you, now i want to please my wife, i haven’t visited my aunt in novgorod for 2 days, so i want to smooth out the separation how lucky natasha is to have you, there must be so many we've lived for years, everything is like newlyweds, so as not to sneak out, why did i come in, you have a pot on your balcony on... your word, i'm scared to walk in you, let me run to the garage this evening, pick up the tool, come to you and i’ll fix everything, you’re a golden neighbor, maksimka, oh! how did you come to me on time? what is it? i started baking a pie, lo and behold, i’m all out of eggs, maybe
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lend me a couple of eggs as a neighbor, i’ll give you too much of the pie, definitely, let’s go and ask natasha. natasha, natasha, i'm not alone here. bon appetit everyone, thank you, what are you doing? what are you doing, niki, what are you doing, menu for... take a photo of my cutlet with buckwheat salad and let
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us eat in peace what stupidity you guys don’t understand anything yes, yes, yes, it’s all a new trend in food photography, well, people in lobster restaurants take pictures, huh i’m here, we have everything nikita, well, who cares about watching all sorts of vinaigrettes and pies? well, what are you doing? our dining room with the hashtag food of the gods receives 260 likes consistently, what? spoke in a foreign language, guys, don’t you know, the entire accounting department is already in photographer, our department has its own #uv as always, come on igor, don’t say that you don’t know this, i follow your wife, why, yes, yes, yes, she posts photos with you, what does she post there, come on, just a second, look how cute you are, your milk, come on, remove it quickly, and then i ’ll remove it for you, zhana. so, what else do we have here,
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let me eat, you eat, and i’ll be here now, i’m looking for you all over the department, and you ’re having tea here, well, let’s quickly finish eating on the way out, why are there pipes in our apartment building, here address. yeah, thank you, bori, i wished borenko a bon appetit, so to speak. the brain injury, apparently, was caused by a blow from a woman. she died immediately about 7 hours ago. maybe she accidentally fell, slipped, no, well, it’s quite possible, look, the cup spilled, well, she could have slipped on the water. we need to make a round, let andryukh go to the neighbors, we just called her early in the morning, she asked what
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to cook for dinner, i was gone for 2 days, she wanted to cook me my favorite kiev cutlets, and i said, don’t waste time, yeah, where did you go, to novgorod, to your aunt? she got sick, asked to bring medicine, food, all the neighbors in the dachas, everyone here is their own, so i went to help, natasha is here, and your wife was not sick with anything, maybe it was a fainting attack, some kind of attack? no, this has never happened, no. maxim, i wouldn’t like to get ahead of myself, but let’s assume that it was an accident.


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