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tv   Chudo tekhniki  NTV  May 26, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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or almost in no way, are not felt by the patient, because they only partially block the blood flow, but on one very bad day, the plaque grows, blood stops supplying a certain area of ​​the heart or brain, our fish floats up with its belly, and the person has a heart attack, if this is the heart or a stroke if it is the brain. but there is good news, as the latest scientific research says, if you keep cholesterol at a low level for a long time with the help of drugs or special procedures, and i just pour hot water on the salt crystals, then a real miracle will happen, these plaques tend to dissolve, the blood flow is restored and the problem no longer exists, in my case to lower cholesterol...
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the doctors prescribed statins. these drugs act on the liver, which in our body works as the main machine for processing incoming cholesterol and producing new cholesterol. it is actually needed for many processes, for example, the functioning of the nervous system for the synthesis of sex hormones; statins command the liver to stop excessive release of this substance. in just six months i managed reduce the amount of so-called bad cholesterol, that fraction that creates plaques in blood vessels by... times and, as a new examination has shown, now the blood vessels are not in danger, there are no side effects, but i know even from my relatives, that many are afraid to take statins, they say that they hurt muscles, make them sick, and sometimes cause memory problems, some even believe that these drugs were created only for the profit of pharmaceutical companies, and research on the benefits was paid for, my friends, i felt it’s scary, after 20 days of taking it, i urgently canceled it. pills, i don’t want to be a vegetable and
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a burden to my children. statins really have many possible side effects, everything is written in the instructions and they even say about increasing the likelihood of developing diabetes. why do cardiologists prescribe these drugs, including to people with high blood sugar? we do this so that a person does not die from a heart attack or stroke and does not become disabled. the main goal of diabetes treatment is to prevent strokes. and it's not so important here how much we will reduce the sugar level. well, there has also been a change of generations, and the newest cholesterol-lowering pills are much less likely to cause negative reactions. based on the experience of millions of patients around the world, it has been scientifically proven that taking statins reduces the risk of premature death. moreover, swedish scientists recently found that these medications inhibit the development of alzheimer's disease. there are, however, those who do not take statins.
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there are a lot of lipoproteins, but two lipoproteins are very important for us, this is low density lipoprotein, about which everyone knows well, and lipoprotein, but a small one, about which very little knows, and this is a hereditary pathology, transmitted through inheritance, causing atherosclerosis, and diagnosis in our country is on average about 1% of what it should be. the doctor says that patients regularly come to him who have had their treatment done in vain. a bunch of surgical interventions on
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the heart, primarily stenting, but they might not have had to come to this if the cause had been recognized in time. if the lipoprotein is elevated, and it is small, it can be pacified with special drugs and plaques can be avoided. sometimes, true, you literally have to cleanse your blood of cholesterol. only thanks to this procedure, regularly performed at dr. kanovalov’s clinic, does a girl named maya live in the world. due to a genetic abnormality, she has so much cholesterol in her blood that at the age of 4 it appeared in the form of yellow blisters all over her body. most doctors did not believe in a cure. unlike healthy people , my cholesterol is always elevated, that is , they reduce it, for example, if my cholesterol is there before the procedure, it is two to three times higher, well, twice, for example, and for me it is reduced to normal, then after 10 days it rises again, that is, this is an inevitable process. modern science has not yet come up with a medicine that would be completely effective in my case. well, so that you can
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live completely only on pills. the life-saving procedure is called immunosorption. this column contains the fraction of heparin that is available. cholesterol, when the blood plasma flows through it, it is bad cholesterol that sits on this heparin, and after it is saturated, we let it pass solution, ten percent sodium chloride, ordinary saline solution only more highly concentrated, and this column gives us this cholesterol, we never touch the blood, we don’t touch the unformed elements, no elements, it returns immediately. maya goes to the clinic for a two to three hour cleaning.
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the so-called vaccination against it costs from 120,000 per injection, you may need more than one of them, however, you can actually get the medicine for free under the compulsory medical insurance system, as, for example, seventy-year-old levon grigoryan managed. he has already undergone surgery to improve the blood supply to the heart, coronary artery
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bypass surgery, and now they are trying to prevent the progression of plaques. in his case, statins do not give the desired effect, but there are other options, one of which is very loosely called a vaccine. injectable drugs, they work - this means that these are antibodies to the protein, that is, they bind a certain protein, the so-called pisian protein, which regulates the capture of bad cholesterol by the liver and its processing, so you need to somehow reduce the amount this protein, that is, not allowing it to work, in this case we do this, then the liver begins to assimilate its own much better. cholesterol reduces its amount in the free bloodstream, thereby inhibiting the development of plaques. scientists are already developing a drug that, in one injection, will block the gene responsible for the production of bad cholesterol, so that more and more
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options are appearing in the arsenal of doctors to combat atherosclerosis, which kills atherosclerosis on a massive scale, primarily among men. don't get me wrong, it's not that i'm just afraid of death, in general, not really, but just for me. i don’t like stories when we constantly hear, famous people die one after another, including artists, politicians, journalists, singers at the age of 40-50 years, often because they were under-examined, did not complete treatment, they did not know about their high cholesterol levels , and then suddenly you have a heart attack, well, it seems to me that it’s stupid to die early because you didn’t do what you could have done. high cholesterol doesn't hurt. does not manifest itself in any way, but can quietly put the gun to his temple at any moment. we do engine diagnostics for our cars, so why not do a blood test for cholesterol fractions, including lipoprotein, and a small one? it is clear that the risk must be reduced in other ways, by activity, quitting smoking and alcohol,
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healthy eating, but bad genetics. modern medicine is also increasingly capable of overcoming. all week, as usual, i followed the news from the world of science and technology and compiled a top five of them. let's start with line number five. how to stop a cat from lying down on the keyboard and typing on it obrakodabra. many people face this problem, especially those who work from home, sit at the computer for a long time, and it is not surprising that the animal is jealous. inventor scott saltzman from the american state of colorado, having experienced this personally, decided to act. created a special nest, which is attached to the edge of the desktop, and the cat gets its much-loved position on an elevated platform and next to its owner. the new product has already collected a bunch of orders on the internet, even though its popularity among animals is not guaranteed. on laptop keyboards they they also lie down because
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heat comes from there, and scott did not provide heating in his nest. you are watching a miracle of technology and this is what will happen after a short advertisement. drip irrigation: how durable are the weather-resistant options at different prices and do these systems really help increase yields in the category miracle products: super durable. gloves, are they really not scary to do dangerous work around the house, in the garden and in the workshop, as well as the best discoveries and inventions from all over the planet, the most interesting is yet to come, hello, where are you? a secret, but what i have here is cool, i’ll show you now, but i have something better, do you have one like that there? oh, you will be here, we have a good secret place, yes, it is not secret,
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everyone already knows about seabreeze, relax, guys, via superstar, today we will sing the songs of our empress, irina olegrova, the fifth member of the jury, everyone’s favorite irina olegrova he will also give grades, let's go, i've been waiting for you, i 've been waiting for you.
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firebirds are not easy, but anyone can get a fire rate of up to 17.5% per annum, open a deposit at sunflower seeds from martin, quality always on the top! i don’t like monday, my mood is at zero, are there any reasons to visit earth today? monday is boxing day on my planet, good mood.
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with aromatic monarch coffee, even a chance meeting can give you wings. monarch, aromagic happens. allergy, i wanted to sneeze on it. i am an expert and help children and adults with various types of allergies. available on yandex market. tecno - common 30 series of smartphones. stunning photos and videos in 4k resolution. new series of smartphones common 30 from techno. history in every frame.
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in life's whirlwind of successes and failures. hope fills you. your break is filled with piclunch. the sauce is meaty, satisfying, hot, and fills the meat with deliciousness. life fills you with joy. and this one. debts on credit cards, i’ll show you a couple of tricks: we collect all debts on credit cards in one go, conveniently pay off them within 24 months, and don’t forget about purchases in installments. kholva - simple installment plans. mom, write us a message. for what? or should we call? we found out that the phone was working. even with the score zero, zero , you didn’t listen to the end. how's that? this safe with beeline you are safe even with a zero account, calls, instant messengers and cards work, enable support for zero in
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the beeline application, girls, let's talk about security, we already have beeline, belain is the safest operator, first like, first friend, first life, first trend. the first track, the first fest, stories, videos, music, feed, vkontakte first for 85 million. and there is always here. something more, one day a small mole appeared on the tanned shoulder of agronomist alena, alena did not notice it, and the mole made a girlfriend, and then another and another, and alena’s husband noticed this, nikolai said: “i love all your moles so much.” he didn't know that moles could be a sign of skin cancer. get a medical examination for free. they want to kill me. let's figure it out. what is there
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to understand, they want to bang, let them bang. sergey zharkov. are you under a spell, or what? and we are generally dead, terrible people. dolphin, new season, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. what do you need for a real football tournament? 86 cities of russia, a million spectators in the stands, 400 goals and, of course, the super final. watch the main match of the von beet russian football cup, baltika-zenit on june 2. this is a miracle of technology, i’m sergey malozyomov, we’re rising higher in our hit parade of news from the world of science and technology, what’s in fourth place? several new interesting devices for quickly moving a person under water were presented by inventors from different countries. in france, they created a system that is powered by pedals, you can take it in your hands,
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and it allows you to significantly, to what extent is not specified, speed up the swimmer’s movement. other device from hong kong - requires no effort, it runs on electricity and consists of two 600 w motors attached to the belt, the stated speed is a maximum of 9 km/h. the battery charge should last for 60 minutes, albeit in the slowest mode. well , it would seem like an ordinary hose with holes, in fact, this is a brilliant invention that has transformed farming and gardening for many. light, drip irrigation systems have such an effect on plants that sometimes you are amazed, we figured out how everything works here, how much it costs and what underwater stones must be remembered. among the sands of the negev desert, which occupies more than half of israel, there are plantations
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of date palms. their owner, heim, says that getting a harvest would be impossible without expensive systems.
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now manufacturers produce many variations and components. what to choose among all the variety? our correspondent, lenya koshelev, together with drip irrigation installation expert sergei klyavochkin, will test three models. tape with built-in dropper plates from chinese manufacturer for 419 rubles. an israeli brand irrigation system for 3,900, a russian-made pipe for 3,700. droppers of any type. you need to buy it separately, but about them a little later, first let's check the strength of the tubes themselves: a drip tube is used, for example, on a terrace for watering flowerpots, so the drip tube is stretched accordingly, microtubes with stands are lowered into a planter, sometimes it happens accidentally not by the hook they hook the pot directly onto the drip tube,
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so now let’s simulate that someone is accidentally hanging the drip tube with a 3-5 kg ​​pot hung up... the phone. the first thing we check is the pvc tape. along the entire length there are small plates with a labyrinth, they are also called emitters, they slow down the flow of water, turning it into drops. tape is often used on large fields. it is cheap and easy to spread in long beds. most often , this only serves for a season. in autumn it is removed from the field by tractor. it's unlikely to be used again. although in our test the drip tape easily withstood 8 kg. hanging heavy. the pot won't hurt her. we increase the weight three more times using a kettlebell. here you can hang a whole palm tree just for this drip irrigation, but although it is clear that. some small waves appeared, well , because the core of this weight was crushed in the middle, it’s generally alive, let’s see how
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a more expensive irrigation system hose can cope with such weight, the material is wear-resistant pvc, the walls are thicker, droppers are connected to the tube racks from the kit, they are stuck under the root, and drops of water come from the upper part through the labyrinth, a load of 24 kg leads to a small defect, here you can see that the connection the tube turned white, that is, it stretched, right? yes, it looks very much like this is a factory thermal connection, that is, they use temperature to press a microtube onto the dropper, so the connection itself holds, the tube near the connection stretches. next up , a tube from a domestic manufacturer is sold without droppers, you can install any, for example, a spider like this will do. with stands, a sample made of pvc with increased elasticity coped with weighting without problems, you can carry water from a well, now
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we’ll check it with a trimmer while cutting grasses are easily touched by drip irrigation, but not only the grass, but the plastic of all samples scatters, the drip stands have broken off from the tubes,
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and our summer residents are increasingly buying irrigation for their beds, they say that with such a system it is much easier to care for vegetables. it turns out that a dropper tube is connected under each plant. we forgot about watering, that is, we do not water the greenhouse additionally. in addition to saving energy, drip irrigation reduces water consumption by half. researchers in china observed corn fields for 7 years. the harvest increased by almost 14.5% compared.
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let’s also check those that dispense up to 2 liters per hour, 15 rubles per piece from an israeli brand, the chinese equivalent is slightly cheaper than a dropper from italy for 26 rubles. we will also test a budget
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model made in russia with an adjustable water supply of up to 70 l/h. we connect all the samples with tubes, connect them to a barrel that stands at a height of one and a half meters. this design creates in the tubes an optimal pressure of one and a half bars for drip irrigation. israeli. the compensated dropper does not drip for some reason, although the following droppers absolutely everything drips, why is that? most likely, because they are compensated, in order for them to drip, a certain pressure must be formed in the tube, and the membrane will allow water to pass through, but at the same time they are yellow, they are also compensated, but they drip, perhaps they are either less sensitive or there is no membrane, a compensated dropper is called, which pours out the same amount of water throughout the system, inside. and silicone membrane. the greater the pressure of the fluid, the more it narrows the outlet for drops, and if the pressure is less, the insert weakens. as a result, all plants, no matter how far the tube stretches,
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receive. willingly. let's move on to the next check: users complain that the lower the water pressure, the less water flows out and they become clogged with lime or sand. how would our subjects behave in such a situation? there are different sources, there is river water, there is a lot of sand, there is well water, there is a lot of iron, we have now poured sand there in copious amounts, we will see how it goes through these pipes
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and bye. after starting the water, all the droppers continue to work, there are no signs of blockage, but if sand still clogs them, it will be easier to replace, dirt usually accumulates where it is narrow, it is not so easy to clean, with a tube into which the droppers are inserted in this sense it’s easier to open the plug and wash it, but it’s even better to install a filter, such as in this system pressure regulator for 3,900 rubles. a simple mesh retained the sand, so some craftsmen clean the clogged emitters in the droplets... tape with a strong stream air from a hand pump. it remains to figure out what to do with drip irrigation in winter, put it away for storage or leave it in the cold. we sent all the dropper tubes from our tests to the climate chamber. experts simulate weather adversity that can occur within 5 years, from -20 to +35. all samples have no visible damage and
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remain the same. plastic, not deformed, not cracked, retained their appearance, can perform their properties and functions for 5 years our climate zone. many summer residents leave drip tubes outside, the main thing is to blow them thoroughly to remove any remaining moisture, otherwise the water will begin to freeze and everything will expand and break. let's summarize: drip tape will not last long, but it is more convenient and faster to lay out on the garden bed. stronger options: pvc pipes. but when choosing droppers, pay attention to their operating pressure, can you provide it? and calculate how much water your plants need. a system that produces 5 or 20 liters per hour is not always needed. a if the vegetable garden or garden is large, then you should take a closer look at compensated drippers so that all plants receive the same amount of moisture. if you take into account all these subtleties, then you can
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forget about the watering can in your hands. enjoy the beauty of harvests thanks to modern technologies. a miracle of technology is on air and what news took third place in our list of the most striking messages from the world of science and technology. the amazing properties of milk can be used to create medicines of the future. scientists from king's college london decided use what is in the milk. nanoparticles, extracellular vesicles, tiny bubbles with the help of which cells send various substances to each other. it turned out that these droplets survive perfectly in the aggressive environment of the stomach and quickly penetrate through the intestinal wall into the blood. the researchers saturated the vesicles with the drug and obtained good results in sick mice. perhaps the discovery will make it possible to make into tablets those drugs that can now only be administered by injection due to
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their destruction in the stomach. there is an opinion, that investing is very dangerous. what should those who want to earn money do? but i'm not ready to take risks. sergey karakhanyan, head of the investment consulting department at alfabank, will talk about how to invest with minimal risks. alpha investments include conservative instruments, bonds. of course, you should not invest in the bonds of any one company. it is better to take several from different industry sectors. this will allow you to earn money. even during moments of market drawdown. is there an ideal time to invest? or can i start right now? each moment is good for an investor in its own way, but it is important to choose the right investment instrument. in moments of drawdown, it is better to buy shares. in 2020, amid the pandemic , the market fell by 35%. but literally in a year and a half it grew by 100. if you don’t know which securities to buy, you can use ready-made strategies from
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alpha investment experts. it works simply. the authors of the strategy select securities and create a complete portfolio. all you have to do is choose the one that suits your purpose. budget. next in our issue, the section on miracle products. super gloves, they promise to protect from almost everything in the world, but why our experiment got out of control, as well as the most amazing discoveries and inventions, the leaders of the weekly news hit parade. at the megamay megamarket, there are millions of products at competitive prices, for example, tommy hillfiger brand products with discounts of up to 60%. millions grew up listening to their songs. 22 years old, guys, to touch, for the first time, the fans of the stars will personally meet their idols, what again, who in show business is presented with crabs, and who
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gets diamond necklaces, guys, this is gold with diamonds, white gold and diamonds, how people's love saved natasha koroleva's finances, i wanted to scam you out of money, but i realized that it was really you. how many years has tatyana bulanova been pursued by an admirer of her talent, bows, prays, bows, at your door, yes, falls to her knees and let me kiss her boots, in which fan club did actor konstantin solovyov find his bride, a woman is easy, this is this in the first place , the stars aligned, today right after the via show superstar on ntv, via superstar, premiere today.
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seeds from martin, the quality is always top notch, first like, first friend, first
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life, first trend, first. stories, videos, music, feed, vkontakte are the first for 85 million. and there is always something more. the legend returns, the same one that was brewed from 100% malt. the same taste that the whole country loved. baltika 3 non-alcoholic. taste the revived taste. carefree subscribers do not notice how their minutes disappear. it's good that tele2 has rules other. calls within the network do not consume the package of minutes within russia. what is your dream car? the answer is very simple. it should have everything:
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style, dynamics and first class comfort. on any road and for my whole family. cherry tigu 8 pro max. dream bigger cherry: clean water is a holy spring, fills life with joyful moments, the source of joy is in you, when burning ames, unlike many remedies that act on symptoms, and mes reduces acid production and fights the cause of heartburn. in the whirlwind of life, good luck, failures, hope fills you with wyquanch, there are many tasks in the rhythm of the worker. your break fills the bow, meat sauce, sytin is hot, fills with meat and noodles, who said
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that only cats can purr, your car can also purr with pleasure when it has motor oil inside you diamond, advanced motor oil synthesis technology ensures long and strong molecular. communication, which allows it to maintain stability in any operating conditions. how comfortable does that sound? the diamond engine purrs with pleasure. come to the island, book, take off, shoes offline, among millions of hotels and apartments, your vacation begins on the island. hello everyone, i'm timur rodriguez and i'm pleased to announce that the unique travel show on puchak is returning with a new exciting season, so i'm announcing a nationwide casting from may 17, let it be. june 17, all you need to do is fill out an application
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and get a chance to become my traveling companion to see the world, send your applications to traveling, the show traveling companion is calling great, see you, now our section miracle products, in which we check , including what you ask for, send me via social networks links to devices whose advertising you think is too tempting, and we will definitely test them, this is what will happen today: it happened whether you get hurt during gardening, garage or kitchen work, this has happened to everyone, but you can insure yourself, an advertisement for especially durable gloves tells us, they have a fifth class of protection, a special weave is made of high-strength synthetic fiber, and it costs only 500 with small rubles. some sellers directly promise protection from cuts and punctures,
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well, not just gloves, but some heroes of an action-packed movie, which we, for the sake of testing , decided to film with their participation, starring professional stuntmen, taking on the role of desperate housewives: ekaterina, alexandra, and lyudmila. wait, first let's take a closer look at the product itself, in the testing laboratory we'll find out whether the manufacturer rightly promises the fifth class of protection? in the language of regulatory documents, by the way, this means that they should protect the maximum from cuts, that is , no blocking of punctures, this formulation does not imply. when preparing the samples, however, it became clear that the fabric is not simple. the laboratory staff had to change more than one pair.
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test is 28.46 acres. this is the result of cut sample tests. the gloves performed well, they really do protect from cuts. and they seem to inspire confidence. although, wood craftsman stanislav berezhny from krasnodar doesn’t think so. in his blog he talks about the intricacies of carpentry work, shows what he did himself and gave the name nine fingers of his page for a reason. here is this disk. on an angle grinder 125, so
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i attached it, it turns out that when i was sawing, apparently there was hard wood there, i sawed through and the angle grinder was drilled into the ground, with my right hand i held it, with my left hand it jumped right here onto the disk, fortunately he has all his fingers there were 10 left, they managed to save the victim, at first they didn’t want to sew it on, they said that there wasn’t much chance, but in the end i persuaded them, they sewed the finger on, well, they told me to wait 3 days. will it take root or not it will take root 50/50, well, lucky, it took root, it doesn’t work, of course, as before, but at least it’s there, he admits, the protective plastic casing, which is usually placed above the blades, was removed at that moment for the sake of convenience, the craftsmen are generally not uncommon in impulses passion for the work sacrifices safety, and specifically gloves can generally increase the risk, basically 99% of gloves wearing them in carpentry are better not to work with, because it can simply get wrapped around the disk and your hand will be pulled there, but
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it can, if you don’t resort to rotating ones power tools, our contender for the miracle label, will make work safer, stanislav got down to business. in the meantime, we will return to the studio to our stuntmen in the guise of housewives. the first test was the prickly thorns of ros, the gloves held up, there were no snags, there were no scratches on the hand, but the test did not pass with an a plus. i felt all these thorns on mine. but i have to admit, i don't think it caused me any terribly painful sensations, and i think that for work, for example, in the garden, these gloves are excellent. fragile glass shatters into smithereens in the hands of the strong, brave lyudmila, there is no cut on the palm, it would seem that the result is brilliant, but the peculiarities of the filming require a second take, the engine is running, but they started, it stuck, yes, it stuck, call me soon,
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one unsuccessful movement, a fragment went right through between with his thumb forefinger, as if there was no pepper at all, we quickly called an ambulance, the doctors stopped lyudmila’s bleeding, fortunately it turned out that the tendon and other important tissues were not damaged, after 3 weeks of physiotherapy and rehabilitation only a small scar remained. why did the glove fail? the splinter did not cut, it just pierced the fabric. she is powerless against this, no matter what the advertisement promises. but will the material hold up to a living guy? there was no bloodshed here. she ran the knife over her hand once until there were no traces, but alexandra felt a weak spot, and with additional pressure and additional effort, the glove wears off. indeed, if you cut in one place, the wrong ones will not survive. but does this happen in real life? let's return to stanislav,
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who actively tested for 3 days glove while caring for the garden, in the kitchen, in the workshop. the knives left no marks, and this is the protection for a grater. turned out to be very useful, but you can’t completely forget about caution when the blogger tried to cut a carrot wearing a glove, the fabric couldn’t resist, and in the workshop, the sharp blade of the cutter that stanislav uses to work on wood pierced the fabric instantly, the sticky ones are basically convenient in terms of safety , they are not very different from ordinary gardening or construction gloves, ordinary gloves, they are suitable for tearing bushes in yard especially without thorns, cooking can...
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they studied data from almost half a million patients and found that if a person always answers the question: do you add salt to food before eating, the likelihood of stomach cancer for him is 41% higher than if he does it's rare or never. according to one version, this connection is explained by the fact that excess salt weakens the mucous membrane and makes it
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more sensitive to helicobacter pillari infection, a bacterium long known as the culprit of precancerous diseases, gastritis and ulcers. you are watching a miracle of technology, this is what will happen further. the top line is the hot five of world scientific and technological news, what did we find most interesting this week? and the question of our traditional quiz: as usual, we have prepared something tricky. it's very cozy here. cozy, cozy. well, since we have already moved into a lived-in house, we would like all this. arrange it in my own way, i generally like very light shades, a royal shade, but the provence style, the style, let’s choose the one our hero would like to see, his wife really likes it, a castle for a musketeer, a country answer is remodeling the living room in the house of actor valentin smirnitsky. we have
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a crystal chandelier here, and two types of wallpaper, and curtains made up of three parts of fabric, and look how this sword has... taken away the entire interior, we can clearly see that a man lives here, he talks about it all, the dacha response today at 12:00 on ntv. dolphin, new season, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. detralex helps fight the symptoms of varicose veins, swelling, heaviness, pain and acts on their cause at any stage. detrolex is tested by experts, the choice of millions. credit debts are attacked cards? i'll show you a couple of tricks. we collect all credit card debts onto one halva card from sofcombank, refinance them for 24 months and conveniently pay them off. and with halva of the fathers of combank we can effectively buy in installments. halva - simple installment plans. carefree subscribers do not notice how their minutes disappear.
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it’s good that tv-2 has different rules. calls within the network do not consume the package of minutes within russia. the czech town of žatec is famous for its good rest on the square of three cups. enjoy žatec beer. non-alcoholic. register codes and build your mug collection to give away. take a good žatec goose, non-alcoholic, collect some good mugs, who said that only cats can purr, your car can also purr with pleasure when it has teboil diamond motor oil inside it. advanced motor oil synthesis technology ensures long and strong molecular bonds, which allows it to remain stable under all operating conditions. how comfortable does that sound? the boil diamond engine purrs with pleasure. first like, first friend, first life, first trend.
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first trend, stories, videos. music, tape, vkontakte first for 85 million. and there is always something more. in the whirlwind of life, successes, failures. hope fills you at lunch, we work in rhythm with many tasks, your break fills your break, meat sauce, satisfying, hot, meat and noodles fills lunch, warm sunset over the roofs of dachas, fills life with joy. allergy, i wanted to sneeze on it, i’m a zodiac. i also help children and adults with various types of allergies. available on yandex market. it’s not easy to catch a bird pie, but
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temperatures, is safe for people, animals, plants and works on almost any surface, call order fixpro three in one from leamax, black , white or transparent, for only 999 rubles, but call order us right now fixpro three in one at a super price of 390.9 rubles. leamax - purchases with a plus. call or order on our website results of the week. today at 19:00 on ntv. yes, i'm an honest man. being an honest cop is not very profitable. i no longer have a wife; i was kicked out of moscow. and very dangerous. i simply cannot guarantee that by evening i will not be put on the wanted list or killed. but captain morozov knows how. you make people angry, you made your choice a long time ago, there is a good cop proverb: you don’t know what to do, act according to the law, and
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you don’t intend to retreat, you’ve completely lost your sense of self-preservation, five of us couldn’t cope with it, bring us the head of this cop, would you really rather leave and miss all the fun, no, vakhtan kridze, one more step if you do, your brains will be on the guard’s face, i understand, the pack is tomorrow at... 2.10 on ntv. well, now, what news from the world of science and technology did we recognize as the most interesting this week? first place to the hot five. new evidence of the existence of solar system of a mysterious ninth planet, scientists from the california institute of technology discovered. they analyzed data on the object's movement.
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may be five times heavier than the earth, but has not yet been discovered due to the fact that it is very far away, and the rays of the sun almost do not reach it, in which the other planets, albeit faintly, glow. neural network technologies have learned to save human lives. in the republican clinical hospital of tatarstan, a smart video surveillance system now monitors the health of patients cardiac resuscitation. the older patient sat down on the bed, while he. head, he felt unwell, at this moment the system signals, detects the signal, transmits it to us at the post in the form of a message, on which we need to immediately respond to provide timely assistance so that the patient does not simply fall out of bed. thanks to artificial intelligence , we can prevent the development of undesirable events that may occur during a stay in the intensive care unit. moreover, the alarm signal will not come only for 24-hour medical outpatient
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department. everyone will receive it on their smartphones and smartwatches. shifts, this is essentially the use of artificial intelligence in the field of streaming video analytics, this is a rather complex technological aspect: technology is developing very quickly, but the industry is not always ready to take risks in order to implement a unique solution into its daily turnover, so the state funds a significant part of the implementation, thereby reducing the risks of the recipient of the technology. in in general, if we talk about the level of support, then only for 23.
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clinics in other cities of the country are also working on such cooperation with artificial intelligence. next week at the same time appliances for making ice cream at home, what is the difference between expensive and cheap? did our tasters, the children, like anything? complete scam, houses, tents, furniture, even bathtubs, why they are now filled with air, whether it works quickly, cheaply, conveniently, and also in the category miracle products: patches with vitamins instead of
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pills, miracle or not miracle! and now on yours weekly quiz question on the screens, just test yourself or answer by reading the qr code with your smartphone and following the link, choose the correct answer and win one of my books, which contain many interesting scientific discoveries about healthy food, safe life, promoting health, eating delicious recipes, winners are determined every month, among those who gave at least one correct... answers and the more hits, the higher the chances: drawings and discussions of the correct answers on the pages of our program in popular on social networks, and we will call those who win right away, so don’t forget to enter your phone number after you answer. voting is over, the correct answer is on your screens, thanks to everyone who participated, next question in a week.
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believe me, who just poured me tea, this is the people's artist of russia, everyone's favorite partos, this is great, valentin georgievich smernitsky, with whom we are visiting, and his wife lydia, thank you, the image of the loud , life-loving porthos brought valentin smernitsky real fame, although it gained popularity long before the filming of
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the tv movie dartagnan's three musketeers, that's how it was done. damn it, captain. he was offered leading roles in the lensovet theater immediately after graduating from theater school. there was a lot of work in the cinema. and now, on the eve of his eightieth birthday, he is on stage.
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he is fedor and he is a russian guy, another artistic inhabitant of the toy terrier house osya. autumn. opera. bravo, like the unforgettable partos, valentin georgievich loves to eat deliciously, i personally agree to this walk, but
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only under one condition, what if i in london, they will provide normal food, so, give me some cucumbers, i’ll cut them, please, having toured half the world. collection of recipes, cooks with pleasure, this is a mediterranean recipe, we met it in spain, and in general, the highlight of this salad is the nut sauce, neat, well, as nice as you think, well, yes, it looks straight away, the atmosphere in the house is just smernitsky they begin to transform it to suit themselves, things from a moscow apartment are moved here, here it is, a small two-room apartment, which imperceptibly... turned into a museum. exposition mainly consists of lydia's findings. she loves blash markets and receives gifts from fans of valentin georgievich’s talent. tell us something funny, porthos. this is
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my personal sword, the personal weapon that we used during filming. and here, by the way, are international diplomas from the musketeer club. we were received officially, we were in france, like that. there's his signature there with the seal, don't you remember the name of this city? well, not far from the city where dartanton was born, there is a monument there, and there is a monument to you, it is a monument to us directed by tseriteli, here is a photograph for the release of the film royal regatta, our daughter found it at an exhibition of photographers and presented it to ale, and he was very happy about it, yeah, give it to me, and take the second album there too. smernitsky loves photographs dearly, they are kept in thick albums and sometimes reviewed, do you remember the anniversary, when all the musketeers were visiting us, everyone and many were there, he is a hero of
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the mereshka, alexander pankratov black,


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