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tv   Tsentralnoe televidenie  NTV  June 2, 2024 6:30am-8:01am MSK

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well, comrade colonel, shall we move right here or to the dining room? well, i think this is unnecessary here, to the cafeteria, please, the cafeteria quickly, come on, tell me everything in detail, how it all happened, trump, a criminal, now it’s official, this week 12 jurors sentenced not only the ex-president , but... does this mean that if trump wins the election, the united states will be ruled by a president who is a criminal? exactly so, but how did this even become possible, let’s try to figure it out right now, and of course, we not only let's talk about the main events of this week, but try to explain them. good evening, my name is vadim takmenev. good evening, i'm yulia bekhterova. today is saturday, june 1st, the first day of summer. in most cities where they are watching us now, the time is exact. and we are starting
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the summer broadcast. nato is looking for targets on russian territory, and macron is putting together a new coalition to send military instructors to ukraine, that is, soldiers of nato officers. is the west's strategy changing? and kiev is finally given a free hand and given the go-ahead to use western weapons against russian territories? who is rocking the political situation in georgia, who benefits from a new war on the southern borders of russia? who leads this war party? will tbelisi be able to escape from under the wing of the american eagle and cease to be a satellite of washington? god influencer, the first catholic saint among the millennial generation, for which the pope decided to canonize a fifteen-year-old teenager, did he really heal people during his short life and continue to do so even after his death? plastic now will be inherited, microplastic particles that pollute water, air, soil. scientists now find in men
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in the most intimate places, those that are responsible for offspring. does this mean that the children of the future will consist of plastic, or the future simply will not exist, because there will be no children themselves. the may frosts have warmed up prices; which berries and fruits will definitely become more expensive, and which ones will not appear on the shelves at all this season. a participant from russia became the european champion in 2024. how in what form is such a competition possible? this is what the special guest of the program on ntv via superstar is talking about today's topic: the disco of the century. girls, you are fire. what a cool number, overall. it's impossible to take your eyes off. cool cool. what exactly was cool about it? half a heart.
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superstar premiered, and i can’t lie, i liked it - i’ll quit now, today at 20:20 on ntv. there may be pain in the knee, pain in the back, pain in the neck. pentalgen extragel contains a special component for better penetration into the source of pain. pentalgin extragel. sber has increased
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the best interest rate on deposits to 18% per annum. one of my friends walked into the wrong area. yes, i’m getting used to the role here. i'll be there soon. uh, boy, do you have any, should i call? yes, i myself have zero account. what if i find it? but he will find it. you have a megaphone, you can call via messengers even without money. megapower communication at zero is already included in the tariff for free. our subscribers will not be left without communication. and remember, he's on a megaphone. strong, if anything happens, call, the word of the megaphone is just an asterisk, your legs just go numb, these bells can become symptoms that indicate bad blood vessels, it is important to strengthen the vessels. angion helps improve microcirculation, reduce the risk of blood clots and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. angionm, keep the blood vessels normal, say no, it’s damaged by silicone, and yes, shaoma shampoo, care from the roots to the very ends.
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i enjoy it. gradual release of the active substance, only one tablet per day, afabazole anxiety can and should be treated, you have locked us all here, why should we play the game, colimbo only in the online cinema okka. sausages - simple space, and this is cherkizov’s own farm, where selected meat for the sausages that my family likes so much appears. cosmically delicious, cherkizova. toufon eye drops
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are created specifically to nourish and restore the youth of the eyes. toufon - triple action for eye health. that's it. it tastes better on fire. burgers. some impressions last forever, while others last only for a while. with gloss, stains will not mar your impressions. many housewives choose gel gloss 3+1. it fights greasy stains at low temperatures and short settings washing. there is a gloss, no stains. for headaches there is askafe, at an affordable price. and ascafentra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when i have a headache, one of my friends is getting ready for a new party, i need more modest costumes, dad, we ’ve run out of internet, and so have the minutes, and dad will now activate the megafamily service, combine up to three numbers for free and get bonus gigabytes every month, only in megaphone, every wedding ends the same way,
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the newlyweds retire to the bedroom and decide i i prefer investments, where to invest donated money, investments in the future, i agree, but first we’ll open a deposit for interest at sea, with sberbank everyone can profitably increase their savings, open a deposit with the best interest brokerage account and receive three sberbank shares as a gift. pain can be different: the mechanism of pain development is the same. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if you have pintalgin. a universal remedy against different types of pain. thanks to the combined composition. acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the causes of its occurrence. pentalgin: let's do without pain. so, live
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on central television. lately, everyone has become accustomed to the fact that news releases begin with the events of the ukrainian crisis, but this week the political crisis erupted in tbilis, so... we will talk about ukraine a little later today. georgia is a unique country in its own way, being somewhere on the outskirts of world politics, it has managed to pit the main global players against each other for many years in a row. after the collapse of the soviet union, georgia's relations with russia never were simple, there was everything in this story, including the fleeting war of 2008. well, it’s not surprising that having spoiled relations with moscow, tbelisi began to look for friends in... very quickly found them there. since december last year, georgia has been an official candidate for joining the european union, which from a geographical point of view is actually completely absurd. yes, vadimo, absolutely right, despite the fact that there is no clear border between europe and asia, georgia is definitely not
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europe. if we draw a line between europe and asia along the kumanych depression, as is customary in europe itself, then georgia, like everyone else. transcaucasia belongs entirely to asia, but judging by american geography textbooks, the eastern border of europe runs along the watershed of the greater caucasus, and so in this particular case, only about 5% of the georgian territory can be conditionally attributed to eastern europe. but in the big political game, americans usually don’t care about the geography of the white house; tbilisi has always had its own views. sometimes this flirtation with georgian politicians in... looked like washington is not averse to including another state with the name georgia into the country, well, then everything is as usual: guests of the georgian capital who arrive in tbilisi by plane, enter the city along george bush street , this smells not even of friendship or a hint of
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a political union, but some kind of kneeling before american values. well, then it suddenly turns out that not everyone in georgia likes both this western kargacult and this political... course. washington and brussels are in panic. for the first time in recent years, pro-western politicians in georgia found themselves in the minority. well, in a big political game in the caucasus right before our eyes. a big turn is taking place, where the leaders of the ruling georgian dream party are leading the country is not yet clear, but they have clearly turned their backs on the western capitals, and how did this even become possible, did georgian politicians simply realize that in the big game of the west they were just small bargaining chips. anton chichulinsky went to troubled tbilisi, which is now rocked by rallies and protests, to figure everything out on the spot. and even though there are eu flags everywhere in tbilisi, georgia is
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a delicate matter, this was the case in 1991, this was the case during the ros revolution, this was the case in 2008, and this is 2024. many here were anticipating the next revolution. let's restore the chronology: the ruling georgian dream party is introducing a law on foreign agents to parliament. non-profit organizations that receive funding from abroad must make their activities transparent. we must be sure that the water in this country will not become muddy, that ukrainization will not occur. western politicians call this the law is pro-russian. brings people to the streets, the parliament still accepts it, but the president takes the side of the protesters
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and vetoes it, here is the decisive day, tuesday, this is the famous rustaveli avenue, it is painted in the colors of the georgian flag, because 2 days ago georgia celebrated independence day, well now , specifically at these moments, here in this parliament building, deputies are trying to override the veto that the president imposed on the new law on foreign agents, the protesters are surprisingly... few and they behave somehow quietly, but it seems that everything it’s just starting, you see there, they’re setting up a stage for the evening rally, here are the grandmothers, they’re selling whistles and flags of the european union especially for it, and how much are your flags and whistles, i don’t speak russian, but apparently they themselves are not ready for european integration yet, so let’s explain ourselves on our fingers, what about this? 20 lari, and the european union is three, and the european union is cheaper than
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the georgian one, well, yes, something even falls off here, the brother of president solomi zurobishvili, atar, comes to parliament, they are natives of france, they are especially worried that georgia is suddenly turning into on the other side, now we are actually part of russia, this is treason, this is unacceptable, this is hypocrisy. tempers are heating up in parliament and we have to cool it down. they talk about sovereignty, and the russians, well done, thank you! finally, parliament overrides the veto with 84 votes. is it really possible that what happened in tbilis after the second reading, a few weeks ago, will begin now? the prime minister of georgia is no longer trying to find synonyms. someone wants maidan, we don’t want maidan.
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it’s me who raises a toast to the fact that we will build a single peaceful family with fraternal
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peoples, abkhazian, ossetian and russian. while forces are still accumulating in front of parliament, political scientist timur pipia, chilled homemade wine from the arcacitelle grape variety explains the hidden meaning of what is happening. due to its aggressive policy, georgia has actually become the israel of the caucasus. yes, we have become closer to the usa, we have become closer than ever to europe, but we have moved away from abkhazia and from the south. in his opinion, the ruling georgian dream party has finally asked the question: is the status of a candidate for eu membership worth it, its flags throughout tbilisi, promises of a soon nato.
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long negotiations in exchange for the same number. it was possible to rescue the russian fighters after the ukrainian military. this is the first exchange since february in negotiations on the return of our military personnel. the authorities of the united arab emirates acted as a mediator. our ministry of defense reported this. vladimir putin promised to speed up work to support certain categories of svo participants. presidential about this.
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trump is guilty on all counts. after a ten-hour meeting in a closed room 12 jurors pronounced, one might say, a verdict on history, history in which donald trump will go down not only as the forty-fifth president of the united states, but also if he wins the election, then also as the first american criminal president. a manhattan jury found that trump falsified payment documents to cover up a sex scandal that could get in his way. election campaign in 2016: trump was accused of 34 counts in total and exactly 34 times, in response to the judge’s question, the jury foreman loudly said: microphone is exactly the word: guilty, so is the former president really facing a real sentence now? but vadim, now this is not excluded: the judge of the supreme court of new york
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will announce the verdict on july 11, that is, just a few days before the start. americans, well, that is, 12 jurors have spoken, now it’s the turn of millions, but don’t be surprised, neither the verdict, nor even the actual sentence is...
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silently, with a straight face, in silence, which was broken only by the voice of the jury announcing the verdict, the ex-president only occasionally closed his eyes and slowly shook his head. unknown, oh what exactly was trump thinking, go out to the reporters under the silence of those gathered, gritting his teeth and lowering his eyes. perhaps he said to himself: the king is condemned, long live the king. this
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was a rigged trial conducted by a controversial judge who was corrupt, the rigged trial is a disgrace. he is already being called a rebel of conscience and a prisoner of the biden regime. the persecution of trump only adds political points to him, fills him with... the need to allocate millions of dollars to trump, they have a difficult relationship with biden, big changes are expected from trump. and if by the court’s decision trump does not go to jail, but gets off with a fine and is able to go to the polls and win, then america will receive the first criminal president in history, and he will calmly walk the streets. just like this criminal, for example. this is new york's number one repeat offender, a nickname given to harald goodding by the police themselves.
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the 50-year-old serial shoplifter has been arrested 101 times. perhaps at these very moments the worst of the worst is committing another robbery, only three times he managed to be sent to jail; he got away with the rest of the robberies and the police released him from a robber in new york. there were more rights than those who were robbed. even if the robber was arrested, he still will not go to prison, since he stole goods worth up to a thousand dollars. my husband is a man who always did the right thing and always followed the laws. if he has to go to jail, i don't know what will happen to our children. el valerio breaks down in tears for her husband francisco, he is a store owner in the most dangerous area of ​​new york, the bronx. this was already the fourth robbery of the same store by the same criminals, throwing out the robbers and defending himself, francisco took up the gun, he wanted to hit
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the attacker, but accidentally shot him in the stomach. already on the same day the police will come to him, the criminal will be francisco, a robber, as in previous times he got away with everything . if you were shot and you are a criminal, then you are a criminal, you are not a victim. we cannot allow francisco to appear before court, since he is a member of our association. if he is convicted, he faces up to 7 years in prison. after all, this is new york - a one-party state, where you can convict even an american burger if you get the right jury, says investor and new yorker charles ortel. the main reason, in addition to the unfavorable economic situation, is the reluctance of prosecutors to investigate less serious crimes, about which. they won't have to serve time behind bars; many new yorkers
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are easy prey for them. next to many stores have strengthened security measures, security is already at the entrance, well, on weekends, when the flow of customers is especially large, they are allowed inside in batches, and this is what these lines already look like on the streets of new york. armed shoplifting sometimes ends in car chases like this. new york city mayor eric adams speaks out about the tsunami of store crashes and offers his plan to get out of this crisis. instead of prosecutions, outreach conversations with those who have broken the law and anger management courses for retail owners. in essence, small store owners are being told: you are being robbed. but you have to accept, what kind of crap is he talking about? when the republican rudolph giuliane was the mayor of new york, this city was under control, this is what is happening now, under the republican trump this was not the case.
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this week, celebrity actor robert deniro spoke on behalf of the biden campaign outside a courthouse in manhattan and criticized trump, calling him a buffoon. when trump ran for president in 2016 year, it seemed like a joke. this buffoon, now running for president, should not become one. denira, who supports the democratic party, hates republican trump. the actor seems ready to forgive the democrats everything, even the rampant robberies in new york. police officer. were surprised when they caught a serial thief red-handed this morning. the owner woke up because of the noise and went downstairs. it turned out to be robert denira. thirty-year-old shanice avelis, a repeat offender who entered the actor’s house, has 26 arrests, of which 16 in 2022. the burglar danira has already forgiven, much more, now he is worried, as he himself says, about the clown trump. we knew the lessons of history, which showed us other clowns who weren't taken
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seriously until they weren't. but in america , many remember how the meeting with the clown ended for the hero robert denier in the award-winning film joker? yes, trump has stolen peace from the democrats, his ratings are growing and growing, his intention to deport all illegal immigrants from america when he becomes president seems to have been heard in new york, where a hotel was built in the city center overnight shelter for migrants. the famous roosevelt hotel is here in the very center. this is where migrants live. in new york, the migration crisis is in full swing. the number of robberies with their participation totals 62 cases. trump seems to have beaten everyone. the court found him guilty, and the manhattan prosecutor does not hide his bias towards the ex-president. and it looks like this is good news for
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trump himself. for all of america, and for those who vote for him, he can still be imprisoned, and for those who are against, he can still become president, as if prophetic, oh such america, wrote the poet yevgeny yevtushenko. americans, what will happen to you, think about it at least for a moment, let your conscience guide you at night. americans, where is your president? klipsanatka natalya usenko and mark zlenko, central television. we will continue the story about the events of saturday of this week immediately after a very, very short pause. and this is what will happen next, don’t switch. wait for us. nato is looking for targets in russia, and macron is putting together a new coalition to send military instructors to ukraine, that is, soldiers of nato officers. is the strategy of the west changing, and kiev’s
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hands are finally being given a free hand? and give the go-ahead to use western weapons on russian territory. the god influencer, the first catholic saint among the millennial generation, for which the pope decided to canonize a fifteen-year-old teenager, did he really heal people during his short life, continues to do so even after his death. plastic will now be inherited, microplastic particles that pollute water, air, soil, scientists now found in men in the most in... places, those who are responsible for offspring, does this mean that the children of the future will consist of plastic, or there will simply be no future, because there will be no children themselves. the may frosts have warmed up prices; which berries and fruits will definitely become more expensive, and which ones will not appear on the shelves at all this season. a participant from russia became the european champion in 2024. how in what type of competition this became possible,
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a special guest of the program talks about this. the israeli citizen is running into trouble again. new russians sensations do not call me anything other than a citizen of israel. and again she thinks she can get away with it. as i write, i’m waiting for the third episode. they go and do the third series. at the request of our regular tv viewer. execution site for the downed pilot from house two. me. later, sobchak stole your husband, how long can you tolerate her antics, you are not for the people, you are exclusively for the money, whose interests you represent, i challenge you to a fight, and as a socialite you will answer for everything. i can quite officially say that this creature inspired these
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bastards. today at 6 pm on ntv. pain may. be different. there is only one mechanism for the development of pain. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if you have pentalgin. a universal remedy against different types of pain. thanks to the combined composition, pentalgen acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the reasons for its occurrence. pentalgin, we can do without pain. be brave about your expenses. with yota, your money will not fly away. there are gigs and minutes left, we will return rubles for them. every month you can iota, say no to silicone paraben and yes with shaoma shampoo - 90% of ingredients of natural origin for healthy , beautiful hair, take care of your family with shaa shauma - care from roots to
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ends, just an asterisk, your legs just go numb, these bells can become symptoms indicating bad blood vessels. it is important to strengthen blood vessels. angyan helps improve microcirculation, reduce the risk of blood clots and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. angionm. keep your blood vessels normal. imagine you have lots and lots of milk. oh, well, you can imagine, it’s better for us to do it ourselves. we present to you green village cottage cheese, which contains so much fresh milk. the cheese is real, the cottage cheese is fresh, the village is green. jean is with you. and dimulik, and today we will tell you in detail about the free breakfast at the hotel from mts travel. it’s delicious, bye everyone, what are you doing, believe me, everyone has already heard what you need, no one needs your review of the croissant, they are sorry, travel, get more with mts travel,
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choose a free breakfast or other useful gifts. people with long-term anxiety often hear advice. calm down, don't be nervous, you need to sleep. but really anxiety can be treated. new. with a gradual release of the active substance allows you to take just one tablet per day, webol anxiety can and should be treated. coffee cafe semoka with a 30% discount and patrol shoes with discounts up to 56% on the yandex market. enjoy your different self. fill your summer with bright looks. to azon. eye drops. toufon was created specifically for nutrition, restoration and preservation of youthful eyes. tuufon - triple action for eye health. well, it tastes better on fire. burgers. sber
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raised deposit rates - better interest rate up to 18% per annum. for headaches there is ascafen p, at an affordable price. and ascafen ultra with an enhanced composition for... with headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. hair lacking vitality? gliskur - exceptional hydration. fills hair with the power of hyalurn. moisturized, shiny and bouncy hair, instead of scissors. try gliskur, exceptional hydration. one of my friends walked into the wrong area. yes, i’m getting used to the role here. i'll be there soon. eh, boy, do you have a call? yes, i myself have zero account. i’ll find it, but he will find it, you have a megaphone, you can call in instant messengers even without money, mega-power communication at zero is already included in the tariff for free, our subscribers will not be left without communication, remember, he is on a megaphone, he is with mega-power, if anything happens, call, megaphone word,
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pain in the knee, pitalgin extragel contains a special component for better penetration into the source of pain, pintalgin extragel. for us, if it’s a sport, then it’s with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one. we love traditions, we honor our history, we value family and strong relationships. and we admire how the country is blossoming. there is more ahead of us more achievements. fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition. this is central
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television, the first information show about the events that everyone is discussing and the people they are talking about, we continue to broadcast live. on tuesday evening, the countries' defense ministers. union gathered in brussels to talk again, or rather argue about whether or not to give kiev official permission to fire western long-range weapons at targets on russian territory. to the west. the media is calling this debate a weapons debate; at the moment, people have already spoken in favor of lifting the ban great britain, france nato secretary general joltenberg is usually cautious in his statements. italy is still against it, and german chancellor scholz, who was previously also strongly against it, seems to have taken a wait-and-see neutral position and is monitoring washington’s reaction. and it seems that from the very beginning of the conflict the biden administration was there. adamantly, american weapons were supplied to ukraine with
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an unspoken condition. kiev can only use it on the territory that washington considers ukrainian. such restrictions, according to the white house, should were to reduce the risks of the conflict escalating into a full-fledged war between russia and nato. however, this week the situation began to change rapidly. first there were reports that the secretary of state began to act as almost the main lobbyist for kiev. told reporters that biden had changed his mind and had already secretly given the go-ahead for the use of american atacoms missiles for strikes on russian territory. how true are these rumors and is it true that this is the final turning point in the arms debate?
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perhaps there was no more significant moment for western events during the second world war than what happened on june 6, 4, on the sandy beach of normandy in france, held by nazi germany, troops from the united states, great britain and canada landed, june 6 then marked the opening of the western front and went down in history. apparently, this is how he plans to keep the promise he made several months ago to help
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ukraine with nato bayonets, because now there are not enough ukrainian bayonets to even send them to study. kiev suffers from a lack of manpower and is reluctant to let go military personnel on the front line, in the fall of 23, the training course in france had to be postponed for a month due to the fact that the ukrainian general staff was unable to send soldiers. zelensky met personally with those whom ukraine was able to send to europe this week; many actually noticed that after posing on...
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as a result, there is some kind of strategic pressure towards the western allies to send long-range missiles to kiev actions to destroy strategically important targets inside russia, some western countries say about what else they will consider allowing or allowing, some say that they are not allowing it yet, it’s all nonsense, they’re not... they’re allowing it, they themselves have been organizing all these attacks on the territory of the russian federation for a long time with the hands of the kiev regime , we need to call things in their own words, who forms the flight mission at the bank or what? how to form it, where does the satellite data come from, where does the geolocation come from, where does the reconnaissance materials come from? of course, from the westerners, this is a hybrid war of the collective west, led by the usa, led by the anglo-saxons, against our country,
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hands of the kiev regime, among the countries supplying such long-range missiles to ukraine are france, great britain and the united states. and when zelensky puts on one side of the scale the creation of a no-fly zone in western ukraine in order to shoot down russian missiles from nadovskaya territory there, the other side of the scale could be the expansion of the conflict with unpredictable consequences, and this cannot but worry belarus, as poland’s closest neighbor. from where voices are increasingly heard in support of this idea of ​​​​kiev. for now
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cautiously, but it seems that the very fact that they began to pump the topic, as it once was with planes and tanks, already speaks volumes. and while the war party... in the west demands to immediately move from words to deeds, the other party of the world is counting down the messages that moscow and minsk send to nato during the exercises of non -strategic nuclear forces, if our european partners cross the red line, shooting down missiles will also be considered red lines, then the answer will follow immediately, because we , too, can direct all our forces weapons to certain logistics centers or airfields. for example, polish rzeszew. the question is, what, it won’t be forty-one and no one will take us by surprise, if they chose this path, well, let’s go through it together. in general, the main question is, what will biden answer to all this now? after all, yes, according to western
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publications, the american president seems to have already given kiev secret permission to strike deep into russia, and what was recently called a public slap in the face to zelensky, namely... biden’s refusal to go to a conference in switzerland, in fact, may mean that washington is not even considering the peace agenda; on the other hand, it seems that the summit organized by kiev according to the zelensky formula is turning into some kind of farce, they say: it’s good, if china came, then china would come, everyone would understand that our conference, of course, was held at a high level, and then someone else says: listen, okay, china will come, even if it’s the tenth highest-ranking official there. there is little difference, he will come out at a press conference and say, your press conference is no good, what you’re suggesting is nonsense, without russia there’s nothing to talk about at all, he’ll go away, he says, and this will completely cancel out the whole conference, it’s probably better that china doesn’t come, even in this capacity. and this creates a dangerous paradox, because through statements,
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actions, and deliveries of weapons and strikes, all participants in the ukrainian conflict are trying to somehow improve their starting positions for future peace negotiations. you. topics, just the other day the world media central television, well, now about others they were discussing the high-profile news that the vatican i stopped believing in miracles, or rather , i stopped believing in words. the fact is that, far from the holy see, local catholic bishops have churned out so many different miracles in recent years that in some parishes they began to value faith in the supernatural more than the gospel. and so, in order to stop these abuses of miracles, the vatican simply changed the rules for recognizing any inexplicable mysterious phenomenon as a real miracle. now only the pontiff himself can do this, only in the most exceptional cases. well, pope francis immediately
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took advantage of this right. simply because the case was most, not exceptional. and the miracles that were performed by the one who was also... during his lifetime called the influencer of god, are known to almost the whole world. now, maybe it’s time for us to find out about this, let’s start, probably, with the main thing, why yul was called such a strange word as an influencer of god. now i’ll tell you, we drive, this most fashionable word nowadays is often used to describe public opinion leaders or simply famous internet characters. well and european journalists began to call the italian teenager carlo aku an influencer of god. at the age of twelve, he created a website on the internet where he described all the miracles that the catholic church had registered. at the same time, he, of course, hardly suspected that he would soon find himself in this one. a wonderful list, and yet, after carlo died at the age of 15 from an acute form of leukemia among believers,
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a rumor quickly spread that if you turn to this influencer of god for help in prayer, you can be healed, for example, from some serious illness, the vatican officially admitted that it is precisely such inexplicable miracles that actually take place in order to canonize... canonize a fifteen-year-old teenager, and figured out why the pope decided whether he really healed people during his short life and continues to do this even after his death. the vatican has officially recognized the impossible. the pope is going to canonize this
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fifteen-year-old italian guy, millennial karl acutis, among the clique of saints. from now on he called blessed, and let his memory be celebrated every year in the places established by law on october 12th on the day of his birth in heaven. in the name of the father, the son of the holy spirit. amen. amen. it is known, well, also to his own mother, how could this happen to god alone for the first time giving an interview to russian television, 2 months before my death he said, when i weigh 70 kg, he smiled and looked at the sky, i will die, from then on when he was very little, he says: “i will die because the vein in my head will rupture, and in fact, he died of a cerebral hemorrhage caused by leukemia. the vatican
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has been broadcasting live for six months now from the church of santa maria maggiora in the italian town of assisi, where a glass shrine with the body of the young saint is on display. the saint looks like an ordinary modern teenager, carla wears her favorite nike sneakers, jeans and a sweatshirt. in his hands he holds a rosary with black stones and a cross. during the funeral service of saints, we receive relics, so when they buried charles, who had not yet been canonized, i was given his hair in this tabernacle, such relics are especially revered in all catholic churches around the world. a german historian admitted to work with the vatican archives, michael heisemann, believes that carla is an example for young people to follow, the best candidate for holiness over the past 50 years. the instructions of the church say: it must be. a miracle is witnessed, this event is verified from a scientific point of view, and then presented to the pope, however,
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before looking for a miracle, you must first make sure whether there was heroic virtue, that is, life according to the norms of christianity. carlo he led an exemplary life, even take the way he dealt with his illness, this is another example, he did not doubt self-pity, did not feel sorry for himself, bravely and meaningfully sacrificed himself and prepared to go to... his mother recalls that carlo studied well at school, was fond of it from a young age, donated all his pockets and money to the poor, attended church every day and regularly received communion, so for karl death was a transition to true life. he performed his first miracle on the day of his own funeral. this there was a woman with breast cancer who had already been diagnosed, already had a biopsy done, and needed to start chemotherapy, she prayed to carla and immediately felt better.
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after the construction of the church from the old cemetery of the capuchin order, bones and skulls were brought here, 400 monks were buried there, this may seem gloomy and creepy to many, but in fact emphasizes the fact that the body was considered by the capuchins to be a temporary container in their belief in the transmigration of souls. for millions of devotees, he is an avatar who manifests the quality of omniscience, omnipresence and omnipotence. we will return to italy, but for now we will move to india. this is sathya sai baba, the indian guru who died back in 2011, and this is an eleven-year-old boy, whose name is prema sai, his reincarnation, here he is,
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lounging on the sofa. to encourage the guru to receive energy from him, pilgrims stroke him and wash his feet. and this is a miracle from armenia. satenik kozaryan was nicknamed the princess crying diamonds for her supernatural abilities. oh, now we'll see what it is better not to watch if you are especially impressionable. her mother-in-law helps her carefully remove the nuggets from her eye. it is not difficult to guess what this procedure causes. excruciating pain, again all attention is on the screen, after the first crystal zimfira takes out the second one, oh, horror, really, then it turns out that what she passed off as a miracle, all these manipulations with the crystals will in fact turn out to be an excellent circus act, all these prickly tears no diamonds or crystals, but simple broken glass, that is , this is industrial glass, industrial glass,
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the most natural thing, this was confirmed by the laboratory, this beautiful story from india with... the incarnation of the deceased guru and the story with the armenian princess crying with diamonds, all of them are unlikely to end up on the vatican miracles site. there are dubious personalities. let's take grigory rasputin as an example. was there a process to determine whether he should be canonized? because one thing was clear, he was a great prophet, but on the other hand, sometimes he led a somewhat dubious lifestyle, which is why the church must check whether he is a saint or not, whether he can serve as a role model? is what they say about him propaganda, or maybe it is better to treat him with caution? but this also happened when the pope himself, francis’ predecessor, made a mistake; in 2009, pope benedict xvi tried to classify the 11th as a saint. to do this, they even had to open part of the vatican’s secret archives. the vatican has repeatedly refuted the words of historians, stating that pi the twelfth carried out almost underground work to save jews. apparently,
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to prove this fact, dad decided to give access for scientists to secrets. vatican archives, i decided to open the vatican archives from the period of pius, who is he to you, pope pius the twelfth? to be a saint you need to be brave, and pope pius the twelfth was simply a coward. declassified documents from the vatican archives have shed light on the identity of pia xi. it turned out that the pope, who headed the catholic church during world war ii , turned a blind eye to the horrors of the holocaust. just think, it’s the most important thing for the vatican. the enemy at that time was not adolf hitler at all, but soviet union. if we talk about the glaring fact of his biography, what the pope did not oppose was the deportation of jews from rome. he knew about it and he didn't resist it. to call pope pius the twelfth a saint is now unlikely to turn anyone’s tongue. well, as for karl acutis, the vatican will announce the official date for his
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canonization ceremony in the coming days. i think they can set a date of october 12th. this is the day of his memory, it remains to carry out a formal procedure, it is obvious that the pope’s decision will put an end to this issue, i think that it should not there were no obstacles, since the election of pope francis , 912 people were canonized, and this seemed to be people born before the early thirties of the last century. carla akutitz will become the first millennial saint. ksenia politaeva, igor kirilov, denis gerasimov and yaroslav filatov. central television. well , here, probably, we cannot help but say that in the meantime, pope francis found himself at the center of a very loud media scandal. the pontiff even had to publicly apologize, that's why we’ll tell you right now. vadim, well, let’s just say that dad’s tongue let him down. at a meeting with italian bishops, francis called not to admit people of non-traditional sexual orientation into the seminaries, because in theological
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seminaries i will quote these people without that... a lot, but this is not a literal quote, the fact is that the pontiff was born in venus aires, italian the language is not his native language, but to designate novices with non-traditional sexual orientation, he used a word that in italian is a vulgar insult, for this the word, of course, has an analogue in the russian language, but to pronounce it on the air, somehow the tongue does not turn, well, at least hint what letter this word is, no, no, no, well, by the way, everyone probably guessed it anyway, what is this... words, now, according to tradition, we must pause for a while so that immediately after the pause we can tell without hiding anything about the events that everyone is discussing, in general, there is still a lot of interesting things ahead, so stay with us, do not switch, there will now be plastic inherited, particles microplastics that pollute water, air and soil, scientists now find in men in the most intimate places, those that are responsible for
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offspring, does this mean that the children of the future will... consist of plastic, or the future simply will not exist, because there is no there will be children themselves. the may frosts have warmed up prices; some berries and fruits will definitely rise in price, and some will not appear at all. on the shelves this season, a participant from russia became the european champion of the twenty-fourth year, how in what type of competition did this become possible, about this is a special guest of the program. you will learn about all this very soon, but in the meantime, important news from the national labor productivity project. since 2020 , the national project, which is being implemented by decision of the president, has covered 86 russian regions. in total, more than 6,000 enterprises with total revenue of more than 11 trillion rubles participate in it, but more than one and a half million employees work at these enterprises. national project experts help rebuild
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intra-production logistics, load equipment, produce faster and better quality. this targeted support is provided by the federal competence center and 60 regional centers. the national project is becoming more and more macroeconomically significant. now minecon. development is preparing a proposal for its development, for example, the creation of industry-specific competence centers to improve efficiency in specific industries is being discussed. it is planned to start with tourism; for this , the first industry competence center has already been certified in the krasnodar territory. over the years of work , the national project has proven its effectiveness, thanks to its support of more than 4.00 enterprises increased profits by 318 billion rubles. this is almost 10 times more than the budget itself. national project. at plants and factories, with the support of national project experts , company employees are actively trained in lean production tools. their number has already exceeded 114,000 people;
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companies can begin their digital transformation on the efficiency.rf platform, where 3,000 companies have already registered. thus, the national labor productivity project successfully ensures the formation of a new production culture in russia. well straight away now. we'll take a break for a couple of minutes, we'll be back on air very soon, be sure to wait for us, criminal investigation, who are you, quietly, no, our most important paintings, we need an investigator for an art gallery, we have a murder and robbery here, young man, you can't go there, something is already known about the missing paintings, we are not looking for paintings yet. and the killer, oops, divers are desperately needed, where are you calling me again? dolphin, new season, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. pain can be different,
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coffee shop on the floors, taste, pleasure. i love it, i recommend it. sber has increased the best interest rate on deposits to 18% per annum. via superstar. premiere today at 20:20 on ntv. read, watch, listen. your favorite authors, artists and musicians. we are waiting for you with the whole family at the main event. book festival of the country june 6-9 red square. we continue the live broadcast. this is central television, the first information show. today is the first day of summer, but the last days of the turbulent may the weather in the russian capital was marked first by hellish heat, and then by tropical downpour. but in fact, it’s still a sin for muscovites to complain in the capital of india, for example. in texas, oklahoma,
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arkansas, kentucky and alabama, devastating giant whirlwinds killed 26 people. in general, if ronald emerich, an american director whose films do not do without large-scale, expensive destruction and disasters, were to shoot his next blockbuster, he could easily save money. on computer graphics and make do with location shooting. and yes, directors of disaster films are the few who could save something on global weather anomalies. for everyone else, the surprises that the changing climate throws at us before our eyes force us to fork out a fair amount. and to the russians, i am so i understand that just now the unexpected may frosts will hit, no, no, no warmth, frosts. vadim, it looks like strawberries have gone up in price.
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strawberries have completely disappeared from the shelves, in some areas the may frosts destroyed almost the entire harvest, and russian farmers are even planning to introduce a federal emergency because of these very abnormal frosts, the new minister oksana lut said. according to her, frosts greatly affected fruit trees, especially apple trees in the central regions of our country. well, you know, maybe fruit prices and the berries are not so significant against the backdrop of the global g...
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it’s just that there are no strawberries here, as the signs say, they are all either very tasty or very sweet, more often than not, both, but there is no time for deserved epithets, as ganechkina notes, even the product is named incorrectly. and you say strawberry, actually it’s a large-fruited strawberry. we must try to watch. galnichkina, of course, is a demanding buyer. the fruit stalk is already a little wilted, not fresh, it’s just such a sluggish, sluggish fruit stalk. in the end , having carefully examined the colorful counters, the main summer resident of the country comes to the conclusion: the berries here can really be sweet and tasty, but even the most arrogant seller would not think of writing the word “ cheap”, well, he still has 500 rubles. yes, but there i saw 700 rubles. that is berries are more expensive than meat, just like that, the seller chenan is trying to explain why it’s so expensive, there ’s not enough goods, if there were more,
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there’s a harvest, moscow doesn’t have enough, like that, like that because of the frost, the harvest is small, that’s why everything is so expensive. yulia zhuravleva has been baking designer cakes for 9 years and couldn’t help but notice, that now prices for garden strawberries, also known as strawberries, are rising by leaps and bounds. at the end of april, i bought berries for about 280 per kilo, now the price is almost double, today i bought them for 500, but this price increase will be felt by everyone, not only lovers of fresh berries and cakes, but buyers of jam, confiture, puff pastries and pies , but what happened, will it happen?
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a whole farm, contracts and people who need to be paid, like the tractor driver, uncle misha, whose blue tractor is now driving through the fields of the kursk region, around that same garden strawberries, we saved them, saved them, splashed them into the night, saved them, not all of them, but saved them, this
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year we are 63 years old, uncle misha, even at night, like all the workers, again participated in the battle for the harvest, now the process of processing strawberries is underway. feeding through the leaf, however , unfortunately, half of the harvest cannot be saved, bombanik from frost. vitaly zolotarev, deputy general director of this agricultural enterprise, points to a recently purchased brick. they wanted to build a new dormitory for seasonal workers, but now construction has been postponed for at least a year due to untimely frosts, just when the strawberries were blooming. it’s a great pity, especially the first time when we came and saw these black flower stalks, it was a great pity. here , 7 hectares were sown with garden strawberries; on average, 15 tons of berries were harvested from one hectare. some of the fields, going out on the night when there were frosts, managed to be covered with a cloth like this, but according to rough estimates, they would still lose half of the harvest, 50 tons. last year, says zolotarev, they sold a kilo wholesale
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for 200 rubles. it turns out, even if we count by last year's prices, losses of about 10 million. prices for strawberries have increased, because, firstly, they are now simply... simply not available, if you take krasnodar, then they have already ended, if you take our regions, then they are just beginning, those the regions that were supposed to replace krasnodar and crimean berries with their berries were just hit by frosts, these are the kursk, lipetsk, voronezh regions, the hardest frosts will most likely affect the rise in prices in the next season, in the season of the twenty- fifth year. kursk again, where yulia zhuravleva is finishes a designer cake with an increased price of strawberry filling. if now. a kilo costs 1,500, then it will be 1,600, well, here’s the icing on the cake, vorennikovskaya village, krasnodar region, the head of the cherry farm sergei val, showing how to correctly cut cherries and cherries, like this
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with scissors, predicts an increase in prices for his products, there are places , where in our region it grew worse due to weather conditions, so well... the price is much higher than last year, again the kursk region, where vitaly zolotarev switched from strawberry fields to apple fields hectares on which everything is the same. the garden bloomed well, but due to the fact that it was hit hard by frost, it all crumbled. the consumer will feel a rise in prices, simply because, yes, again there are no apples, but they are talking about strawberries, or more precisely, garden strawberries. more, because now is its season, not at all because due to the unexpected return of frost, only it has increased in price. central. no, well, now there’s another rather frightening news of this week, which, perhaps, in the near future
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will force scientists to start rewriting reference books for biology textbooks, first of all, we will have to change the phrase, well known to everyone from school, that the human body is 70% water. the fact is that life, as they say in such cases, has made its own adjustments, and now in human blood, in the heart, in the liver, even in breast milk... they find something that previously could easily be found in the most ordinary waste dump , well, modern waste, as we know, consists of slightly less than entirely plastic, unlike the so-called organic waste, that is, half-eaten food, for example, plastic does not decompose over time, but breaks down into small particles, that is, into so-called microplastics, which this week so scared american scientists who discovered it... uh, where julia? vadim, now i would like to ask those who are especially impressionable to step away from
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the screens, because even those same scientists from the university of new mexico who conducted this study were shocked. so, all the subjects, and these were exclusively men, experts found particles of microplastic in the very organ that is responsible for the reproduction of offspring, and we are not talking about some traces of the presence of a foreign element, namely... about quite severe pollution, now scientists suspect that with microplastics there may be connected with the well-known scientific fact of a decrease in the number of sperm in men, all over the world, vadim, this is how things are, julia, so the question arises: will microplastics now be inherited, or will things be even worse in in the future, due to microplastic pollution, people simply will not be able to leave offspring ; the fate awaits our civilization. dinosaurs, that is, mass extinctions, tatyana proskurikova listened to all the frightening predictions
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of scientists. it's like flying among the stars in search of a new universe, unknown creatures, monstrous monsters and a landscape that boggles the imagination. a deep-sea robot allowed scientists to descend to the bottom of a depression in the pacific ocean for the first time. no human has ever set foot here before, but it is visible. man has left a strong legacy here too. we measured the amount plastic throughout the entire water column, starting from the surface of the ocean at a depth of thousands of meters, microplastic particles were found everywhere. scientists call the white particles through which the robot floats sea snow. in fact, these are dead animals and plants that fall into the depths of the ocean. sea snow is food for many deep-sea creatures. the problem is that microplastic particles are the same size. here under the microscope there is plankton, and these green spots inside are microplastics, which
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the crustaceans mistook for food and could not digest, it won't be able to do that, and plankton-eating fish may very well be your next plastic-seasoned dinner. over the past 3 years, scientists have found micro and even nanoplastic particles everywhere they looked: on mountain tops, in underground springs, in clouds, soil, water bottles...
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plastic particles are damaged three times more often than when absorbed by bacteria and viruses, this can provoke an immediate inflammatory response and a cytacine storm. but as microplastics spread throughout our bodies, scientists have suggested that they we inhale, eat, drink invisible particles, and then they enter the blood, which carries polymers throughout the body. this theory was confirmed by dr. heather leslie, who was the first to find microplastics in human blood. and animals. we found a large concentration of polyethylenes, which are used to make
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food packaging. plastic was also found, which is used in the production of phones, computers and televisions. poisonous polymers were also found in blood clots removed by surgeons from the arteries of the heart and brain, and it turned out that microplastics in the vessels increases the risk of death from heart attack and stroke by five times. we are faced with a huge range of chemical elements, including those that disrupt the endocrine system and affect our hormonal levels. how will the plastic man respond to this threat by building recycling plants and this recycled plastic? leading brands will begin to use for the production of their goods. in the business world, this is called green washing, that is, laundering a company's reputation with the help of an allegedly environmental project. manufacturers sports shoes made from recycled bottles tell you straight: by buying our sneakers, you are not only taking a step towards health, but saving the planet. but in fact, this is deceit. after all
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, plastic is not paper or metal, and in order to reuse recycled bottles, you need to add new material to the recycled material, and it will contain 70% virgin plastic. publicist eva schaub named this shocking figure in an article in the washington post newspaper. she began her research on microplastic recycling with a home experiment and convinced her family spend a year without garbage, that is... all waste, to my horror, i learned that recycling is a myth: out of seven types of plastic , only two can be reused, but these are still tens of thousands of unique formulas that are developed by different companies; they cannot be mixed . too many different chemicals, when you mix them during recycling they react with each
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other creating new substances, they can be incredibly toxic, hence the recycled plastic. plastic is made from hydrocarbons, toxic chemical impurities, among them are heavy metals, carcinogens and substances that suppress the endocrine system and fertility, while plastic does not decompose, but breaks down into microscopic particles that retain their harmful properties.
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in fact, plastic manufacturers have been promoting an idea with the beautiful name energy from waste for several years now. and in america, under this sauce, dozens of factories have actually been built that burn waste to produce electricity. plastic is made from petroleum, and since your electric cars don't need gas, we've shifted our focus to tripling plastic production by 50. we will convince you that you love plastic, you need plastic. tatyana braskaryakova, anastasia lunkova, denis anekin, anton yanchenko and vladimir sharykin, central television. yes, it’s just kind of creepy, but right now, let’s look again at the news agency feeds, where the most important news of this saturday flocks, well, let me remind you, they are followed, of course, as always by yulia bekhtareva. yes, vadim, today in moscow
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we said goodbye to anastasia zavorotnyuk. theater and film actress, honored artist of russia died on thursday at the age of. 53 years old after a long illness. hundreds of people came to the farewell ceremony at the pokrovsky monastery in moscow, including relatives, friends, numerous pokonniks, as well as famous artists, politicians and journalists. and here’s another sad news this saturday: the famous polar explorer, state duma deputy artur chelengarov passed away. speaker of parliament vyacheslav volodin announced this a few minutes ago. and to other topics crust. circassia is recovering from a severe storm. all these appeared numerous videos in the city of cherkessk, the wind knocked down trees, tore off roofs, destroyed advertising boards and lighting masts. a tree fell on a car, killing a man. squally winds were accompanied by thunderstorms and large hail; according to local residents, pieces of ice the size of walnuts
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broke through the windows of cars and houses. and so, perhaps, the volcano has to be blamed for this in... on the weather for many years, for example, the summer of this year will be very rainy, this effect, according to experts, is due to the nature eruptions, since the volcano was under water, the intense heat turned 150 million tons of water into steam, the energy of the explosion sent this moisture into the stratosphere, and now it is gradually returning back in the form of heavy precipitation, well, let’s just say, the most unexpected news of this... week, over the past two- plus years, we have already become accustomed to the fact that western cancel culture is almost entirely directed at russian athletes, artists, and, in general, everything
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connected with modern russia, and therefore any breakthrough by our compatriots some international competitions, and especially winning at these competitions , are perceived as something theoretically achievable, but practically impossible, this is just such amazing news... the biggest, probably the biggest - the illusionists competition, the most respected, european, then only the world one comes, in fact, i
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received the right to participate in the world competition, i performed in the micromagic genre, so, so - i think that now not even everyone noticed how the cards fell out of your mouth, yes, it’s like about me, this happens when i have had a bad breakfast, this happens periodically, and this is a micromat. and gorgeous, in fact, yes, when i went there, i was of course worried, that is, i was afraid of some looks, some, well, that is, they didn’t say, let’s not say that you’re
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from russia, but just vladimir, by no means, no, i carried the flag, everyone applauded, there were no complaints, the attitude was excellent, that is, from the organizers, from the foreign colleagues, i was received as warmly as possible, everything was very great, so there won’t be any more tricks, tell me honestly, i just can’t understand the trick. we can show you something, that is, my favorite prop is a dice, come on, and at the same time tell us what talents you need to have, our yulia bekhtereva can become a magician, calmly, that is, of course you can become a magician, the most important thing is patience , this is determination and desire, that is , if you have a desire, then you can become an illusionist, let me show you, i have a dice, your task is to choose any number, let’s say number one, put the die in such a way that your chosen one... exactly to the top, i have to name this number, no, under no circumstances, i shouldn’t know it, cover it with the other hand from above, i’ll give you the cube , i’ll turn away myself, let’s for the purity of the experiment, hold it, i don’t look, i choose, yes, you choose,
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great, just think about your number, i think, only i think that time is not rubber on our air, i think i’ll count from one to six, watch your reaction, your the task is not to give yourself away, come on 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 5 6
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card, most importantly, remember it, don’t okay, vadim, please take any one , forget it, it’s very important, i’m not looking, there is, yes, i’ll put it approximately in the center of the deck, please tell me, we didn’t agree on anything, great, i’ll shuffle the deck, raise it a couple of times , with your finger on any card, please show me why, well, this is the most interesting thing, that this is exactly it, my magic one. the card is not yours, if you take the king of hearts, shake it a little, it turns into a four of hearts, but this is the simplest part of the trick, if you put a four a worm on your knee, it slowly disappears, vadim and ends up in your right pocket, i mean? in the right pocket, i'm kidding, i can't do that, i was joking, that would be too cool, this is already the level of world-wide fism, so i 'm just thinking about it, now our viewers were stunned and thought, yes, they know how to manage airtime , we can continue as much as we want, but i think it’s worth showing your award, which confirms that you really won at this international illusionist competition, the world championship is ahead, i hope that you...
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stay with us, stay with your central television, see you, bye, we'll go watch magic tricks, happily.
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two poles of one person, arthur chelengarov, scientist, oceanologist, arctic and antarctic explorer, died. hidden talents, how life changes and where participants in a special operation most often find themselves new. already the only case in russia, acute meloid leukemia turned the life of eleven-year-old arthur upside down. the boy urgently needs help. this is the program today, in the studio of dmitry zavoisty. hello. left from life artur chelengarov, legendary scientist, world-famous oceanographer. he spent most of his life on expeditions, explored the arctic and antarctic, participated in complex rescue operations and worked for many years in harsh conditions.


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