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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 30, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] it’s getting hotter at the front about how the latest tos-2 and tosochka flamethrower systems work in the southern donetsk direction and what assistance they provide in the advancement of assault units evgeniy golovanov. they were awarded orders... from the kremlin, where the president communicated with parents and children, more than a hundred of them gathered at the screens. alexey prokin. the us will supply taiwan with its latest weapons. this is the head of the administration of the island, the american congressmen personally promised
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during their... hello, welcome to the information desk service of the ntv television company. this is the program today, its presenter is aina nikolaeva and igor politaev. today in the kremlin, vladimir putin presented the highest state awards to outstanding citizens of the country. the president noted their dedication to the fatherland, their experiences and achievements, which evoke great respect in society. among those awarded orders, medals and honorary titles are military personnel, astronauts, famous
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artists, athletes and mothers of many children. brought glory to the fatherland, i am sincerely glad to have the opportunity to congratulate and thank you all for work. today we are going through serious trials, defending truth, justice, the sovereignty of russia and the right of our people to determine their own destiny. at the forefront of this fight are those who fulfill their military, professional, and civic duty in the field of special military operations, fight on the battlefield, work in hospitals, restore, and improve life in our historical territories. the star of the hero of russia was awarded to five officers, participants in the special operation, as well as a veteran of the great patriotic war from dagestan, ibrahim pasha sadykov, he
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turned 100 years old this year, he was called up to the front. in '41 and reached berlin, he said that he wanted to take part in a special military operation. i wrote a letter to the minister of defense of the russian federation, i am automatic, from 41.5 years old, i was in the faronds, i will be sent to ukraine, to
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the war, to defend russia, he may... they are all in the public service, for me it has always been service, service people, serving my country, and i am a happy person, because there were always people next to me wonderful teachers, mentors, whom i remember, of the oleg theater, among the awarded were people's artist, head of the union of theater workers of russia, vladimir mashkova and the head of the great imerinsky theater, valery gergiev, both noted. our culture cannot be abolished, because we remember our predecessors and appreciate the great things that we have, we really need everyone in their place to work responsibly, selflessly for the benefit of the future of our great country, i, as now
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a leader... especially for the regions russia. vladimir putin presented the order of friendship to the meade's special representative for humanitarian relations, hollywood actor steven segal. he was awarded this award for his great contribution to the development of international cultural cooperation. the war we are now involved in was started and financed by the west. this is a war of good and evil. all regions, all countries, all peoples must unite instead of being controlled and
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fooled by this monster. multinational people of russia. say words of gratitude and bow deeply at your feet, no that award that could be awarded to the entire people, but it was precisely his heroism, unity around the homeland and its interests, the guarantee of all our victories, all of russia and each of us, here one of the awardees said that we will continue.. . work, achieve results, we will move forward, and of course, we will follow the behests of alexander nevsky, everyone will
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fight where they stand. congratulations. the west, led by the anglo-saxons, is striking at russian territory at the hands of the kiev regime, the russian foreign ministry said today on tuesday. finishing his trip to uzbekistan,
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vladimir spoke about this. the west, led by the usa, led by the anglo-saxons, against our country, by the hands of the kiev regime. the russian air defense system intercepted eight long-range attack missiles from the united states over the sea of ​​azov, the ministry of defense reported today. four naval drones were destroyed in the black sea, and a su-27 heavy fighter of the ukrainian air force was shot down in the sky. the losses of the ukrainian army over the past 24 hours exceeded 1,500 people in several areas of the special operation. vks pilots. russia was ripped off rotation of personnel of the armed forces of ukraine. missile strikes on enemy concentrations in the area of ​​responsibility of the north group of troops were carried out by a helicopter group. it includes the reconnaissance and attack k-52 alligator, the transport and combat mi-35 and the multi-purpose mi-8.
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crews work at high intensity. they make two or three flights a day. we arrived at the combat control point, received a task, prepared, and went off. using the terrain at extremely low altitudes. took a combat course, hit the enemy with unguided missiles weapons, according to the aircraft gunner's report, the target was hit, and returned to the departure airfield. and these shots were taken in the avdeevsky direction in donbass. the rocket systems of the city, a mountain motorized rifle formation of the group of troops-center, use the fire combing method, hitting the formation of the armed forces of ukraine, which are dispersed in the forest belt. the crews fired a series of shots with high-explosive fragmentation shells. from a distance of more than 10 km. now the main task of the artillerymen is to support the attacking actions of the infantry, the attack on the south donetsk direction is being expanded by the vostok grouping of troops. heavy flamethrower systems help the fighters move forward; they literally burn out enemy positions. the advanced detachments of the sakhalin attack aircraft have already
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come close to the direct road to ugledar. this is the only remaining supply line for the ukrainian armed forces group that holds the city from donbass. report by voenkor ntv by evgeniy golovanov. once again check the equipment, weapons, first aid kits, walkie-talkies and leave, the transport is ready. from the place of deployment to the line of combat contact, infantrymen, attack aircraft
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they don’t get there on foot, it’s too far. ukrainian artillery is already starting to work on the fortification, but now, with a shortage of ammunition, they are hitting noticeably less of the enemy, if we compare, for example, with the intensity with which they worked six months ago, now their intensity has decreased significantly, before they worked as if they wanted it, now they are already working only on identified targets, while the artillery support of our assault groups, on the contrary, is only intensifying, and the latest models are also arriving at the front. outwardly ordinary a cargo urals, but under the awning there is
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a heavy tos-2 flamethrower system, or as it is also called tosochka. it is much lighter and more mobile than its predecessor, santsepek. the advantage is that it drives on roads, drives well, and yes, is maneuverable. the shotgun aims faster and hits more accurately, thanks to a modern automated fire control system, it is literally crammed with electronics. thanks to the navigation system, they made our work easier, that is, the car calculates itself. much faster than we do with beads, the machine also considers the weather data, that is, there is no need to enter the air temperature there, it is approximate, it calculates everything itself, the ammunition load is less, there are 18 missiles in the package, but their destructive power is higher, thermobaric ammunition burns out everything in an area of ​​eight football fields, but the most the main thing is that the range has increased in-built, for the first time modern tos-2 flamethrower systems were shown at the victory parade in... the year baptism of fire in these were single copies, and information about
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the north military district zone, they took place in the twenty-second, but their use was kept secret, now the release of new tos supplies to the troops has increased significantly, they are appearing in almost all directions, it is getting hotter at the front. evgeny golovanov and andrey tkachenko, ntv, south donetsk direction of the special military operation. a subdivision of the north group of forces is moving into the depths of the enemy’s defenses, the ministry of defense reported. during hostilities. dead, there was a problem with supplies and
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food, with water, we didn’t eat or drink anything for five days, this happened, they promised fairy tales that they will bring, they will bring, in fact, and we fired 15 rounds of ammunition during the entire time, this is all training, after the start several million ukrainians came to russia, they leave their homeland, often in a hurry, abandoning their property, starting a new life from scratch, and not only from traditionally pro-russian eastern regions are leaving the western ones in russia. they don’t find housing, work, place their children in schools and have no intention of returning. about how ukrainians are received in our country. in the report by nahid babayev. anishchenko family, four children, mom and dad, moved to moscow from kharkov two years ago, although they themselves call it a return to their homeland. in general, my roots come from voronezh, my mother is ethnic russian, voronesh, kursk, i spent my childhood in kursk, in rostov, i have been many, many times, there are many relatives, my
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sisters. in ukraine, pavel was engaged in public activities, fought against corruption, carried out environmental campaigns, ran his own video blog to preserve a unique forest of 500 hectares, even built a people's settlement on the edge of the forest - slobozhansky sich, but it seems that the kiev regime did not like this kind of popular consciousness, they surrounded this village, they detained us and wrote a version that... i knew that these were employees and i wanted to kill them, there were no scratches on them, they just wrote, that i was a murderer, that i wanted to kill them, so i was in prison for attempted murder of sbu officers. this is how pavel met the beginning of a special military operation in the kharkov pre-trial detention center. the judge came to me in the pre-trial detention center and said: that’s it, pasha, you have four children, the security guards forced you here keep, in the first days the izbeushniki fled, they were not in kharkov. he says: kharkov is probably all over, it will be russian, so i’m letting you out, go out and save the children. realizing
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that he could be detained again, pavel and his family left for europe 2 days later, they were in poland, germany, england, but in the end
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they realized, we were quietly lying in a mass grave, it was all like a dream, but they didn’t wake us up , it’s like we ’ve lost the light that we treasured so much, who sowed the seeds that we were poisoned like that, anton’s base track has gained tens of thousands of views listening on social networks, the base, because the base, what everyone should know and understand, these construction projects are like a requiem for that old ukraine, where he grew up, began his musical career, when the coup took place in ukraine in 2014, i have a
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lot. .. didn’t want to and moved to russia, now he publishes books here, prints orthodox calendars, writes stories and poems. our grandfathers fought for life, we remember the bright feat, russia, the homeland of the saints, the lord will grant us victory. according to various estimates , about 3 million moved to russia after the start of the northern military district. ukrainians, how many people left after the coup in 1914, is impossible to calculate. each of them has their own story, unique, but... children. vladimir putin announced this at a meeting with large families. it took place via video conference. parents who were awarded the order
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of parental glory, as well as mothers who were awarded the title mother heroine, got in touch with the president. as the head of state noted, large families must be sure that they are always ready to provide the necessary support. what did they talk about parents with many children with the president, alexey prokin found out. the kitchen in the family of andrei and anastasia semashkin is a whole factory ; only the most are involved in preparing dinner. youngest makey, the boy was named after his grandfather, makey, given by god, and i want berries, the family has a large farm, a dog kennel, organization of sled racing, andrey, the famous musher, multiple winner of bering races, these are the puppies we touched, he's just grown up. andrei and anastasia, due to their character and beliefs, of course, assumed that children there will be a lot, but they had it, according to them , god and kamchatka nature, some plan like this, here is an apartment. we’ll get there or a car , everything then we’ll have a child there , we’ll think about the gender, yes, preferably a boy or a girl
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, you know, complete trust was in the hands of the creator , so true, every new baby is a new gift. vladimir putin signed the decree conferring the order of parental glory on the simashkins in april of this year. today the large family is in direct contact with the kremlin. the kids looked at the president. in an improvised binoculars, putin saw kamchatka, as he put it, without special instruments. it’s my sister ’s birthday today, yes, yes, yes, and you congratulated her, no, well, you’ll congratulate her, as a gift, what will you do, my dear, wow, you don’t feel sorry, you’re great, listen, you don’t feel sorry his teddy bear for
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his sister, the order of parental glory does not have a separate motto, but it could well be the words of the president that the family is not just the basis of the state and society, it is a spiritual phenomenon, the basis of morality, about the secrets of education, about traditions, about moral guidelines that society needs today, large families and
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spoke with the president via video... the main issues were support measures, especially for those families where the parents’ salaries slightly exceed the income threshold, when government payments are either minimal or
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not at all, if we apply statement, i would like to express my gratitude to you for appreciating the care and love of our parents in this way, thank you very much and may
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the lord bless you as well. i would like to take this opportunity to thank my parents for their loyalty to each other, for their love for us, for their care and also for their faith in our god. thank you. there is nothing better to say, to conclude, this is the best thing that could be said to conclude our general meeting, i want to wish everyone all the best, congratulations, excuse me, congratulations on the upcoming good holiday,
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children's day. american congressmen personally promised during their official visit to taipei, ksenia nekrasova will tell you what retaliatory measures beijing has already taken. i didn't anastasia zavorotnyuk, a popular actress , has been battling a serious illness for the past few years. this is sasha. it is important for him that his friends are nearby, maxim always says yes to his friends, masha will help at any moment, and vanya will never keep you waiting. start a cool career at alfabank, bring friends and get 15,000 rubles for each. alfabank is the best employer
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flag, obviously as a calculation. they were in a hurry in the taiwan strait, the maneuvers of the chinese army ended, showing that, if necessary, it is capable of encircling the island. the americans immediately accused beijing of intimidation and announced plans to increase arms supplies to taiwan, calling it an investment. taiwan, unlike ukraine, will receive new weapons systems, and not old, especially not old russian weapons, this will be a new stock, this by the way, there will be our newest ones. just like for kiev, the americans will push for the supply of weapons from europe to taipei. with kiev politicians, the taiwan democratic party generally has a lot in common, having lost its majority in the local parliament, deputies continued a series
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of fights over a bill that limits the power of the new head of taiwan. during the final vote, deputies threw bags of garbage at their opponents, but were unable to influence the result. as
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a result, accusing the position of connections with... belong to a united china. in confirmation with these words, the prc army sent 28 aircraft to the taiwan strait, which carried out combat patrols together with chinese navy ships. the topic of maneuvers will likely be discussed at a meeting between the head of the pentagon and the chinese minister of defense, which is expected this week and will be their first personal contact. regarding american military-industrial corporations, chinese authorities announced sanctions against 12 companies and ten top managers. and this blacklist may be expanded if the us does not stop arms supplies to taiwan, which for beijing is tantamount to interference in the country's internal affairs. ksenia nekrasova, alexander gusev,
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especially for ntv. changes in the tax system will provide resources for the implementation of all social programs, prime minister mikhail mishustin announced. the government today reviewed the proposal of the ministry of finance, which, among other things, involves the introduction of a progressive personal income tax rate.
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joins us. so that the effective tax rate is 6%, that is, 13% of the rate will be returned more than half belong to such families. the head of mentrud , anton katyakov, clarified today that in order to receive the payment, you will need to submit an electronic application through government services or contact the social fund’s customer service. according to anton kotkov’s calculations , approximately 4 million families will be able to claim this payment. according to the plan, it will start operating in 2026. also anton. today announced that it is proposed to maintain
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a marginal tax rate of 15% for income in the form of dividends, interest on deposits, income from transactions with securities that a citizen owns for less than 5 years. anton syulanov also announced that the income tax would be increased from 20 to 25%, with the simultaneous abandonment of exchange rate export duties, which do not take into account the financial result. all this creates more stable rules of the game for business. the council of the european union approved a decision to introduce prohibitive duties on grain imports from russia and belarus from july 1. as the financial times wrote, the duty will be 95 euros per ton, which is 50% of the price of wheat on the eu markets. the measure concerns grains, oilseeds and their products processing. the european commission previously said that new import duties should stabilize the european market and reduce russia's export revenues, which are spent on military purposes. and also stop the practice
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of russia exporting, quote: illegally appropriated grain produced on the territory of ukraine. at the same time, prohibitive duties do not apply to grain that comes from russia and belarus in transit through the eu to third countries. the council of the european union notes that russia is a relatively small supplier of grain to the european market, but sees the risk in the importance of russia on the world market, and it is the largest exporter of wheat in the world. official representative of mida maria zakharova. today stated that 2 years ago the european union demanded the implementation of grain deals in order to feed the poorest countries, now, according to maria zakharova, the opposite is being said. the russian stock market tried to grow this morning, finding support in the depreciating ruble, but after lunch investors no longer liked such a reason for optimism, and somehow no new ones were found. a but the reasons for pessimism are the falling price of oil and the suspicion that the central bank will soon raise the key rate. the peak of tax payments by russian companies has passed,
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the ruble continues to fall in price, the dollar at the end of the day is 8985, the euro is 97.37. the ministry of energy will stop publishing statistics on how much gasoline is produced in russia. the ministry referred to the geopolitical situation, said that such information could become a reason for market manipulation, and announced that closing statistics on gasoline production would contribute to quote: strengthening the reliability of supplying domestic consumers, increasing... the energy security of the country as a whole. end of quote. the tas agency clarifies that only statistics on gasoline production will be classified. this does not apply to diesel fuel. data on prices for petroleum products are also promised to continue to be published. over the past few months, gasoline production in russia has been declining. in january - 3.8 million tons, in february - 3.7, in march - 3.5, in april 3.4. on march 1, the government banned the export of gasoline from russia. as it was explained then. the ban should maintain stability in
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the fuel market during the period of spring field work, holidays, and scheduled repairs at oil refineries. on may 20 , the export ban was temporarily lifted. deputy prime minister alexander novyk, on the eve of this decision, said that the russian gasoline market, quote: saturated and even oversaturated. everything about the economy, denis tlf with an economic review of the day. today anastasia zavorotnyuk passed away, she was. 53 years old, for the last 5 years the actress has been struggling with a serious illness, brain cancer, she went through several operations and chemotherapy courses. a bright scene in the movie, zavrotnyuk managed to captivate the audience with her talent. and charm. the comedy television series my fair nanny brought her wide popularity. vorotnyuk was awarded the tefi prize for this role; in total, her professional career includes more than thirty films. in addition to acting in films, the actress played in the tabakov theater and was a participant and host of many popular
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television shows. april 2019, a long interview with anastasia zavorotnyuk, in which she appears not as an actress, but as the leading heroine of a secular chronicles, but as a mother who listens to any show during filming. he will keep twisting us, twisting, twisting, twisting, and something is taken from within, you know, there was some kind of understatement at first, which every day, every morning , grew into some kind of painful note, get out of the circle demand and favorite work is very difficult, so that they don’t talk about
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social life, anastasia zavorotnyuk, she was not idle, an endless series of roles in the theater, cinema and tv series, participation in programs as a heroine, as a leader. maybe that’s why she retained some special spontaneity, cleanliness, decency, it was as if the yellow secular dirt did not stick to her; on walks around astrakhan, she easily took pictures with passers-by or borrowed a sausage from the local guys to feed the puppy. boys, let me feed the sausage, and let me, yeah, well, well, hold it, and also, come on, thank you, nah, nah, here they are my puppies. well, hang on, he’s afraid, thanks, guys, great, i let everything go, everything is as in childhood, a girl from astrakhan, the daughter of the director, documentarian and actress tyuz, she left the pedagogical institute and rushed off to conquer
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moscow, the day she woke up famous, the first episode, which made her a wonderful nanny throughout russia, and her duet with zhigunov, which was continued in real
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life , one of the most beautiful... anastasia zavorotnyuk and peter chernyshov were born thanks to their joint participation in a television program, she is everyone’s favorite, he is an overseas handsome man, their love has not faded even after decades. but in recent years clouds were gathering with the family when nastasia was building her country house, she had one dream: i wanted dad to live in the house where he wanted. well, my father died. her brother died, then in april 2019 no one saw, did not understand that the report in her life was already underway, the family did not take everything terrible outside of this house, did not give comments, forbade the director to answer questions about the state of health of the actress, this was the right of the family , so that they know and remember her only as her
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heroines were, kind, beautiful, bright, like in the movies. today after midnight, watch a special episode of once upon a memory on ntv. this is the program today, further in our issue: an american, whose license was confiscated for violations, was placed under arrest and decided to take part in a court hearing via video link while driving a car. in the novosibirsk region , a reservoir takes away land from the residents of the village; the steep bank is eroded year after year by water and the cliff comes close to the houses. if vladimir bagamulov tells you the solution to the problem. together we can do a lot, together we... are able to change the world for the better, together it’s easier for us to get down to business and turn
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we continue our release. american corey harris, accused of driving while his driver's license was suspended, was able to greatly surprise the judge; the defendant joined the hearing of his case via videoconference at the moment when he was driving again. mr. haris, are you driving? actually i i'm on my way to see my doctor,
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so... level. every year, spring floods erode the high bank. recently, part of the road disappeared. and today, on the coast of many areas, the ob sea begins right behind the fence, and from there it’s a stone’s throw to the houses. vladimir bogomolov looked into why the dangerous bank is not being strengthened. our gate goes to the shore, but we have no shore. we have a cliff here. the dizzying views have become not an advantage, but a problem of this holiday village. year after year the steep bank crumbled into novosibirsk reservoir. now the cliff has approached the fences, 35 meters are left, and there were about 150 meters, there is water here now, there is, as it were, a coastline, and it still remains there. houses in the holiday village began to be built more than 10 years ago, then there was no hint of danger, the water's edge was far away, but then the land began to disappear every year faster and faster, on the one hand
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the reservoir had an impact, on the other , melt water from the fields, under pressure the elements washed away the road, then there was... something like a dam, but they didn’t have time put, because well, they collapsed, in the past the elements have already caused damage to other coastal villages, tens of kilometers of the coastline are in the same dangerous condition, our society, these are 142 plots, well, about 500 of us actually live here, well, then we have six more societies, which in total number 1.2 of us, probably yuri khokholov lives in a dacha village
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and works in the field of hydraulic engineering construction and the construction of bank protection dams. rescue work requires tens of millions. municipal authorities, together with federal ministries, agencies , designers, and residents are considering several options from organizing a beach to installing stone barriers. these options will be sent with the entire package of documents from the verkhneobsky water basin administration to the federal water
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resources agency, which is itself authorized to make a decision on the need for implementation. the process may last for several years, now local residents are preparing for the next round in the development of this problem; within a few weeks the water level should the melting of snow in the altai mountains will rise significantly and all this soil will be carried away by the wave, thereby freeing up space for the next failure. mikhail lives closest to the cliff, since the last landslide, the man has stopped the repairs he was doing in the house, he jokes bitterly, you need to be afraid. according to my desires, because he dreamed of living closer to the water, i was looking for a plot that was as close to the water as possible, at the time when it was purchased, i was even to some extent upset, because i had to run for a long time to the water, snt residents plan to continue strengthening the bank on their own; they have a relatively safe time ahead, until next spring, when a new flood season begins. vladimir bogomolov, vladislav rybakov,
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svetlana zakharova, mikhail kapustin, ntv television company, novosibirsk region. the water temperature in moscow this coming weekend will be higher than in the black sea resorts, the hydrometeorological center reported today. there is a short weather forecast on ntv. evgenia neronskaya joins us. evgeniya, it seems that the hot weather in central russia is not is going to retreat, what are we waiting for on friday? may ends with sweltering heat; the figures are not record-breaking, but impressive. the hot air reaches the arctic and from arkhangelsk to murmansk, now the most comfortable weather on european territory. on the kola peninsula there are light, refreshing rains, but in the north-west there are strong thunderstorms and hail is possible in some places. rains on friday will also cover the central region, but they will be short and will not bring the long-awaited freshness. in vladimir and ryazan there are almost 30. the volga region crosses the atmospheric front with thunderstorms, steamy winds, relatively cool to the north. in kirov in izhevsk,
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for example, +22, but in nizhny novgorod it is almost 30, in saratov the air heats up to 30. and in the caspian region it already reaches 35, it is from here that the hot air flows into the middle zone, a local cyclone circles over the mountainous regions, causing strong rains with thunderstorms, with... there is also a thunderstorm in sochi and +24. there will be no precipitation in crimea, but it will be cooler there. in st. petersburg tomorrow it will be +28, there will be thunderstorms, in moscow there will be a thunderstorm on saturday, and tomorrow there will be short rain almost 30. on saturday we expect a slight softening, the heat will reach 25, but the nights will remain warm like july, so the water in the rivers and lakes near moscow is rapidly warming up. evgenia, you made me happy, thank you, it was a weather forecast from evgenia neronskaya.
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these are. well, i’m telling you, it’s much better here than in sochi, there are no people, yes, the locals say that sometimes dolphins swim here, okay, i’m telling you seriously, let’s go, maybe
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we’ll see, let’s go. listen, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, i say, let's go.
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