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tv   Utro  NTV  May 29, 2024 6:30am-8:01am MSK

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we wish you the best morning, further in the program, we will find out the details of the emergency, listen to road stories in the first program, on ntv there is an emergency program in the studio of valeria gavrilovskaya. and some residents of yekaterinburg were caught doing strange things: they were licking chicken eggs right in the store. a very dubious pastime, knowing that unwashed shells contain a lot of microbes of dangerous infections, but it’s exactly what extreme sports enthusiasts want to get sick. even as a child , everyone is told not to put anything nasty in their mouth, but some even continue into adulthood. the news is that customers of a retail chain deliberately lick dirty eggs.
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on the shelves in the hope of getting sick, ekaterinburg has been agitating for several days. those who actually became infected after shopping have already undergone treatment only laugh sarcastically. i felt bad, i took pills, i thought it was due to work, my stomach was upset, but the pills didn’t help, i went to the hospital, and was admitted to the infectious diseases department. timofey, like almost two dozen other people, tried the supermarket products and ended up in hospital and spent unforgettable days in the infectious diseases department. immediately after it became clear that the source of the infection was here, they raided the store. inspectors, the eggs had to be hidden. escherichia coli bacteria were also found in swabs from equipment taken from a number of product manufacturers. instructions have been sent to enterprises to suspend products that have been found to contain microbial contamination. the owner of the retail chain rushed to apologize in order to avoid reputational losses. videos began to appear on social networks of stores intensively are treated with different solutions so that buyers are confident that there is nothing more to fear. the processing has begun, they told me to work on the top. they won’t, they will be at the bottom, well,
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of course, we pulled all of these out along the rut, removed everything. supermarket owner ivan zaichenko promised compensation of 1 million rubles to eighteen clients who became infected after eating eggs. and after that, those who did not manage to get poisoned so successfully rushed to the stores to catch up, now the businessman has to explain: a million is only for those who are registered with rospotrebnadzor. one of the victims, eva azab, said that they had written everything to her in the comments, although she just recently returned from the hospital. people... come out and want the same thing, well, as i tell my mother, if they said that pork contains pork mushroom and you can get a million, they would eat pork, like that, so it’s just false, but what about the lawyers? the desire to make money on such, to put it mildly, unhygienic procedure is of course skeptical, the initiative of the store to pay compensation is commendable, but to get big payment in court is almost impossible, and those who came to lick it specifically have nothing to hope for if they prove that they suffered very much morally and are replaced by a moral agent. but taking into account
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the latest trends that i have observed, there is no particular harm to their health, they spent several days in the hospital, the severity of the harm to their health, well, most likely, is either small or none, but our courts usually satisfy 5-10,000 rubles. meanwhile, the chain's stores continue to recover from the scandal, about which ill-wishers even they say it's a rude pr stunt. the businessman himself, it seems, also caught the wave, posting pictures with meaning out of sadness. you have to stop him, inspector, he is making us look like idiots, it would be good if you explain how he does this, ley street darkened. good morning, ladies and gentlemen. the stupid scotland yard inspector is funny in almost every story. everything
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, like a policeman, he himself gave a reason, but he could not keep his mouth shut, until he made a mistake. the cutest investigator of izufa seems to have flogged himself. according to the alleged the culprit is gelyazov, a certain car blocked his view. and according to the investigator, there is no reason not to trust the alleged culprit. he can't see what's going on there. and suddenly, according to the general version.
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he drives further, he wasn’t even deprived of his license, so the prosecutor’s office was surprised, the investigators were repeatedly issued decisions to refuse to initiate a criminal case, which were canceled since... including march 19 of this year, so the results of the final procedural decision are under the control of the supervisory authority departments, the prosecutor's office is once again canceling the decision to refuse, investigator gareev wondered a year and a half later, was there this car that got away at what distance did it get away, that is, the car might not have been there yet, of course, but i think it’s not established, i thought it an established fact, not an unestablished fact, in the sense of a citizen? under the dictation of the probable culprit, he is leading the case or something 100%
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there was not a single car, we were driving just the two of us, this is a turn, a blue rover was driving in front of me , we were driving in the far left lane. here i followed him. artur fazylov says that he was driving behind aidar gilyazov’s land rover. even through the obstacles, i saw standing cars and made a maneuver and went to the right. agilyazov was flying straight, says arthur. and he simply, without stopping, slams into this pile of cars. judging by the documents, the land rover driver gilyazov did not even try to brake. he had plenty of time. to make a maneuver, change lanes, and avoid an accident. immediately after the accident, in one of the local public pages , eyewitness artur fazilov posted an audio message: there was a serious accident there, across the backwater it drives better, it happened right before my eyes, it was driving in the left lane, it
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probably just flew in for about 110 kilometers and smashed both people and cars there, it was just like pins there and that was the moment of truth. they called me, said that they would come to me in the evening, clarified the address, then no summons, no calls, the next day, a week later, a month later there were none, that is, you did not give any to show, none, that is, the investigation knows about that you were nearby, you saw everything and no one stopped you, well , of course, it’s strange, isn’t it, and it seems not
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can you tell me more precisely than the alleged culprit of the accident did, a muddy story, not very interesting, the story is really interesting. the investigator says that this is the first time he has heard about azylbov’s eyewitnesses. arthur himself denies this. what's the point in lying to him? but you must admit, investigator goreev looks comical in any case. the best for today, at 20:00. big premiere. new season of the action-packed series dolphin. sergei zharkov and his dolphin will bring everyone to clean water. well, i can’t, i just do it. watch in today's episodes, like this, andryukha, they're taking down one by one, the question is, who's next? we are dealing with a very smart, dangerous enemy, an ambulance, call an ambulance, this one was interested in explosives, yes, it’s definitely him, it was he who gave you a dose of poison, well
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, such coincidences don’t happen in life, and what’s happening, the kid is here from the zone he teleported straight away and his tattoos and scars, this is a guy, a clone, who are you, but praise me, i won’t say it, i’ll call the special forces now, there’s no need to call anything with these heavy ones, it’s just a hassle, dolphin, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. about the weather for today, hello, in the distance in the east it is dry, abnormally warm, up to +25 yakutia, and in the south it is cool, about 15° and rain in places, heavy buryatia. the most important thing is that the zone is not walled in the kuril islands, where there is still hurricane wind and storm. is approaching the south of kamchatka, well , the weather forecasts for siberia smell of some hopeless cold, the negative anomaly in some places reaches 10°, in the north there is almost zero and sleet, in the south there is rain, wind and a maximum of +20 in altai and khakassia, while from novosibirsk to omsk it won’t even be +10, the siberian coolness will drop into yekaterinburg,
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it’s +12 there, but orenburg is on the warm side, on which most of the european territory of russia is located, only the north here is behind the cold front, and there, like in siberia, it’s cooler than expected, the weather in the northwest is becoming less stable, rain almost everywhere and thunderstorms, but the temperature will only be a couple of degrees behind them, in the center under the sun the temperature is steadily rising, and today the first one is quite possible. the clear weather, which intends to last until the end of the week, itself suggests where to go on the weekend, of course, on a clear day clearing, you can hide from the heat in the cool rooms of the famous estate or in the shade of centuries-old trees that remember the great writer. it’s also not hot at all near the black sea, in sochi and yalta it’s no higher than +22, again with rain and thunderstorms in places. in st. petersburg , thunderstorms are also possible during the day, +27 in moscow, 28:30 no precipitation. see below. morning is the best. we remember the news of the auto world along with the main
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road. we study the properties of sugar together with sergei malozyomov. let's get acquainted with the world of show business. went my hair back. carefree the young lady did not dismount from the scooter and rolled under the wheels of the bus. the driver did not have time to brake. from the blow of the lady. flew to the side of the road, hit her head hard , concussions and bruises will be treated at home, don’t make a hole, alin , got drunk, flew into a puddle, drowned the phone and became a local sorceress, if it weren’t for the drunk arina in a black volvo, the deep hole in the road would never have been removed , people complained about the failure for more than a month, but they patched it up in almost an hour, when the blonde returned her license after... a scandalous somersault with her cell phone into the water, then he’ll ride along the road again, evaluate the repairs
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with a sober mind, that’s it, let’s go, he was driving, a truck on a zebra crossing rammed the nexia at full speed, the owner of the car was taken away by doctors, the cause of the accident was the thoughtfulness of the driver of the dump truck, the roof was blown off, in the moscow region the arm of the manipulator caught on a road beam . the structure, along with cameras and signs , collapsed onto a passing suv; the driver of the lada was lucky and received only bruises. coveted by someone else's property, the biker lost his wallet on the moscow ring road. an attentive gazelle driver noticed wallet, slowed down, jumped out of the car and ran for the wallet along the highway. there were almost 4,000 rubles in the wallet. when he was detained, the gazellist did not have such a sum in pomina. i had time to eat. to get everything down to the penny, they took revenge in yekaterinburg and decided
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to teach the impudent driver a lesson, for several years in a row he blocked the passage of others with his car, as a result, his car was also blocked by neighbors, the man had to squeeze into the car in a very unconventional way. there is live food on air, a program in which... and i, sergey malozyomov, find out what is harmful and what is healthy, which sugar is better for health, are there any healthy options here at all. we learned that sometimes sugar can be very useful and even necessary, it saves diabetics from coma and improves the taste of many even non-sweet dishes, but when there is too much of it in the diet, bad consequences occur. how did this disaster come to us? initially, they learned to obtain sweet crystals from reeds in india, around the 5th century bc. from there
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the word sugar itself and its european analogues such as sugar, tsukar, tsukr, they all have a common indian ancestor, shakkar in sanskrit means a substance in granules, at that time it was considered a medicine and was prescribed to the sick. by the way, the juice of the cane is really very sweet. i tried it on plantations on runyon island in the indian ocean. during the era of great geographical discoveries, europeans began to massively plant tropical countries with these plants, but the sweetness radically decreased when sugar beets appeared, the price dropped so much that consumption increased many times over, some are sure that for health, now it would be better to switch to some less harmful, and sometimes more tasty types, for example, maple sugar has appeared on sale, like
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the syrup of the same name, it has a rich caramel-woody aroma, other non-white sugars also leave a pleasant aftertaste sugar, for example, coconut, it is extracted from the nectar of palm flowers. cane sugar is also good for its caramel quality; because of the appetizing names, many also want to try grape and melon sugar, but contrary to expectations, they do not contain fruit... and they do they are usually not made from juices, but from corn starch, using a chemical method. moreover, melon sugar is not sugar at all, but a sweetener - erythritol. under the fruit name it is simple. sells better, we’ll talk about the benefits of sweeteners later, but for now we’ll figure out what science knows about the properties of different types of sugar, we asked our regular expert, nutritionist marina makisha, to compare regular beet sugar, cane sugar, as well as fashionable coconut and grape sugar. let's start with calories. our usual sugar, beet sugar, contains 400 kilocalories.
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refined cane sugar contains 397 kilocalories. then, well, practically the same for coconut and grape, they are often put in so-called healthy sweets for those losing weight, the calorie content is slightly lower - 367 and 364 kilocalories per 100 g. but the difference is insignificant, because these two types are less sweet and you can go overboard in trying achieve the usual taste. grape sugar consists of glucose and creates the highest risk of developing diabetes if consumed in excess. glycemic index - the rate of increase in blood glucose levels in grape sugar is as much as 100 units, while beet and cane sugar is 65, and coconut sugar is 54 units. i would like to draw attention to the myths that are circulating on the internet that coconut sugar has a low glycemic index of around 35. this study was conducted
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outside the philippines and commissioned by a philippine company, which is the largest supplier of coconut sugar on the market. it is also believed that brown sugars are healthier due to the vitamins and minerals they contain, but their proportion compared to the amount of carbohydrates is so small that not a single type of sugar can be seriously considered a source of valuable substances. there are still lovers of syrups, but date syrup, for example, or footinambura are no better for health than sugar, they also contain a lot of glucose and fructose, we must remember about moderation. video games are becoming the most popular material for film adaptation, displacing superhero comics. this trend was launched by the box-office film about the mario brothers, the critically acclaimed series one of us and other successful film adaptations, including the recent fallout. what other games will soon receive film versions and how game adaptations have gone from failed
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experiments of the nineties to current projects that even picky fans approve of. this is the show business news today. the term feature film has taken on a new meaning in the last couple of years. cinema has truly found itself at the mercy of video games, which are moving from the small screen to the big screen. viewers are noticeably tired of superhero franchises. the latest disastrous disney releases are evidence of this. but film studios quickly found a replacement. now they're fighting for rights on the film adaptation of cult games. among the latest successful examples. the fallout series became one of the most viewed amazon projects and received high ratings for action, humor and visual effects; among russian viewers it turned out to be the most popular film adaptation of a video game. the series shows an alternative america 200 years after the nuclear war that unfolded in the fifties of the 20th century. the project was directed by jonathan nolan,
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brother of christopher nolan. when i first played fallout 3, i was simply amazed by the epic scale. it was this thorough knowledge of similar material and respect for the original that helped the series become successful, especially since game designer tod howard, who led the development, participated in its creation. several games in this series. fallout, of course, was immediately renewed for a second season. filming is currently underway for the second season and another popular series based on the cult game about post-apocalypse. one of us. several more game adaptations are expected in the near future. a film adaptation of the shooter borderlands will be released in august. the film features a star cast. cate blanchett, jamiely curtis, kevin hart and ariana
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greenblood, known from the film barbie. and the character speaks in the voice of jack black. claptrap. black, by the way, is involved in another anticipated adaptation, the filming of which has already completed. in the film adaptation of the cult game minecraft, he will embody the image of the main character, steve. the actor posted a video from his acting van, confirming his participation in the project. the film also stars jason mamoa, emma myers and jennifer cooledge. a film about a world made of blocks is coming to screens cubes will be released in a year. there are also several more adaptations in development now, producer. margoro company will develop the film adaptation of the sims life simulator. the hadi-wadi monster from the video game popi playtime will also be the hero of the movie. producers are showing great interest even in indie games. dredge, a powerful fishing simulator in an ominous horror atmosphere last year, will also receive a film adaptation, but just a few years ago, game adaptations
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seemed like a very bad idea; unsuccessful experiments of the early nineties were to blame for this zero. actor jake gyllinhaal, for example, still regrets that in 2010 he starred in the film prince of persia, but in the twenties there was a turning point, the full-length cartoon super mario brothers in the cinema collected more than a billion. dollars, becoming the second highest-grossing animated film in history. the second part of sonic in the horror movie five nights at freddy's also saw high box office receipts, the latter earning 10 times its budget. but the main breakthrough was series based on games. the most popular version of success is that it replaced authors who knew little about video games, came loyal fans who themselves sat for hours with joysticks in their hands, which is why their movies are not shameful. this is the show business news today, marina kazantseva was with you, see you,
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we have the right to receive legal assistance, we will go to gelendzhik, we will eat fast food with federico arnaldi. now is the time to return to the topic of feed quality for pets. we have already found out that store-bought food for dogs and cats is not just healthy fast food, as some people believe, but truly complete nutrition, and not everyone can prepare a dish with such a composition at home, explains the chief.
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a toxin that can be released from the development of molds. the concentration is small, but veterinarians have the term chronic toxicity, which is when toxins accumulate and systematically poison the body. an animal that has periodically received these toxins can simply have a number of diseases that are associated with the central nervous system, including treatment. at the same time , the pet will gobble up such food with a beastly
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appetite, often. this is not because the food is high-quality, but because of the abundance of flavorings, which are called digests or digests, sometimes in their composition they are disguised simply under the word hydrolyzate, this is such a natural way of attracting animals to this food. such degestions are safe and not prohibited, and food with these flavors is actually not a bad help for owners. we can even force you to eat tasteless food there, and may be useful. but not tasty, for example, hypoallergenic, yes, we add it to it, it seems that our cat or dog feels that everything is in order, although in fact this food is very far from fish, but in taste, smell, it may perhaps, in consistency, even it can completely resemble this fish, but the business of producing and selling food is too appetizing and attracts lovers of quick profits, so on the shelves, alas, there is a lot of food that is mixed from pennies, bone meal and plant fiber, for example
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corn. there is wheat, when you eat this food there is a sharp jump in blood sugar, many manufacturers say that no, we earn little, no, it is very marginal, a kilogram of premium food from the factory costs about 50 to 100 rubles. and then this premium food is already in beautiful packaging, with advertising, we already see in stores for a thousand rubles per kilogram, but because of the juicy aroma of the digesta, pets gobble up such food with low nutritional value on both cheeks, critically missing the substances , without which the hair falls out... joints lose mobility, vision goes bad, organs fail, the label states animal meat, but it is not included, in particular, for example, the dna of salmon is stated there, but there is no salmon, or the dna of a rabbit, there is absolutely no rabbit there, yes, the laws that should train, to tame and pacify the criminal appetites of some food manufacturers, for essentially the most defenseless, alas, toothless, and...
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it is almost impossible for dog lovers and cat lovers to prove that their pets got sick and even died due to low-quality food. my friend mike, who is on the air our consumer supervision also appeared. who was 12 years old, also died unexpectedly and quickly, a healthy dog, which regularly underwent examinations, had liver failure, he was in kursk at that moment, and it turned out that in the entire huge region there is not a single veterinarian-gastroenterologist, that is, to provide competent helping a sick animal, often there is no one to do this in a matter of hours, even if you are willing to pay any money, bailout, left... not a single one, so the responsibility on the feed manufacturers is colossal, it is up to the breeders to make a choice now, i hope it’s a little easier. ruben
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markarian, lawyer. a question came: i was accused of a crime, i allegedly gave a bribe to an official. i testified that this was a fact, indeed, i gave... the computer to the official, but firstly, i did not give it as a gift, and secondly, i complied with the official’s demands, and i reported this to the investigation, and i was sentenced , where - they didn’t consider my confession an admission of guilt in giving a bribe, because i didn’t say the word bribe, so this is not a mitigating circumstance, but i reported the fact of the transfer, is the court right, but we a similar question has already been raised, because a similar case... is under our supervision, where a woman reported to the investigative committee that the judge in her civil case took possession of her opponent’s car and asked to check this in itself suspicious fact. the investigator checked her
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statement and said that this was not a bribe, since the judge bought the car under a sales contract, albeit cheaper, but the woman was charged with knowingly false denunciation, since she dared to report the bribe. although this is not a bribe at all, as the investigator established, in this case, and in the first one, which our viewer just brought, there is only one problem: people can be punished not for what they did, but for incorrect legal formulations, which ordinary people in general are not obliged to give, whether it is a bribe or not . , this is a question of legal qualification, a person must provide information about the facts, tell the truth, that’s what it was, the investigator... property to the official, under what circumstances, in response to what demand, then it is not your business to qualify the action of the official, maybe
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a bribe, or maybe it was fraud on the part of an official, or maybe there was extortion of a bribe, the problem, in my opinion, is the low qualifications of specific investigators, well, excuse me, maybe... as for this so-called deal with the investigation, so there, in my opinion, the problem lies, to a greater extent, perhaps in the vagueness of the wording of the mechanism for agreement with the investigation, but in particular the law prescribes the rights and responsibilities of the investigator and the prosecutor, but not particularly the accused, it turns out that the conclusion is that whether he complied with the terms of the deal, whether his information was important and new for the investigation, only the investigator and the prosecutor can do, alas, such... the backlash is not always used correctly by law enforcement officers, is it possible to restore the trust of citizens in actively contributing to the detection of a crime and increase the efficiency of the mechanism this plea deal. well, different options are offered,
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for example, specifying the amount of punishment, the possibility of refusing to bring other charges, concluding agreements involving not only the prosecutor, the investigator, the accused defense attorney, and the court. this is where that same institute would come in handy. investigative judges, the revival of which has long been discussed by the expert legal community, it is assumed that these judges will not consider cases on the merits, but in the future, they should simply be engaged in securing evidence to consider cases on the merits, which would help create equality of parties in collecting and assessing evidence , ultimately protect the constitutional rights of a citizen at the judicial stage and become a kind of filter, well which will prevent. to the court of illegal and unfounded charges, in this case it would be correct to instruct them not only to participate in concluding deals with the investigation, but also to approve these agreements.
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friends, is anyone on air? well, of course there is, this is your friend federico arnaldi, let's go, let's eat, where in gelenchek, full speed ahead, you can come to gelendzhik all the time. year, the climate here is mild and dry, and the pitsun pines make the air incredibly healthy, the resort is ideal for families with children, the city has many playgrounds and water parks, i’m stuck. i gave a shit, but for gourmets like me
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, gelendzhik is simply a gastronomic paradise, alessandra, hello, i’m very glad to see you, i’m also very happy, so who is this here, this is my dog, hello, my girlfriend, such a beauty, curly beautiful like you, listen, well, it’s nice to hear from an italian, of course, they’re always hot, everyone is so smiling, somehow already tanned, it’s not that i’m italian, it’s just here...
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6 years ago i decided to move from my hometown to gelendzhik, knows all the most delicious places in the resort, mostly they concentrated on the embankment, and the first gastro spot is the most popular local fast food, kiros, please drink sangerindzhik for you, so that you feel, you know, it’s real, here the pigeons are like the brand itself in italy. traditionally it is made from lamb or pork, but gyros with chicken is popular in gelenzhuk. but here , of course , the flatbread plays the biggest role, it’s the flatbread that plays the biggest role, it’s so incredibly fluffy, you know, they make these flatbreads with kefir, they’re like pancakes made with kefir, i’ve probably definitely tried it, but here we go. i like, you know what... sauce, i love this sauce, this sauce reminds me
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when you eat caesar salad, i really like caesar salad, the filling consists of tomatoes, onions, paprika and french fries. i also want to go to one place where you and i will try how you feel about seafood, i am a person who grew up on the sea, this is my everything, then this is all, i will now give you a gift, treat you, and we will try it together , let's say: i like it, the second delicious location, also on the embankment, literally two minutes away to get drunk with angelendzhik, this is also fast food, only sea, midi, shrimp, oysters are all fresh, no frozen, when people come here, everyone probably wants to feel the flavor of gelendzhik and where else but on the embankment to do this, it’s very tasty here, look, you and i are shrimp.
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anton, alora, where are we now? on a farm, yes, growing copper. this farm is underwater. 130 hectares produce about 100 tons of mussels per year. midi are cut from the line and sent to another line to be cleared of debris and algae. so, wait, that means are they ready for us to cook or what? no, they 'll head first. after this process, come to our
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workshop, they will rest for a day in crystal clear water, they will be further cleaned, we have now collected the harvest, there are small ones in this harvest, so we don’t throw them away, we plant them back into the sea, and they can also it will take a year or two to grow until it becomes like this, and maybe it will open up even more, of course, we don’t throw anything away, but everything that is not undergrown, that’s it. little by little it still fits into the sea and grows further. anton, then thank you very much, ciao to you, back to the sea, and to you on my plate. “it’s really tasty, really, in italy, mussels are very popular, but you won’t find them in such sauces, especially in cheese sauces. midi here is served not only in cheese sauce, it is also served in white wine, in curry sauce, in tomato sauce, and also in tomyam sauce. why aren’t you fat, i
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can’t understand, you should already be fat, but it’s impossible, give me less bolt, you ’ll eat more and i’ll turn everything into fat.” hmm, she smiled, that means she recognized her, she smiled, that means she’s real, they recognize her, she loves her, remembered, appreciated, truly. psb is a bank for the present. hello everyone, i'm timur rodriguez, and i'm pleased to announce that the unique travel show the hitcher is back with a new, exciting season. and that’s why i’m announcing a nationwide
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casting from may 17 to june 17. all you have to do is fill out an application and get a chance to become my adventurer to see the world. a. send your applications to the following address:, the hitchhiker show is calling for health, see you soon! dolphin, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. maybe? appetite anywhere. only dad will shorten it. popolos, gotcha. there is a beastly appetite. a snack won't hurt. sausages, dad can! rabeprozole is the northern star. enjoyment of life without heartburn. more freshness protection with deodorant at a competitive price in five. catching a bird fire is not easy, but anyone can get a fire rate of up to 17.5% per annum. open a deposit on
7:14 am already 37 years old. prepares a broth base using fermentation technology that lasts longer. therefore, my choice is dushrak, and my chon ramyeon and my own recipes, what kind of broth. dogerac is the secret of taste in the broth. i love the moscow coffee shop on poi, and i’ll tell you why. moscow coffee shop on the fields - a combination of traditions and advanced technologies of the highest class, the taste is a pleasure. moscow coffee shop on the waist, i love it, i recommend it. vacation is a pleasure to tears, and yandex travel is also profitable, yandex travel, book now, pay later, say no to silicone, and yes, shaoma shampoo, 90% ingredients of natural origin for
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healthy, beautiful hair, take care of your family together with shauma, shauma - care from roots to ends, vitafer helps maintain levels. the iron is normal, vitofer, everything will come true, the meat-cutting old farm, for him we chop the meat sword so that the taste is lower, finely chopped, the meat-cutting old farm is delicious, meat-cutting! dolphin, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. this t-shirt needs to be washed urgently, but running a washing machine is expensive, hand washing kills the skin of your hands and your manicure! stop! compact! the lotos washing machine from liamax is ideal for small loads of laundry, baby clothes, socks, t-shirts, underwear, quick wash without overpaying for water and electricity, folding design, three automatic programs, spin function to drain water, everything you need
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is already included in the kit, after washing, fold the machine, put it in a drawer or on a shelf, or take it with you , save your energy, time and money, call and order a lotos folding washing machine for 3,999 rubles, but call us right now and you can buy it for only 2,999 rubles. leamax purchases with a plus, call or order on our website meeting point today at 14:00 on ntv. hi where are you? hi, but what i have here is cool, i’ll show you now, but i have something better, and you have one like that there, oh! turns out to be here, and we have a good secret place, yes, it’s not secret, everyone already knows about sebrez, relax guys, about the weather for
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today, hello, in the far east it’s dry, abnormally warm up to +25 yakutia, and the south is cool about 15 ° and in some places it rains, buryatia is strong, the most important thing is that the zone is not nastya smoking, where there is still a hurricane wind and a storm is approaching the south of kamchatka, well, from the forecasts the weather for siberia is blowing with some hopeless cold, the negative anomaly in some places reaches 10°, in the north there is almost zero and sleet, in the south there is rain, wind and a maximum of +20 in altai and khakassia, while from novosibirsk to omsk and +10 will. the siberian coolness will drop into yekaterinburg, where it’s +12, but orenburg is on the warm side, on which most of the european territory of russia is located. only the north here was behind the cold front, we... as in siberia, cooler precipitation is possible, less stable the weather is changing in the north-west, there are rains and thunderstorms almost everywhere, but the temperature will
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only give them a couple of degrees, in the center under the sun the temperature is steadily rising, and today the first +30 is quite possible. clear weather, which intends to last until the end of the week, itself suggests where to go on the weekend, of course, to a clear meadow, you can hide from the heat in the cool rooms of the famous estate or the shade of ancient trees that remember the great writer. and it’s not at all hot near the black sea, in sochi and yalta it’s no higher than +22 again with some rain and thunderstorms, in st. petersburg , thunderstorms are also possible during the day, +27 in moscow 28:30 no precipitation, we wish you the best morning, further in the program, we will identify the symptoms of the disease with your doctor, make turkey cutlets with yulia vysotskaya, get acquainted with wonderful news sergei. let's talk one day with people's artist of russia, alexander sbruev.
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children grow at different rates, but when growth retardation should alert parents and doctors. what should you do in this case, should you take it? some will the drugs help them grow? let's talk about this with pediatrician olga kuznetsova. good morning, the program your doctor is on air and here we are talking about the right medicine with the right doctors. hello olga evgenevna. today i would like to talk to you about such a problem as short stature. we are all different people, yes, our parents and children are different, naturally ours are different. there are large parents, most often you expect that the children will be large and tall, there are small parents, and
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naturally, genetically, it most often happens with their children are short, if we say that the child is short, you need to contact the pediatrician and find out whether he is really short, or is it more a phobia of the parents, we have certain tables where we look at... average centiles from twenty five to seventy-five average indicators, and we also have corridors less than the average statistical indicators more, and as a rule, mostly parents who come to the reception with this complaint turn out to be normal in their height and weight indicators of their child turn out to be simply closer to the lower limit, and this is the absolute norm, if we see that such a child has, well...
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yes, average indicators, below threshold values, yes, it is important for us to find out when this happened and how it happened, this is very important information on what weight and height the child was born and how he grew, we have observation of the child by weight and height indicator, and monthly in the first year of life, once every three months in the second year of life , once every six months in the third year of life, then once every year, this is very important information, and if we suspect - familial stunting. we refer the child to an endocrinologist, the endocrinologist will usually be a family one, after all , you can probably see, see the parents, well, more often than not, the parents are known, yes, more often
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it’s just the grandparents. by the way, they are parents, that is, parents are often normal, but grandparents, that is, this is passed on through generations, well, a little more often , it probably happens differently, so there are parents, grandmothers, and grandfathers, so we still direct the child must see an endocrinologist, because the endocrinologist will take decision whether he will observe samatropic hormone in these children, yes or no, there are cases of familial stunting with a violation of the amount of samatropic hormone or... it is not so easy to study, there are special tests, provocative, stimulation tests to understand
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whether there is enough the amount of this hormone. and whether there are a sufficient number of receptors for it, then he makes a decision, he will leave it as is, decides whether to prescribe a somatotropic hormone for him, a somatotropic hormone is an effective drug for stimulation growth, this is an effective drug, but here it is very important to carry out a diagnosis, make a decision about it, because if a deficiency is diagnosed or, in general, some kind of malfunction in the mechanism of stomatropic hormone,
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this is still a constitutional delay if we do not intervene let's wait, perhaps the child will naturally grow taller than if we stimulate him earlier. is this problem generally more common in boys or girls? this problem is more common in boys and is actually rare. that is, attitudes towards girls are more calm, if the girl is small, in general , by and large, there’s nothing to worry about, it’s a certain one. our normative indicators vary, yes, for girls they are somewhat less, somewhat less, well , probably they are less due to some and maybe national characteristics, so i know, for example, in southeast asia there are all people well, most people, they are small, that is , if you compare them with the population of europe, they are, i don’t know, 20, 30 cm on average
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smaller than that, of course. we are very we carefully collect anamnesis, who is by nationality or maybe mixed marriages, the endocrinologist sometimes even looks, even photographs, sometimes they ask for a family tree, even photographs, because sometimes photographs, photographs show certain features characteristic of some syndromes, for example, it is important information, so of course we look at the parents, thank you very much, really for... a very interesting story, the topic is really very important, it is not common, but it is very important for every such child, for parents, so that he has everything in life is in order, and so that, like lionel messi, he can realize himself and become, perhaps, in some way the best, the most wonderful and greatest. thank you very much, good morning everyone
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and see you again. a small onion, i have a big one, so i take half, cut into cubes, you can grate them, you can chop them in a blender, but you know, well-diced onions, chopped like this, finely, of course, also works, because the cube gives such additional juiciness, just like that. so it keeps its shape, then there is also this for those who love onions, i just love onions very much, a little garlic, i cut a little one clove into the same cube, onion, garlic, put it in a bowl like this, add a little soy sauce here, one tablespoon , a little paprika,
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a quarter of a teaspoon, this is the sauce: two teaspoons, and of course we need minced meat, this is minced turkey breast, we take this minced meat, add it here to the onions. quickly stir in the spices, well , actually, the minced meat is almost ready, but i would i added a little more greenery here, it seems to me that cilantro would be ideal, tarragon would be nice, in general, some kind of bright interesting herb, chop finely too, in general, i understand that tamarinth sounds a little exotic if you don’t know what it is , in general... in principle, this is a combination of sweet sour taste, you can simply replace it with lemon juice, for example, and sugar, that is, dilute sugar in lemon juice and add it, of course this will not be
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a 100%, well, equal replacement, but no less, it will be close, i would also add a little lemon zest, grated on fine, this is just for... not a taste, just an aromatic effect, because the lemon zest is very bright, do not forget to wash the lemons when you bring them they are from the store, we won’t add an egg to these cutlets, i also wanted to add a little green onion, because green onions also have such, you know, juiciness, that is, not only a bright juicy spring color, but also juiciness. which helps our cutlets, so we added green onions, heat the frying pan, add
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vegetable oil combined with butter so that there is the correct burning temperature, and now you need to roll it, or you can roll it in flour, you can roll it in breadcrumbs... i have this mixture in breadcrumbs, a little flour and panko breadcrumbs, i make these cutlets, small, you want round ones, you want oval ones, whichever you like best, i roll the jar on both sides in breadcrumbs, well, it is advisable, of course, to try to make them the same size so that they at the same time they were ready and deboned. on all sides, and then the oil is already heated, we send the cutlets,
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fry for a couple of minutes on each side, so that a crust appears. as soon as they are turned over, we reduce the heat, cover with a lid and keep for 7-10 minutes until done on a very low heat, beauties, look how fluffy they are, how crispy they are, neat. remove from the pan, well,
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look, cutlets with salad, bon appetit, a new way of grilling food, the manufacturers offer. like this an unusual heat-resistant bag, the ingredients are placed directly inside it, and it is placed on the wire rack, this makes it easier to speed up the process, nothing falls through the bars and you can turn everything over at once, rather than fiddling with each piece, the cost depends on the size, the average price is 200 rubles. the bag is made of fiberglass, the shell is teflon, will the idea be useful in practice?
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placing them individually on the grill, of course, turned out to be much more tedious and time consuming, let’s check now on something larger. if you believe the pictures on the internet, the bag will fit and for...
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the dark mesh here is the readiness of the piece itself. using the standard method on a wire rack it turned out to be much more flexible and the taste won out. the sausages from the bag turned out to be boiled without a crust. difficulties arose with opening the bags after grilling. they got too hot. yes, it is very painful when opening, very hot, of course. and if you wait, then... the food itself will cool down, it will be tasteless, interesting, and if you don’t try to cook a lot at once, what will the popular food blogger, grill and barbecue specialist, ivan dron, say, will a bag help out, for example, with cod fillet, which always strives to stick, well, it didn’t stick, it’s already good, there is no special pronounced taste, this is again all because there is no direct contact with... the heating
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surface, there is no crust, which gives the most intense taste , however, ivan still managed to find a use for the unusual accessory, smoking nuts, why it’s good, because it holds a fairly large number of nuts, plus the fact that due to the fact that it is perforated, the smoke penetrates well inside, smokes them and for smoking some small products that are directly... bulk are perfect, but not for frying, and ivan does not recommend frying meat in the same bag after fish, for example, the accessory absorbs odors too well, but the main concern is: what regarding safety, is it worth putting such polymers on the grill at all? together with our permanent expert, head of independent environmental assessment ivan kalinin, we will take measurements while cooking a steak, temperature -
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45°, this grill is not the most powerful, but the indicator already exceeds the declared one the bag manufacturer's allowable limit is 300°. we cut off the part of the steak that was in direct contact with the material and sent it for analysis. the laboratory detected small amounts of chlorides and phosphates, which are often added to the meat itself, but fluorides and other harmful substances were not released from the bag. at least for the main substances, which are theoretical.
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to the car wash, unfortunately, not a miracle, hurray, music, hurray, music, that’s the name of the new music label for children’s radio, the goal of this project is search and promotion of talented performers and songwriters. we, as a children's radio, we, we have a mission, to educate our audience, our audience, children in general, with high-quality material, any kind of music. including even if it concerns a popular children's folk song, it should be of high quality, basically music, right? this is what motivated us, it was such an engine that we thought, well, who else if not us will try to explain, children want to create, and most importantly, they deserve to be represented on the radio and deserve to in order to be big, big and widely known artists and they need... just
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help, in fact, this is the main idea of ​​our music label, that is, to help from the point of view of production, from the point of view of creating master phonograms, from the point of view promoting them on the radio, in order to get on the air on children's radio you need to create real hits, the selection of musical materials is already underway, you can send your creation through the official website of the project, children , of course, need to be helped.
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mm they give me the opportunity to show myself, i will be happy to participate as a composer, uh, well, in any case, i will try , authors will try to appear, i assure you, because they are not there not because they are not there, but because it’s just that somehow there is no such niche, when a niche appears, a global one, a huge number of not only artists will grow, but also the people who create these artists, listeners of children’s radio will meet new stars very soon, we are planning to a number of releases. which we are now we are just finishing work on their creation, and our label has already released one release; at the beginning of the year, the presenters of children’s radio sang the anthem of children’s radio , and we published this track and promoted it with
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the help of children’s radio, with the help of social networks in radio station, in principle , the song showed a good result in terms of listening to numbers, we can say that it energized us. for some further success, in total there are plans for this year to release about seventy new songs and in the future to create collaborations of experienced beginners artists, music competitions and even establish your own award. one morning on ntv, i'm sergei mayorov. hello. today the hero of the project is once a people's artist of the country. alexander viktorovich sbruev, he is a favorite artist of many generations and one of the most important heroes for me. hello, what holiday is this? i've completely lost my head, now i can do god knows what?
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i, a man, am a bat. where do i want to go? i’m flying there, you’ve never made a truly serious decision in your life, because you’ve never... thank you for your frankness, this already a man's conversation, proud, there is a little, you know, grandpa, stop your funny eyes and other bullshit, so kiss me, but i love you, you understand, i love you, my dear, dear, this is unique, you should to be remembered for the rest of the year, alexander sbruev, people's artist of the country, laureate of the state prize, holder of orders.
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i say, i saw stalin, he doesn’t believe me, but i saw stalin, i was about 10, probably 11, and we, we then wandered all over moscow, all our parents worked, and we were on our own pre-glorified, it was some kind of free life, and we in the morning, i think it was may 1, when the demonstration was going on, and we were under what , firstly... passage yards, under cars, something else , there were about four of us, we got close to one demonstration, lined up with it, and there was just a signal for this demonstration to move towards red square, and that means we moved with them, moved,
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then one of us said: “stalin , there will be a mausoleum on the right side, closer there, and we are closer, closer, closer, everyone is working: “hurray, yes, long live stalin!" hurray, hurray, well, we shout, hurray, stalin, hurray, hurray, hurray, i see, then i didn’t even know that this was the politburo, but it was all the politburo standing, in the middle, standing in the middle joseph vesarionovich, maybe it was a double, god knows, but everyone shouted stalin, pointed, there he is, there, there he is, there he is, there, and we shouted, so i’m not joking when i say that i really saw stalin . sbruev is from a rare breed of native muscovites. he was born in the capital of the ussr in the spring of 1938. his father , viktor alekseevich sbruev, was a member of the party. bolsheviks since 1919, supporting communist ideology, he headed
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the main construction department of the people's commissariat of communications of the soviet union. six months before the birth of his son, viktor alekseevich was arrested and declared an enemy of the people, and after another 6 months he was sentenced to the highest repressive measure of execution. he never saw his sasha. i remember that. when stalin passed away, my mother cried, despite the fact that we were expelled, my mother and i were expelled from moscow within 24 hours, but then i didn’t understand anything, i just remember a two-story building like barracks, the war was still going on, i remember the yard, i remember some kind of raspberry bush, i found some raspberries, i remember apple cores that... we collected, yes , it’s funny now, but i didn’t
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understand then, and i think now many still don’t understand who stalin is until history has revealed all the secrets of this to us, but i think that, uh, some more time will pass , then they will completely determine how to consider him, but... my relationship was, here i shouted, long live stalin, along with everyone else. the mother of alexander viktorovich sbruev, tatyana aleksandrovna fedorova sbrueva, was a hereditary noblewoman, she studied at the film college with alexander row, who later became a world-famous director and storyteller. before her husband’s arrest, tatyana aleksandrovna was an actress, having given birth in moscow, she was with two-month-old sasha and her first son. after marriage, evgei was sent to the rybensk correctional camp as members of
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the family of an enemy of the people. in 1944, bruev and he were allowed to return to their moscow an apartment that has become a communal apartment. there they celebrated victory day. the three of us lived in one room, my brother, who is 14 years older than me, my mother and i, i was sleeping, suddenly there were some pops, shots, something else, i woke up. because of this i look through the window, our window looked out onto the arbat itself, and my brother shouted: hurray, yes, long live, victory, yes, i also didn’t understand much, but i also jumped out there in shorts, and i also looked, these guys were shooting all over the arbat the most, shots, yes, yes, like fireworks, there was a feeling of some kind of fireworks - rise, i i understood that this was war, the war was over, that it was a victory, since everyone was so happy, and so on and so on. what did your mom tell you when you asked her about where dad was? mom
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didn’t tell anything, because before stalin passed away, it was difficult to say anything or tell anyone, instead of your father, you were raised by the court? the courtyard was so very heterogeneous, it was a crazy courtyard, god forbid you touch anyone, one for all, all for one. back to back, there was such friendship among each other, try to someone, when passing by, said something, something, about someone, everything, this person will remember for a long time not to walk here, the yard taught me a lot, the yard taught me a lot, courtyards can be dangerously different , the childhood yard of alexander sbruev on the old arbat, today fabulously expensive hectares of moscow land with... mansions and elite buildings, then just a yard with boys' showdowns, but with a view of
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the vakhtangov state academic theater, on the stage of which they spoke the beautiful russian literary language, a the teenager zbroev was a master at swearing, and we will continue to talk about the transformation of punks into an artist tomorrow morning on ntv. i'm sergey mayorov, happily. in honor of the birthday of st. petersburg and the first russian emperor peter the great , peter's weeks are being held in the lictorium of the gazprom pavilion at the russia forum exhibition. more than three centuries ago, peter ii sought to introduce the best educational practices in russia. today, gazprom continues the traditions of petrograd , together with its flagship universities, implementing programs for the development of science. such meetings are very firstly, develop yourself, secondly, you understand. that environment and that time when you are training specialists for the fuel and energy
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complex, these meetings are very important, and today even after the meeting the guys did not let me go. approached questions regarding the development of that educational track, the scientific component, so that you can be useful, and well, we have such young people today that they need it here now very quickly, now it is possible, he revealed in detail the topic of cooperation between the enterprise and the ufa state oil technical shamil sharipov university, it is based on the principle of synergy. gazprom is an industry where everything is in demand; there are no specific directions.
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and i think they will succeed, i liked them very much today. the professional trajectory of future gas workers begins from school. in the surgut natural science lyceum, specialized tenth-11th grades have been opened according to the gazprom-class project, where both specialists from the company and the tyumen industrial university are involved in the educational process. about it said the guests of another conversation as part of the educational track. we have been working with gazprom since the beginning. even from school, and schoolchildren even come from elementary school, and we organize a space where we introduce them, on the one hand , to the university, on the other hand, to gazprom, to the problems that will be solved in the future will be solved at gazprom, we include them, we try in robotics, and somehow develop these areas, our students
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go to a specific field, and they see their profession already... while at practice of initial courses, the head of the gas transportation enterprise oleg vakhovsky , whose facilities are located on the territory of three regions, from new urenguy to tyumen, spoke about the main principle of personnel policy. for a successful career, in general, if we take the gazprom company, mobility is very important, that is , the readiness to change places, because the company opens new production facilities. this is the amur gas processing plant, and the irkutsk, yakut gas production center, and new fields in the far north of the yamalonets autonomous okrug, where young employees who will develop a new gazprom enterprise are required for promotion, of course through the career ladder. i liked
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how they emphasized the social significance of their organizations, because now... young professionals are in demand in society, and we can see how they are actively working with recruitment and improving the quality of this recruitment. also, as part of peter's week, visitors to the gazprom pavilion were able to take part in art mediation, which was carried out by volunteer mediators of the pao project gazprom friends of st. petersburg. using an association game, mediators invited guests to reflect on the importance of culture and the role of art. from art you and i moved through cinema, through cinema, through cinema, through cinema.
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in the gazprom pavilion at the russia exhibition on the official website and come visit. the best for today is beyond. the tenant admitted that he threw the owner of the apartment from the fifth floor. she was sitting on the windowsill and they had a quarrel, and in a fit of anger he pushes her there with all his might. the woman fell to her death, and the man was charged murder charge. i look out the window and see her lying down. they called us right away, there are witnesses, but at first they reported that the unfortunate woman fell on her own only then that she was pushed, we initially wanted to somehow cover it up, didn’t you understand that you were deceiving the investigation, i just feel sorry for him too, like no matter how short the sentence, i feel sorry for the person who threw another person out the window, but why are local
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residents sure that the victim was pushed out of the window not by a criminal, but by a criminal, i, like the majority... what did you do to oksana, because that a harmless person, a roommate, he could not do this, this is beyond the bounds, today at 16:45 on ntv. when your legs get tired. bolt, swelling, we take drops from izkuzan, izkuzan for the five symptoms of varicose veins, the effectiveness is comparable to compression compression, izkuzan, favorable price, smiled, it means you recognized, smiled, it means real, they recognize, love, remember, truly appreciate. psb is a bank for the present. just like that, andryukha, they take them down
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one by one. the question is, who's next? we are dealing with a very smart, dangerous enemy. ambulance, call an ambulance. was this guy interested in explosives? yes, that's exactly him. it was he who gave you a dose of poison. well, such coincidences don’t happen in life. and what is this that comes out young? yes, he teleported straight out of the zone and his tattoos and scars are a small clone of you, who are you ? i won’t say anything now, special forces will be called , there is no need to call anything with these heavy ones, one hassle delpin new season today at 20:00 on ntv via superstar premiere on sunday at 20 :20 on ntv that we are bringing cashback bonuses from savito’s travels for the next trip. the avito trip will go as planned with cashback and bonuses. magnet - the price is what you need. sausage 999. rabeprozole
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the weather for today and the area, positive and negative anomalies are very picturesque distributed on the temperature map of our country to... the taiga may soon flare up, but the rains in the south in the coastal areas, especially strong in the kuril islands, and the wind there is hurricane, neither nastya and kamchatka can be avoided, the rains will intensify in buryat, and there +14, however, this is the most popular temperature for the entire south. now it’s cold siberia, it will hardly reach +20 in altai, in the south of the krasnoyarsk territory, from novosibirsk to omsk it won’t be +10, and also wind, rain, snow in the north, almost zero there, in yekaterinburg it’s cool again, +12, in that
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time in orenburg is +26. there is little precipitation in the region. on the european territory of russia, an atmospheric front separated the cold north from the warm center of the warming south. in the rain front zone, this is the karelia -tatarstan line. the temperature contrasts are impressive: murmansk +10°, petrozavodsk +25. the center today can reach the thirty-degree level. the sun is here again. in the south, slowly but surely it is also getting warmer, only near the sea, not far from +20, there are again local rains with thunderstorms. in st. petersburg there are also freight rains during the day. maybe and + 27 in moscow, 28:30 without precipitation, this is already a reason for a storm warning about dangerous extreme heat.
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a fiery wave of protests, how the anti-israeli rally in mexico city ended and the army’s version of what happened in rafah, a package of amendments to the tax system, who may be affected by changes in the payment of personal income tax from 2025, on a trip. stone, russian muslims go to mecca to perform the hajj, because it is prestigious and promising, just as british russophobia loses to the desire of the king’s subjects to study the russian language, and also a picnic not on the roadside, where you can cook barbecue and how violators will now be identified and punished. this is the program today in the studio of dmitry zaboistoy. hello.


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