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tv   Zvezdi soshlis  NTV  June 2, 2024 11:30pm-1:06am MSK

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also get a monthly cashback of 2% interest rate, more profitable with sberp prime. dolphin, new season, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. niko safronov surprised with a statement: he will leave his apartment in the center of moscow, paintings and antiques not to relatives, but to the state. what do its many figures think about this? sister and brothers, and how to insure yourself so as not to be left completely without an inheritance, we will discuss today. three-story penthouse of nikos safronov in the very heart of the capital, on bryusov lane. the studio apartment, according to the most conservative estimates, is estimated at 7 billion rubles. there are more than a thousand meters, there are three levels, i think that this assessment will probably be fair. in 7 rooms, everywhere you look, there are exclusive, handmade and antiques. there are bear skins on the floors. 16th century tiles from
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amsterdam worth 5 million rubles. there is gold leaf and hand painting on the walls. this is a locker, it’s just a counter, but i even painted the inside so that there would be no such props. on the second floor of nikos sofronov’s castle there is a winter garden with a fountain, and next door there is a spacious hall with a marble fireplace of king francis i worth almost 4 million rub. the crown of the people's artist's collection is a bedroom set. queen of france marie antoineteau. it's suitable, but i myself don't dare sleep on it. the third floor is designed in high-tech style. there is a gothic -style dining table, a black piano for classical music evenings, and an area for disco parties with a dance floor. nikos sofronov’s special pride is his personal terrace overlooking moscow. ministry of education, moscow state university, nova arbat. nikos, why did you decide to leave? the apartment
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is for the state, not for the children, well, they will squander it, firstly, this is their bone of contention if you give it, leave it to the children, they will start, why me, and why me more, like two greedy little bears, then the children somehow grew up not quite with me, one lives in london, now he is studying in france, art management, one lives - in vienna, he is german, born in germany, lived in australia, he has his own little one. well, let’s say seven, but there is luka, a person close to me, who, by the way, recommended that he supported me in leaving it as a house-museum, but it’s not entirely easy to leave it to the city, it’s still a public private property partnership, he left the gunpowder workers to the city, they came after some time, the floors are up, all the paintings, including mine, are his portraits and -
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on arithmetic and i think, that’s how many dozens of my life i need to live to have such an apartment, and i’m kind of incredible, i ’m really, i’m sincerely impressed, it’s like this in the center of moscow, but you know, probably not, because every child has it in their heads that their parents give gifts of some kind from their childhood, something... some tasty treats, some kind of toy with age, this all increases.
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requests are growing, requests are growing, when a certain age period is already approaching, yes, they expect that there will be some kind of hereditary continuation and so on and so forth, probably the children have some kind of disappointment in this matter, even well, that is, children have the right to be offended by such a position, even if they agree, even if they say that dad is doing the right thing, there will still be some kind of sediment inside, eh, but it’s easier for me to talk about it, because nothing for me no, it’s so easy for me, i write everything down to my wife, i have a friend, he wrote everything to his wife, because they have a child together, he’s a billionaire, i say, i wouldn’t trust her, she’s still so servious, in london, he himself is somewhere there in dubai, business, then he somehow met in moscow, he says, but they should take a taxi, she says, she took everything from me, she took everything, sasha, tell me, the children need...
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a will at least something or is the last name enough? so who should the bequeath be given to then besides the children? what is there to do? i'll go into oblivion who will be left with all this? the same with nikos, his only problem is serious, because he has masterpieces. nikos, i wanted to ask you, seven children are all your relatives, legal, sasha, one, he was born in marriage, she is italian, she even got married, she left, well, legally they are all registered on you, well, i established everyone who i asked to apply, but i installed everyone, but oh, can i apply, i didn’t educate, i already think, yes.
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defamed, i didn’t do something super negative, what they want for me, thank god that i exist, like sirov, sasha, i am, nikos, i exist, i i continue to develop, i have about a thousand exhibitions, nikos safronov is looking for all
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his illegitimate children, who else will be among the contenders for the artist’s inheritance, how many people do you think he has there, besides these seven you still have, i think probably , i advise you to think about this, i believe that you should not offend anyone, they will wait for that day to come, you don’t have to grab everything, you know, otherwise they will all see it, will the illegitimate son of mikhail evdokimov go after the inheritance, but if i i'll get it, i wasn't
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i would be against it, you didn’t get anything, but this passenger, damn it, got a house for rubles, now do a dna test, go to court, you have a high chance, ashal. and besides the last name, what did the illegitimate daughter of the national artist mikhail kakshenov get? in a natural fur coat in the seventh grade, i went alone, your dad was an incredible redneck, don’t miss the most interesting things right after the advertisement, register, deposit, criminal investigation, who are you? it's quiet, our most important paintings are missing, we need an investigator for the art gallery, there's a murder here, a robbery, a young man, we can't go there, something is already known about the missing paintings, we're not looking for paintings right now, but a killer, oops, divers are desperately needed, where
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wounds on her, i just didn’t recognize my child, he beat her with a shovel, bottles, cut her, stabbed her, i don’t know what kind of freak this is, after the torture there was no living space on the woman’s face, her face was all black from the beatings, so strong were her gifts, the relatives of the murdered were sure it was all the burning fault due to her husband's jealousy, the stars came together to find out why nikos safronov decided to rewrite his will. nikos, you
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help children, by the way, your own, you help, yes, yesterday was my son’s birthday, what did you give him, money, what can be sent there, he is now in paris, well, that is, you help everyone, everyone if possible, when appeals, here is the australian son, who was a german and moved to england, scotland at the beginning, he needs. it was 10,000 to rent an apartment and assume that the bank will give permission to rent, that is, you provide them with housing, no, well, renting an apartment is 10.00 - your grandchildren are walking through garbage dumps, that is , someone actually said that if you help children, after all, they themselves must understand and survive, they must do something, once upon a time a guy appeared who was there are 21-22 from lithuania, and
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i came from you, i am your son, and i approached him very cunningly, i want. order a portrait, money doesn’t matter, i say, give it here, it turns out he’s in debt, like silk, seven years of education, i said, let’s study, i’ll help, he finished 11, went to college, i helped him until at some point, gave him 100,000 at the end, completed it, i said, now myself, he started drinking, about not rubles, dollars, yes, he began to behave, well, you exist, i say, if i don’t have it, well, you exist, then he came to his senses, he left. lithuania, he opened some small business, bought himself a car, like mine, then came to moscow, i say, well, you’re on your own, niko, but tell me, please, the children are calling you, and just ask, dad, how business, well, they congratulate, come for a birthday, i pay for everything, but they don’t know the language, and i don’t i always help at the moment, if a person comes, he says, i want, i help, i
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have a woman, uh, who has been guarding me for several years near my house, and not only me, there are also famous people living in my house, but i still gave time, gave, gave money, she already comes, as it should be, you know, to work, you are already starting, you have to help up to a certain point, because if a person does not do anything himself, he gets used to it. sash, michelle often calls you to find out how you are doing, attitude, of course, she has a good relationship, but the point is that you need to understand. that she lives with her husband and naturally i have a slight jealousy, because i raised her from such years, you understand, for me she still remains as if she was 3 years old, so it turns out that i can’t get over it , that i am now 29 years old, so different associations, different feelings arise, controversial, somewhere inside
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myself, somewhere i am upset, somewhere i want to make some kind of breakthrough, and then i give up, because we don’t have everything is fine with her husband, we with him it’s not at all that is, before michelle paid attention to you, lived with you, now, let’s do this, but it’s clear that she is with her husband, the last time she called you, today, but what did she ask, well, she asked where you're going, i say, to lera kudryavtseva, well, say hello, i say, and a huge hello to her, so i have no other choice, and who should i leave everything to, nikos there. i think it should be offensive to them, because maybe perhaps this is not openly said, but we have already said today that when something leaks, then it seems like it should be, of course, then the resentment remains, that that same residue will remain, but
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you think that they have already mentally distributed these numbers for this apartment. depends on many components, in particular on the financial situation of these children, it depends on their needs directly, let’s say, maybe someone wants to buy a spaceship, someone maybe just wants shoes, just listen to nikos’ story, like one of the sons i approached him in a sly way, for some reason i believe that they already shared something like this a little rooms in this apartment, everyone said in their own way, well, they thought, but the question is that nikos has the right to do as he sees it. to give to the state means to give to the state, from my point of view, the people who are connected with the painting, with the performance are the artists, yes, in this sense they have an advantage over us, the singers, yes, who sang, well, that’s all, they have their own authors they get, and what remains for the singers,
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well, there is a sound recording and so on, the artist has the opportunity to make a gallery, which means then in this gallery... maybe the school will be educated, further, further, develop, have a further continuation. mash, should we think about the children, or should we let them earn money themselves? you never know what children count on, especially since i all understand that there is help there, and a start is given, and then support, so it’s hard to imagine being in this apartment with antique things, and even some. people like nika said, i don’t allow myself to sleep on this bed, but in general it’s hard to imagine that there could be anything else there other than a museum, i think that children, of course, they
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will react to the decision of their dad nikos safronov? i think that the children, first of all , will be stunned just to find out on tv, on the federal channel that, sorry, but they have nothing, but do you support nikos’ decision or not, judging by your words, to be honest, here when i went to the program, i’m absolutely sure, well, the father left nothing for the children, but now hearing that there are children there, they may not be his children at all, as if he somehow nobly acknowledged them, but..
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it seems to me that no one will continue like this . the thing is, yes, i am for children, another question is that why do we give birth to these children, in principle, if they appear on their own like grass and there was no personal participation in the upbringing of responsibility in order to continue the work of dad and then somehow , because who else will look after these matters, who won’t cut the fireplace out of this apartment and drag it away to somewhere else, and how many seraphim stories have you probably missed, even in our program. yes, when they sawed it out, took it away, and swore, and did not communicate, something was still a question for the children or for those who raised them people like us, what we should
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instill in our children, because sometimes the street, you know, raises us like that, mom i don’t grieve, don’t let them out, like stars during their lifetime save their real estate from greedy relatives, it will be scandal after scandal , let them all receive equally, you will lead them into long-term litigation, wills are not a panacea. from all the troubles, well, i don’t want to irritate people, i’m a poor man, was valeria zolotukhin’s beloved woman able to win back the artist’s inheritance from his legal wife, when i considered it all paper, this turns out to be the most profitable option, you don’t have to grab everything, you know, otherwise everyone will see it there, well, maybe in fairness, is the illegitimate son of mikhail evdakimov ready to fight for his share of the inheritance, but if i got it, i wouldn’t if i were against it, you wouldn't get anything. and this passenger, damn it, got a house on the ruble, and friends, if dad had been alive, i’m sure that he would not have left his son, he has the genes of a great, wonderful person,
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the favorite of russia, and that someone else’s bequeathed to prokhor chaliapin grandma, she says, what about you? you’re burying me, i say, so there’s no heir, well, at least say, and you mean, you’re getting close to her or something, in a couple of minutes it’s even more interesting, dolphin, new season, tomorrow at 20:00 on... pain in the knee, pain in back, maybe in the neck . vintalgin extragel contains the maximum dose of a substance for pain and inflammation. pentalgin extragel. get prizes in the new game mega tower from megamarket. explore the floors of the mega tower to find out what awaits you at the top. look for the game in the application and on the megamarket website. enjoy your different self. fill up the summer bright images on ozone. hair lacks vitality. gliskur - exceptional hydration. fills hair with the power of hyaluron.
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more! at the exhibition russia. the stars have aligned to open an inheritance case. over the years in show business, people's artist alexander sirov has sung about three moscow apartments, a fleet of nine luxury foreign cars and a mansion in new riga. and all the multimillion-dollar property is an artist has already bequeathed his daughter michelle, leaving his illegitimate daughters christine and alice with nothing. you are sitting in the winter garden, here you have such panoramic windows. actor vladimir sterzhakov, over the years of work in cinema and theater, managed to acquire real estate. he lives in the same apartment with his youngest son alexei and his wife alla. she is setting up a family nest. it's all al. everything is in design, color, furniture. in another , vladimir sterzhakov settled his eldest son denis. in principle, this apartment
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already had everything when i moved in. to avoid. scandals with inheritance, the actor transferred all property to his wife. i am sure that alla will judge fairly which of the two sons should leave what. my boy is studying. the singer vladimir the ninth, heir to prutprudi, has a young wife and five children from three different women. the people's artist plans to write a will in the near future. what if his two apartments and a dacha in the moscow region cause the children to quarrel among themselves? everything is ours, everything is all around, everything is from the collective farm. all around is mine. on a two-story country house with italian furniture and antiques sets, vera sotnikova set aside all fees. now the actress is wondering how to distribute her property between her only son and five grandchildren. kitchen, living room, fireplace, there is a bedroom, dressing room, jacuzzi on the second floor. but nikos safronov decided to nip all the disputes of his heirs in the bud. the artist intends to turn
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his seventeen-room apartment into a museum. leave it to more than seven sons, all admirers of his talent. will nika and safronov bequeath at least something to their children and why is he announcing a search for new heirs, we’ll find out right now. prokhor, in your opinion, why did nikos decide to do this to his children? oh, here, you know, depending on which side you look at it all, if you look at it from a child’s point of view, of course, the children will be upset. if on nikos’s part, indeed, he has already entered the history of russian culture, i am sure that his name will continue to flourish, of course, i would like for all this to remain at the level of, well, state protection, yes, that is , indeed, for they were looking for a museum there, i was in this apartment, i was lucky enough to be there, we were filming a movie, and by the way, i was there too. really, well, the royal royal surroundings, it’s all really a simple museum, but again, i agree with you that children sometimes abuse the property that just falls on their heads and waste it completely ungratefully, and in general i think
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that, well, children are such, you know, i don’t have them yet, but i think that this is basically , of course, such an ungrateful element, it is unknown what he expects children golden quotes about good, children are ungrateful element, ungrateful element. basically there’s a bit of a consumerist attitude, so here it’s still culture, art, i want to leave it, so that it doesn’t get sold like a guy’s, this apartment instead of a museum was turned into something unclear, everyone quarreled, someone lives there now this apartment, i walk right past her apartment, my heart bleeds, i would make a museum out of this, no, well, gurchenko has the same story.
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i have another question, torment nikos, but honestly, yes, how much does housing and communal services cost, heating, electricity, i have several employees, one of them is lena, she says, we need a million there, we need one and a half, so luka says, we forgot insurance, this is not for utility bills, i hope for everything, for various, for insurance, on...
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nikos’s children have such an inheritance, vladimir, you said that you signed everything over to your wife, that is, you didn’t leave a will, but simply rewrote it, absolutely, i assigned everything, and now the question is, what is all this, is it an apartment, this is a dacha, this is an apartment that i bought for my son when he was the eldest, he graduated from college, that’s it, i have a fifteen year old car, why should my wife then? you didn’t buy him an apartment for your son, why didn’t you rewrite it already? let him deserve it. margarit, i want you to clarify a little, if during your lifetime you transfer everything to your husband or wife, will this protect you from other heirs? this will not at all protect against other heirs,
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since property acquired during marriage, regardless of who it is registered in, is the subject of an inheritance and is subject to division, that is, margarita, if there is no will, if no... if there is no will, but there is property that one has systematically registered in the name of the other all his life, this property is considered jointly acquired and is divided by heirs randomly. you have now learned for the first time that if you do this, it does not guarantee safety on the part of the new heirs, well, yes, for the first time this was revealed to me, i’m like volodya, we are more familiar with the text and the stanislavsky system than here in some. such laws, yes, well, now you don’t think about what could happen
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write the right will, i’ll come, i’ll discuss it, we’ll discuss this with my mother-in-law, i’ll tell you, the mother-in-law is an important element in this matter, but no, seriously, seriously, vladimir, did you write a will, no, what, but i’m thinking, you’re thinking, well, it’s time somehow, now we’ll be all together, i have five children and a wife, in general, what do you have? inheritance in addition to songs, there are several apartments in moscow, a dacha, this is a nice, big, beautiful one, so they figured out in their head at least approximately what for someone, you know, what’s the matter, i think that when i’ll get it all figured out in mathematics, what it costs, how much it costs, i’ll gather my children and explain to everyone that here’s the guys, this is it, this is it, this is it. it costs you
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this much, you have this much, because this is it, this one is already learned there, and if someone is dissatisfied, no, well, wait, i’ll explain that someone has been learned by me, someone will only be taught, because i have children from 47 to nine, you know, someone i’m already preoccupied with after this, what will you announce, yes, they will wait until that day comes, no, well, it also depends which day. but in principle, i think that a will is a good thing, but only on one condition, that it is prepared in advance and the people who participate in this will, well, there are children, there are wives and so on, they should be there.
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i still met maybe one day a week, but i, uh, have a relationship with them, i’m just more calm when a conflict arises, demands, like father sirov, no one demands anything from me, especially, just are asking and can i adopt them or prove that i am them? closed ones, who never appeared anywhere, turned, i went, that is, you say, i want all the heirs to show up, do you think you still have other heirs besides these seven? i think that, probably, yes,
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it sounds like a call now, you understand that now he’s coming and says, sign up for the program, the stars have aligned in order to cut through nikos safronov’s budget, even for the sake of getting to know each other, it seems to me that they’ll just come. well, in general, to be honest, i have one son, so by will or by will, so to speak, everything if that is, there are no more applicants at all , the thing is that i have five grandchildren and i love them all, and i’m also five, but my dear , time goes by so quickly, wait, you have five grandchildren from your son. from one daughter-in-law, no, from three, from three, well, yes, well, it doesn’t change anything,
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but you know what the prokhor changes, it means that all these grandchildren are not exactly siblings, and this is the basis for conflicts, that’s how once in that same inheritance, margarita nods, apparently, apparently this happens, yesterday i was poisoned and today i prayed all night to live to see today, we all hope to live, no one knows how many commands then a will can be written. and i’m worried that you didn’t leave something, i’m taking off on a plane, i didn’t think about it before, i think, i didn’t have time to do this, this is how they will be, that’s what’s next, and you’re thinking about an inheritance, a will?
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is alive, and he in his wills, well, no matter how he indicated it, he didn’t think that he would die before his mother, when it started, the whole deal, so his sister, through her mother , claimed a part, because her mother is called hereditary transmission, not even in
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a will, well, let’s say, a mother or one of the relatives who, by law, has, regardless of whether there is a will or not, to demand their share, then this will is not a panacea for all ills, there is a nuance here , here the question concerns only dependents, yes, only dependents, that is, these are elderly parents, relatives who were abused by the deceased testator, and not just the whole wide world of relatives, i want to say that i love them all, so let them get everything poruder, i won’t care anymore, no, no, no, i didn’t say that, i said, let them all get their time.
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mother, i don’t have children yet, i hope that god will send me some wealthy woman, i mean, who can give me dignity, as they say, we can continue the mouth, yes, but for now she, as they say, is not there , but there are some special conditions in your will, yes, i wrote a will, i really wasn’t too lazy, i wrote a will, i, well, i won’t
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reveal it, bequeathed half of the property to my mother, as if yes, half is still there alone, well all in all i wrote half, wait, who wants half? i can’t tell you this, we agreed that because she also wrote about me, no, a person close to me, she wrote about me, i also wrote about her, in general, my story is as follows: i thought about who, that is, you have to think about who is the first line, who is the second, think about at least two lines just in case, i only have a first line mother, she is older than me, if there is a wife, she is also the first line of inheritance, well, in short , if there are children, no you have to think, believe me, you don’t need to worry, let her son come later, may god grant you health and may you live straight for at least 100 years, but still. but i have to think, unfortunately, i have a line of inheritance that is next after my mother - this is a cousin, my mother’s brother, the line, with which
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i include i have second cousins, a black list like this and deprivation, i have second cousins various nephews there are already a lot of them there, all sorts of relatives there, i really have a lot, so i don’t communicate with anyone much, but i have good people who, in general, even if there, in general, i actually wrote a will because i already have something to inherit, and for the regions, these few apartments in moscow are a fortune, that’s why i think that i did the right thing, prokhara brother, he already found out about yours i found out because i said this somewhere in an interview, so i even wrote an sms that we live a noble life there, we don’t need anything from you, but we don’t need anything until nothing is just lying there, when there are some things lying there
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millions on the road, that's all, that's why i i decided to protect myself, i advise everyone to think about it, in this regard, just margarit, what are the special conditions in the will ? well, for example, conditionally, here’s a monument to be erected, a person writes, i’m going to die, i bequeath to bury me there and then. there is a law on funeral heid, which states that the deceased has the right to leave to the will of the manager, who is obliged to carry out his will. moreover, according to current legislation, heirs, without any expression of will, are obliged to bear the costs of burial, drinking, everything, everything. the entire installation procedure. monument, you and i know what the situation is now, every second selep who died left an inheritance in the carriage, lies under a wooden cross,
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they are asking for money for the monument, you know, they are raising money on the internet so that people chip in a penny, the check is left the check is left until because they don’t have enough money, which means relatives don’t put in money, there is the following manipulation, which is very easy to implement if a person is willing to incur expenses, an outsider. sees that the will is not being fulfilled, or he does not know this will, but sees that there is no monument, he pays for the installation of the monument at his own expense, goes to court and collects expenses from the heirs who received it in court, absolutely realistically, there is judicial practice, please tell me, is it possible to write such a clause in the will , that under no circumstances, well , roughly speaking, this property should not be sold to the heirs, no, this encumbrance cannot be sold, they cannot sell it, they are obliged to maintain it, but for them. there is no need for this, why even 11 years after the death of valery zolotukhin and his inheritance they're still sharing, we'll find out after the commercial.
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don't say anything, check out ligustavok. complete registration and make a deposit. everyone. hello, i'm timur rodriguez and i'm pleased to announce that the unique travel show popuschikh is back with an exciting new one and therefore i'm announcing a nationwide casting from may 17 to june 17, all you need to do is fill out an application and get a chance to become my attempt to tell the world, attica, showpotik for, see you, dolphin, new season, tomorrow at 20:00, on ntv sber has increased the best interest rate on deposits to 18% per annum. knee pain there may be pain in the back, in the neck. pentalgin
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purity, quality. apply for a loan from sberbank and get a chance to win money to repay it, and also receive a monthly cashback of 2% interest rate, more profitable with sberp prime. allergy, i wanted to sneeze on it. i am an expert and help children and adults with various types of allergies. available on yandex market. enjoy your different self. fill up the summer. vivid images of nazon. moscow coffee shop on the floors, taste, pleasure. i love it, i recommend it. sber has increased the best interest rate on deposits to 18% per annum. beyond the new season with timur eremeev. tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv.
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the stars came together to tell us how they share inheritance with relatives. zolotukhin has not been with us for 11 years, and his inheritance is still a matter of dispute among his many relatives. there is a four-room apartment, where they are on taganka, where they lived with tamara, and a two-room apartment. two apartments with a total cost of 50 million rubles. the eldest son of valery zolotukhin, denis, the youngest son of the national artist, ivan, and the daughter of valery zolotukhin’s widow from his first marriage, ekaterina, share the property. she and her father divorced. soon after my birth, will the heirs of valery zolotukhin be able to agree peacefully or they will divide every square meter, we’ll find out right now. ira, at what stage is this matter now? well, they wanted to divide everything, sell everything and divide it among everyone, but how i would like, of course, to provide ivan with apartments, since that small part is non-residential, it
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was bought by me at one time with my money, my family’s money. can irina prove that the apartment was bought with her money? and you know, the fact is that it was registered in the name of zolotokhin, so no matter whose money it was bought with, he was the copyright holder, she never in her life will not prove that it was bought with her money, it is very, very difficult, it must be day to day, day of purchase, day of bank transaction, penny to penny amount to match, it is almost impossible,
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despite the fact that it is in this apartment one room. i own it, i have it, and the rest, here it is divided, but for me, since i feel responsible to my son, yes, because when valery sergeevich was dying, i was the only person who knew his diagnosis, in principle, in my it was your will, yes, well, how should i say, write a will, because i know what he wanted to leave to ivan, i knew it all, it ’s all written in his diaries, and that is, i would have a clear conscience, but i just couldn’t tell him his diagnosis, well, you would they wanted one apartment, this two-room one , for ivan, the second apartment in equitable shares, yes, that’s basically when i calculated it.
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she also said that, yes, let’s do it that way, well , maybe it’s true in fairness, but even more so, the train has already left anyway, as i understand, i have another question for the studio: should mothers to fight for inheritance for the sake of children? well,
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in my opinion, there is no such thing here: should they or shouldn’t, each situation is naturally individual, and i can’t imagine when i understand that, for example, yes, there’s nothing for me there, well, roughly speaking , in general, or... they told me there that i can, then i won’t go, i’m just that kind of person, i won’t go, well, for god’s sake, yes, god sees everything, and is not afraid that later the child he will say, mom, well then, go to the first one, what can i give my child, i will try to give as much as possible, if a person considers it necessary to leave an inheritance there, for example, to my son, but this is already to claim it, but no matter how i humiliate myself, that’s why i say, look at the example of irina, she could.
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i study and work at the same time, who do you see yourself in the future, i am a future entrepreneur, successful, but while you are working, i am working now.
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there is also an illegitimate daughter, and her mother fought for the inheritance, received it, received it, there, in my opinion, is a rather large house on the ruble, i ’m sitting here, listening, listening, looking at danya, and the thing is that there is one story, you live with your mother who gave birth to you, yes, and you know that your dad had another woman, yes, that’s how it begins. do you understand what the trick is? the thing is that i’m offended because he doesn’t have any inheritance, did we understand correctly? yes, if i may say so, the woman who married my former employee, i say so, if i may say so, that’s what they bought for themselves with rubles, that’s what i was talking about, you understand that you nothing.
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does not matter, marriage, not marriage, a dna examination confirms paternity and he becomes exactly the same child as everyone else, the position of the supreme court today is very firm, if the official opinion in this case, your mother did not fight for you and your property money was not sued or disputed for you , then you, having reached the age of eighteen, since up to this point you were a minor, can do this yourself in court, the general period of claims...
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not lazy, if he does not mind spending time on this, he will want to spend it, he must to find out how much, you know, and money, you need a lawyer, a very strong lawyer who will resolve this situation, margarita, margarita, margarita, why, if they are ready, we will support, danya, come on, we are for you to file, i want to say that this person has a straight path, yes, and at this time he leaves it. courts, gossip, clarifications, he
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will not return back to this straight path, if danya now starts to engage in this judicial process, he will lose business, respect, we all already know that he is his son, we are now in the program, everyone sees that he has one hundred percent similarity, if he starts to sue, get nervous, not perform, he will forget that he had some kind of goal that he set, he has a dad, he must internally believe that he has the genes of a great, wonderful person, a favorite of russia. nika, you know, it seems to me, you forgive me, of course, but when you are a very rich person, you have an apartment of more than a thousand square meters, it’s good for you to reason, remain noble, a good person, he has nothing at all, a chance to start to make money, he has an excellent option, this is how he will start making money, if it is still possible, it may be possible to sue. it will be
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scandal after scandal, you won’t wash yourself off later, i don’t, i’ll grab the pills with my heart, i lost it in turkey, i bought an apartment in turkey, i bought a vegetable garden, 200 dollars, a lot of money, i started taking sleeping pills, if i lost where somewhere in a bank somewhere, i would even... the whole world, but you understand that you were deceived, cheated, by these people who came into trust and so on, the russians, and you, i... i still take sleeping pills, it’s amazing.
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dan, think about it, if anything happens, we will help with lawyers. how mikhail kakshenov’s illegitimate daughter found herself on the brink of poverty without an inheritance, we’ll find out in a matter of minutes. at the age of 9, her mother took her to a sanatorium, but did not return for her. i really presented her with a fait accompli, or i did. either he, or so the girl found out that she lived in a foster family and her name was not alina, but nastya. from the doctors i learned that i was not her own daughter, then my second family took me. at the age of 18, she gave me a cake, charged me for gate, at 7 months old she was found in one of the hotel rooms, and her biological mother
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was put on the wanted list. she wanted to sell me. will it be possible to find out where the mother disappeared to 21 years ago, and why she left her newborn daughter alone? i would never give her to anyone, i left the child in a hotel, i went out into the street, i was sold to turkey, why didn’t you start the search yourself, i wanted to look for her, i told my husband, where are we going to look for her, who is my father, this the man who raped me, i open the envelope, dna, tomorrow at 17:50 on ntv, dolphin, new season, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. hey, what are you talking about, this is not italy, but a delicious spot in italy, a roman burger with fragrant arugula, mozzarella rings and ice deluxe, a couple of mangoes, just eat, in italian, delicious spot, the pain can be
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ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. i'm going for a walk in 2024. why do you always fly into the past? for my combo, the star combo of dasha vreshchagina for 355 rubles. and this will continue for a long time. until june 16. tasty spot sber increased deposit rates the best interest is up to 18% per annum. the gel contains the maximum dose of a substance for pain and inflammation. dolphin, new season. tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. i love the moscow coffee shop on poi. and i'll tell you why. moscow coffee shop on the fields. technology of the highest class, taste is a pleasure. moscow coffee shop on the waist,
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i love it, i recommend it. meet the new washing gel kvalita. with a new formula of seven anti-stain enzymes. qualita effectively removes contamination. kvalita washes and softens perfectly. freshness, softness, purity. qualita. when you're an adult it's so easy to forget that joy lives within us. and it doesn't need gender." joy can be found in every moment, seen where you don't expect it. the holy spring fills life with joyful moments. a source of joy for you. sber has increased the best interest rate on deposits to 18% per annum. moscow coffee shop on the floors, taste, pleasure. i love it, i recommend it. beyond the new season with timur eremeev. tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. everyone. of us , something of our own is dear, honor, memory, present and
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future, dear sincerely, and not like a worn-out phrase from a sticker, we do not throw words at wind and don’t abandon our own, join yours. this is the "stars aligned" program. the heirs were left without an inheritance even after the death of actor mikhail kakshenov. alisa, the illegitimate daughter of soviet cinema star mikhail kakshenov, does not hide the fact that during her lifetime she never called the actor her father. the first time i called him dad was when he was lying in the coffin. the dazzling smile and athletic physique of mikhail kakshenov were not only a ticket to the world of big cinema. but the key to women's hearts. the people's artist has been to sachs four times. in
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in his first marriage he had a daughter, maria, and in his second, aleftina. the illegitimate daughter alice showed up only after the actor’s death and decided to prove to the whole country that she rightfully bears the star’s surname. in the program beyond , the illegitimate daughter alisa passed a dna test with the recognized daughter of mikhail kakshenova aleftina. the likelihood is that you have the same father, which means you are related. according to my sister's blood it is 99.9%. today, the heiress of the national artist lives in a village near tver. in the house of mikhail kakshenov’s daughter , the roof will leak or the stove will smoke. i'm even in i never dreamed of living like this. the daughter of mikhail kakshenov made the set with her own hands from an old soviet tile cabinet. i sawed it out of a chest of drawers for a wall shelf, and made a chandelier from the boards of old lampshades. i sawed off the board.
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but i refused. alice, do you have a problem with money now? that's putting it mildly. how much do you earn? right here the salaries are 19. 19. no, i could earn more there, but i have a lot of animals. i work very little, i work 9 hours because i have indoor dogs in my house, which need to go to the toilet. how many dogs? it's 10 now, oh. wow, this is a good story, but if a person lives like this, my sister has a lot
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of cats and dogs, she collected them all and collected them around the area, i began to help. true, i began to draw them, then i earned money from selling these paintings, returned some of the money to monetization, but this is impossible, a person lives like this, he lives like this, your dad was an incredible redneck, he is an amazing actor, but i remember, i lived on a small georgian street, i came his wife, apparently another one, and asked me to help find, i was connected with the actors, find out where he earns money, because he pays... some small amount, let’s say, at this time he works on twenty films and receives a huge profit, but from this he does not give, he pays as expected there are 100 rubles conditionally, and some elements, i was very worried, he was a very tight-fisted person, just the kind of person for money, it’s unlikely that he said that you are my daughter, it’s unlikely that he would have helped you with anything else,
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that’s the kind of person he was , but according to the law you must , of course, you feel bad for your daughter alice. well, we talked with alya, we seemed happy to meet you, on new year's eve, well, since i'm older, i called her, but no, i wrote to congratulate her on the new year, she answered, we chatted something, alice, do you have a husband, children, or just your animals? no,
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thank god, there are no more husbands, why, thank god, the husband is the only heir, but how, when i have...
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this is my position, your parents told you during your lifetime who will get what, here you are and there is your brother, yes, they did this during their lifetime, their father left last year, their mother... they were 80 years old, and they were over 90, they were like would have drawn up a will and informed us they would have approximately well in advance, well, when with my brother, that this is how it is, yes, firstly, my brother and i had an excellent relationship, that’s
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how long we’ve been living, to this day our parents are no longer there, that’s in no way it had no effect. well, children here or a wife there, what do i decide this way, why do i decide this way, but in principle, since my father was a lawyer, yes, he did everything as required by law.
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money, you sold the apartment, well, i gave it to my son, for some reason i thought that after all, he also seemed to be her favorite, her grandchildren, something like that, it seemed to me that this should be done, and then it seems to me that she bought some kind of italian furniture, well , some kind of favorite bookcase , well, i always loved to have books standing, so i just bought myself an italian bookcase, some kind of massage chair, believe me, i don’t remember, will the actress maria berseneva share the inheritance with her adopted sister, we’ll find out after the advertisement? not legs, not breasts and not butts, but the lips of beautiful ladies, the more, the more
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better, why did they roll them out to have sex with different men, why now they dream of rolling them back, i ’m not like that, i just wanted to add lips, i cried, for three days, i probably cried, and what to do if the lip came out lumpy , four laboratories? were able to figure out what it was, i dream of great bright love, smack-smack to everyone who watches the documentary thriller based on real events, today immediately after the program, the stars aligned, dolphin, new season, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. sber increased deposit rates - best interest rate up to 18% per annum. first like, first friend.
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thanks to the combined composition, pintalgin acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the causes of its occurrence. pentalgin, let's do without pain, one of my friends went into the wrong area. yes, i ’m getting used to the role here, i’ll be there soon. um, boy, do you have any, should i call? yes, i myself have zero account. and if i find it, he will find it. you have a megaphone, you can call via messenger. even without money, mega power communication at zero is already included in the tariff for free, our subscribers will not be left without communication, remember, he is on a megaphone, he is with with megapower, if anything happens, call, the word of a megaphone,
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enjoy different things about yourself, fill the summer with bright images, in the end, a person with long-term anxiety often hears advice, calm down, don’t be nervous, you need to sleep, but in fact, anxiety can be treated. new. with a gradual release of the active substance, you can take just one tablet per day. anxiety can and should be treated. i'm already ready to taste it. is it possible to save a family in 3 days? if the clinic doesn’t help us, you and i will run away. happiness needs to be pursued. some impressions remain forever, and some only for a while, with gloss , stains will not mar your impressions, many
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housewives choose gel gloss 3+1, it fights greasy stains at low temperatures on short washing modes, there is gloss, there are no stains. tuufon eye drops are created specifically to nourish and restore the youth of the eyes. tufon - triple action for eye health. cosmically delicious, and this is cherkizov’s own farm, where selected meat for sausages appears, cherkizovo, in closed spaces people can behave differently, kolymbo - the series premiered only in the okko online cinema.
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the minutes are over, too, and dad will now activate the megafamily service, combine up to three numbers for free, receive bonus gigabytes every month, only in a megaphone, a fight in the knee, a fight in the back, in the neck maybe. pentalging extragel contains a special component for better penetration into the source of pain. pentalgin extragel. the stars came together to discuss inheritance matters. prohar, you got an inheritance from your grandmother, but not from your grandmother, but i got it from mine too a little bit from my home room in
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volgograd, by the way, to this day. and it also fell from someone else, well, a little, yes, there is something, but what is a little? in general, i live in a modest two-room apartment in moscow today, i have several properties, well , a modest dacha in pushkin and sochi now, no, well, in sochi, i have half left, so tell me what, what exactly in sochi apartments, half of these apartments are how many meters, well , i don’t want to annoy people, i’m a poor man, i’m basically looking for more - and apartments in sochi, i’m a poor man, these are different polar things, no, well , of course i already have something, you can’t irritate nikos more than nikos, so speak freely, how much me because goludi knows 100 times better than nikos , i don’t know where nikos got that kind of money, half of your apartments are there several times a month, the apartment itself is really very large, i own 50%, the other half belongs
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to my grandson, is it hers? the grandson was shocked when you turned out to be the second heir, he was very what he inherited, so everything is fine, what ’s going on with this property now, well, we’re just renting it out, it’s for living, wow, but tell me, your dad didn’t write a will, but no, he didn’t write it, he didn’t prepare, well, of course, it’s clear, yes, it all happened very unexpectedly, after the coronary bypass surgery he was already on the mend, and so, unfortunately, by the will of fate it happened that he tore off the stroma, yes, he made far-reaching plans, well then, we don’t have such - it’s more that there was only an apartment, yes, well, at one time, well, yes, probably apartments, there was no dacha then, i also bought a dacha together with my mother, who inherited the apartments, yeah. mom
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, no, no, well, i have my own, but your sister, sasha, didn’t apply, her sister got it because she was in foster care, she received an apartment from the state, but she was under guardianship, that’s right, that was her legal status , yes, yes, that is, first of all, she did not apply for an apartment, she did not express such a desire, yes, no, but it’s hard for me to imagine, in general sasha, she’s not like that man, absolutely, she’s... not about money, not about inheritance, she’d rather give it away, listen, mash, look, your wonderful mother, may she live a long happy life, she has an apartment, but you’re both for her daughter, if she wants to divide the apartment between you, how will it be in half, or you have a question for her, why would she divide the apartment between us, and if she wants, well, if she wants, then she will divide it the way she wants, i have i have
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my own, i earned it for myself. i’ll help my children as much as i can, i don’t seem to plan yet to finish, i plan to still earn money, but there will be questions for my mother, if she does this, divides the apartment equally between you and your sister, well, no, it won’t, why, it’s her decision, as if if she thinks it’s necessary, then so be it maybe this is not in dispute, you can ask margarita, since masha’s sister was under guardianship, she is adopted in this family, she has the right to apply for an apartment, the story is this, if... when your dad died, your warded sister was under 18 years old, she lived with you for at least 12 months, she has the right to claim a share of the inheritance equal to 1/2 of the dependent’s share provided for by law, well, okay, i didn’t understand much, in fact, well, god be with him, judging you will understand, okay, no matter, i won’t be there, alexey, but you received inheritance from someone, but received it twice.
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it was, then, the first time, it was from my grandmother, so, although she didn’t like it when i called her grandmother, she always asked me to call me baba, i said, why baba? she says in avar, this is mom, so if you disobeyed, you were beaten brutally, and what do you i got money from my grandmother, she gave me a savings book, she saved it, it’s just understandable, the time is different, but there’s a lot for that. it will definitely be enough for me as a student in moscow for 2 years, well , if so, it’s more or less modest, some kind of inflation happened there, and in short, all this money has depreciated in value, you understand, that is, i’m looking, with this amount
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you can live in moscow for 2-3 months, which is what i did, instead of 2 years, instead of two years, you understand how, here it was the first shock for me when... i looked at the sky i thought about the meaning of life, but we all looked at the sky during these years, you see, i got the second one, well, the apartment was from my mother, and since i was often on the road, sometimes in this city, sometimes in that one, well, in short, i i rented it out, and then my cousin told me, lesh, let’s sell it and invest the money in my business, really, in short. good, but she says: lesh, i’ll be there for you, well, pay this interest, but thanks to this, i lived on this interest, i got back on my feet in moscow, i was, i was, with
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why rent an apartment, but you yourself worked, that is, after all, they were able to increase the inheritance, i increased it, then further i invested further in my own. apartment, now, you know, and so it went and went, but thanks to this, i got back on my feet, as soon as you start dividing the inheritance, you won’t have enough relatives, remember this and come to an agreement during your lifetime, it was the star’s program, see you on ntv channel. this will be a very special serial film. girls, be kind to the light. camera, motorcycle.


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