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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 26, 2024 10:00am-10:21am MSK

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hello, i welcome you, this is the information service of the ntv television company, in the yuliarev studio. russian. the military rescued residents of volchansk in the kharkov region from under shelling. during the retreat from the city, the ukrainian armed forces attacked houses with artillery and kamikaze drones. our soldiers evacuated an elderly man and woman. the wounded are now being treated in a hospital in the belgorod region. according to the victims, a ukrainian drone targeted their house. they had to flee to the forest, where russian soldiers took them from there. and licked the request seryogu military personnel.
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and an army aviation strike group on alligatorney 35 and 8 helicopters successfully disrupted the rotation of ukrainian armed forces units in the area of ​​responsibility of the north group of forces. the death toll increased to four as a result of another attack in the ssu in peaceful neighborhoods. belgorod region.
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a man who had multiple shrapnel wounds died in the hospital. the day before, kiev militants struck several villages in the region. 12 people were injured, including an eight-year-old child. condition of hospitalized civilians assessed as moderate severity. according to the authorities, apartment buildings were damaged as a result of the ukrainian armed forces missile attack. in addition, a school and a shopping center were damaged. as reported, in the sky above... mlrs vampai. ukraine's strikes on russian territory were condemned in italy. the country's ministry of foreign affairs stated that they would not allow their equipment to be used against our regions and would not send a single military personnel to help kiev. rome reminded the nato secretary general, who is calling for the removal of restrictions on the use of western weapons, that all decisions within the alliance must be made.
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there is no consensus in nato on the issue of lifting restrictions. the polish authorities, for example, believe that ukraine should be allowed to attack our regions. the head of the polish foreign ministry even threatened america with russia. he said that he was aware of us plans to destroy all russian positions in the special operation zone if russia used nuclear weapons. true, he did not indicate from whom such threats were coming from in washington. in response, the official representative of the russian diplomatic ministry advised: polish minister better share information about the us role in undermining northern flows. this data is carefully hidden in the eu and the usa. moscow noted that western leaders daily practice nuclear rhetoric, demonizing russia and reminded that, according to nuclear doctrine, our country can use these weapons only if its existence is threatened. in moscow , car keys were handed over to the families of law enforcement officers who died in the zone. svo.
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50 families received new cars. the ceremony took place as part of a charity project. we remember. its goal is targeted assistance to the loved ones of those killed in the line of duty, as well as preserving the memory of fallen heroes. there are guys whom my husband saved at the cost of his life. they call, they come to visit, we are friends with families. the commanders, the commanding staff, he... they also call, they always ask if they need any help, a memorial ceremony. the families of deceased war journalists also receive support as part of the program. the charity project, we remember, has been associated with the annual international tournament near zudo, among law enforcement officers . this year teams from eight countries came to moscow. vladimir putin sent a welcoming telegram to the competition participants. the president thanked the organizers, including the state fund for assistance to svo participants. defenders
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of the fatherland. one-year-old artyom borisov needs the help of the audience; the boy has a congenital heart threshold. he has already had several difficult tests. surgery, but the condition still worsens. now artyom cannot sit or move independently, but according to doctors, in order to completely get rid of the disease, correction of the heart ventricle is necessary. it can only be made in germany, but it costs almost 8 million rubles, and the boy’s family does not have that kind of money. alexey kvashenkinkin will tell you how to help: he doesn’t understand when you cry, it’s funny, for now, yes, i just don’t understand. i was touched for some reason, it turned out that i was already a crenate, it would have been impossible to do otherwise, tyoma was not yet born, when his mom and dad found out what awaited them, we had four disorders in the heart, they said that he would not be able to breathe he can, the amount of oxygen
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in his body is impaired, and this leads to disruptions in the functioning of the brain and disruption of the functioning of other organs, his liver and lungs suffer greatly, in fact, he is always in a state of... hepoxia, that is, oxygen deficiency, in general, we studied, in my opinion, 1% of 100 of the vices, in my opinion, from this percentage there is another case, that is, this is a very, very rare case. we witnessed what awaited artyom in the first days after birth, an operation on an open and, as surgeons say, a dry heart, which you have to stop it and then start it again. we rate the complexity of the operation on a six-point scale, six is ​​the highest complexity category, for this child. sixth category. the operation was performed by pediatric cardiovascular surgeon alexey kim. a legend among parents of babies with congenital defects. the son turned out to be a flint in his mother’s face, and he burst out, but that was only the beginning. a total of three operations were required. here we have scars from the operation.
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one incision is as close as possible, from the catheters. the child feels as good as this is generally possible given his diagnoses, but then there are two scenarios: either palliative surgery. cardiac surgery in berlin is one of the leading centers for and there their leading cardiac surgeon...
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in the death of his child. she published a post in which she stated that a ten-year-old boy died due to medical negligence. the child was admitted to the hospital with an intestinal infection, while taking antibiotics, he developed an autoimmune disease. after another iv, he fell into a coma and died without regaining
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consciousness. according to the parents, the child was surgery is needed, but doctors decided to use conservative treatment. the doctors themselves do not consider themselves to blame. they accused the woman of... they sued her. now the mother of the deceased child may face 2 years in prison for disseminating knowingly false information. all the details of this story in the author's project of andrei kunitsin, a man in the right, watch today at 16:20, immediately after the afternoon news broadcast. in crimea, they have begun restoring embankments that were damaged during a severe storm in november last year. then on to the most popular resorts are yalta, feodosia. heavy rainfall occurred in pator and sudak. damage from the disaster amounted to several tens of billions of rubles. on behalf of the president , more than 8 billion were allocated from the federal budget for repair work. rostislav skidan found out how the coastline will change. here we are building a canopy.
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major renovations in his cafe have been going on for 5 months, but nikolai lyamtsev still seems not used to it. where there used to be a hall with tables, now there is. walk carefully so as not to trip over the fittings, but the new veranda is almost ready, they are in a hurry to finish it by summer, the old one stood in this place for 8 years, then the storm of the century came. here you come earlier in the evening, not a single free space, the floors were raised, the racks were bent, that’s what was left a little of this veranda, we cleaned it, removed the garbage, then did everything from scratch, the foundation went to build a new enterprise. berik forosa was one of the first to suffer from bad weather, remaining on the peninsula for almost 12 hours. by the evening of november 26, in the first hours of the storm, five-meter waves... five of them with their own
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we managed to put it in order for the holiday season. the sanatorium spent more than a million money just on cleaning up the garbage, well, much more than a million. for tourists the sea is still cool, but for a bulldozer operator it’s just right. breeze cools both the cabin and the car. before the high season, you need to add pebbles to a couple more beaches so that vacationers don’t huddle together. this. the beach in the village of forros suffered less from the storm than its neighbors, well , the coastline was only halved, the rest was washed out into the sea. from more serious consequences of the blow the elements, paradoxically, were saved by nature itself. the stones rolled down from the crimean mountains more than 100 years ago, and on that november night they were hit by a wave. the efforts of man, the soviet engineer, could not withstand the onslaught of nature. the 25-ton concrete blocks at the base of the breakwaters were literally knocked out by water hammer, like a snap of the fingers in a game of jenga. whether the structure will hold up or develop like in the mentioned tincture, the crimean authorities decided not to guess. coastal protection
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structures in foros and on 225 other beaches will be reconstructed this year. by by order of the president , more than 5 billion rubles were allocated from the federal budget for work. major repairs of the crimean coast will take 3 years. now builders are erecting new breakwaters and strengthening the banks in case of another storm, then they will begin landscaping the embankments. the damage from last year's disaster, according to local authorities, exceeded 50 billion. rostislav skidan, alexander solovenko, dmitry mezintsev and oleg shalya, ntv television company. republic of crimea. a festival in honor of the 225th anniversary of birth of alexander sergeevich pushkin. commemorative events were held in the museum-reserve, polotnyany zavod. two centuries ago, there was the family estate of his wife’s father, the poet natalia goncharova. the guests heard not only pushkin's poems, but also saw scenes from the opera. boris godunov. in june the festival will continue in tula, simferopol and other cities.
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svetlana gordeeva got acquainted with the program. the linen factory cannot be called pushkin’s place in its pure form, but for the poet himself it became fatal. this is where his natalie was born and lived. at the manor pushkin visited the gonchurovs twice and here he did not write, but rested his soul. the monument, opened today, captures the very moment when the poet in love, who spent 2 years seeking the hand of natalie goncharova, comes here to negotiate with. wedding in anticipation of happiness. the pushkin holiday on kaluga land is being held for the forty-sixth time, concerts, theatrical performances, master classes, all this in the alleys where young natalya goncharova once walked. the linen factory traditionally hosts the big pushkin festival at the beginning of summer. we give the start of festive events, which, of course, will take place throughout russia, in all pushkin places. it was restored here especially for the 225th anniversary of the great poet. the ancient house of the shchepochkins, neighbors and business partners of goncherov, where pushkin probably visited. this is
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the only building in the linen factory that survived the german bombing in the forties. paintings from the 18th century have been preserved on the walls. now there is a new museum dedicated to pushkin. why this exhibition? because the shchepochkin estate itself is a monument war of the twelfth year. the epic canvases that were reflected on the walls, on the ceilings, this is all the pathos of the war of 800. see the monument and these times, these are the times when pushkin thought about the war of 812, analyzed these events, and the linen factory is also the place where the main apartment is from with the active army under the leadership of kutuzov , the persecution of the enemy began, it was here that the russian army withdrew after the battle of little roslavets, on alexander’s second visit here. sergeevich was already a married man, he was in a hurry to see his beloved wife and children, with whom he was six months apart. for financial reasons, they
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had to leave st. petersburg, while the poet was forced to stay in the capital and work. the grand finale of the holiday was the concert. famous artist evgeny knyazev, irina kubchenko and olga kobo read excerpts from pushkin’s works to the accompaniment of a symphony orchestra. when the swan calls nearby, shining in the silence, appear. the celebrations have just begun; on june 6, on the birthday of alexander sergeevich , large celebrations will be held in many pushkin places. svetlana gordeeva, ulyana, pavel kachur, ilya polechuk. kaluga region. and that's all by this time. stay on ntv. i have a question. this is the ecology of the city. this is an investment in the health of our children. this is clean air. they talk about switching transport to methane and
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design, the day has just begun, and i’m already tired, then a prospectus appears, i am a prospectus, i help to be active every day, my strength returns, mom, write us a message, why, well, or let’s call, we found out that the phone works, even with zero, with zero account, you didn’t listen to the end, but how is it, it’s safe, with beeline you’re safe even with zero about.
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where to invest the donated money? investing in the future. we agree, but first we’ll open a deposit for interest at sea. with sberbank, everyone can profitably increase their savings. open a best interest brokerage account and receive three sber shares as a gift. in sberbank it is more profitable with prime. tecno - common 30 series of smartphones. stunning photos and videos in 4k resolution. new series of smartphones common 30 from tekna. history in every frame. teekna. beyond the new season with timur eremeev. tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. how to reduce joint pain without harming
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the stomach? rheumoflex helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes urinary levels. it helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes uric acid levels. rheumoflex evalar - movement without pain in any weather. good morning, i’ll tell you about the weather for tomorrow, evgenia neronskaya. a huge scandinavian anticyclone centered above the middle zone. takes control of almost the entire european territory of the country, from petrozavodsk to voronezh and from kaliningrad to samara, partly cloudy, no hints of rain, as an exception, light rain will occur on the outskirts of this... a cyclone, for example, on the kola peninsula, but even there it will get warmer . in murmansk it is still +12, but in arkhangelsk it is already up to 23. in the middle zone the temperature is also noticeable.


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