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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 26, 2024 4:00pm-4:21pm MSK

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italy opposed the proposal of the nato secretary general to allow kiev to strike military targets in russia with western weapons. destroyed bridges and roads, urgent evacuation of local residents, severe flooding in armenia, bad weather. also affected georgia and turkey, the wave flies out and stones fly - weighing 200 to 300 kg. on the crimean coast , reconstruction of embankments damaged by the storm has begun. 25 ton concrete blocks at the base of the breakwaters were literally knocked out by water hammer. rastislav skidan found out how long the work will last and what has already been done. hello, you are watching news on ntv. in
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the studio egor kalyvanov. controversy is growing among members of the north atlantic alliance due to nato secretary general stoltenberg’s call to allow kiev to strike military targets on russian territory with weapons received from western allies. previously , hungarian prime minister viktor orban was categorically against it, and now italian deputy prime minister and leader of the conservative league party matteo salvini has openly expressed his disagreement with the idea leading to further escalation. italy with no one is not at war, i don’t want my children to grow up in fear of a third world war, so from the very beginning we helped ukraine with weapons, but they should not kill outside its borders. i will always oppose this, as well as the sending of italian troops to the territory of ukraine. long-range missiles, which theoretically can reach targets beyond the russian border, are predominantly american, located in contrast to european policies. overseas 13
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congressmen sent joe this week biden has officially submitted a proposal to lift territorial restrictions on the use of atacoms from kiev, according to the new york times; us secretary of state antony blinken is inclined to the same opinion, and he allegedly intends to convince the president of this. sergei lavrov compared the controversy that has unfolded in the united states about the possibility of killing in the ssu in russia with agony from hopelessness, and earlier in response to the threatening western one. vladimir putin ordered an exercise to test the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons. maneuvers started last tuesday. in the northern military district zone , russian units, according to the ministry of defense, took control of the village of berestovo - this is the kharkov region. the settlement is called strategically important. near the highway and train station. there is progress in other areas. uvsu has large losses, including in foreign equipment. so much for the trial.
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the ukrainian military lost about ten american howitzers and american artillery installations, and polish equipment was hit. the russian military did not strike only in the advanced units of the armed forces of ukraine, but deep in the army rear, the destruction of ammunition depots is reported. in northern armenia, heavy rains caused massive flooding; in the city of alaverdia , a river overflowed its banks, roads and bridges were destroyed. rescuers evacuated more than 200 residents from the disaster zone. one person is reported to have died. due to a short circuit , an explosion occurred at one of the city gas filling stations. a mudflow hit the railway tracks, and communication between yerevan and tbilisi was interrupted. prime minister nikol pashinyan flew to the affected area today. and in neighboring turkey, the city of edremit went under water. social networks are posting footage of streets that turned into floodwaters in a matter of hours.
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a little bit from this veranda, we cleaned it up, removed the garbage and went to build a new enterprise. the coast of foros was one of the first to suffer from bad weather, remaining on the peninsula for almost 12 hours. by the evening of november 26, in the first hours of the storm, five-meter waves destroyed almost all coastal infrastructure. the wave flies out and stones weighing 200 to 300 kg fly, fly into the wall, fly into the gate. konstantin bobeychuk is in charge of eight foroz beaches, five of which he managed to put in order on his own for the holiday season. the sanatorium spent more than a million money just on cleaning up the garbage, well, much more than a million. the sea is still cool for tourists. just right for a bulldozer driver; before the high season, you need to add pebbles to a couple more beaches so that vacationers don’t huddle together. this beach in the village of forros suffered less than its neighbors from the storm of the century. from more serious paradoxically, the consequences of the disaster were saved by nature itself. the stones rolled down from the crimean mountains more than 100 years
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ago, and on that november night they were hit by a wave. the shore protection structures of forosi and twenty-five other beaches will be reconstructed this year. by order of the president, allocate funds from the federal budget for the work. more than 5 billion rubles. the replenishment of beach material is ensured, the restoration of the wall walls is ensured , the covering of the embankment fencing is restored. in yalta, reconstruction of the coastal the strip has already begun, the tourist area of ​​the resort capital of crimea suffered the most from the impact of the elements. 22 broken beaches. it will be drained, filled with large stones that have never been there, then filled with smaller ones, only then it will be filled exclusively with pebbles, so that i think that at least by mid-summer people will be able to use these beaches. major repairs of the crimean coast will take 3 years. now builders are erecting new breakwaters and strengthening the banks in case of outside next storm, then they will begin to improve the embankments. the damage from last year's disaster, according to local authorities, exceeded 50 billion rubles. rastislav
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skedan, alexander solovenko, dmitry mezintsev and oleg shalya. ntv television company. republic of crimea. in rostov-on-don, a cargo ship transporting metal. cut into the support of the railway bridge, on which almost all passenger trains run through the city to the south and back. the bridge has a lifting middle part just for the passage of ships, but in this case, due to the failure of the steering, the dry thunderstorm turned and was carried under the motionless span. it is reported that the captain's cabin was damaged, but there are no reports of casualties. the bulk carrier was towed to the pier, the bridge is operating as usual, trains are running on schedule. in maria-l , a criminal case was opened against a woman who accused doctors at a republican hospital for the death of her child. a ten-year-old boy was hospitalized with an intestinal infection. while taking antibiotics, he developed an autoimmune disease, fell into a coma and died without coming into consciousness. according to the mother
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, surgery was needed, but doctors decided to use conservative treatment. the doctors, in turn, accused the woman of libel and filed a lawsuit. now she could face 2 years in prison. all the details of this story are in the “man in the right” program immediately after our news release. one-year-old artyom from moscow has undergone a number of difficult operations in his short life. the boy has a heart threshold, an extremely difficult case. he survived only thanks to the golden hands of russian surgeons. however, the relief is temporary, a chance for a long life german doctors could give it as a gift, but it all comes down to cost. artyom's relatives wait with bated breath for help from.
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heart fetus, because there is reverse blood flow in the valve, and we have four disorders in the heart, i said that he will not be able to breathe on his own, the amount of oxygen in his body is impaired, and this leads to disruption of the functioning of the brain and disruption of the functioning of other organs, his liver and lungs suffer greatly, in fact he is in a state of hypoxia all the time, that is, oxygen deficiency, in general we they studied, in my opinion, 1% of the defects, but this percentage is another case, that is, this is a very, very rare case. we witnessed what awaited artyom in the first days after birth. an operation on an open and, as surgeons say, a dry heart, which must be stopped and then started again. we rate the complexity of the operation on
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a six-point scale. six is ​​the highest difficulty category, this child has the sixth category. the operation was performed by pediatric cardiovascular surgeon alexey kim, a legend among parents. is one of the leading centers for cardiac surgery in berlin, and there their leading
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cardiac surgeon agreed to perform a radical, complex operation. the cost of the operation is 76,000 euros. by the standards of foreign commercial medicine, the amount is not astronomical, but parents cannot afford it themselves. the foundation is involved in the fate of the child, and any possible assistance can be decisive. to be honest, i spent the entire first year praying for the possibility of valvular correction. so when if the doctor comes out. will say that the operation was successful, it will just be the happiest day. information on how you can help artyom on your screens. the easiest way is to send an sms to the short number 3434 with the word palm of the amount you are ready to transfer. alexey kvashenkin, anastasia altukhova, daniil karatun. tv component. start of a series of events dedicated to the 225th anniversary of alexander’s birth. pushkin was given in the kaluga region, the holiday took place on the goncharov estate, the family nest of his wife, therefore, in those places
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pushkin experienced many wonderful moments, now the images created by the classic come to life in the estate again, our correspondent svetlana gordeeva imbued the atmosphere. the linen factory cannot be called pushkin’s place in its purest form, but for the poet himself it became fatal, his natalie was born and lived here. pushkin visited the goncherov estate twice and here he did not write, but rested his soul. the monument, opened today, captures the very moment when the poet in love, who spent 2 years seeking the hand of natalie goncharova, comes here to negotiate a wedding in anticipation of happiness. the pushkin holiday has been held on kaluga land since the forty-sixth times, concerts, theatrical performances, master classes, all this in the alleys where young natalya goncharova once walked. we are giving a start to festive events, which, of course, will take place throughout russia, in all pushkin’s places. especially for the 225th anniversary of the great poet, the ancient house of the shchepochkins, neighbors and business partners
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of goncherov, where pushkin probably visited, was restored here . this is the only building in the linen factory that survived the german bombing in the forties. on the walls 16th century paintings have been preserved. now there is a new museum dedicated to pushkin. the shchepochkin estate itself is a monument to the 1912 war. epic paintings that were reflected on the walls, on the ceilings, that’s all. sergeevich thought about the war of 812, analyzed these torutinos in order to look at the monument to the event. on alexander’s second visit here , these were the times when pushkin was already a married man, rushing to his beloved wife and children, from whom he had been separated for six months. for financial reasons they had to leave st. petersburg, while the poet was forced to stay. to work in the capital, who knows how pushkin’s fate would have turned out if the estate had belonged to natalya, but alas,
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it was inherited through the male line. and in 1834, pushkin wrote: “even if the factories were mine, they wouldn’t have lured me here, they wouldn’t have lured me to st. petersburg even with the moscow kolach.” the celebrations have just begun. on june 6, on the birthday of alexander sergeevich , large celebrations will be held in many pushkin places. svetlana gordeeva, ulyana talpa, pavel kachura, ilya poleychuk, valentina abramenkova, ntv. kaluga! region. in france , the laureates of the 7th candian film festival were awarded. the palme d'or went to the comedy annor, american film director sean baker. the film's summary is more reminiscent of the spreading cranberries of alyarus from the 2000s. the plot centers on the love of a stripper and the son of a russian oligarch, who is hiding in the united states from the young man’s parents. but obviously, behind the plot, which was so highly rated by the kan jury, there is something more hidden. by the way, in the card. young russian actors also starred mark eidelstein and yuri borisov. next is
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the weather forecast. and that's all for me. thank you for being with us and see you later. it’s not easy to catch the firebird’s feather, but anyone can get a fire rate of up to 17.5% per annum. open a deposit on what are you doing here? we make it comfortable.
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repay it. you also get a monthly cashback of 2% interest rate. more profitable. premiere today at 20:20 on ntv. how to reduce joint pain without harming the stomach? rheumoflex helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes the level of uric acid, preventing its deposition in the joints. revmoflex evolar - movement without pain. if your joints bother you when the weather changes, take it. it helps reduce pain in joints without damaging the stomach, and also normalize the level of uric acid. valar rheumoflexes - movement without pain in any weather. and now about the weather for tomorrow, in the european territory of russia we have another change of anticyclones. the previous one has already managed to warm up its air well, the new one brings cooler air, but this is only for starters
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; the abundance of sun, which is predicted for almost the entire russian plain, easily transforms cool air into warmer one. temporary thunderstorms in the middle zone and mark renewal of the air mass, and tomorrow everywhere, from karelia to chernozemia, the middle volga, again the probability of precipitation is minimal, and the further east, the cooler, because it is along the volga that the most active northern air flow in arkhangelsk will again be warmer than in kazan and samara , but this is only tomorrow, the south of our solar anticyclones is only touched by tangential ones, so showers with thunderstorms are very likely and it’s not hot, + 20-25, but... maybe st. petersburg, there will be sun and +26 tomorrow, in moscow it’s a little cooler, how today +23:25, again without a trace of precipitation.


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