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tv   DNK  NTV  May 27, 2024 5:50pm-7:01pm MSK

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to put emphasis on the fact that he is mentally ill, an examination will be carried out, and i believe that the expert will establish that he was absolutely aware of his actions, as a colleague correctly said, the man, again planned, yes, that is, tried to hide the victim, in general it is necessary to place emphasis on isolating him from society for life, the article allows this, the fact that he dealt with the mother of his children, his children, for this he should be automatically deprived of parental rights, clearly, article 69 seminov speaks of the fact that the commission of a crime against... one of the parents, namely a criminal crime against the second parent, yes, automatically in court this person is deprived of parental rights to support children, this person is still automatically obliged, yes, even if he is deprived rights, yes, then, accordingly, according to the family code, he is obliged to pay child support, if he is in a colony, he will have some kind of work, in any case, he will work and pay some amount, about older children, about children from the first marriage, he i am also obliged to take care financially; if they have already reached the age of eighteen, then they are not obliged to do so. and the family of the murdered person
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is entitled to moral damages? clearly, here, look, we have the concept of civil criminal law, and from the point of view of criminal law, you do not receive any compensation, well, except for the satisfaction of what she deserves, but you can also file a civil claim within the criminal case, you are recognized as a civil iis, respectively its civil defendant, then you are already you can demand compensation for moral damage, we will help you not even worry, please again. our sincere condolences from all of us, thank you, thank you, remember that with any problem you can seek help from our program, we will continue tomorrow, right now a new dna test. tomorrow in the program beyond. the pensioner wants to limit her own daughter’s parental rights to three children and distribute the children to relatives.
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they don’t buy things for children, they, there are fights all the time, from one swamp to another swamp, children, you will be better off here, who else ready to provide girls with a happy childhood, tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. since childhood, he took care of his younger sister instead of his always absent mother, but 16 years ago he was taken into care, and his little sister was adopted into someone else’s family.
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artyom meroshenchenko contacted us for a dna test. hello, artyom. how old were you when you last saw your little sister? at that time i was 5 years old, my sister was six months old. and do you remember her? yes, i remember perfectly. she was like a teddy bear, with red cheeks. there was some kind of laughter crazy, i constantly cleaned up after her, swaddled her, fed her, walked with her. why did you , even as a small child, have to take care of your little sister? the fact is that at that time my mother was having difficulties in life, and she began to pay more attention to her work than to us. she left me and my grandmother in charge. uh, i was leaving on a business trip,
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who are you, me, my brother and sister, are you the eldest ? yes, and how did you live with your grandmother? you know, until a certain time life was normal, after my grandfather was sent to not so distant, grandma’s way of life has changed a little, you know, it’s very hard to remember this. that there were times when we didn’t have anything to eat, but you said that mom worked a lot, didn’t she provide for you, if she worked, she provided, she came once every week and a half for a few days, brought us clothes, i gave food and money to my grandmother, after which she went back to work, when my grandmother retreated into herself... she
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spent all the money on herself, when my mother came to us, my grandmother was always positive, no, no used. she kept looking after us, preparing food, after our mother left, grandmother retreated into herself, and if grandmother didn’t cook anything, here you are little children, what did you eat? our aunt, my mother, my sister helped us, she lived far from you, the last moment when we lived, it was about 15 km from each other, that is, you want to say that you and your younger brother and sister walked 15. i didn’t take my sister to my aunt when it was cold, i didn’t take her with me, i took my brother, walked 15 km through the forest, we left 15 km there, my aunt and
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uncle brought us back, and somewhere it was warm, unfortunately, there were moments when i didn’t, that i once had one such walk with my brother... he froze his hand, a terrible situation, i’m just incredibly sorry, but the boy was 5 years old, i can’t imagine how he could take care when he needed care at 5 years old, and how you could take care of your brother, your sister, i just can’t even imagine, well, it seems to me that anyone in my place would act in such a way as not to lose their relatives, i looked a lot before how grandma changed. my way of life, uh, i watched how she prepared it all, memorized it, washed it, swaddled it, changed diapers, you really did well, artyom, that’s the baby, she was so calm, she was never capricious with us, in general, she was calm , laughed,
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it was not in vain that she was even born to us on april 1, i always played with her, well, i never saw that the votenari was doing anything. as if i felt love next to me, let’s put it this way, but the conditions, artyom in the house, this is where you lived with your grandmother, they were like that, you know, we are for we moved many times all the time, but our last place of residence, we had a private house, there were no conditions there at all, there was no water, no light, there was a stove, a bed, a table, myself... from the house, everything in which city this all happened, in what area? this happened in the village of monetny, sverdrovsk region, and they took you away from your grandmother? yes, i was just in the yard, i saw the police and the guardianship authorities arrive, i
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managed to hide under the stairs, they entered the yard, then they took my brother and sister into the house. left, took away, it turns out, brother and sister in in 2007, some time later, in 2008, my grandmother was given a room there by the administration, and my grandfather had already returned, they had settled in, guardianship arrived, took me, and somewhere a little more, even six months passed, they took me away, and these six months you lived alone with your grandmother. and everything was fine, you know, when my grandfather returned, everything was fine, he didn’t let my grandmother down, well, why artyom, then they took you away because they filed for deprivation of my mother’s parental rights, my grandmother couldn’t get
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custody because she had no home, aunt after they had already taken me away, you found out about it from... me, and from that moment you didn’t see your sister and brother anymore, my brother, about 15 years old, on christmas day there was a tea party in our village, two villages gathered , then an acquaintance comes up to me, at the end, he says: here is your
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brother, he comes up to him, this is your brother, and he was there with his foster mother, he was taken under the guardianship of... they didn’t change his last name or patronymic , nothing, he absolutely knew, there were no secrets from him that he was not his own, you were able to find your brother, keep in touch with him. we communicate with him, the aunt was not asked to find out anything about her sister, where she asked the authorities to refuse guardianship, the guardianship said that it was a secret adoption, my grandmother also tried to find out about this, i also tried through friends, but everyone said that she lives very well, that there is no need to go there, break her psyche, well , everyone said that she lives in the same city, where exactly, no, that is, you live in the same city, you know this, but you can’t
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meet, yes, how your sister's name? mirashnichenko, milena evgenievna? well, rather in total, the last name was changed. how old should she be now? 17 years. do you think she even knows about you? i don’t know about this, what does she know, no, well, according to her, there is most likely no secret establishment. and to you, artyom, why now after so much time. for so many years, it’s so important to find that same little sister, you see, i ’m now, uh, on vacation, uh, i’m going on a business trip for a week, i’m back in the military, so i decided to find her while i’m on vacation. artyom, during our investigation we found a resident sverdlovskaya. region, whose friend adopted a girl, milena miroshnichenko, 16 years ago.
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in the studio natalya tabanapova. hello, natalia. hello. do you know the story of how your friend became a foster mother? yes, natalya told me that she and her husband could not give birth to a child. she has a nurse friend, on that happy evening the nurse called natalya and said that a child had been brought to their hospital. natalya, she is a very good mother, a caring mother, but i understand that you are not just a family friend, natalya. yes, that's right, i'm melena's godmother. at the moment, milena lives with me, she is more comfortable with me, because i am like an older sister to her, she tells me everything in the sense that she cannot, for example,
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share with her mother, since her mother is older than her much, my mother has different views on life, she can scold her, the situation at home, that is , the conditions in which they live, that is , well, she is with her foster mother, well, that is, this is a hostel, this is a shared bathroom, but it’s as if the conditions are not from good, as they say, that is , you are more comfortable in all respects, right? a what is milena doing now? milena finishes the tenth grade with us, we enter the eleventh grade, we graduate, we enter a military school, a military school, yes, and does milena help you with the housework? milena is our golden child, in terms of housekeeping i have a daughter, my daughter will be 2 years old in august, she helps me both with my daughter and with the housework, and she will tidy up, clean up, if necessary, i call from work and say, need to. peel potatoes, get meat, that is, everything, she will do everything, i will come home clean,
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tidied up, she took a walk with the child, foster milena’s parents don’t mind that she doesn’t live at home, with you, no, we kind of communicate, she periodically comes to visit us, we talk on the phone, that is, you have a good relationship with the foster mother , yes, and the adoptive mother, mileno, knows something about the biological mother and her daughter, you know, i ’ll tell you this, with natalya... we talked, and the only thing natalya knows about the biological mother is that she was involved in prostitution , nothing else is known, that’s why the children were taken from her, no, there a completely different situation, the fact is that the children were found at the bus stop, and milena at that moment was lying in a stroller, wrapped in diapers, and two brothers stood nearby, the middle one...
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one month old, so this whole story began that the children they picked me up from the bus stop, so they ended up in the hospital, and thanks to all this, it was as if milena then ended up in this foster family, but what? he says he will give her a bottle, then he says to himself, just like that, that is, he will feed her, he will feed himself as best he can, that is, he protected her, he was with her, natalie or you know something about his fate, unfortunately, no, when milena’s adoptive mother took milena from the hospital, there was no boy, i can’t tell you, i can’t answer this question, i don’t know,
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milena’s adoptive mother heard that her brother was once looking for her daughter in natalya saleeva’s studio. hello, natalia. hello. the cryotherapy room told your daughter that milena was very lucky that you became her mother. yes, my husband and i lived for 7 years and could not have children. i was the initiator to have a child. well, at first it was as if he only wanted his own, as if he didn’t need anyone, strangers. in the end, it turned out that a nurse i knew brought a photograph of milena, she saw that i was suffering, that i really wanted a child, that’s it, when i saw her, i understood that she was ours, she was very similar to us, small, curly,
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so dark. it’s like i started to piss my husband off, we take everything, she’s ours, she comes to our family, well, at first he’s like, let’s think about it, let’s weigh everything, he understands that everything seems pretty, but it’s still a stranger a child, well, as if not our own, a big responsibility, that’s it, i say, no, that’s it, we ’re taking her anyway, in the end i won, we went through the authorities, started collecting documents, she was 10 months old at that time we were already allowed to visit her, i was the first to come, he was at work at the time when we were allowed to visit, i came, they took her out to me in a walker, she was
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so small, well, the button in general against the background of these walkers is all... zelenka, well, that’s what they are, they had chickenpox there, in the hospital she was lying down, and the first thing i did was when i picked her up, she immediately pressed herself against me, with her little hands, hugged me, that’s it, i just couldn’t do it anymore, then in the evening we went to visit her for the second time with my husband, same thing but they brought her to us... it’s true that they were already carrying this very same thing, she immediately stretched her arms towards me, naturally i took her, hugged her, kissed her, she just, i don’t know, really, as if this was my child born by me, she pressed herself directly, i say, with my little hands, well, i just hugged him, and so did my husband the husband took her too, he took her too, she also
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cuddled up to him, it was all the same, then right away he seemed... well, that’s it, he says, yes, we’ll take her, we visited her, as if we were walking with her, that’s it, we need her exactly when she was a year old, it was her birthday on april 1st, and exactly at the police station they called me again , they said everything, the documents are ready, you can come and pick them up, the happiness was immeasurable, april 1st is her birthday, by the way, you changed the date, no , and you changed some of the data that was at birth, well, yes, we changed the last name and patronymic, it was.
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week she just comes up to me and says: mom, naturally i have tears, i take her in my arms, hug her, kiss her, but she doesn’t understand that why are my tears flowing, she wipes away the same tears with her little hands and looks at me so attentively, mom, once again she repeats, she’s so interested in dad , too, anyway, here he comes, we ’re seeing him off to work, dad’s still at work, that’s it, yes, dad, dad’s walking. yeah, we’re waiting for dad, dad will come home from work, that’s it, let’s eat, cook, that’s what it’s all about, well , set the table, yes, that’s it, dad, dad, dad comes in, she comes to him. mom is running, yes, that ’s how it was, what kind of girl your milena grew up, cheerful, kind, sympathetic, has there
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ever been such a thing that you had to worry about your daughter, yes, we had such a story, she was 5 years old, she was on sick leave, and my husband and i worked two after two, that is, i didn’t take sick leave, she was with dad for 2 days, with me for 2 days, and i was at work, i work across the street, dad went out to warm dinner, comes in, and my daughter is not in the room, the slippers are there, everything is in place, the shoes are in place, she is not there, naturally, he calls me, for some reason i have i had some kind of premonition right away, i screamed into the phone and ran, because i was opposite, i ran out, i looked, she was lying there, she had fallen from the fourth floor. it was very scary, i ran up to her, she was still trying to get up, then we were taken to the hospital, we were lucky, it was true that it was
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a cranial injury, but to an average degree, there were no more ruptures, no fractures, nothing happened, you they always knew that milena was not the only child in the biological family, that’s right, yes, i knew that she had two older brothers, i knew that... an older brother i fed her from a bottle, they were lying first when they were brought, they were lying in the same room. natalya, how did you know that milena was looking for her brother? a friend called me and said that milena’s older brother was looking for her. at first i started to panic, hysterical, like some kind of fear that they were going to take me away, then a little. i seem to have calmed down, that’s it, i’m thinking, well, they shouldn’t take her away already, this is my daughter, milena
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was probably 10 years old at the time when i first heard that my brother was looking for her, and you talked to her about it , firstly, she learned that no matter how the world is not without kind people, at first we didn’t want to say that she was adopted, well, maybe someday, when she grows up, in the second grade. i learned, i walked with the girls, and the girls, i don’t know what happened there, they were walking near the house, what happened there, well , the girls started saying, you go home, milena, you go home, well, of course, it’s more likely everything they heard from the adults, she came running in tears, mommy, that’s what they say, i say, daughter, no, that’s not true, you’re in an orphanage, you’ve never been there in your life there was, the second time such a situation, she came running for the second time, the third time i just couldn’t stand it, i ran, i think i’m going to tear everyone there now and i don’t know what i’ll do, i immediately
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run, i immediately calm myself down, well, right there children, it’s also impossible, well, i went up to the girls, talked to them, i said, why are you saying that, firstly, she was never in the orphanage, well, of course, they kept silent, that’s all, then they apologized, i said that i i’ll go to your parents, i’ll... talk to your parents, when did you decide to tell milena the truth? apparently it's still here it crept somewhere deep inside her, and no, no, she started asking me questions, mommy, i’m definitely yours, i say, yes, of course, ours always somehow tried to get out of this situation, somehow justify herself, then she seems to quiet down once, then once again, something seems to go wrong with her, she starts asking again, by the age of ten... she was already 10 years old, i went to my sisters, to the elders, i started with them to consult, well, that’s it, we came to the conclusion that we would all sit down together and
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tell her this, well, we sat down at the table and started to tell you that yes, milesha, we adopted you, but it doesn’t mean anything, we loved you and still love you, but it was hard for her, i ’m sure, so if it was like that for us, everyone sat down, cried, she’s with us she roared and we all started bawling, then it seemed like nothing, she seemed to have calmed down, but no, at first she seemed like maybe we’ll look too, i said, well , let’s try, so she somehow hesitated, then we will, then we won’t we will, and by that time you had already told her about the brother who fed her from a bottle, took care of her, yes that’s what she wanted, even more so when she was growing up, she asked for everything to give birth. me a sister or a brother, she didn’t understand, and that is, of course, i wanted her to have a brother or sister, and then somehow she calmed down, well, you, natalya, i understand, you don’t
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mind. i’m introducing you, this is artyom, it’s very nice, now, looking at artyom, do you notice any similar features with your milena, lips, probably yes, here are the lips, yes, eyebrows, eyebrows, yes, that’s me too, artyom , tell me how you lost your sister, whom you looked after,
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the last place, residence was our house, they were, i was in the yard, milena was inside the house, vlad was also inside the house, then the district police officer arrived with the guardianship authorities, i managed to dive under the stairs, they went into the yard, took vlad milena into the house, they leave, after some time my grandmother gets an apartment, a room, we move there. guardianship takes me, takes me to the beroevskaya hospital, and your sister and brother were taken from your grandmother’s house, yes, about the stop, you heard the story, artyom, about the stop, about the stop, mother never left us at stops, there was no such thing, maybe it’s some other milena, that’s exactly what at the stop, artyom says that he wasn’t
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taken away that day, two people were taken away. and he actually arrived later, almost six months, but here it turns out that they were supposedly in the same ward, the boy was feeding his sister there, something else, here too there are questions, of course, different circumstances have acquired different meanings over the years former stories, but we don’t really know what happened, of course this is not a coincidence, not some kind of connection exist, what do you think artyom, if you had a chance to meet your sister again? you would recognize her right away, i think, perhaps, perhaps, well, right after the advertisement artyom will meet his daughter natalya milena, will he really be able to hug his own sister again, will show the dna test, we will continue in a couple of minutes, superstar, zazh your names, zazh your
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did not care about children. she is very grateful to her parents for becoming her mom and dad. in the studio of milena salieva. hello. hello milena. come in, have a seat, you have a wonderful mother, a wonderful godmother, you often tell them that you love them, i always try to say as much as possible, i love you, milena, mom is really the most beloved dear person for you, yes, mom , and even in childhood she was always next to me, i always had a cheerful childhood, my relatives and i always got together. everything was wonderful, i liked it all, and do you remember the first time you heard that you weren’t mother's daughter? this is class, it was the second, it was summer, my mother allowed me to walk in the yard with the girls and they kept telling me, you
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are dear to me, you are adopted, i came to my mother with hysterics, i said, mom, why is this so then at the age of 10 , when i already had this division inside me, like my mother’s, but at the same time not my mother’s, i say: mom, tell me the truth, my soul is not in the right place, she told me, it’s my birthday, exactly at 10 years old , i found out, to be honest, it made my soul feel better, if it happened like this, then it was necessary, i they said that there were biological brothers, what their names were, where they lived, they didn’t know, i had this doubt that i wanted to find them, i really wanted to find them, to see how they were, but since we didn’t know the information. have you ever wondered about the biological mother , how she is, why this happened, to be honest, no, that is, it sits on her conscience, that is, she did something like that, it will come back to haunt her later, that is
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, somehow let it sink you when your mother told you that there was a brother in your life who took care of you, well, it happened just recently, when i again had these... thoughts, what needs to be found, she says, he is very small, but he always took care of you, for this i thank him very, very much, i would like to see, find out how he is. .. here is artyom. lesha, this is your brother. milena, but we don’t yet know for sure whether this is your brother or not. we only know that artyom is looking for his sister, who was also named milena. if this is so, then i am very... happy that he was found,
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who was nearby some years ago, who helped me somehow survive, completely little, looking at this guy, can you believe that here he is, his eyes, i partially remember them, his eyes are small, there is some similarity, do you notice between you, there is no similarity? when they told me that there are brothers, but they said that they were fair, and i was the only dark one. artyom, i asked you if you could recognize that little girl you cared about, for whom you tried to do everything you could, what do you say, she tells something inside, yes, her cheeks, lips, we have the same, olga, what do you you say, a very beautiful girl. it seems to me that there is a similarity, there is something, yes, there is something,
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it seems that their energy is similar, they are both bright people, you can feel it, but outwardly it is completely different, but outwardly yes, i don’t find any similarity yet , what can you say, milena and artyom are as similar as a brother and sister can be, you know, first of all, i can’t help but note the feeling of respect and admiration that i felt for with what dignity and... he perceived this situation, that is, he does not feel the feeling aggression, a feeling of hatred for that, forgive me, i won’t call this person a mother, but who gave birth to him, yes, that is , he has no feelings of negativity, this is very important, he is great, perhaps, thanks to artyom, we now see this wonderful girl, which is very similar to him, yes, which he essentially raised, that is, thanks to him, i have great respect for artyom and i want to shake your hand sincerely, you’re great, artyom really, thank you, thank you. milena, artyom
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visited the site of the very house where he could have been caring for his younger sister. let us show you, pay attention to the screen. the house in the village of monetny, sverdlovsk region, in which artyom meroshnichenko lived with his grandmother, has long been destroyed. after the fire , not even the foundation remained. on the left, the stove stood in the corner, the house didn’t seem to be small, but it wasn’t fit for life, the stove was heated with wood, here we had a table, holbs, the floor was purely made of boards, there were no carpets, well here we lived, there was no water here, there was no light either. ardem remembers, at the age of 5 he had to not only look after his younger sister, but learn to earn a living, because his grandmother did not care about them. i ’ll go out into the forest in the summer, let’s say, pick
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a few mushrooms there, a few berries, and so i’ll put it on the highway, well, i sold it, money, of course, for food, so i can buy something small, with the appearance of melenka, there’s also a mixture there, i needed milk, artyom remembers the day when his brother and sister were taken to an orphanage , it turns out i hid it. here was a ladder, here a ladder rose, and i here he crawled under his forehead to hide, but vlad and milena were in the room, milena was little, vladta was bigger, but we didn’t have time, we took them, arrived, artyom himself was luckier, his aunt took him into the family and took custody of him, they lived in this house in an apartment on... the third floor, i lived, my uncle, my cousin brother and
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cousin sister, as if we always lived in abundance, we did not need anything, we lived here, it turns out until we were 16 years old, when not fulfilled, we left here, we live all the time in berezovsk, melena, if artyom will really turn out to be your brother, it was nice to hear that he cared as best he could, very much, he cared about such a small, still very little sister, not everyone could do the same as he did, would you like it to be about you? so that you are exactly that baby, of course. artyom, you would also like milena, sitting opposite you, to be your milena today. very straight forward. do you have any information about your biological mother? yes, we live in the same city in novoberezhskoe, i communicate with her, i tell her
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i come and help her, she has six children at the moment, six children? yes. what you said, that is, they are not abandoned like you, no, my mother regretted that this happened, while she devoted her time to work, earning money, lost three children, yes, she cried for a long time because of this, she wanted it too find, but guardianship also stopped what was secretly adoption, milena, what would you say? if now in front of you was the woman who gave you life, i would tell her thank you for not having an abortion, that she gave me this life, in a few minutes milena will have a meeting with her alleged biological mother, how will everything go and whether the dna test will confirm the relationship,
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employer in russia, you locked us all here, why? let's play a game. colimbo. only in the okka online cinema. this is the security service. enter the code from sms. let's do this, if you manage to outwit me, i will return the stolen money to the client. order a sim card mobile protect your bank accounts from phone scammers. he's the only one. in the dna program studio. supposed siblings met, who were sent to different families 16 years ago. she claims that she fought for her older children, but... she was told that they had already been taken to other families. in the studio olga meroshnichenko.
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hello, olga, why were your older children taken away from you? since we didn’t have our own home, my grandfather sold the apartment. we moved from apartment to apartment, then my mother and a friend invited me to join them. live in the house, i worked to kind of provide for the children, left the children with their grandmother, went to work on friday, arrived on saturday, they told me that milena and vlad were taken away, artyom was there, i understand that you worked to feed your children, but they they were still hungry, i always brought money and food, but they took them away hungry, they didn’t sit there hungry, i left your children with your grandmother from where your mother came from, yes, that is,
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you left them there in the house with your mother , you went to work to earn money, no children arrived , no, you don’t have children at the bus stop they stopped, no, that didn’t happen, but how did you find out that the children were taken away, i came from work, artyom, my mother and... that’s who we lived with, they said that sedlena and lad were taken away, i went to the hospital, this it was saturday, they told me that without guardianship authorities , well, no way, even when i arrived on sunday, it was also the same story, what they said is who we are, they said at the hospital that they - we don’t have you have the right, well, without guardianship authorities to be allowed to see your children. on monday i arrived early in the morning at the
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guardianship authorities, they told me that they had already been taken to foster families, in 2 days, yes there, i think so, that the plans were for my children, that is, someone planned, when they lived with their grandmother, to take the children to their families and therefore they were sorted out within two days, and one of them is yours. no, yulia, no, she, so that he wouldn’t end up in an orphanage anywhere, she took custody, so the rest of your children, the boys vlad and milena went straight to foster families, vlad now lives in kedrovka, well, how would we started communicating, then his mother forbade him, well, the reception, well, artyom, i’m with artyom always communicated, olga, tell me honestly, you really tried to turn it off. yes, yes, i started looking for melena, but according to my data, as
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if they told me that she doesn’t know, that she is adopted in the family, i gave up all my attempts, but my children who live with me now know that they have a sister milena, they know vlad and artyom. they generally love artyom, they know vlad and artyom, but, of course, they don’t know only milyana, melena, have you been deprived of parental rights? yes, there was a trial there after some time, i even i brought certificates from my place of work, the court’s justification for depriving you of parental rights, what, the fact that she didn’t see to the children being left with their grandmother, the fact that... she was still drinking, i worked a day after two, i’m at work for a day and two i was with them, i just don’t
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understand how during these 24 hours of your absence the children were taken away, i’m saying, these were already plans for my children for vlad and milena, but no, most likely there was information in the guardianship authorities about the fact that the children are in such, well, understandably deplorable condition, yes, so one day, probably the family was observed on one of the days like this... happened, this of course does not mean that everyone had an opinion there, it’s always mothers who think so, in fact this is not so, olga, but your son artyom said that when he lived with his grandmother, he took care of the younger ones, mom was not there for a day, i was at work for a day, then i came home, artyom, how long did you wait for mom, did it happen? it didn’t happen that i wasn’t home for weeks, it happened, it didn’t happen,
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artyom, it happened, olga, why did your sister take artyom under guardianship. as they told me, what they have yuli, my sister has her own place, well, we ’ll give her care while you recover there, that’s there, then, when they decided to restore parental rights, artyom said, come on, he says, i ’ll be yulia’s comfort, why boy,
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how i lost them, everything, they children know everything, it’s very interesting how your children react to how you lost your first children? well, of course, they are worried about all this, and you could imagine how milena has grown up now, sitting, she looks like her dad, milena, olga immediately recognized you, she recognized her daughter in you, you what do you think? and what can i tell her, well, she made her mistake, she got it, i can tell her one thing, that i am grateful that this situation turned out, that now i am sitting here with such gorgeous mothers, that they are always there and are always ready to support me . olga, you are a good mother for your six children, yes, i think so. who provides for your large
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large family? me, children's. allowance and work part-time. my colleagues visited your home to make sure that the children really have everything they need. attention to the screen. olga miroshnichenko does not have her own housing. for the last 3 years, she and her children have been renting this apartment in the city of berezovsky, sverlovsk region. there is a kitchen and three rooms. sasha lives here with rustam. there we have natasha in that room, alone. nikita. ilya diana and i are in the same room, we fit in. the family is large, so we have to cook a lot every day. basically, they prefer mashed potatoes with cutlets or gravy, meat, fish, here it’s like we have everything together, like i love borscht, pickle, they love
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pea soup very much. well yes, pea soup - yes. olga shows recently purchased rolls of wallpaper. she plans to update the renovation in the near future. well, there’s paint, wallpaper, more, putty, putty, we’ll cover everything up, re-glue everything, redo everything little by little. the kids painted everything, the cats, there, they tore off our corner, it’s not good to be a mother of six children. the woman simply admits, but her love is enough for everyone, each child has his own character, some like to draw and make appliqués, others prefer active games. children love to go for a walk, football, chase, play outside, well, at home we and we’ll sit down with them, read, draw, work out,
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my mother gave me a train for my birthday, i actually love that... well, to be honest, playing with my brothers, well, i like playing outside most of all, we play takonyalka, klyadka, i love fighting most of all, melena, what do you say, very happy children, from the video it is very clear that they really love their mother and cannot live without her, do you think these are your brothers and sisters, well, i don’t know, probably if, well did we find something in common with ourselves? no, honestly, no, they’re just the happiest here, what can i say. artyom, what do you say? i often visit, i come to visit my mother, they themselves will go straight, put on the kettle, tyoma, come on in, tea, here are cookies, sweets, take everything, that is, we can say that olga has really reformed, yes, and that your younger ones brothers and sisters will never
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feel the need that you felt. it’s very rare for someone to deceive me and i feel like there are two dear little people sitting there, that is, you would like such a brother to appear in your goddaughter, i would really like to, natalya, but you don’t either i’m against your daughter having such a brother, of course i’m not against it, i ’ll even be very happy, and if natalya’s daughter wants to communicate with her biological mother, what do you say, the very thought makes me scared, makes me tremble, of course, this is her decision, she’s already adult. even if we are brothers, and this is confirmed, then i will be offended by her biological mother and somehow do not want to keep in contact, with my brother, with my brother, of course, i will be very happy. artyom,
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what does your heart tell you, you met your sister today, are you ready to check it out, to find out, for sure, yes, i invite daria popova, our dna specialist, to the studio. are your older brother and younger sister related or not? we will find out the long-awaited result of the dna test immediately after a short advertisement. watch at 19:00 on ntv. violators on electric scooters will be punished with rubles. the state duma is considering a bill that involves a lot. fines for driving while intoxicated or traveling together on one scooter, what else is on the list of violations? residents of several villages are forced to walk and drive across a bridge that is about to collapse
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mother olga meroshnichenko, as well as with his alleged older brother artyom mirashnichenko, who initiated the genetic examination. the brother dreamed of finding his sister, who was adopted into someone else’s family, because in childhood, as best he could, looked after her so that she would not die of hunger or cold. after all, adults did not take care of children. olga assures that she asked for the children to be returned to her, but they were already sorted into different families. but now the woman leads a decent lifestyle and raises her younger six children with dignity. attention, i am opening the envelope. on the one hand, the supposed daughter. milena solieva, on
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the other hand, is her alleged biological mother, olga mirashnichenko. the probability that you, milena, olga's biological daughter, means artyom's blood sister, is 99.99.
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artyom, you really, like an older brother, found your younger sister, who was simply lost at some point in your life, but whom you took care of in childhood, who was not for a second. didn’t let you out of your heart, share with us how a person feels who has carried all these years throughout his life, that same care and responsibility for his younger sister, i’m drying up, dear, how do you feel, i’m very sorry that this is my brother , i won’t let her go anywhere else.
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what is your name? i'm nicky? nikita, who are you hugging, nikita? sister milena, that's right, where? do you know that this is your sister milena? mom told me that she was there, just lost? yes, there was a brother, and you wanted to meet your sister melena, you recognized her immediately, they said that she looked like nikita or ilya, natalya, what do you think of your sister?
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good, cute, yes, i generally like it. milena, do you think you will make a good older sister and become a good sister for your younger brothers and sisters? i am very happy that they are here and nearby in sumboi, if you require genetic testing, please contact us and we will help you...
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