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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  May 30, 2024 2:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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trump's department about his relationship with a porn actress, could prison prevent him from becoming president? these charges are fabricated, it’s all a set-up, uncontrollable, in russia they will still punish for dangerous driving and road chaos, will the new fines scare reckless drivers in luxury cars, watch right now. hello, this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, i am andrey norkin, my colleague ivan trushkin, we are working live, and today we will again begin reporting from the russian ministry of defense about the night attacks of ukrainian militants on crimea, again there was an attempt to attack objects on the territory of crimea, from the sea, from the air, if we talk about air attacks, then they used them there. all american
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atacoms missiles. according to our defense department, during the night air defense forces intercepted eight attack missiles over the sea of ​​azov. and in the black sea near the coast of crimea, two ukrainian unmanned boats and eight drones were destroyed. there were no casualties, but due to falling rocket debris, two ferries in kerch were damaged, one while a car, the other railway, their windows were broken. and then. completion of investigative actions , the work of the equal crossing will be resumed. also in crimea, a group of saboteurs was detained, which was supposed to help ukraine in an attack on the railway infrastructure. with the help of c4 explosives, let me remind you, this is a very well-known american explosive. they were going to stop the train so that later a missile attack would be carried out on this train. four people were detained, one saboteur was blown up while he was taking explosives out of a cache. here are the comments of the head of crimea sergei.
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the last group, of course, an emergency happened to them, which means that one died during, so to speak, preparation, as i understand it, of a vigilant device, in this case, while my opinion is always unequivocal, it doesn’t matter in what form we get terrorist, i live or die, that is, absolutely, so i advise the enemy, so to speak, to send here only those to whom they have already said goodbye, and now let's move to new york, where a meeting of the security council took place that night. un, dedicated to the situation on in the middle east, there the representative of palestine demanded that those gathered condemn israel's crime in the gas sector and put pressure on tel aviv to stop the operation in the city of rafah. the palestinian representative claims that it will take almost 100 years in gaza to commemorate every one killed during the fighting in the palestinian territory. according to the un, the number of palestinian deaths since october last year is rapidly approaching 40,000.
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another 2 million were forced to leave their at home, here is fresh footage from rafah: israeli units entered the city, and not just entered, but targeted bombing of civilian infrastructure, the latest to come under attack was a humanitarian aid warehouse, the catastrophic humanitarian situation was also noted by a representative of the russian delegation, this time it was anna evstegneeva, she named, by the way, the culprits: the current aggravation of the situation in the palestinian-israeli conflict zone shows what tragic... consequences washington's attempts to monopolize lead to mediation functions in favor of their own unfounded ambitions to solve all the world's problems alone. at the same time, the americans are blocking any efforts of the international community to find ways to promote a middle east settlement. how is the united states behaving in this regard? they behave as if events in the middle east do not particularly concern or interest them. so white house spokesman john.
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the israelis invaded rafah in large numbers over large areas. at the moment we don't saw. in israel, sensing such an accommodating ally, they have already announced that the fighting in the gas sector will last at least another 7 months. the financial times newspaper refers to the head of the security council from the national security of israel, who says that the original plan for military operations against the hamas movement assumed that these military operations would continue throughout 2024.
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israel is not going to continue or revise what was planned, even despite international pressure. well, actually, on the middle east topic, regarding international pressure, yes, we wanted to talk a little more in detail. because now it has become obvious that one of the forms of this international pressure is the official recognition of palestine as a state, you know, yes, we also talked about this, that not so long ago three western european countries, norway, spain, ireland, they recognized the state of palestine, in general this is not exactly news, if you count it like that, 146 countries recognize palestine as a state, that is , this... well, more, more countries in general, of all the countries that exist on earth, most of them recognize palestine, but why an interesting moment has emerged right now, because these three are european, they did
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something that europe has not done for 10 years, that is, for the first time in 10 years, a western european country has recognized palestine as a state, moreover, it’s still kind of like there now...
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october 7: this evil should not get the country, it will be a terrorist state, the demarche of the three countries has at least cheered up western
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europe, but there is no single position there. parliament denmark voted against recognizing the arab state. italians are rallying for palestine, blocking roads, the mayor of bologna solemnly posted. germany and france. there was even a scandal in the french parliament. one of the deputies took out a palestinian flag and began shouting slogans, for which he was suspended from work for 2 weeks and fined. president macron has already stated that the time has not yet come for recognition of palestine.
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he is not talking about them, let me remind you that 20% of the population of his israel are arabs, and there are arabs among nitanyahu’s assistants. ok, if we talk about the recognition that occurs. in europe now, you rightly said, it does not affect anything, 2/3 of the countries of the world already recognize the palestinian state, this is not something new that israel can do now in response, well, it’s really there to recognize the independence of catalonia, that it of course, he won’t do the same, in practice these are just words, that is , there is no practical change now, there is a deterioration in the external situation for israel, the external diplomatic background, this is obviously happening, there is a split in the west, a split.
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and what do you think? i think that the state, if we are not talking about recognition, but about real appearance, has several signs, two two main signs - this is a territory, a single territory, clear with borders, now this does not exist yet, and this is power, this is a single power , now the palestinians don’t have such power, there is a head of the palestinian authority, you won’t give it all, well, you too, well, i agree with that, so why are you starting, the point is...
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mahmoud abas has practically zero support among the palestinians, there is no single authority, when it will be a unified government is unclear, until these two factors of territory power appears, i don’t believe that a real state will arise, and the last point i just want to say, just about the elections, the right in europe is for israel, the left is conditionally for the palestinians, so now this is understandable, and now there will be elections to the european parliament; according to all forecasts, the right-wingers, who are for israel and for russia, will win these elections, this is their position.
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condemn all military actions, but condemn not just like now, but israel or something does on some incomprehensible autonomous territory, what kind of territories are these, and this will at some point be recognized as aggression of one state against another, with all the consequences and so on, this is no longer a symbolic story, but something from which you can get sanctions, if necessary, and take some measures against netanyahu personally and his ministers, that ’s the point, whether i’m right or wrong, let’s take things in order... uh, oddly enough, i agree with alexander in that part that recognition
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of palestine by a number of european states, this, well, probably brings to some extent closer to the creation of the state of palestine, but is not, as they say, a necessary condition or, say, a guarantee that this will be a very strange formulation, recognition of the state of palestine, which means it pushes everyone . to the creation of a state, that is, they recognize , as it were, not quite a state now, but exactly that, this is a symbolic step that will not lead in itself to the creation of a palestinian state, but is certainly such an integral part of the path, yes the path to the creation of a palestinian state, this path is strewn with problems, what alexander said is one of the rather serious problems, but not the only one.
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will be created, and if the jews give in, well, you said it was practical, why? because another terrorist, and most importantly, in capital letters, leftist terrorist organization, will receive their statehood and the rights arising from this statehood, since i am convinced that any person of sound mind and sober memory, by definition, cannot divide...
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but what kind of civilization is this, when you tell me that palestine is a wonderful country and so on, i will tell you that if you need high-quality medical services ranging from teeth to oncology, you are in palestine will you go for treatment, or would you still prefer, if you have
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some means, to do it in israel? i would prefer this in moscow in russia, yes.
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groups, thanks to the support of international nations, respectively, the united states of america, the soviet union and other countries of the world, and if this there was no support, no israeli
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state land of palestine would simply have arisen, this must be very clearly understood when we talk about one civilized side and the other uncivilized side, because as soon as we move to this level, we simply slide into, excuse me , beloved by all liberals, as it turned out on maincamp, and there you will read exactly the same provisions, to act as their executioners acted is a deeply erroneous phenomenon, because in this case, i have said many times, today the russian the federation could grind the whole of europe into powder on good grounds, guided by the postulates of the state of israel, absolutely without any grounds, absolutely clearly, that ’s why if we...
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networks have already posted 40 million records with such a slogan. people are angry at israel not only on the internet, but in the mexican capital, an angry crowd threw molotov cocktails and stones at the israeli embassy, ​​and a fire started. indignant citizens took to the streets of milan, berlin and paris. parisians have been protesting for 3 days without stopping, day and night. buzzing not only the street, but also the publication of the politician, it turned out that the official structures of the eu have already planned it.
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having failed to recruit the official, he warned her not to interfere in matters that could jeopardize her safety or the safety of her family, and these threats were allegedly approved by the israeli government, and tel aviv also sent spies to monitor the current... chief prosecutor mus karim khan, it was he who recently spoke about the arrest warrant for benjamin netanyahu. spying on khan has risen to the top of tel aviv's priorities.
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all his contacts are with palestinian officials. were under close surveillance, netanyahu's office had personal direct contact with the intelligence group, and he himself was obsessed with the materials mus received from the palestinian side. the goal was to understand what han was thinking. kirillevich, can all this lead to some kind of sanctions against israel? and sometimes the word isolation is heard, i don’t believe in the word isolation. or is it all so ritualistic, oh-oh-oh, how bad you are doing there, finish it quickly in rafak, oh-oh-oh, it’s all very bad, that’s all.
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let me remind you that the very spain we were talking about did not have at all during franco’s time, it did not recognize israel, had no relations with israel, did not have any at all, until frank’s death, most of the socialist camp, most of the socialist camp, all the countries of the socialist camp, except romania after 1967, including the soviet union, did not have diplomatic relations with israel, and cuba broke it off in 7, so today,
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of course, israel has... the diplomatic situation is much better than it was before, on the other hand , why then are there no social networks? there was, excuse me, then there was the print press, which was much more serious than today, then there were other forms of information delivery, so the soviet press was sufficient, sufficiently highlighted this topic almost every day, but what caused this reaction of western countries, it was caused by the interests west, what is the main interest of the west? in this conflict, the west is interested, the west understands perfectly well that these are the options that were discussed here, the total defeat of israel, the total situation, the defeat of the palestinians is not there will be neither one nor the other, everyone will remain in their places, but the west does not benefit from the continuation of this massacre, the west benefits from this situation calming down, and the sooner the better, it is something that is happening very unprofitably, europeans, americans, they waited, a lot of time has already passed, they gave israel
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time to somehow resolve this... situation, now they understand that israel is not seeking a resolution, a real resolution of this situation, the israeli leadership has other goals, moreover, the israeli leadership , as you said here correctly, frankly, representatives of the israeli leadership are already saying: another 7 months, who knows how many more will be needed, that is, they are not going to end this conflict, the europeans, by the way, the americans also understand perfectly well that the only realistic thing may not be today, not tomorrow, but over time , the only realistic solution to this... conflict is the creation of a palestinian state, yes, it is difficult, yes, there are a lot of barriers to this, and israel creates some of these barriers, the palestinians have their own problems that they has to be resolved, but the only realistic solution is two states, one state of israel and a palestinian state, and the europeans and americans, in fact, they, they talk about it openly, they are trying to push israel, push
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the israeli leadership to understand. but how will these two states coexist as good neighbors or will they continue to exist, you know, between the british and the irish.
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american position, because it, it seems to me, just illustrates this is there some kind of misunderstanding about what is happening? don't miss the central
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television, the first information show about the events and people of the week. influencer of god, the first catholic saint among the millennial generation, for which the pope decided to canonize a fifteen-year-old teenager, did he really from... healed people during his short life continues to do this even after his death, microplastics will now be inherited, this rubbish , which pollutes water, air and soil, scientists now find men in the most intimate places, yes, yes, those who are responsible for the offspring, does this mean that the children of the future will consist of plastic, or there will simply be no future, because there will be no children themselves, this will be your central television, on saturday in... premiere on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. every wedding ends the same. the newlyweds retire to the bedroom and decide. i prefer
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he doesn’t admit guilt and says that this is a political matter. however, despite the judicial persecution, trump does not slow down and continues to think about how to organize america in the future. the wall street journal writes that one of his advisers maybe this person on the left, smiling, maybe you don’t recognize him, this is elon musk. according to the publication, trump has been discussing possible cooperation with musk for several months. the topic was first raised at a meeting at trump's residence in florida in early march, when donors were gathering there. election campaign of the ex-president, since then musk and trump have been in constant contact and even
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call each other several times a month. the article emphasizes that trump wants to involve musk in solving economic problems and the migration crisis on the border with mexico. but tension is rising among democrats over trump's upcoming debate with biden. it got to the point that nancy, remember this powerful old lady, said that she would never recommend biden to go on the same stage with trump. general bewilderment was also caused by the words of biden’s wife, jill, who, in an attempt to defend her husband, said that trump, unlike biden, cannot put two words together, she is convinced that the american people deserve to have this debate take place, let them see what they want offered a choice, let him see the difference between them, let them see my husband, how smart, how experienced he is, and let him see the one who can’t say two words.
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everything’s okay with you everything’s okay vad, did you hit your head, it’s working out well , no, i don’t like it, it’s not not our style , so let’s go, after all, it’s good that such news was invigorating, not not invigorating, kind of confusing a situation because, well, it’s impossible to understand what
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’s going on there, and i also said that there is some kind of misunderstanding in the american position on the middle east because, well, they they hung up a little, of course. after brutal israeli strikes on the palestinian refugee camp in warafah, journalists asked the pentagon whether it still believed it was, quote, a limited operation. the military department replied that yes, everything is so, they do not see anything wrong with the bombing of civilians in the white house. they say that israel did not cross the red lines in rafah. we do not support and will not support.
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the united states is considering how to punish employees of the international criminal court, in particular prosecutor karim khan, who demands an arrest warrant for the israeli leadership, one of the ideas is the denial of american visas. america must punish moose and put karim khan in his place. if moose is allowed to threaten
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the leader of israel, then america will be next. this is a direct insult to our own sovereignty. we have some very aggressive laws. palestinians. cate blanchett took to the red carpet dressed in palestinian colors. artega is raising money for the flag on social media. 55 american british artists the first echelon created a joint petition for a free palestine. haley, former us presidential candidate
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wrote on an israeli projectile: end them. the shell was apparently intended for the inhabitants of rafah. helly's act was immediately called disgusting in the press. america must understand that if israel is at war with our enemies, how can we not help them, instead of condemning what is happening, america should do whatever israel needs and stop telling them how to fight this war until they live this, you can't tell me how to deal with this, you are either a friend or you are not a friend.
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conversation, but there are a huge number of people, arab and black immigration, this is a special one
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who put pressure on precisely this, precisely because of this, based on there, some kind of star does not dominate, i’m not even talking now about american show business, something like that they declare in search of popularity, it is from these people, there we showed you the rally, there hadit stood in a rag, she doesn’t need it.
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about politics, when it’s not a child, but thousands of children, when it’s genocide, that’s already a political factor that must be taken into account, but i absolutely agree with victor that all these truly leftist demonstrations have little in common with making real decisions, in politics, this means that there is a global level of the problem, and there is a local level, at the local level netanyahu, his the ultra-right schizophrenic government today poses a great threat to... the democrats themselves, this is their electorate, whatever you want, yes, maybe they don’t decide, but this is their electorate, they need to be cajoled on the eve of the elections, you know, then, later
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we will continue, as lavrov correctly noted, to collectively punish the palestinians, so the local issue of netanyahu, with the ultra-rights with their massacres, with their madness, must somehow be resolved through pressure, including through europe, but globally israel is the red line for the united states of america, globally israel. will always confront their common enemy with america, in the person of the resistance, in the person of iran, in the person of hezbollah, the palestinians and others who are fighting for the liberation of the palestinian people, in this sense, do not have any illusions, they will never they will abandon israel, decide something locally with these maniacs, but nothing more, alexander will agree, it seems to me that it is a rare case when the fact that individual demonstrations do not affect anything is already clear, i think that’s all there is to it. agree, there are changes in the general political vector, this is what we really observe in the statements, especially of various american officials, this is something
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new, this is due to the fact that, let’s say, biden is trying to flirt with a certain agenda, with the left liberal agenda, i what i want to say and what it seems to me really important: any action gives rise to opposition, these huge rallies, well , relatively huge pro-palestinian ones in america and europe, they gave birth to a certain opposition, i don’t know there,
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because you know, i now understand, i ’m surprised why american historians haven’t named jeroshima nagasaki is just a targeted operation, in fact, it’s time for an act of peace.
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saddam hussein, you know, and here we again come to something that people generally forget about, even the palestinians, when they say, activists come out to demonstrate, demonstration, you don’t hear people what they say, but people say a very simple thing: you are not killing terrorists, you are not destroying hamas, the hamas battalions have long since left from where you are shooting, you are not chasing them.
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a citizen of israel is running into trouble again, new russian sensations don’t call me anything other than a citizen of israel, again she thinks that she can get away with anything, i’m writing, i’m waiting for the third episode, they go and make a third episode, at the request of our regular tv viewer, i’m ksenia sobchak and i don’t give a damn about anyone, damn it,
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the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear and we continue with a few words. i want to remind you that we are now experiencing calendar summer, but you and i, friends, have four concert meetings planned, during these summer months, i haven’t reminded you about this for a long time, on june 22 i invite you to the city of omsk, to the concert hall on june 29 in st. petersburg, we’ll meet in the cultural troitsky center, july 22 in yalta at the chekhovo theater, august 24 in sochi at the winter theater, now we will have a topic that quite... often we discuss it here, but first vanya has some news related to the consequences of scandals to varying degrees such volume up, let's go let's start with news for those who have pets, remember the sensational story
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with the cat twix, when - this winter the conductor found a seemingly ownerless cat, threw him out of the carriage, then twix's owner woke up, came to his senses, began to look for the cat, but the animal had already died , when they found it, so now russian railways, when purchasing a ticket, will give the opportunity... to the passenger to indicate what animal he is transporting with all the details so that the conductor can understand everything. when issuing a ticket, the passenger will be able to indicate the type of pet on the website or app, cat this or a dog, its description, nickname, so that the carriage conductor knows in advance about the transportation of your specific animal. at the same time, according to transportation rules, it must be in a special cage all the way so as not to create inconvenience for other passengers. russian railways also plans to ban the landing of animals without owners from suburban areas.
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state exam, the reason for this was a very controversial story in the voronezh school, and now deputies of the state duma, the ministry of education, and rosobrnadzor are commenting on it, what is all of sarbor about? let 's look at the footage, so allegedly eleventh-graders were searched before taking the unified state exam in voronezh school number 62, it shows that one of the students was either forced to lift up her clothes, or she herself lifts up her clothes, and the schoolgirls themselves claim that... the guards demanded they even took off their underwear before passing through the beeping metal detector. this caused some girls, well, hysterics. after the scandal, the regional ministry of education at the school itself said that they checked everything according to
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surveillance cameras, no violations were found, the investigative committee has now joined the high-profile story, they promise to look into everything, check everything, rosobrnadzor will also conduct its own investigation. the ministry of education, and its minister of education itself, is also reacting. concerning. of course, they are directly blowing up public opinion. vanya very modestly kept silent about his own role in the story of twix the cat, but i remember very well, everything about me and the church too, no, and the church, not the church, but what i
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listened to at concerts for several months later from our viewers that i will never forgive this cat twix to trushkin, remember what i told you, on the other hand, many , on the contrary, supported you because you then provided some kind of moral assistance to this conductor. well, okay, today we are not talking about cats, but today we are also talking about, in a sense, the consequences, many scandalous episodes associated. situations on our roads, and the consequences are very often tragic, here are the punishments, here is the problem, that means this term is dangerous driving, my colleagues wrote today, i i didn’t even remember when all this, it turns out, in the sixteenth year it appeared, that is, for 8 years already, we have this law, and nothing changes, well, every day you can, so i drive, every day i i see one or two episodes when some... idiots,
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well, this is at least less, you know, what happened, they slow down less, you know, when someone cuts you off, they start to slow down, well, i was the only one who almost cut me off, of course , it’s good that i didn’t see him, even he on the right went out diagonally to the extreme left lane, in principle, i was just going to speed up a little, if i had increased the speed, he would definitely have blown me away like that, in short, what are we talking about today, but there is some hope that that’s all.
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the term dangerous driving itself, with great difficulty, made its way into the traffic rules back in 2016 at the initiative of the government. then the traffic police even launched a special website with video examples showing what dangerous driving is, such as checkers, failure to maintain distance, sudden braking, obstruction of changing lanes. row in a row. it seems that everything is simple, but they haven’t started holding reckless drivers accountable for 8 years, but today there is legal nonsense like... in our country the concept of dangerous driving is enshrined in the traffic rules, but there is no responsibility for dangerous driving, it must be in the actions of the owner there must be intent when he brakes sharply, bringing up the vehicle behind him, provokes accidents , plays checkers, there must be responsibility for this. now the government has supported the draft law, which for dangerous driving carries a fine of 3 to 5.00 rubles. in case of repeated violation of deprivation of rights. however, the state duma. they have already asked several times
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to amend the law, because violations within the framework of dangerous driving are difficult to describe in a specific way, dangerous reckless driving, if there is dangerous, then let’s say what safe driving is, experts believe that proving dangerous and intentional driving is still not so easy , it must be fully recorded on the cameras, which means one or two cameras on the pole will not be enough, collect evidence against a car hooligan will be necessary for a serious investigation. we have absolutely two tools for monitoring the roads, these are police officers and photo-video cameras, period there are no other tools at all, we don’t even know how many accidents we have in the russian federation, what the state traffic inspectorate only knows about accidents with fatalities victims. now government officials are asking deputies to finalize the bill so that fixing dangerous driving does not require additional budget expenditures and expansion staff inspectors. by the way.
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i don’t believe it because the mechanism is unclear, how we are, thanks to what, thanks to what , for 8 years now, this law seems to exist of responsibility, like, well, there is a concept of this itself, but there is no responsibility in the traffic rules, new proposals have been made, you still , let me briefly remind you, when you were in the sixteenth year, you don’t remember, but i ’ll remind you, i was involved in this, i must remember everything, an expert in this field. we, our
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journalists while driving, participated in some there were meetings later and they suggested some kind of wording, we were asked how how to call it, well, they suggested some kind of wording, we dispersed, then someone called us, i don’t remember from this commission what wording you proposed, how we say well, such and such was necessary in one phrase, that this is a set of actions that can lead to such a kilometer-long phrase , we say: you see, this phrase cannot be released to the people, to the press, because it was necessary to decipher it. it took us a few years to decipher, for us, i mean for all of us together, yes, then it appeared in the traffic rules, now it’s not.
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why something is bad, why it is bad, explain to us what is being accepted now, why it is bad, because we have obvious things when we understand, well, just a scumbag on the road, so we understand it with our eyes, the question is how is it record, we have all the estimates, all the estimates, we say, this is what we show you, this is what is recorded, yes, but this is proof, the estimates are qualitative and always between the obvious.
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about the dangerous product that yaroslav is talking about is let me remind you, a repeated action is performed two or more times over a certain period, here it’s just repeated, it must be done the first time, no, look, the first time we have a lane change,
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we understand that this is a reckless driver and he thinks dashingly, well, the inspector, who understands that it is now in his power to say yes or no, rights are not rights,
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a fine is not a fine, that’s the whole difficulty, we all understand that we need to sharpen the rules of the game, we understand that road safety is priority, while, as you correctly said, there should not be an expanded interpretation of what time interval a person can change lanes in a minute, in 10 minutes or in an hour he made such a movement, or how many times he braked, for example, or how much we should clearly indicate the difficulty in this, how much distance to keep 7 see
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dangerous driving, this was 8 years ago , the concept really appeared in the rules in the sixteenth year, in january or february of the seventeenth, a draft law was adopted, a fine of 5.00 rubles for this violation, it lay in the state duma for 6 years, in april last year it was rejected, and the committee that rejected it wrote a completely reasonable logical phrase that when adopting this law , the principle of legal certainty is violated, which means that the law should be clear...
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8 years cannot formulate this on paper so that cameras, perhaps the inspector definitely didn’t have any questions, why couldn’t smart people get together to write some kind of talmut, why then it wasn’t in the rules, that’s what maxim said correctly, this was the working formulation of dangerous driving, that is, it’s necessary the formulation worked, you are now saying, now we are fighting for some kind of phantom.
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absolutely, that they are doing some kind of investigation and so on, machine 100 million 25%, found a treasure
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25%, machine 25%, 25 million to the person who will take on the investigation. for 8 years they wrote something, wrote, wrote, wrote, wrote, in the end, from what i hear, even from this side they tell me, well , the wording still needs to be clarified, look, what’s the difficulty, last time i was in prison on the spot, why i moved here, everything is extremely simple, i understand that the talmut yours, which you propose to write, paint, everything here is 3 cm, it’s possible, here it’s 4 cm,
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it’s impossible, it’s impossible, no one will ever read it or follow it, for the current younger generation in general.
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let's act wisely as was suggested, we will now take a short pause, then we will look at the next story, and then we will give the floor to yuri alexandrovich, who, as you know, he always sits, listens, listens to everyone, accumulates, but no, and then always gives out very -that’s reasonable reasoning, let’s do it this way, on ntv, via superstar, today's topic. disco of the ages, girls, you are fire, what a cool number, in general, it’s impossible to take your eyes off, cool, cool, but what exactly was cool here? it
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was both touching and lyrical, we’ll put the sound on... sunday at 20:20 on ntv. dolphin. new season. today at 20:00 on ntv. the deposit is the best interest in savings, with a favorable rate of up to 16% per annum. hurry up to open a deposit brokerage account to receive three sber shares as a gift. deposit is the best percentage. in sberbank,
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the guardian angel cannot be seen with the eyes, but his presence is always felt. give yourself or your loved ones a guardian angel medal as a symbol of connection with your heavenly patron. phone number for ordering - 8 800 600 68 0. five. the unique characteristics of the medal give it special value. plated in 999 sterling silver, with a colorful depiction of a praying angel on the obverse, a brilliantly shining crystal and a prayer to the guardian angel minted on the reverse. you enlighten me today and save me from all evil. order your guardian angel medal, plated with pure silver, for only 499 rubles. by toll-free number: 8, 800, 600, 688.05 or on the website angelchrani.rf. dolphin, new season. today at 20:00 on ntv. this is
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the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. although nothing is clear to me yet, we nevertheless continue. if this bill on fines for checkers and other dangerous driving is nevertheless adopted, will all of these disappear at once? dangerous drivers have doubts that they will disappear, why? if, for example, look at bloggers, these are people who drive in front of the camera, violate beautifully, then post all this on social networks, millions of views and so on, but they receive some kind of fines, sometimes in dozens, sometimes even hundreds, but this is practically none stops, let's look at a few examples. 3 years ago, the scandalous blogger edward bill accelerated to 115 km/h in a sports car in the center of moscow and lost control. in which a woman was injured, she miraculously survived and recovered for a long time, the blogger paid the woman decent compensation and served in prison for a little over a year, now he is free and even
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got his driver’s license back, but he says, if it weren’t for prison, he would never have understood what he was wrong about, i think this was fair from one side , well, just by law, i probably shouldn’t have sat down, but still they did the right thing, they still landed me, they understood that i wouldn’t fully understand it, it wouldn’t stick in my head. after beal’s story, the authorities paid close attention to the reckless bloggers, they said even that the traffic police have lists of potential violators from social networks, supposedly the police closely monitor their content, and if anything happens. then it immediately goes forward for interception, in moscow they called it liksutov’s list after the name of the head of the capital’s debtrans, although this is probably an invention of the bloggers themselves to show off to their subscribers. however, the pages of some auto hooligans were blocked by a court decision; they actively promoted offenses, for example, they suggested driving without license plates so as not to fines were received, but despite the blocking of individual pages, their videos can easily be found on other platforms. the turn is smooth to the left, 450 horsepower, gas to floor. in the 3 years
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after the beale case , they gradually forgot about reckless bloggers, they calmly remove their content further, for example, mikhail litvin, well known to us, is not afraid of any fines, in 2021 he was deprived of his license for driving in oncoming traffic, but he managed to drive on the wrong roads , but for restaurants and shopping centers, and litvin prefers not to pay attention to the amount of his fines. videos with races on city ​​streets get millions of views. look, look, sixth, do you see? younger bloggers, having seen enough of the idols, believe that no traffic rules are a decree for them either. in yekaterinburg, the police are looking for a girl who recently managed to become famous on social networks for running out onto the road and dancing on a tow truck. after studying her social networks, inspectors realized that daria had many more violations. for example, she doesn’t have a driver’s license, she can’t pass the theoretical driving test, but that doesn’t
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stop daria from driving, she asks someone. give it to her is right and is very worried that he might get knocked down, quote, by some kind of redneck. i can’t return these tickets because i don’t like studying them, i’ve already gone there six times, but that doesn’t stop me from going, damn it, i understand that it’s impossible, i told you it’s all ugly, damn it, you understand, i’m a young, green man, i want to drive around the city, and the only way i can get burned is if i’m given a fine, wearing a seat belt, i have a feeling that in... that case, well, the ones we’ve given, fines won’t help, only prison, as in the case of some kind of a brick can hit a person on the head and bring some kind of sobriety to a person, but we really won’t help you with fines here, but as colleagues said earlier, we have a fine, and today we are probably not discussing the legal part , we consider the problem as a whole as such, the problem lies in hundreds of thousands of people
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who... imitate, imitate in disrespect the generally accepted norms of the law and create dangerous situations on the road, which then leads to irresistible consequences and this the bill, yes, in my opinion, it does not serve to cause random violations, namely in relation to persons who propagate this in the information field or in their certain social circle, but as such, and it is really divided into...
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do not accept, because we have hooliganism, an article of the criminal code, everything that mr. sharkovich listed fits perfectly into this formulation, it’s just that the state inspection should work with other departments, but it is stewing with itself, in fact, that’s why the issues are not being resolved, mr. belan, head of the specialized department at the state traffic inspectorate, talks about the fact that they are so... subscribers of these bloggers and so on, but no subsequent actions happen at all, everything is like content, as they rightly said in the story, as they filmed, so they film , maybe mr. belan is lying to us, forgive me, i don’t believe
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it, and there are no fewer of these bloggers, absolutely not, everyone filmed the content the same way , everything is very good, but a third problem has appeared, a huge number of cars that are generally registered don't stand, sir chernikov, the head of the state traffic inspectorate, sent the letter down in the subsection.
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drivers were deprived of their licenses for 20 years, ferrari was scrapped, the video was scrapped, such material, so time, time, time, now, in a couple of minutes we will be back on the air, and he seems to be calling us somewhere, the dolphin has brought you to a stupid place , don’t swim too far, the investigators will have more questions for you. stand the police, well, i want to say, here such a list would last for 10 years, but there is. alternative proposal: dolphin, new season. yes, how could i kill
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the woman i love? that's how much i'm in i work as a police officer, i've seen enough of this. today at 20:00 on ntv. via superstar. premiere on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. every wedding ends the same. the newlyweds retire to the bedroom and decide. i prefer investments. donated money, investments in the future, we agree, but first we’ll open a deposit with interest on the sea, with sberbank everyone can profitably increase their savings, open a deposit with the best interest brokerage account and receive three sber shares as a gift, it’s more profitable in sberbank with prime, i mean - good, best, and i’m useful, oh yes, and you manage me regularly. and i am the new vtb loyalty program! vtb! choose the categories you need every
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discounts up to 50% on vegetables and herbs sbermarket deliver from 30 minutes. i go out to get some wine, oh, well, in general, yes, i
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buy crimean wine all the time at the store that i visit, which means i have a parking lot there ... well... the usual one along the road, there are always free spaces there, then you have to go through this sidewalk cross the sidewalk in an ordinary residential building, there you go up steps, along there is a store on the steps, i get out of the car, which means i lock the car, somehow i was walking like this, or i was looking at something on my phone, i start walking along the sidewalk, well, 2 m there, it’s coming a young woman with a stroller, and from behind her, along the sidewalk, and on... in such a healthy scooter, some kind of elk, and he walked so well that if i hadn’t managed to jump out like that, well, i probably would have , as if the fracture would not have been repaired by one, feel yourself in my place, every day when i leave the house, i get this, let's watch the story about the scooter, crimea
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saved you, deputy mayor of moscow for transport maxim leksutov recently reported that moscow has already been blocked since the beginning of the season. more than 50 thousand accounts of electric scooters, most often they rode together, parked incorrectly and transferred the account to minors. dogs, children, and elderly people often become victims of scooters. in kirov the other day, a scooter driver caught an eighty-year-old woman on a dog’s leash, yelled at her and sped off. the pensioner is now in intensive care and this is not the case unit. so far only in the state duma. in the first reading, a bill was approved to increase fines for drunken riding a scooter to 30,000 rubles. for transporting a child, you will be fined 5,000. all that remains is to wait for the bill to be passed. the scooter rental services themselves decided not to wait and increased fines for their
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users. uush, mts, yurent and yandex will now penalize 10,000 for handing over a scooter to a child, and 5,000 for a train. together, for drunk driving and accidents with victims , impressive fines were introduced, from 100 to 150,000 rub. the authorities of some cities decided to fight even more radically. in yekaterinburg and kazan , scooters were prohibited from entering on some streets, and the st. petersburg police, after checking the rules for parking scooters, seized more than 5 thousand two-wheeled devices. i hope it all drowned in the sink, that’s what the rental is, but it’s not, so wait, now that ’s a mistake, and i said they accepted, no, i said that maybe, i made a mistake, so
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it says that it’s possible there will be people like this if we are late, here is this new one we're late. it is there, but again there are cameras, they are not yet able to identify who to prosecute, our age for prosecution is 16 years old, and teenagers travel with them, what to do with them, parents will be responsible for them, there are a lot of questions, and there is no fine yet, we have rules, there is no fine for violations as such, there are several trains that are conditionally related to scooters,
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so you need to come up with a universal one, again we are in the ldpr, a reckless driver on a scooter, he hit a man on the sidewalk, he won’t do anything. china city from the charging park along the embankment i walked past vasilievsky descent towards the cathedral of christ the savior, every second person is either a person with a child, or he
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is carrying his girlfriend, no one in words, no one dismounts on zebra crossings, moreover, when the sidewalk narrows, people start calling me, bells ringing, a group of state duma deputies and i have prepared a bill that introduces amendments to the law on vehicle registration, accordingly, in order to hang numbers on these products for different products, not just scooters, and accordingly the second a bill that introduces a new whole section in the coap, what is the repentance, i understand that, to deep regret, this is not... an unenforceable point, the only ones who can control their park in any way are kicksharing, everyone else has no numbers won’t hang it up,
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no one will ever hang up license plates, police officers will never catch a man on a manocycle who is driving 100 km per hour and won’t catch him easily at all, but if only they could see how they jump 2 meters on a roller coaster, why submit all this ,wait for me please. let
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him administer it himself, if couriers, then leave this transport only to those who can rent from centralized services, if a scooter, then kicksharing, unfortunately, today my colleagues and i were racking our brains all morning, we went through a million options, to unfortunately. because of the size of her lips, the bride cannot marry her beloved groom, i wanted more, i even asked a classical surgeon if it was possible to twist my lip, oh, what a horror, how bad it sounds, to make them bigger, the future is against the wedding father-in-law! he brought her into the house, first her lips began to swell, then yulia came in, she has a nine-grade education, after school she almost immediately began traveling abroad with different
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men, oh well, who did he say, we have an intelligent family, oh yes, a teacher , a woman wants her daughter-in-law to give birth to her grandchildren, and not reshape herself with the help of plastic surgeons, i had lubosuction twice, of the abdomen, of the hips, in my lips only, for the cost, it will be a good car, is it really the size for the mother of the groom? meaning, rough? ballistic, uncouth, i see yulia as a future wife, i want children from her, you don’t confuse professional sex with love, it’s not about sex, it’s beyond the bounds, today is 16:45 on ntv. dolphin, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. only at alfabank. spin the drum. in the application and receive a supercake up to 100% every month, and up to 30% in categories
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in good company. finish new season today at 20:00 on ntv. guardian angel, spiritual patron of each of us. introducing an angel medal plated in 999 sterling silver. the guardian angel cannot be seen with the eyes, but his presence is always felt. give yourself or your loved ones a guardian angel medal as a symbol of connection with your heavenly patron. phone number for ordering - 8 800 600 68.05. special the value of the medal is given by its unique characteristics. .999 sterling silver plated, with a colorful depiction of a praying angel on the obverse, a brilliantly shining crystal and a prayer to the guardian angel minted on the reverse. enlighten me today and save me from all evil. order your guardian angel medal, plated with pure silver, for only 499 rubles by toll-free number: 8
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800, 600. beyond the new season with timur eremeev today at 16:45 on ntv. the meeting place is on ntv, so is it still possible to defeat reckless drivers in cars and now even on scooters? yuri alexandrovich? yes, i think it's possible. the only thing we see from practice is that restrictive measures will only grow. if you don’t explain to him that enough is enough, then sooner or later you will lose this steering wheel and this scooter as a result. sergei aleksandrovich, if we talk about complete victory over reckless drivers, scooter riders and so on, this is of course a utopia, it is impossible
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to do, because we have laws, for example in relation to cars, we have violations there. more quickly, more dynamically, not to become, but to do the tinting of the front side windows with water wears away the stone, we need to act more harshly, time will bring it back, we will put an end to reckless drivers on the roads and there will be more order, if we compare it with what we had 10-15 years ago, there is more order, there are such comrades .
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what to take away from him then, what places to grab, i’m all, well, you probably know that a couple of days ago a decision was made to rename the traffic police department to gi, i really don’t remember whether it has already been approved or not. well, today there is a reason to remember something old about the traffic police, inspector traffic police is sitting in patrol car, filling out a speeding protocol, next to him is such a sad driver who says: tach
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lieutenant, well, well, honestly, well , look, a huge number of cars are passing by us, well, many of them are exceeding the speed limit, and you they stopped only me, the traffic cop continues to write, saying, so what, have you ever gone fishing, of course you did, so what, you caught all the fish? it was a meeting place that could not be changed. 14:00 weekday ntv, goodbye. support respect from the outside state, vladimir putin today held a meeting with large families. the aggravation in taiwan, what the tension around the island can lead to and how it reacts to the situation. beijing, a wonderful nanny has passed away, actress anastasia zavoratnyuk has died after a serious illness.


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